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3985676 No.3985676 [Reply] [Original]

is it better to learn from his renaissance figure drawing in NMA or from his vilppuacademy dvds ?

>> No.3985695

>falling for the vilppu meme

>> No.3985729

villpu taught thousands of professional artists

>> No.3985735

lol everything we don't understand is a meme now huh

>> No.3985754

he's useless if you dont care about fineart

>> No.3985757

rofl considering he taught a bunch of cartoon animators and worked on my little pony i guess you're right

>> No.3985759

can you tell me which one are better his nma courses or his older dvds ?

>> No.3985765

Lolol you're retarded. You can use his techniques to draw anything, from Mickey Mouse to Mona Lisa.

>> No.3985777

NMA since it's a lot more fleshed out but either way he teaches the same in both

>> No.3985794

thnx a lot man

>> No.3985857

I just wish I had tons of money to hire personal classes with Vilppu and when he tell me to ''feel it'' be able to slap his bald head.

>> No.3985870

i just wish you never existed anon

>> No.3986090

I just wish the same for you. Who are you anyway? Oh yes, a nobody.

>> No.3986120

The absolute state of this board.

>> No.3986385

t. troll or brainlet

>> No.3986391

>worked on my little pony
WTF, I love Villpu now.

>> No.3986402

I get a feeling that vilppu isn't good for learning anime

>> No.3986406
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>> No.3986455

If loomis works vilppu works

>> No.3986457

Go feel yourself, Vilppu cocksucker.

>> No.3986922

Can we just ignore bait?

Learn from both, though I always preferred his DVDs for some reason the NMA stuff is always great to have

>> No.3986938

Drawing anime doesnt exist in some vacuum where the knowledge of being good at drawing real figures doesn't apply to it.

>> No.3986958



>> No.3987071

the thing is that loomis is simpler, gesture drawing seems overkill for me

>> No.3988856

>worked on my little pony

>> No.3988865

If you actually think that "gesture drawing" seems overkill then you haven't done enough figure drawing at all to reach the point of wondering why your figures look so stiff and not lifelike. Thats the entire point of gesture drawing.

>> No.3989086
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>> No.3989102

Redpill me on villpu, why would I learn figure drawing from him instead of humpton, huston, loomis or proko ?

>> No.3989224


>> No.3989226

Try both, you have access to so much information there's no need to be picky, NMA has a lot of content along with Vilppu too and the sub is super cheap

>> No.3989336
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>and worked on my little pony

>> No.3989348

>no hogarth


>> No.3989399

>a nobody.
And who are you?

>> No.3989402

I'm not memeing, if you don't understand the concept of feeling the form you are too /beg/ to watch Vilppu

>> No.3989459

vilppu is great for /beg/

>> No.3989551

I disagree honestly, I feel people should be familiar with the figure (through the likes of Huston and Hampton) before going into Vilppu

>> No.3989564

i've seen the NMA courses of vilppu and he goes from gesture, 3d shapes, constructions, anatomy and even shading with a lot of examples. seems like the perfect way for a beginner to learn figure drawing.

>> No.3989624

Someone knows where I can find both Vilppu's Renaissance course (head & figure) ?

>> No.3990190

Old man helped me a lot. Thanks to him now I can FEEL the gesture

>> No.3990192

One thing that helped me understand him better is knowing the names of the bones, landmarks and muscles. There’s a Memrise course about it. Very helpful.

>> No.3990703

>TFW actuslly met Vilpuu last week

>> No.3990757

thnx anon ill work on him

>> No.3990928

maybe it's because I've only seen his old DVD courses
He tends to jump straight into things and skips over a lot of basic stuff (since he assumes the viewer knows it), maybe his NMA stuff is more bef friendly though

>> No.3991213

>when he tell me to ''feel it'' be able to slap his bald head.
Sounds like obscure fantasy

>> No.3991550

there are 3 stages to vilppu :
1- "wtf is this bs feel the form meme"
2- "you know what? i guess this feel the form isent bs after all"
3- "All hail vilppu"

>> No.3991570

That's the weirdest fetish

>> No.3991890

I have DVDs of his when he was younger, where he explains anatomy and it's hands down the best course on anatomy and figure drawing in general I've ever seen. I think in NMA they relegated him to more theoretical stuff because I think he's a bit old but those earlier courses were fantastic.

>> No.3991966

Share or ngmi

>> No.3991969

sorry anon I have it on DVDs and it would take eons to upload it all.

>> No.3992014

what are the dvd's called?

>> No.3992016

By younger do you mean mustache Vilppu?

>> No.3992024

yeah his old dvds are better for anatomy, i learned from both and from scott eaton, amazing stuff