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3927115 No.3927115 [Reply] [Original]

>watch a bunch of artist on youtube recommending cool ass laptops with screens that flip over, pressure sensitive stylus, all the bells and whistles
>"oh it's not the top of the line for professionals or anything, but if you're an amateur on a budget it's great"
>look up on amazon
>all $1200+ (for base model)

Anons is it worth it to upgrade to a touchscreen laptop? I've been using a dinosaur HP laptop and 12 year old wacom tablet forever, I wanted something faster and less clunky.

Any good artist laptop that won't break the bank? Or should I just get a newer wacom and call it a day?

>inb4 iPad
iOS is for NPCs

>> No.3927242


>> No.3927245

up to you. don't get a stylus that's heavy, you'll likely get rsi and stuff later if you do. get one with 8000 levels of pressure sensitivity, screen or not doesn't matter, it's preference. my school had huge cintiqs and i still liked working on my intuos medium more, so i hooked it up to the cintiq and used it as a monitor lmao.

i might get a cintiq a long time from now, but idk. they're just awkward to use unless you have them placed perfectly.

wacom is the best i've used out of every single tablet provider, though, but it's been a couple years since i tried like, the surface.

>> No.3927251
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>iOS is for NPCs
>uses a laptop

ok buddy

>> No.3927262

bro try and be more openminded.
I hate apple and ios but I have to admit it's been the best digital drawing experience I've had as someone who dislikes digital drawing. Literally only apple product I will own

>> No.3927272
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, 1557414578437 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If youre getting anything to draw on digitally... get an ipad my dude.. Ive never owned an Apple product until i bought a 2017 ipad 10.5 pro (second hand) with the apple pencil + keyboard included for cheap on ebay..

Im in love with this fucker and ive been drawing on it non stop... best digital drawing experience ive ever had and its on the go... i take this piece of shit around with me everywhere now <3

>> No.3927276

imma agree , i havent used my intuos since i got my ipad, its actually worth it

>> No.3927286

So much this

>> No.3927287

thanks man, I'll keep that in mind. Interesting about the cintiq, I was hoping to upgrade to a 13 or 15 inch drawing screen, right now I have a 4x6 tablet and it's hell, I think I'd like to have such a big drawing surface

How much did you all pay for the iPad? It looks like the pro with the 12.9in screen is $1.1k+ ... at that point I wonder if I'm not better off getting a new HP and huion display tablet...

>> No.3927299

I hear the non-pro is good as well since it still uses the same pen.
I got the pro cause I had extra money to burn and didn't want to get turned off from drawing more often because of the extra space between the sceen to pen on the non-pro version
imo if you can't tell the difference in store go for the regular version or buy used

>> No.3927318

Get a thinkpad (they even have a cheap ass 10" if you're that much into budget and will last for a long time) and a secondary monitor with high ass color range plus a wacom intuos, you can skip the monitor if you think that's too much to spend.

>> No.3927331

just buy a new lap and graphic tablet

>> No.3927435

Just get an intuos draw