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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 681 KB, 1439x1318, 20190626_002311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3987851 No.3987851 [Reply] [Original]

So...does anyone have a compilation of the tutorials in MEGA or something?

>> No.3987862

Based and kill all westerners

>> No.3987865

Are westerners pulling a cultural Hiroshima 2.0 or something?

>> No.3987884

welp twatter is not loading his profile properly anyways, yep, might as well he balated everything.

>> No.3987885

Check the other thread, it has already been posted as a zippyshare link.

>> No.3987904

Nuke all americans

>> No.3987909

I want to feel bad for her, but this overreaction prevents me

>> No.3987915

She has a greater incentive to stop posting on English Twitter. This isn't an overreaction, it's a logical decision.

>> No.3987917

Japanese people in general are very reserved and non-confrontational. Being attacked by a foreigner with a language you don't know, on an account with 50k followers is quite scary. The pressure will also get to you

>> No.3987931

Yeah, she's been making the tutorials for free, and from what I understand has been paying a translator to get them in English too. Of course she's going to jump ship once it starts being unpleasant.

>> No.3987957
File: 54 KB, 616x516, ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems like she had gone through a lot with her mental health,
and even if she didnt have this issues, one word put her on the spotlight, imagine in the pressure she is in right now?, say something wrong again and all media will crucifixed you

>> No.3987960

Wait, what’s the story behind this? I haven’t been on /ic/ lately

>> No.3987962

based west ruining shit again

>> No.3987972 [DELETED] 


>> No.3987975


>> No.3987979

oh man, this drama............didnt even read she was female before.

>> No.3987981

I just can't care. Either we censor the Internet which everyone hates or we "bully" sensitive people because they have mental issues. You cannot win this war, there's nothing that can be done without extreme action with equally bad consequences. The best way to move on is to move on, don't pursue, stay neutral.

>> No.3987987
File: 32 KB, 700x400, 1515282735756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let everything implode on its own. Because they are unreasonable lunatics with no self-reflection, they will eventually start cannibalizing each other like with the recent debates of Feminists vs Trans male to female in Sports etc. And this happened 5 years since liberal mentality has become majority. And they're incredibly retarded at whatever they do whether its handling economics or breathing.
Let nature take its course.

>> No.3987992


>> No.3987995


>> No.3987997

so the harassed artist is that manga materials person, and she told that donnie that their drawings are beg shit as a form of critique or something? Okay I can understand western beg tumblrinas being assblasted over nothing, but why did she even get involved with the person

>> No.3988018

Manga materials (MM) made a general guide about body posture and chicken scratching, more or less stating that chicken scratching is beginner level and you should practice longer strokes to have experience using them. A few NGMIs thought her guide were either attacking "their style" or themselves as a beginner, so they decided to voice their opinion like they always do. MM now just don't want to deal with it anymore.

>> No.3988020

Can't say I blame MM desu.

>> No.3988021

>she told that donnie that their drawings are beg shit as a form of critique or something?
She didn't address them directly initially. She posted a tutorial that effectively said "chicken scratching is the sign of a beginner," and the other person decided to @ her for it and get his friends and equally incompetent people to pile on too.

>> No.3988024

Damn here I though /ic/ was the only one bringing others down to their /beg/ level.

>> No.3988028

Laymen and idiots will always outnumber the accomplished. When everyone is given equal voice, stupidity and charlatanry will drown out expertise, unless the level-minded among us speak up too.

>> No.3988031

What a snowflake! Lmao. Fuck off.
Cant take a little banter? Then get the fuck off the internet bitch.
Bitch needs to grow a spine and learn to stop replying to retards.

>> No.3988032

Be careful with that edge, kid.

>> No.3988034

Forgot to mention she's a highly sensitive person. HSP or some shit.
Either way, unbased. Cocky /beg/s need to be put in their place. Crying about a free tutorial is not cash money my friend.

>> No.3988037

Why not just ignore those losers? :^]
Its so damn ez to just say nothing to them instead of giving attention. Those losers feed off it.

>> No.3988038

See here, this is the Britbong I was talking about. And people want to shit on Americans and start culture war shit, be thankful the "bullies" wasn't Bongs or Aussies and shitposted her ass into suicide.

>> No.3988039

I swear to god the longer i live the more shit people come up with.
Is that stand for being a little bitch?

>> No.3988043
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1542655333740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you're dealing with. I guess it's a real thing. People don't like their shit getting pushed in when providing free content I guess. Doesn't really matter to me though. They're not stopping, they're just no longer providing free content, so just don't be a poorfag leech.

>> No.3988094

>ugh normie "I-Iam an artist!" were a mistake

why is the fuckin new-age west getting so offended?? unironically having the audacity + delusions of thinking that being beg is a "style", and then attacking advanced artists who actually want to teach you better and help you improve... for fucking free.

Is the age of improvement finally gone? Does anyone just want to cover their eyes and ears and shut themselves in their little sandbox as to avoid facing the truth? So it wasn't just tumblr.. but a whole fucking generation? Did this happen thousands of years ago, resulting in our civilization getting flattened for being failed specimens? Will it happen again this time? Who introduced this entitled sjw mind virus 10 years ago? How does it spread so fast and why are middle aged trendhopping fags getting affected by it as well? Why mostly in America, is it hidden substances in the food, water, subliminal messages during education, or deepdive encrypted tv waves? Is the mass purging of sjw's, or those who oppose them, imminent?

>> No.3988107

Its insane how much these tumblrite twitter sjw types preach about mental health, but then turn right around and bully people into suicidal territory and it all washes away, nothing is left.

>> No.3988125

the jews

pol is right

>> No.3988127

it doesn't work, does anyone as a working link?

>> No.3988166
File: 264 KB, 1107x1083, 1077433204020174848_Du-79BZV4AAfqjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't what's on fanbox though right? Just a compilation of what was on Twitter?
Is the rest available somewhere? Some of these are unusable.

If it doesn't cost too much I could go and get it.

>> No.3988178

It's the twitter posts.

>> No.3988186

The only cancerous western "artists" are LGBT leftists. Shove them back in the closet because they can't fucking behave.

>> No.3988190
File: 480 KB, 250x309, image (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans ruining things for everyone, yet again.

>> No.3988200

the primary guy sperging is from Yemen though >>3988147

>> No.3988212
File: 78 KB, 780x438, 170522092440-02-trump-western-wall-0522-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like he sad, USA

>> No.3988213

I downloaded the archive and it doesn't seem like it contains everything, far from it.

>> No.3988214

So, if you're bad at something, just bully everyone until no one can tell how bad you are. Is that the "american way" everyone talks about? I mean, i always see liberal artists shitting on america's foreign politics for basically turning them into the world's bully, yet they learned well how to be a bunch of sons of bitches and ruin things for everybody else. So, now that we know who the real villain is, can we start treating americans like the lunatics they really are?

>> No.3988221
File: 992 KB, 500x376, 1471426879810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone download the fanbox before it's too late

>> No.3988267

see there could have been a reasonable conversation to be had, but instead of that everyone that says or does something “problematic” has to be “called out” by a bunch of teens that have no life experience. I’m actually pretty guilty of drawing with smaller strokes instead of long ones myself, but it would never occur to me to bully someone just for making a simple tutorial that explains why that’s not ideal for illustration.

>> No.3988269

Have friends.

>> No.3988270

>decrying twitter users while using the same braindead logic they do by blaming everything on another group
this post is art

>> No.3988304

The closet isn't allowing NSFW anymore. That's why they stayed on twatter bullying random artista.

>> No.3988306

Is anyone going to sit here and act like this person isn't overreacting? Yeah western artists are retarded but god damn this person is blowing this completely out of proportion

>> No.3988308

hmm have you ever had 50k followers? I can’t imagine having a portion of them turn on you would be fun.

>> No.3988381

She got tired of it. She's been receiving shit before , this one's probably the last straw for her

>> No.3988388

Most Japanese and Korean artists tend to just shut down and purge all their shit when theyre mad or get harrased. I just found out another artist I follow blocked me and the rest of his followers, went private and just stopped drawing. Based on his last tweets he got pissed at some reposters who translated his works on Facebook without permission

>> No.3988403

I remember when two artists I followed because they drew a lot of fanart of a unpopular character I like both ended up deleting their accounts around the same time because the secret feud they had finally reached it's breaking point. It's sad because there isn't a lot of good artists who draw that character.

Is there some kind Twitter downloader on github that you can use to make scheduled automated backups of Twitter users images? You especially need this for japanese artists. Not just because they like to delete their accounts when they're pissed off about something but they could move on from the fandom they're drawing for and delete their account for a "fresh start". This also happened with a few japanese artists I followed too ;_;

>> No.3988416

I think Hydrus Network have that feature. Shame that I really dislike its file organization philosophy though.

>> No.3988427

I'm using this https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/twitter-media-downloader/cblpjenafgeohmnjknfhpdbdljfkndig
It's not automated but it does download all their posts. Usually when I follow someone, I just mass download their album just in case

>> No.3988628

>A few NGMIs
I checked a few twitter posts and it was more than a few screaming "Its my style!"

>> No.3988635

Is this able to grab all of the videos, too?

>> No.3988636

It does. Try again. And if the left click doesn't do it, use 'the other method'.

>> No.3988645
File: 96 KB, 1024x862, 1552864521443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only 15 bucks for all of her tutorials, c'mon. Fanbox even supports PayPal now.

>> No.3988654

The way SJWs address mental health is that mental illness is another kind of normal. This is perfectly in line with them being assholes to depressed people.

Also the sweet irony of 4chan pretending they care and then they just wanna download shit from MEGA.

>> No.3988662

By the way I don't give a fuck about any of the people involved but if you have a download link that'd be great

>> No.3988686

what the fuck do SJWs have to do with this situation, I swear you guys see your boogeyman everywhere.

>> No.3988690

I just call everyone who attacks others on social media a social justice warrior

>> No.3988692

Here's your proof, stupid fuckwit:

>> No.3988705

Ah so you've merged SJWs into "people I don't agree with" gotcha.

>> No.3988709

Nah, you're completely right. They were attacked by SJWs for saying "It's easy that beginners can do it". One major problem is that people refuse to acknowledge that they're huge issue. They inevitably obtain power and abuse it like RoosterTeeth, so it's necessary to shame them for it.

Contrary to popular belief, political correctness is not a virtue or "being a decent human being". It's just an scapegoat to be a complete asshole to people while disregarding their overall health. Fuck them and fuck anyone who supports them.

>> No.3988714

>uses terms like "gross"
>claims that "begginner is offensive"
>has rainbow flag avatar
>not SJW
I love how you grant plausibility deniability to statements literally SAID by them while believing in dogwhistles and callout posts. You're tremendously dumb.

>> No.3988729

Imagine the if MangaMaterials was any other person not involved in art, you'd be talking about how deleting all of their posts after getting criticized by 5 people was a massive overreaction and something a triggered snowflake would do and that they need thicker skin, even her being HSP would fit the tipical SJW mold. Given the right situation everyone would be an SJW to you.
>all this name calling
You ok there bud? take a break you're getting a little heated.

>> No.3988752

You're being called a dumb person because you ARE a dumb person. We're talking about REALITY, not hypothetical scenarios about MangaMaterials. It doesn't matter if she did a 50-50 grind to kickflip on her way to mcdonalds if it didn't happen at all.

The reality that occurred was that they were relentlessly attacked by SJWs for using the phrase "it's so easy that a beginner can do it" with no regard for their overall health and status as a foreigner.

You think that it's a small issue until you realize that they become an issue once they obtain power. SJW companies like RoosterTeeth might be "inclusive" for shipping gay cartoon characters and saying correct pronouns, yet they treating their workers like shit by refusing to pay them. It's much more easier and cheaper for them to signal than it is for them to act, and idiots buy that shit in bulk. Political correctness is a way of pretending to be nice without doing anything actually nice at all.
>You ok there bud? take a break you're getting a little heated.
Yeah, I should be mad at muh dogwhistles and YouTube algorithms instead. You're an idiot.

>> No.3988756

the label sjw refers to toxic, neurotic leftists. we don't agree with what these people say and do (that is exclusive to them). where is the issue?

>> No.3988758

>can't engage with hypotheticals
Truly you're the epitome of intellectualism.

>The reality that occurred was that they were relentlessly attacked by SJW
>relentlessly attacked
>some people were tweeting at her
Damn now YOU'RE the one sounding like an SJW

>blahblahblah SJWs are taking over the world
That is some trauma you have there, hope things get better for you.

>> No.3988762

>>some people were tweeting at her
no point in wasting time against this level of dishonesty

>> No.3988771

I find it funny that the accounts of all the tranny fags that did this suddenly disappeared. I'm not gonna defend the shithole that twitter is but man, it's been even more of shithole ever since tumblr spilled over there. Between the pokemon girl and this, americans can go kill themselves and noone would care.

>> No.3988776

It's fine if you don't agree with those people but not everyone you don't agree with is going to be an SJW which is what I'm getting at with the other guy.

What else happened? do tell. Don't you quit on me now like triggered snowflake SJW, next you'll be deleting all your posts like MangaMaterials.

>> No.3988786
File: 3 KB, 134x98, chrome_2019-06-26_23-47-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happens when a certain group causes a good portion (to be generous and not say the great majority of) the trouble, is one not allowed to notice a correlation? notice a pattern? ask deeper questions about this pattern and its causes?

hell, you expect thought termination way earlier. not everyone we don't agree with is going to be an sjw, but in this case they are sjw (remember that this is just a label for these kind of people, they're similar in behavior enough to warrant the label). so if the other guy can't engage with hypotheticals, you on the other hand think too much in them, and are denying specific instances of reality (such as this one).

>> No.3988797

So you were calling it quits before we even started talking? lol.

Let's grant that they are SJWs. Are they defending toxic leftist views in any of the tweets? I only see /beg/s venting their incompetence. Unless you wanna take the stance that anything that comes out of their mouths and any action they take is going to be polical in nature, which an incredibly woke leftist take.

>> No.3988809

it is like them to make everything political, but their behavior is derivative of their neurotic leftist views.
that is just the political side of how they think, it of course spills over to other life aspects. again, it's just noticing patterns, no one is too smart for basic cognitive tasks like this.
you seem to be corpartmentalizing categories too much; sjws arent "just leftists", theres plenty of behaviors that come with the package and define them as a group (whiny, neurotic, toxic, hypocritical, histrionic, so on...), plus they stick together also as a group.

i should've truly called it quits cuz these kinda arguments just boil down to one side denying reality or mentally bending it into something completely different. but i'm bored. i guess i'll go draw something instead of this

>> No.3988811

Imagine being so assblasted that your line-work is shit, that you become a seething mess and go on a twitter tyraid. It's a shame that the tutorial creator went private, but the fact that the majority of the tumblr folk that caused this shitstorm have had to remove their accounts to stop the backlash, feels justified

>> No.3988823

>sjws arent "just leftists", theres plenty of behaviors that come with the package and define them as a group (whiny, neurotic, toxic, hypocritical, histrionic, so on...)
And now we've circled back to my previous argument, that you guys have turned SJWs into "people you don't agree with" no matter if the context has zero polical connotations. And that in a similar scenario MangaMaterials would be the one whiny neurotic triggered snowflake who deleted all her work from her english twitter because she couldn't handle some reading some tweets.
I love how in these type of arguments one side refuses to engage with hypotheticals that exposed they're flawed reasoning and inability to remain consistent in an discussion, instead they retreat into "we're talking about reality here".

Do some reading into how to construct and properly defend your arguments, that'll keep them from turning boring in the future.

>> No.3988887

don't forget "folks", the typical "actually, there's no 'right' way to do things, bigot"-meme and "technically, there's no evidence anyone has been harmed by this, but it's my duty to protect my hypothetical impressionable friends from your hypothetical bad influence anyway"

>> No.3988891

I like the way this meme is evolving

>> No.3988917

I don't know what's worse: The people who start shit or the artists who fold and start deleting their entire existence because of shit.

It's really annoying to see an artist decide that they can't stand a few assholes and then gotta shut everything down. I mean I understand some people have mental health issues, but like then don't go on social media, at all.

>> No.3988944

Why get mad at the artists? They aren't screaming at people and trying to make everything bland.

There's nothing wrong with an actually sensitive person being actually sensitive when uninvited conflict shows up.

It's the people who claim to be sensitive, or fighting for the sensitive because they're a righteous idiot who needs to feel theyre not wasting their shell of a life who are the problem. Which is why it's funny when the tables turn on them and they private their accounts.

>> No.3988949

>do something for free
>people are assholes to you
>lol what are you, some thin skinned baby

same reason i stopped drawing for drawthreads. entitled retards who think you should do things for free and act like you're the shitter if you don't suck everyone's dick while giving them free shit.

People are doing it out of the kindness of their heart, why bother if people are going to shit on you while you're doing it.

>> No.3988956

Yes. You can customize to only save images, gif or videos

>> No.3988959

Not even that. They're providing (provided) translated information in a language that they're not fully comfortable with for free, just to help us out.
People are only upset because the free content is gone, there's really no other reason.

>> No.3988960

Did they? I think the 2 major people are still up there

>> No.3988963

To be fair, and this is more of an /ic/ critique as well, long lines isn't always necessarily better.
It works for a solid form that's supposed to be well defined, but for things like hair or lesser defined forms, using multiple lines that don't entirely match up can give that fuzzed look that looks nice.

>> No.3988989

Agreed, is unfair to blame the artist here.
But i find it weird how everyone here decided to actually have feelings for once, when i'm pretty sure that if it was a chill artist getting homophobic, racist, personal attacks and so on, i feel like you guys would look up and down to find excuses to say they would need to thicken up their skin. But yeah, twitter is being tumblerized and i hope PornHub buys tumblr and maybe we can get a metamorphosis going on there, either that or we hope some new social media comes up and these people aren't able to populate and spread their bullshit behaviour

>> No.3989021

>People are only upset because the free content is gone, there's really no other reason.
And that's the other extreme in looking at the situation.

>> No.3989051

i didn't even knew about her , i legit just the bullshit being called on tumblr by someone i follow and i jumped here to see the hot takes, i'm surprised at how supportive you guys are, but i mostly think of shit like /pol, /b and occasionally /fa when it comes to 4chan so i have a negative bias

>> No.3989052

Its /ic/, 99% of the time /ic/ is going to side with the artist over literally anyone else, unless they're a famous artist.

>> No.3989125

Fuck all this drama, can someone just steal all her work and post it in a dropbox for us?

>> No.3989139

Someone already did that. Look through the threads.

>> No.3989159

> unless they're a famous artist
Yeah i noticed that a lot, it seems very inconsistent desu, but i never seen situations back to back of artist to compare, so i can't tell if it is "i liked them when they are just as miserable and struggling as i was, now i can't relate :C" or "Oh, you are successful and get praised? HA IM GONNA BE A CONTRARIAN AND DISLIKE YOU FROM THE JUMP AND PICK APART EVERYTHING YOU DO TO JUSTIFY IT! Bet you feel silly now sell-out " type of situation, but i'm gonna bet on both

>> No.3989239
File: 432 KB, 1080x1045, SmartSelect_20190627-142233_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3989247
File: 237 KB, 1025x1359, SmartSelect_20190627-142922_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please /ic/ I'm being harrassed uwu
These are their usernames :'(

>> No.3989253

One thing I hate about slow boards like /ic/ is that "realtime event" threads like these live long enough for newfags that visit the board once a week to start chiming in their shit-takes about a situation they hardly have any idea or nuance about. Jesus Christ.

>> No.3989262

lmao, what a faggot.

>> No.3989270
File: 393 KB, 1051x900, SmartSelect_20190627-152127_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3989274

>Victim deleted their Twitter
>One of the accused also deleted hers
>Several others protected their tweets
>This guy doubling down
>Prayers mixed with witch hunts and "No more free help"
Can we please shut down Twitter?

>> No.3989311

Thank you friend. Works beautifully, both its chrome and firefox incarnations.

There is undeniably a self-serving element to this. These hacks aren't just messing with an artist, they're messing with *our access* to stuff we want. This is just one of those instances where our selfish impulses and what is morally righteous are in agreement.

>> No.3989316

so are there any mega or dropbox links with all the tutorials?

>> No.3989327

>tfw stopped using tumblr years ago because of the mouth breathers there and used twitter instead
>twitter has never been amazing but ever since that tumblr porn ban it has gotten 10 times worse and there is a rise in callouts, drama and stupid comments being left on my art

God fucking damn it. Again, twitter wasn’t perfect, but that tumblr migration really did a number on the site and now it’s only going to get worse.
Where the fuck do we go now? The internet is so centralised.
I’ve all but abandoned it for Instagram at this point but is there really no where else?

>> No.3989333

Nowhere. We stay in this board and keep shitposting about ron julia

>> No.3989338
File: 90 KB, 505x427, 1560569593613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter, and tumblr by extention has one of the most whiney communities. What happened to this artist wasn't banter like "lol faggot", it was incessant whining/crying. I would've said to thicken up too but knowing that she's a sensitive person its understandable she didn't like it. It may seem unreasonable to you, but you also need to understand that these tumblrites will chase you down constantly once their crosshairs are on you. The artist jumped ship immediately, and good she did because she doesn't have to deal with them for some time. We already had that outrage with the pokemon character being "white washed", when the others retaliated, they changed the whole narrative around so that they looked like victims in the end i.e. "yOu'rE rAcisT for Making joKes On uS".

>> No.3989355

Now that MangaMaterials has decided to delete everything, I'm seeing a lot of popular artists coming out to condemn the attackers.

Would have been nice for one of them to defend and show support DURING the process, so we might have been able to stop this, but I suppose they wouldn't want to be seen in any kind of controversial light.

>> No.3989359

>Would have been nice for one of them to defend and show support DURING the process, so we might have been able to stop this
>implying these artists weren't just waiting for the moment of maximum exposure to make a statement about this person they don't give a shit about

>> No.3989361

Looks like he's just waiting for the hate to die down. Also he's probably narcissistic and loves all the attention he's getting >>3989270

>> No.3989419
File: 43 KB, 597x532, wwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would have anyone given a shit when she was being attacked? She could have just ignored them but she's a sensitive person, who knew? Nobody expected her to suddenly delete everything and go full AWOL. If anything, the artists on twitter have actually started noticing the cancer that was tumblr and it's whiny ass special snowflake users.

>> No.3989430

If you wanna mess his account I'd start reporting his tweets as targeted harrassment or privacy invasion on his screenshots. Twitter doesn't really look deep at the reports filed to them

>> No.3989442
File: 161 KB, 1242x936, 1555128576902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJW movement is cancer
moder feminism is cancer
post modernism is cancer

>> No.3989450

>articun0 bullying a /beg/ artist, /beg/ gained 40k+ followers in return
>some mudslime policing a jap for his light toned nessa, gains 30k+ followers
>manga materials get harrased
I'm going to assume she gained triple the patrons on her pixiv fanbox. Good for her though

>> No.3989451

if you're an artist and not a HSP you're ngmi beyond hobby

>> No.3989561

TIL there are actually people defending their chicken scratch

>> No.3989573

thank fuck I did that privately until I learned chicken scratching is a disability in drawing every aspiring illustrator has to overcome.

>> No.3989583

Social justice is actually about bullying and social stigmatization. It's what happens when the kids that were bullied in school become the "cool" kids on the internet.

>> No.3989606

I feel like the thing that makes chicken scratching "CHICKEN SCRATCHING" is that that the /beg/ artist that does that likes to unconfidently pat the lines as they draw, hoping that if they keep drawing random strokes something good will come from it.

I think a lot of this popularity goes to people's heads when they suddenly went from sitting at the loner's table from high school, ostracized by their peers to having hundreds or thousands of followers who give your nothing but praise. They probably end up becoming worse people as adults than the people who builled them when they were still children/teens.

At least when internet forums where still the main form of social media in the "olden" days they could only exert their influence within their particular forum. Now with modern social media like Twitter people can influence not only random people but large corporations if you get a few hundred people together.

>> No.3989631


Hindsight is 20/20. Then again I unironically hate Asian people so I don’t give a shit about happened to MM.

>> No.3989638

they didn't think she'd quit over some retards. if they attacked the moron they wouldn't have just attracted more cock suckers complaining big artists attacking beginners.

>> No.3989663

mrawesome45 is clearly a far right wing autist.

>> No.3989679

>That's the other extreme
Unfortunately that other extreme looks to be reality. It's not just the typical /ic/ mindset, search mangamaterials on Twitter and see the latest tweets.

>> No.3989754

wtf I like hews HACK now

>> No.3989762

This makes you really appreciate how mentally untouchable Aniki was.

>> No.3989765

Zippyshare doesn't work in many European countries

>> No.3989822
File: 14 KB, 187x269, sub-buzz-26344-1493660908-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No true far right wing autist would do such a thing.

>> No.3990011

Far left or far right, people in general have fallen in love with substance-less rhetoric, and the idea that winning an argument through annoying attrition can change reality. It's particularly sad in the topic of drawing, where the value of theories are easily demonstrable through the very act of drawing.

Pretty soon, we'll have to change that old axiom to "Those who can't do, argue online."

>> No.3991014

I did only hear about this AFTER it happened and she decided to delete and hide on fanbox, and i doubt all these bigger artist even have the time to or ways of knowing everything straight up, so unless they are visibly fence sitting on the situation and now decided to side with her because the Cool PeopleTM(And the ones who can really give you money and get commissions from) are defending her, i think is dumb to think these big artists are being disingenuous.

>> No.3991029
File: 49 KB, 720x480, 1526728926001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>【ざけんな】日本のプロ漫画家が英語で絵の描き方を指導 「初心者」という表現に怒った外国人絵師に謝罪させられる
>[You can't be serious] Professional Japanese Mangaka teaches how to draw in English Made gaijin artist angry for her presentation of a "beginner", apologizes


comments are a mix of 60% fuck gaijins, 20% japs arguing among themselves for their difference in international worldviews and 20% common sense.

>> No.3991033

Oh boy everything's really tumbling down

>> No.3991041

>comments are a mix of 60% fuck gaijins
they're right you know

>> No.3991066

i usually stay away of drama boards but wow, what a dickhead

>> No.3991079

the reason that they stopped is pretty pathetic desu

>> No.3991090

The happenings really did happen too quickly. From a span of a day or two, the decision went from take down the guide -> stop translating guides, but still provide anatomy translations -> stop translating for free -> fuck English Twitter

>> No.3991103

Basically, this girl is clearly going through the gigs when the discourse is already so fast paced, if anything she may go back into normal tutorials and have a new experience under her belt

>> No.3991125

>She may go back
She'll still post those guides, just not translated. That ship's long gone. The flood of people too worried about losing their free content and begging her to return aren't helping either.

>> No.3991237

Literally no one would give a fuck if she wasn't japanese.

>> No.3991261

based, westerners should learn their place

>> No.3991285

>60% fuck gaijins
Surely hyperbole, but I hope the Japanese cultural industries begin to understand that they shouldn't feel the need to pander to a Western audience, real or perceived. This is an audience that largely feels entitled to Japan's output for free, doesn't always contribute back, and feels no obligation to protect the culture and conditions that allowed these creations. Japan needs to keep doing their own thing and protect their own culture against the homogenization that the West is pushing for. That is what the true fans would want too.

>> No.3991384

I refuse to believe this is even a thing. Like, bitch just ignore the tweet if you don't like it. If someone were to say I should change something about my art for it to get a professional look, I either take the advice in consideration or go, 'nah' thanks for the advice mate, but I just prefer doing it my way and just leave it at that. What's the point of even arguing over something this fucking mundane? Like fuck, I'm getting mad over how stupid this all is.
Someone say chicken scratch is beg level, ok, who care. If you actually got fucking offended over this statement then your fucking below beg and should quit art since you can't handle a simple advice hold by basically fucking everyone.
Like fuck this is stupid.

>> No.3991434

As long as you have linked to a fucking credit card so you might as well just use your credit card LOL!!!

also R-18 arent allowed to be pledged by Paypal because Japanese.

>> No.3992539
File: 296 KB, 411x412, 1292553630720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my anime pedo titties tutorials
>goddamn westerners, why are they so objectively inferior to japs

every. time.

>> No.3992562
File: 35 KB, 800x450, cab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is stupid, but the thing here it's that they hide that stupidity with their false heroism by saying "it could offend someone"
then no matter if what you said could end the life of the other person, they think they did right, they think they "save" this imaginary person that could be offended, they were good all the time, they are the good guys

>> No.3992567
File: 36 KB, 400x386, 1480832438296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I came here expecting a download and all I see is drama.

>> No.3992597

>Beginners triggered because they were called beginners

>> No.3992614

it's not fucking fair.
i hope the shitters that were upset about their chicken scratches being called "beginner lines" never EVER make it.

>> No.3992615

wtf that sucks, I wanna pledge to this artist and a bunch of other ones that draw huge anime titties

>> No.3992620

t. beginner

>> No.3992629

Getting shitposts on twitter was literally guaranteed to happen. Say what you want but the artist quitting over this is 100% in the fault as he is quitting over something 100% predictable and unavoidable.

>> No.3992638

its still online he/she/they only deleted the english twitter account

>> No.3992712

>literally millions of different art resources available online
>need spoon feed tutorials instead of practicing


>> No.3992725

That's great and all but where's the mega link?

>> No.3992730

based and yarrpilled

>> No.3992739

just use the zippyshare link with vpn

>> No.3992828
File: 78 KB, 1075x819, 1082653385529135107_DwZbgXNW0AM_fVx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find a picture of this in the MangaTutorials folder
Are we a joke to you?

>> No.3993340

This site seems like a bitching hub.
They seem genuinely offended that Japanese androids died despite other ethnicities getting fucked up as well. Goes to show people love playing either the high ground or the victim.

>> No.3995466
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1341, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3995480
File: 505 KB, 1037x1500, the_thruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, I'm pretty sure he's just a leftist autist.
Everybody knows leftists are unstable.

>> No.3995909

thanks anon

>> No.3995926

kys nazi

>> No.3996111

And then a hero comes a long with the strength to carry on...

>> No.3996197

base and yuri pilled

>> No.3996412

She's a woman dumbass, they can't take that kind of hate.

>> No.3996429

These tutorials seem pretty based.

>> No.3996591

Based Highschool of the Dead.
Was Kohta left wing?

>> No.3996893

Better than Loomis desu

>> No.3996905
File: 169 KB, 400x400, 1544828393220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing, thank you anon.

>> No.3996911

thank you very much, anon!

>> No.3998237

Does he have any tutorials on breast and arms?

>> No.3998305

doesn't replying at all just fan the flames?

>> No.3998497


>> No.3998565

Where can I send good vibes in chingchong to the artist? My fundies might be shit, but I can put at least the language learning to good use.

>> No.3998586

>Twitter, and tumblr by extention has one of the most whiney communities.
When you have an echo chamber and coddled all the time. it becomes a world view to think that everyone is like you. Twitter was not this bad until recently. There was a time when Tumblr stayed in it's own community and Twitter was it's own thing. Tumblr seeped into Twitter and people kept noticing a lot more whining, a lot more rainbow flags of narcissism and whining over dumb shit because it does not appeal to their sensibilities.
>but you also need to understand that these tumblrites will chase you down constantly once their crosshairs are on you.
This is something I keep noticing. They really run on mob mentality. They are sheep and pretend they are different.

>> No.3998995

oi thanks dude

>> No.3999194

Imma pass on this one

>> No.3999491

Looking at this retard's page, I ended up finding Trent Kaniuga.
Where can I find his tutorials for download? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Not on CGPeers, Rutracker and torrentz is down at the moment, I'm out of ideas.

>> No.3999497

Is this legit? It has all from the paywall stuff too? No virus?

>> No.3999499

appreciate it

got a question though, have the eng translated ones caught up with the nip manga materials, or is there stuff that's missing aka not translated?

>> No.3999501


>> No.3999890


>> No.4000694

no time for anime, work on your anatomy /ic/

>> No.4000704

the only virus is the virus that is anime.

be real, you arent going to use it. youre only here for the drama.

>> No.4000754

thank you friend, hope the artist is doing well

>> No.4000799

>Transfer quota exceeded.
T-Thanks mega

>> No.4000952
File: 136 KB, 213x226, 1541585106153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent for stylised eastern material, for very realistic stuff not so much.

>> No.4001142

can i get a rundown?

>> No.4001383

can someone reupload this? im getting errors when its at 99%