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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 760 KB, 584x900, moth-fortress - Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3946211 No.3946211 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>3936688
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:57 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.
>Also report it here: https://trello.com/b/YueRX0es/dad-feature-and-bug-tracker

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!

LAS discord: https://discord.gg/curUdax
DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.3946230
File: 1.33 MB, 200x200, 1540020892257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so proud of all daddies especially those who hit level 20!
don't stop daddies!!! everyone's gmi!

>> No.3946231

touch my pp now

>> No.3946232
File: 50 KB, 750x718, 1557433771177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good doggy

>> No.3946279
File: 14 KB, 300x250, lKxpb6SC5X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget, today is Banana's birthday. So if you're participating in the birthday challenge, remember to submit today.

>> No.3946283

I really like how you take the time to make the DAD text fit with each thread pic

>> No.3946294

good daddies! good doggy! good banana! keep it up all!

>> No.3946310
File: 303 KB, 1057x1500, 342f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like when you suck on my cock.

>> No.3946321
File: 249 KB, 1184x1285, PC293811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I really enjoy looking through the daddies works and thinking about who to highlight, what to use, the formatting and so on. I'm also really happy to be back to making the thread again.

>> No.3946452
File: 15 KB, 760x720, 96758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they see your dad submission

>> No.3946469
File: 1.71 MB, 472x360, eyebrows.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3946478
File: 967 KB, 2427x2483, birthday gift from j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the first day of my 25th year, I have released a big patch, and a tongue-in-cheek gift to you all.

> [Important] You can now edit your display name, which should affect your name as it is displayed everywhere on the site. Great if you changed your online tags and want people to follow your work, or if you want to reinvent your image.
> [Important] Challenges now have NSFW levels. Their corresponding badges will be blocked if the challenge exceeds your content settings.
> [Important] Fixed an annoying behavior where certain select fields would reset to defaults when editing or refreshing after an error in submission. Now you won't have to double check fields after an error occurs. This applies to the NSFW fields on submissions and challenges, challenge post frequency and prestige.
> [Important] Updated gems for security compliance.
> [Important] Nullified alt text on all images so that the ugly AWS code doesn't show up while pictures load.
> Fixed the challenge view page from crashing when accessed when logged out.
> Formatted challenge entries like submissions (prettier, has username overlay).
> Fixed the footer. I think.
> Fixed a Firefox-side auto-population bug on the edit password screen. (Thanks, jamestmartin!)

Due to the size of this patch, and the introduction of a lot of small new features, it's likely that things might be shaky, so please reach out ASAP if something broke, though I'm likely unavailable for most of today, I'll try to fix it the following morning.

There's more coming... I had intended to get a proper site overhaul, visually, but I need a little more time on that one.

Oh yes, and there's the matter of your gift. You'll find that a certain LAS meme is now realized in OFFICIAL capacity. Just... please don't too nuts, ok?

>> No.3946480
File: 77 KB, 537x519, birthday gift from feil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh shit, I completely forgot... you can also now toggle full view and small view of a large submission when you click it. I remember people wanting that one for a really long time.

>> No.3946483

Thank you banana

>> No.3946484

Did anybody draw you some nice adine porn for you to cum to?

>> No.3946485

4 users have reached max level, yet none of them are even somewhat competent. Kinda sad, don't you think?

>> No.3946487

god bless, here's to many more years of drawing!

>> No.3946488
File: 120 KB, 1366x768, gift from 7b7a2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No! Adine is for cute and/or romantic love only!

>> No.3946490
File: 356 KB, 1080x1579, 85926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viewing the site in mobile, the menu will load underneath the submissions making it unclickable when I want to navigate elsewhere. But thank you for the update bananers. I really appreciate your work for this site

>> No.3946494
File: 296 KB, 1412x836, birthday gift from AlmostGoodAtAnatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mobile is fucked ten ways from sunday, and I'll be looking into those issues while I'm working on the style overhaul.

Thanks for the kind words. I've been working up to about daybreak, so I'm gonna get some sleep before partying hard tonight.

>> No.3946498

happy bday banan

>> No.3946503


Well I give them props for not quitting. Now if they get to level 40 and still are about the same level then I'd consider just stopping. Forever.

>> No.3946509

>You'll find that a certain LAS meme is now realized in OFFICIAL capacity
what is it?

>> No.3946511
File: 566 KB, 1664x2484, birthday gift from Inno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3946513

what the fuck

>> No.3946515

Nice and veiny. Good work Inno

>> No.3946522

>Their corresponding badges will be blocked if the challenge exceeds your content settings.
Didn't even realize there was a content setting.

>> No.3946531


>> No.3946537

>you can also now toggle full view and small view of a large submission when you click it
fuckin neato. thanks banana

>> No.3946543

wait, it's a site challenge? So that's why you can't sign up...

>> No.3946545

How to see the gallery? I want to check you fags' powerlevel.

>> No.3946548

check the website, dummy

>> No.3946549

Already did, but took me a long time to understand that I had to click on those 2x2 pixel icone to see the user's work

>> No.3946551

you can browse https://dad.gallery/submissions for the daily submissions or https://dad.gallery/challenges/1 for the active users of the website

>> No.3946555

ok ty I'm done checking
I see some GMI potential, not going to say who to not make any jealous but good stuffs

>> No.3946563
File: 48 KB, 591x605, 1464104302740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my wrist can click now. My other wrist I can't click at all no matter how hard I try, but my drawing wrist clicks really easily, just by moving it forward and back.

It never used to be like this. Doesn't hurt, but is somewhat concerning.

>> No.3946567

the skeleton inside you wants to get out

>> No.3946568

get it checked, your wrist isn't suppose to click

>> No.3946580

silvemis the purest

>> No.3946582
File: 279 KB, 3064x1648, how to click wrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a rough guide on how to mustard gas your wrist

>> No.3946583

ah, so my usual jam

also lmao inno

>> No.3946584

its only if i bend it in a specific way though (forward and back)

this is VERY serious anon no time for joking

>> No.3946592

>its only if i bend it in a specific way though (forward and back)
might be worth checking if it's really bothering you

>> No.3946595
File: 740 KB, 460x254, e41ae8dfaa623d8179480f6d1c22a161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3946666

How's your sound? Here's mine https://vocaroo.com/i/s03YzkU3MA3U
can pretty much keep clicking wrist it repeatedly as you hear here, not like my fingers which go on cooldown.
Only my right wrist, though.

>> No.3946669

it shouldn't click at all. It's not supposed to make any sounds while moving it around

>> No.3946670

clicklets, baka

>> No.3946672

can you guys click your toes?

>> No.3946674


>> No.3946676

>never get mentioned
>never get praised
>never even get bullied
Why draw? Why am I doing this? What was I expecting?
I keep going at it every day but I don't even know why.

>> No.3946679


Give me your name and I'll bully you.

>> No.3946680

For yourself.

>> No.3946681

for self improvement, not for validation

>> No.3946683

i always make excuses to quit, and then excuses to continue

>> No.3946687


What these guy's said:

The main purpose of the site is to help you develop the habit of doing art every day. You then build beyond simply doing 30 minutes on most days (if possible and if that's fitting for your goals), but it also makes you still put in that 30 minutes on even the days you feel "too busy." That's all it is. Using your innate desire to not lose to keep you doing art.

If you want validation you're going to need to post on social media to get likes. Perhaps one of the draw threads on the board would give you some attention if you posted your work. That validation is fleeting though.

>I keep going at it every day but I don't even know why.

That's a question you need to be figuring out the answer to. Why'd you come here and start doing art? What was your goal? What do you want out of it? If you just aimlessly draw things with no goal in mind you'll end up wasting a lot of time and effort. Try making a goal and working towards it.

It's hard to keep working towards something when you don't know where you're going, so pick a destination. Change it later if you want, but always have one in mind.

>> No.3946692

That's alright anon, it's the same with me

>> No.3946705

I mostly do it, because i do draw a lot, and do lots of other shit during the day like 3D and DAD is actually a good platform to show everyone what im up to and shit otherwise im not showing it anywhere els. its just a good way for people to see what youre up to.

>> No.3946707
File: 70 KB, 1099x775, birthday gift from Cath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh fuck, fixed. Sorry, I overlooked that bit.

>> No.3946709


>> No.3946711

wait there's a new challenge? My notif's didn't act up

>> No.3946715
File: 537 KB, 872x900, birthday gift from mrpurin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was added directly to the database (site challenge), so it didn't generate a notification.

Luckily, along the same vein of being an admin, I can generate it however and whenever the fuck I want, and I'll do so now.
Also, holy shit, I feel like hell. My throat's all clogged up. Wonderful timing to get sick, eh?

>> No.3946718

don't worry about it, I'm actually looking forward to draw dragon dildos

>> No.3946726

y'know... did we ever find out when lava's birthday was?

>> No.3946772
File: 2.89 MB, 540x302, dffd6551-dcd6-4061-b241-023cad9e371a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3946781
File: 11 KB, 307x264, D1WHbuWX4AAuqMY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nsfw challenge appears to be open for signups now, I thought banana was just kidding with that

>> No.3946790
File: 998 KB, 1638x1248, birthday gift from guespiere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was a small bug that forbid people from joining any sort of official Site Challenge (would break DAD / Seasonal Challenge stuff, but there was no need for site joinable challenges before).

I did promise you guys this challenge and badge a while back.

>> No.3946805
File: 123 KB, 652x636, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3946909

love that our two local furries have already joined the dragon dick challenge.

>> No.3946947

Hey banana I can't click anything for the mobile website like at all meaning I can't submit my daily.

>> No.3946949
File: 1.38 MB, 1360x1925, birthday gift from MysticLog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmm. I'll try to prioritize mobile fixes. If your phone browser does not have the option to request the desktop page and you won't have access to a computer, please email me (or preferably message me directly in discord) with your desired submission / account information and I'll try and take care of it for ya in case you don't have a chance.

>> No.3946954

Alright thanks if it helps the 3 lined button goes behind the entire page even when I request for the desktop page.

>> No.3946957


Oh, wait, duh, just access it directly.


>> No.3947472
File: 164 KB, 168x225, excited banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all the wonderful cards, you guys. I'll get around to commenting on each and every one of them when I get a chance. This was probably one of the best birthdays I've had period, even though I was sick as hell during it. I can't describe how heartwarming the birthday challenge submissions are to receive.

There's something larger I want to say on this and other things as well but I can't really put it into words at this moment, so I'll save it for when the new patch comes out.

>> No.3947561

We love you, Banana, thanks for everything

>> No.3947581

Man if i was a girl, the things i would do...

>> No.3947596

pls go agp

>> No.3947618


>> No.3947631
File: 223 KB, 712x474, stab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3947666


>> No.3947671
File: 50 KB, 640x632, a18e770f967035851c04955663051bb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step away from the Bunny

>> No.3947714

make me

>> No.3947716

bunnies are so cute!

>> No.3947717
File: 71 KB, 600x785, 95uy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3947728

Now spread your pussy for me. Let me see that nice pink and soft color.

>> No.3947731

O.O (/////////)

>> No.3947738
File: 1.70 MB, 1000x750, 36382_final_horizonatal_with_bg_092716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wholesome banana

>> No.3947753

I joined LAS two years ago and stuck with it for 7-8 months I'm not sure if I can do this to myselg again.

Is DAD nicer than LAS? LASes were brutal at times.

>> No.3947756


Stay away. We have too many mentally unstable users here. They will tear you apart.

>> No.3947757

>LASes were brutal at times.
what happened?

>> No.3947758

ive been in las for around 80 days, 100 for the next iteration and 400+ in DAD and the only bad experience during all this was W deleting the site

>> No.3947759


>> No.3947779
File: 67 KB, 728x546, w_Cope-With-Anything-Step-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3947780

If you stare into a mirror long enough you'll see demons. Mirrors are portals.

>> No.3947781

That's true but note you'll get a blue like too.

>> No.3947810

I love how instead of drawing this correctly you used a skew transform as if she is literally a 2D object and only the mirror is real.

>> No.3947830

That's clearly an image from wikihow retard

>> No.3947850

Really? Not him but I couldn't tell at all. Most of the art on your site looks similar.

>> No.3947851

i don't think so

>> No.3947852

OOF. Meru has a rough life.

>> No.3947854


>> No.3947881

Relatively new but it sounds a lot more chill from what I've heard. We've only held tribunals for a couple of people and it's been only when they've been just abusing the site's system (ie. trolls, using it for stuff other than art). I guess in comparison LAS users actively hunted for people just uploading dupes and stuff? I don't think anyone does that here

>> No.3947931
File: 129 KB, 800x800, smug pepe temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shaved my arms and chest and now I can see my muscles and bones so much easier. I think I'll shave the rest of my body too, even though a man shaving his arms and legs is seen as a big no no where I live.

>> No.3947944

Only faggots shave their legs and I'm not talking about the 4chan meme faggot usage of the word. I mean you're actually a faggot.

>> No.3947951

A real man waxes

>> No.3947958
File: 83 KB, 774x1032, burne_hogarth_by_turtl_chiky_davwxq-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw femanon and will never be able to look like a living burne hogarth drawing

>> No.3947959

take this feel and put it into your art

>> No.3947961

Hair is a sign of masculinity.

>> No.3947962

Personally I honestly don't care what anyone shaves or doesn't shave except armpits. They're already smelly and nasty enough, shave that shit down

>> No.3947963

big hairy daddies

>> No.3947965

oh daddy let me trap my face between your thick, hairy thighs!

>> No.3947967

You are 10 years younger now

>> No.3947979

Would you rather physically look 40 but biologically be 20 yrs old, or physically look 20 but biologically be 40 yrs old?

>> No.3947981 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 1632x1224, d5ac4ffc61120db14b6165256239c5d4db25d4392a0a6014853cff157c8587a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post those legs lassies!

>> No.3947984

Mods need to get rid of these threads.

>> No.3947992
File: 326 KB, 1068x488, 9up39q22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean you're actually a faggot
A small price to pay for good reference images.

>> No.3947997

Kill yourself, faggot

>> No.3948000

it's a trap, faggot

>> No.3948002

Who cares oneironaut. Go be an autist somewhere else

>> No.3948013

he's a pedo shitposter, what do you expect

>> No.3948026

Who is the gayest Daddy?

>> No.3948028


>> No.3948042


>> No.3948056

me me!

>> No.3948057

wait nvm i read gayest as greatest

>> No.3948060

no take backs!

>> No.3948070


>> No.3948094

god why do i have to go through all this torture

>> No.3948106

no pp touch

>> No.3948120

You're a piece of shit dude, and when my side of this is heard you'll see why. Way to fkn jump on the bandwagon and chase the clout. You must me dancing right now. Matt I'm going to personally make sure you regret tweeting this and adding to this bullshit dumpster fire.

>> No.3948154

should I be concerned if my lower abdomen has been throbbing for like 2 weeks?

>> No.3948160


>> No.3948161

are you female?

>> No.3948174
File: 28 KB, 491x327, act less gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.3948178

Go get it checked out.

>> No.3948181

I know what you mean bro, the other day I wondered if my electric razor would work on the body hair too and I shaved it all, you can see those clearer indeed.

>> No.3948183
File: 522 KB, 1080x768, 1557722028246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course you can femanon!

>> No.3948188


>> No.3948192

Sure is artwork and critique in this thread.

>> No.3948231


>> No.3948232


congratulations on the baby

>> No.3948235

Banana help. The Header dropdown is broken on mobile. The links are behind the page. It's not that bad, but i had to open the submission page by typing the url. It broke the day notifs were fixed i think.

>> No.3948243
File: 2.38 MB, 1014x2026, birthday gift from bezdommy s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm aware, and will be looking into it.

>> No.3948248 [DELETED] 

b-but I'm a virgin...

>> No.3948249

b-but I'm a virgin...

>> No.3948258

raped in your sleep /shrugs

>> No.3948260

It's a Miracle! The second coming of Rover!

>> No.3948276

Thank you :)

>> No.3948307

Ha, that's actually exactly what happened to me.

>> No.3948483

Im the latter
It's fine most of the time but i get asked for ID every single time i want to buy alcohol

>> No.3948808
File: 57 KB, 564x752, gift from Indigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitting the sack a bit early tonight; wanted to do some dev, but this cough and sore throat has got me hacking up more than a well self-groomed cat on ipecac. Starting to taste stomach acid at this point.

In the meantime, I meditated on the clear fact that UI/UX is ironically my weakest point as a developer. To that end, if you have any example websites to draw examples from, or common flows / grievances / excess click paths that you want to get off your chest, or just suggest something that would make your DAD experience a bit more convenient (aside from comment improvements... I already have some stuff bubbling in the works), please reply here with your ideas. I'll read and work on them throughout this week before I return to my streak.


>> No.3948917

big peni

>> No.3948941

Just make it better omegalul

>> No.3948953


>> No.3948958

I want this for my battlestation threads

>> No.3949113
File: 223 KB, 1500x1000, Fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3949259

Profile descriptions for people to post their social media links would be nice

>> No.3949275 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 1024x576, ec1bf4b8a82aab187ed305e83e70ead3af71c4d3_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may be a reallllyyy shitty suggestion but ill ask it cause fuck it. Have you ever browsed yande.re? It lets you pan images by just left clicking them, so if the images is big it will let you pan easily instead of just have the zoom button there, and since you cant really use the arrows keys on dad to pan across the image since they is a conflict of interest with the panning and previewing next or previous submissions.

>> No.3949277

This may be a reallllyyy shitty suggestion but ill ask it cause fuck it. Have you ever browsed yande.re? It lets you pan images by just left clicking them, so if the images is big it will let you pan easily instead of just have the zoom button there, and since you cant really use the arrows keys on dad to pan across the image since there is a conflict of interest with the panning and previewing next or previous submissions.

>> No.3949278
File: 695 KB, 714x900, mGIDhDy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think having the random art in the background of the page is less than ideal.
I like the idea, but in practice it just makes the site look cluttered and more noisy.
Rarely can I actually make out what the background image is supposed to be.
(Currently I just get a grey background with no image, so maybe this is broken?)

Less saturated colors in the interface boxes would probably also make the front
page easier on the eyes.

Mousing over the date side of the challenge box makes the pop-up window freak
the fuck out.

The challenges should be clickable from that box as well so that you can
select challenges from the front page without going to a separate page.

Being able to filter the users page to show only active users would be nice.
Yes, you can go to the current season challenge to see, but a list of user icons in
a grid would be a more readable secondary option. Having an active user count
on this page would also be useful.

And when browsing the current day submissions, the way that the nameplate covers part
of the thumbnail makes already small images even more difficult to see. Moving the nameplate
to be above or beneath the thumb and not overlaying on it would be better imo.

>> No.3949302
File: 101 KB, 980x810, 77f87d8c70c42e036112ac287d4ff02d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hand, don't fail me now,
Daddy, don't desert me!
Don't turn back, we're almost there!
/ic/ always says,
"You will never make it",
It's time to disregard that prayer!
You too can learn in adulthood,
Come join this journey... to get good!

Somewhere down this road
I know our goal's waiting
Study well, prove /ic/ wrong!
Arms will open wide,
Our art'll be liked and wanted,
Finally followed by that someone.
This art thing can be understood!
Don't stop this journey... to get good!

Huston, Loomis, Vilppu,
Every anon I know has learned from them, too...
Hampton, Proko, Bridgeman,
I will never be complete until I study you...!

One stroke at a time,
One piece, then another,
Who knows where this road may go.
Reflect on our past,
On to find our future.
Things our art still needs to know.
Yes, let this be a sign!
Never miss the deadline!
Let art be a livelihood,
And bring us gains... To get good!

>> No.3949405

Ain't nothing gonna break my stride

>> No.3949409

Oh gosh that's my picture, I'm so happy you like it! Sorry it's sideways btw, I flipped it correctly on my computer but the DaD website flipped it back for some reason.

>> No.3949449


>> No.3949580

Good tier advice. I second this

>> No.3949594

Reminder that if you just draw for 30 minutes a day and not actually study 2 hours a day minimum you will make no progress

>> No.3949607

half of these are just preferences fuck off

>> No.3949626

that's how it works, faggot
go suck a dick

>> No.3949668

what if I draw a lot and am just too lazy to compile all of it into a single jpeg? Maybe I'm secretly drawing 8 hours every day and I just upload a fraction of that?

>> No.3949678
File: 267 KB, 1024x769, adine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you had a cozy birthday. You need to realize that you are beloved by the comunity you created. We understand that life can be hard, but never quit. Do it for her!

>> No.3949679

then u a gud boi

>> No.3949684

Aren't most daddies doing that?
I hope most daddies are doing that.

>> No.3949753

Looking at their progress, I really doubt it.

>> No.3949787


>> No.3949823

Been drawing from vilppu videos for the last few DaD submissions but god damn the birds in this video (Chapter 1: Gesture) are so fucking loud I can barely even hear the poor old man.

>> No.3949829

>needing to hear instead of feeling his flow into your flow

>> No.3949878
File: 698 KB, 480x270, 1549106389368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to start anew
How do I get my gallery cleared?

>> No.3949879

>order food off doordash
>short mexican sounding lady who sounds super sexually frustrated calls me that she can't find my house
>retarded woman riding in circles
>give her my address and wait 20 more minutes for cold food
>start fantasizing about her hate fucking me if I give her a tip for the trouble
>she arrives and it's a ugly fat as a tub mexican girl with a huge ass mole on her nose
>lose my appetite, toss my drink in the sink

this is why I stick to anime....

>> No.3949882

email banana/discord him

>> No.3949884

>ordering fast food
you deserved it

>> No.3949885

I do it all the time. It's kind of a hassle to compile them all together so I just post the bare minimum for DAD

>> No.3949887


>> No.3949889

Don't purge your gallery, sleepy

>> No.3949898
File: 82 KB, 863x928, 1511945092891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a long break, and come back to a gallery full of low effort shit I posted just not to break muh streak. I'd rather not get long streaks and miss days but put effort into it and have that reflect on my gallery, now.
I could just start a new account, actually.

>> No.3949904

Just start a new one. It'd be a waste to purge the old gallery

>> No.3949923

I agree. Keeping the gallery would be a nice archive of anon's previous work. And a helpful tool to measure progress.

>> No.3949955

hey, banana here, if you want to purge your gallery you have to post a picture of your feet with /dad/ written on them, thanks again

>> No.3949958


Will my dick with the words "suck it x/xx/xxxx" suffice?

>> No.3949967


stupid idiot listen to my demands or i'll fuck you. i am god -banana

>> No.3949983


if you want to purge your gallery, i'm going to need you to draw at least twenty cute pictures of adine and your social security number

>> No.3950100

damn lost my streak ://

>> No.3950102

what happened?

>> No.3950109 [DELETED] 

lost my streak of 143 :(
i was getting very burned out tho so i probably deserve it

>> No.3950112

getting burned out and i was just drawing to draw for DAD. but it was 143 so sucks

>> No.3950119

That sucks, if it means anything though, I think you've improved a lot.

>> No.3950143
File: 238 KB, 1875x1000, Fish2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3950147

Who is this cutie

>> No.3950152

>not rolling

>> No.3950177
File: 1.16 MB, 1875x1000, Fish2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish from Nuclear Throne

>> No.3950219
File: 134 KB, 900x900, birthday gift from lazy_lara 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the suggestions. I'll consider them as I improve the UI.


I love all of the birthday submissions. Yours was really cute!


Thanks, I spent most of it coughing up phlegm, so I took it easy. Still, I appreciate the sentiment; I should be much better from here on out. I'm here for good, mates.

>> No.3950239

Thanks though i cant really see it myself. Drawabox really does get exponentially harder it seems

>> No.3950248


>> No.3950261
File: 78 KB, 1200x1057, banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of this is true

also, the way of looking submissions is retarded, if you wanna see someone's gallery you have to go to his gallery index, using the arrow keys on a drawing takes you to the submissions of that day instead of the specific user, it's a terrible idea

>> No.3950265

Jerry used to study for 2 hours a day

>> No.3950267

may he rest in peace

>> No.3950306 [DELETED] 

I hope thats not all you're going to upload to day professorsugoi.

>> No.3950308

I hope thats not all you're going to upload today professorsugoi.

>> No.3950311

What's wrong with it. I occassionally upload thumbnails too

>> No.3950314

We know you do DOM.

>> No.3950329

oh no I'm not dom but I get now where you're coming from

>> No.3950440


You can use [ ] to navigate a user's gallery.

>> No.3950536
File: 108 KB, 900x628, ariadne-abandoned-by-theseus-angelica-kauffman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3950609

I'm tired of people not picking up after their dog shit man there needs to be a hefty fine for nasty ass owners who leave mounds of shit on the grass like dude you walk your fucking dog everyday in the same area you have to eventually see all the previous shit you don't pick up and christ

>> No.3950617

right foot?

>> No.3950618

I always keep an eye out if my dog's bouta squat. Then I'd squat behind him ang catch the doodoo with a poop bag

>> No.3950641

i walk mi dog for about 20 mins, and i make sure to tug on that fucker if he stops

>> No.3950650

u tug off ur dog? thats gross dude

>> No.3950709

It helps the grass grow

>> No.3950717

you dont? weirdo.

>> No.3950843
File: 213 KB, 1000x1000, Fish3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3951169

Hi does anyone have any art that has lots of energy and expression?

>> No.3951174

pii has good expressive stuff

>> No.3951199

Pii was really good at it

>> No.3951227

Some of kringlefkr's stuff

>> No.3951330


>> No.3951415


>> No.3951534

For those undertaking the Just Draw challenge on Saturday (also a reminder to join if you've forgotten)

Week 1: Rocks
Week 2: Old trees, Roots
Week 3: Animal bones, skulls
Week 4: Bugs
Week 5: Hairless animals
Week 6: Hard surface, primitive buildings

Challenge is for three weeks. Pick three, I guess.

Suggested quantities:
10 drawings per day at up to 30 minutes each. More reasonably, 10-20 minutes.
6 draws per week

Suggested set up:
Digital: Airbrush @ size 7-9 on A3 canvas
Traditional: Ballpoint pen or ink on cheap paper (sketchbook or copy paper)

Good luck

>> No.3951560
File: 66 KB, 750x562, __barbara_parker_and_hanna_england_little_witch_academia_drawn_by_dowman_sayman__091fd89adb585a364d9b07ba5f12f5a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3951561


>> No.3951588

If i do 5 quick drawings a day will it be okay? I really don't think I'd have the willpower to do 10 but the challenge sounds fun...

>> No.3951655

gay ga yfay gay

>> No.3951674

How does chink dick tastes like?

>> No.3951684

Good daddy

>> No.3951690


>> No.3951694

Replying to yourself, Oneironaut?

>> No.3951929

I'd say yeah, just make sure you're actively trying to get something out of it.

I intended it to be sort of an introductory challenge, and those who are interested could continue on their own accord. Should there be an encore challenge for the other 3 weeks?

>> No.3951997

I love when girls kiss each other

>> No.3952203
File: 27 KB, 200x200, 1409919602967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3952210

dont give up daddy!!

>> No.3952218

God I wish I was lesbian.

>> No.3952221

I would happily participate in an encore challenge

>> No.3952276

i upload different stuff whenever i have it. but the other day i only worked on comic pages (for 4+ hrs)

>> No.3952314

don't let yourself get frustrated, because having a strong negative feeling will keep you from "feeling" the figure you are trying to do
see what you think is off with your drawing,
take a break and give it another go

>> No.3952368

Oh hell I went to get my phone so I could upload the photo for today and I tripped in the dog water bowl and made a huge fuckin mess and by the time I cleaned it up I lost my streak and my comfy spot at the bottom of the leaderboard. Luckily it wasn't a huge streak or anything but now I'm still wet and sad

>> No.3952375

Anytime I watch anime and it brings up crabs I can't stop thinking about this board. Has me in tears of laughter.

>> No.3952377

is it ok to post a wip and the finished version the next day? Or several incremental versions for that matter? I don't have much time each day and finishing something remotely decent in only a few hours is kinda impossible for me at my current lvl

>> No.3952379

just set your posting time to every 4 days or once a week

>> No.3952380

Yeah but has anyone even improved since the inception of DAD :^)

>> No.3952385

just how often are crabs in anime? a lot? I've seen like 3 whole animus

>> No.3952388

Have you improved since your inception?

>> No.3952389

Improved sure. Indefinite stagnation is all across the site.
Every once in a while I've noticed it. This 1 particular show I'm watching gave heavy emphasis on it.

>> No.3952390

I think it's fine as long as you can tell there's been at least 30 minutes worth of work done on it.

>> No.3952392
File: 3.17 MB, 500x282, this kills the crab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3952402

its ok the menu on mobile is broken so you wouldn't have been able to submit anyway

>> No.3952407

Actually what I do is the most roundabout shit ever- I upload it to my pinterest account on my phone, go to my laptop and download it on that, and then reupload it to DaD from the laptop.

>> No.3952418

got normiebook and messenger on ur phone?
send it in a message to yourself, much easier. literally the only reason I have messenger on my phone

>> No.3952430

I send an image to my own private discord and upload from the laptop

>> No.3952432

I set my mobile browser to 'desktop view' so the menu can work again

>> No.3952435

Nah I had to get rid of facebook on my phone because it was a bloated piece of garbage and I didn't have the space. Only even keep the account at all because it's what my older relatives use.

Pinterest has been working fine for me especially since you can hide pins so it's not like anyone is being bothered by me dumping ugly art there every day. Just hoping mobile comes back eventually because it saves me time and I don't have to worry about having to be home to post.

>> No.3952437

>just set your posting time to every 4 days or once a week
yeah i should probably just do that. only it's more motivating with a deadline every day

>I think it's fine as long as you can tell there's been at least 30 minutes worth of work done on it.
thank, that makes sense

>> No.3952517

You can submit you just have to type in the whole url dumy
Dad.gallery/submission/new or something like that and it takes you to the submission upload page

>> No.3952571

oh haha sorry I'm sure it was a super obvious thing that naturally would be the first thing someone would think of, and if they were uploading from phone instead of PC I'm sure they'd have the url memorized for some reason for the submission page

>> No.3952590

the score for the challenge says it's 19 so we should have 6 drawings for the 2 weeks and 7 drawing for the third one?

>> No.3952763

Thank you, really

>> No.3952836

>having a strong negative feeling will keep you from "feeling" the figure you are trying to do
This so much...

>> No.3952912
File: 2.90 MB, 1800x1800, 7AFEA78C-7A36-4364-B3F1-E3C5AA3B19EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

j is slowly becoming my favorite artist on dad, please keep up the good work

>> No.3952913


>> No.3952937
File: 123 KB, 484x356, Hug9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish J full happines and maximum gains

>> No.3952944

No, it should be 18, I slipped up. I'll ask banana if he can fix it, thank you for noting it!

>> No.3952984

too unfinshed for me

>> No.3953078

I commented about that today in the morning! If he tightens it up a bit it's gonna look absolutely amazing.

>> No.3953120
File: 267 KB, 752x800, badly drawn head by oneironaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the difference in skill between oneironaut's studies of porn artists and their own, actual art skill is kind of disappointing. Is this what happens when you only try to copy anime artists in order to learn?
I'm sure you can do better

>> No.3953142

The animu girl is trying very hard!

>> No.3953143

Why would anyone be TRYING to copy that particular artist. He's had that style and has been continuously morphing it since Oneiro was wearing diapers.

>> No.3953171

let's roast people who mindlessly xerox copy diagrams from books instead of trying to apply it to real scenarios

>> No.3953173


>> No.3953178

are you talking about the hands tipsypaipai uploaded today?

>> No.3953184
File: 871 KB, 1374x909, open up your eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a thing i copied

>> No.3953189


>> No.3953191

I see this guy's progress pics a lot in the progress threads

>> No.3953198

god, I genuinely hate this guy's art style. Just my personal taste.
You did good on imitating the colors, I guess, but at your level I'd avoid studying someone who's art is heavily stylized

>> No.3953200

>at your level

>> No.3953284
File: 277 KB, 1000x1000, Fish4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3953370

You guys don't have the URL memorized yet?

>not having "If lost, please submit to: https://dad.gallery........" written in the front page of your sketchbook

>> No.3953383

kek, I imagine losing my sketchbook on the train and some random dude in lost and found continuing my legacy

>> No.3953397

exactly, even if you lost your sketchbook we would gain a daddy

>> No.3953427

I accidentally confused Stormking with Stormfront today I'm never going to live this down you guys

>> No.3953437
File: 422 KB, 752x800, 3eqsg3tp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that bad
>move the left cheek up
>move the right eye a bit to the left to fit where the eye socket would be.
Steve Huston has a good series about drawing the head, nose, eyes and ears on New masters academy that's really good and easy to understand. I'd check it out if you ever get the chance. I believe once you really understand how the head works your art will improve by 20 levels.

>> No.3953464

I've been going through latest submission > back > submit your art

>> No.3953467

Point taken. I'll look into hotfixing the menu itself to work in mobile, and do that first immediately before working on the UI overhaul.

Right now, though, I'm on vacation in Canada, so I can't attend to it quite immediately.

As usual, use dad.gallery/submissions/new if you cannot use the navigation bar.

>> No.3953496

Damn it, I wanted to draw futas all day today but you guys made me work on this more.
Thanks daddies

>> No.3953620


>> No.3953673

hammer time

>> No.3953737

keep going i like these

>> No.3953742

Hey Bannana. I'ts Valley here. I forgot to check the box for the hit the books challenge, but i did do it and now i lost the challenge. I just saw it now when i added todays thingy. Am i dead or is it possible to fix? Thanks anyways.

>> No.3953860

>Is this what happens when you only try to copy anime artists in order to learn?
No that's the result of constant loli and peeposting

>> No.3953861

sigh....ah, nevermind.

>> No.3953867

But i'm peeposter

>> No.3953884


Continue to post things meant for the challenge, and I'll fix the issue on my return Sunday.

>> No.3953895

Ok and Im Lava

>> No.3953928

i'm dirty dan

>> No.3953960

Yeah and i'm Loomis

>> No.3953961

Big fan of your work.

>> No.3954028

What do I do when my eyes are irritated to all fuck and burn like the pits of hell?

It feels like I've got bits of my cat's shedded fur in my eye

>> No.3954087

Maybe have some sort of confirmation on streak based challenges that warns you you haven't submitted to the challenge yet when you submit your work. That would reduce the "damn I forgot to check the box" posts

>> No.3954096

get more sleep daddy

>> No.3954157


>> No.3954194

Thank you, My lord and savior

>> No.3954196


>> No.3954201

this, also i want this stupid dog to go away

>> No.3954202


>> No.3954366

you are a horribile person!

>> No.3954385

maybe you'll get your submission in the OP pic someday if you behave like a good doggy

>> No.3954430

woof woof! owo

>> No.3954579


>> No.3954632

Salty tottenham fag.

>> No.3954750
File: 475 KB, 2448x3264, 42dir17qxaqz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3954781
File: 512 KB, 960x540, mikez2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before we go to a new thread, I need everyone to see this image

>> No.3954786
File: 43 KB, 680x499, 772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3954832
File: 1005 KB, 1080x1080, Rabbit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same energy

>> No.3954838

das it mane

>> No.3954861


>> No.3955129


>> No.3955370

What other boards do y'all browse

>> No.3955373

/a/, /e/, /i/ and /u/

>> No.3955377

/an/ /y/ /hm/ /gif/ /sp/ /tv/ /co/

>> No.3955390

Want to buy a vowel?

>> No.3955407
File: 266 KB, 905x881, 1546999176582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ /vg/ /vr/ /mu/

>> No.3955419

I'm the same as >>3955377 but replace /sp/ /tv/ with /cm/ /fa/

>> No.3955429

/b/ /co/ /aco/ /v/ /vg/ /vr/ /adv/ /x/

>> No.3955431

/ic/, /fit/, /ck/, /k/, /v/ and /vg/

>> No.3955435

admit it, sometimes /y/

>> No.3955447

/co/, /i/, /an/, /out/, /jp/, /mu/, /lit/,/x/

>> No.3955462

/asp/ and /fit/

>> No.3955470

this is why you dont improve, I literally only browse /ic/

>> No.3955477

/pol/, /x/, and once in a while /jp/. /jp/ used to be my main board until the split happened and then I eventually the moderation got too strict. Here on /ic/ there are no mods so it became my main board.

>> No.3955480

post your crazy af gains

>> No.3955487

>hes trying to justify being lazy and unproductive
stop wasting time with other boards

>> No.3955569

/ic/, /k/, /lit/ and /news/

>> No.3955592

varied interests bring inspiration

>> No.3955671

/co/ /a/ /v/ /aco/ /wsg/ /gif/ and sometimes /x/

>> No.3955719
File: 149 KB, 800x1181, tour-walkingfromstatueloyal-dog-hachikom-2968-680-20181220-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>3955716

>> No.3955832
File: 1.09 MB, 2300x2091, btg_walmart_subway_drac05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What other boards do y'all browse
I'm a transplant from /tg/. I came for the mech challenge and stayed for the nachos and bananas.

>> No.3956151

I don't improve because I'm a lazy fuck who only does the bare minimum to keep the streak, not because i browse other boards, lol