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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 200 KB, 967x1248, IMG_20190627_092327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3989242 No.3989242 [Reply] [Original]

So does anyone here wanna talk about how ngmi crabs drove off mangamaterials from twitter?

>> No.3989243

wanna look at the fucking catalog before posting next time?

>> No.3989245

Based crabs.

>> No.3989259

Really reminds me of teal/simon. I guess those who fail to learn from the past really are doomed to repeat it.

>> No.3989286

Whatever happened to teal?

>> No.3989309

>X longer strokes are better
>V strokes get relatively longer as you get used to drawing.
Holy shit that guy actually has a brain, shame I didn't know about his tutorial before some cunts caused drama.

>> No.3989356

wasn't teal taken down because he's a lolicon

>> No.3989565
File: 108 KB, 850x611, sample_b090d5e6fe26930c4820bf13e439f5f5e6e88524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the bronze tier on pixiv fanbox get tutorials or should I go for the silver 700 yen one?

>> No.3989571

What happened? Did the crabs say that drawing badly was just style or something?

>> No.3989603


>> No.3989626

It was one specific faggot who couldn't handle the fact that he sucks at drawing. Kept harassing the uploader saying "It's ok for me to have scratchy lines, it's my style and you're passing of your opinion (that longer, smoother lines look better) as a fact." He also unironically used the original One Punch Man webcomic as an example of a successful manga that uses scratchy lines.

>> No.3989669

is this mrawesome45? Because he's unironically butthurt over the fact there are better western animators that have made it to Anime industry.

>> No.3989745
File: 365 KB, 1280x1280, 1555690348874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why the guy sperged out over it. It reminds me of the "Is digital allowed?" for Inktober controversy. The official stance is that it's not in the spirit of Inktober but ultimately it's your decision. Pretty milquetoast take. Even so, some guys felt it was elitist and like their style and preferences were being attacked.

Still, it IS a dumb "tutorial." There's tons of these mini graphics being circulated that claim "this is the way," or even worse, try to sort artistic growth into some headcanon-tier level-up system as if it's ever that simplistic. Every artist takes a long often circuitous journey on the path to getting good. One method may not be better or represent a higher level of skill, it may just be different.
That last hand doesn't even look best. Middle looks best, even top looks better in the thumbnail. The choppier strokes produced a pleasing angularity and imperfection. Artists like Mignola do this intentionally. You think you can draw like Mignola taking this image as the gospel?
Figure out what looks good by doing. That's the only way. If this is the best the advice they have, it wasn't really helping anybody anyway.

>> No.3989785

There's a difference between doing a technique intentionally and doing a technique because you're incapable of doing the other technique. There's also the knowledge of knowing why one particular technique is favored over the other, or why doing something is bad. There is no one way of doing art. There are better ways to do things, sure, but we have to use all of our available resources and knowledge to produce the things we want to create.
I will agree that the guide had poor choice of words (though coming from a non English speaker), but if you get triggered just by the word "Beginner" you need to reevaluate your life. Most """"""""""Pros"""""""""" already know this information, so the guide isn't necessarily for them (though they can still pick up things from it)

>> No.3989797


>> No.3989800

The problem with these mini guides is they're often unintentionally misleading. And yes, in this case, there's maybe information confused in translation.
If the point of graphic is, "As you get better, your lines will become more confident," then what are they saying that anybody doesn't already know? It practically doesn't even need to be said, it makes inherent sense. But it's usually one of the first things a beginner hears, anyway.
Yet this graphic makes it appear as if the final goal of drawing is to make stabilized, characterless linework, when it's not. It has nothing useful for a beginner or a pro. All it'll do is confirm your prejudices about good linework if you agree, or fall on deaf ears if you disagree. So best to regard it as an opinion disguised as a an absolute, not flip the fuck out and attack the creator.

>> No.3989852

Is there an archive of his translations?

>> No.3989864

/r/ing this as well

>> No.3989871

>Paypal only allows non-NSFW stuff to be used for payments


welp, at the very least if you are a producer you can still receive cash with paypal even with vanilla accounts even when people pay you for NSFW stuff, so, ok fine, but damn it really sucks not having a credit card

>> No.3989889

>unintentionally misleading
We cannot hold teaching material responsible for those who may misinterpret them.

>Yet this graphic makes it appear as if the final goal of drawing is to make stabilized, characterless linework, when it's not. It has nothing useful for a beginner or a pro.
No offense, but this is a weasel argument that can be used against any tutorial or book. (The final goal of drawing isn't to make realism, or eloquent lines, or anything relatable to anyone else, so I can disregard everything!)

If anything, this is actual pro advice to people who want to become actual professionals in a specific field of commercial art (manga/anime.) Being a working commercial field, there are actual requirements to be a viable professional, such as drawing quickly, eloquently, and cleanly so that the artwork looks good in reproduction and meets the standards of its audience. This isn't a realm for asspatting hobbyists or babying the feelings of the incompetent.

>> No.3990054
File: 102 KB, 615x919, saltember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was pathetic.

>> No.3990063

If crabs can drove you off the internet you are a giant pussy.

>> No.3990071

Says the anon who has nothing to lose.

>> No.3990556

>elitist attitude
The initial costs of traditional art is cheaper than the startup costs of digital art.
Twitter was a mistake.

>> No.3990579

The worst part is these faggots are wrong 90% of the time. Honest to god, if someone is better than you at art, you need to shut the fuck up and accept that there is some validity to their advice. If you are equal to them in skill, you clearly have enough understanding to know that there must be SOME validity to their advice, at least from their perspective.
>More confident artists use longer strokes, longer strokes are good.
Literally nothing wrong with this+it's correct. How could anyone get mad at someone stating this?
>For Inktober, you should use Ink because it's literally called INKtober
Literally nothing wrong with this, it's their own fucking "challenge" or whatever, and drawing traditionally allows you a greater appreciation of each stroke.
I've only been drawing for 5 months, how can people be so fucking retarded and unable to listen to others perspectives? Especially when those people are TRYING TO HELP YOU.

>> No.3990590
File: 105 KB, 606x878, 1536042406721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really did make an argument that computers are a one time purchase.

I was surprised to see the same sentiment from some conservative guy I know who hates tumblr snowflakes so it isn't just SJWs.

>> No.3990714

This is hilarious. It's not an issue to save up for a $13 refillable Copic brush pen or buy a few Pigma Micron under $2 each if they use digital art supplies. If you buy a set of 72 copics you can't even use then maybe digital art is cheaper. Not if you're not a retard thinking that better supplies will make poor art look decent, you can draw on cardboard with cheapest ink possible and a single small brush.

>> No.3990724

>if someone is better than you at art, you need to shut the fuck up and accept that there is some validity to their advice.
You're absolutely right. That's mostly what prevents crabs from getting better, as you grow up you (should) learn humility. It applies to every field, anyways. By being humble and listening you realize how much knowledge you lack which pushes you harder to improve. MM parroted what's written in almost every drawing book.