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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 60 KB, 443x960, 1553394689892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3929193 No.3929193 [Reply] [Original]

I started as a regular artist and had a dream to work in a videogame industry. Worked few years but it quickly became super boring. If it's not an interesting indie game (that allows you to draw cool stuff) - it's pretty much not worth your time.

Now i do nothing but porn and i love it. I love to express human sexuality and embrace it. I use skills i got when i was working with tight deadlines and rules. I have many ideas for upcoming lewd stuff.

But... i was always wondering - how other porn artists live and how they feel about it.
I guess right now we have many porn artists that are close to 25-30 years old because most of us started back in early 10s and they fully established now.

Tell your story and discuss this questionable artist-path here. How did you became porn artist. How do you see yourself in a 10 years.

As you see by the OP-pic im a bara artist. I kind of happy about that because its much more safe to be a bara artist than a regular hetero-artist.
We even have artists like Nesskai (he draws hairy dudes and has a NSF blog and twitter) that manage to do both - porn and work for Blizzard projects like Overwatch.
So i can say that being a porn artist wont hurt your career. And it could never do that honestly.
I remember back in 2008 one client that worked with me opened my server folders out of curiosity and found my nsfw stuff - it didnt affect anything and we continued working even if i was working on a cartoony game.

>> No.3929201
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Nice read.
Personally Im not an established porn artist, not even consuming that much porn myself but I'm opening up to the idea of becoming one myself for some time if I get bored or can't make things work as a SFW artist. I used to disregard it entirely but now have more and more respect for well-drawn smut for some reason, and wouldn't mind trying my hand at it too.
Cheers anon, keep doing what you love doing.

>> No.3929210

Nice work. Does your income come from patreon and commissions? How much time do you spend on marketing? Any tips for aspiring porn artists like myself?

>> No.3929212

I am in 25-30 range indeed but I am not well established and haven't really drawn too much smut yet.
Getting noticed is really hard somehow. People rarely retweet even if you draw their OC which sucks.
If I don't do some sort of fan art for a niche character and won't tag the owner I will not even get 10 likes.
It is frustrating yet I still want to keep going.
I often see some art that looks worse compared to mine and yet they have like 500 likes and a lot of retweets.
Makes me wonder how do they establish such followship.
As a smut artist can you give some recommendations about marketing yourself on social network such as twitter?

>> No.3929223

>Nice work
n-not mine...i wouldnt post my stuff openly here

>> No.3929225

don't blame others for your stupid life decisions to become a porn drawer.

why even make a blog post about it

>> No.3929243

>all that angry mumbling

>> No.3929246

Nice copypasta Anon, where did you get it from?

>> No.3929255


How to advertise myself as a porn artist? Is DA still relevant? I have a Twitter account but I feel it's a chicken-egg problem. No one follows me so no one shares my content so no one follows me.

>> No.3929257

>I used to disregard it entirely but now have more and more respect for well-drawn smut for some reason, and wouldn't mind trying my hand at it too.
Porn artists usually know anatomy on a highest level because everything depends on it. Plus emotions and the way you bend bodies and etc.

>> No.3929260

>How to advertise myself as a porn artist?
back then it was all about Tumblr. Now it's only Twitter. There is Pixiv but i wouldnt rely on that. Twitter is a major landing ground for all porn artists right now.
Of course if you are hetero you have even more options - HentaiFoundry is a biggest site in the internet. it takes itself so seriously that posts even getting moderated but if you pass that it can give you a following.
>Is DA still relevant?
wouldnt recommend it but obviously it wont hurt also having an additional gallery on DA
>No one follows me so no one shares my content so no one follows me.
oh i just read this part
Try to be more social then - comment on other people work.
Part of art sucess is being social slut

>> No.3929286

>Part of art sucess is being social slut
But if I will just post in my blog some irrilevant non art no one would even see that.
As for commenting, do people really look at other person's profile after they've read their comment?

>> No.3929307
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I'm a bara artist like you too. I've only started going full explicit porn 3 months ago and my following has grown exponentially since then. I'm pretty happy with all the commissions and attention I'm getting.

I worked on a some kickstarter dev team for 2 years. It was some soul sucking and stressful work and I was making way less money than I am now. I also had stint working on an advertising company as a graphic designer and that just bored me to tears. I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing right now.

>> No.3929342

>All these bara artists but no work posted

Come now!

>> No.3929349

4chan browsing is looked down upon in the community. Why would anyone want to be claimed as 4channer which basically means nazi/misogynist or any other kind of scary words there are on twitter.

>> No.3929352


Who is the artist of this Kratos work? fucking great.best one i seen of him.

>> No.3929379

>don't blame others
Did you even read the OP? The guy says he's having a great time but wants to know what other porn artists think

>> No.3929501

Similar journey here. Started out doing 'real' art, got gigs, started making a living, grew bored of it, lost my passion, it started feeling like work, I started doing porn and here's the kicker... even though I was charging what I assume is reasonable rates for client work (400-800 for an illustration), the porn work I was getting was so easy to do that I was actually making more per hour. Clients were always super patient, super chill, super easy to please, never caused trouble or drama... they would wait for months if I was that slow. And then for a few hours of work I'd make 150-200 usd. This was straight furry porn mainly. Nowadays I have a whole empire of porn projects in various different niches. Some of them are starting to grow quite a bit of a following, to the point where I have trouble staying on top of my inbox and I can basically pick and choose commissions whenever I feel like it. I don't have to announce opening for commissions anymore, inbox is basically always full. In total, I make roughly the same amount of money now, however I work way less and it feels less like work too.

I'd also like to add that I am starting to experience a bit of the dark side of success within this field, which is a kind of malicious envy and jealousy from other artists who will jump at any chance to trash you and your art for seemingly no good reason. And then there's people who take great offense to the fact that you never replied to their email and will stir up twitter drama over it. So you have to regularly post stuff like 'I'm super sorry if I didn't replied to your pm/note/message/email/etc on siteA/siteB/siteC I just don't have the time to stay ontop of it all and it's too much'.

>> No.3929506


In the future I'm looking at a few potential career moves:
- get a virtual assistant who manages and handles my social media and commission inbox
- get an artist assistant who i can task with basic stuff that makes my life easier and faster and whom i can still pay enough that it's worth his time
- start some kind of website to channel exposure and traffick towards all of my different porn gigs
- get more heavily into 3d animation and game development and start building 'brands' and 'ip's with high recognitive value and social media appeal
- create exceptional content that has people willingly supporting me, because they genuinely enjoy my stuff, not because they were in the middle of a fap and pledged to my patreon in the heat of the moment just to unpledge the next day

In short: there's absolutely a future in this. at worst it's a job like any other, but it can be a great deal of fun. Just don't move to south korea if you do this, because you'll go to prison. And you better have a cover portfolio you can show your parents and 'respectable' people you meet irl.

Also I have a gf and a kid and gf is totally fine with it.

>> No.3929526

how old are you?

>> No.3929534



>> No.3929535
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thought so
you're a pretty based anon ngl, I wish to have an art career as rich as yours by the time I get this old

>> No.3929616

>I started as a regular artist and had a dream to work in a videogame industry. Worked few years but it quickly became super boring. If it's not an interesting indie game (that allows you to draw cool stuff) - it's pretty much not worth your time.

>Now i do nothing but porn and i love it. I love to express human sexuality and embrace it. I use skills i got when i was working with tight deadlines and rules.

That's my exact same experience.

>> No.3929648


>> No.3929709

I used to draw porn fanart and had a patreon, made like $500 a month maybe? It was a few years ago. But I stopped drawing it because it was all fanart porn and because of that, there was no critique or community involved. It was killing me to wake up every day and know that nobody gave a shit about my art, they just wanted to see [insert character here] getting fucked. So I stagnated for a while, then stopped drawing altogether. I came back to it a few times, but social media is all massive cancer and drains the life from me every time I try and use it.

So now I have fun doodling sexy girls getting choked in my sketchbook, and I don't show it to anyone because it's only for me. I know if I posted it on any of my accounts, it would immediately be met with comments of "omg so hot could you please draw _____ like this???!?!"

I wish I had the nuts to do it full time like Incase does, but man I just don't have that kind of energy.

>> No.3929744

My step brother learned how to draw and became a Hentai artist when we lived together years ago. Within a couple years he was making a good living on it, and now he's moved to Europe and lives with his wife there. He's the most financially independent person in our whole family.

People act like drawing porn is the bottom of the barrel for artists, but the fact is that "real" art is almost impossible to live off of, and is incredibly competitive. How many artists have their work displayed in galleries and auctions? Barely any. These types of artists are the starving artists.

Now lets talk about games, film and illustration. There are SO MANY fucking people that have shelled out tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to school for it. And they all fight for scraps so they can work shit hours in an industry that doesn't care about them or appreciate them, working for shit pay.

Then there's people who make porn, and are in complete control of their destiny and are accountable to nobody and the sky is the limit as far as how much they can earn.

Tell me who the suckers are. You wanna be the next monet or villpu or whoever the fuck yeah sure have a blast good luck making a name for yourself. Fine art is dead, do it for yourself if anything but don't do it if you want a paycheck.

>> No.3929785

>"real" art is almost impossible to live off of
That's a bit of a stretch especially with the internet. I'd argue the starving artists are the ones who are at least one of the following: make mediocre art, don't produce good artwork consistently or improve over time, and are the ones who are not good at advertising themselves and being proactive about landing work/building your empire.

Yeah, art is very competitive, so slacking in any of those areas where you should be on point will put you behind. But at the same time with all of the opportunities the internet provides there has never been a better time to make money off of your work but you have to view yourself as your own business.

The only difference between "real art" and drawing porn is that the expected skill requirement is so much higher and even then it is tougher to break into the industry and build your empire if you want to be a fantasy illustrator for example. Drawing porn is a niche with a huge audience who has low standards of what quality art is so it is much easier to make a living off of it.

>> No.3929904

It's not his work. This faggot spams bara porn while making cringe posts about how awesome it is to make bank with porn which I'm sure is just LARPing. Then he replies calling people poorfags. He's an autist.

>> No.3929911

I'm afraid this is it. Pretty sad, not really because I'm against porn, I like drawing weird smut for myself, but I wanted to make sfw stuff because I'm more interested in stories. It's just impossible to propose anything original, it doesn't matter what you do unless you have the drawing hand of a god and then you'll mostly attract other artists who don't really care about your original thing and only want your skills.
It's really sad that I'll have to give up not because I'm not skilled or creative enough, but because the ship for creatives has sailed for good a decade ago.

>> No.3929947

Damn this thread is depressing, porn will end up just as saturated as normal fields

>> No.3930239
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>eople who take great offense to the fact that you never replied to their email and will stir up twitter drama over it. So you have to regularly post stuff like 'I'm super sorry if I didn't replied to your pm/note/message/email/etc on siteA/siteB/siteC I just don't have the time to stay ontop of it all and it's too much'.
Holy shit it is the BIGGEST problem to me.
those people staight up the most dangerous ones - they super active and quickly can become your haters if you dont reply their posts even.
I had 2 situations like this.
One time i was spammed with messages like "HI!:) HI IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT? HI ARE YOU BUSY?? HI...WAS WONDERING AM I BOTHERING YOU? HI IS SOMETHING WRONG???" when i didnt reply the guy quickly enough.
They feel like they can explode in any second if you do a wrong move or wont reply them.

The one i mentioned ended up blocking me from every site. what an annoying brat. Your career is a very fragile thing in the internet and such people are one of your enemies so if you feel you getting one of them - just dont even start a very first talk with them. Because after that they hook you and then if you wont reply or wont reply quickly enough - they can get pissed off.

>> No.3930330

>create exceptional content that has people willingly supporting me, because they genuinely enjoy my stuff, not because they were in the middle of a fap and pledged to my patreon in the heat of the moment just to unpledge the next day
this is the BEST goal for any porn artist and porn artists better think about it at the start of their "career" or they will hate themselves in the future because its very easy to become souless fap-material. Im glad my videogame days and dorky personality allowed to insert many non-fap stuff in my porn art so i can jum from sex-scenes to something more light-hearted.

>> No.3930396

Nice work Anon. How much do you make monthly and how old are you? Also, what platform is your main source of clients and comissions?

>> No.3930398

Do you guys think the porn/smut market will be oversaturated? I'm afraid that by the time I get relatively decent, it'll be the same as any other job where people will fight for scraps while the big guys still get attention, no matter how degenerate it is.

>> No.3930516

>implying porn isn't the most saturated art branch ever
fake it till you make it m8

>> No.3930520

see >>3929904

>> No.3930521


>> No.3930535

How do you know its true tho?

>> No.3930559

>This faggot spams bara porn
i don't see any spamming here
you must be retarded

>> No.3930602


thanks anon. you can absolutely do it, no doubt about it. i didn't do anything exceptionally well or worked exceptionally hard. quite the contrary actually lol.

>> No.3931071


oh fuck I'm jumming

>> No.3931073

Living in fear of the way things might be is just energy wasted. Focus on now.

>> No.3931744
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>oh fuck I'm jumming
can you speak non zoomer language? i don't follow...

>> No.3931822

no, never. there is infinite demand for it, not exaggerating.

is access to the internet relative to world pop increasing? yes.

are the jews gradually sexualising and making people more primitive? yes.

is the world getting smaller due to interconnectivity and dependance? yes.

>> No.3932362

get in now and you'll probably be drawing hot what a bhabbitatvat for horny indians in 20 years

>> No.3932436

>laughing at a typo is "zoomer language"
get out of the house once in a while, /pol/

>> No.3932475

Have some respect for yourself, some honor,some dignity!
Ask any kid or teen who aspires for a noble future in art : do they want to take this path or the SFW one? Do they want to draw heroic Spiderman stories or draw Spiderman on all fours partaking in any fetish your clients want?
You're not making art that inspires people to do good & healthy stuff, you just make stuff that makes them horny. You might have a story crafted better than Tolstoi with tons of character development & lessons to learn,pervs don't care, they'll just go go your "core business", do their thing & leave once they're not horny anymore.
If so much of you people chose this as an alternate path, it's for a reason.
You couldn't achieve greatness so you took a dirtier path because it appears more lucrative.

>> No.3932476
File: 623 KB, 600x800, A7AEC439-E57E-456B-BEDC-6F0B31AF4612-788-000001E51A90DD50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why im /pol/ for calling you a zoomer, zoomer. Go hurt yourself somewhere else

>> No.3932478

This was quite cringy to read, not gonna lie

>> No.3932512

As cringy as choosing to draw stuff for pervs to unzip their pants?

>> No.3932517

I mean, I wanted to do NSFW as a 14yo. That was definitely my loftiest goal.

>> No.3932536

Man this post says a lot more about you than the people you're disparaging

>> No.3932556

Could you give me the source of that image?

>> No.3932740

Nope because drawing what is natural is not cringy.
Talking like autismo is

>> No.3932744

The natural argument... (ok I'll still bite) Actually doing it is natural, drawing it & beating your meat to it isn't.

>> No.3932839

Everyone know this
I started as a SJW artist but that doesn't pay rent and nips are way better than me.
Had to change my marketing stategy. Im not proud of it nor am I fulfilled in drawing brainlet porn but how else am I gonna eat

>> No.3932842

*sfw not sjw

>> No.3932933

I think there are enough horny fuckers skimming though thousands of hours of artwork every day and only hungering for more material that it'll be an incredibly hard market to oversaturate.
Combine that with many artists not being willing to draw pornography and the infinite number of niche fetishes with content-starved fapfags, and I think that even with a surge of porn artists you'll probably only have to try slightly harder to appeal to a specific less-serviced audience.

>> No.3932944
File: 210 KB, 583x878, 2018-05-12_021367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always liked drawing cute girls with cartoony proportions. Started out drawing fan art as a hobby, then eventually started taking a few commissions here and there. Before I knew it I was able to make enough money on commission work to rent an apartment in the city. It practically happened on accident but I really couldn't ask for a better gig.

The only downside is the occasional bout of impostor syndrome from knowing most of your audience is composed of dickbrains, but there are plenty of people who actually care about my work too.

>niche fetishes with content-starved fapfags
this. The lewd art market will never become over-saturated because it isn't one market.

>> No.3932979

Is this your work? I want to see what skill you are at to be making a living. Genuinely interested cause I want to be where you are at.

>> No.3933005

That doesn't matter if you're really good at drawing tho

>> No.3933015

Can't you just admit you were mistaken?

>> No.3933069

You're retarded. There's drawings dated waaay back that'd be considered porn.

>> No.3933110
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Started doing lewds because I got sick of fishing for freelance, sending out emails, not hearing back, getting rejected, negotiating prices, getting underpaid, having to do endless revisions, competing with Chinese, Russians and Koreans etc. I literally make the same money with half the effort drawing furries and horse cock futanaris. Do I enjoy it? Not at all, I'm disgusted and embarrassed by it, but it's the lesser of two evils I find. The industry will chew you up and spit you out without giving a single fuck about you. Now I have regular commissioners who lap up whatever I give them, some of whom spend hundreds on comms every single month. It kind of feels like the best way to preserve my sanity even though I'm pretty much morally opposed to it. It means I still get to draw and keep improving. I'm working on an exit strategy though and hopefully will find a way to go independent because this stuff wears on you and tarnishes your soul.

>> No.3933112

ever thought about getting a sidejob?

>> No.3933133

this girl fucked up right at the beginning
>NSFW art will prevent you from getting job in the industry - Didney and Dreamworks would not blah blah lbah
I know a professional artist that works in one of these studios and he has a NSFW blog.

>> No.3933136

>with half the effort drawing furries and horse cock futanaris. Do I enjoy it?
you will pay for that in the future when you will become angry souless shell of a former self.

Every NSFW artist should think about future-self. I draw NSFW but i fucking love it. I would not draw furries or other things that dont turn me on. There is literally every market for porn stuff. No need to draw horse cock futanaris and feel like a slut.

>> No.3933143

Thing is the industry work was making me an angry souless shell at a way faster rate. It's not about what niche I do or don't want to draw, all porn is literal cancer that it ruins the minds of the people who use it. It's a severe addiction for people. But if I'm not the one drawing it some one else will, and I need the money so here I am.

>> No.3933148


>> No.3933167

Im not beating the meat fucking autismo. Im drawing art of a natural human sexuality
And doing it better than ((you)) both by anatomical quality and money sucess

>> No.3933572


>> No.3933680

What options are there for charging for porn comissions that don't involve revealing your real identity to the client?

>> No.3933810
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>porn artists

I can still see the fingers and the ear from the human you traced over in photoshop, fag

>> No.3934008

Who are you talking to, autismo

>> No.3934133


crypto. but realistically nobody uses that. there is no potion to protect your identity. you can obfuscate but ultimately you're never anonymous. i simply stopped giving a fuck.

>> No.3934134

>you will pay for that in the future when you will become angry souless shell of a former self.

Anon, this is not true. There's people making livings selling pink chinese import plastic slippers. They have kids, a dog, a loving wife, hobbies, etc. Art does not have to be some esoteric quasi religious way of life. It's great if it's that to you, but it does not have to be. It can just be a job.

>> No.3934137

It's not necessarily the end of your normal career but a lot, A LOT of companies don't want to be associated with you pervs.
Your work is called NSFW, NOT SAFE FOR W O R K , remember that. It's not coming out of nowhere.

>> No.3934145

Read again, you misunderstood the post (you might not, but your pervy clients do)
Why are you guys hiding when you can just make stuff that you can share without any risk your work in public to any person who likes art? (From the old man / friday night date to the young boy who might see you as an inspiration)

>> No.3934173

Companies literally do not give a shit if you draw porn. See that one NSFW artist whose tumblr was found by someone at Dreamworks and got contacted for a job interview.

>> No.3934175

>Why are you guys hiding
they hide because they're ashamed of what they draw. I don't understand why. If you truly don't care what normies think and want to make a career from NSFW work, why half-ass it?

>> No.3934242

Personal safety, for one. It's not that I don't want my name attached to weird fetish shit, it's that people are fucking insane

>> No.3934252

lame excuse. anyone who achieves some level of fame has a few crazy followers.

>> No.3934290

It's not the followers I'm worried about.

>> No.3934645

You sound naive as fuck

>> No.3934647
File: 28 KB, 600x285, 1557080126605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A LOT of companies don't want to be associated with you pervs.
1) i don't care. there are plenty of companies that dont mind nsfw artists
2) you made that shit up and you are a beginner NGMI artist - you cant tell for sure
3) if Blizzard and DREAMWORKS allows nsfw artists to work with them - it will be fine

fuck off to your anime drawing thread now.

>> No.3934690


get aids you fucking dumb syphillic animal

>> No.3934706

You sound super angry and frustrated. You life clearly is not happy.
Stop hurting yourself and git gut.

>> No.3934710

What is it with zoomers and calling porn degenerate?

>> No.3934729

They're rebelling, it can be hard to find online spaces completely free of porn so they rebel by rejecting it.

>> No.3934731

well too bad
porn-thing is already a rebellious thing

>> No.3934841

kek, the cope is strong with this one
I have yet to find a major movement on 4chan "rebelling" against tasteful porn
the only thing people are getting sick of is your degenerate fetish bullshit

>> No.3934842

Like the zoomers are obsessed with nofap and shit as well. Wasn’t a thing when I grew up

>> No.3934861

>Like the zoomers are obsessed with nofa
also this
when you see a nofap mention its 100% fucking zoomer.
I fail to understand why nofap is so popular with zoomers.

May be its because they are kids (i consider a kid anybody younger than 25. before 25 human is just a shitty child that has to learn a lot and establish personality) and kids dont tend to be pleasure driven that much?
25-30-40 year olds are usually horn dogs.

>> No.3934876

I think it's less to do with "more zoomers being obsessed with nofap" and more with "the internet has grown so much over the years and opened so many avenues for a typical zoomer to engage in online 'discourse' that it makes it impossible to not stumble into it at some point"
also the "it wasn't like that when I was growing up!" argument is biased af and grug should feel bad for bringing it up

>> No.3934914

First time I picked up a pencil to draw something, on my own, was to draw a naked chick to masturbate to. I don't remember how old I was, but it was before I learned to write, and that was at 8 years old.
>inb4 masturbating at 8?
I didn't know how to actually masturbate, I didn't know how to jerk my whiner, but I knew rubbing my crotch area felt good. I used to play with my toys sitting my belly on the floor, that's how I discovered humping the floor felt good, but I did not know why.

>> No.3934921

It still isn't a thing, you dumbass. It's just a meme.

>> No.3935299

How do I get porn brain or at least be able to fake porn brain?
I can't get it out of my head that I want things to look anatomically correct and the perspective and angles to make sense, but when it comes to porn art being able to see the expressions AND the genitals is really important. For me, when I'm working out the poses and angles it trips me up hard when I feel like a more experienced porn artist knows how/where to skew things.
Another thing is I can't get myself to exaggerate forms in the most lewd ways like amping up the squishiness and stretchiness of flesh.

>> No.3935321
File: 281 KB, 331x436, 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many porn artists can you name that were unwillingly exposed/doxxed?

obsessed millennial cucks go back to drawing your wives getting raped by a pack of niggers

>> No.3935555


nofap has been around since early history. every culture has realized how harmful porn and masturbation are to the mind and body. stop trying to justify your degeneracy.

>> No.3935639

You should draw shit that motivates you, and if it's porn, so be it. For a long time I've been a /beg/, took years drawing one half assed art every three or four months and during the time I was drawing normal stuff, I NEVER got any comment or critique. This year I let my dick talk and started to drawn lewd stuff, demon with giant dicks, traps etc, all of sudden my art had a drastic improvement and people started to like it, give advice and critique . I'm still not good enough to post on twitter, maybe in a couple months I'll think differently.
I'm friend with a guy that used to be a NEET and eventually got decent enough o start a career drawing porn with a sizeable patreon and he told me his guiltiest pleasure was taking a shit at everyone that insisted he should had worked at a normal-ass job fliping burgers or similar crap.

>> No.3936155

>nofap has been around since early history.
sure fucking zoomer
nofap is one of nu-memes

>> No.3936237

offtopic but pic sauce?

>> No.3936497


>> No.3936636

The vedics have in in scripture from 3500 years ago as best practice in moderation for spiritual porpoises and the daoists took it too far seeking eternal life. And by scripture I mean hardcore meditation manuals that hold up as far as I can tell from MRI studies of practitioners. I will say it's more focused on nutting moderately and being able to reverse nut, which is best because prostate cancer is a side effect of not nutting.

>> No.3936670

Semen retention was practiced by tons of ancient cultures. Habitual masturbation is an incredibly recent phenomenon since up until very recently the concept of privacy was very limited (most sleeping spaces were shared in families). Medical texts from the 1700s and 1800s considered habitual masturbation a mental illness.

The recent nofap is a new phenomenon is because widespread access to round the clock porn is a new phenomenon.

>> No.3937193

shut the fuck up zoomer

>> No.3937200

Medical texts from that era also considered reading novels a mental illness. I wouldn't put stock my their mental health know-how. Also primates masturbate, among other animals, and the notion that privacy was where does not mitigate the fact that people would have sex in their one-room houses, so why would jacking off be different

>> No.3937218
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yamamoto takato

>> No.3937622
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Absolutely based. Kinda similar to my experience.
>always liked to draw, started getting into digital art when I was in school
>had a dream to work in video game industry
>as I finished school and university creative impotency became industry standard
>spent 2 years after graduation depressed, masturbating, smoking weed and playing shitty vidiya 24/7
>started doing commissions less than year ago
>now drawing porn and having massive art gains
Feels good man.

>> No.3937625

Many artists are still getting away with making money from pretty shitty art. Real competition haven't even started yet.

>> No.3937854

>reverse nut

>> No.3938564
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Should i draw homoerotic stuff with him?
i kind of want but i dont want to insult the actor because i also like the actor very much

>> No.3938571

Draw pinup instead

>> No.3938578

i will try thanks!

>> No.3939188
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It's old and messy, but yeah it's mine.

Skill level is only half of the equation though, especially if you're doing porn- I'm not under any illusions that the reason I'm able to make a living on my art is because of fantastic technical skill. Mostly I'm just lucky that the kinks I enjoy drawing are also very popular, so I get good responses for drawing the things I like. I also worked a lot on improving my speed because I'm an impatient bastard when it comes to drawing, so my commission turnaround is fast. I did roughly 45 commissioned drawings in April

>> No.3939778
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>> No.3939819 [DELETED] 

So, what I'm getting from this thread is that I might as well kill myself If I don't want to draw porn, but make enough money to live comfortably? I knew it would be hard but every time I come to /ic/, or just look at twitter, I just lose hope. If I'm not drawing porn or obnoxiously gay art Its gonna be much harder to make it I guess.

>> No.3939829

When did you start your career? I'm in the process of kick starting mine, but I feel like a career pivot for me is too late. I'm 26, and I feel like I'm behind. Like, if I start now and try to peddle my wares, I will never live up to my full potential because I started drawing when I was 20. Any advice for some aging proto-boomer on how to get over his imposter syndrome so it stays out of the way of his work?

>> No.3939837

Oh wow look the degenerates making a thread circle jerking themselfs. You guys keep telling yourself that your life is grand and how you gained art skills. Most porn artists basicly scrape by with commisions, except the ones who make it to the top 5% tier level. And even then their art style is locked to the default porn poses and faces. More lifeless than postyourwork.jpg. See shadman.

>> No.3939856

>Everything I don't like is a circlejerk and should be banned
Shouldn't you be shitting on Saki or Illya right about now?

>> No.3939859

Trying to make a good living with art is a crapshoot. Get a real main job and draw on the side so you never worry about sucking dick to make ends meet and have creative freedom. The only ones who make it in art are either full on geniuses, or scam artists who can exploit people to get big.

>> No.3939885

>Trying to make a good living with art is a crapshoot
Its tough, but not impossible. The evidence is all around you. Look at all of the artists it takes to make the media you consume every day. Are all of them making lots of money? No, but they're not all geniuses either.

>> No.3939931

I refer more to the money and living comfortably kind of thing. Sure drawing now is nice, but if you're freelnacing and doing that kinda work, if you get carpal tunnel or dont save enough money then you're going to retire into the street.

>> No.3940123

where do porn artists even post their art nowadays to gain an audience?

>> No.3940132

Twitter, Pixiv (anime), Furaffinity (furry). People will reupload your art to boorus and cartoon porn sites if you do good fanarts, so watermark your work.

>> No.3940135

Don't know why I even come visit this place,
this thread upsets me, I just wanted to make art for books/stories.

>> No.3941013

>I just wanted to make art for books/stories.
then do it autismo
Illustrations for books/stories are the most easy and normie way to be an artist

>> No.3941208

Started drawing gay porn when I was 18, early 20s now and still doing it after having took a short break. I'm in the whole girly boy/furry niche. Most of my art is just my gay ass self insert oc so it's all very self indulgent but that's why I do it on the side.

Never intended to make it my main source of income, but I was looking through my PayPal receipts a while back and apparently I made about $1,000 over two years, and that was me only posting that my commissions we're open once. I'm making a bit under $100 on Patreon right now but I've only had it for a while.

I'll probably make more porn now until I can find a job, it's a decent way to make money while waiting for real work. I don want to end up in my 30s bored of porn, trying to get into a studio job only to have nothing to put on my resume cuz all I did the last decade was porn lmao

>> No.3941218

Make a second PayPal using a gift card Visa you can buy at the grocery store or something. Put your porn alias as that PayPal's name, you're done.
Just transfer the money from your porn alias PayPal, to your real one and then your bank account. I've done it that way for years

>> No.3941486

It's so easy to get an art thing going when you have porn as a back up. Time is the important thing and it buys it in spades.

>> No.3941662

Come listen the tale of how 4chan psychos scared me from edgelord to vanilla

>be kid me
>start drawing because anime
>started drawing lewds to further that highschool nlog pickmeism
>pick up small following of creepy guys on niche chanboards that praised me for being 'a loli who drew lolis'
>urge to be liked overwrites my morals and I draw any degenerate request
>create a pseudonym just for my hentai
>now a broke student so start charging for requests and watch as half my online 'friends' disappear
>stop drawing lolis because I'm an adult now and as a UKfag I don't want to be arrested
>lay off the noncon art too because I start to realise the people that request it are pretty awful to talk to
>bye bye to the other half of my online 'friends'
>carry on drawing in waifu weekend threads hoping to git gud
>getting into streaming, gain a small tumblr following
>suddenly a creepy incel doxes me and sends me google maps pictures of my house
>freak the fuck out and scrub any photo or life routine stuff from my tumblr
>vow never to share my voice, life details or any irl photos of even food, ever again
>take time away from hentai to focus on graduating and developing self worth
>get job so that I don't have to rely on weird commissions
>now only work on stuff I like such as curvy pinups or gfd

I don't think I've ever written it all down but seeing it all now, it makes me angry because /ic/ likes to say grils have it easier as artists, but unless you chose to persue that angle, I don't feel like that's been the case for me. I've only now just started admitting to being one again, except since I don't post photos or share my voice people probably think I'm trans or something.
Sometimes I wish that I had stuck with drawing the degenerate stuff since it creates a loyal fanbase who throw money at you, but that stuff rotted my brain and I internalised all sorts of awful backwards stuff from it. I'm glad I managed to break out of that and now I enjoy drawing again.

>> No.3941695


Is this not in violation of paypals eula/tos/whatever? Paypal is notoriously radical and freezing your funds and closing your account if they figure out you're cheating their system.

>> No.3941719

>grils have it easier as artists, but unless you chose to persue that angle, I don't feel like that's been the case for me.

And this is why when I post my work I don't tell my gender. My pseudonyms are male or neutral. I'm an internet ghost with little social anything. I look like a freak but not getting doxxed is always better than getting doxxed.

I got into the porn thing during college. It started with me drawing yaoi, but quickly turned furry as the pay was stable. Furry is not my thing, but as long as I got paid I lived with it.

I had my set limits on what I wouldn't draw and wouldn't budge on them. I also had a simple form for commissions and turned down anyone that felt too autistic. The kind of guy who will bitch that a boot isn't shiny enough over and over then tell you it's perfect when you did nothing to the boot. Yeah... those guys are everywhere in Furry. Having limits and sticking to my guns kept me sane.

Typically I drew people's OCs with rare fanart. I had a couple of traditional style patrons keeping me on retainer back in the day. My favorite guy liked me drawing full color comic strips for him. He was really easygoing and often had some unique ideas.

Then the great recession hit and the money dried up for everyone. I also was fresh out of college and starting back in the real world and had less time to draw. Between the two I stopped.

I am tempted to get back in, but Monetization has always been the hard part for me. I'm not fully sure how to go about it.

How do you make your money now, folks? All patreon? Something else? I'm not sure about Patreon thanks to rules shfting...

>> No.3941991
File: 734 KB, 1730x2446, stream 0514 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a patreon but you're correct that it's a bad idea to rely on it- they could turn on NSFW artists any day now.

I make money by streaming commissions. That way you don't have to wait days for your client to send you feedback before finishing a piece. I do three streams per week and aim to draw at least 5 characters per stream, which typically works out to 3 or 4 commissions. The remaining days are for working on patreon rewards, doing personal art, and resting.

>> No.3942346

it also really helps a ton if you know some other artists. a common practice for freelancers is to pass on work to another artist due to being booked full with comissions. that is provided the artist being referred can be trusted to meet deadlines ,doesnt break NDA's ,ect.

>> No.3942360

It's spelled with one x fuckhead

>> No.3942551

You got him Anon :)

If it is, I don't know how they'd find out. Or why they would care, they're still getting their percentage of the commission transfer.

>> No.3943004

It looks like we're in a similar position, I'm >>3941662 and even though I'm drawing now the money is only coming in from occasional commissions from twitter and hentai foundry. It's not enough, but by the time I have enough followers to consider a Patreon they will have probably have fully block lewd trading.
I will say that if you've left the game and don't think it pays enough, maybe only come back if you enjoy drawing smut. If it's no fun for you and the pay isn't enough then maybe you're better off building up your sfw art so that you can actually share what you do with people? That said, I don't really know why I draw porn myself, my job pays better anyway.
It's a shame we're both completely anonymous by nature, I think we probably have a lot in common

>> No.3943293

Has drawing or making a living off of porn increased anyone's self confidence?
I find I'm in a position to make good enough stuff to get commissioned but, I'm afraid to put myself out there. Don't know why, really, but I think drawing porn or fanart could help my motivation and zeal.

>> No.3943440

I was considering getting back in. I find that I still enjoy smut a bunch and am tempted to get back into the game just because it can be fun. I don't expect a lot of money. If anything, I know things are even more flooded now thanks to a variety of reasons.

I'm pretty sure my job would pay better, too. But the porn is calling again... On the up side, it's always fun to know others are in the same boat. Happy drawing, anon.

That is true. Streaming does seem to being gaining serious traction these days. Also, unless you save the stream, there's little evidence. It might be something for me to think about. Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.3943634

Personally, I find it hard to have confidence in my success because I feel like it's from pandering to dickbrain fans rather than actually being good at art or having good ideas. That doesn't make drawing porn any less fun though, so go for it if it's something you enjoy doing. Just keep that good ol' impostor syndrome in check.

>> No.3944036

my question is are you guys actually sexually attracted to your or others porn art? Like can you actually masturbate to it? I feel like a lot of you do it for art/passion/money's sake.

>> No.3944171

...I get warm feelings...but I have no dick...

>> No.3944179

Getting off to a piece is the only way to know its actually good.

>> No.3944184

I do hentai comics. I'm attracted to the kind of situation I'm writing and some of the stuff going on maybe, but I am not so fond of my own art. I can't masturbate to it, I just start seeing mistakes and end up going back to fix my drawings. If they're already finished up I just can't do it man.

Other people's stuff though? Shit yeah

>> No.3944579

I tend to just draw what I'm requested to (as long as it's not objectionable). When I draw porn of my own characters, it's all for thrills. The ideas are me entertaining myself. Sometimes I do get off to it.

I also love porn art in general. I don't even fap to pictures unless it's vintage stuff.

Porn is a passion.

>> No.3944713

my question wasnt specified to a sex. If you have a glorified axe wound, the question still refers to you

>> No.3944791

Some of your respondents have those axe wounds but don't say so. Advertising it is like a neon sign for assholes and weirdos, especially if you do porn.

>> No.3944883

I've considered going down this route as I don't mind drawing porn, although I haven't actually done any. Where do you even start to build a career out of this? Just start drawing whatever you find arousing and post it on Hentai Foundry/Twitter/Pixiv/etc and hope people think you're good enough to commission? I haven't had much luck getting commissions posting my regular work, so if doing porn has better potential then I would seriously consider it.

>> No.3944907
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My journy starts out early. I had my mate over, who was also an early artist, when I got bored sketching the same scenes over and over again. That was when I suggested we made our OCs fuck. We made a quick female and then drew the first piece. Terrible, unsexy, and an art style literally rivaling an 11 year old.

After that, he mainly disbanded from it. But I found it intriguing, being able to draw and show so much emotion. Plus puberty made me a turbo horny machine, and it scratched an itch I couldn't regularly reach.

Picture after picture. Some comic, some static, but all guaranteed to be a fun time. More OCs to fill in gaps, they developed, and became entire characters with more purpose than to be some sex icon. Character designs developed and built, turned curvy, shaded, and generally improved with each piece. It was development at an unseen rate, and it was beautiful.

Soon, I realized that I could work somewhere. Make myself a big name, like Diives, or OrangePeel, or anyone but Shadman. I was going to succeed all of the sudden and surprise everyone with my incredible art. Twitter didn't work, neither did DeviantArt (no surprise there). Until I found a nice crowd that was deprived and droughted. A comfy SCP crowd.

I worked there, happy as hell. Request after request taken for free. Invited to admin their Discord, even. I became a name. Up until... An unforseen event that forced me to leave disgraced, and hide my past.

That's when I decided to take my business here. I came looking for work, but, was too... Shy. Concerned, even. Ridicule, bad pieces, the fact that most of them look bad because they're anatomical tests, anyone but me calling me a retardedly bad artist. That sort of thing. I lurked for a while.
I think I've been able to break through that "veil" only recently, and got an incline of inspiration. Now I'm traveling boards, looking for a place to stay that isn't /s4s/. This place does look quite comfy and... Critique-y.

Pic related ish~

>> No.3944918

>I draw scp porn in ms paint, here's my life story
here's some critique: get your head out of your ass, tripfag

>> No.3944921

It was hand drawn on paper, why the fuck would I use MS Paint? I'm retarded, not stupid.

>> No.3944923

Ugh this. "Omg ur a chick that draws porn? So hot let's fuck where do u live hey do you do free requests if I'm ur boyfriend"

>> No.3945467

Here's some critique for you, you'll never find a home board because your typing is insufferable.

Or "You're pretty good at drawing for a girl, what's your snap?"
Vomit. As if us drawing a boob makes us immediately dtf indiscriminately.

>> No.3945640

Is it true that it's easy for people to tell that an artist used to draw porn? If so, what are the telltale signs so i can avoid them?

>> No.3945678

>"Do you need some big dick refs? Cause Ive got one right here ;))"
>"So do you reference yourself in ur work? I'd love to see ur pussy if it looks like that!"
>"Looks like we share the same fetishes, wanna meet up some time?"

As if I would pull a sakimichan and model for myself? No thanks. Also I draw shit I'm not into doing irl for commissions sometimes, how do they not get this??

>> No.3945752

Oh dear lord, I hate when people think that I only draw what I'm into.

And then there's the people who get offended that you don't want to fuck a total stranger just because you draw things of a sexual nature for money. The insults start rolling in immediately. Sometimes they even will attempt to troll across multiple platforms. It's pretty pathetic.

>> No.3946521
File: 72 KB, 505x1012, zLTYLSs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing really unique to erotica and pinups but if you did it exclusively for a long time you're going to be weaker at rendering anything that isn't a figure and have certain go-to tricks and techniques that hint at porn.

>> No.3947609

Why would it matter that they drew porn once upon a time?

>> No.3947619

Look at popular porn artists and see common art tropes they tend to do. A few big ones I can think of are 'pillow shading' (aka 'shiny' rendering), putting more detail in breasts/butts/etc., certain poses, certain facial expressions, and certain art styles (it's hard to explain but look at how most porn artists stylize their characters).

>> No.3947773
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>if you did it exclusively for a long time you're going to be weaker at rendering anything that isn't a figure and have certain go-to tricks and techniques that hint at porn.
this is true
Im glad i draw bara and i worked as a regular artist for some years.
So my "fetish" drawings that i try to make normal look like "a guy with beard in clothes"

i mean to my porn-taste picrelated is sexy because it shows manly face and that hair on his neck which is hot

>> No.3947828

you right, i apologize

>> No.3947833

I meant more of what >>3947619 said. Porn artists have certain stylistic tics and a thematic focus that makes their work similar. It's like when an artist tries to move out of furshit but their anthros are still oddly sexual and their humans have furface. Or in the case of bara, a little too much muscle and a cute face, maybe a touch too much drapery over a nipple.

I'd say the biggest clue is that most of their work is fetish-adjacent. Look at enough bad porn of oddly specific fetishes and you'll see their echoes in the wrinkle of a shirt or the curve of an armpit. There will be that gleam of autism art underneath artistic skill and benign content.

>> No.3947837

haha i know right
I see some safe work work twitter accounts of videogame artists that draw furries (just SFW anthro characters) but its visible what they jerk off too
>wew this shark character is a bit too muscular
>wew this pig character is a little too fat

>> No.3947853

I've read a lot of bad webcomics that were barely holding it together. You just know.
>cute boys doing cute things
>barely contained fart fetish masquerading as humor
You just know.
The ones I like finding are where it's like a 50/50 mix of normalfags and fetish avatars following said artist. Feels like when I'd been beating it to this one artist for over a year only to realize that most of his shit had an obvious foot focus I didn't notice.

>> No.3948082

want to start drawing lewds now. i want to choose pixiv but worry i might mess up the tags? also is pixiv > hf for anime style lewds?

>> No.3948129

It's all about widest reach. Twitter, pixiv, other site. You have to do all of them that are worthwhile. Helps if you already have a presence somewhere to get started but not by much.

>> No.3948445
File: 50 KB, 636x1080, 1558978751166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true
also applies to movies (at least back when 2d animation existed)
i could rewatch this movie as a kid because i could not stand females (im gay yeah) - i couldnt point out but they looked so fucking weird.
Now as a grown up i understand why in Lilo and Stich girls look like this. the artist who designed them even draws lewd shit

But to me this cartoon was like if i was a hetero and said "OMG THIS IS TOO GAY" while i said "uh...this is way too "WAIFU"

>> No.3949251
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>> No.3949674

So cross-posting your work is the best way to get fans now?

Any things to avoid while trying to get attention?

>> No.3950862 [DELETED] 

This is selfish to ask this of you guys, but I come in hope to recieve your advice. Figure out where to go from here.

I left porn several months ago due to having struggled with a severe addiction most of my life. During this time frame, I made some pretty decent money off SFW pieces and managed to get my health on track. I started going to an MMA gym with hopes of doing amateur bouts in about two years. I began lifting three times a week, and today marks the tenth consecutive day I've done at least one hour of cardio (either a seven mile wall or an hour on the treadmill).

However, leaving porn has not helped with overcoming this sense of lethargy and demoralization that's been wracking me over this last month.

My hospitalization early this month might have triggered it, but a sense of regret of all the personal projects I never got to complete seems to be setting in. My mind keeps returning to the negative self-talk that overwhelmed and pushed me back into addiction.

I've been tempted to get back into the trade to help my father. He has not been paid what he is owed for three months. I recently drafted a few roughs of a porn comic to advertise, and hopefully get some money for in a crowdfunding campaign.

If I return, I will inevitably relapse into a porn addiction. The negative self-talk will continue to eat away at my motivation and demoralize me. Although I started my comic merely days ago, drawing upon reference material has tempted me towards relapse (a cold shower saved my hide, thankfully)

If I continue my SFW path and convert the comic thusly, I face uncertainty in being able to contribute to my family, beyond maybe $250 a month at most out of my paycheck. Not being able to provide for my family would destroy me on the inside.

I don't know what to do. Either road prolongs the sick cycle carousel.

>> No.3950889

I'm not the one to ask because I don't have an addiction but I find making porn is different than consuming it. It's work, wholesome work doing what you know and love. As long as you don't go looking for inspiration or trends and focus on what you want to do, I don't see the problem. You've consumed enough porn to make your own without going back for a long time, you just have to draw upon it.

>> No.3951128

I am in a very similar situation. I have been on and off drawing this stuff for about a year. Everytime I got somewhere the addiction took over and in a rush of emotion I would delete all my work and references. In those moments I admitted to myself that I could not carry on like this, spending so much time on an addiction I felt I had overcome and outgrown.
Then days afterwards the thoughts came.. "you deleted great work" "if you could just post those drawings you'd get something back for your work" and I would pick it up again only to repeat the cycle again.
Been working at it for months now without deleting this stuff, and sabotaging myself in the process but haven't released anything yet. I spend hours collecting references from time to time.
I have problems discerning work from pleasure in this case as I know I've used porn as a crutch before. To numb me from emotional pain and stressors of daily life. Got addicted to it for long periods of time before but lately I've begun addressing all these underlying issues and It seems that I'm making some progress..

>> No.3951131

I try and work on willpower and am improving at an incredible rate. I fap at most once a day and sometimes go days in-between. That is an improvement from how it used to be a couple of months back.
I think meditation, working out, being kind to myself, thankful, present, taking good care of myself helped me in many ways. The negative self talk can be fixed but it takes time.
I also wish to help the loved ones in my life and I see this as an opportunity to not only help them but also myself in the process.
Something about the whole erotica aspect makes me feel a bit dirty though and I can't help but shake that feeling. I've come to the conclusion that it's a lot better than doing a job you despise.
I know this post is all over the place and hope maybe it helps you, or someone else. Wanted to say that I empathise and think your intentions are fine and good. What you have to be honest about is when/if it really goes downhill though.
I write down Everytime I fap and try to limit it. I see improvements every month and I'm becoming less of a dickbrain every day. Makes me thing that this also is a matter of willpower so long as you also take care of your health in other ways.

>> No.3951138

Fap only on the days that you lift.
Mindfulness meditation helped with negative self talk for me

>> No.3952856

>If I continue my SFW path and convert the comic thusly, I face uncertainty in being able to contribute to my family,

Get a side job. Part time would be fine.

>> No.3954006

Maybe start in drawthreads and from there let people know you do commissions?

>> No.3955995

not him, but I think drawing for people on 4chan is a pretty huge waste of time. Not to mention if you try to advertise commissions to people who are explicitly lurking for free art, they're bound to screech at you until the fucking sun burns out.

t. started as a drawfag

>> No.3955998

>that one NSFW artist
And how many did get turned off because of their slutty portfolio? Survivor bias example here.

>> No.3956006
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Meanwhile, if you stay SFW you can post to ARTSTATION,Facebook,Twitter,Pixiv,Deviantart,Etsy,Instagram,Youtube,Dailymotion,Pinterest,Behance,Reddit,Newgrounds,... Without any fear, with more potential clients because your stuff is acceptable everywhere.
Stop it guys, not worth it.

>> No.3956042

i hate nothing more in a person than one who likes to be flexing that is working in porn and in a game/animation studio.
"oh yeah they definitely find it ok, just keep making porn lmao xD"

>> No.3956413

>with more potential clients
Who will actually just get clipart and DIY instead of hiring you. So many shitty hack jobs out there because of this.

People still pay for porn. Especially fetish stuff.

>> No.3958752
File: 50 KB, 480x640, jazz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you quit drawing what you like, you can finally get in on that sweet Facebook demographic!
>or even experience the wonders of getting your youtube channel demonetized for no reason!

yeah, I'm sure it's totally worth it

>> No.3958798

How do you artists motivate yourself and keep at it so consistently? I feel like I could easily work harder and make more money but I always fail to properly motivate myself and I constantly submit to procrastination.

I don't even like listening to myself complain about it but it is a real issue that I can't for the life of me seem to overcome. I always manage to make just enough money to get me through the month. That's all I can make myself do and I really want to make more but I feel like I have no self control sometimes. It just gets harder and harder for me to get into the headspace to make art and I don't understand why.

>> No.3958800

By building up a habit. Not drawing feels wrong.

>> No.3958865

And your side doesn't have any hack job? Gimme a break.
Some people pay for nasty things (like prostitution,murder,drugs), but that doesn't make it right. You can do very, VEERY lucrative things if you abandon all sense of decency/morals. (look no further than the big corporations who only have profit in mind)
1) Do you know how many SFW things you can do vs the other way around? You're restricting yourself if all you draw is smut.
2) Face it : the most acclaimed artists can be posted anywhere without anyone throwing a tantrum. On Youtube,Facebook,Insta,etc... Yes,that can be demonetized, but your smut platforms have less traffic & are even BANNED in some countries. You can go to jail in some countries by drawing these stuff >>> risking a demonetization.

You know what? If you pervs want to draw naked people so much, here's a middle ground : draw fine art nudes like the Old Masters did. That's much smarter & you won't be seen as an obsessed pig/addict by every sane person.

>> No.3959170

just like people paying for "nasty things" doesn't make those things right, people throwing tantrums on the internet doesn't make drawing porn wrong. Puritanical fuckwits that lose their minds when they see a picture of a boob aren't going to keep me from making what I want, especially considering I already make a living doing it.

How about you, anon? is your morally-acceptable, platform-friendly "Fine Art" getting you places? I hope it is.

>> No.3959189

holy shit he would make a great kratos in a god of war casting. shave that head and dye the beard boom, kratos

>> No.3959285

>And your side doesn't have any hack job? Gimme a break.

Every genre has hack jobs, even clean ones. That said, I have done both clean and SNFW art. Finding buyers for porn is much easier than finding buyers for clean work. You rarely hear someone go "I'll just use clip art!" when they want something adult.

>Some people pay for nasty things (like prostitution,murder,drugs), but that doesn't make it right.

Drawing a naked body is not on par with murder. It's just another form of art.

>> No.3959452 [DELETED] 


Unfortunately, making it inevitably leads to consumption. You must gather references for your subject and the positions your client wants, which for someone with past struggles, trigger a relapse.

It is not wholesome work, in any sense. Look at the current OPs on /ic for the /alt and /porn threads: bestiality and child pornography.

Look at those who commission this kind of work: couples in open marriages who do not want kids pretending these idle pleasures will mean fuck all when you are childless, people in their late thirties and early forties who have not grown up and continue to masturbate to children's cartoons, cuckholds, those who live commissioning their degenerate fantasies because they've given up the dating game, etc.

As a porn artist, you're existence is monetized to feeding that void and feeding that void, prolonging the spiral of addiction of your consumers. Even worse with young men, it's intended victims to keep them complacent whom porn addiction hits the hardest psychologically and physically. Research how Israel deliberately set up porn threaters in the West Bank to complacee their population, while banning the broadcast of porn within their own countries. To pretend this is healthy or an "exploration" is doublethink to the nth degree.

This is the story of my life, especially in these past couple of months alone.

I have gone on a personal journey to write down virtually every story idea I ever had and found a bunch of my old stories off the net. Their writing is all crude as hell, but I found a lot of inspiration.

In my soul searching, I will start re-reading much of the literature I enjoyed in my youth such as Redwall and Ender's Game, authors such as Poe and Vernes, along with a variety of short story collections.

Thanks for the advice, but I'd rather retain and focus on healthy habits.

In the process of getting a second job.

>> No.3959986

you must be fucking retarded
He's not muscular hes ginger and his face is nothing like Kratos

what a fucking retard

>> No.3960232
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>> No.3960402

Sorry you have a history of unhealthy porn use. There is such a thing as healthy porn use, however. couples using porn to get hot and explore ideas to do together, for example. Just because porn is bad for you does not mean it's always bad.

Most porn isn't child abuse or bestiality. That stuff shouldn't even be allowed on this site. Report it. It's a bannable offense. Most of the world isn't into that junk.

If you want to stay away from porn, that's your business. Don't criticize people who you do not personally know. You don't know their lives. You can only know your own.

>> No.3960475

>here is your Netflix kratos bro

>> No.3961123 [DELETED] 

There is no healthy porn use, and no one I have ever known had a history of "healthy use".

At its best, watching pornography is voyeurism, which is morally reprehensible. At worst, it's virtual cuckoldry and substance abuse wrapped into one and controlled by the must disgusting (((people))) to ever walk the earth.

Just like substance abuse, people's tolerance builds over time and they will crave harder and more explicit pornography to have the same satisfaction as before; therefore, it must be said that all pornography is subverise (due to the Israeli and Saudi governments funneling the most money into the porn industry) and addictive (Japan's self inflicted suicide with low birth rates, with men withdrawing from society and women openly bragging about their affairs). All manner of attempts should be made to do away with it.

Furthermire, it tricks men into accepting that these acts on screen are fun and acceptable for women, which means he is (unknowingly) creating a whore out of his daughter, his neighbor's daughter etc. It slowly but surely poisons society in an irreversible way.

>> No.3961135 [DELETED] 

>>3929193 (OP)
There is no healthy porn use, and no one I have ever known had a history of "healthy use".

At its best, watching pornography is voyeurism, which is morally reprehensible. At worst, it's virtual cuckoldry and substance abuse wrapped into one and controlled by the must disgusting (((people))) to ever walk the earth.

Just like substance abuse, people's tolerance builds over time and they will crave harder and more explicit pornography to have the same satisfaction as before; therefore, it must be said that all pornography is subverise (due to the Israeli and Saudi governments funneling the most money into the porn industry) and addictive (Japan's self inflicted suicide with low birth rates, with men withdrawing from society and women openly bragging about their affairs). All manner of attempts should be made to do away with it.

Furthermire, it tricks men into accepting that these acts on screen are fun and acceptable for women, which means he is (unknowingly) creating a whore out of his daughter, his neighbor's daughter etc. It slowly but surely poisons society in an irreversible way.


Cuckholdry. The woman feels unsatisfied and begins longing for a lover; the male feels inadequate over a combination of cutting edge surgery and specific camera angles.

Add a woman tricking the degenerate other into an open marriage, and you got one of my past customers as well as one of the biggest fiasco's going on the internet right now.

>its a bannable offense.

They were in the past Porn threads OP and the current /alt thread's. The (((jannies))) haven't done shit.

>dont criticize people you dont know.

They were my roommates and my customers back when I drew this garbage for people. Reconnecting with my old boss, and him asking his brother to hire me, saved me from that abhorrent trade.

>> No.3961139

>i was always wondering - how other porn artists live and how they feel about it.
I cut down drawing porn a great deal. (Of course I draw the odd boob every now and again) I didn't find the whole experience rewarding. Didn't like the kind of people I met from drawing porn or the attention from them, didn't like/stayed away from [99% of] the other porn artists I met, and I certainly did not appreciate people pretending to be my friend just because I make things for them to whack off to. I mean sure, I could get a patreon and draw smut for a living. But I decided that it wasn't for me. Imagine being on your deathbed and reflecting on your life during your final moments and it having be
>Yep. I'm sure glad I make a whole lot of wank material for a bunch of internet freaks and taking their autismbux. Very fulfilling.

>> No.3961242

That's an oxymoron : this kind of sentences remind me of these old articles promoting cigarettes as healthy.
You're watching chicks getting banged by 5 guys at the same time, talking like trash, getting spit on,getting slapped, with stories about having some action while the husband is at work = sounds healthy to you? Not for me.
Also this.

>> No.3961275 [DELETED] 

Is the kid yours?

>> No.3961276

Are you really implying smoking isn't healthy?

>> No.3961622


are you fucking serious? of course it is. what the fuck.

>> No.3961810

This thread has literally been up for a month and a half.
What the fuck is even keeping it alive???
>reads thread

>> No.3961878

in what universe is 25 days a month and a half

>> No.3961879

shut up before I whip you, gayboy.

>> No.3961944

Might want to get a paternity test sometime, degenerate.

>> No.3961994

chill out, it's not my fault you're stupid

>> No.3961997

Ok you asked for it fag

>> No.3962162


>> No.3962540
File: 116 KB, 645x1200, haz cheezburgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, some people have been talking about porn artistry. It's just a few over righteous people have been spamming their moral outrage the last few days.

Yes, dealing with people like this is common when you do porn. Most people don't care. The few who do screech from the rafters like angry owls. All the screeching is done on the internet unless you're stupid enough to talk about porn in a church or something. Why the fuck they would waste their time in a thread on content they don't' like when there's literally dozens of other threads they could be posting in is beyond me. It's not going to change anything. It just wastes their time and makes "clean only" artists look like asshats.

You learn to ignore people like these.

Ahh, the porn artist life...

>> No.3962707

>moral outrage

With porn artists and NSFW enthusiasts flooding the generals outside theirs, and given they hold multiple boards that welcome their work, the outrage isn't so much moral as it is a result of getting sick of their behavior.

The main reason we asked to ressurect the porn threads was to contain this content. Despite the threads returning, they still continue to post such content in the generals.

Hence, the frustration.

>makes clean artists look like asshats

This came out of nowhere. Most clean and vanilla artists tend to be very relaxed and stay far away from the more explicit NSFW communities.

/ic's Porn Threads are especially notorious.

Stick that content where it belongs. That is all we ask.

>> No.3962712

wuz moralfags n sheeit

>> No.3962735

Imagine being this much of moralfag virgin.

>> No.3963210 [DELETED] 
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this hard

>> No.3964422
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>With porn artists and NSFW enthusiasts flooding the generals outside theirs....
This is an ADULT CONTENT board. If you don't want to see any nudity or sexual content at all go to a blue board or some SFW site. There's lots to pick from. You don't need to stay here.

If someone is posting porn in a blue board or on a SFW site, report the post. If you don't report it, janitors won't know about it. There are too many posts for janitors to see everything that isn't reported to them.

>This came out of nowhere.
> Stick that content where it belongs. That is all we ask.
Not coming out of nowhere: the "clean only!" moral outrage in this thread clearly all about porn in a board that allows porn is misguided at best and trolling at worst. It's common sense to avoid content you do not want to see.

We are only wanting the same from you: stick your content where it belongs. If you aren't OK with porn, don't go to places where porn is the topic. Stay in SFW places.

>> No.3964475
File: 55 KB, 500x460, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally pic related

>> No.3964525 [DELETED] 

>This is an ADULT CONTENT board

We had no voice in this board's bullshit classification. We do not ask for its erasure. All we ask is for pornography's containment in the appropriate threads, which kept the worse of /ic's community from the rest of the generals.

>Go to the other SFW boards

/ic was a board dedicated to art and critique, as similar threads in other boards were quickly dwarfed by the sheer amount of content posted on them. The only other art related boards are either pornographic or ghost towns with none of the resources this board offers.


I have personally made numerous reports of lolicon, shotacon, and bestiality being posted on the board's generals, despite these posts violating global rules.

>common sense

Then it should be common sense to keep porn out of the generals, and for content that violates the global rules to be removed. Which is all we ask.

>> No.3964667

We need a blue board /ic/. I am serious.
Some artists don't want to be associated with these degenerates. (and degenerates want to do their filth in peace, I guess)

>> No.3964668

Beat me to it.

>> No.3964969

Love your style.
Its very cute and sexy, but has this minimalist quality about it

>> No.3964973

My fuckin god the retarded rostie is here too, my fucking God leave my fuckin board!

>> No.3964979

>Some artists don't want to be associated with these degenerates.

>> No.3966325

I know, right? The best part about this place is that you can practice all your degenerate porn art here for people to see and critique without having your name plastered on it. Everyone sucks at first. You have to get out all the bad drawing before you can make really good ones.

>> No.3968169

yeah, i like what i draw, i even sometimes self insert myself in some way because i have this shit where all the people im attracted to are very similar to me in various ways. ANd other peoples stuff? Definitely.

Shit now im gonna use this line on a comic, its too good.

>> No.3969197

> Turns someone's troll attempt into porn lines

This is why I love porn artists. They have the ability to turn things around and make ugly things into something better. Ok, maybe it's not to everyone's tastes, but it's still an awesome ability.

>> No.3972354

You really are like cockroaches then, as soon as the light turn on you run in fear & hide in the furniture, like you were caught red handed & guilty. Cockroaches like rotten food & waste too.

>> No.3972508


>> No.3973883

Except most porn artists remain stagnant and seldom improve once they begin. It's strange that, back in my Discord days, none of them made an iota of improvement. Even with all the resources at their disposal.

>> No.3973947

That's hot.