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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1023 KB, 924x889, 1519599711403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3976321 No.3976321 [Reply] [Original]

for any art related vents you want to get off your chest

>> No.3976327


How do I beat my procrastination before I kill myself?
I know it is not doing well for me, but I am not stopping it.

>> No.3976335

There might be other things in your life getting in the way of your productivity, see if that`s the case.

Other than that, are you properly inspired? when my own productivity and drive is low it`s usually because I`m dry on inspiration, or I`m too comfortable at the level I`m at. Remember the journey is the good shit, even at your low points.

>> No.3976362
File: 203 KB, 639x299, 1545019955060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my life revolves around internet but internet now is so rageful and dull and i don't where to go anymore I wish i had some friends...

>> No.3976370

motivation and inspiration comes and go, you need actual discipline and just do it.
Dont think just do the first months will be hard but it get easier.

>> No.3976385

Idk if there's any drawing groups in your area. Try finding places that host group art lessons. Or if you run into somebody that draws. Talk to them.

So far I've been going out weekly to draw with some people I met at comicon. Drawing with others helps a lot and can be fun.

>> No.3976405


>> No.3976410


this is retarded meme. Learning something so hard is not fun. It may be fun when you are good at it, but not when you are complete shit, no better future in sight and self awarness to know how bad you are. Imagine having fun trying to draw boxes and cilinders, and sucking at it.

>> No.3976412

I don't have friends. It's helpful for me to talk to other people who like to draw and get advice and critique instead of empty compliments. If it wasn't for ic I probably wouldn't draw half as much as I do. Why are you here if you hate it so much?

>> No.3976415


>> No.3976417


>> No.3976418


>> No.3976420 [DELETED] 

You're a fucking retard. Stop drawing boxes and cylinders and start outputting complete works you nigger

>> No.3976424

>find someone who's close to you and tangible who will force you to work under a schedule
>remove distractions from your workplace

also don't be too hard on yourself if you failed to uphold the timetable, or you will risk trapping yourself in a never ending circle of guilt.

>> No.3976429

Someone's capslock key is stuck it seems

>> No.3976430
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>> No.3976432
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Also if you haven't been eat healthier- green peas are cheap and need no prep, drink less soda(sugar), eat less bread(carbs). Seriously it genuinely gives you more energy.

I don't think that's true unless you just stick to 4chan. The big problem I feel is that 4chan is very conservative right now and has always had a low threshold for bullshit, which makes staying anywhere else very isolating.
But that doesn't help with your problem- Considered vidya? Lot's of classics on GoG. Lost in Vivo on Steam looks promising. And you can find tons of public domain books on The Internet Archive or project Gutenberg.

>> No.3976457

I'm going to give up sugar and go n the me to diet to see if it really does improve brain function. Hopefully it'll help me focus on drawing more. Because looking at my diet now it has become nothing but sugar and fast food. No wonder I've gain weight. I feel like it is making my depression worst, which is making my art suffer. Doesn't help my life and relationships are all falling apart, so if I start having more control over my own life then maybe I can still still more then 15 minutes and actually draw. Instead of having the urge to spans out, it's very distracting.

>> No.3976460

Last time I lost weight (40lbs in 4 months) I drank nothing but Coke Zero.

>> No.3976475

>thinks that any one of us is ever going to make it

>> No.3976480

i already made it anon, i'm just here to try and humble myself

>> No.3976482
File: 166 KB, 800x1274, 2010___hilde_by_vandrell_d32retk-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Searching Felicia images, come across a great picture by Vandrell
>I remember loving this guy's work - wonder what he's been up to?
>No posts in the last 3 years
>Last journal entries mention getting over a sickness
>Read recent comments, apparently he's dead
Fuck. This blows.
I'm getting Amano Taiki and Satoshi Kon pangs again.

>> No.3976497

I miss the study threads, draw this threads and the reference threads on this board but I'm too lazy to start my own.

>> No.3976502


>> No.3976503
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i just know one near my house but they just copy photos like pic related
i trying to stop playing games right now because i don't have much self control to stop

>> No.3976541

I'm reading Hampton's book and trying to do gesture but nothing I make is coming out right I don't know what I'm doing wrong exactly I feel so goddamn stupid. I start with the head and then mark the spine but it still doesn't look right. I try using curved lines to show the perspective and add the rib cage and pelvis too but it just doesn't work. I don't know what's wrong with me.

>> No.3976546
File: 192 KB, 976x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go through these now, pep talks just make me feel worse when I'm depressed, but bookmark these for reading in like a month
/self improvement general/, they occasionally crop up on other boards but mainly comes in narcissist or Nazi flavor. They'll have better pointers for improving yourself than I'd know. I'd assume /pol/'s is more focused on lifestyle than diet.
I want to say /fit/ has another general specifically for normal or older people who want to start getting healthier but I can't remember what the header was.

By the way I'm not kidding about the peas- they're only 70 cents/CAD per can and they work as a side for lots.


>> No.3976550

One last annoying self-help video

>> No.3976579

well I'd still say try and meet people to draw with.

>> No.3976715

Start your day off well. Go to bed at a reasonable time, wake up at a reasonable time, take a cold shower, eat a substantial breakfast, get dressed and start doing work immediately. Gaining momentum and achieving some sort of flow state is key to getting meaningful work done.

Don't post on /ic/ or social media until after your day is nearing its end. Posting anything that expects a response is a death sentence to productivity since you will likely not be able to stop yourself from refreshing the thread, eagerly awaiting a reply. If you absolutely have to use the internet (i.e. look up a reference or look for a book in some /ic/ thread), don't get distracted and exit out of the browser as soon as you find it.

>> No.3976718
File: 64 KB, 620x413, Attenborough-001_article-a7b6175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Our friend here, normally an unobtrusive solitary bottom feeder, quietly scavenging for bits of detritus and rotten flesh in dark watery crevices is suddenly alert. It has sensed the presence of some larger threat nearby, and exposed and alone away from its burrow, has taken up a defensive posture. Quite unable to fend for itself against the larger vertebrates, however, this is largely for show. Luckily enough for our crab, as the threat, real or imagined has apparently passed by unaware, leaving the crab to return to his oceanic duties as custodian of the sea floor.

>> No.3976745
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>final primary
>eyes and hands look ok
>final linework
>eyes and hands look like eldritch abominations
every tiem

>> No.3976757
File: 24 KB, 466x490, BCD69955-A437-48B2-B953-51E2EB333E34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t stop chicken scratching, even on pen

I’ve gotten a little better, but I can’t nail stuff like the shoulders on my first attempt.

>> No.3976764
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proving my point

>> No.3976861


>> No.3976886

Every fucking time

>> No.3976893

>trying to learn from hustons's videos
>it's all "feel the form" meme
maybe i dont have the talent after all

>> No.3976899

Find a copy of "The War Of Art", by Stephen Pressfield. Quick read, might help.

>> No.3976949

>Frustrated about drawing speed
>Formulate pointers for shortcuts that don’t sacrifice quality
>Forget pointers 5 minutes later, so it’s back to slow art.

Every fucking time.

>> No.3976956

>trying to learn figure drawing the figure from hampton
>trying huston
>trying vilppu
am i born as a ngmi ?

>> No.3976967

All of representational drawing and painting is suggesting 3d form with line and tone. "Feel the form" is not just a meme but what artists have been doing forever

>> No.3976988

>someone draws a few shitty doodles in mspaint
>acts like their opinion is the opinion of all artists everywhere

>> No.3977004

damn, right in the feels

>> No.3977009

which felt the best for you of the 3?
cause hop back on that one and keep at it, failing's part of the game

>> No.3977046

Idk vilppu and humpton have that “feel the form” approach that i just cant get.
Hampton’s construction looks good but it’s quite complicated and I always mess it up when I follow his videos
Actually i think I’ll go back to proko, I actually learned quite well from him but I stopped since ppl in ic keep saying that he’s bad and i should learn from those 3 instead

>> No.3977092
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>> No.3977101

My procrastination is getting worse. Even my suicide deadline was a year ago

>> No.3977123

I'm here for you, bro

>> No.3977127

I cannot figure out where to go from here with my art.

>> No.3977191

Nothing has changed since the last time I whined on /vent/...
I suck at art and am sad about it.

>> No.3977213
File: 228 KB, 800x450, 1560011959444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I come up with a good handle aaaaaaaaa

>> No.3977218

How do you draw without hating yourself?

>> No.3977231

I can't depict soft edges on a face to save my fucking life, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my approach and brush settings. What the fuck is flow even, goddam I want to cry

>> No.3977235

Lately I've been questioning myself if I am extremely slower when drawing than what I should be and have no idea on how to improve this or a frame of reference for what rate I should be doing things in. The current pace is too stressful for the little I do refraining me from wanting to continue art. Too much anxiety over having to question what goes where vs just knowing off the bat. I don't know of anyone else having this same issue or overcoming it.

>> No.3977263

Read some poetry it gets the brain fluids moving

>> No.3977268

I have such a boring commission to do FUCK... The deadline is in two days and I still have so much to do

In another news my throat inflammation got better but I got allergic reaction from the antibiotic and now my face looks like i have leprosy

>> No.3977271

Same. It's really insufferable to browse Twitter right now. I feel distant with my followers. I don't feel like posting anymore. I miss actually talking to people online without any taint of political bullshit

>> No.3977284
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You know?

>> No.3977286

I always end up rendering too much detail that it takes away from the construction. I think it's fine in sketching, but in a piece that I'm taking my time on I always render too much still. I think it might be a lack of anatomy knowledge since a lot of the times during construction I'll typically say "oh I'll just ink this in to signify the form instead of comstruct the muscle how it is, then add values to it". I'm barely understanding figures and heads though, so maybe doing it this way for now is good since it looks cool to me, and it keeps me practicing the fundamentals underneath it.

>> No.3977287

>listening to what others say about what works best for you
Unironically this mindset is ngmi tier

>> No.3977319
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I already have made it, dear anon.

>> No.3977367
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Looking at my twitter feed really stresses me out. I have mutual follows with really popular artists but I really don't want to interact with anyone or retweet because I'm a total recluse. I haven't looked at my twitter feed in weeks I just post art and I'm still gaining followers though. Is this gonna affect how people see me in the long run?

>> No.3977380

spider dick

>> No.3977503

David attenborough here. Eminently cool if serious. Though I'd love to hear what you make of that in this place.

>> No.3977526

>see someone get compliments from huge ass artist
>oncoming envy kills all motivation even though I know I could be the same if I just fucking drew something

If only jealousy and envy weren’t such a fucking cancerous emotion

>> No.3977527

>Try paper and pencil
>Can't fucking draw well
>Try my tablet
>Can't fucking draw well
>Review videos, books, articles, whatever
>Try again
>Can't fucking draw well

>> No.3977537

You guys kept telling me my work was complete trash every time I posted it. I tried to get better and asked for help/redlines and such but you keep telling me I was garbage and that I’d never get better, so I just finally gave up. Now I just lurk and look at others work.

>> No.3977551

You are an idiot for getting anons get to you.

>> No.3977557

You admitted it was available to you if you tried, but besides that, try putting on the other perspectives. If you were a bigger artist, I'm assuming you would do the same for others. But in the back of your mind, you'd know that there'd always be plenty of people left out, and some who would take it poorer for a variety of reasons. But that's the opposite of what you were trying to accomplish. You'd just have to hope for the best behind the scenes. There's only two choices- be happy for what you've got and others, or risk warping your perspective, and the good stuff you like to see around you.

>> No.3977599

His foot is an unfortunate but hilarious tangent

>> No.3977636

>be poor neet
>bored and want to learn something
>find drawabox and skim through it
>seems cool
>find out you need felt tip pens to do it effectively
>try out the homework despite not having good pens
>can't help but feel like i'm not learning anything and just wasting time
it's a small gripe i know but it sucks to me at least

>> No.3977653

I'm grateful to whoever shooped the fucking bird being strangled by KYG, the dead bird saga continues

>> No.3977670

The pen part is so you can't erase. If you just don't erase with pencil you'll get most of the benefit.

>> No.3977754

Write down names as you think of them, use a name generator (I like the code name generator), download Tor or a new browser and just go where ever seeing new things, Realize that an actual, respected artist has the handle 'Loish' and having a bad one is only a concern to you

...( I dub thee Setznaz)

>> No.3977791

I went through more than 20 handles over the years and I hated every single one of them. In the end I know that it doesn't matter and there are artists called something like pkupauf or pen00z or sunfflaz or bobartist92 who also have different random handles on different platforms but I hate every single name I come up with and I'm anal about having the same handle on all sites.
I would love to just use my real name like a professional but I was cursed with the shittiest, ugliest sounding name on the planet, I was made fun of through all my education years and I hate even hearing the sound of it at this point. So I have to come up with a pseudonym or a handle but everything I come up with just sucks. I don't have this problem when I make characters, I like the names I use for OCs. It's just my personal handle or pseudonym that I always hate.

>> No.3977796

>Realize that an actual, respected artist has the handle 'Loish'
what's wrong with Loish? It's memorable and the artist's name sounds good IIRC

>> No.3977882
File: 202 KB, 1080x501, 20190618_123040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking tired of seeing shit like this, we're all trying to survive out here, why is it ok to say "I want everyone but white dudes to succeed"? Why not support everyone regardless of their skin color and sexuality?

Especially in the art world, where the color/gender/sexuality of the artist really shouldn't even matter when it comes to actually hiring someone for a job, unless you need someone who's knowledgeable/has lived in a certain culture, environment, etc.

>> No.3977889

>Say you only want white guys
>get banned

cool timeline

>> No.3977893

not trying to defend those people here but why do you care? if they get hired only by virtue of their special status only those workplaces are only going to produce shit in the first place.

Nobody is going to commission work from a place whose only virtue is that they have hired 300 sheltered individuals who doesn't know how to fucking draw.

>> No.3977894

This fucking gets to me too.
Im being vauge just in case im recognized but I live in a relatively low population country and the field i work in barely has any work. Every job ive managed to aquire in it has been at least 80%female usually higher and then they have the audacity to arrange a "women of x career" conference to raise awareness of the struggles of women finding work in this area when theyre already massively over represented. I just fucking cant

>> No.3977896

Technically the point is that it isn't, but it sounds like you're slurring out the word 'Lois'. Every username I can think of sounds deliberate even contractions like 'Ursalav'/Ursala Vernon

>> No.3977899

You get brownie points if you do this.

>> No.3977905

Is it even worth to do this as more than a hobby? I mean I enjoy drawing Id do it for free. It gets me about 80$ a month, nothing to live for, but it's been like that for a while now.
Also the local community is fucking awful. It's literally /b irl with a side of /pol. Im learning coding atm and regret taking the art major everyday.

>> No.3977920


I don't necessarily care/mind if they get work because of their status, it's not like I don't want women/poc/whatever to not get work, everyone deserves to find work as much as the next person. What annoys me are posts like this, or popular hashtags like #visiblewomen, that actively try to keep certain groups of people (i.e. men, or white men) from growing their presence and potentially getting more work. All based on the assumption that white men have an easier time having a successful art career because "privilege", I assume.

They'll argue "you can make one yourself", but I have a hard time thinking a #visiblemen hashtag or a post saying "if you're a white man send me your work so I can promote it" would cause anything but backlash and accusations of misogyny, racism, etc.

I know this is just the double standard we live in now, but it still pisses me off.

>> No.3977926

Oh yeah I know exactly *why* this happens, and why 9 times out of 10 the ones who start these are white dudes themselves. Not only is it a favorite way to say "look at how righteous I am", it's also a sure fire way to get attention, retweets, etc.

>> No.3977957

When you play a Mario game do you just turn off your console the moment you lose a life? No, you learn how to get past that part of the level and move on to die elsewhere and repeat the process. You need to stop taking it so seriously, beating yourself up over simply failing at something and quitting isnt gonna help you make it. You get better with every hour of drawing as long as you arent mentally Ill so just keep on going, keep dying and trying again and again until you get past that level.
Look up "Mark's drawing tutorials" on youtube and watch some of his vids on practice. I think hes an actual art instructor or something so his advice is legit

>> No.3977975

Anything you wish you could of told yourself when you started that would of made things a bit easier and/or faster?

>> No.3977983

>don't be afraid to copy other people's work if you really like them
>draw some fucking boxes and cylinders

>> No.3977989

For comics I can't stress it enough: make finished things. I have a chronic problem where every idea turns into an epic saga spanning several chapters and even if I'm good enough to pull it off visually it's incredibly difficult and I never finish it.

More in general, if you get in the habit of drawing characters against a background you will develop a lot better. It's the opposite of faster or easier but you will have a better feel for art that says something. Don't draw characters just standing there.

>> No.3978001

Is guess that is the advantage of having a smaller but loyal following who genuinely enjoy what you do. You won't get people hounding you for attention and using you for some sort of gain.

>> No.3978048

Some people lean entirely towards treating it like a job/ networking. It's unfortunate some of the perceptions you get off the back of that, whether you do or not. Especially if you'd rather treat it like an extended /i/ thread.
I mean who wouldn't really, if they could still support themselves financially and get away with it- however motivated they are.
It's hard to be outgoing without cynicism kicking in, and I think past a threshold of a handful of friends, it takes some real modesty and patience on both sides to get to know someone.
Social media is a mess combined with a job like art. But adapt and overcome.(or just stay the fuck out entirely, but it's not like I can go around recommending that)

>> No.3978051

Sometimes I wish I could just go back to before regularly using social media. It's so easy to follow a bunch of people and suddenlt think everyone is better than you when it's really still just a niche of people sperging out about a show. Any normal person just saves it and go about their day (or put it on some repost page on instagram)
I'm certanly not good enough to make a living off art so I don't think of doing it, but when surrounded by every other person having a patreon/ko-hi/what fucking ever, it's a big shot to anyones self image

>> No.3978113

It doesn't have to be a shot to your self image though. If and when it crops up, just call yourself on your own bs. They're just dudes doing their own bit, and they all have their own wants and problems. That never goes away, minus allowing yourself to be content wherever you're at.
If people's genuine success takes away from you, you're doing it wrong. Focus on the good stuff you can accomplish and count it as additive to the rest. Because it is just that for anyone of a similar mindset.

>> No.3978122

"In a battle of egos, the loser always wins"

>> No.3978135
File: 55 KB, 600x589, Dante and virgil in hell 1850. A Demon waits patiently..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work full time
>learn how to play guitar
>restart/continue learning how to draw

it feels like I only have room for like 1 and a half and it sucks I'm pretty heavily invested in both drawing and guitar but I never have enough energy after work to do anything, not to mention ADD and internet/social media

>tf no bara aniki to gently lead you from task to task and manage your time

>> No.3978199

sometimes in games you cant past a level because you need an item from a different level.
maybe anon lacks some skills to learn figure drawing

>> No.3978305

this was a gut punch

>> No.3978346
File: 53 KB, 468x548, 1551163467593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in a non-art discord
>post art in their fanart channel once a week or so

>having discussion about artistic credit
>say that personally I don't care if someone posts art on discord/twitter/4chan/whatever without giving credit to the original artist as long as they're not claiming credit for themselves
>well that's because you're just a consumer and not an artist anon

>> No.3978351
File: 344 KB, 547x556, 1558797296889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post a serious work that doesn't cater to gachashit
>No Retweet
I know i shouldn't give a shit but fuck, it doesn't really help my mental health.
It really kill my motivation to draw guys

>> No.3978371

Stop listening to music or noise generators while drawing, permanently. Try taking a break from finished work and take a handful of paper and something cozy to draw with outside and draw whatever you find yourself looking at on your journey. Make no goals, carry no expectations, just draw.

>> No.3978373

Hyperrealism is overrated and its audience are for normies.

>> No.3978379

Combine your skills/interest and pick up Game Maker or something.

>> No.3978385

Don't let Ms M ruin art for you, start from observation and construction in traditional media

>> No.3978396

next time reply with "pyw"

>> No.3978402

I honestly dont know what to say to it desu.
On one hand I want to call them a fucking faggot and point them to all the shit i drew on that fucking discord.
On the other, maybe it was just them seeing my art as the garbage it is and not even considering it real art.

And while they're a faggot either way, I'm not going to be the shitter that links a bunch of shitty drawings and claim it makes me an artist.

>> No.3978415

to be fair, normies call the ugliest shit ever "art".
you can present anything to a normie as art and they will believe it to be art; it's all about presenting. we all spent our formative years being presented knowledge to be learned as is, it's second nature now.
present yourself as an artist, if your stomach cam handle it, and you will be an artist.

>> No.3978422

I never know which colors to use for fan art! How do people decide this? Is it just "what looks good" to the artist? My mind always freezes up, and I copy the colors from an anime cel, but then I get mad at myself and want to trash the drawing because it's not my own color choices. Help me, desu.

>> No.3978432

Don't get hyper focused on technical ability over substance. Also, be open-minded about different styles/media.

Maybe it's just because I'm more mature now but I'm appreciating art more for expressive/creative merit & ideas now and I suck at expressing myself through art atm because I never really put effort into it before. I used to be obsessed with "perfection", really clean lines and neat coloring, having stuff look "good". My drawings were so stiff, repetitive, not expressive or interesting. Recently forced myself out of my comfort zone and it was pretty cathartic finally cracking open my creative shit after years of just doodling the same pretty girls all the time. Sucks having so many ideas and like zero breadth of ability but I guess that's just motivation to keep practicing and learning.

>> No.3978437

I also suck at colors, but it can help to decide on a specific palette from the beginning and stick to it. Also, you can put a multiply layer of a certain color over everything to make the colors harmonize better; alternatively, put some vibrant color down at the beginning and then use regular local colors when you paint but at a lower opacity so that the color shows through and helps the colors look nicer together.

>> No.3978456

The mindset that high amounts of detail and realistic rendering = good art is common for /begs/ and normies who don't make art. Once you can actually create something that looks very polished and detailed through rendering hen you begin to realize that those things are very surface level, like icing on the cake and that there's far more important things that make a great drawing or painting.

For example you'll see a lot of amateur artists use flashy and time consuming rendering techniques to try to make up for rudimentary knowledge of figure drawing/anatomy. They'll try to get away with not having to draw hands or they will have completely /beg/ looking hands in their figures but will spend 20 hours inking the rest of the figure, etc. If they're smart they'll eventually come to terms with how little they know in order to make real progress.

>> No.3978473

>Do a sketch, lookin good
>Create a new layer and spend hours drawing over the sketch to make clean lineart
>Looks "better" but is soulless compared to the sketch
wat do? if it were up to me i would always just color the pencil sketch and skip the inking lineart part because i don't have fun inking. i mean, it's digital art so do we even have to go over lines twice? the sketch is dark enough for colors.

>> No.3978512

One should transition out of doing lineart-based painting anyway
As for the soulless inking layer, it's because the sketch has flow whereas the inking is done deliberately with no artistic flow, just stiffly tracing lines.
If you want lines, carry the sketch forward and ignore inking. Can also practice inking without a sketch, which will make your linework much stronger.
No more lineart painting.

>> No.3978557

which is why you respond with pyw

if they ask or imply you to prove to be an artist, ask them to do the same

>> No.3978600

Thank you for the advice, it was so helpful that I saved it. I'll practice inking without a sketch like you said, that seems like a very very good thing to learn.

>> No.3978631

Even successful twitter artists will lose half their normal rate of likes when drawing original characters, don't be too down on yourself.

>> No.3978714
File: 25 KB, 449x470, 1556848508711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to draw NSFW traps but a big part of my followers kinda disgust me. I've discovered that mental illness isn't just a meme for too many people. And I often have to react calmly but...
No I'm not a trap.
No I'm not a sissy.
No I'm not gay.
No I don't role play
Why the hell should I rate your dick? Go spread the cancer on /b/ or /soc/ for fuck's sake.
Why are you sending me pics of you wearing girl clothes man? I don't even know you. And no I won't call you cute.

I have to start taking commissions because I need to live but... Man, I fear the kind of shit I could get. Not about fetishes, I'm pretty open with that but... I don't want to attract more sex driven people.

I almost feel like a furry artist.

>> No.3978715

Part and parcel of catering to an inherently degenerate audience, all NSFW artists get this treatment to different extents but the ones with more degenerate fetishes will lack more self-control to behave like a normal human being online.

>> No.3978718

I sadly agree with you.

>> No.3978723

That's the con-side of drawing NSFW for a living, you will always attract people who think with their dick and exposes you to things that you wish you will never see in your whole life.

I know a female artist who has a cute little body (which she semi-frequently posts online) and does both NSFW traps and loli porn, imagine how many dickpics and creepy shit she's been getting over the years.

>> No.3978735

Yeah, being a girl surely doesn't help to calm things down.

Maybe the key for me is to draw females only. There were some cool guys interacting with me when I was doing that.

Anyway, I wish things were different, but I feel kinda better knowing that other people are going through this kind of probelms.

>> No.3978745

>Is it just "what looks good" to the artist?
Pretty much yeah

>> No.3978912
File: 135 KB, 327x600, 327px-Sword_Shield_Nessa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired of seeing this bitch on my timeline, every fucken day man. I use to like trends like this but it's so tiring now. And It's always some Nintendo character too, Nintendo announces a new character for one of their games and every artist on the block goes crazy lewding them, it's like I'm living in a fucking loop! Pick related isn't the worst one, it just broke the camels back for me.

>> No.3978916

She's not even that interesting. "Wow, a black gym leader! We've never had one of those, how diverse!" except they already have and the fact it's a dark skinned girl is all they needed to make people draw her. She has no gameplay of real personality or unique traits other than this.

It's really fucking shallow.

>> No.3978931

black ppl are never interesting

>> No.3978966

Its always been a thing
>new character announced in a random franchise
>gets fanart

>> No.3978967

I unfollow as soon as I see fanart

>> No.3979212

Why do you think it's easy money, or that prostitutes are looked down on(not saying that's right)? Because they encourage this lack of regard, and it's expected with the territory. If you need the money, do it until you can do something else, but if it's disagreeable to you, you probably shouldn't be doing it.

>> No.3979218

prostitutes are just a bag of meat

>> No.3979226

I'm considering to go and draw girls instead of traps. At least, not as often as now. But yeah the problem is money. If I switch now, it will take time to get followers again.

>> No.3979279
File: 608 KB, 735x748, 1489984456072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make nsfw Twitter for porn
>Upload mostly lewd cute boy drawings, don't get a lot of attention but I have fun drawing them
>Draw my friend's big tiddy female oc and post it and it gets 20 times more attention than my lewd art of stuff I actually like
Fuck, how am I supposed to find the target audience for my lewds on Twitter?

>> No.3979289

Well reading through this it sounds like it sucks to be an artist. Good luck to all of you who do rely on commissions or whatever to pay rent and shit.

>> No.3979418
File: 164 KB, 900x555, feel paintings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not into anything right now so not posting fanart
>I don't really care about my own OC stuff, let alone other people
>haven't made it to where I can just post and not care about reception
>can't sell out (eg trendhop, ship art, softcore) because my mutuals are people I know in real life
>end up constantly neglecting social media when my goal is to gain followers
why do I do art anyway

>> No.3979434

Maybe it will take time, maybe not. You have to have some faith in your ideas, no matter how long they may take to get to. But keep that vision alive at all costs. Maybe you can set aside a little time to build the dream you're after while you make a living. Good luck, anon.

>> No.3979446

This is really good advice but also something I struggle with. I feel like I don't really enjoy anything, so if I always need discipline (or need it 95% of the time) for everything, then life is just a lot of being really horribly miserable about everything, so it makes more sense to just... do nothing, right? But doing nothing erodes you. I mean I guess that could be dismissed as depression but therapy doesn't really help and pills don't really help so it's like what do I do? What does someone in this position do? I don't want to kill myself but that's always felt like the logical conclusion

>> No.3979454
File: 1.85 MB, 250x188, 1560308343365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me, reclusive hermit femanon
>make new female friend
>woah sketchbook, can I look?
mfw all pages are filled with tumblr beg tier cartoon network style OCs
>mfw I have so few female friends let alone artist ones
>"Wow these are really good, I like them."
I can never let her know how I really feel. This is what friendships are made of.

>> No.3979459

So you only follow autists that only draw their shitty oc's?

>> No.3979563
File: 227 KB, 264x388, 1550639282578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been studying hard recently
>started telling myself to be more patient since art takes a while and rushing will only hold me back
>feeling really low energy lately
>dont want to draw anything from imagination for fear of it being anatomically shit and questioning my studying
I think my low energy is, ironically enough, because I started drinking coffee lately. I'm just horribly afraid of putting all my knowledge in practice only for someone to tell me my anatomy's shit. How do I stomp this paranoia?

>> No.3979656

can anyone wish me a happy birthday so I feel less like a friendless loser for a bit?

>> No.3979662

Happy Birthday to you, lonely Anon.

>> No.3979666

Thank you for being born Anon!

>> No.3979674

Congrats on surviving another year

>> No.3979698

happy b day anone

>> No.3979723

Pretend everything is practice, even finished work and commissions

>> No.3979727

this is all art friendships in my experience.

this must be what being a parent feels like. "oh honey, thats great. put it on the fridge"

>> No.3979728

Happy birthday, bitch

>> No.3979884

Fuck fundamentals, I feel I'm not going anywhere by drawing a shitton of figures while my friends get a lot of apreciation by other people without even learning them

>> No.3979900

Happy Birthday anon, may you have many more to come

>> No.3979903
File: 586 KB, 700x523, 1558935303854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy aging day. Wishing you maximum gains ahead

>> No.3979904

I'll be your friend if you're open to non tumblr fujoshi shit

>> No.3979906

Stop adding people you know irl. It adds to the pressure of posting online

>> No.3979924

>look this up
>only other instance of the phrase is a Twitter account with a Guy Fawkes mask
Oh god, are you quoting yourself?

>I would love to just use my real name like a professional but I was cursed with the shittiest, ugliest sounding name on the planet
I feel the same way but don't got it as bad as you do. I wonder if it's just something that naturally happens to bookish types. Have you considered having it legally changed? You're phrasing it like your best option is being foiled.
Or swiping the name of one of your OCs.

(I dub thee the Raconteur)

>can't sell out because my mutuals are people I know in real life
>(e.g.: trendhop

>> No.3979958


>> No.3979965

Happy birthday f am

>> No.3979989

Honestly I'd prefer that over Tumblr crap. What's your blog?

>> No.3979993

I hate doing realistic rendering and rather do images with flat colors and inking.

>> No.3980033
File: 999 KB, 500x268, 1546137544103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, I will.

>> No.3980111
File: 1.95 MB, 2286x1942, Hbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday anon

>> No.3980113

I want to see your drawings anon, i love cute stuff

>> No.3980138

Happy birthday cunt

>> No.3980155

>said I'd start taking this shit seriously at 17
>almost 20 now, no noticeable improvement
>can't even sleep until I feel like I've drawn something mildly satisfactory that day
>still churn out shitty looking studies that are barely /beg/-tier
ngmi but still stubborn about it

>> No.3980237

I wish i could just rip my computer out of the wall and never use it again, distraction and digital feels like a crutch when i cant even do things properly in trad :pensive:

>> No.3980254


>> No.3980271

Why not do it? What's more important, art or quick dopamine?

>> No.3980285
File: 5 KB, 230x219, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3980289

Study, don't doodle. Drawing is a mental activity, not a physical one. Any monkey can draw. To draw well you need to be smart.

>> No.3980315

its easy to recongise your flaws my friend but to act requires strength i do not have

>> No.3980329

Then give up and fall behind the rest.

>> No.3980457

It sucks that when I stat drawing I cando it for hours but actually starting is th hardest fucking part of doing it.
How the fuck do you trick yourself into like a serious study session of drawing
in;b4 'just draw'

>> No.3980593

>>3979662 >>3979666 >>3979674 >>3979698
>>3979728 >>3979900 >>3979903 >>3979965 >>3980138
thanks everyone, didn't really expect to get many replies to this post. really appreciate it!

very cute, thank you for the cake!

>> No.3980814

This board is depressing but I keep coming back to reading depressing sob story and crab posts even when I know I should just keep studying.

>> No.3980891

Put yourself in situations where you have nothing else to do than draw. It's hard to pull out a sketchbook in random places but gets easier with time.

>> No.3981093

listen to this anon >>3980891
i'll add on to what they said:
cut out your internet, it's a huge distraction, and hinders your focus almost entirely.
music, whether you focus better with it on or off, that's up to you. but don't get distracted with playlists, lyrics, etc. just plug something in you can jam (background noise, essentially) and draw to.
subject matter: pick one that feels important or fun. if you need to work on your anatomy, pick that one and focus on it for an hour. if your goal is to have fun - let's say drawing animals, meanwhile also practice composition, and example prompt you can give yourself would be to draw four different farm animals in a ranch setting in daylight.

>> No.3981114

a professional korean artist said to spoil all the games and shows you like so you have nothing to do but to do art, eventually you will lose interest in consuming content and you will only find pleasure in creating

>> No.3981135
File: 47 KB, 437x326, tip of the day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3981280

i fucking hate charcoal been trying for a year to draw with this demons turd.

>> No.3981313

Woah this seems legit

>> No.3981363

It would be so much easier for me if art were the only thing I wanted to improve at, but there are just so many things I want to learn and only so many hours in the day.

>> No.3981371
File: 66 KB, 572x557, D8FhyV0XkAABPij.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to vent that it really pisses me off when someone with a really low quality doodle style gets popular because they know the right people but the #1 culprit that does this and pisses me off hasn't posted art in like 2 years lol

pic related comes from a different artist but the style (and coloring mistakes) triggered me into remembering my vendetta for that first artist

>> No.3981482

I hate how people with worse technical skills than me get more attention just because they have an appealing aesthetic. Soul is more important than skill.

>> No.3981525

Happy Birthday!

>> No.3981534

>Soul is more important than skill
More like gacha catering and trend hopping is more important.
If you want follower just do that.

>> No.3981539

You're right.

>> No.3981618
File: 81 KB, 552x532, 1473625276450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must art be so frustrating? The only reason why I want to get better is so that I can draw my favorite characters having sex or doing my odd kinks.

>> No.3981629

>literally trace a photo 1 for 1 and post it on /ic/
>"this anatomy is so shit i can't even begin to criticizes it"
/ic/ is shit

>> No.3981676

Is it possible to become an artist while suffering from mental illness?

>> No.3981679

post it and i'll help you understand what you're doing wrong

>> No.3981691

I enjoyed it a Lot before i became good enough to realize how bad i am at it

>> No.3981824
File: 133 KB, 401x400, 1557088763403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3981833

Because there are sadly not good enough people on /ic/ to provide helpful critique on drawings being over a beg tier.

Only few could help but there are probably busy with their own drawings most of the time.

Think of /ic/ like /r/ If you have luck, yay you get something, otherwise

>> No.3981889
File: 229 KB, 477x379, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3981890

Welcome to being good in /ic/
No one give a shit about you unless you really bad

>> No.3981900

Anything past technical issues like obvious anatomy, proportions, lighting issues can not be critiqued, only opined on.
If something has passable technical level of drawing, the only thing you can comment on is stuff like colors, composition, theme, etc. Naturally, you would only accept critique on those things from someone you respect, or at least someone who has similar views on art as you. You try giving such critique anonymously, and people will simply call you a crab who is obviously jealous of someone's technically proficient work.

If you want to get critique past /beg/ level, find a mentor. Or even better, improve your taste in art to such a degree that you can critique your own art from a vantage point of higher aesthetic sensibilities compared to your ability. This has a very severe drawback: you will see your own art as the uninspired garbage it is until your skill catches up to your taste. Which might be never.

>> No.3981916

I realize that what I said here >>3981833 can be taken as an insult. That wasn't my intention. What I meant by "not good enough people" is that from what I've seen, many have reached a mid-tier level. And it's hard when you have the same level to give "life changing" criticism.

But what you say is interesting. Finding a mentor isn't that easy though so I guess getting better alone is the option we'll have to take.

>> No.3982401

i wish my improvement rate for poses was as fast as it has been for my overall quality improvement. i've improved pretty fast on anatomy, line quality, colouring/shading, but everything i draw still looks so fucking stiff and i hate it because fluid poses are what i want to get best at the most. i've been practising hard and draw for several hours almost each day, but posing is the slowest out of my improvement rate and what i find most difficult and it's fucking painful because it makes my art look so god damn boring
i really hope that starting my comic helps with this a lot more

>> No.3982457
File: 760 KB, 760x839, 1560095818162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be amateur trash
>make disproportionate monstrosity
>make the mistake of mentioning it while talking to my online best bro
>he insists to see it
>claims it's amazing and doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about
Why do people do this? Do they want us to stay bad? Do they believe people's ego are that fragile?

>> No.3982480

>draw everyday
>always conscious about improving technique, solidifying fundies, being productive
>try to accomplish a goal, whether its studying something or finishing a page of comics, everyday
>feel pretty good about a drawing
>want to show it
>minute i want to share it online for feedback, i see all its glaring faults, and even if I can't fault it, the subject is cringe/stupid/shallow and will just show how naive i am
>decide I need to improve and develop more before I can feel proud enough to display my work
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.3982497


It's uncomfortable to offer critique sometimes, especially when you're not sure how someone will take it. If you really want critique you sometimes need to directly ask for it, ideally in a way that isn't too self effacing (If you just go "im really bad..." it sometimes sounds like false modesty or fishing for compliments).

Also, you'll be surprised how bad non-artist's eyes for mistakes can be sometimes. I sometimes look through old folders of art I like and the shit I overlooked back then is incredible.

>> No.3982567

>cold shower
I'm so skinny you can see all my bones, I start to shiver under 25ºC.
Check your meaty privilege!

>> No.3982633
File: 304 KB, 496x452, 1555194110961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am just to dumb to draw, I came to this conclusion, unfortunately. Have been drawing since I was a kid, now I am probably the oldest guy in this thread and even though I got a boost in my ''abilities' when I found Vilppu/Hampton, that boost stopped pretty quickly. I have countless materials, been through each and everyone of them but they always, at some point, spiral into ''you need to feel this'', and all those unspecific things. Every material leaves something out that they think it is obvious (and it probably is because everything gets it) but I don't, I don't get it, I need things explained with rules and measurements and specific details that other people seem not to need; it is pretty frustrating.

It reminds of math classes where the teacher showed the solution on the blackboard and I got it, but when I try to make the exercises in the book, if they didn't match what was shown (same formula, steps, etc), I would get stuck. It comes to a point where hard work just doesn't do it, you need something else, and that, I don't have.

>> No.3982639
File: 170 KB, 728x1137, b008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't gotten a studio gig, whereas several of my classmates have and its killing me, because I considered myself one of the strongest in my class. I also have 7-8 commissions lined up, two already paid for, but I cant bring myself to work on them.

>> No.3982647

I read your post in this voice

>> No.3982992

>not being Canadian
get some poutine in you!

>> No.3983008

Despite me pushing myself to get better with my technique and skill, i seem to have an incredibly small audience. Ive ran experiments where I post identical work simultaneously with another artist, yet they have more interactions in shorter time despite having a smaller following and less technical skill. Is it the algorithm? Is it peak "soul vs souless"? I feel like ive plateaud in regard to my audience and growth has pretty much stagnated or begun to decelerate...

>> No.3983018

I find that people are more responsive when you ask for specific critique (Critique on how to improve X part) versus vaguely asking for one ("Critiques are appreciated") or just posting your work without any description whatsoever

>> No.3983053

>make a study in order to practice my perspective, anatomy, consruction, composition
>slap some real quick colors because why not, I like colors
>show people, all they ever ssy is "nice colors"


>> No.3983216

what platform are you on?

>> No.3983220

its just twiter that I have trouble on. new grounds, and Tumblr are pretty much fine. I think I'm getting algo'ed.

>> No.3983249

Twitter rely more on Retweet instead of tags, if you're lucky, you will have a user with a large follower pool RT your art. If not good luck

>> No.3983255
File: 323 KB, 709x775, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just hurts a bit...

>> No.3983261

Did you ever stop to think maybe what you don't see in it your friend doesn't care about? Or that possibly how your friend sees it is the right way?
You don't need to be hyper critical to get better, and in many cases it will just take away from your flow. And not being able to appreciate your work at every stage is a mental trap, setting yourself up for failure no matter how you progress. Don't fall for the trap that keeps the crab bucket here topped off and stagnant imho.
/ic/ leans entirely towards the side of "pain is a better teacher," and it's a true crime against artists, because it's selfish and unappreciative to devalue yourself.
You got the best possible outcome for art at any level- someone appreciating it on a personal level. Don't throw it away out of being too proud to accept it yourself.
Not only that but creativity works best when constraints are removed, when you are enjoying yourself and also entering ever so slightly new territory. So if you want to hit your A game every time -even in practice, it stands to reason you better find a balance with contentment.

>> No.3983274

Don't worry about it too much anon, social media is a clown world anyway. There's no need to care about it unless you just want people to suck your dick.
I got followed by a few big jap artists but those fuck doesn't RT much.

>> No.3983326

next time do a bikini shot instead of her smoking

>> No.3983345

I have a character that I enjoy drawing a lot, but no one else seems to like them. It may sound autistic, but I'm awfully fond of characters that I've designed, but no one in my friend group seems to like them, and it's killing my motivation to draw them?

>> No.3983367


Post as a woman, you will get 500% more responses than you are having right now.

>> No.3983381

maybe its a problem of honesty, what if you are not being truly honest to yourself about your faults and rather choose to be ignorant about it? its a very very easy thing to fall into. every attempt gives rise to the need to observe what youve done wrong, that is if you truly love what you do. math was hard only to the kids who went home at the end of the day and watched tv and twirled their pencil instead of doing the homework, which are honestly really easy things to ignore as i did the same, id complain all the time about how i was dumb and lacking in fundamental aspects that other people just seemed to have, then a man i met told me i was being a spoiled faggot and tried a bit harder, failed and then improved. maybe you need some unbiased honesty in your life, especially some that comes from yourself

>> No.3983417

Don't start a tweet with an @ it counts as a reply and doesn't show up in your follower's timeline

>> No.3983433

This anon knows it.

That's why you see sometimes people doing the ".@"
Look up "how to use Twitter" on the internet, you'll maybe learn one or two things that could be useful.

>> No.3983459
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1532642932551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt draw or study for 2 years out of depression and self hatred
>get on antidepressants, feel a little better
>try drawing again
>realize i lost my fine motor skills

>> No.3983481

Intermittent fasting had the best results for me. Start eating at 10 am and stop at 6. Try not to overload on sugar and carbs. That's it. I dropped 30 pounds in under 2 months and I woke up one day with 0 brain fog. Felt like a version of myself I assumed was lost to time.

>> No.3983483

just fucking do the peter han exercises when you need it

>> No.3983504

Protip: Don't attach your self worth to your performance, retweets, likes, validation from others, etc
Doesn't matter if I'm a hypocrite struggling with the same thing, the message is still true.

>> No.3983508

What if he attaches his self worth to his ability to live off his art through commission and patreon, which both require visibility through likes and retweets?

>> No.3983512

Not that anon and I agree. But
This (you saved me from writting it myself, anon, thank you).

>> No.3983516

where is that from anon?

>> No.3983525

my work was made to be seen. it only natural that I try to have as many people see it as possible.

>> No.3983532

an expert in normies right here

>> No.3983548
File: 46 KB, 750x902, 1560988798106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask for requests on a drawthread
This hurts so fucking much.
I'd prefer it if they outright told me my drawing skill is shit.

>> No.3983551
File: 11 KB, 252x200, 1560898199058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my suicide deadline was a year ago
>Mum found a suicide note last year and every time i don't want to answer calls or talk she tells me i don't have the balls to kill myself

>> No.3983555

I gave up drawing a year or so ago and now i feel like i've forgotten most things i knew.
I also can't for the life of my learn how to use a tablet.

>> No.3983556

What I meant was don't do this
>"My drawing sucks"
>"I suck"
>Feelings of worthlessness intensifies

>> No.3983734
File: 40 KB, 600x766, 1322531485272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't drawn anything seriously in like 3 months.
What are some good quick exercises I should do to get me back to where I was before I stopped?

>> No.3983748


>> No.3983755

I don't have any life drawing class in my area. And everyone say that you can't get good without it.

>> No.3983779
File: 826 KB, 2550x3507, PaltyToad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking miserable.
I'm scared that my art wont ever get better.
Hour of hours of anatomy tutorials but It doesn't click and I never get it right.
Every time I draw something I instantly hate it, always getting worried about the mistakes I make.
I used to post my stuff years ago but became absolutely terrified of people judging me since I been lazy and haven't improved at all.
I hate it. I hate myself and my own art style.
I hate my art style so much that I refused to draw for a long time as it remined me that I have been drawing since childhood and that I still suck this hard at basic concepts.
right now I've been forcing myself to draw cuz at least it's better than wasting my life on internet and video. I already wasted 2 years and I'm afraid i'm gonna waste more.

>> No.3983972
File: 162 KB, 720x730, _20190622_232444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this girl who is a professional artist and went to school and got her degree in art and fashion and I finally saw her drawings and I'm kind of shocked. Am I crazy here?. Is this the industry standard? Is this acceptable in fashion? I'm willing to accept that I don't know what I'm talking about but my brain tells me this drawing, which is exactly what all her drawings look like, sucks ass.

>> No.3983980

Cute artsy style, p2w crab

>> No.3983981


>> No.3983982
File: 74 KB, 450x600, bayonetta_conceptart_31IfD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3983988

Seems typical for fashion illustrations so that's a standard for that industry. Depending on what your niche is in the art world. They look for a certain style and skill set.

>> No.3983993

Life drawing helps with understanding of the human forum but the internet is still a valuable resource. You can practice timed gesture drawing, quickposes.com is one resource. And even draw people in a public place.

>> No.3984009

If you enjoy it, draw it, and you don't have to post it.

>> No.3984013

Everyone alive doesn't have the balls to kill themself.

>> No.3984017

What a pathetic industry wuth depressingly low standards.

>> No.3984035

4:30 am vs 1:37 pm, pretty obvious which one more people will see.

>> No.3984040
File: 808 KB, 1092x1377, 5535446_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever see an artist who is so good that it just makes you want to give up? Usually when I find a good artist it makes me try harder to improve but sometimes, I see shit that I just go... "I'm never gonna be able to do this. what's the point?" This fucking guy... like... he paints japs so well that i can tell they're japs. not just asians. and ... he always draws their feet and he does it so well, that i can see the skeletal structure. It's so fucking detailed and realistic.

>> No.3984057

this doesnt count as art but here it goes.

i do graffiti ive been doing graffiti since i was 15 and i love it, im older now i feel like a dick for writing on other peoples shit but its still fun to me i want to keep doing it but im old and if i get thrown in jail for graffiti i will feel like a retard

>> No.3984066
File: 170 KB, 1080x1080, 2e43de72e79b9f7feb5707c3baa2e89b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, the right one def looks cuter and more ((soul)). I believe in upload time and not putting @ at the beginning having a factor on how many impressions you'll get on twitter. That and what you upload, write or retweet on your own page will depend how long people will stick around to follow you

>> No.3984067

Is it a fanart of an existing character? Go find the community where they talk about your fav and post there. You'll enjoy interacting more with them than your actual friends

>> No.3984089

Stop being a bitch. Everyone looks at each other like "I could never do that."

>> No.3984094

I wish I was still in high school because I always slacked off and procrastinated by drawing in my notebooks. I'm still not that great but I improved so much in those four years. I can never stay focused or motivated when I just sit down and draw. Why am I so retarded

>> No.3984170

Yes its the standard. Fashion design is about clothes and accessories. As long as you can convey that clearly and your art isn't so bad that its a distraction, your good. Surprisingly, that same mindset works for a lot of industries.

>> No.3984211
File: 18 KB, 551x556, FB_IMG_1559555865259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all the famous youtube artists mediocre, not only do they draw objectively terrible but they have huge egos and create terrible tutorials that dont help their young audience to get started. I used to think i could make a living as an artist by getting an online fanbase but i refuse to draw Disneylike and be the art whore of whatever fandom is popular at the moment.

>> No.3984224

I wish I have more friends

>> No.3984227

Because skill literally doesn't matter, Youtube is about selling your shitty fake personality.
Did you just join the internet or what?

>> No.3984239

When will you naive fuckers will realize that there is no such thing as "art industry". There is only the design industry.
The moment you start receiving money, you will no longer be selling "art", you will be selling products. Namely, "designs". Nobody wants to pay for art. Nobody cares about art, but artists.

It's glaringly obvious in the "industry", with stuff like photobashing becoming the norm, but it also applies to patreon and youtube. If you want to retain or grow your audience, you will have to compromise on your art, and give the people paying you what they want. You will be making business decisions rather than artistic decisions.

If your idea of "making it" is to be the personal bitch of an art director with the visual library and taste of a 15 year old CoD player, or being a virtual prostitute porn artist, pimping out your drawings to internet degenerates, then sure, go for "art as a career".

But if you care about artistic integrity, only ever draw without financial incentive. Get a regular job if you have to.

>> No.3984254

I mostly draw fanart of stuff I like, like obscure anime or older cartoons and video games. Naturally I have almost no followers or get any attention, so I tried to draw her, you know maybe it'll give me some exposure. I don't even like Pokemon.

I liked the end result, but it just left a bad taste in my mouth, I guess. It felt pretty soulless.

>> No.3984255

An artist's job is to set trends, not follow them. You're supposed to reach past the veil of the current zeitgeist, and pull something out that will redefine peoples' ideas about reality itself.

If you're not doing that, or at least striving to do that, you're not really an artist. You're an entertainer.

>> No.3984256

That could have been a good post but you just proved that you're ngmi

>> No.3984262

"Making it" is false consciousness. "Being paid to draw" is an extremely small minded ambition. You should aim higher than that. You should aim to advance so far in the field of art, that your work is effectively unsellable, because there is not yet a market for something that nobody has ever seen before.

>> No.3984276
File: 215 KB, 415x616, CYyJVOIWQAECZcL.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke. It sucks to get no attention on social media, but I decided to keep drawing characters I like. It might be niche and leave me with a tiny, fickle audience, but as long as I like what I'm doing it's fine. Some advice in this thread did help.

>> No.3984278

if you suck at basic concepts tackle those first, those are the priority!! if the absolute basics like line, shape and form fall apart, practically anything you do on top is going to be shit. re-prioritise and you'll make significant gains

>> No.3984376


Well, i used to be a naive children thinking that the internet would give me enough freedom for my art.
Anyway, i dont think it's just a lack of interest from people but also the artists nowadays just being mediocre and refusing to try new things out of fear or lazyness, at the end becoming just a mass production machine.

>> No.3984401

Refreshing posts.

>> No.3984419
File: 106 KB, 1079x1279, 52422283_620111681760160_8317908968542306304_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been learning my fundies lately and it's easier for me to drop anime style right now for the sake of accuracy and difficulty. But I can tell my husband doesn't like my drawings as much anymore because they're more realistic. I just don't have a style because it's too hard! I have to let my brain develop these skills first! I can't paint a house that's only just now getting a foundation put down! I am saaad!

>> No.3984422

is your husband married to your work? Why would he care if your work temporarily turned to shit?

>> No.3984426

>marrying a weirdo who jerks off to anime
>letting your partner dictate what you do as an artist
Have some self respect jesus christ.
If he likes anime, you know there's like an 80% chance he's a pedophile, right? Check his browser history.

>> No.3984431

No, he's just always encouraged me by how impressed with my art he's been. But as soon as I started laying down real study I could notice his compliments we're changing.

I like anime too, we're both nerds and by your statistic I'm a pedophile as well. I don't let him dictate what I do, it was just nice having a fan.

>> No.3984433

>If he likes anime, you know there's like an 80% chance he's a pedophile
do you live under a rock

>> No.3984435

It's true though.

Girls liking anime will never not be weird to me. The entire medium is entirely focused on catering to the male libido, I feel like if I were a woman, I'd feel the same revulsion towards it as I do towards romance novels.

>> No.3984436

fascination delusion you got there

>> No.3984438

>spends all day browsing a board with several porn threads dedicated to drawing sexualized underage girls
>calls me delusional for pointing out that anime faggots are pedos

Lmao how does it feel to be in denial.

>> No.3984440

dunno but you tell me, does it make your peepee feel funny?

>> No.3984442

Not really, I am a genuine, old school, bona fide pedophile. I despise all of those faggot anime watching ironic pedophiles.

>> No.3984454
File: 159 KB, 728x1105, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize there are girl animes out there that cater to whatever emotional needs/wants someone has just like those romance novels. And they're just as cringy as sports and fighting anime. You get emotional fulfilment from being on this forum. They get it from watching a cartoon story. Who's the loser? We all are, Anon. We all are.

>> No.3984456

I don't get emotional fulfillment from anything.
Browsing this shitty site makes me angry more than anything. Problem is, I like being angry. It makes me feel alive.

also, it's a slippery slope. you won't even notice how you turned into a stinky fujo masturbating to poorly drawn bishies with REALLY big hands.

>> No.3984485
File: 416 KB, 1024x512, anim_2_0_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, it's almost as if anger is an emotion. An emotion that you receive by frequenting this board.

>> No.3984489

Emotion is not the same thing as emotional fulfillment you dumb cunt.

>> No.3984501

>Browsing this shitty site makes me angry more than anything.
>It makes me feel alive.

Am I making you feel alive, dear Anon? Is my pedantic semantic way of listening to you helping you emotionally edge?

>> No.3984511

Sometimes, you encounter an unfunny dumb cunt of a basic bitch, and it feels like it's beneath you to even validate their existence by getting angry.

I would be like getting angry at an inanimate object.

>> No.3984551
File: 407 KB, 650x489, received_544267112729626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful now. Don't cut yourself on that edge, bro.

>> No.3984576
File: 399 KB, 1024x923, Distain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i've drawing traditional for so long that digital just feels overwhelming and frustrating
>Every other artist seemsbe shitting out polished digital works on the regular

Fucking kill me I hate being a caveman using paper and pencil

>> No.3984579

>wants to rely on a cold machine programmed by millionares that want to gather data on you constantly, never stops whirring white noise into your environment and creates eye strain

>> No.3984590
File: 384 KB, 641x720, 1542289019464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend days working on a drawing
>post it

>30 minute doodle of a generic girl being fucked
>facial features and anatomy is beyond fucked up
>100 likes within 2 days

>> No.3984618

Relate to this. I've gone through a bunch if usernames as well, but that means I restart every time. I decided fuck it and just decided to go with pokemon name + bunch of numbers just so it's so generic that I don't notice it.

>> No.3984640

>start drawing
>start with the head
>can't get the circle shape right
>get frustrated
>stop drawing
This have been my average "drawing session" for like a month now, doesn't look like I'm gonna make it

>> No.3984672

The circle doesn't have to be perfect, retard. Just work around it.

>> No.3984677

Have you ever heard of stencils? Or a pencil compass? Or just print a page of shapes to trace.

>> No.3984680

Social media is addictive. When you get likes/praise for a skill you're proud of it just fuels the high.

>> No.3984702
File: 643 KB, 843x1035, 1561245501671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get over myself and draw more than 3 shitty faces in a row to improve without stopping to do something else out of frustration

>> No.3984714

Just draw pages and pages of circles, I can freehand an ok one around 70% of the time after that.

>> No.3984727
File: 34 KB, 540x521, 1560918646310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Person states you should invest in a tablet to do digital art
>All replies are saying its perfectly valid to use your phone or mouse for digital art.
I hate the egoistical approach most young artists take when it comes to art. Its my way or the highway. Inktober used to be Trad ink, but the children wanted it to be digital ink and now it's lost all meaning. I hope they grow up, but the thought I have to pander to a group of people who refuse to follow even the most basic of art rules because its boring or it ruins their style. I feel so sorry for those people who make deviantart tutorials their comment section is full of children trying to debate them.

>> No.3984757
File: 36 KB, 342x456, 1547865430775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constructionfags always claim complex shapes are hard to draw so you have to use simple shapes first
>mfw even my simple shapes are complex

>> No.3984852
File: 13 KB, 457x480, 1549241998790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes, you encounter an unfunny dumb cunt of a basic bitch
The tone changed. Did that one get to him?

>> No.3984922
File: 34 KB, 778x512, 1504469710262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to fix literally anything, the workflow :
>thing looks ok
>mirror it, it looks like garbage
>fix it
>mirror back, it looks like garbage
>fix it
>mirror back, it looks like garbage

>> No.3985039

My art friends never really interact with my posts. I always like and sometimes leave a comment on the public posts. Whenever they post in our mutual server I try my best to give genuine compliments on whatever I can. I also ask questions when they're developing a new project. I'm never self depreciating [never do "wow ur so good ill never be as good as you" or "how do u draw???" stuff]. They never interact with stuff posted on my accounts and they never say anything when I post in the discord server. The worst part is these people on multiple occasions have asked me for my opinion. I'll get asked if I saw their latest post, if I'm excited for a certain project of theirs, or just a general what do you think. I guess it just hurts they can't be assed to give a simple whatever small comment when I always act so enthusiastic about whatever they've done. I really just want to be petty and act cool towards it all. Like, just stop responding to their work and give simple responses if they ask for my opinion. I doubt it'd get my point across and i'll end up looking like im being an asshole for no reason to our mutuals. I can't really drop them either because of the mutuals situation

>> No.3985108

Don't draw a circle, do an oval or work with lines instead, that helped me.

>> No.3985171

Why don't you talk to them and tell them a little how you'd appreciate some more of their input? Most artists are awkward nerds and most of the world doesn't know how to have connective conversation. Honesty and openness create closer relationships because people for the most part value vulnerability. What's your blog, Anon? I'll follow you. : )

>> No.3985387
File: 21 KB, 432x432, nervous-doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the overwhelming feeling I am being manipulated, but I am mentally ill so I don't know if I should trust my gut.

>> No.3985391

Tell me your story. I'm curious

>> No.3985397

I just feel like i'm never gonna make it. I just wanna make fanart.....

>> No.3985399
File: 790 KB, 1200x2300, progression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's to almost an entire year of not finishing anything.
I've done nothing of any significance.
I hate this shit so much.
I'm a miserable failure.

>> No.3985406

Then go make fanart boo. No one's stopping you but yourself

>> No.3985670

I worry I'm delusional and people only want me around so they can watch me fail.

>> No.3985796
File: 57 KB, 900x900, 1549608317657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this why NSFW artist act so obnoxious and cliqy when you try to message them? I guess i'd be cautious to of a message from strangers if I had to deal with that kind of shit all the time.

>> No.3985864
File: 375 KB, 1920x1215, dennis-mejillones-sentryreardetail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now Im pretty pissed because the work I want to create is split between two bits of software, Sai 2 and Krita. Sai 2 doesnt have good brushes at all whatsoever and extremely limited options. Krita on the otherhand has absolutely awful selection tool capability, choppiness and terrible stabilizers. Having to constantly swap pictures over really cocks up my workflow and drains me of any motivation, and neither program can make up for its weakness. Id really rather not spend the time learning an entirely new bit of software but fuck, I might just have to. I wish I wasnt spoiled by how well lightweight programs perform because now all the big software like CSP, PS, Krita etc feel choppy and bloaty as fuck.

>> No.3985903 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 480x480, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boohoo my audience is perverted, why do they treat me like a whore?!

>> No.3986137

Artists get hoards of retards in their dm's when they get popular I can only imagine what type of mongoloids come around when porn is involved