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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 980 KB, 1187x842, smuggkrita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3931289 No.3931289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>They think Paint tool sai is only used by a small section of amateurs and how it's crap compared to Krita
>They refuse to fix bugs on mac because MacOS is too commercial. In fact we only have a mac version because a developer has an old mac he uses to export Krita. And he has said he is tempted to just sell it and stop bothering with it
>They call stupid people that ask Krita to be simpler to understand or people that complain about their shitty and complicated mask system.
>They unironically think they are badasses for making a product for people too cheap or lazy to buy or pirate something else.

Just buy CSP anon. Not worth the headache.

Open source is good because it's free, but you need to pay if you want a program you can rely. Or at least not having developers being all smug when you ask for something.

>> No.3931297

man i hated krita because its just unusable as a painting program, now i hate it even more because of how retarded their developers are, holy fuck.

>> No.3931302

This is the 3rd time you posted this

>> No.3931305

No retard. I just made this. I had to reupload due to a mistake.

Yeah same her

>> No.3931314

Yeah it's unbelievable. Even medibang developers are nicer if you ask them something on deviantart

>> No.3931322

Krita is buggy, laggy shit. Fuck that sluggish crap.

>> No.3931330

yeah. In mac it's even worse as it's basically unusable there. It has an anoying bug with the cursor where you can't see your brush tip at all.

CSP all the way.

>> No.3931331

Every software based on Qt is a hot pile of shit.
I personally think that Krita can be salvaged by a redesign.

CSP also has a lot of issues too thou.

>> No.3931335

I use CSP and I've yet to find a game breaking issue on it. I mean krita on mac outright crashes and lags, and shows the wrong cursor as a bug that they refuse to fix.

>> No.3931337

It's just your shit OS mostly.
Mactoodler were crying about performance degradation in CSP thread. just recently

>> No.3931339

source? I have yet to have an issue with CSP

>> No.3931344
File: 83 KB, 306x306, sat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the CSP thread here >>3922224 .
At least 3 mactoodlers complained about it

>> No.3931345

Stop reposting this. People are going to use whatever program they want. A passing comment made by one developer isn't going to change that.

>> No.3931346

Stop being a krita shill.

>> No.3931353

>if I keep spamming this shit on /ic/ people will hate krita!

>> No.3931354

i already hate it to begind with, this just adds more fuel to the fire

>> No.3931356

>posting it once
Fuck off krita shill

>> No.3931361

Have you considered that OP is a CSP shill? He does recommend CSP as an alternative in all his posts.

>> No.3931362

Not him, but why don't you go on /g/ and get btfo in krita thread that is on front page right now?

>> No.3931367

make me

>> No.3931375

>CSP also has a lot of issues too thou.
CSP is not perfect but if you make anything lineart based it's probably the best program. For more rendered stuff PS is better because of all the functionalities it has and I don't think anything compares, it's industry standard for a good reason.

>> No.3931378

If you only consider lineart, even sai is comparable.
CSP is almost literally just a barebones brush engine.

>> No.3931388

I am not a csp shill. Use photoshop or sai. I don't care. I like those too

>> No.3931467

Tell me they are joking OP

>> No.3931501

Eh I bet all developers are like that

>> No.3931504

They're not wrong. Gmic on mac is fucked because mac is fucked and mac gets worse and worse all the time.

>> No.3931509

mac, opinion discarded in the trash ect.

>> No.3931514

sai slander will not be tolerated

>> No.3931518

this, leave my sai chan alone

>> No.3931528

>Or at least not having developers being all smug when you ask for something.
sounds like the person they're responding to is a total autist who won't shutup about sai

>now i hate it even more
good, don't use it, no one wants you to anyway

>> No.3931544

/g/ here
Fucking keep him, we have too many shill threads already, we don't want more.

>> No.3931547

The only free programs that are worth anything are medibang and verve painter
They could drama each other into the ground if they wish.

>> No.3931563

To anyone unfortunate enough to consume any of the post ITT: krita is good, try it out if haven't and can't buy/pirate anything else. CSP is good too and it goes on sale quite often. The real deal though is the one that you feel most comfortable using. Don't let cherrypicked comments discourage you from trying out something that might suit you.

>> No.3931568
File: 276 KB, 642x987, 1520428862432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried using krita years ago and its design is plain anti people. No surprise the devs are like this, freetards are always insufferable faggots proud of making every one's lives more complicated.
SAI just feels too good, is limited but the workflow you get is really sweet. I don;t understand why other software doesn't copy it.
I already tried krita and hated it.

>> No.3931570

first thing that happened when i installed krita is that it wouldnt detect my fucking wacom tablet, immediately uninstalled, so fuck off.

>> No.3931572
File: 2.03 MB, 1822x1138, 1557824875059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reposting this again. It was posted in the thread that was deleted last night

> krita is too complex compared to sai

Nearly every other art program , CSP and PS included, is more complex compared to sai. Because Sai's interface is mainly revolved around pure painting and leaves no room for any extra features. There's nothing wrong with wanting to use a painting program with a simple interface but why complain that other programs are not like that? In the OP the poster complained that Krita had "33 main tools " shown while Sai just had 10.

I acutally found CSP to be more complicated to use compared to Krita when I first tried it. The interface felt "busier" compared to Krita and it felt more complicated to create brushes. I definitely recommend buying CSP if you plan on making comics. Krita's text editor still isn't there yet and there's a ton of nice comic making materials available for download in CSP. I like Krita more for painting

>shitty and confusing is to use masks

I guess it probably is more complicated compared to other programs. But the wiki explains how to use masks pretty clear


>Krita also runs like crap on mac with bugs they refuse to fix because "muh apple is too comercial"

That's actually because Apple included a poor implementation of OpenGL in their OS. They aren't even including updating versions of OpenGL anymore with MacOS

And the poster seemed a little whiny spending two paragraphs complaining that you needed to spend an extra click to access the docker windows compared to other programs. There's a lot of things I wish Krita devs would add to Krita but that's kinda irrelevant IMO.

>I seem even whinier though typing this post out

>> No.3931589

CSP right now is the best overall painting app imo, especially for lineart based art II do wish the painting modules didn't feel as bloated as they are even with custom brushes the painting engine still isn't at the level of SAI or photoshop, but it's improving little by little.
Also something people rarely mention is how amazingly optimized CSP is, it literally works smooth as butter even on an older shitty laptop I have.
I think CSP is one version away from greatness, if they fix their painting engine closer to photoshop with adequate and better interface for image and color adjustment (the interface and option for color adjustments still feel weird at the mo) photoshop is gonna lose a fuckton of customers...

>> No.3931605


>> No.3931687

post your work

>> No.3931716

In a few years I've been using Krita I've yet to experience a single bug that would be worse than I've had in Photoshop. Most of the time it runs perfectly smoothly, and it has a better interface than CSP. I bought CSP but I still use Krita mostly. It also has some functionality that CSP lacks.

>> No.3931783

they might be dumb and the software might be shit or whatever, but you're a samefagging angry retard OP

>> No.3931792

>Sai is only used by a small, peculiar set of amateur artists
They just described their own product.

>> No.3931805

Based i like them even more now. Real badases.

>Muh docker
They are supposed to be spending their time on real features, 4.2 alpha looks promissing as fuck, my complaints about performance loss with too many Perspective rulers was alsi taken seriously.

>> No.3931809

Yeah everyone that disagrees with you is just samefagging (sarcasm)

>> No.3931811

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.3931828

Two great reasons to use photoshop:

1. you pirate it, and sabotage adobe the biggest jew corp in the world, after central banking
2. you get to use the best painting software


>> No.3931832

those 3 complained about CSP crashing AFTER a MacOS update, 1 even complained about Ableton crashing too. How is that CSP's fault that apple is retarded?

CSP is the industry standard for comics and graphic novels in japan, quickly becoming the standard here too especially with all the tumblrina furfags adopting it.
Pretty funny because when i bought it years back the TOS said you cant use it make any content that is deliberately shocking, morally reprehensible or meant to disturb/cause distress.

Still needs a Liquify tool, tired of using mesh transformation.

>> No.3931843

Thats a fact
>Mac shit
>Call people stupid
Yes they are.
Broken laggy shit lol not worth. It's 15$

Krita badasses are disrupting the market offering one of the best products freely and on all platforms, fuck mactoddlers though

>> No.3931849

calling users stupid is based but I agree they're completely underestimating SAI's usage. I think their disdain for SAI stems from the earfuls they get from retarded 12yos who want SAI because their fave artists use it in their youtube speedpaint videos, but aren't smart enough to pirate it, so they expect krita can be a stop-gap solution to emulate SAI's functionality and appearance.

>> No.3931866

Krita pretty much has everything sai has and can be tweaked to look like sai too

Well except wand tool selecting by alpha channel, that's a legit great feature worth stealing.

>> No.3931946

My point is that krita devs could theoretically be kind enough to have an equivalent to every function in SAI and 12yo retards would still complain that the features don't mesh together in exactly the same way as in SAI, but without any of SAI's flaws to boot.

>> No.3931950
File: 3 KB, 270x133, Color-slider-docker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artistic color selector that they revamped in 4.2 is pretty cool. I just hate that the devs STILL haven't brought back the color sliders yet. They removed them in 4.1 because they said it was too buggy. It can't take too long to program a better version of the HSV/HSL sliders.

I wonder if the krita devs forgot about the sliders at this point?

>> No.3931957

What's this about slow perspective rulers? where can i read about this?

>> No.3931973

I use krita on a 4k display and that might be the reson
>Use the perspective tool (the square grid, not the simple rulers)
>Zoom into it
>Performance gets bad, krita struggled to render just one grid, zooming and panning gets slower
>Make two of these grids
>Krita gets sluggis
>Make 3
>Krita shits itself

It can't gandle its own grids, using a bunch of vanishing points is fine but if you make a grid or two it becomes unresponsive and dies.

>> No.3931985
File: 322 KB, 1920x1080, mypaint-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO MyPaint is more of a "alternative" to Paint Tool Sai compared to krita if you was trying to compare it on the basic of having a simple, easy to understand interface with limited features. I would use MyPaint more if the devs would finally develop selection/transformation tools for it. MyPaint always had so much potential ;_;

>> No.3931991

>Krita badasses are disrupting the market offering one of the best products freely and on all platforms, fuck mactoddlers though
the only people its catering too is VFX just like they said, its garbage for anything els, ESPECIALLY PAINTING.

>> No.3932009

that actually happens for everyone, even me. It annoyed me enough to make a new perspective assistant, the current grid perspective one is very awkward to use. If I could, I would delete it entirely from Krita.


Here's work in progress perepective assistant. sorry i was testing if it responded correctly to canvas rotation here, I zoomed in for only a moment but I can assure you it performs a gorillion times better than the current grid perspective when zoomed in.

>> No.3932042

Breddy good m8, can't wait for it.

>> No.3932065

thanks man, it will probably show up in krita nightly next month, and on krita stable later this year

>> No.3932073

It's used by a lot of 3d artists for creating textures.

>> No.3932087

mypaint is actually a lot better than krita under a lot of points of view. More stable and much faster, and the brush engine is actually a lot more powerful. It's also a lot faster to draw in it, I really like it for sketching and design, but it's a little barder to make finished works in it for me.

> I would use MyPaint more if the devs would finally develop selection/transformation tools for it.
you probably already know but you can edit layers in outside applications like krita from within mypaint. And they say that they won't implement them because of this. It kinda sucks but it's still something

>> No.3932113

Editing outside of your application is an immense ass pain.
I used to work in between CPS and Photoshop at first but that annoyed me enough to dump csp and draw fine line art in PS instead.

Then i eventually moved to krita because it can kinda do everything with less ass pain than drawing in PS or editing in CSP.

>> No.3932151

>Editing outside of your application is an immense ass pain.
Yeah that's true. It's a pity that mypaint developers don't care about shilling their app and adding more "professional" features like krita devs do, I think it has the potential to be a real competitor. But alas.

Krita is not the best at anything but does everything moderately well enough. The transform tool is actually really good. While I often think "PS does this better" or "CSP does that better", I never really think "I want to do that but I can't". Which to me is good enough.

>> No.3932164

I guess mypaint is intended to be the linux paint.
Something you use to crop a screenshot or make a meme picture in mere seconds, not something heavy to try and get the PS digital art crowd.

>> No.3932166

kde devs are a bit strange to have a focus on an art program like this and still not have builtin wacom gui config tools like gnome does. which makes me suspect lack of resources. so if you want change youd have to donate or code it yourself.

>> No.3932172

>open source is full of autistic retards
water is wet

>> No.3932212
File: 51 KB, 1126x804, krita-drawing-graphics-tablet-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I really like it for sketching and design,

That's what mypaint is perfect for me too. Especially since it has an infinite canvas mode you can use it to easily draw a lot of sketches/studies. I think mypaint could have become pretty popular if it wasn't missing a few critical features that's required in modern art programs. I was always really impressed with it's interface.

I think a lot of Sai users usually edit their paintings in Photoshop or CSP since Sai has really no editing tools since it's focused purely on painting. I bet that's one of the reasons Sai users are switching to CSP.

The Wacom GUI in Plasma5 has actually started active development again last year. But it wasn't until Kubuntu 19.04 that the Wacom GUI was finally included by default in their Ubuntu distro. Before you either had to build it yourself or hope that it was included in your distro's software repository.

The GUI was dead for a long time until a random developer finally decided to volunteer to port it to qt5. But that's open source for you :/

>> No.3932251

when is krita going to add a simple checkbox for inverting zoom direction?

>> No.3932971
File: 286 KB, 1392x944, 2019-05-15_22-04-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my biggest problem with krita is that its performance is complete shit compared to SAI.
Sai has no comparison on this side in general. also is stable as fuck. does it's job perfectly.

A lot of pro artist use it. and is very intuitive and easy to use..
Maybe krita devs are really pissed off that SAI is being made by just 1 guy.
and most people complain a lot of shit about krita and then call sai better.

firealpaca/medibang is the closest free thing as an alternative.
mypaint is a bit sluggish and buggy, just like Azpainter

never tried paint storm, but i guess is good as CSP or opencanvas.

I still use krita to make some animations but nothing more.
many of the decisions that made into krita are retarded but at least works.

I bought SAI2. best choice ever.

nice. I hate when fucking tablets are recognized as fucking joysticks.

>> No.3932985

I also use Sai 2, pretty good. While I would very much like to use one program for everything, smooth 60 fps lining and good stabilisers seems to be this magical thing that only SAI was able to achieve due to its lightweightness. Krita is great for painting and brushes, as is PS and CSP, but having tried all of them, they all lag that ever so slightly when lining and it drives me fucking crazy.

I almost wish I never started with sai, since its spoiled me in terms of butter smooth performance.

>> No.3933007

Was using krita.After 10th time it closed randomly just switched to SAI.

>> No.3933009

Straight Line drawing mode is great, is there a way to do that with CSP without having do build everything with rulers?

>> No.3933132

Stabalizers 100

>> No.3933135

Imo Krita draws faster when you are painting with a 500px brush.

At leastbon my machine.

>> No.3933147

I love Krita. I feel in control, I can setup everything to my liking. Similar to how Blender is. And the wrap around mode is so useful when painting tileable textures.

Will never go back to Photoshop again.

>> No.3933303

The reason Sai runs so fast is because it was literally designed to run well on ancient toasters running Windows 98. In Japan a lot of people refuse to upgrade their computers if their computers still works fine though really slow. So Sai can still run fast on Pentium 4 computers with 2gb of ram. I always wondered if Sai was written in assembly to achieve such speed?

If you took any other art program that was released in the late 90s/early 2000s ot might feel as fast as Sai.

>> No.3933311

whats the point of new tech if its software its shit? why change what just works? the reason phones became slow is because apps are not made with backwards compability. same things with pc, but it takes more time to become noticeable because pc are more biffy than phones

>> No.3933325

BTW based badass, add a FOV/size/distance slider to this conjugate tool that would affect the distance between the vanishing points.

That would allow the user to draw two diffirently oriented objects within the same perspective system.

Imagine like two cars that are parked at an angle to each other or two buildings that arent parallel so they have different vanishing points but same horizon line and perspective FOV

>> No.3933691

Yeah I know exactly what you're getting at dont worry, that's what this tool is going to be for.

>> No.3933711

>The Wacom GUI
hm, ill have to have another look. its so well integrated into gnome that it almost got me using gnome 3 over plasma 5. or at least switching my sessions specifically to draw.

>> No.3933826


>> No.3933902



>> No.3935682


>> No.3935694

Is SAI really that bad? It's my favourite because it's pretty straight forward and you don't need a lot of skill to make something decent out of it. I use other programs to fill in what SAI can't do, but I quite like it.

>> No.3935718

Oddly enough, if both cost the same I'd pay for Sai, not Krita. Sai is specialized, it does one thing very well. Krita is another wannabe Photoshop. For people already using PS, I don't see a compelling reason to change to Krita.

>> No.3935737

>Krita is another wannabe Photoshop
lol it's a painting program first and foremost, not a photo manipulation program so this is wrong.
>For people already using PS, I don't see a compelling reason to change to Krita.
It's another tool and another workflow. I have PS CC and CSP but I still swap between all of them for different needs or to use brushes I don't have in the other programs. It's just another tool. Hobbyists get so autistic about slamming foss programs like krita and blender which are both perfectly fine to use for hobby or pro work. No one cares what you use, just the final result.

>> No.3935744

I'm not slamming Krita at all. It's perfectly fine being what it is, and I certainly don't want it to be like Sai.

I'm just pointing out that Krita wants to exist in a space already occupied by many other programs, while Sai in fact fills a niche. It's a strength.

>> No.3935759

I have actually found a way to make my Krita run a lot smoother, almost the same as SAI. I just had to disable the open GL canvas graphics accelerator. Now it runs much better for some reason. Not even sure what openGL did

>> No.3936154

will that work for CSP? I upgraded my PC this week with an AMD 3.7ghz and 8GB if Ram, and a GT710. but CSP still goes up to 50% ram after an hour

>> No.3936508

Only one way to find out anon. I dont use CSP but when I did try it out it was heavy and bloated. Perhaps if they use openGL and you disable it youll see some of the load be released.