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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3970829 No.3970829 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think drawing skills and art will become obsolete in the future? A career in art has always been unpredictable and risky, but in the last years I noticed that everyone gives even less fucks about it.

>> No.3970832


>> No.3970833

Nah, it'll probably always be this way, but traditional art may drop in popularity. It'll just transition to an obsession with digital art, as it's already doing.

>> No.3970853

But what about muh automation?

>> No.3970855

It's already obsolete now in many ways. The art industry is a closed network where they cycle between a select few celebrity artists. They rarely hire anyone outside. Everyone else has to rely on freelance work and self-marketing, essentially doing gigs for a pittance. If you have a niche like porn, a popular comic, or a distinct style that goes viral, you can have a steady flow of income, but otherwise, there's no real demand for your artwork. There is also a surplus of free artwork on the internet so there's less need to hire illustrators. Soon enough, computers will take over illustrative jobs, and the pool of employable artists will shrink even further.
This is why we see a surge in youtube art teachers. They can't find work as illustrators so they try to create a business out of teaching others. It's come to the point where the desperation is making their teaching business predatory to customers. Doing referral type pyramid schemes and so on. Refer a friend and get access to these 10 tutorials, etc. Nothing they will teach is particularly new or even useful and there is now an over-saturation in this field too.
It's really not looking good for artists I'm afraid.

>> No.3970865

Everything else will become even more obsolete before it.

>> No.3970866

you literally can get famous and live off your art by posting it on free social media now, you couldn't have done that 20 years ago

>> No.3970881

if it's fun, its not obselete

so no

>> No.3970962
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Pic related: based on my experience working in warehouses like this one, the average human prepares less than 100 packages per hour, so the time is coming where those jobs will simply dissapear. Once automation put us out of those menial jobs, Humanity will have more free time than ever and nothing better to do than art, science and philo, all assisted by AI. Can't complain if the automat inks my drawings and upload them for me.

>> No.3971130

> Humanity will have more free time than ever and nothing better to do than art, science and philo,
no one being put out of their shit job is going to be comfortable enough to do that. they will be robbing/an-heroing

>> No.3971133
File: 56 KB, 286x335, Adachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YouTubers will be replaced before we are.
Doesn't it sound easier to replicate a dude shouting and being as obnoxious as possible with a cone for a mouth compared to stock anime fanart that knows rendering?

>> No.3971200

it's probably will happen in the future with software that can photobash for you but much better then what we currently have
i just do it cause i love it

>> No.3971207

>nothing better to do than art, science and philo, all assisted by AI
I think it will take a while to get to that point. First we have to make adjustments economically. How will people earn a living as robots take their jobs? It's a very optimistic outlook but before that, there's going to be a major economic overhaul. Universal basic income is going to be a band aid on gaping wound. There's going to be very hard times before AI completely gives us a new way of living and working.

>> No.3971265

Art will always be profitable because you can't procedurally generate an organic human expression and experience.

>> No.3971277

You're probably the (insert large number) person to ask this since people exchanged goods for art.

>> No.3971291
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>Once automation put us out of those menial jobs, Humanity will have more free time than ever and nothing better to do than art, science and philo, all assisted by AI.
You are incredibly stupid! If automation takes over menial jobs that means the majority of humanity will have NO JOBS! Therefore NO INCOME! Therefore NO MONEY! Therefore nobody will have the money to commission art or buy pretty much anything that requires all your precious human creativity, science and philo bullshit.

And no, the economy will not just magically adjust to create new jobs for all those useless people. It would take a hug deal of extra education that is already difficult to afford and years of study out of the workforce to get those people up. Economy does not work like that, economy work on efficiency as its name implies and human resources are by far the most expensive resources everywhere. Human resources are always the first to go and will always be the first to go as soon as they are marginally obsolete.

History is the witness that even during the industrial revolution which happened way slower than how today's world is progressing people didn't care even the slightest. That why there were riots, that is why there was poverty and a recession, that is why the communist revolution happened.

And before you say UBI, good fucking luck with that, see what the developing world and the new ago of migration will say about that.

You fucking retard!

>> No.3971294

Yeah, I'm thinking /ic/ should band together and go full Neo-Luddite.

>> No.3971328


gommunism time

>> No.3971333

I never once started drawing with my mind directed at the industry. Money has always been separate. To wrap all the passion i have for art with financials and daily living costs would be like playing a game with extra difficulty, except its those stupid difficulties where enemies just oneshot you and you have to do cheesy range or magic builds to even get to the next chapter.

That said yeah I think it will change vastly, because our atittudes towards creativity r shifting again.

>> No.3971336

>/ic/ still doesnt know about the AI that completes your drawing
Generic art will die since generic art is the what you feed to the AI, Im sure anime will be one of the first one to go since theres a gigantic demand and lots of resources

>> No.3971337

Then why dont people read ai written books

People want to feel closer to the artists. That is the appeal of real art

>> No.3971342

I totally dont feel that way
Im also sure 50% of /ic/ is here because they want to draw cute girls
A higher percent of your normal teenager dude/dudette that likes anime wants to draw too
To write an AI is a complex task specially when it doesnt have a math base, but once a decent tool comes out, it will be replicated to no end like in 3D porn

>> No.3971349

AI generates a lot of stock ticker news, it pushes content to your social media feeds. People are already reading AI

>> No.3971367

I think creative work in general is already obsolete. People have become too stupid and their attention spans are too narrow to appreciate things like nuance or good writing, so writing/drawing by formulas is the only thing that works, you have to impress a person in half a second, you don't have time for something more complex.
Creative industry jobs are so devoid of a human element that they might as well be generated by a computer (soon they will, AI doesn't need to be as good as a person).

t. pornfag fanwhore
you're not an artist

>> No.3971939

It's already obsolete dude. Cameras are a thing. Cgi is a thing. It's just for fun now. And it probably always will be.

>> No.3972131

It'll always be tethered to the humanistic traditions, much like music, etc. However, the likelihood of art et al being a viable monetary source, beyond the top %2 of whatever given field, is really very low.

People and much of society in general (notably in the West) has changed their overall appreciation for most things due to social media conditioning over the past generation and the theft of individual thought that was once in tandem with personal expression. It's still around, but it's marginalized for various reasons (outside scope of post.)

Art for art's sake won't "go away" until humans go away, and it still has great power to influence other people, however it being functionally ethereal in a capitalistic sense keeps it in the wild-card realm, unable to fall in line, like all the other defined mechanisms in play, dictated by the giants of industry. That intangibility is where its beauty lies & one of the reasons I hold hope for the future of art.

>> No.3972152

>Then why dont people read ai written books
AI isn't yet intelligent enough to write decent books, but replicating art, particularly something as formulaic as anime, can be done at some point.
>People want to feel closer to the artists. That is the appeal of real art
Yes but you don't need very many artists to do that. Someone like a Yoh Yoshinari won't go out of a job but the hundreds others studying to be like him one day might.

>> No.3972156

>cope thread

>> No.3972188

Lol dumbest thing I've read all day, "computers taking over illustrative jobs", you have no idea what you're talking about. Do you even consider how many artists working in tandem it takes to make a single new video game or animated movie? Entertainment companies alone are always looking for new artists.

>> No.3972976

Being an engineer or a doctor is a career

Drawing art is just for fun

>> No.3973445

This will happen only in best case scenario.
There are hundreds of dystopian futures waiting for us, though

>> No.3973458
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>AI isn't yet intelligent enough to write decent books
Humans aren't intelligent enough to read decent books

>> No.3973476
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As a matter of fact

>> No.3973489

give it some time

>> No.3973491

That's not real AI, just algorithms.
The media and marketing has really warped people's perceptions of what AI actually is.
true AI is something we probably won't see for a long time, the "AI" everyone is talking about in the news, social media, etc is just an incorrect naming of self-improving algorithms.

>> No.3973496
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Damn, I should just quit now huh. AI is truly the future of moeshit

>> No.3973503

looks like the work of those American "how to draw shoujo manga" book authors

>> No.3973509
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AI has no soul, no imagination. Only the human mind can take emotions and give them form and color.

>> No.3973514

It's honestly hard to see those books in stores. Every fiber of my being pities the child who's parents bought it for them to (((improve))).

>> No.3973520

This, AI strives for perfection.
No AI would ever be able to emulate the chaos of the human heart, just look at /d/.
No AI could ever come close to that.

>> No.3973537

This 100%. Until we can perfectly replicate human consciousness, creative jobs are safe, because AI might be able to mimic, but it is far from being able to be original or innovative on its own. There's also always going to be an appeal to nature, because even if a machine can produce a blockbuster movie from scratch someday, people are still going to be bias towards the works created by humans, just like how "handcrafted" is a selling point when it's competing against an automated product. But I think it will be out of our lifetime before artists have to seriously worry about competing against algorithms. Fusion has to happen first before the singularity can happen, and fusion is always 30 years away.

>> No.3973569

Art in what sense?

Art in the sense of art culture? Probably. Art in the sense of having a creative craft? Nah. The world is more entertainment rich than it's ever been. A lot of that art is lowest common denominator shit, but it's not going away.

Art as a career choice is a wildly bad idea tho. Lots of talented people who want it as much or more than you do. I would never say don't do it, but you should pursue it with the mentality that even if it doesn't work, it's still worth it, because you love doing it that much. If you don't which is totally reasonable you should just have this be a cool hobby and find a career that doesn't get in the way of your passions which is still a pretty hard thing to do.

>> No.3973823

I used to ask myself that but then I realized that even though software and hardware got more powerful and more accessible, allowing anyone to edit media like music, video and images on mobile devices, it still depends on skill and knowledge. Machines can't do some things by themselves and even though people got a lot of power inside their pockets, you don't see any more quality material showing up. It may look polished, but the fundamentals of these arts are something that not everyone can understand and dominate.

>> No.3973829


>> No.3975735



>> No.3975748
