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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 249 KB, 1125x1867, IMG_20190615_215212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3974025 No.3974025 [Reply] [Original]

Why SJW are so retarded? This is not whitewashing, the artist is only using a different color palette.

>> No.3974027
File: 196 KB, 1410x2000, IMG_20190615_215748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the original illustration.

>> No.3974030

They don't have anything else better to do with their worthless waste of a life.

>> No.3974044

dam that sure a stupid bitch. She has no talent and she is bitching about bullshit.

>> No.3974052
File: 200 KB, 764x571, Ballio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter's report option has nothing related to art theft.
>Telling SJWs to piss off won't lead to them pissing off.
>People don't know what color theory is.
I see we live in clown world.

>> No.3974057

Fuck that bitch. She is just a bully pretending to be a critic.

I fucking hate SJWs

>> No.3974078

Maybe you should stop whitewashing characters and being a fucking fash

>> No.3974086


Not op but KYS unironically

>> No.3974088

pokeshitters deserve the guillotine

>> No.3974090

It's not the first time it's happened. These people only live to be offended, they deserve to be ignored.

>> No.3974098

>check twitter a few hours ago
>see this exact same image being commented at by a lesbian sjw yuri artist I follow calling them out for being a stupid faggot

>> No.3974106

The backlash from this was tremendous. Optimistic, but I hope there's more pushback against these outrage shitfits.

>> No.3974110

White washing is a good thing though. "White people" are a minority in the world and deserve to be seen as much as anyone else!

>> No.3974112

I can honestly see why they’d be mad, her skin tone does appear way more caucasian. While I don’t like sjw stuff, the og artist is a retard for not expecting this

>> No.3974114

All nintentoddlers desu

>> No.3974115

>following a dyke on twitter
Stay there forever.

>> No.3974122
File: 82 KB, 1380x876, 1500127513547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes me want to create an alt account and whitewash other "people's" works non stop untill they off themselves.

>> No.3974127

Be the cape without a hero

>> No.3974129

Haha, you’ll just be giving them a ton more followers

>> No.3974146

you're gonna get banned for harassment. twitter users are pussies and report all kinds of apparent bullying to the thought police.

>> No.3974158
File: 639 KB, 698x1280, Sword_Shield_Nessa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. faggot who's never done art, /beg/ who doesn't know jack shit about color theory
There's no racism because even with the altered general colors of the original character sheet, you can still tell she's black. If you're going to bitch about the colors not being accurate, you might as well throw a bitch fit about how the blue dye on her hair isn't the exact hex value; or its one hue number off.

Funny how these faggots preached about how "race doesn't matter, we're all human #equality" but they sperg out about fucking drawings- that aren't even offensive or state some political nonsense in the first place.

>> No.3974161

>Chasing trends
>Trying to get attention with hype chars
>pandering to the nintendo crowd

Deserved it.

>> No.3974164

Calm your mantits, triggered alt-right snowflake, I was only stating that I can see why someone would get the impression that they lightened her skin and that the artist should have known better. Didn’t even say that I agreed with the reception they’re getting or that they’re racist. And btw, the only thing that makes this stylized anime character look black is her skin tone...

>> No.3974170

>posts screenshot of twatter artist drama
>over 20 replies in couple of hours.
might as well change it to /lolcow/. ic died long ago

>> No.3974175

lolcow art threads are almost more active than all of ic, and btw ic has always been shit and most people who come here are newbies or here for art industry gossip

>> No.3974176

Draw this bitch white, blonde and with a MAGA hat.

I would do it myself, but Twitter insusts on getting my phone number for the govt and I'm not having it

>> No.3974177

Then I will create another account lmao.
>Inb4 IP
Mine is dynamic.

>> No.3974184
File: 391 KB, 1080x1449, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3974191
File: 163 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_20190616_144119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it
Don't forget to larp as a black dude like this guy

>> No.3974194

Welp, it's completely fine when dumblr black washes all the characters on purpose because of muh inclusion shit, but they loose their mind when other artists slightly use another color palette for a brown or black character

>> No.3974198

hm oh yeah it's clearly reportable, she's basically editing or changing someone's content without their consent, in this case the original creator is clearly against it and can request multiple options to get the person suspended, or banned if they had prior strikes.

it's the same as putting music clips in your yt video, you can do a cover, but if you edit someone's original song or include even 5 seconds of the original song in your video, it's a strike and the whole video get's claimed.

if that OP person did fan art of this fan art, it would have been ok.

>> No.3974199

Hope you guys realize that this type of trolling will only make you look stupid and certainly won’t change sjw types, they’ll only double down on their beliefs and it will push centrists/apolitical people to their side. Also if the artists aren’t retards they will leverage this to get more followers/recognition so it’s kind of a win win for them. I fucking wish someone did this to me, i’m even considering doing it to myself but it would be too obvious I did it myself when I only have 300 followers.

>> No.3974200

>implying a multi billion company doesn't have 1000 ways to find out the exact location where you shit

>> No.3974209

true true

>> No.3974211

I would feel bad for her...if she wasn't just a trendchaser.

>> No.3974213

>you can still tell she's black
Is she black though? Isn't she polynesian or some shit like that? Considering she's a water type gym leader

>> No.3974214

>that last response
lmao the delusion

>> No.3974218

She has blue eyes so she's actually wearing a blackface

>> No.3974221

Tormenting the people i hate is the last spec of joy in my existence

>> No.3974222

I'm pretty sure she's indian. Dark skin, lots of jewelry, and bright colored clothing and makeup usually means hindi. The culture's all about that kind of decoration

>> No.3974223


>> No.3974228


Yeah she's a dumb cunt but I have to admit I hate it when artists try to micromanage reposting of work. If you put it on the internet and people respond to it your work is going to get reposted and you have little controll over it, period.

>> No.3974231
File: 1.68 MB, 3330x3762, 1555565139253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that indulging in politics in any way leads to nothing but aggression and irritation on your part and it's not helping your art at all

>> No.3974233

She blocked me when I told her I'm a dark skinned asian who's embarrassed of idiots like her "defending" on behalf of us. She also went locked because she said can't handle all the backlash currently going right now

>> No.3974234

Put that effort into drawing instead, it will give you better long term results.
True, best to stay apolitical on public social media

>> No.3974236

Please off yourself.
Anyone in their right mind would realize that the color choice is due to the ambient lighting of the piece. You would have to be either paranoid or intentionally obtuse to think that this is 'whitewashing'.
And as a side note, nothing in the post you replied to smacks of the alt-right. Way to be a strawmanning douchebag.

>> No.3974265

under the right lighting conditions, her skin could be this light yea

>> No.3974274

Didnt the su fandom have this already happen.

>> No.3974275

>True, best to stay apolitical on public social media
things is, people are inserting politics in everything nowadays. its not hard to detach from news, draw your shit, and find out you drew something politically incorrect because thats what the sjw have decided last month

>> No.3974276

>Anyone in their right mind would realize that the color choice is due to the ambient lighting of the piece

not that anon, but could y'all stop pretending like OP "piece" is anything other than a flat trendhopping tumblr drawing? Throwing in words like ambient light, rendering and shifting skin values is totally amiss for something like this. Normie artists are really getting blown out lately

>> No.3974284

Why hasn't anyone redrawn this as a full on blackface and posted it in reply to the whiners yet?

>> No.3974285

>Arab muslim from California

Non-white americans are fucking obnoxious trash.

>> No.3974286

You made a mistake in your post. What you meant to say was:
>Americans are fucking obnoxious trash.
No need to thank me.

>> No.3974288

People are so thin skinned, if it was a white character drawn black it would have been praised for “le diversity, fuck da whiteys hurr ”. God damn people are retarded

>> No.3974294

That Japanese is shit. Not a real Japanese person. Cringe

>> No.3974297
File: 76 KB, 611x545, 1418679657515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one thing SJW didn't ruin.

>> No.3974298

I hate baizuo

>> No.3974360

>Name one thing SJW didn't ruin.

your never ending virginity

>> No.3974370

>Literally one person on Twitter complaining

How could the SJWs do this? Is this 1984?!!1

>> No.3974392

Jesus Christ. US need purge

>> No.3974394
File: 69 KB, 640x960, DmtBC7cU0AEZjjW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich of this jasmin chick to complain about slightly color off art when she cosplays characters much darker than her

>> No.3974395

Can someone post "Black Panther" artist from tumblr? The guy was legend.

>> No.3974420

>Why SJW are so retarded

>> No.3974422

>not orbiting virgins themselves projecting it all over the place.

>> No.3974443

stop making these threads


>> No.3974458

You realise those youtube copyright strikes happen under an abuse of the system right? Using clips from someone else's video or parts of someone else's music is a video is fine uder copyright law l, it forms under fair use. Not only that, but copyright law pertains to profiting from said work, you lot post peoples shit here all the fucking time, are you serious? Look at how many times people have posted someone else's art here, that person is completely within their right to edit thale artwork and post it on twitter you fucking idiots.

>> No.3974462

You don't own your fanart.

If it was an original chat she'd have grounds to complain. With a Nintendo char it's not her rights.

>> No.3974480

I’m pretty sure if she was Indian they’d have given her the dot thing on her head because Japanese media tends to give male Indian characters turbans and females the dot thing. And how does dark skin makeup, jewelry and bright clothes mean Hindi? It can apply to latinos, Africans, other south East Asian cultures etc.

>>3974213 she looks nothing like the other Polynesian characters though. She has a different skin, face structure and clothing type to them.

>> No.3974563
File: 97 KB, 688x1188, Cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those people are searching for reasons to be upset instead of doing something good, they would just use your drawings to justifiy their """fight""".
Best way is to ignore those dumbantifrogposters.

>> No.3974581
File: 135 KB, 256x384, 743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck those replies are gold, stupid americans lmao

>> No.3974588
File: 44 KB, 642x477, jasminjoestarmoana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3974592

Blue eyes and white features (no monkey lips or nose or brillow pad hair) means shes white. Simply has a tan.

>> No.3974594

do these people even realise how segregationalist they are being

>> No.3974597

i can always tell a fake japanese person because i can actualy easily read what they write kek

>> No.3974598

Who cares? Pokemon is a dead franchise now. It's gone the way of starwars. I would not be surprised it's given to Disney Interactive and Square Enix in 5 years.

>> No.3974601

This might be a fucking reach, but don't you think this is just like that incident about that white+gold/blue+black dress?

Wasn't the science behind the dress phenomenon being that half of the world interprets color according to its context differently? For this instance, wouldn't it just be that these people simply cannot properly interpret color to its context because the color information is vague (light source is arguably unclear) and so they assume that she's white?

>> No.3974605

To clarify, the problem isn't exactly that these people don't understand color theory (as the people in that twitter thread has many times stated) but the real problem is the artist has colored the character in such a way that half the people who has seen the drawing assumed the picture in context to some imaginary light source and the other half didn't, which lead to much confusion and debate.

but hey, that's just a theory

>> No.3974608

I'm sure these people are sarcastically turning her own words against her to "Put her in her place".

If she thinks someone is wrong for using different colors then she should be made to follow her own standards.

If she wants to
>cosplay whoever I want, whenever I want
then she should accept that people will make art of whoever they want, however they want.

>> No.3974614

Go back to discord, you tranny piece of garbage

>> No.3974619

He actually has a good point with the Heimdall shit

>> No.3974621

not at all. virtue signaling is how the cool kids get popular on twitter nowadays. sometimes virtue signaling fails because the target is a protected class. Asian in this case.

>> No.3974626

Because they are evil

>> No.3974633

I'm sure that's what's going on here, you're right.

>> No.3974638

Is she black though? her hair made me think she was arab or indian from the beggining

>> No.3974668

>You realise those youtube copyright strikes happen under an abuse of the system right
you might call it that yes, but still they have the right to execute it

>Using clips from someone else's video or parts of someone else's music is a video is fine uder copyright law l, it forms under fair use
fair use is a greyzone, so this is false. If your clip/music/art is shown in someone's video and you don't agree with it, you can do the necessary steps and file a strike for unauthorized use and distribution. Anyone can, if they WANT it is up to them though, since something like video clips are open/common and rather vague to even consider as a type of good. Unlike art or music where the good has a clear form and any small relations between two goods is easily discernable. Now you should be smart enough to not think of an random yt asmr as a good, right

>that person is completely within their right to edit thale artwork and post it on twitter you fucking idiots.
let that be a lesson for you pseudo-in-the-know brainlets out there, if somebody edits or uses parts of your work, you can go after them.

false. You own the work, regardless of the subject. It becomes officially "yours" after it is considered "complete", or even the current state it is in if it has documented backlog. This applies to anything, from literature, music, art, idea. Nowadays it's easy to track the original source of something online due to cached archives. For you what matters is; the character doesn't belong to her, but the work does. If Nintendo is going after her because she's making bucks with their character, that's up to them, same if that girl decides to go after the one who used her work without authorization.

You guys are clueless, but always try to bark the loudest as if it will give your misinformation any merit.

>> No.3974744

For any reason, it is prohibited to process the illustration and upload it without permission.
Please delete your post now.

>> No.3974772

Black people can have blues eyes... Is rare, but happens.

>> No.3974833

Mixed race, yeah.

>> No.3974851
File: 391 KB, 622x1200, Black_2_White_2_Marlon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of them just have a crazy tan. It's a common thing for characters who use water pokemon.

>> No.3974871

People like her make me sad.

>> No.3974879

There are only two races in the eyes of the sjw. White and black. If there's any preference to a race it's automatically black. If she is any color then white, she's automatically black. Any tan character is a honorary black person.

>> No.3974885

Based and redpilled

>> No.3974893

Since the new pokemon is in the "main land." I thought she was Indian or Arabic since they seem to be swarming over there.

>> No.3974908
File: 524 KB, 698x1280, original concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why aren't you posting the original nintendo concept artwork?

>> No.3974913

This bitch has the gall to whine about skin color while showing off this faux Polynesian travesty.

>> No.3974916

I'd like to fuck her in a dark room

>> No.3974919

That’s kind of hot not gonna lie

>> No.3974936

Can you make her feet bigger?

>> No.3974964

Ayy I like the darker skin version better anyways. Also like Asian people are notoriously obsessed with fair skin. Tbh idc but I mean let’s be real here Asian people are pretty fascist.

>> No.3974970

God, I how does the artist find the anus mouth appealing?

>> No.3974974

>You don't own your fanart
The fuck is this faggotry I'm reading?

>> No.3974984
File: 57 KB, 544x938, 1554577241255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah theyre based

>> No.3975030
File: 45 KB, 480x467, Gil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine helping the very person you wanted to bash in getting all the attention that Twitter can offer.

>> No.3975143
File: 124 KB, 966x790, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the comments below this tweet are people redpilling the japs.
One person even said the girl is racist for trying to take advantage of the polite jap.

+4k new followers and counting https://socialblade.com/twitter/user/naju0517

>> No.3975176

trying too hard kys

>> No.3975178

>Kun0 2.0.
You’d think people would learn.

>> No.3975200

But anon everything is political /s

>> No.3975315

I see what you tried to do there.

>> No.3975323

Find a rope and hang yourself trannie.

>> No.3975327

>She still deleted the drawing

fucking shitskins and the white people who enable them I swear to god

>> No.3975330

>implying the artist can even read english and gives a shit about the replies or american politics in general
EOPs are so fucking cringe

>> No.3975372
File: 327 KB, 1360x768, DoubleBitrateDoublePrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope bigger companies start fucking up those who take commissions, im so tired of this masses of obnoxious shit art
what is happening here? how did it manage to translate 馬鹿な to "beautiful"? and those are supposed to be most advanced algorithms that google invested millions into?
grab a book from early XIX when it was a real obsession and maybe youll start understanding how dumb you actually are

>> No.3975384
File: 87 KB, 554x1199, D9J4uQNUIAErxOp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist seems ok with english.
Well at least in the DM's that she released where she said she apologized in where there was actually no apology.

>> No.3975391


Oh god damn it

>> No.3975406

I wish I capped all of this before the girl who started this locked her account bc in the DMs she claimed that she "didn't mean to insult the artist" when she literally made that it clear that that was her intent when she replied to them saying she was doing it to put them in their place >>3974025. Not to mention during the whole DM she didn't even speak in a simple enough way for google to best get her words across to someone speaking a langauge as different from english as japanese is along with her holier than thou attitude about it.

>> No.3975411

god damn that's some nice anime

>> No.3975415
File: 162 KB, 1014x1200, D9L5IodUYAAP7S-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still fucking going.

>> No.3975419
File: 1.71 MB, 1200x3576, lzslxsiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest with me, /ic/. How many of you would've never draw a dark skinned character ever again after shit like this?

>> No.3975420
File: 86 KB, 554x1199, D9J4uQLUEAAxf4-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only found fragments on the artists twitter but from what I can gather, she was STILL trying to get him to delete the art in those DM's when the artists firmly said the art will not be deleted.

She deleted her own edit because she failed to make the artists submit

Then she post about how she apologized even though the artists never mentioned she did in their own tweet and when she posted the DM's many people pointed out there wasn't a single, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you.

>> No.3975424
File: 62 KB, 597x466, D9JhtKpU8AAfWuB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yay peace! glad we understood each other
>proceeds to like shit like this

>> No.3975431

No because I have a fetish for dark-skin + white hair animu characters

>> No.3975437

Yeah, she was very much on the offensive the whole time. I also can't remember reading sorry through what I saw and the "I didn't mean to insult you" was followed up by basically "but u needed 2 b educated!!"; I feel that the artist themselves will be alright for the most part since it doesn't seem to have made as big of a wave on jp twitter as it has eng twitter but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if other jp artists decide to do as >>3975419 or even just block gaijin accounts on site.

>> No.3975438 [DELETED] 

Retarded pig westerners doing it again

>> No.3975449

>darker skinned characters
She isn't even black, she's a tan Japanese girl. These shit for brains leftists are just looking for something to be upset about. They've most likely never watched a slice-of-life anime wherein a Japanese person spends their summer break at the beach and turns 5 shades darker. No, they didn't temporarily change their ethnicity and no, they aren't "whitewashed" because their fucking JAPANESE, for fucks sake. As it turns out, peoples skin colour can change depending on their exposure to the sun, but these unintentionally racist fucks think that skin colour = social standing = culture = race = either HATRED or benevolent PRIDE. I look forward to the day that they begin devouring each other until none remain.

>> No.3975458

I thought she was Indian since the new region is UK inspired. The UK has a big Indian population

>> No.3975460

shes from pokeBritain though. dark brown is the natural skin color there nowadays

>> No.3975465

>draw only white characters instead
>SJWs complain too

>> No.3975469

>say that you're a slav
>suddenly no one gives a fuck

>> No.3975503
File: 77 KB, 800x412, 1548648192192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth about straight white male privilege is that without a million unfixable excuses for our problems, we are forced to either fail or take responsibility for our problems. If you're one of these fucking insufferable faggots, you can just go "I didn't get the job because racism/sexism/whatever." And then you'll never change. You'll never improve. You'll never push yourself. If you're a white dude, you are forced to either just lower your standards for the things you want out of life or work harder to improve because no one is going to see you as a victim and give you a handout. So in reality, not having provilege is privilege and privilege is not privilege.

>> No.3975510
File: 107 KB, 521x514, 1560301258535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, now post it to trigger SJW roasties

I never draw black monkeys in the first place so it doesn't affect me much

>> No.3975520

thank you mr. edgy 14 year old!
Protect your virginity!

>> No.3975524

I deleted my twitter.
So what if there’s possible income.
One day you’re posting something you made for fun, It gets shared and suddenly you’re the center of a LGBTQ flame war.

>> No.3975528

Lmao what's wrong? Too uncomfortable compare to your hugbox?

>> No.3975543

As long as there's no possibility of getting doxxed I don't see why you can't just tell them all to fuck off. Meanwhile you'd probably get more popularity from the drama

>> No.3975547

You block em and you move on and you don't bring that cancer to /ic/ because I don't want to be reminded every 3 seconds those militarized hippies exist

>> No.3975560

yes lets turn it into a whinebox instead

>> No.3975575

Just make your account so as to not be doxxed. That's basically these sjw's last line of attack if all else fails. Don't share, retweet or like shit that could hint your location as well. Besides that, you smack talk them down if they decide you to be in their crosshair.

>> No.3975577
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, Archer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redman is hot. I will draw him to the ends of time even if all the correctionists are on my tail.

>> No.3975589
File: 424 KB, 1280x4000, 1415490271293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redman is tanned white (asian) tho.

>> No.3975592

Red Shirou is not black retard, go suck Alter dick

>> No.3975613


>> No.3975625

Needs a gun and a MAGA hat

>> No.3975640

He said dark-skinned, dumbass.

>> No.3975642
File: 70 KB, 640x480, Ep_14_RE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes "brown" people are just tanned.

Japanese often draw swimmers and osakans as pretty dark skinned from having spent time in the sunlight

>> No.3975645

Snowflakes care only about ~representation~, not reality.

>> No.3975662

That's tan, low iq swine

>> No.3975681
File: 219 KB, 1280x1780, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are both very kawaii

>> No.3975695
File: 98 KB, 1242x711, IMG_20190616_224532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3975703

Be the rule anon. Not the exception

>> No.3975708

Polynesians have a varying degrees of brown skin color and they are on islands surrounded by water.
What exactly did I try to do here?

>> No.3975771

She could just as easily be African. Dark skin, jewelry (especially the earrings and arm bands). Her outfit also resembles a runner's uniform.

>> No.3975772

This just looks like you shined a big, bright light onto her.

>> No.3975773

No, there are naturally blue-eyed black people. With dark skin. It's rare, but not exclusive to caucasians. Asians even have it. Look up Cydee Black.

>> No.3975790
File: 78 KB, 848x1200, cinko_draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now?

>> No.3975803

A shame that Twitter has yet to witness our satire. The ashes of the site would be a worthwhile place.

>> No.3975808

You're a fucking idiot.
If what you said was true, then how the hell has sites like 4chan, and reddit not been sued into oblivion?

>> No.3975920

What I don't understand is that light skinned characters are allowed to be redrawn with dark skin, but dark skinned characters can't be drawn in lighter skin?

Why should artists have to worry about getting attacked just for stylistic choices? These people attacking them say they're racist but aren't they themseleves racist?

>> No.3975927

she doesn't look as good with light skin, tho. The colours of the clothes/accessories don't go well on light skin like they do on dark skin

>> No.3975938

tfw when you are not obese enough

>> No.3975955
File: 146 KB, 660x970, neckbeards19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, look at you poor soiiiiboi.

>> No.3975958
File: 324 KB, 513x699, 64242243_1122419357949856_9154557546852253696_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit.

>> No.3975966

an opinion piece from an incel is your argument

>> No.3975972

using basedboi unironically in 2019...

>> No.3975979

its Bloomberg

>> No.3976024

what did he mean by this?

>> No.3976082


>> No.3976213

We've had multiple instances of blacks being racist against other black people for "not being black enough" and you guys still entertain these shit-for-brains by feeding the fire?

>> No.3976230

How much longer until we get the SJWs to get insulted by those "PSA" drawings that teach you what is and isn't white washing? We've had like hundreds of artists "educating" people about what is and isn't white washing you'd think the SJW people would get insulted for being art-splain'd

>> No.3976231

I've learned more about rendering skin by this shit storm than I have the past couple of years. If triggering SJW was all it took for other artists to teach me I wish I could've done it sooner.

>> No.3976275
File: 131 KB, 1200x1166, 59661411_2217420321856998_1129312387208314880_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only soiiibois and single mothers in their late 30's default to projecting incel image to the other party every time they lack an argument.

>> No.3976788
File: 27 KB, 642x314, jasminjoestar_liking_tweet_about_racist_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should remind her that she liked this tweet about it being a piece of racist art because she is denying it.

>> No.3976824

dilate some more retarded triggered tranny

>> No.3976828
File: 70 KB, 763x730, BBC_Journo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready guys for the BBC article turning this about white washing and not about people being entitled snowflakes!

>> No.3976911

god dammit
Based Japs are the last bastion of creative perverse freedom and these sjws want to change that.

>> No.3976942

>thread about some murican hambeast being fat and retarded on twitter
>172 replies
you should all be drawing, faggots.

>> No.3977007

>Instead of actually and genuinely drawing what he wants and posting in on the net without making excuses
>"Yeah the jyapanis r our lest bestion banzai senpai desu"
It's people like you that made this mess in the first place.

>> No.3977066

literally no reason to say that
what are you even talking about

>> No.3977135
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, 1551146895534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LITCHERALLY all the reason
Stop brownnosing the nips
there is no kawaii japanese gurl for gaijin
So draw the smut yourself and stop allowing the whales to dictate your way of living you stupid fuck

>> No.3977385

Do you enjoy being a retard?

>> No.3977514

>"Hey, Anon, stop being a little titsucking shit and do it yourself"
>hurr durr you must be retarted
You people deserve everything bad that happens to you.

>> No.3977525

>do it yourself
Ok retard, how do you propose I gain creative control of big name Japanese IPs?

>> No.3977530
File: 190 KB, 500x494, 1559318979911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proceeds to me a retard
Just draw it yourself you soulless weeb

>> No.3977535

My original post here >>3976911 is complaining that sjws are trying to force their ideology on the japs and change their work.

I ask again how is me "drawing it myself" helping the japs maintain their creative freedom?

>> No.3977544
File: 38 KB, 363x463, 1549647934369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would fighting the problem at the roots, save my senpais?
Your moeblobs have rotten your brain.

>> No.3977684

do you have to be so spastic? why you have to voice your problems through projections
cant you talk like a normal person and say exactly what is happening?
we are all anons here no need to be embarrassed

>> No.3977755

Please get your Lithium prescription.

>> No.3977876

>being this much of a normieshit
Your kind is not welcome on my congolese oranguntan pinup image sharing forum

>> No.3978647
File: 41 KB, 726x277, black-african-people-with-blue-eyes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3978684

these niggas look like the next stage in human evolution