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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 326 KB, 1102x995, beg redlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3934147 No.3934147 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the /draw/thread with our fundamental exercises.

Previous Thread: >>3929019

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, or you literally are never going to make it

>screenshot the image and post that instead
>change camera capture settings to something smaller
>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

READ THE STICKY if you need guidance when you haven't even started.

Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj

TRY TO GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

REMEMBER, if you've just started out you work will not be good, it doesn't need to be, just get in to the swing of actually drawing, and learning how to study. Most of all, enjoy it.

>> No.3934153

What's a sure fire way to practice getting proportions right on whatever you see, be it still life or photo reference? Do i do the whole pencil measuring thing and if so, how can i use it if I'm trying to draw reference from a smaller screen such as my phone?

I feel that my proportions are the weakest part of observational game and I really need to fix that but not sure how.

>> No.3934156 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 574x934, needhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be very appreciated if somebody could redline this construction, I want to deliver this request tonight or tomorrow.

>> No.3934158
File: 3.11 MB, 2336x4160, 15580422581211452530653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eityer my pencils are shit or i am shit with the pencils , i think im fucking myself up drawing anime(ish) and i have a mild case of chicken lines

>> No.3934164

Guy who failed at fun with a pencil, any help please?

>> No.3934167


>> No.3934174

I feel like I can't visualize and create faces, only copy those ones in the book, I'm not going to post the pic since it's horrible but they're on last thread among the last posts.

>> No.3934177

If you want to start drawing faces w/out ref you should stat by visualizing the head as a 3D object, with its angles ,sides and aristas , you know , like a very complicated cube

>> No.3934178
File: 91 KB, 816x901, ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how should I do the hair

>> No.3934179

The whole measuring with the pencil thing is to have an object that you can place by the side of your actual drawing and use it as reference

>> No.3934180

I dont see any problems , you mean the coloring?

>> No.3934182

you would likely receive more relevant crit if you progress further before someone draws over what they think you're trying to draw. so far the pose looks a bit stiff but it really comes down to how you refine it and the proportion of features. It reads to me as her stooping forward, the type often accompanied by a sundress.

>> No.3934183

But I did that, I've been doing just that and I can't create features

>> No.3934186

nah, the hair is (on the sprite) floor-length. I don't wanna do it that long, and I've been trying to get the hair to go along with the body but I have yet to decide on anything

>> No.3934187

I deleted the post

>> No.3934190

Its good like that , i like it

>> No.3934199
File: 42 KB, 492x411, eee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking short hair

REEEEEEEEEEEEE guess it doesn't help that I made the pose ambiguous. Dunno if she's lying down or what

>> No.3934201

«Floating anime pose» i call it
Next time draw the ground first lmao

>> No.3934203

It's for the best if you see it >>3933039
Fucking hell, anyways yeah there's a sphere and everything he tells you to do but I used pencil for those

>> No.3934206

Oh fuck man thats bad , i really dont know wha to tell you , just bruteforce your way through it

>> No.3934211

I think that the problem is still tha you dont see the 3D in the face

>> No.3934214

I can draw some stuff from reference and that will be fine, places are not that hard but creating is hellish, I think no one could blame me for giving up at this point

>> No.3934216

Try and visualize a set of simple 3D objecst that you can rotate in your head in all angles , then with those objects construct a head on paper , and remember YOU ARE NOT DRAWING A NOSE OR AN EYE ,YOU ARE DRAWING LINES

>> No.3934222

>Try and visualize a set of simple 3D objecst that you can rotate in your head in all angles
How? I've been just placing them and the like for most of it. How do you this? How does it look or feel like?

>> No.3934225
File: 692 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20190516_162302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I can't picture 3d objects very well in my mind and have trouble with lighting/shading as a result. I think I need a reference.
I need to go back and actually learn fundamentals like shapes and shading and just how to move the pencil around the paper and get a desired stroke. The eyes look like shit. The whole thing looks like shit. But I've made tremendous progress in a week compared to some of the other stuff I've drawn in the past
I still can't get what I picture in my head on the paper. Half the time I just doodle and wind up with something that wasn't planned. With this I knew I wanted to make an elf thing, so I just elongated the face.

>> No.3934226

Maybe you do have aphantasia , but as i said , you can just bruteforce your way through it , draw and redraw until you can draw something that looks good consistently

>> No.3934227

it's not bad Anon, you're being too hard on yourself; drawing from imagination is very difficult and takes time so using references is only natural and should be encouraged
keep it up

>> No.3934229

Lmao you answered your own questions , just practice more following those advices you already know

>> No.3934234

Thank you. I can't do hair very well, though. It comes off pretty plastic. It doesn't have a natural weight to it. Like solid sheets.
I've looked at tutorials and it seems to come down to proper shading and pencil stroke.

>> No.3934239

We'll see then, thanks.

>> No.3934250

I got chicken lines too, anon. I like the colors. I think my only criticism is I think her eyes may be a tad close together. I'm under the impression the ideal space is one eye's distance, but maybe that's different for animeish styles since they're incredibly stylized.

>> No.3934251

Dont get frustrated over the fact that you cant apply the leason learnt perfectly , thats where practice comes in

>> No.3934256

No , you're right , i think that i can keep it a little bit more stylized but at the same time toning the anime aesthetic a littke bit down , it would help with some things , what do you think?

>> No.3934261

I actually like the hatchmarking pretty well. Continuing, if I have to nitpick, her neck tapering from top to bottom seems a little strange. It's especially distracting only because the inverse is usually the case, if any. The ears seem to be at the right height.

I'm not crazy about her eyebrows for some reason. Only because they're so blocky and you've done some lovely hatwork on her lips and around her eyes that makes me think you could make expressive eyebrows. If more of her features had the sort of... hard lines and really acute angles it would be one thing, but it stands out as a sole example.

YOU're doing good work, anon. Keep it up.

>> No.3934264
File: 54 KB, 910x447, feces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when thinking about faces as 3D objects, I like to imagine them as motorcycle helmets, or ironman's head

>> No.3934265

The eyebrows being like that is intentional , its ment to look like this when frowning , i know it isnt realistic , but is just to give the character some charm

>> No.3934267
File: 122 KB, 1010x1067, artflow_201905161851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short hair looked nice. I think the face would be a bit more appealing if you add a little more distance between the eyes.

>> No.3934268
File: 2.28 MB, 2336x4160, IMG_20190517_005416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao forgot to attach

>> No.3934269

And addredsing the neck thing i gotta admit i got a little bit carried away representing the neck muscles , thanks for the criticism

>> No.3934272


>> No.3934274
File: 2.43 MB, 2336x4160, IMG_20190515_183834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also , in theory she should be much more angular , i dont know why i made her rounder

>> No.3934279
File: 122 KB, 2340x1832, New Doc 2019-05-16 17.49.57_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if I can get much feedback from this, but was bored at work and did a head sketch of Helen Parr from The Incredibles. Anything I need to focus on improving, do tell please.

>> No.3934280

Oh, that's very pretty.

>> No.3934282

In that case they would be too far apart , i think the eyes are just right

>> No.3934285

Everything is off , i think that using for refference characters that are so stylized can fuck your shit up , use refference from real life better , you know like they say , you gotta know the rules before you can break them

>> No.3934293

Guess I'll learn to construct heads based on real life reference for a while. I do have Michael Hamptons book so maybe I can use that.

>> No.3934294

Thats the spirit , im sure youll get good in no time , an then you can draw helen parr as well as shadman does

>> No.3934295

What pencils are you using anon? I'll try to help you figure out what's going awry

>> No.3934296
File: 1.48 MB, 1125x1656, 1A7B43CE-0E18-4922-A47A-B22C8ED199F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Construct anon here again. References sure work wonders. I think so, at least. Though I probably should stop cluttering the drawing with smesrs and effects when I didn’t even add clothes.

>> No.3934300

Lmao yeah , adding too much lines early on can create tangents that fuck up with your head ,i love the perspective tho , when you remove all the unnecwsary line show us how it turned out

>> No.3934304
File: 231 KB, 1000x3000, nma_nn14_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had done this session before by accident but doing it again has let me see some things that need fixing.

It's kinda funny I struggled with the second to last pose again, and how the one I didn't finish back then I didn't finish this time either. I was a bit bummed out when I noticed only one of the drawings looked substantially better but I'll keep at it.

>> No.3934305

Eeeh I believe she deserves better than that.

Anyways I'll find time to practice that along with still life stuff.

>> No.3934308
File: 3.32 MB, 2336x4160, IMG_20190517_011942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got these ones as a gift , i dont know how good they are

>> No.3934315

Those are school grade, all noris stuff are, that'll immediately slow you down.
You have the right idea about blending the pencil by going in the opposite direction between layers so you should see improvement right away if you get better pencils.

>> No.3934316

nice how long did this all take

>> No.3934318

Nice , i was seeing problems with light pencils not leaving almost any pigment , i hated that , but i guess the equipment is to blame

>> No.3934319

If i had to guess id say about 15 min , those are pretty good and expressive tho

>> No.3934320

Good shit construct anon! Keep going!

>> No.3934324
File: 53 KB, 813x125, 425246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlet reporting in, how the fuck do I do this? I cannot make this not look like a mess of lines

>> No.3934325

Draw very big

>> No.3934327

>All these kids that have been drawing seriously and taking commissions and shit since they were like 12
>I only started getting serious right before I hit 20
How am I supposed to even compete

>> No.3934329

And use a ruler

>> No.3934333

aRt ThRoUgH aDvErSiTy also i'm just starting seriously at 28 be a fucking man about it

>> No.3934334

Lmao taking comissions only means you are popuar and your artwork is nice to look at with a bunch of months of dick-soid practice you can get at their level , on top of that these kids never feel the urge to improve , so you can catch up to them in no time , look at shadman for example , hes stuck drawing pain looking shit since 2015

>> No.3934336

Yeah they have a high ratio of fillers so the pigment load is shite, you could use solvent with a qtip or a brush to break down the wax in pencils to remove waxbloom (that shiny surface) and that way be able to keep building layers. I use sansodor from winsor & newton but there are plenty of other brands out there.

>> No.3934341

>How am I supposed to even compete
By realizing that this isn't a competition and not a zero sum game. And adopting a mindset where your main goal is to improve yourself because that is fun and because you want to draw cool shit. Instead of worrying about your financial security before you even started.

>> No.3934344

This , picking up drawing becouse it «makes money» is retarded, it doesnt and you'll probably end up dead

>> No.3934345
File: 945 KB, 1500x2900, girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at non-cell shaded digital painting? What can I do better?

>> No.3934349

Its very plain , get more contrast between the colors , and the pose is a little bit stiff , but apart from that it looks nice and i cant find any problem with the anatomy

>> No.3934351
File: 136 KB, 749x1000, 71Nvh-+9+kL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently picked up this wildly suggested book but i don't know exactly how to use it. Beginner brainlet obviously, but since it doesn't really have exercises in it, what's the best way of using it to learn how to draw people?

>> No.3934352

Have you tried reading it?

>> No.3934358

What bums me put is that i can see that you put a lot of work into it but it doesnt look like it at first glance because you werent brash enough with the shading

>> No.3934364
File: 13 KB, 800x800, pls help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I getting wrong with my anatomy? Please no "read X beginner book" replies, I've already practiced through many of them and I need specific details on what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong that a book can't give me.

>> No.3934370
File: 15 KB, 128x214, 731436891_preview_-B-Izban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making character for my comic
>He's a skeleton
>Can't figure out what type of outfit he's going to wear, so decide to take some ideas from one of my inspirations for the project, Deadbolt (it's an indie game sorta along the lines of Hotline Miami, but all the characters and enemies are various types of monsters), and steal the character's jacket in pic related
>Including the open chest part
>Now realize I have to learn how to actually draw a ribcage
>Have to draw 24 ribs everytime I draw this character now
Well shit. Any idea of how to simplify this process without just straight up removing ribs? My style isn't realistic, but I don't like to make cuts to details like that unless incredibly minor

>> No.3934374
File: 31 KB, 624x624, 1535508404311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of mindlessly drawing human figures without a purpose and sucking at anatomy (years on and off.)

What does /ic/ think of modelling humans in 3D in ZBrush or similar as a learning exercise for anatomy?

>> No.3934377

The only thing that feels off is the right knee , but i dont see any other problem with the anatomy , the linework is what needs inprovement

>> No.3934383

That's a relief to hear and yeah, the right knee I just kind of forgot and left there as a sort of placeholder. On the other hand, I'm scared to start getting into linework. One part of me thinks it might not be too hard, but the other part thinks it's gonna suck hard.

>> No.3934391

Either way you will have to get better so there is no point on delaying the inevitable

>> No.3934410

Now i remember why I wanted drawing the head: I can never get the center line of the face correctly, from reference or imagination. Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.3934414

Generally what I do as a chicken scratcher is I hash out my lines, then go over them with a Black Liner marker to get a clean line and erase the construction.

...PS, I'm also one of the retards in here for critique, so my advice may be nascent.

>> No.3934419
File: 553 KB, 1574x3726, 20190514_003036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get better at shading and color. Everyone says to find exactly where your light source is coming from but I don't know what to do after that.

>> No.3934423
File: 490 KB, 4000x4000, Vixen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a fresh eye on this? I think the arm on the left/ her right is too long and distended, maybe too much shoulder. I also can't for the life of me make the eyes symmetrical: what am I missing?
And finally (I guess): how's it looking?

>> No.3934434
File: 2 KB, 123x76, sai2_MX9Fdj9Km8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3934436

Tilt her head down a bit, looks like she got her neck fused with that awkward angle

>> No.3934439

Repeating >>3934436

A downwards tilt would also give her a sort of submissive feel (unless someone was beneath her). Tilting it further up, as though in supplication, would require reposing in general. The easy fix is definitely to just play with her body language a bit more.

I like the little pudge of her tummy right above her cunt. It's rounded and motherly especially in conjunction with the fairly pronounced nipples. 8/10 would breed her.

>> No.3934440
File: 130 KB, 1000x1077, chapter6_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I had been stuck on chapter 6 for almost 2 weeks. There's too much stuff in it and I still don't get heads/faces so I decided to skip that and come back to it later, but here's some drawings where I'm trying to apply the stuff about the rest of the body.

Started with the first thing that came on Quickposes but realized it was kinda hard, so I picked some easier references (back view, side view).

35 min. It's one of the figure drawing session on the NMA youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SngdNVI3w48

Bit over twice as much, haha. Thank you, anon!

If you're finding it hard to follow I'd suggest you check out Huston's book as well. I think I started with Hampton because it's on the sticky but I seriously couldn't understand it on the first read. The chapter on gesture is amazing though! Read it every now and then as you practice.

Haven't checked them out but I know there's some video lectures that follow the book. "Analytical figure drawing", I think, not sure if they are on some mega folder but I got the first part from TPB.

>> No.3934444

>tilt her head down
Sounds good, thanks. Everything else looking okay, though? The arm is bugging me, but maybe that's because of the pose.

>> No.3934446

Unless you have something specific in mind, nah.

>> No.3934460

Funny enough i have that book too, just that I got frustrated that nothing looked right so I stopped to work on something else. Will give a reread again though!

>> No.3934466
File: 770 KB, 1000x1195, ishihara satomi resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3934470

I have to juggle between the using crutches means my mechanical skills won't improve mindset and the no rules only tools mindset.

>> No.3934475
File: 1.21 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty ameteur here.
Feel like this character is incomplete/offbalance. I understand there’s an issue with angle in the 3/4 position Lg version, but other than that and anatomy I don’t entirely know what’s wrong here

>> No.3934484
File: 922 KB, 1929x3089, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hands are gay are retarded

>> No.3934488
File: 460 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190516-202522_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3934499
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, 8127A03F-2153-4B38-BB4E-2ED30F741834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, been trying to make these combinations of robots and Frankenstein-esque stitched organs. Calling them Biomecha for the time being. Thoughts?

>> No.3934507

how did i do /ic/?
make me your bitch. break me down so i can pick up the pieces and rebuild them even tighter. i am still serious about learning the way of the loli by any means necessary.

>> No.3934509

The only one that sticks out to me as particularly off is the clenched hand. otherwise you're not doing bad at all, in my estimation, considering it's easily one of the most complex things to draw convincingly. The trick is just to do it until it's muscle memory.

>> No.3934520

Honestly, left leg looks really weird and the right leg could use some work from what I see. It’s a matter of the legs looking detached rather than one solid form. For the right leg I think removing some line work at the knee would really help, while the left leg could use an actual knee and some tune-up at the hip.

>> No.3934524

Left arm is also missing a lot of depth, I reccommend outlining it and then creating a sort of bumpmap cylinder from the edges.

>> No.3934528

thank you, i'll try this out and see what happens.

>> No.3934541

Life drawing in general? Just a lot of practise and following books like Keys to Drawing.

>> No.3934564
File: 661 KB, 1676x2640, girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts? feels off

>> No.3934567

I'm 25 this year and I've just started. Drawing for itself is what I'm in for I think. Instead of being competitive and thinking someone has to win just do it for yourself. It'll be much better for you that way I think. Good luck

>> No.3934578

If you're looking for suggestions for replacements, I recommend a set of Prismacolor colored pencils. They're pretty soft and have a good rich pigment.

>> No.3934592

Proportions, for sure. Right arm is noticeably shorter than the left - and by a fairly large magnitude. If that left arm were to hang at the side it would be almost past the knee.It's cute and has clean lines, though. I assume everything else is a stylistic choice - such as the proportions of the head, but to me the most glaring problem is just the dissonance in arm length.

>> No.3934593

could you red line it?

>> No.3934601

I'm an absolute beg but perspective is so fucking boring bro, im ok with grinding out alot of things but just diving into this kills my mood. Whats like the bare minimum I should learn? Or recommend me an easy book, I just wanna draw decent knights man.

>> No.3934602

They break easily, but if anon is cool with that then yeah. Otherwise there's derwent drawing, derwent colorsoft, faber castell goldfaber, polychromos if you don't mind the price.. Caran dache Pablo, same price as polychromos pretty much.
There's a lot of good brands and types out there depending on what you're looking for

>> No.3934605

Draw what you want for fun if you don’t care about ever being good. If you want to be decent you have to learn the boring stuff and perspective is one of the most essential steps for decent art.

>> No.3934607
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, 19305284-9515-4C49-BD3C-272D16B21936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a jokoke. T’was a commission from Discord, involving the user’s PfP and a house.
Tear it to shreds, pl0x

>> No.3934608

I'm in the same boat in that I just want to get to making the cool shit. But really the best thing you can do is learn to identify shapes and how they naturally occur in everything. Andy Loomis has good books - they're very old, but the theory is still sound.
Proportions and construction are vitally important, as is anatomy. If you want your pictures to not look static and flat, you'll have to learn shading and dynamic movement (anatomy helps with this).
Basically you'll only get out what you put in. Drawing is 100% practice. Once you get the foundations down you'll be able to free hand from muscle memory. In the beginning it is painfully boring.

>> No.3934618

Balance is key, study and draw whatever on the side. You don't have to know shit before you allow yourself to have fun. You'll just discourage yourself that way.

>> No.3934642
File: 549 KB, 1000x1414, 1557720782669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna go for a very detailed one but i suck at small brushes

>> No.3934653
File: 40 KB, 1200x630, Picasso Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty fun once you get the hang of it

>> No.3934660

Thanks for the advice bros, ill keep that in mind. Any Loomis book in specific? I dont really mind him I just didn't like fun with pencil at all.

>> No.3934676
File: 313 KB, 575x1110, NoelP4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me how (not) bad I am.

>> No.3934682

reminds me almost like setz

>> No.3934687
File: 399 KB, 1080x1355, IMG_20190516_215456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't get annoyed, I'm posting 3 of the same drawing. I liked how clean I made this drawing though I had to look at a reference of horses to get the face right, it looked like a horse before.

>> No.3934692
File: 643 KB, 1080x1422, IMG_20190516_215435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then I decided to color it and I still suck. He's supposed to have white hair and a white armor... But I decided to be realistic and color the reflections of the red light from the bloody eclipse and use other colors all over it. Hues or something. But no one could guess its supposed to be white I think. I still intend to continue just to finish it but I'm not that happy.

>> No.3934693
File: 724 KB, 1080x1418, IMG_20190516_215418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like the past time I tried to color something, it looks better with a bw filter. Apparently my mistake was using dark tones.

>> No.3934695
File: 450 KB, 850x1235, __may_guilty_gear_drawn_by_ishiwatari_daisuke__sample-0203f78ee2715bf17f3b44665bc23902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember why you're doing it in the first place

>> No.3934699

not him, but its all for the sake of lolis. i can just imagine the savory flavor. but it remains to be 99.98% elusive.

>> No.3934705
File: 378 KB, 1223x1734, 1549410715490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learning complicated skill for little girls

godspeed anon

>> No.3934715
File: 257 KB, 955x1600, testj j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wondering, do you have any tips for simplifying my style?

this is an example of what im currently doing

>> No.3934717

Less clothes.

>> No.3934718

>r63 johnny test
I hope nobody responds to you

>> No.3934719

It already looks a bit too simple

>> No.3934720

A style like that makes you not /beg/ already desu. It cheats most of the difficulties such as hair strands, lighting, and detail.
That being said, photosynthesize more anatomy.

>> No.3934721

You just made it have more (you)s than my drawing, fuck off

>> No.3934722

*It cheats being a fucking clone too. That gets most people who draw animu.

>> No.3934730

So I've been wanting to learn construction but I really can't get through Fun with a Pencil. It's the only thing I see recommended around here but I was wondering if there were any other resource I could use or should I just suck it up.

>> No.3934732

drawabox. but if you didnt like fwap, draw a box might make you want to kill yourself

>> No.3934734

Too tall, look at more curves.

>> No.3934739

feet too small

>> No.3934746

try searchin up stuff by proko

>> No.3934777

As someone who's just starting to learn to draw, how drastic is the difference between learning digitally vs pencil & paper? I wanted to get a cheap draw pad seeing as I'm always at a PC anyhow and can sketch in my free time.

>> No.3934781

Pen and paper is better, no ifs. It's a direct connection from you to your paper. And using a pen you've used your whole life is faster. Also the lack of clean lines makes you see how shit you truly are. This is a big point. Digital lines are pretty but you can't fake it on paper and your first drawings will be a mess

>> No.3934782
File: 719 KB, 1230x1240, WhitenightW4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried. I truly fucking hate my lineart, so I colored it to save my ass.

>> No.3934786
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x840, DD CSB fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried faking a Darkest Dungeon style. Background is obviously from the game.

>> No.3934787

Almost not /beg/. In fact the untrained eye night think you're a pro from Pixiv, but the giant eye and mouth placement gives away that you still struggle with anime faces.

Still really cool honestly I'd just grab the eye and resize it smaller and put the mouth a bit lower

>> No.3934792

Thank you! I'll try to redo the eye, and just like you said, moving the mouth a bit made a nice difference.

>> No.3934797
File: 1.21 MB, 949x1000, oc_husbando-resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried doing an expressive drawing of my OC yesterday. Ignore the potato-quality: I have no scanner and have to use a cellphone cam. Will ink this digitally.

I think the problems here are that his left hand is screwed up and his left arm is not proportionate.

Any advice, crit/ic/s? (Also is this /beg/ work?)

>> No.3934798
File: 1.04 MB, 795x915, ijustwannagetgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you even go as far as to say not to get a pad for digital to practice on this early? Would it actually hinder me mixing the 2 platforms?
Also, here's a shitty waist I drew a little while ago.
Haven't had time to get a sketch pad yet.

>> No.3934802

Yeah , getting a pad this early is a big money investment and you may feel obligated to keep on drawing even if you dont want to , also , if you end up quitting thats a lot of money down the drain , on top of that you dont need a pad to learn the basics

>> No.3934807
File: 212 KB, 700x1216, how i torso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on. As for money investment I was just looking at one of the like 30 dollar XP Pen pads that was suggested to me that's apparently okay fro someone just starting. So it wouldn't be a huge set back. I appreciate the input and will try to grab a sketch book tomorrow.

>> No.3934809

Its too messy , i cant see shit , also
>lined paper

>> No.3934811

Lmao those screnless things are hard af to use , youre just gonna set yourself back because now yo hae to learn how to use the freaking thing on top of learning how to draw , if i uad to choose id say no

>> No.3934812

Also , if you want to know how to foreshorten better search up «coiled wire fshortening»

>> No.3934816

That bad, eh? Alright, I appreciate the input.
I'm assuming this was in relation to my last picture. That was more so accidental foreshortening. I suck ass at torsos, seeing as I'm just starting, so I just kind of went with the angle I gave myself.

>> No.3934817

Np my dude

>> No.3934823
File: 237 KB, 735x1347, ikeda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could anyone help me with the garter belt?

>> No.3934854

Put a pencil by your subject, find the midpoint, make sure your mid points line up on the page, find the things that align vertically and horizontally

>> No.3934885

Has anyone made a chart of art skill tiers yet?? From ultimate /beg/ to intermediate to master. Itd be interesting to see all in one place what the next step is in your art.

>> No.3934891
File: 516 KB, 1365x2048, expose-mesh-set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use ref, senpai. Your garter belt looks off because the lines arent following the form.

>> No.3934893

Learning to draw is a extremely organic process , you can suck at some things and be good at others , specially if you are self-taught like most of us here are , on top of that , when drawing there is virtually no limit of how good you can get , there is always something new to learn

>> No.3934894

Anyone attracted to someone that flat and underdeveloped is essentially a pedophile

>> No.3934898

You're entitled to your opinion no matter how wrong it is.

>> No.3934902

I got the panties of some MAP rights activist in a bunch lmao

>> No.3934910

I actually had to look up what the acronym meant. I definitely don't support that crap, I just meant there's nothing wrong with slender women. To each their own my good man.

>> No.3934911

Lmao im just messing with you

>> No.3934925

Screenless tablets are not hard to use unless you're uncoordinated which apparently most of /ic/ is. Screenless tablets are great, screen tablets are great too. The only thing I would say is to not get anything smaller than medium size. So no small tablets because they limit the marks you can make.

Going digital early is a double edged sword. It's great because you can start painting/coloring your work, you can get motivated to draw even more because of that. It's harder for a lot of reasons. It takes time to learn new software, it's harder to draw on a tablet compared to analog, color is not an easy thing to learn. So there's good and bad, but don't get something that isn't at least 6x10" for a tablet.

>> No.3934927
File: 319 KB, 1600x2295, 1556621020775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a (You) on me

>> No.3934933
File: 16 KB, 326x326, 7b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls vro

>> No.3934940
File: 86 KB, 248x308, IMG_20190517_114558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean these ?

>> No.3934942

Yeah, I knew there would be the initial struggle of learning the software but that wouldn't be that big of an issue honestly. and the pad that was recommended to me was "XP-Pen StarG640".
I'm not sure of make/quality/brands when it comes to this stuff, it was just suggested to me as a starter deal. didn't seem awful for 30 bucks.

>> No.3934944

Its size is practically useless. It's 4"x6"

>> No.3934951

Right on. I'll have a look later to see if there's something with a larger active area. Any brands I should actively avoid or be weary of?

>> No.3934966
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1414, IMG_20190517_031755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God I actually finished coloring this. The color combination might suck but I'm a bit happy. It'd probably look better if I scanned it but a picture it is.

>> No.3934969
File: 701 KB, 1080x1410, IMG_20190517_032247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White armor

>> No.3934986


>> No.3934999

The hands look good to me , but tye right arm is too long , and the skull has a strange shape , but that may be only personal prefference , i love how you did the clothes , clean up the lineart a little bit so i can see what do you think is wrong with the left hand

>> No.3935022

You've got other stuff to worry about before the hair.

>> No.3935023

Not the guy you're quoting but you might have a case of mild autism if you can't read.

>> No.3935044

Sucks to be fat, huh?

>> No.3935083
File: 46 KB, 644x836, onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I drew an onion

>> No.3935084

Very good anon , now eat it

>> No.3935085
File: 1.15 MB, 3030x1678, gestures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first attempt at gestures, this shit is hard
I was trying to do the body shape with simple line arms like >>3929533 did but that didn't work out so well, I'm too focused on the contour and not loose gestural indications

I kept fucking up the proportions because I ran out of space, but I thought plotting the midpoint and using sighting strategies would take too much time
what's the trick here? just keep on doing them?

>> No.3935086

I think most of you need to hear this.

Instead of drawing or painting figures.

Just stop, you suck. Don't do it.

Start with basic.

Set up a table. Place 5 objects with interesting shape. Shine a spot light on it. Use a torch if you can't find one. Use window/light.

Do that for about a year. You'll be able to draw figures just by looking at it by then.

>> No.3935091

BREDDY GUD BRO. Can't really critique. I imagine the armor is supposed to have a mirror like quality?

>> No.3935102

Fair enough

>> No.3935114

Have a good one guys, it is just a year of fundamentals.

Start with basic shapes, different materials, different angles. Do it ten times each or until you are bored.

When shapes are secured, go to the next level, organic shapes, simple fruits, apple, orange, pear, if you secure shapes, by then you'll be fast enough draw organic fruits. You might even get to eat them after you are done with it.

After you done at least 10 times of simple organic fruits, find something exotic, dragonfruit, durian or ramputan. If you can't find such exotic fruits get flowers. Be creative.

Enjoy, it is only 1 year.

>> No.3935117

>lol dude spend an entire year drawing fruits and inanimate objects

stop teasing /beg/s Anon, this is horrible advice

>> No.3935128

You're just trying to get me to eat healthier. Don't think I'm not on to you.

>> No.3935131

Terrible, boring, you will burn out. If you don't draw what you want, you'll fucking hate it. You have to suck to get good.

>> No.3935132

>First year art college: draw half an apple
>Second year : draw the other half

>> No.3935134

What you think is irrelevant.
Learn to think in 3D.

>> No.3935163
File: 808 KB, 2560x1440, IMG_20190517_110211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the ref thread

>> No.3935165
File: 923 KB, 2560x1440, IMG_20190517_110125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3935210

Good shit necromancer loli anon! (if that is you)

>> No.3935211

Dully noted... for the 653177th time...

>> No.3935212

logically i would say environment. what are objects nearest to her in and out of the frame that could cast reflective rays onto the planes of the subject. i am still in the tentative stages of painting myself, so maybe someone who knows more could chime in and save us both.

i agree her upper right arm is a bit too long, also her left shoulder/forearm look a bit odd together. when i have eye troubles it helps to draw a line from the centre of one to the other, then i compare that to the parallel lines of the skull and make sure they have a similar vanishing point.

i have been neglecting my from life drawing, ty anon, will try sometime. what year comes after this one?

>> No.3935216 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 880x673, Eugenia visits dr now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3935247 [DELETED] 
File: 3.35 MB, 1554x2249, gestures2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd wave, I think these are slightly better but I'm still too focused on the contour
any tips that might help?

>> No.3935254

What are some bad habits that most beginners have that can be remedied? For example I have a hard time using any sketchbook cause I don't want to waste the pages.

>> No.3935259

My sides man wtf

>> No.3935262

I'm tired of just drawing early Loomis head from Fun with Pencil, can I move to something else? Pick another book to draw something else?

>> No.3935287
File: 1.75 MB, 3256x2249, gestures2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's wave 2, I think these are already a big improvement
not sure what I was smoking with the first lot, but allowing things to curve naturally seems to help a great deal

>> No.3935307

Improper pencil grip and scratchy lines.

Focusing on structure over gesture. A drawing with poor anatomy will still have soul if it has gesture. Without it, its just a pos.

>> No.3935317

her torso is twisting in an unnatural position, but other than that I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

>> No.3935324

Recently been doubling down on using the overhang grip so i think I'm getting used to it.

Yeah I'm having a hard time wrapping around putting gesture over structure but hopefully just doing ALOT of gesture drawings will help remedy that?

>> No.3935339
File: 3.69 MB, 2322x2448, oc_husbando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked the skull in the original sketch, and it was fine.

Anyway here's the fully-rendered version. I adjusted the right arm.

>> No.3935343
File: 658 KB, 1080x1382, Screenshot_20190517-141122_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help fix the right arm? Tried lot of positions and still off

>> No.3935346

Looks very good , that hand you were mentioning does look slightly off but its no major thing , youll make it out of /beg/ in no time

>> No.3935350
File: 23 KB, 139x139, IMG_20190517_191910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think is this line here that makes it look strange

>> No.3935351

Is drawing something in front of me really that much better than drawing from photos? I only have so much stuff around my house and going outside I can only really draw landscapes

>> No.3935356

Much better resolution and size , drawing from photos is not bad tho , but if youcan draw from real life do it

>> No.3935381
File: 518 KB, 1487x2082, _20190517_064258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I am not really looking for a critique on a doodle I made at work.

>> No.3935423
File: 1.38 MB, 1320x719, I2YbN6G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to apply the stuff I learned from Steve Huston's 3 hours video. Anyone know where to get images of heads in different poses/angles?

>> No.3935429

Breddi gud

>> No.3935431
File: 120 KB, 714x1000, blendsunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly just trying to practice blending here

>> No.3935435

Literally anywhere...

>> No.3935441

Wow that's really nice, have you posted here before?
Yes it's mirrorlike >>3935091 and thanks I'm the necromancer loli. Maybe I can go color a dress next time.

>> No.3935442


>> No.3935446
File: 559 KB, 940x719, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any advice for freesketching cylinders in perspective? cubes i think i've got the hang of, but all my cylinders end up looking like crap, pic related

>> No.3935447 [DELETED] 

I haven't done it myself, but I assume this would help; it's recommended to watch the video first and then read through it

there's also this which is more basic but goes over some important details about ellipses, also has useful exercises for drawing ellipses and such freehand

>> No.3935449
File: 125 KB, 1016x1280, dg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i retarded?
how am i supposed to go from a ball with 2 lines to a ball with "the rest"

>> No.3935450

I haven't done it myself, but I assume this would help; it's recommended to watch the video first and then read through it

there's also this which is more basic but goes over some important details about ellipses, also has useful exercises for drawing ellipses and such freehand

>> No.3935455

The idea of the exercise is that by having the crosslines and guides for eyes and mouth, you can use whatever shapes you feel like using to complete the ball. The entire book is basically about just using shapes to composite a face/whatever you're drawing. There's really no "right" way to do these - they're an intellectual exercise.

>> No.3935462

this looks perfect, thanks dude!

>> No.3935465
File: 252 KB, 1000x3000, nma_n12_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why I struggled with squashing+twisting this time but just noticed it suffices to start with a straight line following the sides of the hips and ribcage and pulling it's ends on opposite directions.

I feel like I know what I'm doing now, and I'm comfortable with how my gestures result. First 5 min pose was pretty challenging, I wasn't sure how to handle it, I felt there wasn't much to pay attention other than the twisting, but all the others I thought looked pretty good.

We all start somewhere, anon. Proportions on your 2nd attempt already look better (the one on bottom left looks really good). Don't feel bad if a drawing doesn't look better than last one, though (relevant: https://youtu.be/qzhVOU47aSo?t=406).).

I feel like I improved a lot just by keeping at it (at least 30 min everyday), slowly but steadily, so don't desist. I also found Huston's book and videos useful (the book explains ideas, and the videos show how to apply them), they helped me improve faster, I think.

I believe you could learn a lot just by reading the first 2 or 3 chapters.

I personally found it easier to draw gesture from female models when I first started, since the muscles on male models might trick you into drawing contour curves that don't follow the gesture, but be sure to practice with both. Good luck!

>> No.3935493
File: 3.00 MB, 2042x1533, scan 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking good, and thanks lad I'll check it out
here's set 3, not happy with how top-left turned out

maybe I'm thinking into it too much, but is this even gesture drawing? it feels more like regular observational drawing right now, not sure, maybe I'm focusing too much on accuracy and contour

>> No.3935504

How do i learn calligraphy

>> No.3935521
File: 101 KB, 1155x893, pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I using form shadows right? I know I need to still blur in the ambient light. I might be confusing my cast shadows with my form shadows.

>> No.3935522
File: 1.41 MB, 3024x4032, 106301A1-7002-4A11-91E7-66699AF9E667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello guys, I need any sort of critique on this + how do I increase the quality without using PS?

>> No.3935532

don't outline the lips like that, think about shading them!

>> No.3935534

Help, my lines look flat, is there any tutorial that explains where to put thicker lines and where to go thinner

>> No.3935546

I don't know, but I usually put thicker lines where I want to emphasize something

>> No.3935557

>if youno only knew how bad things really are

>> No.3935568

Cute but those eyes remind me of fish

>> No.3935600

thank you! They felt a bit weird to me too. Should I enlarge them and make them less elongated?

>> No.3935604

First of all, is this from imagination or reference? Regardless, I really like it and think it looks great.

Second, you should also post this in some other thread, I think. I only come here for /beg/ and /sqt/ so can't really tell you where to go (maybe the draw thread?)

As for the critique you're asking for, only thing that looks bad imo is the ear. I get that you're not going for the dry realism but that ear just looks bad compared to everything else that's going on. I'm also not sure about the red under the eyes (the shape of it, I mean), I think it gives a strange feel for the form, though I guess it's supposed to emphazise the redness from crying.

I'm not sure about what you mean with increasing quality? You want a picture of it with bigger resolution?

>> No.3935605

The left eye is way too small and it looks flat , also the the iria ahould be more deifne , the way it is now it looks like a white ball painted blue on one side

>> No.3935606

And the ear is too small and misplaced

>> No.3935627

Man, I'm liking your stuff, but I find her pose and facial expression strange. Is she supposed to be surprised at something? Is she laying down somewhere? And why is her arm stretched out like that with her hand holding something invisible?

>> No.3935631


>> No.3935635

do not see it as a head. Imagine you are building a building in 3d.

>> No.3935643
File: 1.89 MB, 6868x4000, castle girl orphan attempt 2 boogie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I haven't drawn in months due to classes. Now that the semester is over with, I can finally quash a previous slight on my character.

Many months ago, January or December or something, I was in a castle princess thread and got the orphan. My first attempt at it was abysmal and I hated it, vowing to try again the next day. I didn't try again, however, as my classes started chugging along. I never forgot my vow, though, and decided that the right way to get back into drawing was to fulfill my promise.
This is my attempt at the orphan. The skin colored one is definitely all iffy with shading -- the body was drawn in greyscale with no intention of color -- but I feel content with it. If anyone gives a shit, I can post my first attempt, but since there's no castle princess threads atm I thought I'd put it here. It was a good way to scrape off some rust and figure out how to make something vaguely resembling a woman.

>> No.3935647
File: 1.38 MB, 3024x4032, A7515F62-DBB7-47DE-B5B8-2D1CDCC7179C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you friends, I've improved it a little bit thanks to someone from the discord group. I feel like it looks better, maybe I'll just have to leave it alone for a while and come back again

>> No.3935648

as for the values/painting issues I'll fix them tomorrow. It's late here lol

>> No.3935651

There are sone places where the shadows have difrerent intensities , and tye skirt is very off , the rest looks nice and it has a very expressive pose

>> No.3935653

I'll maybe try to shape it more as a blush than a triangle. I'll experiment a bit and let you know.
I don't study much so I have to heavily rely to others for critiques

>> No.3935654

Thats more like it , if you couod outline the iris a little bit and give her a pupil it would look pretty much perfect

>> No.3935657
File: 244 KB, 800x1100, r6767tgyu5454545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been drawing and messing around on my tablet for a month now. can any one critique this bust im working on for the past hour?

>> No.3935663

yes, I agree, and I also realized I'm a moron and forgot it was a towergirl and not a tower princess. I shall move to that thread.
You must find a way to define the jaw. The black line is a good start. A darker shade of the skin beneath it can help show a rounding of the jawline.

>> No.3935665
File: 46 KB, 558x479, qq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it started out more coherent until I realized it just didn't look right. So instead of scrapping it, I just modified to what it is now. Clearly need more practice on my FUNDIES

>> No.3935669

indeed. we'll make it fr fr.

>> No.3935680
File: 555 KB, 1676x2640, test test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3935686

cute but she's missing a shoe

>> No.3935689

sexy eyebrows

>> No.3935693

>quash a previous slight
>I hated it, vowing to try again the next day
>I never forgot my vow
>fulfill my promise.
Chill out my dude. It's just drawing and painting. It should be fun. Don't stress. Don't take it or yourself so seriously.
Did you draw that pose without a reference? If so, that's nice. If you used a reference, it's also good. It's fairly stiff though and the clothing is abysmal. Might help to look at cloth or potato sacks as reference and also umbrellas. I don't do grayscale to color so I can't help you out. You can just find another picture and eyedrop some colors in if you can't figure out skin tone.
Overall, I think you'd benefit a lot from just free sketching. Be more silly and animated in your approach. You're super serious and it shows in your work. It's a nice figure and all, but not appealing or fun to look at. Compare the thumbnail to yours.

>> No.3935704

whats the diff between using the blur tool and blend tool dont they both make things look fuzzy?

>> No.3935707
File: 1.78 MB, 1200x961, Enyo fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3935711

Mhm, no references. I will admit I got to the potato sack stuff at the end and decided I didn't want to put in a few hours into figuring that out. And yeah, I do kinda sperg out about this. I have a fear of failure and it was kinda haunting me out shitty the first drawing came out and no time to remedy it. It's always fun, though. I've only recently tried tablets so colors are all weird to me.
That said, I'm going to try another castlegirl. I got paladin this time, so I hope I make some pretty cool.

>> No.3935714

Shading the corners of the whites will stop them from looking flat, shade with a light grayish tone

>> No.3935729

how should i prepare for a college painting course and not look like a total chode
>An introduction to contemporary painting. Students study direct and indirect painting techniques with observational and photo-based sources. The course puts special emphasis on color theory and color mixing.

>> No.3935735

How do you know when to stop practicing a subject/exercise and move on to the next step? I know you can't and shouldnt practice the same thing for too long.

>> No.3935740

How long you got until that class starts? Do a lot of drawing from life/reference if you're not ready to paint without instruction yet to sharpen your observation skills. That will carry over to painting from observation.

When you start to get diminishing returns in how much you improve on that subject. And alternatively when you just get bored of it you can switch to another subject that you're wanting to do that and studying will become fun again.

But remember learning anything comes down to repetition, repetition. You're not going to learn much if you draw a couple of hands and move onto drawing something else just a couple times.You gotta take some time to really drill it into your head.

>> No.3935751
File: 1.18 MB, 2154x1592, scan 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last lot and I'm off to bed, still not sure if this stuff can be considered gesture drawing but who knows
once I get more confident making single decisive lines it'll hopefully look more elegant and energetic

considering that I started at >>3935085 and produced pic related on the same day, I'm pretty satisfied, even if I'm not doing the right thing

>> No.3935752

Thengs bruhv

>> No.3935773

Looks good my dude , very expressive , mind to share with us how do you practice?

>> No.3935779
File: 334 KB, 3000x3000, 565656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting out digital painting

>> No.3935784
File: 405 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20190518_004033-1080x1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to tell me I suck?
I fell out of any kind of art years ago, was that one kid in school people called talented, and it did me no favours. I've not done any serious attempt at drawing for probable years.

>> No.3935787

Bigmouth goes to the hood and gets his white boipussy culturally enriched by some niggers , the episode where nick ( the protagonist) learns the joys of racemixing , cuckolding and sissyfication

>> No.3935789

Dude stop the r9k tier self flagelation and start fucking drawing , we all got told that we are talented by some stupid ass NPC after drawing a fucking stickman , get over it

>> No.3935792

Thats just tracing bro

>> No.3935793

You can tell from a mile away that show is made by jews

>> No.3935795

thanks friend, can't say it's anything complex, just trying to patch up holes and draw when I can

>> No.3935798 [DELETED] 

Clothes are retarded

>> No.3935800
File: 610 KB, 1113x1985, Pajama Angela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3935804

Indeed , now draw more of them

One of the things to remeber is where is the point where the clothes hang , and where they are subjected to pressure ,as the kinds of folds created are different deppending on each case

>> No.3935813

Thanks, anon. You're what I come for.

>> No.3935814

it's simpler than you think. for your picture, get rid of the wrinkles on the arms, sides and thighs, make the end of the shirt bigger and WHAM BAM BIG BAM you got it pretty much right

>> No.3935838

If I can't read? I was doing what it was asked, maybe wrong but still

>> No.3935916

I have never done a figure drawing before. I am just guessing how to do this. I have no technique. Critique as hard as you want. I just wanna get better.

>> No.3935917
File: 242 KB, 1058x2284, _20190517_222901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot to attach picture!

>> No.3935927
File: 1.55 MB, 3352x5906, 1547386376663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3935948

I still think the shoes are too small compared to the hands.

>> No.3935958
File: 231 KB, 1002x2315, _20190517_225305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some small adjustments

>> No.3935981

After a year of mastering shapes and organic shapes, you'll be good enough to do whatever you truly desire. That is where your style comes from. You will developed shades, gradient and even colors, beyond what you are now.

The study of organic shapes and inanimate shapes from life drawing. Will ensure you can draw anything.

Don't give excuses.

>> No.3935984

You took the time to not only post this, but post it twice, and alongside your reference. Incredible.
I'll keep it brief: your picture is way too small, your attention to detail beyond the pose itself is nonexistent - you didn't even try to define her characteristics, such as lips, fingers, heels, toes, earring, ring, lingerie - and you gave her characteristics she doesn't have, like lines across her back defining her traps or a very sharp jawline. You ruined her hairline completely and, because you decided to be so modest with how much space your study would take up, you ruined the most alluring feature of your reference - her downward, southwest gaze.

Advice: make pictures bigger, there's more room for detail.

>> No.3935986
File: 116 KB, 858x620, crit pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help! How do i fix this?

>> No.3935987

Have you done it? Drawing from life is the true fundamental.

You'll never make it if you don't study different material, different shapes and different lighting with different gradient.

With organic shapes, it is a whole new level too. If you can't take the slow process. I suggest you quit now. Don't waste time.

>> No.3936005

when the reference is on my computer screen its the same size and the sketch. but i can do it bigger and ill try to capture those details. tho... i wasnt really trying to be perfect with details in a first attempt. i thought id get more criticism about basic construction, gesture etc. also the point of the 2nd upload was to fix a few things. its not exactly the same image twice.

>> No.3936017

That image is actually really good.

>> No.3936062

uhh are you suppose to separate shadows into different layers or are they suppose to be done in the same layer as your midtones

>> No.3936102

What are some guides about strokes or just managing a pencil in general, ive been making steady gains in anatomy and perspective but my lines still look like shit

>> No.3936114

Be light but bold with your lines, using the range of movement of your shoulders/arm/wrist. Hold your pencil lightly and try playing around how you hold it. Also, try having your pencil really sharp, and not from a sharpener. Use a knife and have like a good chunk of lead exposed.

>> No.3936147


>> No.3936148

What's wrong with it?

>> No.3936165

it doesnt look like its in perspective, i also don't know how to fix the hip and shoulders

>> No.3936168

I've just started learning and ive been looking through Instagram to find inspiration. I came across this profile


What is it about some of his pictures that look unappealing? I really like his style and the way he paints but there's something strange about some of his pictures.

>> No.3936173
File: 55 KB, 480x479, DdRTJhOU8AALVio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amount of rendering will carry a poorly drafted figure.

>> No.3936183

I'm a beginner too so take my post with a grain of salt. I think it's because the faces are too big for the head.

>> No.3936203

this pic makes me wanna kms

>> No.3936212

Distill that into a will to practice

>> No.3936225

because of the anatomy errors?

>> No.3936240
File: 2.76 MB, 4032x3024, 20190518_042609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty new with faces. Gonna grind until I stop cringing when I look at them.

>> No.3936247

Is that a gorilla woman in the middle right?

>> No.3936276

Wojak's family

>> No.3936281

marcosilva does this much better

>> No.3936288

What is it about it that's poorly drafted? I'm too much of a noob to tell

>> No.3936305

Which Videos by Huston should I watch first?
I've been doing Dynamic Sketching 1 so far

>> No.3936328 [DELETED] 
File: 921 KB, 1200x1200, zxcvzcvzxvzxcvxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3936330
File: 691 KB, 1000x1000, zxcvzcvzxvzxcvxc resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3936334

There he is , the N I G G A

>> No.3936414

Use real life references if you want to draw real people. Use cartoon references if you want to draw cartoons. In both cases, refer to realistic anatomy references so you understand what's going on.
Drawing real people basically gives you 0 ability to draw comics/anime and vice versa, except for the generalized mileage you're building.

>> No.3936417

You are ngmi

>> No.3936419

If you were the best artist in the world, what would you draw?
Just start drawing that.

>> No.3936445 [DELETED] 
File: 817 KB, 2893x4092, color180519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3936449

Nigger, I can't because I lack fundies and just leave everything unfinished. In fact, most of what I draw is "what I want", instead of grinding, and that's why it sucks and never evolves.

Fuck you and your lazy fortune cookie ""opinion"".

>> No.3936454
File: 817 KB, 2893x4092, color180519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me the best way to do cellshading bros.

>> No.3936463

I finally realized that I don't have any passion, I don't have any drive. Art is a side hobby for me, I'd like to be good at it but I can't be bothered to put in the time and effort. I'd rather jack off to gender bender hentai than spend more than 30 seconds holding a pencil.

>> No.3936468
File: 825 KB, 659x934, firefox_BquHyX8lRF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do obviously good artists let things like this happen?

>> No.3936477

Lmao thas heavy stylization and the fact that they need to have a very high output of pieces , if it looks good it doesnt need to be accuratte , thats the same philosophy manga artist follow

>> No.3936482

hello frustrated anon, you have the just draw part covered, good work, many fail there. all you have to do now is get good at perspective and begin measuring. as you improve your dimensional thinking your subject will evolve as you do. but take care once you delve into analysis, you may find yourself within and be forced to confront the flaws or become lost to the torrents.

>> No.3936489

Draw a line separating the area that you are going to shade and shade that part with a uniform flat color

>> No.3936490


>> No.3936492
File: 109 KB, 858x620, 18.05.2019 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the leg is the closest to the viewer so it should appear bigger

>> No.3936503

that's ok anon, it is the destination which draws those who understand that the path is suffering. but without sorrow could there be no joy, monotony is a killer of soul, and if you have found too much comfort in life it may be due to not experiencing it whole. a bitter taste may leave the mouth with greater sweetness than the purest nectar.

>> No.3936504

adhd is the difference between being lazy and not

>> No.3936507

why is there an ancient Chinese philosopher on /ic/

>> No.3936513

i like this place

>> No.3936541

the /vent/ thread is here

>> No.3936562

Hello lads, dunno where to ask, but what would be the best Tablet I can afford with Max 300€?
I want to make it into digital shit and I'm really confused.

>> No.3936573


>> No.3936577

Also shit ton of same face

>> No.3936582
File: 572 KB, 1917x998, No idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started mannequin stuff today and i have no idea what im doing, any general tips? And is the left leg in this image in the wrong position?
Please no bully

>> No.3936590

Someone recommended me to see Vilppu's drawing gesture videos, they are pretty cool to learn about.

>> No.3936594
File: 661 KB, 1920x1080, manichino mani dietro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this one came out a little better

>> No.3936596
File: 149 KB, 1200x1200, Gaomon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm searching thru Amazon and found this:
It's a little bit more expensive but it has good reviews.

>> No.3936627

There's nothing wrong with it you Dunning kruger fag

>> No.3936628
File: 54 KB, 800x1067, 20190518_113517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3936651
File: 696 KB, 1163x964, figurestudy1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spent like 4 hours on this...

>> No.3936660
File: 144 KB, 801x499, huston_straight_gesture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The videos I'm talking about are his figure drawing sessions. This is the first one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFP8L4OUL2E

I think I asked if my drawings were gesture everytime I posted in here, when I first started it really felt like I was just drawing the figure as I saw it, that's because I was focusing too much on contour and getting things exactly the way I saw them, but as you practice you should strive to capture the essence and movement of the pose with freedom to ignore details like contour or exact proportions. Exaggerate! Huston says it's always better to err on the more dynamic side.

I also noticed different artist draw gesture differently, and sometimes even have a different idea of what gesture means. What I did was trying my hand at every way of drawing gesture that I found and try to pick up something from all of them.

Try drawing many 1 or 2 min poses focusing on the overall shape of the body, arms and legs and sense of weight (see Hampton), you could even start with the distorted rectangle for torso+hips and curved lines for extremities.

Avoid drawing curves like the ones on this pic if the gesture isn't a straight line.

Finally, take my words with a grain of salt since all of this are just my thoughts/tips and I'm still learning. Keep at it, anon.

>> No.3936664
File: 229 KB, 706x1000, tiny sketch plus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /beg/. Anime trash here. So I started fairly recently, last July or so, and got some crit from an artist friend that I hand't really improved much over that time and I should stop doing full pieces. He also said I should come back here again because you guys would tear me a new asshole. I feel like I've improved, but crit is crit so I decided to come back for advice. Is it really not ok to do full body characters as a /beg/inner? When are you gud enough? Attached is current wip/sketch.

>> No.3936706

Thanks, anon.

>> No.3936795
File: 569 KB, 714x1000, beg sea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



used >>3935431 for new OP

>> No.3936867


Face is just like figure drawing. There are gesture, construction and anatomy.

check out this free video from Steve Huston https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T7cDY7YDsg

I really hope more people share learning resources for /beg/ here especially video lessons.

>> No.3936869


Lack of variation or design.

>> No.3936872


Always exaggerate your pose first then tone it down as you like. That's why in figure drawing people suggest drawing Gesture first. Gesture are usually drawn fast so it always turns out exaggerated and when they move to construction on top of it they start to tone it down. If the gesture is bland, boring posture the construction is going to make it even more bland and boring.

>> No.3936965

looks like uncanny photobash ilya stuff without good fundamentals, covering it with rendering but mixing anime faces with real figures and materials. i can't find any of their actual drawing but the original work is probably not up to what you see on most of that instagram

it looks like they started photobashing somewhere between 3 and 2 years ago

>> No.3936979

thank you! i struggle a lot with gesture since im used to do only portraits ;v;

>> No.3937679

Just made this, can i leave now?

>> No.3937680
File: 1012 KB, 2000x2600, received_310859966478242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3938497 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 940x831, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started doing a series of "pin-up" style drawings
started my new one and was just wondering out of the sketches left or right what seems to be a better pose?