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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3936923 No.3936923 [Reply] [Original]

for any art related vents you want to get off your chest

>> No.3936929
File: 110 KB, 1891x512, how to loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I sat down with my friend today to show him a storyboard that I'd been working on. it's a rough draft, just sketches with some outlined text sections. about 5 pages in total, with 4 different composition/panel alternatives. he asks me how long it took and i told him about 5 hours of script writing and another 2 hours to design layout + sketches.

this man looks me in the eye and says he can't believe i wanted to do this over going bowling with him, his girlfriend, and another girl he was trying to set me up with.

he's a good friend. he's been good to me. but fucking hell does it not not bother me when someone i like makes the implication that i'm wasting my time. would it kill anyone to find some consideration within themselves and be supportive of what i want to do now? ah.

>pic unrelated
funniest shit i seen on /ic/ since i've been coming here.

>> No.3936933

I need anatomicly correct skulls and skeletons but they're too expensive amd I'm poor ;__ . Don't want to e-beg but it may be my only hope.

>> No.3936934

>24h per day
>slept 11h
>only did one fig drawing somehow for the remaining 13h
hmm something is not right, where does the time go?

>> No.3936957

I'm gonna get serious this time and fix my art and life. No more shitposting. bye /ic

>> No.3937110

See you tomorrow anon.

>> No.3937117

He doesn't necessarily think you're wasting your time. He thinks you don't like to have fun. I have experienced this a lot with normies who ask me why I don't like to party. Partying is their favorite way to have fun, and they can't imagine that somebody would rather stay at home and draw. You just need to explain to him that you felt like drafting instead of bowling, since you found it more satisfying at that time. Maybe set up a different time to hang out with him to ensure he knows you still want to be his friend.

>> No.3937291

tell him that he's an inconsiderate fucking asshole and ditch his ass

>> No.3938088

Aphantasia is making it hard to get past some things. I don't do as well as others in my classes because the professor says "imagine a scene and make variations on it" and I'm stumped. I draw what I can with shapes and trying to do composition right, and he just fucking looks at my work and cringes when I ask for advice. I explain over and over again that I can't into imagination and seriously need help with the technical side of this shit so I can understand, but he always just goes silent shrugs and walks off on me.

Guess I'm on my fucking own with figuring this shit out. I'm terrible at "do x from imagination" projects and it shows.

>> No.3938119
File: 382 KB, 540x416, sttop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apply for a zine a friend is running, get in
>Start another drawing while in the middle of it, got enough time so no problem
>Got sick, sore throat, can't breathe without pain
>Cannot for the life of me get to drawing
>Zine deadline creeping in
I'm sure i can make it but goddamn

>> No.3938212
File: 290 KB, 1024x1821, gogetaupdate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so im kind of shit unless i have both pencil and paper as well as my laptop and wacom. with the wacom alone, i just dont have the precision, smoothness nor line quality that i can get with a pencil. ive been trying for i think 7 years, and its not fucking happening. it still feels like trying to write with my left hand. i will never get used to looking somewhere other than where my pencil is when im drawing.

but on the other hand, ive been using it so long that im basically fucking useless without it. now i need layers, i need an undo feature, i need the ability to flip the canvas with a single click. i cant render at all without my wacom. i will 100% certainly ruin anything i try to render with markers or paint. i have to just go in digitally and then i can adjust sliders and opacity to my liking. and at the end of the day, its still just /beg/ tier.

>> No.3938329

Anyone else feel weird looking at paypal transcripts with people's real names on them? Feels odd

>> No.3938397

It's because we try to dissociate as much as we can as artists, using our PERSONAS. But that goes to the trash once it gets too personal and they're seeing Your Name while you read their names. It's awkward, they could probably search you on social media.

>> No.3938451
File: 75 KB, 555x858, tumblr_nrkrqfgHdi1rhql4to2_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no good forums anymore. Too late for golden conceptart.org era, but just in time for photobashing, 3d models, mobage assets and degenerate anime porn.

Wish more painterly styles would come back with an active community, but it's less relevant in the industry with so many new cutting-edge (rather corner-cutting?) techniques.

Never wanted to be a concept artist, but this makes it hard to find new inspiration to look up to, new blood, communities and new resources. This is the darkest time line.

>> No.3938461

Based if true.

>> No.3938491
File: 836 KB, 598x602, 1528199205675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never get started. I'm so spineless and used to failure that I'm not even trying, in art, in writing, in vidya, in life. I fail not because I'm bad or retarded, but because I don't try. I got used to thinking too much and doing too little.

>> No.3938500

How in hell am I supposed to get "2-5 years of experience in the videogame industry" if every studios, no matter how small or obscure ask for at least one or two years of experience? I don't mind starting small god damnit, i just want to actually start, and get a fucking job.

>> No.3938503

Just have a good portfolio and show evidence that you understand the design process i.e. from idea to product.

>> No.3938506

Yeah, that's kinda what i was going for. I'm probably going to do the Artstation Challenge of this month, it looks like it could lead to something nice.

>> No.3938554

How the fuck do I grip my digital pen correctly to control the most lvls of pressure holy shit.

>> No.3938570
File: 78 KB, 427x427, ABaNdOn aLl HoPe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>high school drop out
>need a diploma to apply to art school
>stuck wagecucking and unable to practice drawing deu to the long hours and exhoustion
just why man?

>> No.3938573


>> No.3938576

if been stuck with a minumum wage job for quite a few years now too the best part about it is that it's completly my fault.

>> No.3938589

How do I convince myself that I can improve?

>> No.3938595

Someone help me come up with excuses to not draw today

>> No.3938608
File: 511 KB, 616x674, DD0B28B9-E24B-4F81-B6EB-15175C7A8CC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working on a character design
>do a sketch that perfectly illustrates what she should look like
>can’t replicate it in different poses even using construction


>shit at top down perspective and perspective in general

>> No.3938724

You don't have to be convicted, just draw. Practice.
Clean your flat, cook something nice and do some physical exercises. Basically, do something else that remain relevant.
You forgot "the sketch looks good but i can't push it further to save my life".

>> No.3938760
File: 257 KB, 970x542, 1546313964351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been years since i drew anything, i wan to draw but all i can make is shit, i cant even force myself to scribble anymore, i know in my mind that to improve i also must fail a lot, and i cant cant cant, theres no one who would care, even this post is just a meaningless whine into the void. and it hurts so much i want to scream.
i have no skills and i must draw

>> No.3938762

hey there, brother

>> No.3938825
File: 9 KB, 330x328, 1537417701078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck are normalfags so fucking afraid of sharing OC art? every OC art i see only has a slim fraction of retweets/whatever in comparison to likes, even the shit with thousands of likes only gets a couple hundred retweets or whatever. pisses me off so fucking much.
it's the same case with people sharing their webcomics and other original projects, fucking no one has the balls to share this shit with other people. why do people hate small artists so much? you see indie games getting shilled to death but it's never the fucking case with independent artists.

>> No.3938826

It's not about normalfags or being afraid.

>> No.3938831

No real idea, people mostly like what they alreday know, that's why most people's idea of original stuff is just a wishy-washy, or improved at best, idea of something already successful.
But yeah, it's really annoying.

>> No.3938911

>OC art
wtf is it

>> No.3938921
File: 10 KB, 228x221, 4735252357234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got 3000+ follows on Pixiv, all art as of this year get 1000+ views, 300-500 likes and favs
>Had nearly 2000 follows on Tumblr, most art get 200+ likes monthly, before the admins got turbotriggered and nuked all porn
>Go to Twitter
>Half a year later only 300+ followers with barely 30-50 likes

This fucking sucks dick. Even my commission rate dropped thanks to Dumblr's bullshit. I feel stressed out and depressed.

>> No.3938935

I just looked at my Twitter feed and realized only the Jap pics get 2K amounts of retweets, while western art gets barely any and mostly just likes. Why are Americans not sharing art?

>> No.3938939

You gotta lure them first. From what I've seen, you can make lots of fanart and if you happen to be successful, people might want to share OC stuff. Maybe you could even get away with it if you make oc based on already existent media

>> No.3938943

>Why are Americans not sharing art?
Because they prefer to share memes instead of art (which is why people with crappy artstyles get more attention than actual artists)

>> No.3939142

Yep, looked myself and that seems to be the cast. Maybe that's why my art just doesn't get as much exposer, at least on Twitter compared to other places like Pixiv.

Does anyone know how to get commissions going on pixiv?

>> No.3939203
File: 259 KB, 514x642, dd1lkow-d8373b9d-d793-4b2a-b43b-dead8cd33d09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Khaoskai is so fucking talented it makes me sad.

>> No.3939367

i miss the simpler times of just drawing for the sake of making the front page art submissions of a tiny mmorpg fan-site for a couple of asspats years ago. just competing my shit scribble with everyone elses and being eternally salty about any negative comment from another artist.

>> No.3939427

"I can find a 17-year old from China who can draw circles around you."

I can take criticism really well, but this one really got to me. It's true, though. I'm 28, and while I think I'm okay there's a bunch of kids overseas that are way better than I am at this trade.

>> No.3939428

>being eternally salty about any negative comment from another artist
Haha exactly.The opinion of a single person literally doesn't matter anymore, it's just like how's the metrics doing.

>> No.3939440

>draw circles around you.

>> No.3939541

It's a pasta anon

>> No.3939554

why couldn't you just show him all this shit at the bowling alley you autist?
massiveblack forums are gonna bring back the golden age r-right?
those numbers are largely arbitrary but contributing art & assets to fan projects and indie games is a good way to show that you understand how to work within a pipeline.
you don't need a diploma for workshops & tradeschools iirc . barring that, ateliers are pretty cheap.

>> No.3939592

>why couldn't you just show him all this shit at the bowling alley you autist?
Because he was doing that storyboard WHILE they were at the bowling alley, man.
>you felt like drafting instead of bowling, since you found it more satisfying at that time
>more satisfying at that time
Best way to trigger a normie.

>> No.3939612

People don't know you and can't relate to your characters (or landscapes).
They need to connect with something to share it.

>you see indie games getting shilled to death but it's never the fucking case with independent artists.

Yeah sure. Most of indie games fail badly but yeah, if you want to trust that.

There is a thing not so hard to understand. If you are not popular, you probably suck at something. It could be at art or it could be at marketing. Maybe even both. Work on that and be patient. It takes years to get a community. Stop rejecting the fault on others.

>> No.3939622

Tumblr allowed you to explore. You could find content with hastags and plenty of people gathering around a subject. It was comfy.

Twitter shows you what's new. Everything is about what's popular at the moment. And there is always something trying to catch up you attention. It's not really meant for artists.

>> No.3939773

Nonsense. You have enough spirit to call your faults as you see them, that takes more spine than many have.
The only thing that can make you pathetic is valuing yourself to other people's standards. You're a beast, made to eat and fuck. Thinking about it in terms of success or failure is the wrong attitude altogether. There's nothing wrong with a simple or humble life, but there's plenty of problems associated with selfish ambition. Leave the social vying to the divas, realize image is paper thin, and only ever serves to detract from everything you do. At it's very best it's only incidental, and has no influence on you.
There's this shitty retarded meme here about valuing ambition at the cost of everything else, but that too is shallow and dare I use the term problematic. A true leader in any field isn't born out of ambition, they have to counter it if anything. They are a simple product, as anyone is, of their values, and following their passion. Unless you'd rather, of course, be the artist/writer/etc equivalent of a Bachelor contestant. "Win" or lose, you're still playing a retarded horseshit game.
Live, work and play, but be true to your deepest self, and to be damned with the arms race of pretense social media has spawned.
Hth, and ganbatte!

>> No.3939823

As a socially well off individual. That sounds fucking boring. I'd stay home and work too

>> No.3939831

EZ fix anon. Get a cintiq, screenles tablets are dying out anyway so dw about it

>> No.3939843

sad thing is that i'm mostly talking about pretty popular artists who have done just that and still don't get many shares of their original works, it's a shame
this wasn't really about my own art

>> No.3939873

Kind words, anon. Perhaps I do value ambition too much.

>> No.3939890

I want to die

>> No.3939963
File: 40 KB, 284x339, 1526333675032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think my webcomic is way too fucking ambitious for my first major public project and i'm worried i might fuck myself over because of that. i'm so fucking autistic about this shit and love working on it, but i know it'll probably get no where because webcomics rarely do
i'm also worried it'll take and take way too long to finish and i'll end up with inevitable hiatuses like all fucking webcomics seem to fall into. i can't wait to put this shit out later in the year, but i'm very nervous i'm setting myself up for disappointment because i think i'm putting TOO much passion into this. it's not like i really care about getting views or anything, i just wanna finish it and get it out because i love working on it so much, but i'm still gonna be sad if no one bothers with it, i really want at least someone to read it and enjoy it, it's the one thing i truly have so much passion about

>> No.3939977

Draw for yourself, not the exposure it may give you. Otherwise you'll never be satisfied and it will reflect in your work that you just want to be big.

>> No.3940154

If your main goal with art is too make money. You're not an artist your a business person. I just needed to say that somewhere before I go crazy. Sorry

>> No.3940165

Over the last two days I've done nothing but copy the exact same reference illustration over half a dozen times over, including tracing it, trying to reconstruct it from scratch using it as a reference to the side and drawing it again from memory with no references.

I've learned a lot from doing it, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm going through some Sonichu-tier autism by obsessing over the same reference for several days straight.

>> No.3940173

Variety is good for you dude. You should probably switch it up

>> No.3940179

Yes, but half-assing studies isn't going to do me any good either. If I walk away from a study without being able to reproduce it I haven't actually learned anything.

>> No.3940190
File: 1.33 MB, 3024x4032, idk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend $30 on a lead holder because I'm a dumbass
>Assume because it's so expensive it'll at least be high quality
>The fucking sharpener it comes with breaks within like the 10th use
>Have to buy another lead holder sharpener
>That comes and while the hole for the lead is the right size, the actual pencil is too fat to fit in the hole, so everytime I try to use it the lead snaps
>Try widening out the hole with a knife
>Doesn't work
>Now have to buy ANOTHER sharpener (this time just went with the really shitty cheap ones that are just a blade basically
>So annoyed now I'm no longer in mood to draw
At least the white ink pens I bought work fine, as long as I don't go too hard on the black

>> No.3940209
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>> No.3940238
File: 94 KB, 315x315, image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give up on having a social life anon and dive deep, I know I already have. Hopefully I'll emerge on the other side and not be a total sperg once I get there.

>> No.3940303
File: 31 KB, 601x508, wake me up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't need a diploma for workshops & tradeschools iirc . barring that, ateliers are pretty cheap.

the problem is transportation i live in a small town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere even the closest workshops and art schools are hours away and i don't have a car and the art school i wanted to join is the closest to my home.

>> No.3940334

I can't seem to get proper grasp on some fundamentals and its driving me absolutely insane. I'm reading the books and drawing but none of it clicks with me. Sometimes I even spend multiple hours trying to figure something out and barely get anything done as a result. No idea what I'm doing wrong

>> No.3940638
File: 18 KB, 211x289, The pain won't stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking mad. I bought some alcohol markers and can't find the right paper for the ink to not bleed through. Today, bought a small Strathmore pad with marker paper with the phrase "bleed resistent" written on the cover. I tried using my markers and the ink ended up bleeding through. Is there any kind of paper when nothing goes through?

>> No.3940852
File: 30 KB, 300x235, same hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey, me too. At the moment I'm considering a different format for my story that's less intense than a full-on comic. Maybe a webtoon or a visual novel or something.

>> No.3941002

So many dicks!

>> No.3941003

Have you tried gloss/photo paper?

>> No.3941021
File: 1.29 MB, 2160x3840, BE435F25-AC85-465E-9587-C6EE1A91CA0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use #234 Paris Paper for Pens. I use copics on it. I don't find it bleeds unless I do multiple multiple layers of marker, even then it only will if I'm blending with like obcene strength lmao.

>> No.3941078
File: 12 KB, 380x213, IMG_20190519_131659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I sign up for zines

>> No.3941083
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>finally find torrent for fowkes gouache sketching course
>9.5 niggabytes later
>the audio is russian

>> No.3941104


>> No.3941108
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x2048, 1558281178720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My vent today is... I'm happy that the dynamic Bible and school Robertson books are so dense and full of great information that they take a long time to go through and absorb. I'm genuinely elated by the challenge. I love the pressure. I feel my power level growing. That's my vent. Those 2 guys are awesome human beings. And I'm gmi because of people like them and also because of the brutal honestly of people on ic. Thank you frens.

>> No.3941111

Scott Robertson *

Swype keyboard is awesome but the typos can lick my balls.

>> No.3941114
File: 45 KB, 794x327, resistance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3941118

Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly;
Man got to sit and wonder 'why, why, why?'
Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land;
Man got to tell himself he understand.

>> No.3941158
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>just had to pay $36 to CANCEL my Photoshop CC subscription
From the very depths of my very core, fuck you Adobe. You are an absolute cancer growth of a company. Die.

>> No.3941436
File: 159 KB, 288x270, 1445033533787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come up with the most perfect artist username
>check availability
>handle is available on every site except twitter

>> No.3941504

Just use numbers instead of letters. replace e’s with 3s R’s with l2,s and so on.

>> No.3941515


They are run by a bunch of boomers, they're going to see some very stiff competition in the coming years.

>> No.3941539

You just gotta find one that's taking applications and send one anon, try searching for zine/merch rt accounts on twitter. I'm a FEfag and there's an account specifically for FE related merch so i find most of the zines i sign up for there, dunno if other fandoms have something like that though

>> No.3941610

fuck twitter, worst platform ever

>> No.3941627
File: 122 KB, 398x309, yikesx100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be comic artist, sometimes fanart comic, sometimes my own OC stuffs
>wake up this morning, check twitter
>a follower made hardcore porn of one of my OC getting banged by niggers
hmm yeah, it's well drawn but fuck off faggot I'm not RT nor acknowledging that shit even if you tagged me.

First time this happens, I feel like my daughter is getting raped or something

>> No.3941779

Happened to me to a while ago but it was $45 and they had charged me earlier than they should have and I was going to cancel.

>> No.3941884
File: 56 KB, 265x238, 1480550239241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get stuck in the 'trying to find the perfect style' loop

>> No.3941994
File: 180 KB, 540x303, tumblr_inline_opkz6pNJ8C1t6d7wi_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you think everyone else is a million times better than you so you're always trying to imitate the style of the thing you saw most recently instead of focusing on what's unique to your work

>> No.3942058


>> No.3942079

Jesus fucking Christ, Adobe's cancer.

>> No.3942122
File: 12 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he can "choose" the style

>> No.3942128
File: 174 KB, 1080x1042, 1556829440120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect username
>already taken on twitter by some faggot who didn't use his account since the registration date
I wonder if is it possible to remove them from the site with the twitter support and yoink their account name

>> No.3942165

Use commiss.io

>> No.3942178

I've been doing art for 6 years, and now I'm 30 and nowhere close to employable level. Time for me to give up on the idea that I could ever be a professional artist and start doing something productive with the rest of my life.

>> No.3942190

I would be curious to see something from you, just to assess your skill level.
Doesn't have to be something which could lead you to be recognized. I'm just genuinely curious, as someone who's gonna be 30 soon and has "done art" for 4 years now (PS : I'm shit-tier).

>> No.3942223
File: 627 KB, 1095x1200, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a character from 2017 and recent 2h study

>> No.3942242

That's not bad.
I hope you end up finding your way, anon.

>> No.3942255
File: 89 KB, 249x281, 1552363527069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm about to bitch about is the epitome of first world problems, but I guess it's what I deserve for being a degenerate.

>haven't established myself as an artist yet, still anonymous
>want to make art for a niche fetish, share it with other degenerates, and eventually get commissions
>only problem is that the community for that niche fetish is pretty small, so pretty much everyone knows each other
>come to find out recently that the community has 'leaders'/'figureheads'
>it's some obnoxious chick (and a couple of her femoid friends) who's very vocal about 'supporting' the community
>she draws in a shitty, bland animu style but it clashes with her hardcore/edgy content
>she loves rape/abuse/snuff and pushes it everywhere in the community
>femoid friends pretty much share the same view as her (even draw in a similar style)
>the fetish itself isn't that extreme (it's normally consensual), but she always injects dark/edgy shit into it and pushes her 'version' everywhere in the community
>if anyone dares speak out against it she'll autistically screech about 'kinkshaming'
>her personal army of orbiters will always come to her defense
>seemingly everyone in the community supports her and showers her with praise
>not sure if the community has truly become incestuous or if they're just afraid of pissing her off

I'm not a huge moralfag, but my degeneracy isn't so extreme that I don't feel revulsion/disgust at offputting shit. All I want is for the hardcore content to be better quarantined, but most of the faggots in the community don't like hearing that. They want the community to be completely 'accepting' and 'judgement free' (a safespace pretty much).

I can relate, anon. But instead of OCs, it's canon characters. I'm sorry your character was violated in such a way.

>> No.3942434

Any other paysites that allow you to be anonymous? I prefer to keep my real name hidden.

>> No.3942516

I read through their help pages and it appears they let you hide your real name from consumers, i.e. only commiss.io themselves know your name.

>> No.3942529

It is very rarely possible. Probably won't work bit worth a try.
>account gets hacked
>twitter does nothing
> keep reporting it
>still nothing
>give up for like 3 years then report it again
>they delete the spam posts it made and do nothing else

>> No.3942550

I think they only delete the accounts if they have zero activity (which includes logging in and out) and have been inactive for at least 4 or 5 years. Earlier today I went and checked for one of my old throwaway accounts from around 2013 and it had been deleted.

>> No.3942600

Honestly, I think if you keep developing your version of the content, people who disagree with Queen Bee will come to you. You don't have to speak out against her and be harrassed for it. You can just passively generate a following that enjoys your version. And if someone asks you to do snuff you can just be like no thanks, not up my alley.
There's definitely a space for a nonhorrifying version of whatever kink you're doing. A lot of people love consensual, sweet monsterfucking even.

>> No.3942987

Thanks anon. That was actually along the lines of what I planned on doing. Hopefully, one day, my art will reach a near professional level and I can become objectively the best artist in that community (even better than her).
The community is actually starved for content, so I have a feeling I'll get a healthy stream of commissions. Maybe even the snuff-fags will come flocking to me, so long as they can hold back their powerlevel.

>> No.3943229

when I ask for what brushes are you using just give them you fucking dickhead

>> No.3943265
File: 278 KB, 633x473, 1483775661345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busy, busy, busy

>> No.3943698
File: 21 KB, 317x233, 1507832570384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw art not good enough for anyone to bother uploading it to danbooru
>the one image that got uploaded is one of my worst old drawings
Literally the most autistic shit but it bothers me so much

>> No.3943734

Rendr. Its embedded with a sheet of plastic in the middle so literally nothing will bleed through.

>> No.3943743

>self teaching everything
>literally get multiple angle references for everything
>So lazy every time I want to learn a new thing I stop drawing for days just to procrastinate reference hunting because I cbf to sort my fucking folders

I'm a huge piece of shit lmoa.

>> No.3943759

Upload the rest yourself then.

>> No.3943791

last i checked they dont allow that

>> No.3944019

Damn just go bowling with him. You can do that stuff any time. I mean he even tried to set you up, sounds like a good friend.

>> No.3944195
File: 103 KB, 879x650, p19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3944204


>> No.3944333

get your fucking GED

>> No.3944351


go through all of the Khan academy stuff up to algebra and you'll get your ged. I dropped out and passed on my first try thanks to that site.

>> No.3944356
File: 38 KB, 558x614, DpkvDYnVsAAuIf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'You should draw for yourself, anon, you shouldn't worry that no one retweets your art!'

Bruh nothing says 'your art is subpar' thann 20 likes and maybe 3 retweets. Although I know I should enjoy the process first and let all the clout come on it's own. it's a hard mentality to fucking kick
Also, just git gud

>> No.3944392
File: 22 KB, 500x333, 1374295666375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. I got a GED, and it came in handy years later when I decided to bite the bullet and do post-secondary in a desperate bid to escape wage slavery

>> No.3944406
File: 1.76 MB, 356x200, 1555665853929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to play Bloodborne
>want to play Sekiro
>but I want to draw sick monsters even more
It's kind of a shame, they're really well made games and BB is thematically a perfect execution.

But every time I look at a cool monster/design it just pisses me off I can't draw like that, and I get up to draw more monkeys and shit

>> No.3944639

Amazon link?

>> No.3944642

After all these years you fucking retards would rather post bullshit and ask fucking irrelevant common sense questions that draw. You suck cock at drawing because you dont draw, you spend all your time here constantly getting told that what youve produced is shit. Get off the internet brainlet fucking morons and your art gains will go straight up if you sit down and practice

>> No.3944647

this is all just so much fucking work, time and meaningless knowledge for such little reward. why do i have to love drawing so much?

>> No.3944783
File: 246 KB, 900x668, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to work on a comic has made me less confident in my skills, I need to tighten up my perspective and anatomy to a point I'm happy with first. I also need to finish more pieces, god damn.
I don't really care if my art gets a lot of exposure, but I'd like to have at least a small group of people who care about my work. I just want to know I can communicate my ideas to some people. Maybe I just need some friends.

>> No.3944803

based and fromsoftpilled

Honestly just study along Vilppu's animal drawing course on NMA. I'm going through it right now. Its extremely good for learning all the similarities between the animals and how Vilppu constructs them. That will carry over to making monsters from imagination, animal-like ones anyway.

>> No.3944806


Idk I have like 900 followers and IME likes and retweets has a lot more to do with engagement and timing than which pieces are good. My halfass wips get more likes than the actual finished piece because I posted it at the magic hour or something. Twitter is a total mystery.

>> No.3944939

I feel this. Comics are fucking hard..

>> No.3944950

Man, I feel you anon. Comics are tough shit. If I can give you any advice, it's that it's okay if you fuck up in comic art moreso than in regular art. Comics and illustration are totally different beasts.
It doesn't sound nice to hear or say, but in a lot of comics it's okay to fuck up on the art. There's plenty of published comics and popular webcomics with ugly art that get by on the strength of story. Audiences are more forgiving of mistakes oftentimes because they understand comics are a lot of work, and they want to see the story unfold more so than see you pull off flawless backgrounds and figures. This isn't to say you shouldn't work towards improving your comic art, but be forgiving yourself. Most people give up on comics early on because of how much effort they take in comparison to normal illustrations. Don't be like them. Keep chugging, you can do this.

>> No.3944953

People are too lazy to get into stuff by themselves, and mostly just get into things because they heard other people talking about it. Also normalfags don't really care about art unless it's animated most of the time either

>> No.3944966
File: 235 KB, 1000x1864, 1543747770285_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so embarrassed of wanting to draw. I have artist friends and I'm terrified of them ever knowing I'm trying to learn or even finding out I have an interest in it, I feel like they're gonna think "Wow this asshole really thinks he can draw lol" even if that's very unlikely, I still fear them being condescending or making fun of me with other people

>> No.3944974

Drawing is your thing. Only yours. You don't have to tell anyone about it or let anyone see it if that's uncomfortable.

>> No.3944984

If they are your friends just ask them for tips on how to improve, nobody is going to make fun of you and if they do, they are not worth being called friends. Try to overcome your insecurities anon.

>> No.3945054

Saw some post seeing how the best times to post are between 1-3 PM, not sure how true that is
It's a crapshoot anyway bc of twitters shitty way of showing off posts

>> No.3945068
File: 148 KB, 1200x900, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had a little sketch girl like that. I ended up making comics with her and using her for a practice character. It's a good cope for sucking.

>> No.3945518
File: 147 KB, 500x544, asdfasdfasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw
>can't come up with anything to draw other then character stand in the void

>> No.3945595

Your "friends" are not friends.

>> No.3945691

I know.. I have some IRL friends though so it'd be a little hard to hide it from them
I think I know enough from all my time reading about drawing the past few years, they're all the drawing since childhood type. I did say it was /very/ unlikely that they'd think less of me because of my interests, they're not actually bad people. I think I just have a complex... Thanks guys ;-;

>> No.3945738


>> No.3945826

Workin caricature artist at a theme park here
>Parents and high school didn't let me take art classes
>Was supremely behind the fucking curve when I went to school
>Back when I was in school I would stay up on weekends and down adderall and crank out anatomy studies.
>Like 7 years later I'm roughly competent, and draw caricatures at a theme park
>microdose adderall just to keep me focused on studies while I work so I can get out of it
>Can do competent bodies n anatomy, keep cranking
>One of my coworkers got in trouble for figure drawing an obvious nude
>Corporate supervisors are absolute cocksuckers to us cuz we're third party so any chance they get to come fuck with us they take
>Problematic-Bespectacled cunts eavesdrop on our conversations when we're not in the park working, they'll try to get you fired
>Don't make enough from commissions to freelance part time
>Still get autists begging for free shit in my inboxes
>Terrified of getting stuck in a rut at the park, just trying to treat it like paying my dues
>Only been there a year, made some good friends who work hard and encourage each other to get better
>Any fucking corporate/first party manager interaction poisons that camaraderie
>Our boss has no level of loyalty
>Oh there was also an attempted murder on the last manager
>Keep forgetting to establish social media
>Could probably livestream my work
>Have no idea where to start
>Get scheduled for days and hours that make me hate making art for a living
>These problems are affecting other artists at the stand and many are leaving
>Boss will not acknowledge these problems
>Summer approaches
>Busiest, most lucurative time of the year
>Also the most amount of retards who will fuck with you
>Corp Managers are also the worst because their jobs actually become mildly challenging
>Not entirely sure if I'm gonna it.

>> No.3945842

your life is my nightmare ... im sorry ... i hope you find a way anon

>> No.3945857

thank you

>> No.3945900
File: 56 KB, 608x648, 1556713492435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like yuri
>join yuri discord
>oh cool they have a drawing channel
>its a bunch of drawings of trannies with their dicks out
Is there nowhere that's safe.

>> No.3945904

I feel you anon

>> No.3945944

Fuck son, I used to work the henna tattoo booth at Canada's biggest park a decade back and you're givin' me fucking 'Nam flashbacks here.
I wish you nothing but success and gains.

>> No.3945953

>Liking yuri
>Liking yuri and expecting groups not to be filled to the brim with gynephilic trannies
You only have yourself to blame.

>> No.3945964

>liking anything
>expecting it not to be full of trannies

>> No.3945997

>rape/abuse/snuff and pushes it everywhere in the community
sounds like I should join, I've been wanting some where to post my hardcore stuff. what is the site, and women artist are generally attention whores who love drama, so it's best to just avoid them desu.

>> No.3946036

Listen man, I'm not one of those shitposters that screeches about discord trannies every other post. Its simple logic, most people on the internet are dudes, therefore anything, especially fetishes, that worships females/feminine features is gonna attract trannies. MtF are ALWAYS gynephiles. Also yuri is gay as fuck ,so what do you expect?

>> No.3946040

Don't get me wrong, I understand that they'd probably be there, but I at least expected them to keep their shitty tranny shit out of the group that's fetishizing lesbians and just quietly enjoy.

But fuck man, if there's not a single group I've joined online that isn't filled with trannies. /ic/ groups are always ran by them, most anime groups are, most vidya groups are, at this point i'm just at a loss.
Maybe I'll try yaoi, surely they'll be fine.

>> No.3946049

put a piece of thick paper under the page you're drawing on so it bleeds onto that

>> No.3946053

You'll just get really catty fujos tho, so its mostly pick your flavor of shit sandwich. Your not going to find anyone of upstanding morals or at the very least, people with a decent head on they're shoulders inside fetish communities, least of all 4chan communities. These places are for the dregs and downtrodden of society, so of course the mentally ill are the ones flocking to them. The internet is becoming a really polarizing place where if you don't have (internet) friends already, your gonna have a really hard time finding a place to fit in. I agree with you that trannies just seem to be everywhere you go nowadays, but it seems like people like you and me need to just be accepting of people with other kinds of (mental illness) differences.

>> No.3946055

>20 likes and maybe 3 retweets
i'm lucky if i can get 1 like from a stranger

>> No.3946056

>tfw consistently hovering around 7 likes/bookmarks an image on pixiv
how bad is it?
The images I normally like have around 100-200, but admittedly they're much better than I am

>> No.3946077
File: 195 KB, 400x388, 1550097508634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw a pepe
>didnt put my name on it
>it got famous
>chinese are selling shit stuff like shirt, bag, pillow, ... with my pepe on it

>> No.3946080

>want to draw
>can come up with anything
>no skill to pull it off

>> No.3946082

>if you don't have (internet) friends already, your gonna have a really hard time finding a place to fit in.
Holy shit you're making me scared, thinking about recontacting my internet group friends I haven't talked to since new year

>> No.3946093

>Your not going to find anyone of upstanding morals or at the very least, people with a decent head on they're shoulders inside fetish communities
Can confirm.
You might occasionally find a 'normal'/'chill' kind of person within fetish communities, but in my experience it's pretty rare. It's gets especially worse if your fetish is on the 'weirder' side, like groups for loli/vore/guro/etc. I've personally heard horror stories from artists and RPers who've tried making friends in those groups, only to get stuck with creepy/insane weirdos or rabid SJWs. Normally it's the women who are SJWs and the guys who are trannies/weirdos.

I agree anon, go reconnect with your friends. It's not worth the risk to your sanity.

>> No.3946112

Eventually positive things will be said about my art... Eventually.

>> No.3946124

Link to pepe

>> No.3946129


>> No.3946131

Lmao nice

>> No.3946215
File: 31 KB, 670x503, 1514301614081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever finished a drawing, coloring and all, just to look back at it and feel instant regret?
Half of the stuff I do I never bother uploading, I'd rather let them rot in my drive. Why am I like this?

>> No.3946217

It usually takes me 12 hours or so, so I can look back at my gallery and wonder what the fuck I was thinking.

>> No.3946223


>> No.3946226

Are you me, anon? I do the same thing. I get anxious every time I upload.

>> No.3946269 [DELETED] 

art is way too difficult

what i hate the most is that sometimes I feel like I can draw and really like my drawings, but mostly I can't draw at all
yet I can't just give up because of these rare occasions where I can draw what I like

it's nothing but frustration and not worth it honestly
if you don't show clear signs to make it after like 2 years, don't even bother continuing imo

>> No.3946314

Why am I so bad at everything? All this effort just for what exactly? I have no goal or reason to live. Do you think it's destiny that I'll eventualy kill myself?
Nobody cares about me. Everyone always leaves me. I'm pathetic.

>> No.3946317

I've fixed this by working even harder.

>> No.3946322 [DELETED] 

so now you produce even more garbage? congratz!

>> No.3946323

I think I'm at worst possible place in my life right now. I can't get a job that gives decent working conditions, friendless, my family secretly despise me for not living how they want, and I'm going to run oit of money soon. I waisted 6 months of my life on a pointless career. I don't even think I like it anymore. I just did it because I liked the praise from people that didn't know any better. Now that those people are gone, it just feels empty.

>> No.3946325
File: 9 KB, 204x298, 1511968146114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not always this, but this.

>> No.3946328 [DELETED] 

>Why am I so bad at everything?
Probably lost the genetic lottery. People who say shit like "dude, just practice more" are fucking retards. You somewhat have to be born to be able to produce good art. Most people are just meant to live the normie wagecuck life.

>> No.3946331

Well no. As long as you don't quit, you stop producing garbage at some point.

>> No.3946333

I want to be better dammit. Not just at art, but as a person as well. I'm just so sick of failure that I'm losing my will to keep going. This is too much freedom for me. I almost want to throw myslef in debt, just so I can have a reason to live, like how a child has no say in going to school. A routine just so I can give myself a false sense of purpose.

>> No.3946334 [DELETED] 

Complete bullshit. I already draw since I can think on and off, and I still mostly just produce garbage.

You probably just have low standards.

>> No.3946339 [DELETED] 

You sound fucking pathetic. You should learn to hate others more instead of yourself. Men need a healthy dose of hate towards the world to get better. Self-pity is for women.

>> No.3946340

>I already draw since I can think >>>on and off<<<
It takes far more effort than a normal person thinks is reasonable or sane. You think you're not lazy, but you are.

>> No.3946341

You'll just be too inverted and fucked personality wise to be hired anywhere. I cut all social ties a few years ago because of issues and I went from socially awkward to feeling like my brain is imploding when I'm around people. If i didn't have a job already to keep from starving, I doubt I would be hired again. I would have some form of social life if I were you. Even if it's small. Unfortunately people succeed in life by being liked and having connections, not on skill.

>> No.3946343 [DELETED] 

As if you had any idea about me, you pathetic fool.

You are probably just another retard who produces generic garbage any pea brain can learn and think you are hot shit.

>> No.3946345

Fine, enjoy your pity party and stay shit.

>> No.3946346 [DELETED] 

>I would have some form of social life if I were you
Why do wagecuck normies always feel the need to force their way of living onto others?

People are fucking cancer. It's way better to be alone.

>> No.3946348 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure I'm still better than you. You are just fine with producing garbage and lie to yourself that it's actually good.

>> No.3946352

There's got to be something physically wrong with me. I'm like the opposite of talent. I feel like I learn at 1/4 the learning speed of everyone else. And I usually don't believe in talent, but after putting in so much effort, and having a literal beginner surpass me within months, it's true. Maybe it's something you understand more with age. It's not fair

>> No.3946354 [DELETED] 

>I usually don't believe in talent
Why would anyone be so stupid to not believe in this? It's on the same level of stupid as believing anyone could become a fashion model. People are just too naive. Welcome to reality.

>> No.3946361

So I should be homeless and starve? Eating isn't a choice and I don't like what I do. Do what you want with your life just make sure you actually want it before you dead end.

>> No.3946363 [DELETED] 

>So I should be homeless and starve?
You wagecuck normies really have no clue lmao

>Do what you want with your life
Nice goalpost moving

>> No.3946389

This retarded meme of hate being anything but a problem needs to die

>> No.3946396 [DELETED] 

Except it's not a meme. Hate can be healthy too. It can give you courage and energy. You just have to know how to deal with it.

>> No.3946406
File: 10 KB, 112x112, 1529970991050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday I use drawing to keep myself from the huge weight of the possibility I contracted HIV, and gave it to my caring and loving girlfriend. All because I couldn't control my own lust like a fool. Every moment outside drawing is filled with a terrible mixture of guilt and dread.

>> No.3946409

Jesus christ faggot go to a doctor.

>> No.3946411

Hey it's not that you lack talent, you lack the way of thinking and motivation. That beginneris probably looking at everything as art, they're probably thinking 1about practicing when they aren't, and even visualizing the practice before and after they go to sleep. You can do it, you just have to remember why you started drawing, and how you can keep yourself motivated no matter what it is.

>> No.3946414

I have, but it can be undetectable for a period

>> No.3946421

Nigga there are test kits that are accurate to like a week post exposure that you can buy in a pharmacy you disloyal bag of shit.

>> No.3946422

>19 years old
>been drawing at least two years
>get compliments about art from non artist friends and some other artist friends.
>ask ic friends about art
>they tell me I’m ngmi and it will be 12 years until I’m actually good
>Start thinking about if everything I’ve been doing for past few years was a waste of time and I’m just some untalented hack with terrible art.
I’m not gonna give up art but I wish I knew what the was problem so I can fix it and become a better artist that i know i can be.

>> No.3946425

Fundies are all you need to git gud, man. Youtube+cgpeers+libgen will get you pretty much every book and tutorial you need.

>> No.3946427

Problem is trusting anything the ngmi crabs are saying
Pros never listened to crabs, they kept on drawing.
The trick is to get out of your comfort zone, and draw what you suck at every now and then. And try to find ways to suck less. Look at references. Read art books. See how people solve those problems. But first, you have to encounter those problems on your own.

>> No.3946428

Hate isn't courage, it's born of fear. Anger you mean, and only rightful anger is ever useful, but it's also toxic, literally and metaphorically. And there are too many people who cant or won't separate any difference to encourage it.
And the worst effect is making people think cycles of abuse are okay or even desirable.
A lot of people are of the opinion the ends justify the means, but the journey IS the destination, in every way. There's no magical contentment tree around some corner, it's what you find in it. And anything extraneous to your ego that you use as a crutch is just that, a lie and a crutch that will fail you at the worst of times.
Anger is no motivation to anything real besides justice and self defense. Rising above it though? To stand on your own( pathetic) legs, and to strive for something better for others, in the face of all the multicolored bullshit the world has to throw your way, and not yield to hate, that's strength.

>> No.3946435

Thanks friends, I guess I just need to read and practice more and stop doubting myself.

>> No.3946436 [DELETED] 

you really love listening to yourself don't you? all this text and not saying shit

>> No.3946442

Hey, do something good for someone today, eh?

>> No.3946445

I have a friend who is more of a draw as a hobby type compared to our classmates (archi school) who are more of a draw since childhood types and I can tell you that people who have been drawing forever love it when they see beginners try drawing. Maybe because competitive people don't feel threatened by you lol but I like to think that when you love art then you appreciate it when everyone tries to learn art. I think it's empowering when you see someone who is new to art try even knowing they won't be as good as their friends, like if you're willing to try and fail and still get excited about learning art then I can get excited about trying and failing at learning.
I get how you can be shy about it but I think your friends would be stoked to know you share interests.

>> No.3946448

Pretty good aside from The freakishly long arms. Just check in on your proportions every now and then

>> No.3946451 [DELETED] 

you first

how about kys?

>> No.3946457

Wow look a worthless faggot on ic that doesn’t want to improve himself and is content on being a worthless faggot. Haven’t seen that before.

>> No.3946458

Fuck you.

>> No.3946472

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.3946481

This is a reason why I don't like to draw fanart.
Some characters aren't made for a lewd world and I want to respect that.
Sorry for her, anon.

>> No.3946524
File: 125 KB, 637x476, 1508670332985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are still very young and you have the oppotunity to make it.
2 years isn't that much since you probably had other things to do during that time.

But please. Don't listen what people tell you here. Almost everyone on /ic/ is lost. You are asking for directions to people who don't know where they are.
They tell you things they heard here and there but have no real experience. They have a preconception of what an artist should be and they'd like you to stick with it, but they don't know what they're talking about.

Get out of here if you want to become serious. You won't have any positivity in your work otherwise.

4chan and /ic/ are not healthy.

>> No.3946538

I really would like to find where shitposters like you live and wring all the life out of your useless, waste of flesh necks. You faggots kill all discussion and meaningful replies when you spew vitriol at people not even speaking to you. Go fucking kill yourself.

>> No.3946546


>> No.3946550
File: 3.87 MB, 340x274, DD397565-BEBB-456A-9A70-1FD3A11C2617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hard drive broke
>Had a drawing I really wanted to finish on there
>Can’t use vidya to numb the pain

>> No.3946591

what the fuck is a GED?

>> No.3946655
File: 78 KB, 328x246, 1500900829442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had my computer stolen and a 6 months of drawings and WIPs lost. I was so sad I couldn't even eat.

>> No.3946660

general education degree. Serves as a substitute for a high school diploma if you were unable to complete all four years of high school for whatever reason.

>> No.3946662

In America it's a degree you get if you drop out of high school that is equivalent to a high school degree.

>> No.3946665

Fuck dude, I’m sorry. Sounds shitty.

>> No.3946688

>get back into drawing after some years of not really doing anything and dropping off the internet communities
>all the old art sites I used are dead, all the people have moved on etc., know no one (last time I was active in the internet was around 2010)
>have absolutely no idea where to even post my stuff online or chat with other artists
>feel like I'm better than even technically but just end up posting stuff on Twitter in solitude where I have like three followers and it's honestly very lonely

I just have no idea how the whole internet game works anymore, I feel like a grandpa. Oh well at least I have made some irl drawing friends.

>> No.3946708

oh i am anon, i'm mostly worried about the workload and even though i'm doing it for myself i'd still like people to see it. i'd love to hopefully be able to entertain and make people feel something over it in some way, i don't mind if it doesn't get much traction or anything like that, but it'd be nice if at least someone appreciates it

>> No.3946714
File: 24 KB, 485x443, 1554247659750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very yikes and bluepilled my uneducated brainlet

>> No.3946724


>> No.3946983
File: 139 KB, 640x853, 1558687060061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking wish random ass people would stop trying to be my friend. Please don't fucking talk to me unless you're offering me a job or something. I don't want to tell you how my day was, and i don't want to know how your day was.

>> No.3947093
File: 117 KB, 404x640, img3065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post new work
>comment "cool!! can we be friends?"
>probably look like an asocial asshole now

>> No.3947131
File: 14 KB, 324x451, 1500431556138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair. My art gets no attention. I really want drawing friends.

>> No.3947176
File: 248 KB, 531x575, 1558467689286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to make concepts for a beast-like race for my fantasy world
>Got a side view of it (From head to chest, can't even do the lower body).
>CANNOT do the front view no matter how much I try
>mfw all I can draw is the shit around me and I'll never make anything new or interesting

>> No.3947182

I hate social media and the internet. I give up. The only reason why I post drawings online is that I want to make some basic income with art so I don't have to waste drawing time on a real job but it's impossible to make a following let alone money. On patreon it's all porn or industry giants so it's impossible to compete. It's just impossible and I don't have the strength to work at 200% for no result whatsoever and I don't have the will to do the prostitute act. Trying to turn art into a career has made me bitter and depressed and it's turned a thing I loved into something stressful and unpleasant.

>> No.3947200

This is my greatest fear and it would upset me so much. I'm thick skinned about anything else, I love my characters too much.

>> No.3947205

Every single fucking time this. Perfect account name taken by some faggot 6 years ago with no tweets, following nobody, just sitting there.

>> No.3947214

>Have a fetish
>Join community
>Every single thing is gay

>> No.3947229
File: 129 KB, 720x1080, WillyV_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a small following on instagram
>see many other artists with way more followers despite being less technically skilled, have wonky anatomy, bland character design etc.. because they post more frequently
>slowly losing followers due to inactivity

I get a decent amount of likes on my stuff, but I take too long refining things to the point where I'm content enough to post it..

>> No.3947320

I feel so defeated bros. I have no motivation or urge to do anything really and I don't really know what to do. My life hasn't changed that much to explain my lack of energy, physical and mental. I am already way behind where I should be at my age and I feel like I am getting weaker, this is tough. I know that the answer is to lift, read and improve whatever I want to do to make money and I've been doing that for some time now but I just don't want to do anything anymore. Fuck, getting results like getting laid for the first time or having my first job is still probably years away for me and I already feel like shit.

I guess my vent is that I have no energy to improve at art whatsoever and it ain't getting easier.

>> No.3947323

I made it a habit of saving both finished art and csp files on my google drive.

>> No.3947627

No one here ever gives positive critiques it's always bad. Now it's got me thinking that all my work is wrong and like I'm slowly forgetting how to draw. How am I suppose to know what I'm doing right if no one tells me?

>> No.3947658

I just feel like bashing my fucking skull into the wall till i pass out. I'm just one big nobody.

>> No.3947663

So this is what happens when your isolated for a long time. Your pathetic ass starts talking to yourself at 4 am. How annoying. Just put me out of my misery. But no pain. Living hurts enough as is

>> No.3947668

Pathetic. Shithead. Crybaby. Coward. Man the fuck up. Stop being selfish. Can't you see all the people your hurting. So what if I'm selfish? All I do is what people tell me do all my life and now that im on my own I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IM SUPPOSE TO DO.

>> No.3947670

But your not alone. You still have a loving family that cares for you. They'll just leave me they always leave.I don't deserve this. Give my life to someone who will appreciate it more. Because I hate myself

>> No.3947683

Social media has ruined me.

It starts out fine. You post some art and your fandom friends like it. Then the followers start coming in. And you promise yourself: I'm just gonna post fun stuff on this Twitter, it's totally not a gallery... Totally not going to release finished pieces only to have them compressed to shit... But that exposure is so damn addicting. 10 RTs, 60 likes becomes 50 RTs, 250 likes becomes 100 RTs, 500 likes and soon you're hitting 300-400 RTs and 1500-3000 likes consistently and it's just so... Empty... Got to mediocre artist teir yet can't break that wall to the next level? Guess it's time to have an anxiety attack after a painting 'only' gets 1.6k likes.

And the followers... Those few friends? Yeah well, start also following artists in the same niche genre and wow, some big names start following you back, guys with 10k followers, no 25k, no 60k followers follow you back -AND- liked and RTd your stuff? Feel a flutter for half a second and then back to feeling absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, find out a smaller artist unfollows you and bam, have the will to draw sapped right out of you.

Try to carve a niche for yourself, but at the same time, groan as you get contacted by fans who want to suck your dick just so they can use you for free art or clout chase. Any one that's genuine just gets mixed up with users in your mind. Trust no one. End up all alone.

You know you're never gonna make it but at the same time you tell yourself to stop being an ungrateful prick, people in the same niche of 'art' would kill for that amount of social media engagement.

But you just keep death spiraling. And that's the point I'm at. How could I have let this happen? I just wanted to share my art with some close art friends, they RTd a pic and then the floodgates opened and I let it consume me.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to draw to get my next dopamine rush and then cry myself to sleep when I don't get it.

>> No.3947727

The most based and wholesome thing ive read here in a while

>> No.3947744
File: 75 KB, 640x638, d824bab7-ee8c-4e4a-bb71-f066281784f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally dunked all my social media after working so hard to build my following. I've focused on drawing my cringey original characters and doing fanart for myself, of things I actually like that aren't just flavor of the month, making myself personalized icons and wallpapers for stuff, etc. and just following artists I like silently. I feel so much less stress, I'm actually back into a lot of things I lost love for. I feel lonely but I also feel 1000% less crazy and frantic. Pleasing people and getting them to respect your work at the same time is very hard. Making real connections to people at the same time is nearly impossible. I respect the hustle, I hope you all make it in your own way.

>> No.3947809

I want to delete my accounts again but I can't, because if I give up I have nothing else to live for. I've been doing this for years and it's clear at this point that I'll never go anywhere. I feel completely hopeless but I always end up trying and trying again, it's like I'm trying to carve an exit from a prison cell with my nails. I have nothing else to do, I can't be hired for a regular job. I'm so fucked, I completely failed my life. I'm such an idiot for thinking I could make it.

>> No.3947949

At this point the only thing that keeps me going is pure hatred and spite towards the art community and everyone involved with it. Online and Offline ,never met a art fag with a good personality ... including me. We should all just die lonely because were horrible people who cry about useless shit.

>> No.3947976

I've alway doodled stuff. Went to art college for two years. It turned out to be full of pretentious retards, who care only about their own feelings. Take a break, then decide to learn on my own. I can draw some stuff, but I never know what to draw exactly. Trying out some lewd stuff, tried out some traditional stuff - I can push all of it and I don't really know what I like. I'm still torn beteen learning more traditional stuff and popular cartoony dirty things. Feels like the cartoony stuff is closer to reach and easier to make some buck and I need to escape the wagecucking. Am leaving more serious stuff for the future. I have no idea what to do and I have a problem with indentifying and sticking to things, nor they bring me joy as they used to, before college killed my creative drive.

>> No.3947980

>never met a art fag with a good personality ... including me
Also, this.

>> No.3947983
File: 720 KB, 738x1034, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too scream on my works when I fuck up.

>> No.3948118

The world is truly awful anon, but giving up just adds to it. I think the art world suffers from art being a fundamentally superficial endeavor, without trying to make something more of it of course. You get what you see.
That, and to do art, you generally need to be well off, so you get a lot of people without a strong sense of character, because it's a "first world problems" industry. Because of these things, I think it attracts a lot of people for the wrong reasons. Our culture is tailor made to be shallow and materialistic, and social media sure as fuck doesn't help, but don't just say fuck it, sit in misery and let others burn. Reach for something above yourself and maybe you can carve a niche that one or two people will welcome as a refreshing change.

I can't begin to tell you how awful it is to be on the other side of watching someone like this.
To see someone for whom it's readily apparent they could use a dose of something warm or a little less worldly. To realize that the bigger someone gets the less they know what is genuine, and if they don't have strong close friends, it's going to be a cold journey, and they may never know something close because of it.
And it's worse in that you can justify yourself in some (wrong) sense by numbers, especially if it's a job for you. But you will never convince me it's better to have hundreds or thousands of followers rather than a few close friends, even for a job.
I started out a complete outsider to art, and sort of to the internet too, and seeing people follow this shit to misery, heartbreak and even suicide ffs is just completely asinine to me.
So, I don't know what the answer is for you, other than really striving to separate yourself from that side of it.
For me it amounts to just doing it for myself for a while, so I don't lose sight of things. At least until I feel like being open enough so as to be a net positive for myself and others, should that ever happen.
Hth m8s, ganbatte

>> No.3948245
File: 84 KB, 473x135, god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3948299

are you a hot girl? complimenting your art is most likely just an excuse to talk to you.

>> No.3948306

>never met a art fag with a good personality ... including me. We should all just die lonely because were horrible people who cry about useless shit.
You're meeting the wrong people, anon. The trick to finding good art fag friends is to befriend artists you like as firstly as people, and secondly as artists. You're never gonna be happy if you try to forge relationships with people solely because you like their work.

>> No.3948328

seems like line work that looks better than my sketches is a completely foreign concept to me. now sure what to do.

>> No.3948436

I'm a hot guy with very feminine features.

>> No.3948440

I have the same problem, does coloring help it at all at least?

>> No.3948460

>amass a group of twitter mutuals who're genuinely cool people.
>All of them except me constantly getting followers while I barely managed 1-2 a week.
>Shoot past me and barely interact with me as soon as they get big.

>> No.3948484

>I'm a hot guy
Lol fag
>with feminine features
Well come sit on my lap princess, and I'll call you pretty

>> No.3948526

>draw fan art of a popular airing anime
>far more likes than any of my other drawings
>its the worst thing on my gallery
I want to delete it, but i can't.

>> No.3948595
File: 44 KB, 1024x992, DwK-r0SU0AAhM_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get far more attention on low-effort shitposts and garbage drawings than I do for pieces I slave over for hours and days

>> No.3948611

Why are normie audiences like this?

>> No.3948616

Fanart will always get more attention
Because the content you've spent more effort on just isn't as interesting/engaging/etc, sad it is to say.

>> No.3948708
File: 59 KB, 700x933, azqqNjB_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graphic designers arent artists. theyre talentless losers. either guys who are fast talkers or hot girls. they sit there and fucking choose what fonts look good. and throw play with sliders in photoshop. fuck graphic designers. theyre at the bottom of the artist totem pole.

>> No.3948755

someone is upset they dont get paid as much

>> No.3948758
File: 19 KB, 333x353, AigisDrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer Science sucks and I especially hate that 1 professor can singlehandedly deprive me of what should have been art time.
How busy are the jobs? I want an apartment in 6 months. Born from California.

>> No.3948880
File: 402 KB, 1199x1383, 014844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I created an Instagram on my tablet to post drawings but they locked me out of my account and told me to verify with a phone number. I don't have a phone, I'm a young adult and parents won't buy me anything. Had to buy the art tablet myself.
Would Twitter lock me out too? Where do I post my art instead, Pixiv and Deviantart?

>> No.3949018

Sculpt it.
I did a skull in plastiline of a lizard race i had because i really struggled on it and it really helped me.

>> No.3949019

I also get far more attention when i say some dumb shit than on my drawings.

>> No.3949023

I just want to give a shit about my own art rather than relying on some fucking internet clout for a dopamine rush. I want to make myself happy, not some fucking cunts on twitter

>> No.3949148
File: 374 KB, 1000x1000, 1552836829550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can setup a google voice phone number for free without a phone

>> No.3949182


>> No.3949185

I have a friend who was interested in drawing, and he said to me roughly the same thing you are describing, that he was afraid I'd laugh at him. I wouldn't and I told him as much, embracing failure is an integral part of getting good.

It is possibly because he thinks that if he starts, he is somehow obligated to show me all his drawings, and that I would be somehow obligated to point out all the mistakes to his embarrassment

>> No.3949381
File: 280 KB, 452x710, MgmJq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda reassuring to see others stress over social media ngl at least I'm not the only one having troubles finding good art friends. It's nice when bigger names follow and RT your stuff but making that next step seems impossible for me. It's always non artist that want to talk.

>> No.3949382

Twitter is so dull, how is anyone supposed to communicate on it when nothing interesting appears on the timeline?

>> No.3949494

I fucking hate twitter. All I like are dumb cats and fight videos just to shit on my followers.

>> No.3949529

I am in IT. I am not a professional artist. Calling myself an artist is fucking cringe. I just like drawing. It's not that dramatic.

Money isn't the problem. Not that I'm rich or anything. But I just met the biggest douchebag friend of a friend. The fucking guy went on and on about how great of an artist he is but he draws like a fucking 4 year old and his professional website is just web page layouts where he is literally doing nothing but choosing fonts and colors and stock photos.

OH and of course he is also an anti fascist trump resister. Guy literally walks around telling people he thinks racism is bad because he has zero personality or original or even interesting thoughts.

And I've had several people like this doing that job in my past companies as well. They can't draw at all.

And they don't even have original ideas. Most of these people end up taking cliches, modifying them just enough not to get sued and putting them on t-shirts.

It's pathetic. Debating if I should post this dude's art.

>> No.3949535

"I'm an artist but words are literally violence even though I can't define what's offensive since it's subjective so I'm pro censorship because I'm a short cited dumbass. "

>> No.3949546

I haven't painted for maybe as long as two weeks. I need a new tube of zinc white but I'm behind on my rent and I spent money in the pub I wish I hadn't of. I've got a stack of canvases to finish.

>> No.3949657

hello, are you me?
also facial expressions are beyond me, and i can't have a comic filled with emotionless automatons

>> No.3949826
File: 28 KB, 254x294, 1539788613921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This critique here are worse than the ones I had in studio art in highschool. No one here knows what they're talking about. And the people that do only come here to shill their twitter. Are they're any better websites that isn't full of sarcastic assholes?

>> No.3949868

Hooly shieeet tfw I just discovered that a great concept artist I absolutely adore is just barely a 18 year old embryo. Not even a vent but my mind is blown

>> No.3949899

Doofus. Maybe ask a friend if you can have one of theirs and you'll buy them a new, full one in the future?

>> No.3949906

My twitter growth shot to 500 pretty fast but has completely stopped since.
I'm posting drawings once a week and getting a handful if likes and maybe one retweet.
I really need some money for a cutething but I'm not getting any new commissions at this rate.

>> No.3949937

Try doing exercises specifically for helping that condition. A past thread about it had a few anons saying it slightly helped iirc.

>> No.3949944
File: 44 KB, 270x311, 62DF8337-0D97-430A-8820-7B6797F39CE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A degenerate complaining about other degenerates, my favourite type of post

>> No.3950024

Have you tried taking the initiative and reaching out to other artists? They're people too and people like to talk if you have something interesting to say. They might ignore you but they were doing that anyways, so why not take a shot and possibly gain a friend?

>> No.3950034
File: 41 KB, 600x791, 1553105742867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta create accounts to post work but I can't fucking find an art name.

>> No.3950247


>> No.3950340

Well yeah, if the person knows you are professionally oriented, there's always going to be that uneven balance, until and if they can ever catch up to you.

It's worse if they see you as demanding expectation-wise, or harsh on yourself, because that's your genuine standard, isn't it? So why should they believe you value their pittance?

It's never worth evaluating by anyone else's standards. Something I know can be a harsh lesson for an anon like

>> No.3950349

my artistic ability seems to come and go

one day I can draw with my lines going where I expect and then the next unable to even create lines let alone a full figure character

>> No.3950448

Spent a large portion of last night in tears, broke up with my long term boyfriend over the dumbest shit. I want him back but his insecurities are too much to handle sometimes.

Last night he accused me of cheating on him by studying nude figures for my art, he said "why are you looking at other nude people?" And forbid me from going to live sessions. He doesn't even want me looking at pictures of nude people, nor does he want me drawing them. Says it's cheating, or 'something like cheating.' I couldn't convince him otherwise.

I love this man a lot, always have but sincerely wtf I don't know what to do.

>> No.3950452

I haven't draw anything since 2004 and I've been trying to get back to it for years, but everytime I try, I feel like I can't draw at all, as if there's something trying to restrain me from drawing.

>> No.3950485

I feel like an absolute brainlet. I can't understand gesture. I feel like I'm just doodling shit and not learning a single thing in the process.

>> No.3950489


>> No.3950497

As an extremely jealous guy myself I fully understand what the guy is going through, as retarded as it is. What likely happened is that he got cheated on a lot in the past, and that shit stays with you.
My gf is an artist too and when I think of sharing art resources with her, a part of myself sometimes thinks "uh oh, there's naked people in there, should I send this? what if it sparks something in her???", yeah, I'm that retarded.

By caging you he's making sure that the past doesn't repeat itself. He doesn't want you two to go past the point where elements that might make you cheat start appearing. In other words, he's scared of having an equal relationship with you, scared of opening himself up, scared of facing the fact that nothing in life is set in stone.

By continuing to act like this with you, he's also self-harming himself by shutting down the weak part of himself, by hiding the scars rather than facing them. If he learns to let go, and learns to just be good with you, he'll start healing.
That's the hard part though, and it's something that has to come from within himself.

He's suffering from it. If you love him and want to be back with him again, my advice would be to make him understand that you're on his side. Make him feel safe by acknowledging and learning more about his insecurities, and convey to him that you want to help him facing them, and help him getting better in that regard. Also make him understand that he's making you feel inadequate, making you feel like you can never reach his impossible standards, by projecting his fears onto you like this.
From there you two will be able to develop a closer and more genuine relationship.

>> No.3950505

>let him shame and guilt you into submission because he just wuvs you so much

>> No.3950515

The duality of man.

>> No.3950516

He might come around. My boyfriend was kind of the same way to a lesser degree.
It was a total shock to me, I couldn't believe he equated me life drawing to cheating. I literally had to take the class in order to pass school.
What's weird is that he's almost never jealous otherwise, he almost always acts like he doesn't give a single shit about that kind of thing but for some reason when I told him I was studying a real life naked model he blew a gasket.
I'm wondering if its just something about guys. I know that guys normally are more hurt if you have sex with someone else and women are more hurt if men say that they're in love with someone else. If you want him back I would evaluate whether or not he's going to be like this with other things and if he can learn to understand that this is not at all cheating or at all about him or related to him. If he doesn't have any other problems it might just be a touchy subject for men or just in general. I think I would be a LITTLE bothered if he was an artist an was drawing naked ladies, mostly because I'd feel really insecure about my own body.

>> No.3950519

Read and draw along with the Vilppu drawing manual. Seriously do it, and then do it again, and if necessary keep coming back to lesson 1 over and over for as many times as you need. There is no time limit

>> No.3950524

Get into the habit of locking the layer you're not currently working on and this will stop being a problem.

>> No.3950581

Thank you for the advice, I really do want to give him another chance - but he has a habit of being (hopefully unintentionally) emotionally manipulative. I know it stems from his personal insecurities, but it's hurting me so much to be tied down.

I don't talk to my friends anymore, I don't go out without him, I spend 6-12 hours with him alone everyday. I just really don't want to think he's doing these things intentionally like
suggested, and he really just doesn't know better - but then again he hasn't stopped yet. This figure drawing thing has just been a particularly ridiculous example of his insecurities.

>> No.3950596

Just use a random name generator retard

>> No.3950597

Anon that sounds really unhealthily codependent for both of you. You need to spend time with friends or family or even coworkers or both of you will fall into bad behaviors, it can be really toxic in future even if it isn't so bad now. Can you reconnect with your friends at all? Do you have a relationship with your family at all?

>> No.3950601

I do, I'm not very close with them anymore but I do still have friends around. My family is still close to me as well.

It's fun to spend a lot of time with him, but yes you're right. It's definitely made me very dependent, I'm scared of living without him and I don't know what to do anymore when he's not around. I didn't think it was that bad until now, however.

>> No.3950625

Are you NEET? It's never good to be fully dependent on someone.
I understand where you're coming from, sometimes I go through phases where I just want to be with my boyfriend and not leave the house because it's comfortable and I hate my internal monologue when I'm alone, but it's mentally unhealthy in the long run. I go through bad patches where I hate forcing myself to socialise but every day I have something new to talk to him about, and I know that I am independently choosing to come home to him, not just because I have no other place to go.
The both of you need to be symbiotic, not co-parasitic.

>> No.3950635

No, I'm in college currently.

I used to be fairly independent, to the degree in which it bothered him. I've progressively become more dependent to reassure him that he's my top priority, I guess I just let it get to the point in which it's difficult for me to reverse.

And yeah, I feel a lot like that myself. I've always found it easy to socialize with him when I don't feel like I can handle anyone else. I think I just took it too far.r

>> No.3950657 [DELETED] 

I understand that you love him anon and want to reassure him and I'm sure your relationship is fine right now, but I have to admit this sounds like the beginning of every abusive relationship. How does he behave when you are behaving 'too' independently? What happens if you tell him drawing nude figures isn't cheating?
What you're doing for him clearly isn't enough if he still doesn't trust you, what will ever be enough? Whilst you're in college it might be good to make use of any student counseling services.
Consider the relationship thread on lc also, since 4chan sometimes has a certain bias that isn't helpful in these matters.

>> No.3950677

I understand that you love him anon and want to reassure him, but I have to admit this sounds like the beginning of every abusive relationship and maybe this breakup was for the best. How does he behave when you are behaving 'too' independently? How did he react when you broke up with him?
What you were doing for him clearly wasn't enough if he still didn't trust you, what would ever be enough? Whilst you're in college it might be good to make use of any student counseling services. College feels like a lot but it's also a great time to form meaningful friendships and go outside of your comfort zone, focus on your art and try to make art friends so you can go life drawing together!
Consider the relationship thread on lolcow also, since 4chan sometimes has a certain bias that isn't helpful in these matters.

>> No.3950681

I am the only person who struggles with color and cannot network at all

Fuck this gay earth, I’m going welfare mode. I’m autistic so the state let’s me get the retard check. I’d rather spend my days drawing than sift through the labyrinth of cliques and chinks that is the art world.

>> No.3950699

I hate to tell you this but this is often an intentional outcome. By accusing you of cheating or not needing them every time you do something without them, they are isolating you from others on purpose because they do not view you as a human being with independent thought or self control but as their tool to self medicate their insecurity. This kind of relationship will enable the crazy in both parties. He might not be a bad guy, but that doesn't mean he's a good partner. You have to think of yourself and your own goals too, you are not responsible for other people.

Even if you try again, do not let yourself be limited and kicked around for the sake of not having wasted time on this relationship or because you care about him. Despite what the other anon said about working together with him, this shit doesn't often get better, only worse: they bottle it instead and then lash out later when they can't handle the insecurity anymore.

Connect with your friends and family. It's not you and him against the world. And keep doing what you need to in order to meet your art goals.

>> No.3950723

>girlfriend makes friends with this streamer
>tells him about me being an artist
>they talk and she sends him my way
>I get commissioned
>guy wants me to draw him a loading screen and a logo for his fortnite stream
>easy money, whatever
>take it
>we're starting small just with the logo
>tell him $100, half upfront
>he pays me the $50
>tell him I'll get back to him with a few sketch thumbnails and shit so he can pick one out or make revisions
>that was Saturday
>find out he commissioned someone else to do the logo, now only wants me to move on to loading screen
>only found this out because my gf told me, he didn't even have the balls to approach me and tell he himself
>confront him about it, tell him why it's shitty, we literally had an agreement 3 days ago and I already had 4 sketches made up and was in the process for a 5th
>he doesn't think he did anything wrong
>find out that the person he commissioned is from fiverr
>he messaged them today and they said they'll have 2 logos ready by 5
>either that artist is really good at what they do or he's really getting a shitshow of a logo each done in 2 and a half hours

Am I in the wrong here?? I'm really fucking pissed off either way but please tell me I'm not crazy. I know it's a fortnite player, and a streamer no less, so I really don't know what I expected. But fuck this has me riled up. At least I got money but still. Don't fucking go back on what you agreed on.

>> No.3950725

You're not, though I have to say that I'm mostly interested in black and white drawings and linework when it comes to (making) art. I also only have one art friend and I only know her because I was in the same live drawing class with her.

>> No.3950737

Same here, but at the same time black and white stuff isn’t profitable. So I don’t really have a future career in art unless I can write a comic or something

>> No.3950745

Just got to see one of the fiverr logos. Holy shit what a waste of money.

>> No.3950756

I agree to what anons >>3950677 >>3950699 said here.

I'll just add a bit of experience: My exgirlfriend was much like how you describe your bf. She never wanted me to watch or draw nudes/porn and if it was something even slightly erotic she had to guide what the art was going to be. I had no objections at a time because I wasn't really into drawing nsfw, but it just got worse as time passed. She was super jealous and upset even if I designed some sexy looking female character. Apparently she felt "betrayed" by this? Later she started finding more ridiculous reasons for me to pay attention to her. And even if I slightly upset her, she would cry and blame me for being selfish. She would often force me to "talk to her" because she was "bored" even if I had nothing new to tell, because we already engaged in a few converstations like that just recently. She also wanted me to message her every 15-20 minutes when I was away. But she wouldn't message me for hours when she was away. I had very few things I wanted her to do or change for me but I never forced her to do them, because I was fine with her being herself(until later stages of our relationship that is). Meanwhile she wanted like dozens of things changed about the way I live. And she constantly reminded me about them. I wasn't an ideal bf, but I had to break up because I felt so restricted around her.

I'm not saying people like that all have a similar mindset and will eventually behave the same. But I have to agree that you should rethink going out with that person if he wants to monopolize your attention so much.

>> No.3950785

Stop being a butt hurt faggot. You have your money and now there’s less work to do

>> No.3950787

She was probably cheating on you dude. The whole thing is classic projection. Seen a couple guys go through it.

>> No.3950809

Whenever you end up with an obsessive manipulative girl like this, save everything between you and her for when you get tired of their shit and break up with them. Those are the types that will #metoo your ass to get revenge.

>> No.3950882

She wasn't the prettiest girl around to say the least, and she rarely went out somewhere without me, so I doubt she cheated on me. Hell, at one point I was even hoping that she would find somebody else and break up with me peacefully. But when I slowly approached her with a break up she started throwing a huge tantrum followed by weeks of her alternating between asking for forgiveness and accusing me of being a selfish faggot. I had no choice but to block her online in the end. She was deaf to any reasoning.
>The whole thing is classic projection
What did you mean by this?
>Those are the types that will #metoo your ass to get revenge.
That kinda happened too. Some months later I was feeling uplifted and started drawing more. Since I was no longer bound by her I felt like I can finally try drawing more erotic art without being restricted. She would then publicly commented on it saying she didn't know I liked dirty sluts and something in similar fashion.
It wasn't much, but I'm glad it didn't escalate further.

>> No.3951289

I don't see what the issue is. Unless you're finished with the commission, why would you care?

You already got paid half payment. He has every right to change his mind or swap artists although he should have told you prior.

>> No.3951296

>gives on drawing everyday and draws less and less
>gets better everyday and unlock things I never understood before

Very funny, brain.

>> No.3951304

Don't men look at nude shit when watching porn??

>> No.3951423

you should have enough skills that you can survive independently, but your partner is there to help you build yourself and facilitate your growth together. rather than not being able to live without him, you should be "stronger" when he is around. anyway it sounds like he is unwilling to compromise but in a relationship both sides need to realize their shortcomings.

>> No.3951444
File: 58 KB, 482x499, C-2CrogXoAAlGWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ always makes me feel so fucking inadequate as an artist. I come here because I don't want to deal with hugboxing from my friends, and I feel like I need to hear some sort of harsh, painful truth to make my art better. But whenever I get more than 2-3 replies on my art it's all just people telling me it's shit. Maybe they're right, but so fucking rarely do I actually get some sort of explanation on what needs improvement or how to improve, I just feel totally lost.
I wish there was just some other place where I could get critical insight without sugarcoating. I've given up on friends for critique, because the most eager ones always know jack shit about art, and the ones who are actually talented hardly give me any useful feedback either. I just want the satisfaction of being a good artist and improving, but I feel like I'm never gonna get it.

>> No.3951513

Social media is not for art, it's for ads. This is why art is changing format and it's so low in quality. If you make an illustration that you worked on for days it's likely to be detailed and require the viewer to think for at least a microsecond, this doesn't read well on a Twitter timeline. The more detailed or complex or labored or intense or poignant your art is, the more it needs to be displayed properly to be appreciated because artwork needs time to look at. On the other hand any combination of
>trending properties
>virtue signaling
are instantly recognizable and they don't require any thought or interpretation to get. You have to think of it as advertising, not art. Would you make an advertising with beautifully illustrated art, or would you rather use a two-bit celebrity's face and a pop reference, or some sexual innuendo? This is the reality of social media, there is no art, just low key ads (to promote yourself as a person, people don't support your art they support you as an e-celeb).
If you make actual artwork and you want to promote yourself from scratch you have to go on Instagram or ArtStation and compete with the veterans trying to make money wherever they can, good luck with that.
Twitter is completely hopeless for things that aren't porn or viral memes unless you have a network of CalArts friends that retweet your shit.

>> No.3951519

Only developing your own inner critic will help you in the long run, /ic/ is worthless after you're a complete beginner. Telling yourself that your art is shit for no particular reason is pointless, you have to be able to look at your art and compare it on a technical level with better art and find out what is it that your art is lacking. Is it something about the drawing? Is it the anatomy? Is it the gesture? Is it the perspective? Is the composition bad? Is it the colors? Is it because of the values? Are the colors too dull? Are the colors garish? You focus on just one thing at a time, maybe there are problems with the anatomy but if the big problem is colors, focus on the colors for that one piece of artwork.
Over time you become perfectly aware of your shortcomings and you don't need anybody to tell you what is wrong, you know exactly what is wrong but you don't have the skills to fix it yet, but you are aware enough that you can look at the better made artwork with a purpose and understand what they did and why. So you have the tools and direction to study what you need to study.
Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day, etc. etc.

>> No.3951533
File: 216 KB, 584x530, 1518457701971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is drawing the ultimate exercise in nihilism?

Like, I have zero drive outside of some short term need or greed but that can get me only so far. After that it's just fucking white noise. Nothing matters, nothing goes anywhere it's just pointless actions going round and round for pointless reasons. Feels hopeless, man.

>> No.3951540

>Is drawing the ultimate exercise in nihilism?
drawing as a career in the era of social media is

>> No.3951543

No, posting art on ic is

>> No.3951680
File: 22 KB, 633x758, 1558761716760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend a bunch of time on one drawing I enjoyed making
>Make a shitty sketch out of boredom
>People love it

>> No.3951724

A-at least someone actually like your stuff.

>> No.3951730
File: 109 KB, 351x437, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__dd59b759f89b4be0231a8dc139970563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is so fucking terrible. It's an absolute cesspit. You're diving into an ocean of shit to maybe find a couple grains of wisdom at the bottom. All the while the shit is getting into your lungs and ears and you're becoming ill from it. But you did find some pretty good info, so you keep coming back. It's like gambling addiction.

>> No.3951787

It isn't easy being an artist!

I draw comics, I make them with crayons.
Though I haven't had any published yet.
So I better warn you, I'm in a mean mood!

>> No.3951944

>friend keeps trying to tell me that there's no difference between using a reference and tracing a picture
>I quickly draw an apple from ref, then trace the apple separately, and show them both to him
>tell him he'll never be able to draw to the level that I did my ref'd apple, but he might be able to draw the traced apple similarly to mine if he traced as well
>he goes on about how there has to be something you can learn from drawing the apple

>tfw struggling not to be an art sperg around normies

I hate that this happens. I might be projecting, but maybe your boredom drawings look more loose and there's something about the motion that catches people's eyes.

>> No.3952292
File: 290 KB, 1900x810, The virgin Ori-o vs the chad Scorbunny with a fucking gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the left is the sketch and the one on the right is the drawing I put more effort into. What did I do wrong on the right compared to the left?

>> No.3952431

I've noticed that people are more likely to reblog/interact with something coloured than something sketched. That's the only thing I can guess, really.

Maybe also because they're different characters; maybe the people who like the one on the right _really_ liked it.

Side note, I really like the left's face in particular, but that gun hold is triggering me. Is that intentional? I don't know these characters.

>> No.3952482

Left is simple, cute and kind of funny. Right is just ugly. It's not holding the gun properly but it's forgivable as just a funny joke sketch. The shapes of the oreos(?) on top and below it are sloppy as fuck, it doesn't make a good thumbnail. I really have no idea what's going on with the anatomy of that thing but it's nothing good. The gradient shading is amateur looking and off-putting. Overall It reminds me of a radiation-poisoned mutant version of what my female friend in school who liked warrior cats too much would post on her deviantart.

>> No.3952985
