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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 254 KB, 750x1129, 35814518c76vc1249c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3927808 No.3927808 [Reply] [Original]

>draw like a real girl

can some of ic's best femanons share tips on how to draw like a female. What is popular, what are features which makes your work say "Ah qt this was surely done by a girl artist"? Thanks

>> No.3927810

Why do you losers want to draw like a girl? Just draw like yourself. Your art not getting attention isn't because you're male, it's because your art looks like shit.

>> No.3927812

Yikes/10 thread
Take your insecurities elsewhere sweetie, this is not the place for it.
Just draw.

>> No.3927814

Go fetishpost on your containment board, faggot

>> No.3927816
File: 69 KB, 388x679, 1557557414428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, look at you, you silly little thing. This is not reeediit, it's ic, honey!
Back to your sjw circle, babe!

>> No.3927825 [DELETED] 

hello fellow /jp/sie

>> No.3927836
File: 128 KB, 741x926, mokarooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno why the others are so assblasted but just try to observe from other girl artists and see which is the common pattern on their artstyle. Japanese female artists usually produce comfy and cutesy style like pic related. There's zero sexual undertones etc.
If we're not drawing cute boys, we're drawing girls in cute outfits (emphasis on cute)

>> No.3927839
File: 403 KB, 1753x1844, IMG_20190512_184557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one

>> No.3927842

>those fucking legs
She never skips leg day huh

>> No.3927849

same, they probably pms-ing hard

>> No.3927852

Is drawing like this even possible

>> No.3927857

You can't draw like a girl because girls have higher senses than men. Women can see more colors than men, which is why they're more perceptive of choosing what to buy, what to wear, and what's attractive. They also have a greater sense of smell than men. Probably coded in their DNA to smell when to change the diaper from their newborns. Women are more fragile, have brittle bones and can feel pain more easily than men. They have a much thinner layer of skin, which is why they need make up, unlike men.

All these subtitles and more is why you'll never draw like a woman. And why a trans person will never be a real girl by chopping off their dick and taking HRT. Being a woman is hardwired in the genetic code.

>> No.3927869

stfu you sexist white nazi scum!

man and woman are the same, sex is just a social concept you brainlet incel!

>> No.3927873

Noice b8 m8

>> No.3927874


>> No.3927875
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>> No.3927877
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>> No.3927879
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>> No.3927885
File: 188 KB, 1273x1896, IMG_20190504_085127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think >>3927879 is a dude but it's a girly artwork so

>> No.3927890

I like this and I think you're cute :)

>> No.3927893

Inazuma Eleven Fan Art, that's a guy, so which one of you is gay?

>> No.3927898
File: 70 KB, 465x796, 413256784312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to draw like a girl though? In most cases none gives a shit about wheter its a boy or a girl who drew something.

>> No.3927900
File: 91 KB, 713x1134, IMG_20180724_203352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or it's just a fujoshi artist

>> No.3927902
File: 76 KB, 511x672, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3927910
File: 93 KB, 700x990, IMG_20190512_203449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give the poor lad a break lol

>> No.3927912

kek this is inoffensive as fuck
any reason is good to get on your soapbox these days

>> No.3927915


good luck staying single, incel.

>> No.3927917

This baffles me to a great extent. I’m pretty sure there’s no secret on the art itself but who or what it’s for. For example, bnha has many art made by women because of all the fujo bait and mlp (or any other show with waifus) has many male artists.

>> No.3927923
File: 1.92 MB, 1000x1348, 222011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 another girls vs boys argument
It's as simple as girls commonly draw cute and girly stuff while boys draw sexy and mechanical stuff. People will deviate but these are just my examples. You dont need to overcomplicate it

>> No.3927925

The point is that comment is completely unnecessary and to an extent lessens the hard work she put into creating a piece of art. Things like this aren’t flattering. It’s weird and makes people uncomfortable. Of course you can easily dismiss this because no one has ever or would ever say something like that to you.

>> No.3927927

>to an extent lessens the hard work she put into creating a piece of art


>> No.3927928

Or the artist could just dismiss it for the sake of not bringing even more attention and drama to it

>> No.3927932

Also >>3927925
>to an extent lessens the hard work she put into creating a piece of art. Things like this aren’t flattering
If artists nowadays aren't insecure and knows their self worth, they wouldn't really be affected by a measly comment

>> No.3927934
File: 1.95 MB, 480x270, 1543287540134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If woman are triggered this easily now wonder they cannot match man in any competitive environment.

>> No.3927935

Anon, those aren't even human

>> No.3927938

But anon, I'm a girl...

>> No.3927939

>good luck staying single
Haha retarded esl, you're implying that it's hard for him to be single but then call him incel.

Have sex.

>> No.3927944
File: 354 KB, 1800x1800, katya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3927945

Women are the Jews of art and only create what they can make profit from, like drawings for anime conventions and tumblr kids.

>> No.3927946

Does she have an artstation or a personal website where she posts her art?

>> No.3927947

>here's zero sexual undertones etc.
>this picture

>> No.3927948


>> No.3927949
File: 128 KB, 1354x2048, IMG_20190512_111710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows a small portion of skin
>it's sexualized!!
Why you sexualizing her bru that's just creepy

>> No.3927952

Unappealing as fuck.

>> No.3927954


>> No.3927958

girls can't into straight lines, only curves.

>> No.3927961
File: 120 KB, 1102x1102, IMG_20180916_101408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3927962
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>> No.3927963
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>> No.3927965
File: 1.08 MB, 733x982, IMG_20180928_194420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3927966

Every woman knows how to use grid with snap on option to draw mechs.

>> No.3927969

Stop taking the bait, woman

>> No.3927971

I don't take orders from nazi incel genetic trash.

>> No.3927978

This is your brain on /pol/.

>> No.3927980


>> No.3927987
File: 512 KB, 1447x2039, IMG_20180721_120038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl tho? Why are you so insecure?
Are you ugly?

>> No.3927989
File: 91 KB, 369x364, 1555455349306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are the Jews of art

>> No.3927991

>feeling the need to vent about such trivial shit publicly
>"ohh I'm so hip and desired ;)"

phew ego much. That guy is a bit cringe but her response crushed his cringe levels tenfold

>> No.3927992

>Are you ugly?

>> No.3927993

I find it really typical that I have to justify my existence here just because I am a feminist.

So typical of white racists.

>> No.3927995

her eyes are drawn by a girl, but her body is drawn by a 40 year old boomer

>> No.3927999
File: 229 KB, 750x435, 1543400196021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop with that falseflagging before you trigger someone anon

>> No.3928001


>> No.3928002
File: 187 KB, 1458x1268, IMG_20180725_015441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white racists
..I'm not white either

>I have to justify my existence here
yeesh. You're just embarrassing yourself

>> No.3928003

please let's talk about qt female art instead of pol shit

>> No.3928004


>> No.3928005
File: 69 KB, 600x849, 8b988e1dbb92dcbe792ce8e4dc13b137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl sitting on bench and being cute

female artists have so much soul

>> No.3928006
File: 230 KB, 700x518, 252edc1ed7a52608279931828f644d4a551b594c8a5143bd1161ab318078249f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it

>> No.3928007

And I am black, so I cannot be racist myself. You are a subconscious racist, you just don't know that, you pos white supremacist!

>> No.3928014
File: 99 KB, 806x1265, IMG_20180617_100159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still bringing up the race card out of nowhere
Ok? Like I've said, you're too insecure and offended. Stop taking the bait and just post cute shit with me

>> No.3928017

Stop trolling this hard, NIGGER

>> No.3928019
File: 107 KB, 960x679, 42096583_2122522117806270_4595813120676462592_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because everyone is racist and it is our job as liberated woman of color to point all racism out!

Also associating cute art with what society calls "woman" is sexist af! You've been brainwashed, sister!

>> No.3928020

this is qt, blog?

>> No.3928021
File: 1.23 MB, 1763x2429, IMG_20180723_205731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoving american political agenda
lmao nevermind you're not worth replying anymore

Sorry anon can't remember. I saved it a long time ago

>> No.3928023

By making it about her looks. If she wasn’t pretty, would they have still commented? Followed? But even then, why are you taking into account her looks in the first place? She is posting her art, not a selfie.

Yeah, you can dismiss it, but things like this are legitimately annoying and creepy for nearly every female artist that gets them. If you give people an inch, they’ll take a mile.

Except it’s not a measly comment. You’ll never understand because you’re not a woman.

>> No.3928024

>that's just creepy
because you assume he's bad looking, if you considered him sexy you would consider it hot

>> No.3928026

Women are the Jews of everything

>> No.3928033

>Except it’s not a measly comment. You’ll never understand because you’re not a woman.
It isn't a measly comment only if you blow it out of proportion like she did. Grow a thicker skin holy shit, delete the comment, push the ignore button, anything but giving them attention. There are retards everywhere on the Internet and no amount of twitter of facebook posts will change anything, get over yourself.

>> No.3928034
File: 90 KB, 700x950, IMG_20180725_015930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you give people an inch, they’ll take a mile.
Then don't? If you emotionally reacted to their comments, then you're letting yourself be affected by these posts. I know they are annoying but you really shouldn't respond to their advances

>you’re not a woman
I'm a girl. Can't a girl not be chill and offended?

>> No.3928035


>> No.3928036
File: 949 KB, 899x741, IMG_20180725_015616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3928039

>By making it about her looks.

But it is not, he said both her art and looks are beautiful. She was making it about him making it about her looks.

>If she wasn’t pretty, would they have still commented? Followed?

Dunno. Do you know? Why does it matter- she get's more attention if her looks were the reason for a comment. Guys don't get that kind of advantage we do.

>But even then, why are you taking into account her looks in the first place? She is posting her art, not a selfie.

I am not, she has a enormous big nose, but that guy that commented tried to be nice and said her looks match her art. He didn't say "you are hot, wanna sex? btw your art suxxx lol".

>> No.3928045

Get over myself? I’m here saying someone has every right to be upset after being diminished by someone, yet you’re saying it’s stupid for anyone to react in any way to a comment on their own post? Get over yourself.

I find that hard to believe. Do you think you get points for being “chill” and not “offended”? Women are constantly patronized in everyday life and online. They have every right to react the way they do. If you’re on a crowded subway and some guy tries to feel you up, will you just let him do it cause you’re so chill, or do you call him out for the creep he is? Do you think cat calling is a form of flattery? The whole point is if someone is commenting on HER post, and HER looks, she can react however the hell she wants to. If it makes her uncomfortable, she has every right to express that.

>> No.3928048

She posted her art. He should be commenting on the art and nothing else because everything else is irrelevant to the image she posted.

>> No.3928052

So now we are done talking how is supposedly lessening the hard work she put into creating a piece of art?

>> No.3928053

>yet you’re saying it’s stupid for anyone to react in any way to a comment on their own post?
Is it actually your first day on the Internet or are you that retarded?

>> No.3928055
File: 87 KB, 690x706, 1556831808060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find that hard to believe. Do you think you get points for being “chill” and not “offended”? Women are constantly patronized in everyday life and online. They have every right to react the way they do. If you’re on a crowded subway and some guy tries to feel you up, will you just let him do it cause you’re so chill, or do you call him out for the creep he is? Do you think cat calling is a form of flattery? The whole point is if someone is commenting on HER post, and HER looks, she can react however the hell she wants to. If it makes her uncomfortable, she has every right to express that.
might want to get that victim complex checked, sister

>> No.3928056

STFU you are not a woman so you are not allowed to have an opinion on that, sexist scum incel!

>> No.3928057

Sooo when's Tumblr going to be back? I think we do need that containment website after all

>> No.3928058

not that anon but this is some serious sjw shit..

the woman in that post was fishing for attention aka "look I'm getting such disgusting messages daily, ohh what I chore I'm so popular I'd let you know~". Meanwhile the random dude just left some low effort comment without any bad intention, probably one of many that day. Way to blow it out of proportion and go witch hunting the fuckin male populace geez..

>> No.3928062

What? By commenting about things besides her art, he is still lessening the hard work she put into it. They go hand in hand.

How am I retarded? You’re telling me that people shouldn’t have an emotional reaction to someone else’s comments of their work? This isn’t some stupid debate or post over a specific topic. It’s about someone spending hours on a piece of work and expressing themselves, only to be shot down. Yeah, that tends to leave people a little more bitter than if it was just a stupid reply to a text post or something.

I don’t have a victim complex whatsoever. If you were a “sister”, you would be in agreement that she can react however she wants. She’s posting fucking art.

I’ve literally never been active on Tumblr or even consider myself a SJW. Do you really think that only Tumblr users are sick of how gross men feel the need to act? I’m a young woman living in 2019 and I, along with many others, are tired of it.

That’s the whole point of why people point comments like these out. You say it’s low effort and harmless, but the thing is, it bothers people and makes them uncomfortable. I could poke you with my finger in your side thinking it’s harmless, but maybe it hurts??? Why is this such a hard concept to grasp? Being a respectable human being shouldn’t be difficult.

>> No.3928063
File: 100 KB, 1200x1233, IMG_20180725_020210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you’re on a crowded subway and some guy tries to feel you up, will you just let him do it cause you’re so chill, or do you call him out for the creep he is?
Of course not. I'd take the extra measure to avoid encountering this situation and this is physical harrassment we're talking here. The screenshot above is just an online comment. Like nigga, just look away, close your monitor, go outside lol.

>The whole point is if someone is commenting on HER post, and HER looks, she can react however the hell she wants to. If it makes her uncomfortable, she has every right to express that.
Ok I (kinda?) get where you're coming from. I think what she did is right and appropriate. In my experience I ignore a few occassional orbiter posts but if they're continuous I'd probably be at my wits end too. This is why I said in my prev post not to entertain posts like >>3927890. We're on a vietnamese rice farming forum after all, grow a thicker skin.

>I find that hard to believe. Do you think you get points for being “chill” and not “offended”?
Because I'm tired of seeing posts by people who get overly offended by the smallest of things. It's not that deep.

>> No.3928066
File: 689 KB, 3000x3493, IMG_20180723_213952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3928067

>By commenting about things besides her art, he is still lessening the hard work she put into it.


If I say A, btw B, that it mean that A I said is less? WTF? I think anatomy is great on that piece, good job! BTW I just had a coffee, forgot to add sugar so it was bitter. How does it affect my first comment? Stop being so sensitive, we are strong woman we can handle more than man do, not less!

>> No.3928070

Okay... but the whole problem is that it IS that deep. Professionals and everyday regular women get treated like this constantly, and have been since forever. Why would you work your ass off in your specific field for someone to diminish your work? Why are women told to “smile more”? Why do they feel the need to comment about our looks, how we dress, if were wearing too little or too much of something? This isn’t just about a comment on ArtStation or the internet. It’s a real life thing that makes people feel less than every single day. I don’t want to live in a world where people have to feel that way. You’re not being chill, you’re being complicit.

>> No.3928071
File: 59 KB, 744x686, 28660412_798152490376546_2433702300124971008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again...

>> No.3928074

Because it’s about her WORK. Is she holding up a print and showing her face? Is she posing next to her monitor with the artwork displayed? Your example is stupid and doesn’t relate to the topic at all. You’re talking about them, then yourself.
>we are strong woman we can handle more than man do

Lmao... We shouldn’t have to? By saying this you just make it seem more apparent that you’re actually a guy.

>> No.3928075

No, this is stupid and I don’t agree with it at all. I don’t expect men to hold doors open for me, and I have no issue with holding a door open for a man.

It’s possible for people to want to be treated fairly without being this extreme. Your issue is that you cannot see the grey in between the “chill cool guy’s girl” and the extreme “feminist.”

>> No.3928076

>not to entertain posts like >>3927890 (You)
k I was being honest though :)

> I could poke you with my finger in your side thinking it’s harmless, but maybe it hurts???
hm that's stretching it a bit, I don't really want to be physically touched by you. After all let's not discard the context nor intentions of the said individual. It's easy to just deliberately misunderstand and brush off any mildly questionable remark as something offensive and hurtful. I don't blame you, it's the modern environment which leads sensitive people like you to become overly paranoid. The world isn't black and white, try not to label everything as bad and utterly destructive, onee-chan.

>> No.3928080

>Because it’s about her WORK. Is she holding up a print and showing her face? Is she posing next to her monitor with the artwork displayed?

No she is not. That makes that comment about her looks even less relevant to art. So how it being completely not related to her art makes it to lessen the hard work she put into it?

>Your example is stupid and doesn’t relate to the topic at all.

My example of a two unrelated opinions not affecting each other doesn't relate to a situation where as you said everything else is irrelevant to the image she posted?

>You’re talking about them, then yourself.

And black color is darker than white color. Didn't realize ITT we post the most obvious statements.

>Lmao... We shouldn’t have to?

EXACTLY! Finally some agreement! Let's stop making up excuses to come up with a reasons to be offended all the time!

>By saying this you just make it seem more apparent that you’re actually a guy.

I find it really offensive, either you apologize, or you are going to look like a toxic person.

>> No.3928082

>I don’t really want to be physically touched by you.
>I don’t really want you to comment about my looks on a post of my art.
It doesn’t matter what his intentions were. That’s the whole point of women that state how they feel about comments like this, cat calling, etc. She never asked. It’s unwarranted, it’s unwanted, it’s unneeded, therefore, it makes her uncomfortable and she expressed that discomfort. Why is this so hard to grasp?

>> No.3928086

What's the difference between catcalling and a complement?

>> No.3928088

>Being a respectable human being shouldn’t be difficult.
No, of course not, but you know that there's thousands of retards and backwards pajeets roaming the net telling women to show vagene and whatnot and no amount of twitter rants will make them leave or change. That's the sad reality of things.
You can get pissy about it and lose time and energy trying to fight them. Or you can get the fuck over it and delete or block them- you know, that thing you can do on the Internet.

>> No.3928091

There are white supremacists on Twitter and people who think women should be baby makers anon. What's your point? I could find more women should stay in the kitchen tweets then you could "ahhh sjws"

>> No.3928092

>6-10+ hours on full illustration
>Wow, I can finally share this image that I worked so hard on!
>Nice pic, btw ur eyes are pretty teehee:)

How do you not see that diminishing? It’s taking away from her hard work. Why was her work alone not enough to warrant a comment? Why did he feel the need to bring what she looked like into it? What would he have said instead, if anything at all, had she been unattractive? There’s no point or reason to have said it. At all.

>> No.3928096

An example of a compliment:
Wow, your new hair cut really suits you, anon! – Your coworker, friend, family member, peer, etc.

Cat-calling: Someone you don’t know feeling the need to give their unwanted opinion on your physical appearance

>> No.3928097

>There are white supremacists on Twitter and people who think women should be baby makers anon.

You realize that a number of KKK members is less than number of transgender people? Why are we even talking about white supremacists? They are just like seven irrelevant people worldwide.

>What's your point?

Not sure, I didn't talk about white supremacist, you did.

>? I could find more women should stay in the kitchen tweets then you could "ahhh sjws"


Calm down you are making less and less sense as you go emotional.

>> No.3928100

White supremacists are not limited to the KKK? 7? That’s so low from the actual number that it goes past the realms of just being a joke. You’re a complete idiot.

>> No.3928101

?!!??????!!!?!!? You are going in circles, sister.

He said her art is beautiful. ON TOP OF THAT he was nice and said she has beautiful eyes. HOW IS THAT DIMINISHING in any way to the amount of hours she has put in? He never said "Your eyes are beautiful, that surely is a sign of a person that doesn't work hard".

> It’s taking away from her hard work.

HOW? How can you be so delusional? I don't recall a single instance of someone saying I have beautiful eyes and me feeling like he has a hidden agenda of diminishing anything else at the same time.

> Why was her work alone not enough to warrant a comment?

How do you know if it wasn't? STOP MAKING THINGS UP!

>What would he have said instead, if anything at all, had she been unattractive?

Not sure I understand this one.

Still waiting for my apology, don't be toxic!

>> No.3928103

>White supremacists are not limited to the KKK?

They are not obviously, but if white supremacists were anything else than a meme used by far left all the time, KKK numbers would be more than the joke that they are.

>You’re a complete idiot.

Here we go again- no arguments, just name calling. Calm down, sweetie!

>> No.3928104

>How am I retarded? You’re telling me that people shouldn’t have an emotional reaction to someone else’s comments of their work?
Of course not. But do you really think giving these idiots any sort of attention is the right answer? Really? I think reacting in such a way would be pretty RETARDED indeed. You can try spinning it into some grander issue of sexism and patronizing but we're on the Internet here, where you can mute, delete, block and report people for the dumb shit they say.

>> No.3928107

Haha alright, well you be you.

>> No.3928108

OK, so it goes down to you knowing the person complementing you, or not. So if those two artists know each other it is not catcalling at all?

>> No.3928112
File: 1.92 MB, 3663x4579, 2ff474f788d8a5aba87fb51549c8ae2ae6c6aaa11cf93a-Uo3dsT (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here a cute non sjw-lgbt girl to calm the mood

>> No.3928113
File: 207 KB, 1280x1849, 1555033056289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more

>> No.3928118

you too :)

>> No.3928119

BECAUSE IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT SHE POSTED. I can’t even give you a real world example because you’re clearly living in some sort of idealistic bubble. She CLEARLY didn’t like the comment and took offence to it. That ALONE proves my point.

You don’t need to be in the KKK to hold the same views as the KKK. Wth are you even getting at? Go back to /pol/.
And I did have an argument. And like a true man, you can’t even speak to a woman without trying to patronize her. Do you not see the irony?

Just because she did it, doesn’t mean I encourage people to do it or have done it myself. My whole point of even commenting in this thread was to say that she has every right to, should she choose it. It’s her page, her art. Just because you *can* take it and just mute/block, doesn’t mean you should always have to back down to someone when they’ve done something to annoy or upset you. Also, by calling one person out, it can deter others that have/had the intention to do something similar. You can say it’s harmless all you won’t, but you can’t change how it makes the person on the receiving end feel.

That was just an example of how they could be different. It’s not a cut and dry subject and depends person to person. However in this instance, she clearly doesn’t know the guy, and she didn’t like the comment. I’m not going to get into shit like workplace harassment or stalker exes or any of that, but my original post can be somewhat of a general difference.

>> No.3928122

>Just because she did it, doesn’t mean I encourage people to do it or have done it myself. My whole point of even commenting in this thread was to say that she has every right to, should she choose it. It’s her page, her art. Just because you *can* take it and just mute/block, doesn’t mean you should always have to back down to someone when they’ve done something to annoy or upset you.
Fair enough. I don't think it'd be effective in deterring people from doing it though, really.

>> No.3928125
File: 811 KB, 200x177, 1551029703480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And like a true man, you can’t even speak to a woman without trying to patronize her. Do you not see the irony?
Soo are you being facetious or do you actually hate men

>> No.3928126


EXCACTLY. Nothing to do with art. How can it diminish it if it has nothing to do with it????

>I can’t even give you a real world example

I could. I did.

>because you’re clearly living in some sort of idealistic bubble

No, it is because logic is not your strong point.

>She CLEARLY didn’t like the comment and took offence to it. That ALONE proves my point.

No, it doesn't. What kind of argument is that?
I feel like you calling me a man makes you a toxic person and I feel like a toxic person should not be allowed to spread it's toxic behavior over the internet. That ALONE proves my point and you should leave ic forever!

Still waiting for my apology.

>> No.3928132
File: 168 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180721_021404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I accidentally erased my initial long post
I get what you're saying but overreacting and blowing things out of proportion isn't really gonna help the real issues you mentioned. Those are just online comments. >>3927890 is directly at but i don't really care. >>3928076 is just a comment by a rando that can be easily ignored. I can understand if it's a sexual comment but it's really not. It's things like these that makes people not take us seriously. Grow a thicker skin and stop getting microaggressive at the smallest things.

>> No.3928133

>You don’t need to be in the KKK to hold the same views as the KKK.

Which doesn't change the fact, that " if white supremacists were anything else than a meme used by far left all the time, KKK numbers would be more than the joke that they are".

>Wth are you even getting at? Go back to /pol/.

Not liking how the argument goes, and patronizing me asking to leave? Don't think so, honey!

>And I did have an argument.

Just not very good one.

>And like a true man, you can’t even speak to a woman without trying to patronize her. Do you not see the irony?

Aww, look at you sweet poor silly thing, all triggered and silly.

>> No.3928148
File: 48 KB, 624x523, IMG_20180617_142757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3928132 again. To the other anon, I think we're going to disagree no matter what we say but whatever. I think I've made my own point clear, hopefully. I'm just here to post cute stuff and I gotta go to work early morning tomorrow. Please take a chill and stop being offended on behalf of other girls

>> No.3928150

That’s you. Not everybody can or wants to do that. And like I said for the millionth time already, it’s her art/profile and she as an individual can react however she wants to.

White supremacy is not a meme by the far left. That sounds like something a woman hating racist incel would say.

>> No.3928151
File: 161 KB, 1262x1800, 713b4cb3c1d389b46498926fca595c32f1e4ef3325467-M8rdC0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3928154
File: 282 KB, 800x1768, f9e1a2bc76507e4e51fe63657e79e4f799684f7146980-qS9zpq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3928155

I really don’t think I need to chill. In order for things to be better, unaffected people have to take a stance as well, but whatever. Have a nice day at work tomorrow.

>> No.3928157

I can literally hear you sizzling breh

>> No.3928158
File: 55 KB, 1080x1080, smug anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White supremacy is not a meme by the far left.

>> No.3928160

Thanks for the entertainment, gals

>> No.3928162

i'm a woman and still dont understand anon, it's a comment on the internet made by a random, that kind of stuff you just read and forget like in 0.5 milisecond, unless you're butthurted cuz you dont recive common bad behaviour in your life to make a scene and want to play victim with whatever shit happens to you just cuz it's trendy nowadays and will get you likes and comments of how a hero you are for being an empowered women
>"there there, you did good, for your amazing self felatio wimin <3 "

and yeah you can feel upset for get a comment that doesn't focus on your art but in your self apparence, it happend to me, i used to have a facebook page were put my art and my photos, my photos were the one that get more likes and comments than my art, to the point people even didnt know i draw, even tho i only post photos of me like once a month, and those werent even sexy pics lol, it hurts at first but you have to learn how to take advantage of that, one day entered a draw contest, the finalist need likes to win, post photos of me asking for likes, win first place, got a new tablet, a book and promotion of my art,
unless you catch a creep who can potentially hurt you or mess with your mental health, all random on the internet are only that, randoms on the internet
you can ALSO, not post any of your photos or have a personal account for that, thats one of the mainly things why i frequent 4chan, it's exactly cuz they dont know who you are and can make an honest attempt on your art and dont try to hit on you

and as this anon said
>He didn't say "you are hot, wanna sex? btw your art suxxx lol".
he was like the most generic kind of flattering NO ONE GIVES A FUCK xDDD
if he was stalking her and posting lots of this kind of comments yeaaah it get scary and better take care of this situation, but ONE TIME ????? MMMM

damn gurl, if women are really this fragile looks like we ngmi


>> No.3928163

I’m not, I genuinely meant that.

>> No.3928164
File: 43 KB, 745x815, 16938513_1464878383530727_2645994078462638668_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ehrehr, btw incel

OK, OK, calm down sweetheart!

>> No.3928165
File: 1.11 MB, 1446x1446, 1557564551926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, anon.

>> No.3928166

>white asians

wow I'm getting erect. No offense ladies

>> No.3928168

you're qt when you're angry. I genuinely mean that.

>> No.3928171

>damn gurl, if women are really this fragile looks like we ngmi

We are stronger than that!
How can we achieve anything if every little thing triggers us?

>> No.3928175

But she took offence to it. Then people here said she shouldn’t be offended, to which I’ve been saying that she has every right to as it’s her own work. His comment in particular, yes, was not as bad as some weirdos, but it still was enough to make the artist uncomfortable and feel the need to put it out there.

I said “sister” because they referred to me as sister. It was sarcasm, hence the quotations.

>> No.3928181

>But she took offence to it. Then people here said she shouldn’t be offended, to which I’ve been saying that she has every right to as it’s her own work.

Still- she shouldn't. She has every right to, she is a free person. But she shouldn't. It makes her and every one of us look silly and weak.

>but it still was enough to make the artist uncomfortable and feel the need to put it out there.

And people are gonna comment on that.

>> No.3928182

>I said “sister” because they referred to me as sister. It was sarcasm, hence the quotations.
sorry pal, miss that out

>but it still was enough to make the artist uncomfortable and feel the need to put it out there.
and this reinforce what i said, we cant be this fragile, just imagine a regular daily basis life?

>> No.3928184
File: 73 KB, 600x818, IMG_20180721_020647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>damn gurl, if women are really this fragile looks like we ngmi
hhhh I said I'm gonna sleep but lemme just say once I agree with this 100%. It's quite a paradox. People keep pushing the idea that girls should be stronk and equally treated, and I completely agree with that, but then given a small inconvenience and some girls immediately regress and play the victim card. What's up with that? Quit being fragile as fuck gurl.

Have a nice day too, anon

>> No.3928185

>was enough to make the artist uncomfortable
the word artist is being used carelessly nowadays

>> No.3928192

Okay, I get what you’re saying. But it’s still counterproductive to say that woman shouldn’t have emotion and be strong because we are equal. I myself don’t think it’s healthy how a lot of men feel as if they always have to put on a front. I don’t see having emotion as a weakness. I don’t think sticking up for yourself and clearly defining your boundaries is weakness either.

>> No.3928210

>I myself don’t think it’s healthy how a lot of men feel as if they always have to put on a front.

Woman don't react emotionally the same way men do on average (neuroticism aspect of personality).

> I don’t see having emotion as a weakness.

Negative emotions are a big weakness in a competitive world. Unless you want to lobotomize man and force equality of outcome as an opposite to equality of chance you are gonna have to fight to be the best in any field. Fighting is easier if you don't have to fight with negative emotions on top of other problems.

>I don’t think sticking up for yourself and clearly defining your boundaries is weakness either.

Sticking up for yourself is agreeableness (counter positive- less= generally better than too much), it is a desired trade and it is not the same thing as above.

>> No.3928215
File: 274 KB, 900x1143, the_divine_tragedy_by_suzzan_blac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we're not drawing cute boys, we're drawing girls in cute outfits (emphasis on cute)
OP ignore this bullshit.
THIS is what girls actually draw like.

>> No.3928219

having emotions it's not a weakness
being oversensitive because someone said "you look good" its a weakness

>> No.3928223

>being oversensitive because someone said "you look good" its a weakness


>> No.3928224

based and ice-pilled

>> No.3928225
File: 412 KB, 1024x1474, scp_2191_by_husohuso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more real girl art.

>> No.3928272
File: 121 KB, 893x1155, DGpk4JDUwAc51w4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more real girl art

>> No.3928279
File: 918 KB, 600x863, deathbed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3928280
File: 69 KB, 663x662, DumfeOoUYAAamho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3928281
File: 242 KB, 1200x675, DNLws5NUQAASVlH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3928289
File: 74 KB, 332x425, 1553867542105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about women and art
>emotionally distraught women having a breakdown over white supremacy
I hate you all. This is why I can't find any female art friends. You're all BPD leftoid crazies. And most of you are neither talented nor dedicated. Fuck you.

>> No.3928292
File: 285 KB, 1024x963, potter22-1024x963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure women across the world are heartbroken they can't be art friends with you.

>> No.3928298

hey now you're really turning me on

>> No.3928300

you're pretty and your eyes are beautiful :)

>> No.3928301
File: 590 KB, 900x974, 1535815503629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm really makes you think doesn't it?
You're probably on r9k right now crying about not having a gf but you talk brainless nonsense like this.

>> No.3928309

I know you really want my attention, you crazy bitch. Go draw and maybe you'll accumulate enough skill to make up for your rotten personality.

>> No.3928311

If you're gonna beg for attention that much pyw

>> No.3928315
File: 3.47 MB, 330x336, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3928319

I'm just joshing with you anon.. :[

>> No.3928324

>can't take banter
Fuck off normalfag

>> No.3928326
File: 336 KB, 2000x3600, DXw4tzoUQAAzAqQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think these are pretty rad but alas I lack experience and can only draw cute people ;_;

>> No.3928330
File: 1.61 MB, 752x1000, man woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

above woman art
down man art

Is there any detail that I'm missing to differentiate male from female?

>> No.3928331

I came here thinking there were gonna be tips on fashion and aesthetics, but it's just a femanon being oversensitive.

>> No.3928333

there really isn't, just draw what interests you

>> No.3928334

>Is there any detail that I'm missing to differentiate male from female?
if it's good chances are a man made it

>> No.3928336


>> No.3928337

>woman building models
Yeah right

>> No.3928338

You sound like a cunt yourself.

>> No.3928343

can some of you post feetsies or ampits?

>> No.3928344

that's a yikes from me

>> No.3928351

Transitioning advice belongs in >>>/lgbt/.

>> No.3928354

im a male feminist and i want girls to step on me to atone for my sins a man. i want them to sit on my face i want punishment

>> No.3928361

have sex (with me)

>> No.3928363


>> No.3928365
File: 176 KB, 332x332, 1516811637457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know whats going on in this thread but I accept your concession.

>> No.3928370

I can't tell if /ic/ really has this many femcels or is just the best at larping but either way this thread was a goddamn ride

>> No.3928371

Damn right I am a cunt.
But I'll be a cunt to your face. I'm honest that way.

>> No.3928374

I also am a bit of a brainlet.

>> No.3928377

first you need to have a wife first then cheat on another e-celeb youtuber


>> No.3928381

i want you to put your cunt on my face

>> No.3928383

agreed, thanks to all the fems and crazies for being good sports

>> No.3928387

I like this post, because I agree with its opinion, not that I look for female art friends or anything...

>> No.3928388

don't have sex with him

>> No.3928389

>tfw you larped as a girl and generated a shitstorm

>> No.3928395
File: 107 KB, 800x1222, 817091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are both cute in your own way

>> No.3928398

Why are you hitting on me?
Seriously. Have sex.

>> No.3928399
File: 59 KB, 900x900, 1518554705744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls are fucking retarded dude lmao

>> No.3928401

Aw stop being insecure, I don't want to get physically close to anybody from 4chan, anon-kun :)

>> No.3928404

I think its just a couple femanons and a few larpers that attracted one crazy retard

>> No.3928412

damn, sweaty, go take two chill pills and come back in the morning ;)

>> No.3928420
File: 46 KB, 610x406, 10369197_10207987274661571_3922213499411160384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a thread.
Triggered girls calling names.
I thought I am on /robot for second.

>> No.3928425

ladies ladies, stop fighting. there's plenty of me to go around.

>> No.3928446
File: 220 KB, 450x450, 1517441616938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 matches for "yikes"
>7 matches for "incel"
>4 matches for "have sex"
Kill yourselves.

>> No.3928449

bitch, i was told to smile more my whole life cause I've always been a sad sack of shit, it just so happens that many women, just happen to be sad sacks of shit too. They tell you to smile more because your sad face dampens everyone else's mood.

>> No.3928458
File: 65 KB, 390x768, 1546859559740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is fun to read through tbhdesu

>> No.3928459
File: 968 KB, 338x230, 4184_34f9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are man not harassed online, or are woman easily triggered and report harassment to the public more often for exposure?

>> No.3928466

Drawing like a girl won't make you a girl


>> No.3928468

I want to be a princess.

>> No.3928475

I’ll give you the formula anon: just focus on detailed, emotional eyes

>> No.3928477

What OP probably meant was how to draw in a delicate and elegant manner whereas your drawing would appeal to the masses and wouldn't be abrasive.

If your work gives the impression of the feminine you're on the right track.

>> No.3928491

i think females approach art through the impact of the visual,
while male art it's more technical

>> No.3928495

finally a decent non-brainlet dude

>> No.3928498

What's the secret behind this pic

it looks like it's made of playdooh or something. Is this even [ainted?

>> No.3928508

OK fine. I'll take (1) /ic/ bf. But you have to be a cute subby boy who calls me mommy. I'll wait.

>> No.3928509
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, 1461428144361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3928514

>not taking an /ic/ harem

>> No.3928538

I'm cute, selfish, and stubborn. I like sensei-type women, and I want you to teach me for cram school so I can pass the Tokyo university entrance exam. You can hold onto my plain white shirt while I'm giving you a ride on my bicycle. I'll pretend like I didn't notice. Later at night I'll climb through your window and light up some firecrackers while your sleeping.

>> No.3928544
File: 295 KB, 490x367, 1553116806037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this whole thread is a rollercoaster of larp, roasties, ugly fat sjws, it has it all

>> No.3928548

fuckin love frankoldies art bro

>> No.3928562
File: 176 KB, 715x1013, 1546830521531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's zero sexual undertones etc.
baka female artists have such shit taste in female artists

>> No.3928593
File: 162 KB, 1024x683, 1995-Veil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly the only women I know who draw realistic horror are Suzzan Blac, Husohuso and Laurie Lipton. Too many girls are into kawaii bullshit.

>> No.3928596

t. incel.

t. pedo.

>> No.3928597

hi mommy!!!!! :3

>> No.3928788

Git gud and disguise yourself as a guy. Easy.

>> No.3928790
File: 136 KB, 1050x1400, IMG_20180721_020525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, crazy day huh?

>> No.3928791
File: 135 KB, 1000x1288, IMG_20180919_075815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are neat ngl

>> No.3928801

this is a thinly veiled art-gf-finding thread

>> No.3928811
File: 70 KB, 233x461, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not draw

>> No.3928830

Lmaoing at those legs

>> No.3928838


>> No.3928924
File: 824 KB, 850x1202, sample_ca80e18255fd3c88d06f96df5ce7ea24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I noticed the most is how women draw hands desu. (Skilled) male artists view the hand and fingers as normal tube shapes when constructing them but females imbue a certain romance into hands. Hands are delicate and emotional. Fujoshis will draw yaoi hands and normal females will... it's hard to put into word but there's a certain mood to how they draw hands.

To a lesser extent, random facial scratches/marks too are also female artist things. I'd imagine they're mean to represent blushes. Picrelated I'm 99.8% drawn by a girl.

>> No.3928972
File: 774 KB, 320x240, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3928978

cute boy

>> No.3929111

why are artist always so fancied up, do they like the attention?

>> No.3929119

If someone said my art was as handsome/beautiful as some physical or personal part about me I would be quite flattered. Having a piece of work I worked my ass of and knowing it connects with someone while reflects the artist in a positive image is a huge compliment.

>> No.3929123

based queen

>> No.3929141

hehehe you make it so obvious you are a guy,,, yikes.

you will always be alone, incel trash.

>> No.3929142

>Being a woman is hardwired in the genetic code.
All males contain all of the genetic code that females have (the x chromosome), plus the additional information on the y chromosome. Please do some basic study of genetics.

>> No.3929146
File: 37 KB, 590x584, 12573043_450446121813853_1357482630383452703_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like something a woman hating racist incel would say.

Wow, here you were all along, unattractive single mom in her late 30's. I knew I would come across you when going through this thread.

>> No.3929148

is this why guys can be trannies but not the other way around

>> No.3929153

FtM trans people have an easier time transitioning actually and are statistically as common or more common than MtF trans. The y chromosome's primary function is convert the ovaries into testicles which releases testosterone for masculinization. All humans contain the same 23 pairs of chromosomes which contains all the information needed to develop as a male or as a female, estrogen and testosterone both work exactly the same in all male or female humans. The y chromosome causes you to produce more testosterone and the lack of a y chromosome causes you to stay the default human (female).

>> No.3929156

while you're here, can animals be gay

>> No.3929160

some modern feminists are, so yes.

>> No.3929161

There are animals observed to display sexual behaviors with the same sex for nonsexual purposes (such as displaying dominance) as well as animals observed to only be aroused by and try to mate with the same sex. And there are animals observed to be aroused by and try to mate with both sexes. Often animals who are exclusively attracted to the same sex display other behaviors associated with the opposite sex, it's well established that non-human animals can be gay but the real mystery is if this is gay behavior or actually trans behavior (as in the animal has the instincts and behavior of the opposite sex). In any case animals behaving this way is extremely rare just like it is with humans. (gay humans being about 1 in 100, trans humans being about 1 in 3000)

>> No.3929162

Appreciate your explanation. I wonder if modern times lead people to become deliberately "gay" to follow a trend. Kinda like how birds pull of colorful feather dresses to fish for attention

>> No.3929163

You can't become deliberately gay. You will either be attracted to and aroused by something or not. If it was possible to 'become' gay that would simply mean that all humans are bisexual which is simply not true.

>> No.3929179

It’s not a secret.

>> No.3929186

You're on an art board for Christ sakes. You should know the difference between men and women. +1 for making me respond.

>> No.3929188

>mes and women are different in many obvious ways
True obviously

>womanness is hardcoded in your dna and men lack this coding
Biologically untrue

The difference between males and females is developmental history over the course of your life. The base programming is the same for both with the only exception being the SRY gene. Understand, brainlet?

>> No.3929189

>On an art board
>Has never cracked open an anatomy book

We're done talking here. I have work in an hour.

>> No.3929229

Not in terms of sexual preferences anon, but as a trademark of sorts, a lifestyle . Y'know like people who pretend to be gay to get better jobs and connections etc.

>> No.3929254

Yikes, incel, have sex.

>> No.3929259

>all humans are bisexual which is simply not true.
but it is true, deviations from normal sexuality are all environmental, and with those deviations we come prepatched, to protect ourself and keep us sane and in case of shortcomes of opposite sex. its when you overcome that period and not come to normal sexual behavior when its a problem

>> No.3929267
File: 92 KB, 1080x1152, 28061157_790654114459717_583620590659528443_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The difference between males and females is developmental history over the course of your life.

Scientifically false. Study big 5 personality traits distribution across two genders for starters, then answer why the most egalitarian countries have the biggest gap between man and woman on stem vs humanitarian occupational choices.

Your Feminist Social studies are a joke and are NOT even a science


stop calling people incels and brainlets just because you cannot defend your argument, so your emotions take over and you start calling people names.

>> No.3929269


>> No.3929275

>need makeup

Girls need makeup because they fuck their skin up by constantly washing off all the protective oils as they remove makeup.

Men do have stronger connective tissues tho and feel more firm.

>> No.3929278

Girls need makeup because they feel a need to make themselves look attractive to man against other woman- it is a competition.

>> No.3929382

How about instead we have a fun thread where we post our work and people guess our gender?
I think it’s actually pretty hard to tell sometimes but there are a few indicators I’ve noticed from high school.
>push down on the paper way too fuxking hard, it’s insane. Your constantly digging into the paper and basically leaving indents and making the graphite impossible to erase
Don’t do this and so their artwork is a lot more delicate, literally like the edges of flower petals, the contours have a lot more intricacies

Please compare shone jump to shoujp beat, it’s that easy to see the difference

>> No.3929429
File: 75 KB, 640x631, 27332265_783152815209847_3645838532022301829_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about instead we have a fun thread where we post our work and people guess our gender?

If you post a "guys art" and will say it was done by man you will be right more than 50 times out of 100. If you post "girlish art and you say it was done by a girl you will be right more than 50 times out of 100. What's the point in doing that?

>> No.3929455

emphasize on the eyes and long legs. smaller hands and v-shaped face. cute clothes.

>> No.3929511

your voice sounds cute,

much obliged miss

>> No.3929517

>Just draw like yourself
>your art looks like shit

>> No.3929549

i can't do the looong legs some people do, it looks jarring. men do tend to stick to more realistic proportions.

>> No.3929560

Ignore her anon, she probably ugly and or fat. Cute girls don't care about this shit.

>> No.3929650

ngmi to be a female artist then

>> No.3929661

but i want to pretend to be a cute female artist!

>> No.3929741

Why did 4chan become a gender studies website in 2018?

>> No.3929742

Normalfags flooded the internet

>> No.3929749

By the way, it didn't happen in 2018. 4chan has had tumblr shit discussions since 2010-2011

>> No.3929778

Adding to what this anon said >>3929278 makeup is a product to "make up" your appearance to appear more attractive to mates. It goes back since the dawn of man had to throw rocks at bloodthirsty animals to survive.

A tranny putting on make up is a mentally ill, unstable individual who dismisses this purpose. Xhe/Xhse cannot reproduce for the 6 foot tall Neanderthal who swings a mighty sock full of rocks. It has no purpose masking its face with fluffy tinted powder and eyeliner.

>> No.3929781

I'm not a fan of trannys, but using muh biological purpose argument is so lazy.

>> No.3929783

So a woman that uses makeup once she's hit menopause is mentally ill too?

>> No.3929804

I have way more female watchers but my style is not delicate or pastely, so what's going on

>> No.3929929

yikes. brainwashed bitch.

>> No.3930056

mmm... 3d volume comprehension + understanding of light and color reflection + practice.

>> No.3930060

True. Having soul and technical precision at the same time is complicated.

>> No.3930065

>implying gender studies wasn't started by 4chin pushed into normplebs education factories since 2009

>> No.3930068
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>> No.3930090

just look for images that you like and analyze. don't be lazy.

>> No.3930106

>They have a much thinner layer of skin, which is why they need make up, unlike men.
What the actual fuck, you don't need to wear makeup and it most certainly fucks up your skin.
I fucking love women without makeup, I wish you'd all feel not so obligated to go into clown mode 24/7

>> No.3930111

I'm neither a woman nor white knighting, but I'm pretty sure women are just annoyed at everyone always defauting on compliments on their appearance. Might make them feel superficial and useless besides being cute, maybe?

>> No.3930147

What the fuck's going on in this thread?

>> No.3930150
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This. I don't get the western women's obsession with layers of makeup on their face. But then again I'm a complete brainlet at makeup but do take extra measures to take care of my face so I can go for a no-makeup look.
t. asian grill

>they fuck their skin up by constantly washing off all the protective oils as they remove makeup.
Can confirm this. Applying too much shit on the face can compromise your face's moisture barrier thus leading to an acne-prone skin. Also men for some reason have a higher acidic ph on skin so chances of getting acne are lesser than girls

>> No.3930184

Are you pro-women or anti-women? What are women?

>> No.3930185

That guy is probably an awkward horny kid or an autistic third worlder.

>> No.3930200
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I wish I could draw like a roastie and make cute art that made people feel good as well, OP

>> No.3930289
File: 282 KB, 1080x1920, 1557666741741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western women's obsession with layers of makeup on their face.

White woman are fat, angry abominations of femininity. They think you can smoke, drink, eat shit and then put paint on a face to mask all of that.

cute Asian conservative girls ftw.

>> No.3930293


And you are probably another triggered feminist that cannot articulate an argument and then hold your ground in a logical discussion, therefore you let your emotions drive your actions, and so the only think you can do is call names.

That guy who was talking about single mothers in their 30's is probably right after all.

>> No.3930301


>> No.3930409 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 480x720, 088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asians are disgusting

>> No.3930415
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>> No.3930425
File: 50 KB, 551x540, 31936685_1913778522025977_2152221971885064192_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there, SJW white uggo female!
Your nazi brother are proud of you!

>> No.3930426

Absolute NGMI

>> No.3930430

What are you on about now

>> No.3930433
File: 2.96 MB, 1960x3947, 1557802143842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About you being ugly white sjw being racist towards Asians. You fellow socialists- Nazis were also racist. You go along well!

>> No.3930436
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>> No.3930437

Ok bait-boi, throw yourself your little buzzword party - posting fat chicks, because I don't want to dick an asian
I'm not saying you have downs but I'm not saying you have ups either

>> No.3930438

Not him but Im literally having 5 different dates with five different girls this week and using these kind of comments isnt offensive at all. This isnt a flex btw, just me pointing out your insults are as retarded as you.

>> No.3930439
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>> No.3930441

lol sure the only date you are having is your hand, toxic incel garbage!

>> No.3930455

no u incel

>> No.3930472

>I'm not saying you have downs but I'm not saying you have ups either


get him, sister/ brother/ thay!

>> No.3930504

That's pretty cringy

>> No.3930531

you are cringy
bigot incel

>> No.3930548
File: 68 KB, 758x646, Jean-Antoine-Watteau-Homme-nu-etendu-et-femme-nue-debout-Copy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Untrue on every level.

>> No.3930551

clearly the worse coin toss of gender is being a woman. You can grow old as a man and don't have to worry about this until you have to use a walking stick.

>> No.3930552

Everyone's an incel even you babe

>> No.3930557


it's 2019, I am a liberated woman and I have sex with different partners all the time, unlike you incel looser.

>> No.3930613

>I have aids!!

>> No.3930616

This thread's autism is the gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.3930630
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Good job girls uwu

>> No.3930632



>> No.3930633
File: 349 KB, 500x351, 1543608902944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing worse than an aids ridden fat roastie. Truly disgusting

>> No.3930634
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>> No.3930677

wtf is going on in here.
this is pure shitposting u guyz

>> No.3930682

If >>3930634 is shitposting, then so is >>3928119