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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.52 MB, 1315x1877, 1560213825038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3967964 No.3967964 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>3962187

What is /ALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title. However, by community demand and long history, this is favorably an Anime general.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly I encourage you to keep discussion at a civil level, but you're more than welcome to share your opinions.
>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?
To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.
>Community Resources
Hitokaku Index
List of active livestreams
>Use twitch #art
>yoshikadu2011 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUx5dpO6d5gQ4KWNPc24CKw
FellowBro's Book Collection
Tutorial & Reference Collection
Japanese Tutorials & Documentary
>http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=59317 (0033)

>> No.3967966


>> No.3967969


>> No.3967981

Pick a better op pic next time. Christ that looks awful

>> No.3967983

>My piece of shit wasn't featured
Are you autists seriously going to make a fucking big deal about what's on the OP? Either fuck off or post your work cunts.

>> No.3967988


>> No.3967992

I haven't even posted once in the last thread or the thread before.

>> No.3968026
File: 364 KB, 560x315, Little Mac.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming along.

Let me guess, yours get trashed in the previous thread.

>> No.3968030
File: 113 KB, 560x315, Sonia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a couple of keyframes for a Sonia animation in the works.

>> No.3968042

Have not posted my pieces in these threads for at least a couple of years now. Also please post in the appropriate containment thread thank you. >>3916858

>> No.3968043

lol imagine getting this triggered over why your shitty work didn't get promoted on obscure 4chan board

>> No.3968086

>Alternative Art/Stylization Thread
As opposed to...?

Well, I'm glad you're keeping porn in the Porn Threads. Thank you for exercising that discipline so far.

>> No.3968090
File: 261 KB, 1011x1399, イラスト83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dood, appreciate it. Spent probably 60 hours noodling it, most frustrating work yet by far. I'm mad at how I made the drawing/composition so simple and undynamic but couldn't really compensate with bg/value/color. Might make a new version later

>> No.3968105
File: 196 KB, 848x1200, doodle2019FEB01_kavishna_sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3968111

Animations belong in animation threads

>> No.3968118

Look, it's the retard again with his muslim rules.

>> No.3968122
File: 392 KB, 1048x1572, 1463092016288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the JUST

>> No.3968216
File: 570 KB, 1253x2726, sang_comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I can also call her "the righteous ", just to say that she is a character with austere reputation.

>> No.3968251
File: 194 KB, 1020x868, ness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really liked the new pokemon girl

>> No.3968279

her left eye is too small

>> No.3968288

I haven't even posted in the previous threads but there's a few that are way better than this garbage

Post in the animation thread tranny.

>> No.3968301
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, [Furenzu] Kemono Friends 07 - Japari Library (BD 720p FLAC) [0D7ED97A].mkv_snapshot_16.31_[2019.06.12_02.58.34].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I thought that was some new animu preview by the kemono friends guy

>> No.3968475
File: 247 KB, 1336x2048, D8z3MJMVsAAv4E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3968505

Can we just call these anime and manga threads again? There's almost no difference between most of what's posted here and the draw threads

>> No.3968507

Fuck no, we already have anime thread as a containment thread for crabs, we don't want them to invade here

>> No.3968553

I like your middle-right design anon, not a big fan of your lower leg proportions but that's just me.

>> No.3968558

You do realize they're not restricted to post in this thread too right

>> No.3968567
File: 111 KB, 962x1138, ssadfsadf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3968629
File: 606 KB, 1842x1797, OC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very cool anon, nice work !

>> No.3968649


>> No.3968654
File: 320 KB, 364x784, img265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Supreme Patriarch of the Ordos assembly

>> No.3968670
File: 334 KB, 2048x1152, 7C3F8246-D7D0-49A7-829E-1B3664CA3BAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3968678

Is it finished?

>> No.3968691

The background looks unfinished doesn’t it...haha

It is meant to be finished but on a second look the background looks pretty splodgy

>> No.3968789

Feet could use a bit more

>> No.3968791

Just the front foot actually

>> No.3968797

I’m still practicing feet, so this is the best of my skill unfortunately. Hopefully I’ll improve more with practice :)

>> No.3968800

I didn't realize /beg/s were being welcomed into this thread

>> No.3968884


>> No.3968891

How do you promote self?
Where can I find contests (not gonna win anyway everything is rigged) to join?
how do I get my name out there?

I notice the number 1 thing that seperates good from bad artists is the amount of followers they have, and you get followers by either having some famous artist artist shill you or spamming everywhere to get your name known

how do you go about this?

>> No.3968898 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 609x1502, D0EF1977-0AAE-4744-8010-0DEA7BC1E14A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3968903

abuse hashtags
interact with your followers
keep a steady stream of work flowing
don't fill your feed with reaction pictures

most importantly, learn and speak in moonrunes because jap artists creates waves better than the western twitter community and will give you a shitload of new followers if you manage to make them retweet your work.

>> No.3968906

The way I go about networking is to become friends with artists but try and be genuine along the way. People can always tell if you’re being contrived, if they feel like you’re only sucking up to them for their following then they’ll keep away. To become mutuals with a bigger artist I try to support their work, but in a way that sets me apart from their other followers (giving detail when commenting on their art instead of just saying “I like the hair.”) Occasionally start conversation with something that relates to them personally, like a meme about something they brought up before, and become friends with them. Eventually, they might share your art to their followers when you post it. Try to comment something ‘ecks dee relatable’ on big pages so that people become interested in seeing your page. Do this enough and you’ve got yourself a following

>> No.3968907

yeah i noticed some random dude went from a couple of 100 followers to thousands overnight as a doujin artist retweeted his work

Cant twitter just die already so we can get a decent platform
thanks for the advice famalam

>> No.3968910

>The way I go about networking is to become friends with artists but try and be genuine along the way. People can always tell if you’re being contrived,
I kinda feared this
to be completely honest I dont care at all about making friends and the related drama that comes with friendships
I get what youre saying though and Ill do that

>> No.3969063

>I notice the number 1 thing that seperates good from bad artists is the amount of followers they have
This is an objectively idiotic point of view. Plenty of fine artists die in obscurity and been discovered after death. Does that mean their work was bad and then, magically, their work became good post-mortem?

>> No.3969111
File: 505 KB, 690x640, 1542724541567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was being sarcastic, theres plenty of artists who are below /beg/ tier but theyre popular so you cant call them out, and great artists that struggle to get noticed
Shad is a good example, although I admit hes at least above /beg/tier

>> No.3969129

These OP pics have been trash recently.

>> No.3969132

How about you post your work and maybe it would be featured next time

>> No.3969306
File: 409 KB, 866x2039, nessa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to do a style thing. Lucky for me E3 gas given some inspiration.

>> No.3969309 [DELETED] 
File: 801 KB, 1447x2039, NewCanvas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a sketch of someones OC

>> No.3969336 [DELETED] 

Delete this degeneracy from the thread, Lolicon is banned from all boards but /b.

>> No.3969342 [DELETED] 

Lol who the fuck is this retard? Welcome to /ic/ lurk before you start telling people off

>> No.3969348

It's stylised. Just because Nessa doesnt have a huge rack doesn't make her a kid. The OC is questionable though so I'll delete that.

>> No.3969352

>The OC is questionable though so I'll delete that.
Grow a fucking pair.

>> No.3969353
File: 801 KB, 1447x2039, 1560376321476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just let the cancer redditor silence you. How does it feel?

>> No.3969360

Not good. You're right.

>> No.3969368

this isnt even lolicon
her boobs are huge

>> No.3969371

>draws porn
>bends over at the sight of a SJW trying to win brownie points
Why do people do this? Never fucking apologize or retract yourself it just gives incentive for more of the snowflakes to hound you so they can step all over you and virtue signal even more. This is why we end up with mundane content from fear of offending someone.

>> No.3969374 [DELETED] 

She is the exact same underaged character. Delete both images immediately.

Several posters have been sending underage pornography where it is explicitly banned. Lolicon images are banned outside /b.

This, to you as well - as the degenerates who keep violating the rules - is your last warning.

>> No.3969379

Didnt you get a ban like 2 days ago?
Or did the mod just delete all of your posts and let you off with a warning? Either way doesnt it kind of give you the hint that pushing your agenda isnt really welcome here? Why do you have to shit up another thread, just let people draw.

>> No.3969381

Jesus christ I just wanted people to tell me my art was neat. I was being cautious before because a friend got banned for a similar thing but fuck you. These characters are clearly above board

>> No.3969387

Banned under global rule 3, which is precisely what these posts featuring under-aged characters flal under.

We have had similar incidents where an under-aged charatcer of the Pokemon franchise was depicted engaging in bestiality, not in the Porn Thread but in this general, just days ago. I brought up the issue, yet the moderators never acted upon it, despite it being a violation of global rule 3 regardless.

We had another incident where several pages, as well as a link, to a shotacon comic featuring Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh. The moderators did nothing, despite it violating 4chan's rules.

And now this poster is posting lolicon on this general.

I repeat, delete the posts and do not post this content anywhere but /b. These are not ft for even the Porn Threads.

>> No.3969390

What the fuck is with the moralism. I get tired of people getting mad and being Puritans about lollicon shit. I can understand being against Guro and beastiality but lollicon. Come on now.
>We had another incident where several pages, as well as a link, to a shotacon comic featuring Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh.
Lol that sounds more funny and a great trolling tactic that worked if anything. If you learned to ignore it than engage the trolls you would find out that they have no power on the board.

>> No.3969391

If i remember correctly, the actual sex pictures were just linked to, not posted.
And whats in the thread now doesnt look like loli to me.

>> No.3969396

“This is your last warning”

Does this not fall under “impersonating a mod”?

>> No.3969398 [DELETED] 

Thats not even lolicon moron also stop whiteknighting the rules for attention. The rules are old and busted and nobody pays attention except for autists like you trying to forge an identity by being a beacon of purity. Youre the kid who tattles to teacher, fuck off fedora

>> No.3969400

woof woof :)

>> No.3969403

By the drawfags own words, the character is underaged.

>> No.3969405 [DELETED] 

Yeah and i can draw some little anime twink and say hes 900 years old so just shut up you crusading homo, as long as nobody is drawing toddlers getting fucked its all good

>> No.3969406

>some lolifag posts drawing on a taiwanese knitting forum
>not a single thing changes and no one is worse off for it
>some autist spergs about loli on 4chins
>thread derailed

>> No.3969409

>not even lolicon
>drawfag admits to it
>rules are old and busted

Great job giving yourself away, degenerate.

>> No.3969414
File: 128 KB, 521x514, nessa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pokemon gym leader? or the girl with the huge tits?

>> No.3969415
File: 182 KB, 753x826, fdIopT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to your hugbox, snowflake. We'll draw whatever the fuck we want.
This is what happens when you bend the knee for these moral fags/Social Justice Warriors. Don't call it a grave, this is the future you chose.

>> No.3969419

was meant for

>> No.3969420

>tfw hate the woof woof complainer but hate the toddlerfag just as much

>> No.3969422
File: 37 KB, 261x375, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't even qualify as oppai loli. If you post something (remotely) borderline and get banned for it, who gives a shit. Acknowledging some random cocksucker who orders you to take your "degeneracy" down is a complete failure and it has a chilling effect on the entire community. The only ones in charge are janitors and mods, nobody else can say shit, never forget that. You're better off not even posting in this place if you're gonna let people step on you and give them influence by being obedient. Don't worry, I'll take the ban for you if it happens. Wew dude.

On your art: it's neat but one easy area of improvement would be to not lose line weight in places where lines approach each other, like in this spot. The line also disappears for no good reason sometimes, like on her right leg's heel in the same upper shot.

Probably does

>> No.3969423

You're more than welcome to leave with the complainer fagtron.

>> No.3969426
File: 38 KB, 680x383, 1112223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I brought up the issue, yet the moderators never acted upon it, despite it being a violation of global rule 3 regardless.

Because it's a pink/peach (nsfw) board and the mods probably don't care as long as anons aren't spamming stupid bullshit and staying on topic?

>> No.3969427


>> No.3969434

Well hey the actual criticism is appreciated. I'll probably still post here though. Didn't think this would blow up like it did but I feel like if I let this affect me I wouldn't have learned anything today. So thanks?

>> No.3969444 [DELETED] 

Talk talk talk cry cry cry but STILL hasnt posted work, imagine my shock!

I hate lolicon but i hate loudmouth pussies like you as well

>> No.3969446

Looks borderline. Wouldn't post porn of her here just a precaution.

>> No.3969449
File: 206 KB, 560x315, Little Mac.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3969458

I’m so confused. Ok so I can’t draw older versions of younger characters now? If I draw a Pokémon trainer with wide hips, add boobs and a foot in height, it’s still bad? So basically you’ll still get shit on if you draw older versions of younger characters?

>> No.3969459

I love the gesture and line quality, my guy. Keep working

>> No.3969462

Nobody but that sperg is making a big deal about it, what's so upsetting is how you faggots bend the knee at the sound of an offended cunt with sand in her Bagina. Grow a fucking pair or don't bother posting at all if you're so afraid of offending others.

>> No.3969466

its bad because turning lolis into adults is a bad idea in general

>> No.3969469

As long as you're not drawing actual children having sex i doubt you'll have any problems. That guy talks a big game but he got banned the other day for being annoying so I wouldnt worry too much about him.

>> No.3969470
File: 169 KB, 879x825, KuvBNi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post while we still have our freedoms before the Internet gestapo arrives, was having trouble with this one any feedback would be appreciated.

>> No.3969471

She does not look like an older version of the character. Not even close.

Thank you for admitting both images featured underage characters.

>> No.3969476

It's lolicon, which falls under global rule 3 (not allowed on any board but /b).

Not even the Porn Thread

>> No.3969485 [DELETED] 

I dont like it either but the way youre handling this is by sperging out and throwing a hissy fit. Deal with it or go to reddit you little bitch baby

>> No.3969488

Do what you want. Why do you care about what an annoying piece of shit thinks?

>> No.3969504


Shush it retard

>> No.3969508

You can. It's just one retard sperging

>> No.3969515

both are not bad it is just a fucking drawing ffs

>> No.3969516 [DELETED] 


Keep the porn on the porn threads; report underaged content outside of /b. In the meantime, others will take up the task. Delete the bestiality and pedoshit out and bury it where it belongs.

>> No.3969524
File: 2.21 MB, 255x186, 1496095716332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3969529

>keEp THe p0Rn on tHe poRn tHReaDs waAAa
>RePort UnDerAged cOntent oUtSide Of /b uGUuuU
Yeah no. We like it here as long as it bothers you so much

>> No.3969530

I had no stake in this until bestiality was thrown in
Gimme as much as feral on womans you can put out my dudes

>> No.3969533

Go crazy, anon

>> No.3969534

anon can draw whatever he likes, i agree with you. but posting a drawing of an actual child would probably get him a ban. whats in the thread now doesnt look like children though

>> No.3969536 [DELETED] 

>others will take up the task
Actually whiteknighting lmao youre such a noble hero truly doing the lords work and not being an autistic sperg truly the savior of this board! God i wish i could fuck you! Three cheers for the hero! We all love you!

>> No.3969544

true that

>> No.3969547

Mods please do something about this moralizing redditor!

>> No.3969549

I'll give you an upvote!

>> No.3969552

>Global rule 3
>Lollicon is porn because my headcanon says so
Fuck off faggot. Lollicon is love and lollicon is life. Only a sperg like yourself can never see artistic value in anything.

>> No.3969571

based lolichad

>> No.3969585

This thread was shit from the start. Go here for actual art talk >>3969583

>> No.3969590


fuck off and use up this thread first

>> No.3969599
File: 91 KB, 1074x1517, IMG_20190612_092801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just of legal age. Dilate harder faggot.

>> No.3969603

Suck my cock

>> No.3969610

Just draw it normally, if roasties getting mad then you're doing it right and gonna make it.

>> No.3969612

Wax my asshole

>> No.3969616

This guy has managed to turn to shit every thread he has ever posted in. Like a Midas' touch of shit. Hope you die of AIDS soon buddy

>> No.3969621


>> No.3969622

>check thread
>60+ new posts
>It's all just shitposting instead of artposting

>> No.3969623
File: 25 KB, 739x415, 754976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who draws mainly SFW and don't even like loli, this redditor is a gigantic faggot for shitting up the thread because MUh GaTeKEEpINg. I bet you're an actual pedo trying to cope and project his frustrations in this thread

>> No.3969625

I fucking hate each and every one of you.

>> No.3969626

Fanart isn't proof. The lolicon artist style does not help you, either.


>> No.3969627


>> No.3969629 [DELETED] 

Less words, more art, if you’re even capable.

>> No.3969632

Aw love you too

>> No.3969637

>lolicon because I said so
Probably because not only you're an actual pedo like the other anon stated, but you're also racist for infantilizing us asians with petite build. You're worse and nastier than I thought.

>> No.3969638

Assuming this is still Hardstones bitching, you need to grow up and accept that your work is unappealing, stagnant shit and fuck off.

>> No.3969640

actual pedo huh..

>> No.3969642

he was the fucking sperg all along?

>> No.3969643


>> No.3969644

Well, that's adorable.


>> No.3969646

It's not him, that anon is an idiot. They just have a similar generic looking artstyle.

>> No.3969648

Does mr redditor feels his pp hard on """lolicon""" works? Is he projecting his lust on little girls?

>> No.3969649

Cry more roastie

>> No.3969650

A few threads ago, in the middle of his outrage high and policing what people can and can't post, the guy mentioned he's an ''animator and draftsman'' and posted WIP animations

>> No.3969651
File: 29 KB, 606x503, 1517563787790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags still shitflinging? May we please receive critiques before some of us get our posts deleted and banned again?

>> No.3969654


>> No.3969656

Step on me NGMI-chan!

>> No.3969657

Footfags get the day of the rope.

>> No.3969658

God I want to have sex with Nico. I want to put my nii in her nii and make her happy. I'll be happy, too! NICO NICO KNEEEEEEEEEE!

>> No.3969659

this thread is 90 percent anime anyways

>> No.3969661


>> No.3969662

Based mods moving the other thread to >>>/qa/

>> No.3969663

That's the point newfags, /asg/ attract begs as much as possible and leave some good shit to us.
Battle tactic 101

>> No.3969666


>> No.3969667

Correction it was one thread ago but the guy (shit)posted before. It's not Hardstones but some autistic animationfag that's working on animations of Little Mac, Sonia and one for the new Pokemon.

>> No.3969670

What's the point when none of you apes are talking about art?

>> No.3969673

I just want to see more cute Nessa fanart :c

>> No.3969676

Draw it with what we've been teaching you faggot you literally have no excuse to not be able to draw at this point.

>> No.3969680

I will im just lurking right now and im at work aaaaaggghhh
I won't let you down anon kun

>> No.3969681

Guy is LARPing a moderator with no power

>> No.3969683

So how good do i have to be able to post here

>> No.3969684

Just post anon and we'll probably give you a crit or redline

>> No.3969686

Just post your goddamn work that's the whole point we've been trying to get across. Stop letting the thought police tell you what to fucking do that /beg/ thread shouldn't even exist just post your work and stop being a beta male about it, if you have mistakes we will tell you and own up to them.

>> No.3969688

We're the most elite artist of /ic/
Anything below that and we will laugh at you

>> No.3969693

They are going to destroy whatever you post. Bloods in the water now more then usual

>> No.3969696

preferably better than the op but its not like anyone is going to stop you from posting if your art is bad. just post, if someone can help they will

>> No.3969698

Man I'd pick Jimmy over this sperglord

>> No.3969701

Now that you've mentioned it, this sperg is making me miss Jimmy. He's the one that used to avatarfag with paintings of meme reaction pics right?

>> No.3969702

can't believe we live in a time where /asg/ is now more productive than /alt/
was that the guy with the acrylic paintings

>> No.3969705 [DELETED] 

>miss jimmy

You say that but you dont mean it. That guys is a seriously annoying little smarmy shit who thinks that being a piece of human garbage is acool edgy identity

>> No.3969708

If only chico was here

>> No.3969710

If only illustrat was here

>> No.3969711
File: 34 KB, 526x526, 1557372811572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Chico so much bros....

>> No.3969713

I actually miss yev tho

>> No.3969714

What are you, a faggot?

>> No.3969715

Umm back off??? 》:(

>> No.3969716

Quite frankly I don't blame them for leaving. You fags manage to spoil, and chase everyone out who contributed to these threads and the board in general. This is why we can't have nice things.

Who you should really be missing is Teal.

>> No.3969717

you fags didn't know how good you had it until it's all gone.

>> No.3969719

Didn't Teal leave because some puritanical faggots like the loser that ruined this thread were shitting on him incessantly?

>> No.3969720

It wasn't about the grind, it was the friends we shit talk the whole time...

>> No.3969722

I wasn't here a few years ago but I do remember/co/ trying to get rid of him too

>> No.3969723

yev was fucking awful and almost worse than malaysia

>> No.3969724
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x1718, 1366419048946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had it real good with Teal, you can't reiterate this enough he was a treasure trove of redlines and personalized critiques. But then just like right now some buttmonkey who sperged out each and everytime Teal posted we would have a shitstorm very much like this one.

Yes exactly.

>> No.3969726

So it's business as usual, always these kinds of people destroying everything. It's always the people that get the most morally indignant, outraged and controlling, that turn out to be the worst rotten apples

>> No.3969728

They have no actual control in real life, so they want a taste of power even if it's in the most pathetic ways possible.

>> No.3969741

So this thread has gone to trash basically?

>> No.3969742
File: 384 KB, 1300x1497, fTBp0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you fags are not going to post anything might as well post more >>3969656

>> No.3969743
File: 278 KB, 800x1028, 1555558914349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ref used

>> No.3969745

Yes, and the culprit is smugly gloating over it in the other one.

>> No.3969754

Eh Let him post there. Just resume posting here and ignore everything from the retard

>> No.3969756

Meant for >>3969745

>> No.3969761
File: 303 KB, 1538x2042, CC5F2146-D67B-42E8-B695-FE6B4C417D01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it someone need to combobreak this craziness

Trying to put this together so I can work on rendering shiny curved materials. I want to put something on her head right of the eye, like a model number or something but anything I put there takes away from the whole head.

Any thoughts on if I should add more complexity and details with her parts or keep her as is with the more “smoothish” style? The whole point, as I have not added text yet, is for her to say “you brought me more parts master?” To show she’s not a complete set yet, hence some of her looking like she was built from older parts (the arms and face)

>> No.3969783

I like the parts a lot, good work. The eye is a little jarring, it reads flat. Might be a good idea to experiment with changing up the head on different layers. You can make a few copies and try adjusting the shape, mouth, eyes, maybe a vague model number that won't stand out too much after coloring.

>> No.3969806

Wowzers the eye does look flat as hell now that you mention it. I’ll for sure try out some different eyes. They do look unnatural for a robot. Trying to figure out how to get expression but I can only do that with “realish” eyes. No idea how to translate that into a more robotic look other then flatlining the lines in the eye. I’ll I need to get more creative on that part for sure.

Thank you kindly for the feedback.

>> No.3969835
File: 3.11 MB, 2473x3496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3969836
File: 934 KB, 2000x2500, roll 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a roll from some days ago.

>> No.3969883

I like it. Got a blog?

>> No.3969887


>> No.3969913
File: 233 KB, 536x901, goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet. But thanks for the interest. Just developing my style a little bit before I do.

>> No.3969925
File: 373 KB, 971x1000, doodls of rudy and goodlove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some sketches to try and revise and oc's design

Cute Roll, anon. I think it would help a lot if you cleaned up your lines, instead of going over your lines several times with a small brush, you could try using a larger brush to make more confident strokes. I think that might look well with the style you seem to be going for

>> No.3969939

Thank you!!, I set for these months the goal of making good gestures, but I will set line on it asap, also, are there examples in how some art can have confident strokes while having this "messy" feel on it? (like the art of Dorohedoro) I have been in this question for a while, if my work would benefit from being messy but with confident lines, or purely confident lines and clean look to it?

>> No.3969960

Aw that's alright. This looks pretty nice as well.

Nice expressions!

>> No.3969978

>mikufag in the OP
nope. see you next thread.

>> No.3969982 [DELETED] 

Mikufag isnt that good

>> No.3969991
File: 511 KB, 1830x1866, C4533128-9379-456C-9C30-76927E883567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalker (1979)-Tarkovsky

>> No.3969995

Needs more polishing senpai

>> No.3970005

this was more meant to be a joke so as long as its readable im content

>> No.3970009

*curbstomps you*

>> No.3970015

*kisses you on the cheek*

>> No.3970112


>> No.3970116


>> No.3970150

wtf hold still i'm trying to curbstomp you

>> No.3970165

very nice,
i was worried before that the kemono friends stuff you did would just be one off

>> No.3970174
File: 26 KB, 423x234, mylov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3970178

That's pretty fucking good, long lab coat, glasses and short skirts are a godly combination

>> No.3970281
File: 445 KB, 1668x2388, 7AFC9DF7-8A6F-4009-8C20-F73E5E3A7F73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3970282

*grabs your dick*

>> No.3970296

would retweet and save/10

it would be easier to get the joke if you polish the bolt on a cloth.

>> No.3970313

>I’m still practicing feet, so this is the best of my skill unfortunately. Hopefully I’ll improve more with practice :)

That foot was literally painted for you from scratch by another Anon >>3967532

This was yours >>3967318 you lousy little cheat.

>> No.3970320

Phrased myself badly, that’s my bad. I tried to study what the other anon improved about the foot and applied it, I didn’t just crop his exactly over my own.

Ngl you have a right to call me out for the way I phrased it

>> No.3970352


>> No.3970422
File: 407 KB, 767x960, Lolipop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me critique this drawing? I feel like it's bad but I don't know why. Bad colors choices? Composition? I'll be able to rest in peace once someone tells me

>> No.3970435
File: 1.14 MB, 1452x1989, itsutan mono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3970438

I think it’s partly bad colour choices bro, the objects don’t look like they’re in the same environment

>> No.3970455

*its a hologram*

>> No.3970519

The woof poster is quickly starting to become a favorite

>> No.3970523

Thanks anons
I have a twit here: https://twitter.com/NessieFynn

>examples in how some art can have confident strokes while having this "messy" feel on it
Just going off the top of my head, Demizu Posuka has very rough and messy lineart but it displays a lot of confidence and skill, it's a bit different from your style but perhaps you could check her out?

>> No.3970532

i had a feeling you were that guy.
Glad to see your faces are getting better!Before they were a bit off and lopsided

>> No.3970538
File: 518 KB, 1226x1042, gargo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm getting closer (to being good, not suicide)

>> No.3970539

Your lighting is so good. Fuck

>> No.3970541

whoa nice
I suggest using a different bg color other than light green since that's already your character's main color

>> No.3970545

This is a really cute Gargoman, I love the coloring and pose. Blog?

Thanks, man, I'm glad to hear that. I've been practicing but I still have a long way to go.

>> No.3970549

>to being good, not suicide
Should be the opposite for degenerates that lewd digimon

>> No.3970551

Le degeneracy

>> No.3970553


>> No.3970555

dog fuck young girls > digimom pedo

>> No.3970557

wow anon, you're on a roll!

>> No.3970648 [DELETED] 



>> No.3970650

Not this again

>> No.3970654
File: 566 KB, 818x1066, Image5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3970662 [DELETED] 


>> No.3970664

Composition is good

>> No.3970678



>> No.3970689


>> No.3970698
File: 389 KB, 773x1033, 1498057522867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss ChumBum. Not really though.

>> No.3970707 [DELETED] 
File: 404 KB, 576x720, meah its me 8x10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That guys is a seriously annoying little smarmy shit who thinks that being a piece of human garbage is acool edgy identity
pretty rude my dude. What'd I do to you? Are you the baltimore bozo that wants to do battle?

>> No.3970721

that's right anon! that's definetly an art style to look up for, thank you, forgot to say that your poses are always so natural and have really good flow!

>> No.3970727 [DELETED] 

You still havent set a location you burned out druggie loser BITCH. Im gonna fuck you up hahaha

>> No.3970802

Nice, blog?

>> No.3970826

based jimmy btfoing anon talking shit

>> No.3970852 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna btfo his crackhead teeth

>> No.3970908
File: 1.42 MB, 943x1386, img266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must prepare ourselves for even crueler warfare

>> No.3970913

what program do you use? or is that not digital?

>> No.3970916
File: 2.75 MB, 1941x1815, img187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all naturale'

>> No.3970922

I'm guessing it's marker, no? and how do you get such clean pictures to post online?
Newfag to these threads asking

>> No.3970933

How big are these drawings? They look potentially tiny

>> No.3970954 [DELETED] 
File: 329 KB, 720x576, is he tho 8x8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You still havent set a location
yeah huh we agreed on your house I thought.
>you burned out druggie loser BITCH.
s e e t h i n g
>Im gonna fuck you up
I'm mostly fascinated in what exactly I did to you lol. Was there a specific incident that got you in a froth or what? I mostly remember goofing with some European dudes last year. I literally have zero idea why you're so upset. Seems weird to do battle when I have absolutely zero cause or motivation to.
idk if I buy that you were actually laughing as you typed that.
lol why do you think I'm a crackhead? Projecting? I've done cocaine like 4 times at parties. Never goofed with crack. Having watched the Wire, I'm aware that this is a big problem for your region. Is this why you're so upset?

>> No.3970957

I used a marker and I scan it to my computer and touch it slightly

very very tiny hah

>> No.3970998
File: 1.36 MB, 1191x963, squid comms KURO2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im free im free
never taking commissions ever again. im so shit at estimating how long it'll take

shapes on this are pretty nice anon

>> No.3971018
File: 707 KB, 672x917, masterbation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3971027


>> No.3971069
File: 625 KB, 1788x1756, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doodle from today

>> No.3971072
File: 662 KB, 1788x1756, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another

>> No.3971096
File: 174 KB, 750x914, ness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done with the lineart i think, does anything need fixing?
really like this! got a blog?

>> No.3971104

Shift that left eye clockwise a bit

>> No.3971108
File: 252 KB, 862x862, ness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.3971109

My nig nog.


>> No.3971118

This might sound dumb but I really like the shadow on the straight leg, the dark brown and black look very good in contrast to the bright skirt and skin.

>> No.3971139 [DELETED] 


im currently in twitter jail for calling a pajeet worthless though

>> No.3971140


currently in twitter jail for calling a pajeet worthless though

>> No.3971142

rush, you need to be posting in /las/ not this shithole

>> No.3971153
File: 889 KB, 707x963, neverland wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like i need something in the center in front of their bodies, like a focal point. maybe another flower idk. Also cant for the life of me get ray's shirt to look right. (kid on the left)

>> No.3971214

its okay man, you tried but ya gotta just shrug em off. draw whatcha wanna draw cause you do a good job. dont let em take it from you.

>> No.3971216
File: 291 KB, 1200x1729, prueba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did something for ya

>> No.3971223

give emma a giant glowing futa cock

>> No.3971226
File: 235 KB, 826x1169, fdgdgretge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3971227

your pieces are fun to look at

>> No.3971230

i dont like your work. it always looks so awkward. however, i like how you use colors, tgis one not so much, but i normally really like the colors you use. keep practicing and doing your best!

>> No.3971231

her genitals are too high up. i know youre doing an anime style, but looking at photo references would do you a great service! keep practicing!

>> No.3971232

id love to see how it looks colored!

>> No.3971237

based gentle and kind anon(s?)

>> No.3971241

Lurk more.

>> No.3971244

i drop by /ic/ once and a while to give a bit of a push i would want for me. cause i love you guys and i want us all to make it, even if we cant.

>> No.3971288
File: 26 KB, 422x612, s25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you doodle something you are pretty happy with but its to lewd for your humble PG13 blog

>> No.3971301

been here for four years king

>> No.3971303

good to see everything is peaceful again woof woof :)

>> No.3971309

thanks bby. I wanna draw the best porn

>> No.3971319

make an nsfw blog you moron

>> No.3971322

bUt I dOnT wAnT tO kiLL tHe DeMonZ :,((((

>> No.3971323

post it on your sfw blog pussy

>> No.3971332

thats too damn bad

>> No.3971339 [DELETED] 

haha everyone is making fun of your drawing and one upping you
should've went to /beg/ when you had the chance

>> No.3971359
File: 461 KB, 1764x992, Albacore_Independence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need guidance please.

>> No.3971369
File: 175 KB, 1302x868, I think it's a crab..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3971400

Don't crab too much anon, i'm sure you can get into the OP if you try!

>> No.3971442

I don't like the shadows, it almost feel like it's floating, like when retards put drop shadow on Photoshop

>> No.3971447

Something feels off with the contrast, too much mid tones, idk, have you tried seeing it on B&W?

>> No.3971524

She fucked up the lighting hard. She knows she messed up the composition, but to change it she has to redo the coloring.

Honestly, just redo it or move on to the next piece.

>> No.3971543 [DELETED] 
File: 2.66 MB, 850x480, how to win.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey where we fighting brah?

And fair warning I fight with pistols. But boy would I love to shoot you in the brainstem and watch the lights go out. If you want to get killed by someone standing their ground in self defense let's make that happen. Post your address :)

>> No.3971652

Well most everything, including the lighting, is on separate layers so changes aren't that difficult. If you have suggestions beyond 'everything is fucked' , I can probably use them

>> No.3971681

I really love this

>> No.3971695

I don't draw enough nsfw for that not to be a big waste of time.

>> No.3971728

Interesting use of color, nice composition, looks gorgeous babe

>> No.3971752 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 1672x1264, cuck incel sjw .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that "sjw" is messaging strategy that came from Russian shills in 2014. When you unironically talk about the spectre of the sjw, you're telling everyone that you're easily manipulated, you're in a cult, and you're lonely. Your need for a boogieman to blame for your problems and your need for a sense of belonging is being used to exploit and abuse you and control how your mind reflexively works.

Your life will never get better because the people you trust are training you to kill yourself. And you should. Just get it over with nigger.

>> No.3971761

It feels as if there are five different light sources on the trio. One is above and pointed towards Emma, two are coming from opposite sides, and two are casting light from behind them onto their shoulders. It looks very inconsistent

Assuming the light source is above pointed towards Emma, redo the light to point towards the center of the trio. For help, rough in a couple of lines showing the direction where the light will hit the forms.

For example, the light would bounce off Emma's skirt and the front of the boys' shirts at this angle.

You can solve the triangle/pyramid composition easily this way, and if you add a larger flower in the center of them,

>> No.3971774
File: 263 KB, 395x370, 12311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a fucking vector tool

>> No.3971788

what? that says sfw not sjw doofus

>> No.3971818

Yup, I want to replicate the style of anime on screen.

>> No.3971824


>> No.3971831

Oh damn ok, thank you anon. Yeah im definitely going to do the flower in the center then. I'll take a stab at all this and post back later.

>> No.3971834
File: 384 KB, 1300x2158, t02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3971846
File: 1.54 MB, 1396x2027, 058E70DE-0729-4C41-9D4E-638462C230FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the OG artist but at least make it look like they are under the trees you have them in.

>> No.3971864

just put the title of whatever these characters are from right below them

>> No.3971869

no can do
its going to be a print i'm selling in artist alley at anime expo, adding logos and official anime names is just asking to get a c&d because it infringes on the trademark

>> No.3971874

left eye and left hand look weird to me

>> No.3971881

Dude you just made them look muddy, not the artist you’re responding to

>> No.3971883

muddy is a meme for retards

>> No.3971897

Just to follow my critique up here >>3971831
, focus on the lighting first, then worry about the flower. It will do wonders for this piece.

- Animator-kun, or whatever I decide on

>> No.3971982

cute. what's this character's name?

>> No.3971991

oh no

>> No.3972025

damn angel u just brought dishonor to your trip by responding to him seriously i guess you have to seppuku now :/

>> No.3972046

this needs to be the next OP

>> No.3972069

Your fucking stupid if you think animators use a fucking vector tool too draw. Don't you have a containment thread and board that you should be posting in?

>> No.3972072

You all seem pretty good in here so I have a question. What did each of you start learning first when drawing?

>> No.3972075

Unironically Loomis.

>> No.3972078

proportion and gesture, very basic anatomy.
i need to study more

>> No.3972087

>Containment thread.
Nope since I'm not animating or studying anything, just drawing.

>> No.3972089

>Anon thinks animators don't use vector.

>> No.3972098

Japanese animators don't use vectors to draw, but their drawings do get vectorized later on in the production process.

>> No.3972110


>> No.3972117
File: 293 KB, 560x315, Little Mac(5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming down home stretch.

>> No.3972125


>> No.3972127

There's an animation general please refrain from posting any form of animated pieces in these threads thank you.

>> No.3972128

Damn anon, it looks really good

Would recommend looking into timing a little bit more, I would put more emphasis into the pause before he punches, because as it is it doesn't look quite right, maybe add a few more frames to the wind up.

>> No.3972130


>> No.3972135

How the fuck can you go wrong with a simple doodle, it's not porn related so spergs wouldn't shit up the thread, it's stylized so it meets the criteria of these generals and its cute to appease all the autists and manchildren who flock here. Contain your autism.

>> No.3972141

Jesus christ calm down. Im referring to the fact we're on page 1 with 300 posts

>> No.3972145

Once we hit around 296 posts these threads begin to autosage.

>> No.3972148

Leave and don't come back faggot

>> No.3972150

that isnt how this board works at all

>> No.3972153

Go complain about it on /qa/, in the mean time grab your stylus, gently insert it up your rectum, and hold your breath.

>> No.3972154

A thread only dies after it is pushed off of page 10, so you should only make a new thread when it gets close to there, unless you want to leave this one up for days as it slowly slides down the pages until finally reaching 10. And the bump limit is at exactly 300 posts

>> No.3972155

what are you talking about
Threads dont autosage until 500 posts, and until it reaches page 10 it its still usable.
thats how its always worked.

>> No.3972158

>This newfag

>> No.3972159

Not him but
{"board":"ic","title":"Artwork\/Critique","ws_board":0,"per_page":15,"pages":10,"max_filesize":4194304,"max_webm_filesize":3145728,"max_comment_chars":2000,"max_webm_duration":120,"bump_limit":300,"image_limit":250,"cooldowns":{"threads":600,"replies":60,"images":30},"meta_description":"\u0026quot;\/ic\/ - Artwork\/Critique\u0026quot; is 4chan's imageboard for the discussion and critique of art.","is_archived":1},


>> No.3972162

Nobody posts or monitors a thread after it hits the bump limit, if you want to continue using a dead thread to make you feel special go right ahead.

>> No.3972164

So what? We access /alt/ by the catalog, we all do, it has nothing to do with sage limit

>> No.3972168

shit 300? I thought 500 was minimum for boards.
still though, no reason to move until it reaches page 10

>> No.3972169

I miss choco

>> No.3972170

Thanks for the salt, faggots.

>> No.3972171

>Nobody posts or monitors a thread after it hits the bump limit
This is absolutely false, have you ever been on a slow board? You are only digging a deeper hole for yourself and making it more apparent how ignorant of imageboards you are

>> No.3972174

I wasn't arguing for anything, just correcting a number.

>> No.3972175

If you observe all previous threads, most of them stop at around 300 despite being before the 10th page. If what you're saying was true we would see threads with post counts up to 500

>> No.3972181

>we would see threads with post counts up to 500
No, because they would never get that high since new threads are being made at a decent pace. Also it's only natural that the old thread is left off at 300 when a new thread is always made at that time, because you might as well migrate if there is a new one. However that doesn't mean that the old thread won't stay up for several days. On boards like /i/, threads can last for months on page 10. So all this means is that you don't have to panic or hurry to create a new thread when bump limit is reached because you have days before this one expires.

>> No.3972184

That's all you're going to get from now on, salt. Get used to it.

>> No.3972189

>Also it's only natural that the old thread is left off at 300 when a new thread is always made at that time, because you might as well migrate if there is a new one.
Exactly, so why are you lying out of your ass by saying we've always waited until we were near page 10 before creating a new one? /ic/ is not like /p/ or /t/ where threads remain before page 10 for years. A thread remains on the first page for around five minutes at the most as opposed to weeks like other boards with fewer activity.

>> No.3972193

You tried your darndest through endless shitposting and derailing threads to get as many people as possible to hate you, well mission accomplished animation nigger. Congratulations

>> No.3972194

Point to where I said ''we've always waited until we were near page 10 before creating a new one''. Go on. I'll wait.

>> No.3972196

busier boards like /co/ make their generals wait until page 10 before rebooting. its just common courtesy

>> No.3972201


>> No.3972202

That post reads
>you should only make a new thread when it gets close to there
Which is my personal opinion, and which is not
>we've always waited until we were near page 10 before creating a new one
Did you read the anarchist cookbook or something? Accusing others of what you're doing yourself? Lying yourself and then accusing others of being liars? Hahahahaha

>> No.3972205

>that backpedaling
So now it's only your opinion, thank you for letting us know you're full of shit.

>> No.3972207

Why is it crazies like you always pretend you're some kind of group when you're just a lone deranged loser making pennies working minimum wage in a cafe and making scribbles for a clothing store?

>> No.3972210

Time's ticking until they find out you have nothing to offer but shit in return. The board's getting restless against the pornfags and pedophiles.

So, as the clock counts down and enough people start reporting this shit off the generals on sight, work on your fundamentals. You might actually learn to draw a box.

>sees my work that towers anything he ever did
>admits getting salty

Thanks for being honest, faggot.

>> No.3972216

you should use a tripcode. people being able to filter you would honestly help everything.

>> No.3972219

That's not backpedaling friend, that's literally stating exactly what was posted, and pointing out you put words in other people's mouth. It's not a shame to admit you made a mistake. You just didn't know that this is simply good manners. You don't have to start listing off every term of rhetoric you know in order to seem like you didn't fuck up.

>> No.3972220

We take it you're following the path of Dobson by being as repulsive and insufferable as possible to garner attention? You might as well stop posting on this board since you've pissed everyone off all you're going to get are shitposts and I mean that with an absolute sincerity.
Thank you for reminding us to filter you

>> No.3972225

thats the whole point

>> No.3972230

Look, if you're so hell bent in micromanaging /ic/ like the other cunt who spergs at the sight of skin go make a post on /qa/ and vent your frustrations there and maybe all that sand inside your Bagina would be lapped off by the metaposting.

>> No.3972237


Plus an additional $1,500 a month doing character designs and illustrations for a private commissioner, along with a living wage for both of those jobs.

Pornfags and pedos have derailed threads outside of their containment threads ever since the split. The silent majority will make their frustration clear with enough of a push.

>> No.3972241

Well I'd argue just pointing out image board habits, especially when addressing people who might be new, is not nearly as severe and much more helpful than the guy you're referring to. I informed you that you don't have to worry about when to make a new thread because you can count on the fact that one that hits bump limit will last for several days, unless crazy activity happens and new threads are shat out en masse.

>> No.3972249

Thanks for the info sperg, though I know you're vastly over-exaggerating even this piddly amount. By the way you are completely delusional and alone

>> No.3972253

it's the same stupid faggot, they have the same typing style

>> No.3972256

You're wrong and you should stop replying to yourself

>> No.3972257

Unless there's a rule that specifies your image board etiquette by waiting for a thread to be near page 10, kindly take your opinions on the matter back with you and keep them to yourself until somebody gives a shit.

>> No.3972261

Please don't compare me to that other faggot.

>> No.3972269

We have discussed three portraits, three full body character designs, and a full illustration for the next batch. With the animations taking center stage, along with plants to establish my portfolio in just weeks, I expect the second run to go much smoother. Hell, that was the reason I grew so fast the first time around. Now I'm following my passion and interests, which I am free to pursue.

I have good friends, the church I have been going to whom has welcomed me with open arms, a loving family, and an honest life I have begun to rebuild.

What do you have?

>> No.3972270

pretty sure this is the baltimore faggot. They're the biggest cancer on this board.

>> No.3972298
File: 2.06 MB, 1200x1729, final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well, i finished it, what do you think!?

>> No.3972364

you should get raped

>> No.3972489

I like the way you did the lips.

>> No.3972490

What software are you using ?

>> No.3972538
File: 799 KB, 1315x1877, linde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol so i got some time to redo the linework of this sketch one anon helped me with.
is anything still off, redoing the colors with only take like 30 minutes if i can get this right

>> No.3972540

Dude, you forgot her headband.
I like Linde but I feel as if her hands and her hip to torso area needs a bit of work/ Definite fap potential tho

>> No.3972563

Clip Studio Paint xp, really like a lot of things of it, but there are some thing i dont like that much, like the way the vector lines worked, and while there is an option to increase or decrease line weight, it causes the curves to get ''damaged'' (they became uneven) and even with my current PC setup which i updated, CSP still doesnt run at 100% without being a hog.

I admit that its been awhile since i abandoned SAI because of editing and image manipulation options that were lacking.

anybody knows all the new things on SAI2?

>> No.3972608

off the top of my head there's text, shape tool (it's shit), and a ruler tool
i switched to csp recently and it's definitely better for editing so stick with that

>> No.3972659

theres also 1,2,and 3 perspective ruler tool which is in my opinion much more intuitive than CSP's but lacks the ability to add extra vanishing points.
The one good thing tho about it is the ability to easily deform concentric ellipse guides, which you can only really mimic with Lady nezumi pro. I haven't gotten Clip studio paint to be able to warp the edges of an ellipse guide in quite the same way

>> No.3972773

-The positioning of her right hand looks better, but seems off, still
-her feet look literally broken. try to use a reference of a woman's feet in high heels( if you did, then go back and pay more attention to detail)

>> No.3972900

I meant that in the literal sense. You made them look like they’re covered in mud

>> No.3973192

And brushes? default ones?

>> No.3973226

you literally just tilted the legs a little and smoothed the painting.....

>> No.3973254
File: 340 KB, 1000x991, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman's feet in high heels
i saw your comment and decided to redraw the feet and leg based on the critique. I also decided to go back and redo the sketch in a different program just to test some suspicions i was having. do you think the drawing on the left is better in terms of accuracy and style or the drawing on the right is?

>> No.3973406

for lineart i used vector tool + customized opaque watercolor

coloring i used 2 custom brushes i made, but mostly air brushing,

>> No.3973421


>> No.3973423

can you show the sketch?

>> No.3973444
File: 2.59 MB, 3000x4323, sketch1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, i will share the brushes i use, you can export them manually.


>> No.3973446
File: 3.85 MB, 3000x4323, sketch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd pass

>> No.3973453

what the hell?

2 responses and stuck in page 10?

>> No.3973468

Looks a lot better, good job

>> No.3973471

Aw thanks, anon. Before you leave, I want to know whether or not the 2nd sketch has more potential than the 1st.

>> No.3973495

I personally like the pose of the first sketch, but the hands, feet etc are better in the 2nd