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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.53 MB, 1000x1230, beg kamen raida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3939818 No.3939818 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the /draw/thread with our fundamental exercises.

Previous Thread: >>3936786

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, or you literally are never going to make it

>screenshot the image and post that instead
>change camera capture settings to something smaller
>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

READ THE STICKY if you need guidance when you haven't even started.

Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj

TRY TO GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

REMEMBER, if you've just started out you work will not be good, it doesn't need to be, just get in to the swing of actually drawing, and learning how to study. Most of all, enjoy it.

>> No.3939830
File: 1.98 MB, 2048x2048, arms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good OP image. God bless you

>> No.3939846

I've never been OP image before, feelsgoodman

>> No.3939858
File: 395 KB, 1374x399, CLIPStudioPaint_2019-05-21_12-07-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this work (the top form of the muzzle not being completely drawn aside from that bit on the right)? Is it stylization?

>> No.3939879

>tfw its too late to be a truly good artist
>tfw 24

>> No.3939889

Bob Ross didn't start learning how to paint until he was like 30 something I think

>> No.3939894
File: 595 KB, 1000x666, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried coloring this and i noticed that i drew the dick at a weird angle.I also fucked her left eye when coloring it by making it too big, and i probably abused the soft brush a bit too much on the clothes, but yeah

>> No.3939904
File: 307 KB, 829x509, 2D199980-BF11-43BE-90B6-D95E084BB118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been watching NMA and brushed up on the basics learning how to properly draw a lay in so heres this. seeing a lot more little details to add to my outlines. i know it could be a little cleaner but i was more worried about adding shape and forms

>> No.3939905

This is a blessed thread, read OP's image and become enlightened

>> No.3939906

Van Gogh started learning in 1881, then died in 1890. Everything he ever did was in that 9 years from age 27 to 37.
It doesn't take a genius or lifelong commitment to be good at art, you just have to actually do it.

>just draw

>> No.3939912

Use better references dude

You're on the right track though.

>> No.3939930

what's wrong with that ref

>> No.3939933

You're still primarily focusing on outlining too much. You need to feel the form and define it, none of the shapes that you're trying to draw have explicit outlines, but they do have curves, edges, and faces. Defining those parts of the form is the foundation of drawing correct form, and getting away from symbol drawing.
There's nothing wrong with the ref, his ability, nor his intended final product require anything better than a garbo shutterstock picture.

>> No.3939934
File: 477 KB, 1600x1200, 1558416716525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get better at angles/tilts/axis and divisions?

>> No.3939936

perspective? I haven't started doing that yet cuz it looks really tiring

>> No.3939939

Oh it is, but when something clicks and you get one right, what a sweet feeling.

>> No.3939942

I can be your angle or your devil.

>> No.3939949
File: 1.05 MB, 1500x1070, scan 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna fucking kill myself brehs I swear I'm being trolled with this drawabox shit
these 'boxes' are abysmal, and trying to add line weight makes them look even worse

I'm pretty sure some people do these exercises with rulers judging by some results, and there's times where it's obviously better to make the line with my wrist but I'm told not to

>> No.3939953
File: 973 KB, 1500x1052, scan 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not learning a thing by doing this, it's just ugly 'box' after ugly box, the same shit every time

I remember some Anon (tehmeh?) said to put drawabox into perspective you could imagine Michaelangelo sculpting 250 or more boxes before attempting to finish a sculpture, which he obviously didn't do
might just skip this and move onto the next lesson

>> No.3939956

Why are you just drawing them in empty space? Put them in a 3d environment and define a few vanishing points to aim at.
Doing boxes free hand on a blank canvas is pointless if you're goal is to be able to draw 3d shapes in 3d environments accurately.
Also use a fucking ruler if you want a ruler, it's not cheating, it just means your ability to pull a straight line is shit. You should try to fix that, but not while trying to also learn something else.

>> No.3939959
File: 148 KB, 500x544, 1549618905095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what the exercise is instructing me to do, I'm supposed to create a box without plotting the vanishing points, by putting down a Y shape and then setting the vp in stone by making another line, and then try to make the other lines connect to those 3 vps

the logic is that when constructing things I won't have time to plot every single vanishing point for every box I make, and you can get away with guessing it if you're good enough
what pisses me off is in the video he'll make his boxes and such using a ruler tool digitally, which takes a fraction of the time it does me and looks miles better
I can't help but feel that if I was a digitalfag that none of this would be an issue

>> No.3939960
File: 16 KB, 330x330, tomboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to trace your references? Is it okay to draw skeletons right on top of them? I alternate between tracing and then doing my own sketch by the reference. Is there a good guide on drawing shadows and highlights on people?

>> No.3939965


How about you try to understand how boxes work before blaming the exercise?

Obviously you don't have to draw all 250 boxes but when literally every single box you posted is fucked, you might need to draw a few more after reading the instructions again.

>> No.3939968

Okay well that logic is retarded, anon. You obviously shouldn't have to draw lines from your vanishing point to your object, but when you're drawing you should have already decided where your vanishing points are in the environment that you're drawing so that you can consistently draw towards the same VPs from object to object.
You can get away with free balling a bunch of your perceptive lines towards a vague VP for real world paintings because (unless your drawing city spaces or architecture) changes in the ground elevation, and irregularities in the form will give most objects vaguely different VPs.
Also digital is a tool, just like a ruler is a tool. Just use what you want.

>> No.3939969

Personally I avoid tracing like the plague because you dont really learn anything but to follow a line. Its is a pretty decent idea to draw a skull on one layer and draw the face over top to help with placement of eyes nose mouth ect. If you dont understand bone structure or skulls id recommend looking into it a bit

>> No.3939971

Based anatomy poster

>> No.3939974

Tracing is a great tool to cut out having to learn measuring with your eye. If you only care about drawing/ painting digitally, yeah who cares? You will have trouble trying to draw from life traditionally though.

Shading and highlighting people is the same as shading and highlighting any other object. Choose where your lighting is coming from, and use your brain to imagine where the light falls, and where it is obscured.

>> No.3939976
File: 241 KB, 1920x2080, knight-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something I doodled up last week. I'd love to post more recent stuff but alas this is the life of an office cuck

>> No.3939978

But both of them drew like shit though

>> No.3939980
File: 1.13 MB, 1442x2086, plotted perspectives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude I just don't understand how boxes work, that's obviously the problem
any idiot can construct a perfect box so long as they follow the rules of perspective, the difficulty comes from having those rules thrown out

>> No.3939986

And? Both are wildly successful and unarguably going to be remembered for their art for centuries to come.
Is your goal just to make perfect drawings of 3d objects in 3d space? You're welcome to do so, but don't expect any praise for doing in a day what blender can do in 20 minutes. Art is, and has always been far more about design, composition, and storytelling than technical accuracy, and until you recognize that, you're ngmi.

>> No.3939991

are there any pixiv drawing tutorials that anybody can recommend?

>> No.3939994

I want to do gesture drawing but i cant bring myself to draw real life because its ugly. What do i do?

>> No.3940003

Stop judging a person's beauty on whether or not you want to Fug them. Learn to observe people as organic machines and find the beauty in them divorced from how they affect you.

>> No.3940009

So you are saying that i should fap before figure drawing?

>> No.3940014

And during

>> No.3940018

I fap to my references because, if I don't, my boner distracts me while I'm trying to draw.

>> No.3940022

not him but is using a ruler actually help in this? I know the point is to understand the box but using a ruler feels like I'm cheating and not improving my lines

>> No.3940044

Started firgure drawing recently, but i just cant properly locate the ribcage/pelvis most of the time. (Maybe the models not well lit enough?) Any advice for improving on this matter?

>> No.3940047

Stupid question but what exactly should I be drawing every day to help progress? At the art class I took we mostly used still life setups and drew/painted from those. What do other people do, how much time should be spent on one thing?

>> No.3940051

What a fucking fag , to avoid a warped look separate the vanishing points more , also if the draeing is close to horizontal its somewhat pointless to use the 3 point perspective>>3939953

>> No.3940054

use the bean and practice

>> No.3940058

Lmao , jus draw literally ANYTHING , then o certain days when you have a lot of spare time do more pointed exercises

>> No.3940059

Hey beg, posted about shading in color a while ago, cant remember the advice i was giving. It was something about shadows being bluer, and highlights being redder, could someone give me a reminder?

>> No.3940063


>> No.3940070

this is a struggle for me honestly

>> No.3940072
File: 58 KB, 1100x660, birdthingresized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i doing construction right? i have no idea if this is okay or bad.

>> No.3940074

Nah man , thats not the way , you should learn to draw ugly shit before drawing something pretty , those two are concepts that can not be separated

>> No.3940079


>> No.3940082

Its decent , imguessing you're on the right path

>> No.3940085

Construction lines can do more than just inform surface contours. You should focus on making everything cleaner, and more explicit as to what you're drawing.
Use line weight to define the depth of low regions, and remove visual information that doesn't add anything.
Reduce your visual clutter, and make each line give the most meaning possible.

>> No.3940087
File: 3.29 MB, 4160x3120, 1558467152922563931143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to go from the stick portion to the actual making it look like a person portion also just been copying stuff I seen from the internet and drawing them I want to learn how to draw for my mind or some references but not copying

>> No.3940090
File: 1.50 MB, 4160x3120, 1558467222922~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3940093
File: 218 KB, 601x691, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning through my lessons/fundamentals and I'm mostly practicing them right now.

I need a clarification on the "upside down" drawing that works on curing your symbol drawing.
I looked at a bunch of books and videos of observational drawing and they put that into practice, but what about the 3d forms the subject has? What I'm specifically asking is: what kind of mindset/questions should I ask when doing these? I feel like whenever I do these, I just think about how to make each line accurate instead of knowing which collection of lines represents what. fuck I don't know how to explain it properly but I'm sure that I'm doing it wrong.
I know that drawing accurate lines is important so that when you do studies, you can accurately draw your 3d forms (for example, drawing a cube in a specific angle that represents the main 'body' of a box-like object) and the rest of the details won't fall over.
Whenever I'm doing the upside down exercises, I feel like I'm drawing focusing on the small details too much instead of the large forms. The black/white contrasted images will be broken down into 2D shapes too and its making it harder for me to think in 3d.
What do I do/how do I shift my brain into the accurate general forms first instead of small detail.

Sorry if I'm speaking gibberish because I don't know how to explain my problem + I'm tired because of wage slavery.

>> No.3940094


Using youre entire arm is recommended, but using your wrist is fine too.

It doesnt matter if the drawings look bad. They're just for practice, so dont stress. Simply identify what went wrong, and correct it next time.

The entire point of these exercises is to use boxes as a way of breaking down the barriers between 2D and 3D space (the paper/screen) in a way that is easy to understand and visualize. That is the great trick of art.

>> No.3940106
File: 106 KB, 448x580, 5-21-19.2resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for critique and guidance to getting decent at digital fast enough to get a commission done within the next 7 days preferrably

>> No.3940107

>looking for a way to get abs before going to the beach next week WHAT DO /fit/????!!!1

Dont put yourself in that position in the first place lmao

>> No.3940113
File: 921 KB, 3264x2448, Practice_scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a style for settings I like, and I'm currently trying to work on consistency in my characters. What should I do to improve? Btw, this is a work in progress. It's just what I've done most recently.

>> No.3940114

Anon you realize this is a way bigger topic than what we can cover here. What part exactly do you have problems with?

If it is "all of it" then sorry you might be better of looking up youtube tutorials on how to use the software you are currently using.

>> No.3940115

anyone else have trouble drawing on your non dominant side? ie drawing the left side of something with my dominant right hand? Tips advice halp plox

>> No.3940116
File: 60 KB, 789x633, fig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice at getting better at drawing with the whole arm?

>> No.3940130
File: 1.25 MB, 648x2001, 9CFB9A0D-8050-45DE-BD2E-B3280585F619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3940134
File: 82 KB, 555x1000, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3940138

I've drawn since I was physically capable of it and I suppose I'm decent at it now but I'm seriously lacking in fundamentals. Is anyone else in here like this and trying to "retrain" themselves?

>> No.3940145

I've been drawing not seriously my whole life and was better than most in my highschool, haven't done anything for the last 5 years and now I want to take it more seriously as I get back into it

>> No.3940146

Use your entire shoulder only to draw. Don't use you arm or your fingers to guide the pencil, just use your shoulder as your only anchor point to move the pencil. It also helps to use an 18x24 drawing surface or larger and some kind of easel so you can stand back a couple feet while you draw.

>> No.3940153

18x24 my dude i draw on a fukcing notwbook the size of my forearm

>> No.3940156
File: 587 KB, 764x942, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone explain this to me? Im having trouble understanding how this method works

>> No.3940157

I have realized that I have no idea what I need help with most

I guess chicken scratch but that's not digital specific

>> No.3940163

I started drawing near the end of middle school as a hobby (mostly anime, videogame characters and some portraits). I guess I got good at rendering but didn't even occur to me that things like construction and form exist.

Stopped drawing during college and now I'm trying to pick it back up the 'right way'.

>> No.3940185

oy vey, who the hell is commissioning you.

>> No.3940187

good luck, dudes
hopefully we can all stick to it

>> No.3940188

What are you doing here /pol/?
Wanna learn to draw good propaganda?

>> No.3940195


I want to learn how to do good scientific drawings of plants. Very good anatomic plants. After that id like to learn fish and then expand into more animals.

Wherecan i start for plants?

>> No.3940215
File: 554 KB, 1055x1686, LIAFA_WorkShopImage1_WEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good improvement from last time, anon keep it up. Practice a few more of these. Keep doing the gesture and construction. Then go study basic anatomy with Michael Hampton. Learn your basic perspective too. Notice how the right thigh is facing towards view. Try to draw that as a box where the knee is the bottom view of the box. Notice also that the ridges of the pelvis can be seen on the skin (study your own), so you can draw that box larger and have it fill that whole space. Same with the rib-cage.
After all that, if you want, try to draw from imagination.
>any advice at getting better at drawing with the whole arm?
Draw bigger like the other reply suggested. Find a big paper and get used to doing sweeping motions. Then go back to your tablet and apply it. It helps to slightly hover your hand from the tablet if it causes friction. You can achieve the same effect with a smaller pad no problem. But when it comes to smaller parts of the drawing, like say drawing eyes, etc, you can use your wrist again. Just try to get used to drawing fluid lines from the shoulder.

>> No.3940217

You ever think you can't draw with your whole arm because you draw so small? I know how it feels to like to draw small because I love my sketchbooks and its where I do a majority of my drawing, but my biggest problem early on was being confined to a small sketchbook, so I relied on using my fingers and forearms for long strokes. But once I bought a big newsprint pad and just played around with it, I started getting the feel for whole arm drawing, and I could apply it to any size surface because I know where my arm is going and when to stop. I still draw small, but I use my whole arm for steady, long lines and only my fingers for detail/smaller strokes. You don't have to adopt a larger size for your regular workflow, but practicing on large sheets of paper can really help you out even if you normally draw small.

>> No.3940219

based kamen rider

>> No.3940227

Damn , thanks anon =D

>> No.3940228

unironically a catholic who wants a drawing of prophet Jeremiah preaching to isrealites
don't worry, that's not how I usually draw, just some shitty warmups that aren't doing too well, I draw (or used to draw 2 years ago) quite a bit more realistic and not as cartoonish as that looks

>> No.3940254

Based commisioner , very expresive poses as well

>> No.3940262

p-pls respond

>> No.3940269

The upside down exercise is only worth a shot if you have a really bad problem with symbol drawing , if not then its just a little hadicap you are putting on yourself

>> No.3940270
File: 911 KB, 595x2001, B88CCA9C-25EE-420E-BC3A-56718B138B09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, I just realized that I feel way more comfortable doing anything but a straight front view. All the proportions I usually give my characters just break down and they look even more different than usual.

>> No.3940271

how do you fill in negative space (BACKGROUND) without it looking cheap

>> No.3940272

You learn to use it to your advantage

>> No.3940274

Thats because youre a fag , also , what did you do to learn those guidelines , im sure it helps a lot with perspctive

>> No.3940275

ok I'll just leave it blank thanks

>> No.3940287
File: 107 KB, 695x697, 016E897A-03DE-4FBA-9869-83ECE8FC9B16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, use some low saturation gradiants or stuff.

>> No.3940289

Most of the time you dont have to worry about negative space , but in a very nig drawing you take into account the negative space as part of it , making a really detailed background can draw attention away from the main piece , and leaving it all blank could give the impression that the piece is unfinished , thats what i ment when i said tha you have to learn to use it , on top of that you didnt provide no context , is it for a single piece? , for panels from a comic?etc..., th is very relevant information that you didnt provide

>> No.3940295

This is a smart and subtle use of negative spce to guide the eye towards the inportants parts of the piece

>> No.3940305

Not sure if this is any more comprehensive, haha.

Unless I misunderstood something, this is a somewhat convoluted way of teaching you the basic idea of cylinder-ish things in perspective (more specifically how to find out their wrapping lines). He first asks you to draw the gesture (in this case the centerline) thinking of the body you're looking at as a 2D thing, if the gesture is a curve he asks you to approximate it as a series of straight lines (chiseled version). You're expected to keep the pencil parallel to the plane of the 'picture' you're looking at during this measuring. You bring down the pencil without altering the leaning (so now it is parallel to the plane of the paper on which you're drawing) and draw your gesture. Once you've drawn the gesture you go back and tilt the pencil such that its top matches the top of your structure of interest and tilt it the same way the structure is tilting. If the pencil/marker is sufficiently wide you can now follow the wrapping lines on the pencil and those would be the wrapping lines of your cylinder-ish structure. Now, if the tilting is more complex you can repeat the process and get a 'chiseled' (as in iterative) set of wrapping lines.

>> No.3940315
File: 1.33 MB, 764x2001, A1AF45AB-9AEF-408B-956A-7F9664689FDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, here’s another try. Which do you guys think is better?

>> No.3940331

Make her look at something in particular so she doesnt have the thousand miles stare , thats really the only problem i got with both your drawings

>> No.3940361
File: 914 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190521-172855_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her head too big for her body :(

>> No.3940363 [DELETED] 
File: 1.51 MB, 1388x2440, Document 20_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, I would say that I can kinda draw faces but I need to work on shoes and fabric more.

>> No.3940364 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 674x1186, document_20_3_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to work on shoes and clothes more, also my lines are kinda crappy but it's a sketchbook so w/e lol.

>> No.3940365

So Idk where you are in your ability, so I'll just give you the list from ground zero.

1.) Practice drawing lines, and curves.

Lightly draw a line, then draw it again on top of your original line 8 more times. Any amount of wiggle or inaccuracy is an error, and the worse the error is, the less ability you have to consistently draw the line that your brain wants to draw. Practice this way with curves, straights, and ellipses until you can consistently draw the mark that your brain wants to make.

2) Practice cubes, pyramids, cylinders, sheres, cones, and organic solids in correct perspective.

This is self explanatory, but just as lines and curves are the foundation of all 2d shapes, these 6 3d shapes contain all the foundation form that makes up all 3d shapes. Once you can reliably draw these 5 in perspective, then begin pushing them together, and into each other. Draw overlapping, and intersecting shapes, and begin trying to bend them into each other.

3) Begin deconstructing the real world.

Train yourself to be able to observe everything and reduce the real world down to the fundamental shapes in your brain. Attempt to transfer this observation onto your sketches, for example, you may see how a flower stem is just an elongated cylinder, or that it's petals are just thin organic solids that have an observable surface contour that you can draw. From there it's all about building with the lego bricks that you've mastered in the previous 2 steps.

4)Draw, take classes, draw, absorb knowledge, and draw.

>> No.3940387
File: 60 KB, 650x1229, document_20_4_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn i suck reeeeeeeeeeeeee. Tried to crop out shoes but then it made the person legs too long so w/e.

>> No.3940389

Wait till you've drawn hundreds of these. At some point, it doesn't even matter if one sucks. Just keep going, draw more, study more.

>> No.3940395

Do more gestures from reference. Draw a bunch of poses from reference. The awkwardness comes from not drawing real people enough so what you draw from imagination end up looking awkward and unnatural. Gotta build up your visual library with lots of real people poses.

>> No.3940402

Thanks for the motivation friend.

>> No.3940413

you ever consider doing any actual figure studies?

>> No.3940440
File: 1.61 MB, 2468x1000, more5minutegestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some more 5 minute gesture (forgot the refs), but I think i got a decent handle on it. Question is where do I go from here? Figured starting to draw a simplified skeleton on the gestures would be the next step?

>> No.3940447
File: 656 KB, 2709x2160, _20190521_203553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just isn't more time than I'm proud to admit figuring out that Loomis is not a good way to draw dbz faces. You can adjust the proportions and you'll get off related on the right. Which is about 2/3rds as wide as it needs to be. So what you have to do is not use a circle for the cranium to start but rather an ellipse which is 1.5 times as wide as it is tall. From there, you can build a face that gets pretty close to dbz but I think you're better off just learning by doing it over and over and developing the muscle memory than by trying to construct it through measurements.

If you're curious the measurements I went with are as follows :

Hairline brows nose and chin are same as Loomis but at the center the brows slope down to half way between the top of the brows and the bottom of the nose. There are other small tweeks here and there but you get the idea.

>> No.3940449
File: 221 KB, 534x811, 112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a quick doodle i made today

>> No.3940452
File: 771 KB, 1080x2220, foto_no_exif (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have soiled Sailor Moon! I know I leaned her forward instead of back, but I wanted to follow through with it.

>> No.3940455

Alright anon, I'm gonna need sauce on that second one

>> No.3940463
File: 341 KB, 1000x3969, nma_n05_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's session and some more torsos.

>> No.3940464

Pretty good, anon
Nice coloring, the proportions are good, nice face
I would put a little bit more blush, but overall i liked it

>> No.3940472

So when I draw I either draw the lines too long or too short. What are exercises or books I can do or read to master knowing when I drew the proper length?

>> No.3940497
File: 78 KB, 534x811, ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to try and draw your drawing hope you don't mind.

>> No.3940519
File: 2.22 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20190519_051910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love days where I can visibly see myself improve. 1/3

From this...

>> No.3940520
File: 1.13 MB, 960x960, Shityart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were drawn using keys to drawing. Should I continue with this book?

>> No.3940522
File: 2.87 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20190522_025940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To this.

>> No.3940523
File: 788 KB, 1080x2220, foto_no_exif (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a fun poopoo sketch of Coltrane on Giant Steps before I finish up for the night.

>> No.3940525
File: 2.65 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20190522_025620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And even this little cutie trying to hold it back.( or in :P)

>> No.3940530
File: 150 KB, 1088x1088, IMG_20190522_025645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried shading a sphere
quite messy

>> No.3940533

Now that's a nut

>> No.3940535

Aight, filthy /begger/ here, when drawing from life, which is better: moving or still life? Anything I should be conscious of when I'm drawing?

>> No.3940537
File: 381 KB, 2145x2145, IMG_20190521_220638_578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3940539

It's quite wonky, I'm having a hard time laying down tone that follows it's form

>> No.3940545

>which is better: moving or still life
Still. Movement comes later.
>Anything I should be conscious of when I'm drawing?
White space/void
Line quality/confidence

>> No.3940560
File: 56 KB, 216x548, masomidgetgfnever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh a checklist, will do

>> No.3940564

I started a couple days ago, and to me you are a master, keep it up jabroni

>> No.3940565


>> No.3940572

ofcourse i dont mind, its just a generic elf girl.
but damn your version is much cuter

>> No.3940577

>using a ruler feels like I'm cheating

Only in this forum. Artists have used rulers since they were invented. Nobody drew perfectly straight lines freehand. Davinci, Michelangelo, pick any artist who painted realistically, or any artist who drew with a pencil or pen, and I guarantee you they owned at least one ruler, and used it often.

In the human body, there are few times, if at all you'd need a ruler, but drawing any kind of regular geometry, there is nothing wrong with using ANY tool, be it a ruler, compass, or triangle.

>> No.3940580

By crafting a background. If you can't or won't create an environment, then put an interesting texture or pattern there, and light it, and tie it in with the figure in your color composition.

>> No.3940595

Define better?

Still life:
>shit doesn't move
>challenge yourself to be as accurate and detailed as you can
>you can study the subject for hours and come back to it
>ideal for studying color, texture and how shadows fall on the form
>you can set up your own still lifes in doors in a controlled lighting environment

Moving subjects (people, animals):
>much harder
>ideal for learning how to capture a sense of motion via drawing (no shit)
>ideal for learning the gestures and body language of real people
>forces you to learn to capture the whole of the subject quickly
>forces you to learn how to leave out irrelevant details
>forces you to draw from memory - you often have to finish sketching after the subject has moved
>therefore it helps you draw from imagination
>painting is much harder
>teaches you how to choose your subjects and what pose they are taking intelligently
>Da Vinci told his apprentices to do it

>> No.3940602

isn't it awkward to be that guy sketching out in the open, having to take glances at people as you record their figures in your own twisted book of pleasures? do I need binoculars?

>> No.3940611

I'd recommend doing it in a crowded area where no one cares

Staring at other people at the coffee shop while you draw wouldn't be ideal imo

>> No.3940653
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, girloc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you like it.
Here's a lineart of one of my characters

>> No.3940715
File: 1.90 MB, 4160x2336, 0521192309_Film5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a little while

>> No.3940723
File: 163 KB, 960x1627, rsz_photoeditor_20190521_231835763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not tilted

>> No.3940725

Hello yes I dont know if this is the right place to ask but I have a monoprice tablet and I have no idea how to set the pen buttons to what I want does anyone know?

>> No.3940745 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 1000x1000, 20190522_003229-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, fun with a pencil guy here?
Is it ok for me to be having issues with this book? when making a ball, I tend to make the divisions with my wrist, it looks bad, should I use the shoulder? I think the answer is no, why would it matter?
>Now moving on to the actual questions
Why does this one, that I copied from loomis, why does it look so lifeless? I think it's the lack of detail, shading, and the lines being too solid that makes it look, empty and 2d compared to the one in the book.
Help me guys please

>> No.3940762
File: 346 KB, 744x992, 20190522_003229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, fun with a pencil guy here?
Is it ok for me to be having issues with this book? when making a ball, I tend to make the divisions with my wrist, it looks bad, should I use the shoulder? I think the answer is no, why would it matter?
>Now moving on to the actual questions
Why does this one, that I copied from loomis, why does it look so lifeless? I think it's the lack of detail, shading, and the lines being too solid that makes it look, empty and 2d compared to the one in the book.
Help me guys please

>> No.3940796
File: 789 KB, 1536x2048, lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first drawing in a while, can I get some tips? (I know it's not very good, but please be constructive, thank you)

>> No.3940817
File: 140 KB, 1074x1200, 0D7GqTniW4AAdI8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit me pls.

>> No.3940829
File: 1.09 MB, 1621x2566, 94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3940838
File: 1.67 MB, 1536x2048, 1558503494204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn basic head construction and neck anatomy. Find any guide for anime head construction and learn from it. Then draw 20 heads preferably, each in different position, or at least in 3/4 view like in you drawing. Draw you head again and see the results. Tl:DR You must learn construction and anatomy. You face looks flat.

>> No.3940839
File: 105 KB, 717x537, 5-22-19.1scrst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I gmi?

>> No.3940840

Haha do the funny walk

>> No.3940842

this is based off one of the pics in the reference thread, this one >>3939783

>> No.3940851
File: 354 KB, 600x1279, 64EA9934-8E6F-496C-9B74-CA33CAE8C2E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /beg/ any tips on faces? I pulled some from /fa/

>> No.3940856
File: 885 KB, 1493x955, unknown[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend Drawabox. At least just the first part.

When you draw a line, you need to draw the line quickly and confidentially instead of doing it all wobbly like you are. It takes a lot of practice. Also, the Power Puff girls don't consist of "Skeletons" like on the left because they are heavily stylized. You should think of them as the basic shapes they're drawn as. Though drawing heavily stylized characters won't help you a ton beyond identifying the basic shapes they're made out of. The best part about cartoons is that they're made to be "easy to animate" so they are usually made of very basic shapes and easy to draw.

Hopefully this helps in a way or is what you're looking for. I'm still a beginner too though.

>> No.3940865
File: 395 KB, 1080x1085, IMG_20190522_000741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita anon here, there's no regression construct anon, your poses are as God tier as always. But you should try cleaning up your drawings next time, they're full of potential and you might like how the construction lines look its hard to appreciate how good the pose is since the lines are distracting.

Here I tried adding paint over it and erasing the construction. I'd be proud if that was my drawing, and (You) did that behind all the construction lines so congrats.
Also, I've been too busy to properly draw on paper, but here's my try at explaining what I meant days ago by
>draw smaller faces
Using the exact same head you drew, I did a smaller face that's less cartoony, I remember you wanted to do more realistic faces and that's the obvious first step, get rid of the giant eyes and use like half the space you're using now to draw it. Also with more space free for the hair, it'll look less flat.
And again your drawings have potential but you gotta try polishing them. Also if you ever scan them, you'll have an easy time painting them on Photoshop since your guidelines are very specific. You can have a layer with those guidelines below and paint over them, following them with some transparency.

>> No.3940871

Where did you learn from? Like what books and resources?

>> No.3940881

Oh shit , didnt expect that , thanks

>> No.3940884
File: 426 KB, 1239x1200, jeanne-summer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another jeanne

>> No.3940886
File: 83 KB, 525x603, 5-22-19.2scrst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is somewhat shaded, something I struggle with for digital, turned out horrible shading-wise, reference is somewhat based off a pic from /fa/ thinspo thread (you gotta do what you gotta do)

>> No.3940887

Anime is cheating, I just know you're a beg but I can't find anything to critique here because it has a simple style. You're good at this. Good enough to get likes from Fate fans at least. Maybe if you tried to draw a whole scene with a background or more characters interacting some flaws would come to light.
The face is the most important part and she looks like Jeanne so yeah it's fine,you passed the test

>> No.3940890

>Anime is cheating,
no it is not, stop spreading retarded memes

>> No.3940896

Well I'm jealous fag

>> No.3940900

op here, thanks
i just want to draw some anime tits as a hobby in my free time, so I'm satisfied with anything that looks vaguely my chink cartoons

>> No.3940907

That thigh tight is quickly driving me fucking insan

>> No.3940909

Let us see more dynamic poses

>> No.3940920
File: 211 KB, 2600x1600, 112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please kill me.

>> No.3940922

Hepatitis kgnome lmao keep drawing

>> No.3940925

im so bad it makes me want to just give up

>> No.3940932

I think it's cute, anon. There's a lot of really cool stylistic choices like the hat to appreciate. Cut yourself some slack

>> No.3940939

Then give up or stop the pity party and get to work.

You can only git gud by practicing

>> No.3940959


>> No.3940960

Its just the color and the anime(ish) face , but the rest is decent

>> No.3940978

i like it!

>> No.3940996

her left leg is deformed (if that is supposed to be her butt cheek it shouldn't actually be possible to be seen like that considering her right leg is facing towards the camera) and her left arm bicep is deflated compared to her right, also those marks on her skin near the left armpit make her skin look fake, like she's wearing a rubber suit

>> No.3940999

Not bad anon I see your working on the muzzle issues, keep it up my man.

>> No.3941053

Very very cool

>> No.3941079
File: 1.56 MB, 1600x2600, viola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are doing good keep going. You have decided to have a yellow rim light source from the right so you can go and have i cover every part of er body.

Otherwise just needs more darker shadow areas to pop the light better and it should be coming along fine.

Pic my shitty attempt.

>> No.3941096

Does figure drawing make you better subconsciously or do you have to actively analyze what you drawing?

>> No.3941102
File: 1.05 MB, 2160x2926, _20190521_213629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going through dynamic Bible last night. The guy knows his shit. I hate copying his drawings though so what I do is just read his notes copy his sketch and then I'll go find something else on Google images and apply my understanding of the method. How am I doing, /beg/gars?

>> No.3941107

It does subconsciously even if you're just trying to draw the contour/silhouette of the figure accuratley. You subconsciously learn proportions and the flow of the body's forms and patterns.

But of course you should ALWAYS be trying to actively anaylze and study what you're drawing. This is hard to keep in mind for beginners though because often just the act of drawing something accurately is hard enough that they can't look past surface level

>> No.3941138
File: 1.38 MB, 790x2001, 49DC57B8-33F0-452A-B8A0-59CC21D416C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Lolita anon. I always kinda feel disappointed when I try to draw from imagination but I dosen’t look half as good as referenced drawings. Also I‘ll try your advice on the face. Maybe this angle tilted down from the reference I used wasn’t the best test subject though.

Unironically Proko videos and other free mini tutorials from random artists. I sorta stitched my method of construction together from a bunch of it. You just sorta have to take and change things until they work for you.

I do, admittedly less frequently than I should.

>> No.3941147

Here’s the face from a 3/4 angle again. It’s hard to retain the character‘s original feeling while trying to tone down the idealization of rhe face.
I also noticed that I need to keep the jawline consistent. It really changes the characters looks a lot.

>> No.3941151
File: 1.12 MB, 930x1468, 1BE9255C-8AB2-4A00-8CA2-928499F1A833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach picture.

>> No.3941175
File: 1.44 MB, 799x2001, CC4C5186-D510-4D8F-9A75-F5CB6E158AB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the No. 1 reason for why I have to make my linewprk cleaner, it turns the inking process into an absolute clusterfuck. I went over the wrong lines with my fineliner way too many times. I might try inking with a pen though, but that requires a much steadier hand.

Anyway, expect the finished thing to be a mess.

>> No.3941190

The eyes look dead and flat imo but everything else looks awesome.

>> No.3941204

anon.. she doesn't have arms or legs

>> No.3941276

Once the wolrd is full 1984 shithole this image will be all that will be shown on the billboards

>> No.3941297
File: 1.48 MB, 2240x2800, samall_small 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3941299

nah he's right, it's ez mode for sure for the faces

>> No.3941301
File: 3.22 MB, 1760x2040, construct anon04 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi construct Anon! Great to see you still kicking! Here is some advice on how you could vary up the way you draw eyes eyes to be more expressive.

What do you think?

>> No.3941314

where'd you learn this method of doing ellipses (blue and dotted lines)?

>> No.3941320

I can see that you copied the lines not the 3d forms that they define. As a result small mistakes in each part of the picture make it fall apart.

Do not try to copy Loomis pictures, make your own balls and give them additional lumps for other facial features and then define them. Even if your anatomy would be shit they would look much more 3d than this one.

>> No.3941321
File: 378 KB, 712x763, goofy's-dead-man-switch-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop goofing around, 72 virgins are not going to come to you, you got to go to them...

>> No.3941328
File: 338 KB, 1000x1261, Sonichu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my sonic oc

>> No.3941329

Very helpful. Hiding the eyelids makes the design of this character in particular look too relaxed, that would be kinda out of character but I'll definitely remember this when I'll actually get to drawing someone other than her.

Also thanks, I didn't notice the inconsistency with the hair.

>> No.3941333

Chaos emerald dust, not even once.

>> No.3941339
File: 470 KB, 512x288, 01J8aOp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try drawing from portrait from reference for the first time
>Really bad at it, numerous problems
>Ragequit and feel like shit
>Come back the next day
>It's noticably easier and i enjoyed the process

It's a feeling warmer than inebriation, keep trying anons, it gets easier

>> No.3941342


>> No.3941353
File: 458 KB, 1000x3568, nma_n06_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be overthinking this once again but I felt some of my last gestures felt too loose yet somehow rigid, as if I was carelessly drawing curves for the sake of it. I did this ones with a smaller brush, not exaggerating things so much and allowing myself to do restatements. The big one on the middle looks rather sitff, but the other ones seem okay, I believe. Maybe I just need to work on actual drawings so I stop worrying about exercises looking good.

>> No.3941354

drop the airbrush
do cel shading
try and figure out where the light's actually coming from.

>> No.3941357

What if correct practice? drawing 1,2 person per 1-2 hour accurately or drawing bunch of person less detail for 1-2 hour

>> No.3941361

Please do not live in this "correct" and "incorrect" mindset, they are both effective just "different". They train different things. Spending a longer time on a single person is a study which helps you learn detailed rendering. Drawing many is more about grinding to know the basic form better and internalizing it.

>> No.3941366


>> No.3941369
File: 484 KB, 1000x1000, 20190522_140414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps there was a little misunderstanding, of course I did the balls, step by step, unless by balls you mean the faces themselves which yeah I copied them, now here's another pictute of the other two i did yesterday, as you can see the ball, construction, etc, remains there, sort of. Now, do these ones look 3D to you? To me, they don't look like it, maybe the first one.
3D is hard but I'll make my own faces, even if the last time I tried they looked horrible.

>> No.3941370

Now, I forgot this, thank you for your time and feedback.
(Also this exercise, it doesn't favor non cartoonish faces, does it?)

>> No.3941381

I hate the face and the general color of her skin, but everything else looks really good anon, keep going

>> No.3941388
File: 831 KB, 1200x1176, 20190522_145430-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original one I guess, boy it looks wrong and I don't think it looks 3D

>> No.3941397
File: 1.61 MB, 1172x674, 8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amidst grindin, gettin the animation itch. still shit at drawing but may not be able to help animate for fun as well. drawing urges seem unending

>> No.3941409
File: 648 KB, 1074x1200, FMA01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would crit the face here, while we are looking up on here her face still seems to be facing front downwards even tough she is not bent forwards.

You can change this by making her look down but angle the face upwards I pushed the mouth up further and change the eye to look downwards. Also added some more shading and some lighting at areas.

Her face is a bit too round and baby like even tough she is an adult soldier do not be afraid of giving her an adult look.

I wanted to do something with the hand because it looks 2 dimensional and the arm is too short but that is a bit tougher to fully correct here. so just ignore the blob I made on her hand. It was an accident.


>> No.3941411
File: 1019 KB, 1074x1200, FMA02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of like this

>> No.3941432

More and more shit, morenand more shir, shit shit shit still cant get it right

>> No.3941443
File: 803 KB, 2430x2283, scan 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought I'd do the organic arrows drawabox exercise in pencil before doing pen, since it seemed quite difficult

am I correct in putting those lines under the bits on the top-right arrow? the example homework on drawabox had a similar one without those bits but that doesn't seem right to me
if these are all wrong let me know too

>> No.3941449

>Wake up
>No replies whatsoever
>No critique, no advice, nothing

Aahhhh yeah that's the /beg/ I remember

>> No.3941453

that just means you're not /beg/ anymore

>> No.3941454

Seriously Anon, I am not exactly sure what are you looking for. The piece isn't bad, a sketch but obviously needs more work, it is hard to feedback a piece in this early stage.

>> No.3941456

I have no idea how to finish a piece or polish it or really anything beyond the rough sketch phase
I don't even know how to get good skin tones

>> No.3941457

Should i draw on both sides of a sketchpad page?
I can kinda see through it to my drawing on the other side.

>> No.3941460

Depends on if you care about quality and how hard you push your pen down on paper (if pushed down on both sides it can tear the paper).

>> No.3941462

I see, well if you are this unsure you could work greyscale instead of colro for practice. From this piece you can just add a more definite lineart then pick a light direction ad block in the shapes. It also depends heavily on what your supposed end goal is.

>> No.3941470

Oi bois , how do i greyscale on paper, what should i use? , i cant seem to find anything no matter how much i search

>> No.3941473

Didn't really have anything in mind besides shaking off the rust of not drawing for 2 years, but I'd also like to improve. I tried doing a simple shit emoji on a different board and my shading was fuck all. It looked horrible but obviously I wasn't going to put effort into a shit emoji.

Also I can't seem to find a brush in sai that just has a flat color, all I have are default brushes

>> No.3941476

if the page is just practice sketches, yes. save yourself some paper. if it's a polished drawing, no.

>> No.3941480

study 3/4 heads and drawing eyes and other features in perspective.
scratchy lines not gud

>> No.3941482

I see, do you think giving you a tutorial on understanding light and shadow be useful?

>> No.3941495

that's the sketch not my lineart my lineart is never scratchy

>> No.3941509
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, draww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a sketch I drew

>> No.3941517

Yeah definitely

>> No.3941547

Okay, try Sycra's foundations of light and shadow series:


It might seem long but most episodes are shorted than 10 minutes. This series is one I know of that explains light and shadow in the simplest to understand way. You might know all these but maybe it will be useful.

>> No.3941552


>> No.3941557
File: 972 KB, 3519x1673, scan 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the giant resolution; but are these any good? so long as they look as if they travel in a 3D space
obviously the intersection lines shouldn't be there, but you get the idea

>> No.3941561

Pencils with different softness might be a good start.

>> No.3941571

Okay come on how do I get into 3D?

>> No.3941621

better omg so much better

>> No.3941661


>> No.3941685

Because you posted a dog turd on paper and you're asking people to seriously critique a piece of fly covered shit? Go read a fucking book on construction, anatomy, perspective, and shut the fuck up in no particular order you entitled eternal /beg/ faggot

>> No.3941688
File: 445 KB, 1440x2560, 1558514852353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, yes

>> No.3941691

>conflicting light sources
you can't even draw shit right, ngmi

>> No.3941692

yes, that is exactly what I said in >>3941473

>> No.3941700


>> No.3941713

Honestly just figured you wanted the dick at an angle, doesn't really effect the quality of the drawing. good shit keep it up.

>> No.3941716

anyone have advice on how to draw arms better? I feel like I can draw torso's fairly well (just the outline need to work on details more), but when it comes to the arms they're always off proportion or just not the right shape.
Would it help to just draw arms on their own?

>> No.3941718
File: 1.13 MB, 2500x2500, valkyrie collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're too good to be on a beg thread... :(

>> No.3941724
File: 137 KB, 900x900, the practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3941726

>Raging at a poster on /beg/ to ask for advice on /beg/

What a fucking moron , ive seen things much worse get some level of attention and help , youre just bitter

Pls anon nex time give a more developed piece , this just looks like an idea that ypu were developing in your head and thus we cant really comment because we dont see clearly what is going on in the picture

>> No.3941727

Vro if you are having trouble makingpeople look 3d just practice more gesture and construction
This thread was pretty good

>> No.3941733

>can't link a different thread correctly
ah summers nice innit


>> No.3941734

post your work

>> No.3941735

Its quite decent, id work on the shading a little bit , and the eye on the right is way too warped , also
>i liked that charachter -_-

>> No.3941736

>Complaims about a typo and not having "le cool blue numbers"
Suck my dick

>> No.3941738

thank you friend

>> No.3941740

ah I wish I were as innocent as you to think that vro is a typo, it's what the "cool kids" are saying instead of bro or friend
but the way he linked it is just more of a sign or newfaggotry

>> No.3941742

Or else?

>> No.3941744

I didnt ever learn how to link threads because when i asked how to do it everyone responded calling me a newfag and v and b are really close to one another , so ther is that

>> No.3941752

This is honestly pretty decent

>> No.3941756

The posture is a little stiff tho

>> No.3941757

you never just fucking looked with your own two eyes at somebody with a link to a different thread in their post?
same board: two arrows and post number
different board: three arrows, name of board, and post number

>> No.3941762

i knew you were a shitter, carry on

>> No.3941776
File: 148 KB, 1088x1088, IMG_20190523_010929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more spheres

>> No.3941777
File: 857 KB, 1900x1373, recent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still pretty new to this. My art was bad enough to viscerally offend a couple of people so maybe you guys can help me sort it. I mostly do OCs right now and these are a couple of them.

>> No.3941778
File: 2.02 MB, 1132x930, tiny for ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For something more complete I guess this wasn't that long ago too.

>> No.3941803

Thats pretty decent ,good job , keep practicing

>> No.3941816
File: 420 KB, 1737x2046, 3A40CA05-A59E-49B0-9971-65ED060ED00A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m not gonna make it

>> No.3941825

Yes you are , think of the nose as a 3d structure as well , and dont put too much attention on the lips until you add the skin and soft parts

>> No.3941830

Also , give your lines more confidence and purpouse

>> No.3941882
File: 484 KB, 572x666, lmaoihavenoideawhatimdoing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you can make sense of this but everything seems to be on different levels and not really relevant to eachother

>> No.3941892

looks like you drew over a doll or 3D model

>> No.3941896
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, 0ohqlx6yu4g21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3941904
File: 216 KB, 654x462, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today work

>> No.3941912
File: 484 KB, 2010x3425, _20190522_213952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face is off but I'm really happy with how the hands and legs turned out. Obviously not perfect but I used Peter Han's method from the dynamic Bible and basically I drew a bunch of cubes and cylinders lightly before making that dark outline which I kind of regret but whatever.

>> No.3941923

>did some practices today, screenshot them when done to send to friends and post here
>they're all on the same big pic
>hmm the thumbnail view of the entire pic looks weird
>scroll over to where the top corner is
>last screenshotted practice sketch is pasted over the first one
>I'm already halfway through another practice

what the fuck happened and why?

>> No.3941924
File: 130 KB, 1155x720, Water Gal b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the most recent piece i finished in Krita. I used a reference. I haven't drew anything in a year until recently. Trying to actually get gud instead of sketching and drawing busts. Sorry for shit pixels i had to screenshot cause the original has to much pixels.

>> No.3941928
File: 514 KB, 2160x2505, IMG_20190522_220746_231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3941985
File: 901 KB, 1080x2220, HotHead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried drawing the boi Mc Ride, this was super fun time to do boring exercises now.

>> No.3941992

I like the poses on the first 2 a lot

>> No.3942076
File: 78 KB, 330x742, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a reference pose like pic related?

Nervous stance, slumped shoulders, hands held together near crotch?

Body shape doesn't matter much just don't know how to get this stance right.

>> No.3942094
File: 351 KB, 952x2577, __reina_de_medishi_juukishi_cutie_bullet_drawn_by_yuuki_hagure__68add205b97b4164cc016ea55fb100b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't mind because it's anime, I have this one

>> No.3942119
File: 535 KB, 1080x1419, IMG_20190522_211335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some mighty gay doodle. It's either this or Lolitas when I'm bored on autopilot

>> No.3942123

>left hand
Nigga I think you're in the wrong thread, that is fire.

>> No.3942124

You even got that left nipple moving up holy shit

>> No.3942129

I couldn't think of anything more interesting for the rest of the body though but thanks. Maybe if I didn't fear drawing gay poses in public I'd have gone all out.

>> No.3942133

Thanks friendo!

>> No.3942140
File: 483 KB, 1080x1426, IMG_20190522_225741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, just today I also tried to draw that but I dislike how it turned out. I'll save that reference for researching.

>> No.3942144

Dude dont worry , most people have better things to do than to look at your scribblings , and even if they do , what are they goig to do about it , in public you can make almos whatever you want

>> No.3942149

Plus if they do say something they're just jealous.

>> No.3942150

Post ref

>> No.3942173
File: 68 KB, 1000x562, the_L_word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked the pencil up 4 weeks ago. Am I on the right tracks?

>> No.3942177

Yes , now start with gesture

>> No.3942204

Nigga there's never been a vehn diagram where non of those three even look like they touch in one place. Make some excuse and blow him off (literally? :P) because there is no way you're going to become good at digital inside a week, you may become competant but that's not good, you need at LEAST a month worth of hours (700+) to become "good" at anything so either draw it and touch it up using a professional or get that artist another commission further down the line and apologize profusely.

>> No.3942207

M8, that's pretty good, This is what I did at 4 weeks it's safe to say you are leaps and bounds ahead of me.

>> No.3942235
File: 552 KB, 1000x1777, asarohead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allright then.

Thanks anon, I fell for the russian artschool meme and started with that. Pic related, Asaro head from picture reference online (shit picture quality sorry for that). Started practicing head construction with the L method a couple days ago.

>> No.3942261
File: 196 KB, 1047x1148, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any /ic/ recommended beginners painting books? I don't know what the fuck I'm doing

>> No.3942319
File: 710 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180705-094855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3942326
File: 300 KB, 1434x1358, Aiko1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not drawn in a while, and I was never that good begin with. I did an exercise someone recommended of breaking down a reference image into simple shapes, then drawing a copy of those shapes by eye and filling in the rest.
I think she turned out pretty okay

>> No.3942377
File: 86 KB, 1200x849, 1544143100965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3942379

Post ref

>> No.3942380

Her body is ok but her face is a little bit busted , work on the lips dont define them that hard, you only do because she the shape of the coloring fucks up with your head, and the shape of the skull , her forhead is bigger

>> No.3942391

Thanks for the tip. I think her forehead is about right. I think I need to slim down her cheek on the left and her jaw line on the right. And idk maybe I put her eyes too far apart or maybe her left eye is too big or something. I'll have to play with it after work. Thanks for your opinion. Keep them coming if you have any other observations.

>> No.3942393

I want to fuck it so you're doing something right.

>> No.3942410
File: 58 KB, 770x741, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been practicing some anatomy for weeks and decided to draw something, still shit but improved a little bit.
Something from imagination.

>> No.3942426

Where did you learn to do the neck? Every video I see only shows the head.

>> No.3942433

Being in med school and studying anatomy kinda gives me some headway in this regard even though i havent really practiced drawing before.

>> No.3942458

So you learned to draw a neck on a Loomis head through anatomy classes at me school but you're on ic drawing Loomis heads?

>> No.3942459

Tits need to be lower.

>> No.3942463
File: 241 KB, 800x1200, 5231434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god, dear god, tinkle hoy!

>> No.3942464

I didnt draw nothing during the anatomy lectures, but after hammering the different structures into my head for several months a year ago I do have a general idea what muscle groups connect where etc. I just want to do this drawing thing "correctly" from the start, hence the loomis grind.

>> No.3942468
File: 257 KB, 1000x535, reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I layer them on top of each other the differences are more apparent. Her face isn't wide enough, for instance.

Good taste, anon.

>> No.3942469
File: 64 KB, 442x415, 113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to draw anime from reference

>> No.3942472

I'm trying to learn the basics of constructing or deconstructing the human face/body through references, pretty much this >>3942173 but also for the body

Which books should i look into that can teach me the nuances ?

I'm trying to deconstruct bodies from reference but i'm having a hard time with it because i still dont understand how they are built

>> No.3942474
File: 44 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_20190521_213727_605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you fix?

>> No.3942475

There is no reference image.

>> No.3942499

looks adorable

>> No.3942545
File: 474 KB, 1600x4235, nma_n07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3942572

The perfectly chiseled chin even though there’s a double chin. As well as the very large eyes

>> No.3942574

Thats actually pretty decent

>> No.3942633

I dont think that is a double chin , but a not so well done shadow

>> No.3942685


>> No.3942725
File: 337 KB, 270x255, 1346947492266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really love some help on this, please

>> No.3942741


>> No.3942869

Yea is not intended to be a double chin but I don't really know how to draw the underside of the chin and how it connects to the neck and ffs do not recommend proko for that.

>> No.3942894
File: 400 KB, 932x932, 3B7B7909-9548-4D00-A228-0EA33B0D291A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did some more. not sure if im getting better

>> No.3942896
File: 512 KB, 892x684, FB276F75-1D9F-4326-9996-721D2C3B3A99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3942897
File: 413 KB, 892x534, EA7925DB-D4F8-41BC-BCBC-66B884262D50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3942944

Your faces have improved quite noticeably. Great work Lolita anon!

>> No.3942979
File: 776 KB, 2277x1619, scan 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more lesson 2 homework, these were pretty hard, I'm a retard so I kept putting full circles on the bottom parts despite that not being correct
not sure how organic these look

>> No.3942984
File: 593 KB, 1552x1982, scan 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and more of the same; if the hooks weren't quite so drastic these would probably look a lot better

anyway, what's the best resource for constructing cartoon characters not necessarily restricted by anatomy? I can't wrap my head around sticking parts onto simple shapes, like cylinders on a spherical body and how to make it connect to joins and all that

>> No.3943377
File: 452 KB, 1249x1201, Critique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried my best, sorry i dont have drawing tablet :(

>> No.3943383

try not outline everything
sometimes the absence of line is better than a line itself

>> No.3943699

Complete beginner here. I was suggested to do gesture drawing & drawabox. Is it normal to not fucking understand gesture at all from the get go? My brain fights me so hard with where I "should" put lines. I've watched Proko's videos gesture & started reading Michael Hampton's "Figure Drawing, Design and Invention" and I just can't seem to grasp it.

>> No.3943937

consider reading Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson