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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 165 KB, 800x939, drawingtaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3920835 No.3920835 [Reply] [Original]


Korean name: 시크릿 캐릭터 드로잉
it means figure drawing secrets or something like that.

It's basically the mannequin and other useful formulas.


>> No.3920840

Then why don't you buy it? LOL

>> No.3920841

wow it's expensive
but I guess 120$ to make it aint so much

>> No.3920842

I plant to buy it, but I have no idea how shipping work with these korean online stores

>> No.3920843

Google says it's closer to $10 actually.

>> No.3920850

wait my bad those aren't yen

>> No.3920855

wake me up when someone post the pdf

>> No.3920856

Yeah this is a korean book. It's super cheap and seems like a steal... the issue is that store is in korean and I don't get how I can get it shipped here.

>> No.3920859


Well that's the idea anon. Wink wink.

>> No.3920860

oooooh. wink

>> No.3920864

Looks like most of it is online for free here >https://www.lezhin.com/ko/comic/secretdrawing You need to make an account but at least you don't have to ship from korea. However I doubt this book alone is the difference between making it and not. I can translate some later if people want

>> No.3920867

Your efforts would be much appreciated generous anon.

>> No.3920868

>I can translate some later if people want
I'd settle for just the raws, but thanks for the find anon.

>> No.3920870
File: 27 KB, 400x527, 1539651487671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and if you do I would meditate on your good deed hopeful that it would bring happiness to your existence.

>> No.3920875

and by translate some later I mean at least next week, got exams, sorry. If no one else delivers and this thread gets archived, I'll post in the artbook thread.

>> No.3920878
File: 68 KB, 800x600, ink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how and where can i find this book?

>> No.3920940


not all heroes wear capes

>> No.3920953 [DELETED] 

Do you have it? How do you know it's better than the book I can find on amazon in my language?

>> No.3920960

How do you know it's better than books that are easier to find on amazon? Why this one?

>> No.3920973

The artist is on tweet he is taco something and all his infographics are very in-depth


this guy knows his shit and teaches well.

>> No.3920983

It's just a Korean version of guptil's drawing with pen and ink

>> No.3920986

God bless you anon

>> No.3920989

This book looks neat, how'd one ship it from korea to the EU?

>> No.3920996

Literally just a Loomispilled korean

>> No.3920998
File: 415 KB, 1080x1981, SmartSelect_20190507-092502_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy heck are all of these free? Do I have 30 days trial or limited amount of free viewing once I signed up an account?

>> No.3920999

Yeah I call bullshit on that. Loomis doesn't go that in depth.

>> No.3921001

free forever pretty sure, unless the author changes something probably

>> No.3921002

no idea anon. I also would like to know.

>> No.3921004


>> No.3921005

join the club.

>> No.3921009

Hell yeah thanks for sharing the lezhin link. Been following him for a while on twitter but didn't know his other tutorials are posted here

>> No.3921011

>learn japanese they said

>> No.3921013
File: 587 KB, 1080x1977, 093722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3921016

Paywall goes up on thursday night, I'm so sorry anon ;_;

>> No.3921017

You guys are pathetic. It's a $10 book. Just use EMS and buy it if you want but you won't magically become good just because you have something you can't read.

>> No.3921021
File: 140 KB, 1080x1080, 1534439168717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yea anon just kill your best friend and you'll make it.

>> No.3921024
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3921030

you don't need to read drawing books.

>> No.3921041

I'm working on it, but no promises. It's a pain in the ass to get them.

He disabled "save as"

>> No.3921050

There's an extension on chrome that lets you enable right click on pages that disables you to do that

>> No.3921066

>symbol drawing

>> No.3921069

God bless you
I don't care about translations I just want the art

>> No.3921072

Its not symbol drawing retard. It shoqws shapes in 3d

>> No.3921096

>that upward tilt on the head on the left
no dude lmao

>> No.3921107

nevermind, it doesn't show any save as images either. I had to open the browser dev tool to check the images

>> No.3921116

Itls ok. I am using an extension that takes an screenshot of the whole page. Its super tedious but it works,

>> No.3921117

Just use google translator on your phone

>> No.3921213
File: 101 KB, 804x801, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

firefox -> tools ->page info->media and its there as a jpeg to save as.
if its split into multiple just shift click the group of them and hit save as
job done

>> No.3921216

Will someone upload the stuff here when they save it in like a mega or something? I don't wanna go through the trouble of making a account and doing all this weird crap to save each tutorial

>> No.3921221

hey thanks, I didn't know you could do that.

I have downloaded 50 already... tommorow I will continue and upload all of them for everyone so be patient guys.

>> No.3921225

Working on it. I have 50 already...150 to go.

>> No.3921233

I was doing it but it too much work to save them all and it fucking my wrist up even more. I can't do it anymore. physically. I got up to chapter 7

>> No.3921255

Are you >>3921221? I can continue downloading when I get home in a few hours

>> No.3921261

Nah. I am another anon. I have the one that inished the first 50. Planning on continuing tomorrow.

>> No.3921293

you guys rock

>> No.3921297

>blind ass faggot thinks it's symbol drawing

>> No.3921336

Bless you anon

>> No.3921341

Bumpin for interest. Thanks to the anons that are saving the pages

>> No.3921343

Bless you dude

>> No.3921349

Stop using words you don't know the meaning of dunning crabber

>> No.3921520

We need /g/ faggot to help us

>> No.3921530

Only If you're really going to do it, and if you're doing it. Don't let our hopes down, just tell us if youre not
PS; Luv u

>> No.3921589

OK /ic this is where you prove your worth...don't let this thread be archived until we get full rips good job to all the motivated and skillful anons

>> No.3921593


>> No.3921594

woah , ching chong do secreto no suponsaa no teikyou de okurishimasu!

Do you fucking retards realize this is fucking loomis barely adapted to anime, right? I bet you are the same retards that call Loomis a meme but since this is written in chingchong it is now the bible of GMI

>> No.3921605

both loomis and this are genuine ways of learning, nobody is saying one or the other is the secret. But for somebody not liking the style of loomis, studying loomis is not a very compelling way of learning. Those which like the OP style are happy for finding a source to study, and nobody is preaching this as the bible of ic. And yes, loomis is a meme. Not because its not a good way of learning, but because its preaching like being the secret to drawing.

Studying Loomis is the secret to drawing like Loomis.

>> No.3921606

>but because /ic/ its preaching it like being the secret to drawing.

>> No.3921610

Why waste your time holy shit it's ten USD plus maybe 20 for shipping for a 1400pg book. Just buy it. Nobody is going to sit there screencapturing twitter notes in book form. You guys are retarded.

>> No.3921621

>Not because its not a good way of learning, but because its preaching like being the secret to drawing.
Yet here we are, in a thread with some anon scanning a korean book and another anons waiting for it because OP literally advertised it as the secret to drawing and these faggots expect no less.

Just change the fucking shape of the eye, its literally loomis

>> No.3921649

>OP literally advertised it as the secret to drawing
wow, who had the patience to teach you how to post on 4chan dum-dum? nice reading comprehension you got there

>it (Korean name: 시크릿 캐릭터 드로잉 ) means figure drawing secrets or something like that
here we can see OP trying to translate the tittle of the book, nowhere in sight saying its true or not
>It's basically the mannequin and other useful formulas.
and here we see OP saying whats in the book

where do you see somebody saying this is the secret to drawing?

>> No.3921664

>For some reason, some anons waiting for another anon to scan a book made this anon angry and now he's being a literal drama queen probably because some other anons made fun of his man Loomis on another thread.
Why are people on this board such pathetic faggots? just ignore the thread instead of throwing a tantrum over literally nothing. What a fucking little bitch.

>> No.3921677

>dum-dum? nice reading comprehension you got there

donnie is that you? go to sleep. you are cranky when you do not sleep

>where do you see somebody saying this is the secret to drawing?

people learn in different ways. that's why
many teacher's teach the same concept but the student only understands it from one of them

>> No.3921686

nobody should complain about more resources no matter what your opinion is on them.

>> No.3921688

because complaining about free resources is like pissing on god's face

>> No.3921702

god's into watersports, it's ok

>> No.3921717

yes you do. At least any books of worth

>> No.3921727 [DELETED] 

guys stop looking for shortcuts, it just wastes your time.

Think of it this way, do you want to learn a "trick" to draw hands? Let's say this book has a trick, and only shows front view and side view using this trick. What are you going to do when you need to draw it in a complex angle? What are you gonna do when you want to paint it? How are you going to paint it when you have no idea of the bones or the muscles underneath that make the surface look like that? What are you gonna do when you need to move the joints in the hand?

Stop wasting your time with artists that copied the same information they got from loomis, and are now repackaging it back to you. Please open your eyes and get out of this endless loop.

Learn your fucking anatomy anons. I'm not saying you should autistically draw nothing but ecorches, but just make an effort to learn this stuff while you draw from imagination and whatever you like at the same time.

Again, if you base all your anatomical knowledge on stuff like this you are going to regret it. You might think learning the skeleton and muscles will take too long, but compare it to the time you will waste now and in the future bullshiting it and looking for "the secret" in the form of this book or another source.

>> No.3921730


Not a hero /ic/ deserves, but a hero we need.

>> No.3921732

You realize it's 1400 pages and not 200, yeah?

>> No.3921735

no. you can go now

>> No.3921739


Damn. I will write a script to download them then.

>> No.3921741

While I think you're right and these idiots in here are stupid, it's not repackaging anything but taking from this guy's experience in the animation industry. That's not something you'll find in Loomis because anime was before Loomis time. And let's not go into Disney bullshit because you and I both know anime has more dynamic perspective than anything Disney has ever put out or attempted in 2d. They've basically abandoned the medium rather than innovating and left a goldmine to the Asians.

In any case, if you guys want the book you need to pay shipping through proxy. It's an extra fee but it is the price to pay for not wanting your time copying a fucking preview.

>> No.3921753

I'll wait for you thank you!

>> No.3921755

>t. money haver who isn't in education that is stopping him from earning money without comprimising his priorities

>> No.3921758

Reply to me in English please.

>> No.3921764

You have money, I don't. I'm in a trade education program, which basically prevents me from getting a job because I'm anticipating work. This keeps me from getting a small part time job and has for the last half year.
I'm in a limbo preventing me from getting a job because I'm getting a job, but that time waiting is long enough to keep me moneyless and short enough to keep me from finding work. On top of responsibilities I already have at home.

This means I can't just buy something online, even if I wanted to.

>> No.3921768

Nice excuse. There are 13 year old girls on deviantart right now.able to make $20 weekly drawing bugeyed adoptables for losers who like to collect virtual stamp cards.If you can't make money with your art now this "secrets book" will not aid you in the slightest.

>> No.3921787

>nice excuse bro xd, you're literally in the process of getting a job to solve your current problem but XDD
You legitimately have no idea what life outside of your comfy suburban place is like. Everything isn't as simple as getting money. There are many processes that I have to go through in order to qualify or obtain something that would allow me to even make money from my art. Not to mention I'm pretty busy.

>> No.3921790

Suburban? LMAO I am black. I don't live in rich white suburbs. Keep up the excuses bro.

Go open up a lemonaid stand or something haha.

>> No.3921793

Are you underage living with parents or something? How is it even humanly possible to be a grown man and not have $30 to spend. You have an internet connection and spend plenty of time on an image board so you're definitely not in absolute poverty and also have free time. Ergo you must be misrepresenting your situation

>> No.3921798

I worked my ass off at a part time job a few years ago to get this PC. I am living with my mummy but we struggle to even get the internet paid without help. I'm getting on my feet and plan to move into my own home once my training begins.
>How is it even humanly possible to be a grown man and not have $30 to spend.
Because I'm in education, not the work force as I said earlier.
>spend plenty of time on an image board so you're definitely not in absolute poverty
We struggle to make it to the end of the month without running out of food. We stock up on ramen since it's the cheapest for the most of a product. My internet is being paid for with the help of my grandma, mom, and uncle.
I'm using the little free time I have currently. Again, I have attend classes, work out, and watch children. I have free time but it isn't as simple as mowing peoples lawns, as I live in the ghetto in an apartment complex. Not sure what odd jobs I could even do since the area around here is so bland due to how many criminals destroy the value.

LMAO I am black.
Ay me too. What up, nigga? Where do you live?

>> No.3921814

You misread the sentence. It was having an internet connection I saw as argument for not being in absolute poverty and spending your time online for having enough free time to earn money. It is common sense for anyone who has ever worked to have savings, as in a buffer that can prevent situations like the one you're in. But I think you deserve some slack because you're likely in your late teens. When you get your job, cut every unnecessary spending habit and aim for saving up 10-15k that you never touch except for emergencies

>> No.3921822

>where do you see somebody saying this is the secret to drawing?

>We are all gonna make it if we get this book. Anonymous 05/06/19(Mon)20:05:15 No.3920835

Now stop being retarded

>> No.3921828

I'm a recovering manchild. Currently 20 and spent 2 years of my time as a NEET.
>It was having an internet connection I saw as argument for not being in absolute poverty and spending your time online for having enough free time to earn money.
I mean I get your point, it's just that I'd have to go through extensive lengths to be able to earn money, which I concede, is possible if I actually put in effort.
>It is common sense for anyone who has ever worked to have savings
Hahahah yeah, all of that saved money went to my PC and I quit once I had no motivation to keep at it. Incredibly irresponsible, but I at least know I have the ethic to save and work for something I want.

Really looking to make a change and I realize now that even saving for the computer that I could have saved extra along side that. I did, but not nearly enough.
>When you get your job, cut every unnecessary spending habit and aim for saving up 10-15k that you never touch except for emergencies
Exactly. One thing I need to do is rid myself of my sugar addiction since it's one of the only bad habits I have. I plan on making no mistakes this time and understanding that the future has consequences.

>> No.3921880
File: 15 KB, 255x203, 1497459768711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3921881

Good on you my man, you're building the right mindset to get your shit in order. As for the original subject, I think if there's a chance others will upload a book you're interested in it's perfectly fine to wait regardless of your money situation. I only buy books I know 100% I really want to have and will reread for years, the favorites among favorites

>> No.3921884

stop shitposting nigger

>> No.3921887

I honestly just can't wait to actually feel what a real copy of an art book looks like, not relying on whether or not anyone scanned it or not. Also not relying on my computer for practice, further fueling my internet addiction.

>> No.3921998

I'm in Florida. You seem like a cool dude so maybe we can be friends.
Bite me.

>> No.3922127

ty based anon

>> No.3922222


>> No.3922237

>this is the best book to make it
jesus, has this board really fallen that far?

>> No.3922244

Godspeed, anon

>> No.3922333


>> No.3922340


Working on it

110 done
90 to go

>> No.3922345

This is literally just a Loomis head with less structure, worse proportions and anime eyes

fucking lol

>> No.3922346


Imagine stealing from a ten dollar book. Now imagine stealing a preview version of a kindle book that is freely visible before purchase. The IQ of this board, man.

>> No.3922347

Brainlet thinks that tiny part is the whole book


>> No.3922349

There is no online version for easy access, brainlet.

>> No.3922350


Not him but why in Jesus name are you guys ripping whats FREE if you know the book is 1400 pages? Are you guys fucking retarded? Am I speaking to literal stupid people?

>> No.3922354


Taco's shit has been on pintrest since 2016 in collections. You guys are retarded. Have fun ripping for "ease of access".

>> No.3922355

Imagine being this retarded. The online version is 200 pages long brainlet, and it could be gone at any moment, "genius"

yes it's for easy access

>> No.3922356


here to save you all the time. Hope you all feel stupid as fuck.

>> No.3922360

No it won't be gone at any moment, retard. I've had his collection since 2016. Now off with your shit thread and buy the book if you want but stop shoving it as "gods gift".

>> No.3922361

>already worse than Loomis at drawing heads
>how much better could it possibly get

>> No.3922362

Jesus you really are retarded. Not all of them are in pinterest.

>> No.3922364

>spoonfeed me

>> No.3922368
File: 301 KB, 382x604, christ on high.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread right now can be summed up in pic related. Quick! Save the look inside before Mark paywalls it from us completely!

>> No.3922372

You can't compare taco with Mark crllley

>> No.3922374


I can compare a bucket a bricks to your brain.

>> No.3922383

I can't compare your brain because you don't have one in the first place

>> No.3922384 [DELETED] 
File: 963 KB, 1920x2160, CoTJxp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally hide thread? It's not that hard.

>> No.3922387

ITT: Salty professional artist angry that people can learn from a good source instead of buying their shitty tutorials

>> No.3922388

>repeating what I said
I'll give you a D- for effort.

>> No.3922390


Noones angry dude. I'm just pointing out your stupidity in ripping what's already free, intended as a taster to >>>1400<<<< pages while OP touts the preview pages as the next coming of Christ. By the way did I mention the book is ten, 10, T-E-N dollars?

>> No.3922400 [DELETED] 


There is an adequate amount of them on there. You "I need them all" is literally begging for breadcrumbs. Just. Buy. The. book. And don't have unprotected sex.

>> No.3922402

You seem overly assblasted about it
why does it make you so angry? How does this affect you negatively? Stop being that screeching autist, you made your point, nobody cares, move on

>> No.3922457

Ok. Here it is. The first 130. I'm missing the remaining 60. Later when I have time.


>> No.3922464

I mean this is it:


Forgot about the bullshitpassword

>> No.3922465


>> No.3922510

You Rock!

>> No.3922512

Bless you anon.

>> No.3922513

You're a godsend, anon. Thank you

>> No.3922632

the goat. thanks brotha

>> No.3922649

and on that blessed day, the entirety of ic made it. they all left the board for good. shop closed/

>> No.3922662

where can i buy it?

>> No.3922685

Isn't the full thing around 1400 pages? Will it ever be mega'd in its entirety?

>> No.3922698

I guess if someone is willing to shell out the money (ten dollars, was it?) for it, I would buy it if it was some easy purchase but it's some weird Korean shit and I don't feel like trying to figure it out. I always feel antsy buying something from a site that I cannot even speak the language of

>> No.3922707

You mind if I'll upload it on CGPeers when you're done? Or mind uploading it there on yourself?

>> No.3922723

I'm in Korea and I could buy this, but it honestly doesn't look any better than any other run of the mill manga anatomy books. There's a million out there.

>> No.3922727

the book has less the website actually, book is 80 of the chapters online

>> No.3922728
File: 47 KB, 500x500, FB_IMG_1557299850216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably the entirety of taco's free tutorials stretched into 1400 pages. There's probably a few exclusive ones thrown there too.

Get a clue, retard. The problem isn't the price, it's the inaccessibility of the book. I'd immediately buy kr and jp books if they're easily accessible online, but books like these are only shipped within Korea.

On a related note, if anyone's ever ordered rinotuna's book internationally, I'd like to know how you ordered it.

>> No.3922739

i didnt order it but seems like you can get it on ebay and it ships internationally. you're paying two times the value for it, but given the hassle of the buyer buying it and shipping for you, i guess its a reasonable price.

>> No.3922744

Dude same. I went on the guys different websites and I think one worked since all the others gave me shit. On the one website that worked, it says if it ships out to the U.S. then it's basically $26 because if the shipping fee.
I mean not that I have a problem with that since it's a lot of fucking pages, but it was just my observation.
If you order it quickly I think you get a discount since it hasn't come out yet. It comes out the 9th of May so tomorrow. But after that, you'll be paying more :/
Here is the website I went too.


>> No.3922745

So I'm assuming no anon has gotten this book yet? Because I have been wanting that book for a while too

>> No.3922747

>it doesn't ship to where I live specifically
fuuuck, hopefully the other guy who wants to buy it can get it

>> No.3922752
File: 301 KB, 1440x1212, hereitis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn really? I went on the shipping drop box in the buying info and it looked like it had a shit ton of options to ship too.
Either way that's the shipping fee right there for any anons who live in US. I'm not sure if the shipping fee changes for any other country (pic related)
God I really want to cop it rn you have no idea, but I think it's my impulse buying problem.

>> No.3922753

You'd have already made it if you actually read the books you downloaded

>> No.3922758

Don't know about Korean, but it's not hard to get Japanese books from ZenMarket.

>> No.3922760

I let the art book thread know a about it, hopefully the few anon I've seen about it a while ago feel tempted to buy it

>> No.3922761

Remind me that I owe you a solid

>> No.3922769

Sounds good, Anon! Maybe I'll impulse buy it later on today but i don't know, I'll see.

>> No.3922816

Basrd af

>> No.3922819

Wish there was an easier way to google translate the text on these books other than scanning, levelling, cropping, running through ocr, then manually fixing ocr's mistakes first.

>> No.3922835

google translate on itune/android with your phone camera

>> No.3922838

Im really thinking of buying it, either online with shipping to my country or through my korean gf that will give it to me later. However I can't believe this is the book to make it. There are literally thousands of books that are certainly as good.

>> No.3922849

Link and preview pages?

>> No.3922854

where did you even get the info that this is going to be paywalled at all???

>> No.3922861

OP was just joshing with you. Of course you still need to supply your practice with fundamental exercises from actual anatomy and art books. Taco's book is more like a quick tips and hacks, like those tutorials from the etherington brothers

I don't know, I'm just paranoid like that. Other artists are pretty scummy

>> No.3922870

fucking retard, so you're just trying to induce panic so that people will download your shit for you? you even lied about a specific deadline lmao. honestly pathetic.

>> No.3922872

I'm not >>3921016 you fucking troglodyte. I'm the other anon you quoted, retard

>> No.3922881


I told you guys repeatedly over and over. But you insisted on doing OPs bidding because he's an "oh so poor african with little time on his hands" who won't support the artist hes trying to rip free shit from.

>> No.3922885

Not only that, but he just admitted he has trouble paying for internet. So it's great for him to have an offline version of free shit.

>> No.3922886

wtf he's not african??

>> No.3922888

see >>3921798

>> No.3922950

>who won't support the artist hes trying to rip free shit from.
Stop complaining and deal with it.
PirateCHADS in the house tonight

>> No.3923003

thank god this book is written in cryptic ching chong chink characters else i would be obligated to actually read shit. gonna make it gonna make it gonna make it

>> No.3923030

i would buy the book if it wasn't sold in korea only, also the website require all sort of registration shits to make a purchase, also dealing with customs and taxes is a pain.

>> No.3923038

I'm not OP and nowhere did I mention that I was. What the fuck?
I really wonder what your 4chan experience is like if you think and assume everyone who posts is OP. Or at least you try to convince yourself of that to make yourself feel better.

>> No.3923041

Nice try... OP!

>> No.3923047

People are stupid. What do you expect

>> No.3923049

wtf OP isn't african??

>> No.3923115

Nigga settle down. I asked if you wanted to be friends but I guess you don't want to. Typical hound mentality black people have. I've been a frequent user of this site since 2010, long before you were scraping nickles together to buy your stupid PC. I haven't the slightest clue what you mean by "if it makes you feel better if you're not Op". What are you getting at? I helped this thread and you with my Pinterest link. I told you how to get the book shipped. I even pointed out your stupidity. I've been very helpful and all I get in return is a nasty attitude.

I sympathize with your situation but never mind being friends now.

>> No.3923128
File: 3 KB, 109x125, 1501455098155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's an "oh so poor african with little time on his hands" who won't support the artist hes trying to rip free shit from.
Why are you trying to act like you're innocent when you write shit like this when I never provoked out.
>who won't support the artist hes trying to rip free shit from.
I don't give a fuck about this book and I didn't even download it. I was explaining why someone wouldn't be able to buy it on top of what other people have said.
>I asked if you wanted to be friends but I guess you don't want to.
You live 10 states down from me and I don't even have a car. Wasn't gonna happen.
>Typical hound mentality black people have.
What the fuck is up with you, nigga? You're batshit crazy. You act as if I have telepathy and could tell that you were the same guy I was talking to. Little did I know you were a dishonest snake, basically accusing me of stealing shit that I don't even care for. I was just here to see the shit storm of a thread.
>I've been a frequent user of this site since 2010, long before you were scraping nickles together to buy your stupid PC.
>I haven't the slightest clue what you mean by "if it makes you feel better if you're not Op".
You want to conjure a story to make yourself feel better about being a dickhead, so you cling to the one that gives you the most leverage to lash out. (i.e. mine)

>I helped this thread and you with my Pinterest link.
No, you 'helped' people who wanted the book, which doesn't include me.
>I told you how to get the book shipped.
You didn't tell me shit, because you weren't talking to me. That said, this is completely irrelevant to me because I couldn't shit it to myself if I wanted to.
>I've been very helpful and all I get in return is a nasty attitude.
Again, you act like I knew it was you when this is an anonymous board. The comment I replied to was you being an obnoxious cunt claiming that I'm 'stealing'.

Kiss my ass, goober.

>> No.3923129

You're one cringy nigger

>> No.3923145

>Typical hound mentality black people have
How the hell does this even relate to anything? Are you a schizo?

>> No.3923150

He's just a retard and a racist. Don't worry about it.

>> No.3923164

>I've been a frequent user of this site since 2010, long before you were scraping nickles together to buy your stupid PC.

lol this loser's been stuck here for 9 year


>> No.3923209

What are you even talking about dude. You're the one who brought up being poor. Scroll up and keep up with the conversation. If you didn't care at all then you wouldn't have responded here >>3921610
Following up with >>3921764
Trying to make me look like a fucking tool. You're lucky I'm on mobile less id type more.

You read your own posts, don't back peddle.
>racist to your own race

>> No.3923248

>>You're the one who brought up being poor.
>I don't give a fuck about this book and I didn't even download it. I was explaining why someone wouldn't be able to buy it on top of what other people have said.

>> No.3923252


That someone is you. What keeps everyone else is shipping through proxy. Your whole.post is talking about you. It's a ten dollar book.

Now if you don't care about it don't post on this thread in the first place. You said you wanted to see a snowstorm you just ended up creating one yourself over nothing.

>> No.3923295

Free speech. I'll post whenever and wherever I like.

>> No.3923416 [DELETED] 
File: 345 KB, 680x7500, taco1-compressed-for-4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the first tutorial translated. It's largely unhelpful so far, the text goes off of the pictures most of the time. I've looked at the tutorials after this one and they do get more informative, but as far as I can tell you're not going to find any "secrets to making it" in here.

>> No.3923430
File: 926 KB, 1300x5554, taco1-1-compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the first tutorial translated. It's largely unhelpful so far, the text doesn't add much to the pictures. I've looked at the tutorials after this one and they do get more informative, but as far as I can tell you're not going to find any "secrets to making it" in here.

>> No.3923432
File: 1.20 MB, 1300x7035, taco1-2-compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3923482

Thanks for the effort friend

>> No.3923504

You get your teeth kicked in by butting into things you have no business in. You should know about that being ghetto trash.

If you don't draw why are you here. Why being up your personal details. To get sympathy? I gave you sympathy and you spat all over it.
>you accused me of stealing but I'm not because I don't care because I don't draw

>> No.3923513

goddam I haven't laughed unironically like that for a while

>> No.3923520

Thanks a lot!
You can just translate the ones you feel the most helpful. Especially stuff you don't get in every other tutorials on the net

>> No.3923525

aneemay loomis crab thread


>> No.3923526

Have sex(with me pls), incel.

>> No.3923540

thanks anon but why is the file so enormous? its just 130 pngs right? maybe i just have really slow internet

>> No.3923552

i love this thread

>> No.3923583

pfff, is loomis.
Thanks for your work anon anyway

>> No.3923589

This thread is full of faggots screaming at each other, that will archive it faster

>> No.3923594

right? like it's cool that it's kind of transliterated for this sought-after manner of style but it's all the same.

f u n d a m e n t a l s

>> No.3923624

Why are you guys even learning from 20-30 yr olds when there are books written by dead guys that spent their whole life dedicated to the subject, and did art a lot better?????

Why don't you get that anime is derived from actual human anatomy? Shit on loomis all you want, but this is the same shit he teaches >>3923430 - just repackaged under the "animu" style, and done a lot worse

Once you learn anatomy, you can break it down into anime. Do you really think this is the best way? Honestly?

>> No.3923662

You're barking up the wrong tree bud, really if you look at all the dejected procrastinators on here the most important thing seems to be not to find the most effective method but to find a method that people like enough to actually have them keep at it. So even if it's a derivative simplification of classic methods I think it's all good if it actually gets people to work.

>> No.3923683

this is a fine argument, inspiration can be everything

>> No.3923699

>Protip: to defeat the Cyberdemon, shoot it until it dies

>> No.3923727

draw the fucking owl is not a meme; just do it. L O O M I S H E A D S.

>> No.3923740

If the problem is getting people to keep going, shouldn't we focus more on developing the habit of sitting down and studying overall?
Starting small like 15 minutes of drawing everyday. A time frame so small that noone should have an excuse to avoid it. And once that becomes an effortless habit, the amount of time spent studying increases.

I'm not saying you can't draw what you like, but when it comes to studying, you're going to be running around in circles for a long time if this is what your anatomy fundamentals is built on.

In the past I would've agreed with you, but I've wasted so much time learning to draw from people that regurgitated the same thing they learned from someone else, and then claimed they came up with it on their own.
And after all that, I realized I couldn't do A LOT of things, and I came back to Loomis and friends like the lost child I was. In looking for shortcuts, I spent much more time than I would have, had I just learned from a good source instead, and it physically pains me that others on this board will make that same journey regardless of what I say

>> No.3923743

That guy sucks tho

>> No.3923753

What a fucking hack

>> No.3923759

I Know anatomy and still cant break it into anime

>> No.3923827

If this artist's style is your goals, go ahead and study it by all means.
I can get that.
My argument was for the people that know close to 0% about anatomy, and that they shouldn't use this as a base or foundation.

If your foundation is solid, you won't have to worry about making bad habits, and you'll actually know the reason why they stylize the things they do

>> No.3923832

>My argument was for the people that know close to 0% about anatomy, and that they shouldn't use this as a base or foundation.
That's not really my problem. Your fact is common sense. /beg/s should be able to figure that on their own.

>If your foundation is solid, you won't have to worry about making bad habits, and you'll actually know the reason why they stylize the things they do
Exactly. Anime books are more like a How to stylize tutorials. Actual anatomy books are still necessary for learning fundies

>> No.3924307

this is pretty nice actually

I like the way he draws eyes, could you perhaps translate one for those if you happen to come across them?

>> No.3924914
File: 562 KB, 723x1150, taco14 crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the poor typesetting I had to use an in browser editor

>> No.3924918

Don't crop the images just do it on pain, thanks btw

>> No.3924919

This please

>> No.3924944

hey thanks man and no worries

>> No.3924987

what's the hangul for ngmi?

>> No.3925214

Thanks anon

>> No.3925783

Great job

>> No.3925958

I was going to say the exact same thing.

Just read the fucking sticky

>> No.3925960

That hair looks fucking horrendous, tho

>> No.3926006

so far it doesn't even look like loomis
the forms in the translated tutorials so far are all 2D with little construction that isn't based off of 2D measurements

>> No.3926652

even though its grounded nicely in reality i feel kind of mixed on accepting "stylistic" guides on stuff like this

>> No.3926664

thank you awesome anon!

>> No.3928207

anyone mind packing this all into a zip for easy viewing/just in case they decide to start charging for this stuff? I have no idea how/too afraid to make an account

>> No.3928557

Call me a crab but I really don't see what this gook has to offer that hasn't already been said hundreds of times over in the Japanese artbooks linked in /asg/ and /alt/

>> No.3929527

thank you anon

>> No.3929530

same observation here but I didn't say a thing

>> No.3929721

>all these anons salivating over what is literally a Korean "How to Draw Manga" book

>> No.3930864


>> No.3931430

Don’t know if you checked the lezhin link, but theres a lot of easy solutions for very specific problems you might face when drawing. It’s a q&a type of format, not the copy paste lines-anatomy-perspective type of stuff. He shills out a lot of useful advice, but yeah, pretty sure everyone knows this isn't the literal “secret to drawing”. It’s not marketed that way. Koreans just like to use english in their stuff a lot, and it’s just a slightly more memorable name.

>> No.3931442

like, it’s essentially more easier ways to do drawing.

>> No.3931614


>> No.3932146

thanks for your work. i wish i could speak korean, but i only speak japanese.

>> No.3933331
File: 201 KB, 720x2869, taco5-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few more. The author kind of assumes that you can do construction etc so most of the text is "just draw bro". As others have already said, not much here.

>> No.3933332
File: 272 KB, 720x2869, taco5-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3933333
File: 280 KB, 720x2869, taco22-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3933334
File: 342 KB, 720x2869, taco22-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is correct. If there are any specific translation requests then I'll do, otherwise I'm done.

>> No.3933358


the key word to make money online

>> No.3933369

thanks translator anon!

>> No.3933375

thanks for your work anon, much appreciated.
hm maybe one or two more about the whole figure similar to these two. Specifically female

>> No.3933404

and what if I don't speak chink?

>> No.3933416

Yeah this is pretty rough for beginners. Starting out with Hampton or Vilppu would be much better. From the examples posted it seems more like a stylization guide to understand the forms better. Thanks for the work anon.

>> No.3933510
File: 9 KB, 530x370, 0f8a448ab5e94ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need inspiration to do a study, you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.3933526

Post your work

>> No.3933685

Thank you for these and those are some sweet quints.

>> No.3933923

>anime is better than disney

t. doesn't know what shooting on 1s, 2s, 3s, means

>> No.3933928

bullshit. This guy touches the manequin ina ay neither vilppu nor hampton touch.

>> No.3934258

Nah, I don't need to prove anything to you.
Care to post it?

>> No.3934428

>Nah, I don't need to prove anything to you.

You just proved your opinion is worthless-Lol I knew it. You can't even draw

Post your work or GTFO

>> No.3934429

care to post your work?

>> No.3934454

>Getting this defensive over a Korean drawing book
Do you think I care what a bunch of crabs on /ic/ think? Go ahead and follow this book instead of taking advice (even the kind translator agrees on) I'm sure it will help wonders for you :^)

>> No.3934505


Shut the fuck up and post your work.

>> No.3934512

>Imagine feeling a sage for giving generic loomis/vilpu advice

The book really has some good anatomy simplifications Hampton and old fart vilpuu don't give.

>> No.3934539

Well then post it. I've been asking but all I'm getting are pointless pyw posts for agreeing with the translator that it isn't helpful for beginners and not some big reveal of heavily guarded secrets.

>> No.3934544

Can't we just appreciate both Villpu and this chink's scans? Both are okay in their own ways

>> No.3934563


>> No.3934757
File: 411 KB, 700x4315, taco30-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

judging you for your choice but I don't discriminate with deliveries, here

>> No.3934758
File: 358 KB, 700x4327, taco54-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3934838

not interested in the book at all. thanks for translating, but are there any parts you find interesting? the foreshortening image with the girl in the gi seemed alright but not worth the whole book for lol. i'm laughing at some of these constructions, especially the back anatomy, scapulae, men lacking obliques, shoulder girdles, choice of upper arm length, etc. begs will eat up anything if they think it's secrets from korea/japan/china

>> No.3934850

>I'm not interested at all
>heh /beg/s will eat up anything
>y-you got anymore?

>> No.3934915
File: 263 KB, 508x527, mwQwF9w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my lezhin account suddenly got paywalled so it's harder to sift through all 150 tutorials, and how am I supposed to know what you want when you say you're not interested anyway. please be specific

>> No.3934928

I asked if you found any of it interesting, possibly something you hadn't seen in a book before. I have gigs of japanese books I'll probably never get through, I don't care if you upload or not.

>> No.3934936

well I thought they would be a bit better haha, thank you anyways

>> No.3934941

Unironically pretty good. Can't understand the text but it seems pretty straightforward, I'm a visual learner anyway.