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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3925415 No.3925415 [Reply] [Original]

How does one make drills and grinding fun? There's no way that grinding boxes, faces, gesture, or whatever has to be like pulling teeth. What is the secret?

>> No.3925418

everyday until you like it

>> No.3925422

For me i use it as a tool to help me feel satisfaction. If i practiced then i feel good because im getting a bit better.

I get boxes, but drawing faces or gestures shouldn't be too boring. You need repetition but not the mindless kind. Try and emphasize picking up on mistakes and doing it right over pure grinding repetition. Drawing a face once, but picking up on a mistake, fixing it a bit and noting it as something to improve and be mindful about next drawing is going to be more useful then busting out 10 faces mindlessly.

>> No.3925437

Pretty much this

>> No.3925449

Fuck your meme. I'd like to get good without having suicidal thoughts along with it. It's supposed to be a hobby not a dead end job

>> No.3925460

Wouldn't know. I never did it.

You'd probably be better off doing anatomy studies or architectural studies.

Don't listen to me though, my methods were very inefficient.

>> No.3925505


I am not going to explain further, wasted enough time already discussing this with anons only to get nowhere

try it out, if it helps you good, if not, dont blame, you chose to waste your time like this

btw, I am referring to tracing as a form of drill, and not actual work you show others, or expect it to be a mirror of your skill. when you go and do arm wresting you show your stench by winning, not showing how much push ups you can do, you still need to do the actual activity, which in this case, is drawing from references and drawing from memory

>> No.3925509

In my opinion the best way to have fun doing things like that is to think of interesting ways to apply the concepts to make something cooler than whatever examples are provided. Push yourself and your understanding of the exercise until what you've drawn looks ugly, meaning you've found a new flaw worth improving.

>> No.3925539

You can be good, but i will be better. Hobby is one thing and drawing as career is diffrent story.

>> No.3925784

Why does this have to be a competition? Why does competition have to require suffering?

>> No.3925786

Because artist on average are narcissistic people.

>> No.3925787
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Each study is a challenge to make it as good as possible and yet as accurate as possible to the reference

>> No.3925789

Pick something you like. Draw an existing picture of it 10 times, 30 seconds each using whatever you learned. The best attempt is the one you observe.

>> No.3925795

Don't make 100% of your drawing fundy grinding. Take x amount of time doing your fundies and then spend the other time drawing stuff you like, incorporating what you're learning into it.

If you don't associate the fundies with what you want to draw, you'll just hate the fundies because you won't see the point. It'll just be drawing boxes and figures to you.

>> No.3925800

>grinding...faces, gesture, or whatever has to be like pulling teeth

just draw cute girls and it become fun

>> No.3925815

>I'd like to get good without having suicidal thoughts along with it
Then go to school

>> No.3925830
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>What is the secret?
Draw fun stuff inbetween. When you get bored of grinding draw some hentai titties

>> No.3925836

Also listening to music in the background helps.

>> No.3925853
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>relying on your stench to win arm wrestling

>> No.3925854

wow, minecraft 2 is looking great

>> No.3925865
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Honestly? After doing a research paper and other assorted stuff I found out that if you don't think drills/grinding is fun you'll definitely ngmi.
Not trying to be a dick, you might use discipline as a substitute for "fun" and actually make it, but most of the time if getting to do something isn't automatic and effortless (instead of something you avoid or have to convince yourself to do) you'll probably not gonna be able to evolve enough to get to a professional level. Find a way to make those exercises fun or else.

>> No.3925876
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>What is the secret?
My take on it is that, you don't.
Now hear my out. What I mean by this is that you have to feel the need to make these to really do them properly and find them fun. You have to get started on something, a drawing, a comic, a painting, some project... And you'll naturally encounter places where you'll fuck up. You'll fuck up a hand, faces, feet, hair, whatever. And it's only then that unzip the Hogarth book and the references and start drawing 20 or 100 hands or feet or heads to understand it better in order to finish your drawing. Because you'll NEED it. You have to give purpose (!) to your studies in such a way.
This idea of drilling is asinine. It's useless to draw 1000 bodies as Loomis does it for the sake of it. For an analogy, it's like learning everything you can possibly do with a chisel before even attempting to get started on a sculpture. It doesn't work that way, do you believe Michelangelo cut 20000 marble boxes and arms and then the next morning popped the Pieta out of his ass? Art is a learning process, from the beginning to the end. Do yourself a service and get started on something you'd love to do, anon. You can rectify your fuckups and restart it anytime in the future if you need.

>> No.3925891

understand that your efforts will only improve the things you truly enjoy drawing, and once you see the results you'll keep going.

Struggling to Curl 25 pounds is painful, once you're curling 35 pounds you'll always appreciate the process of struggling for gains, artistically or fitnesswise.

>> No.3925893

Love the process or make yourself love it.

>> No.3925913

lower down ur expectations and treat it like an ongoing puzzle dumbo

>> No.3925916

hnnnggg that body

>> No.3925945

This is very true. Good post anon. Lets say I wanted to draw a cloaked figure but no matter how hard I tried the drapery looked terrible and unnatural.

That would be the case because: I haven't practiced drawing drapery/cloth enough from reference AND imagination enough to get something that looks decent out of my own head.

So now I've identified the main problem that's preventing me from drawing my character. Immediately practicing what I need to learn after I hit that wall is going to make it easier for me to learn it because you are in the mode to apply it to fix your mistakes, its for a purpose and its a problem to solve.

For the old masters, making a new painting involved a lot of time studying before they could bring a sketch to life and execute the finished piece. Its no different for us.

>> No.3926190

IMO grinding is only satisfying when there's a concrete problem you're trying to solve.

If you're just drawing boxes for the sake of it it'll be dull because it won't feel like it's achieving anything real. If you're trying to learn perspective, draw buildings, draw tanks, etc. Start with boxes, but don't just leave it at that.

I usually only draw simple shapes and really fundamental grinding when I'm completely unmotivated and honestly can't be assed to do anything more.

>> No.3926194

Good post anon

>> No.3926256

For me it helps to be curious, which only happens after I’ve tried and failed to draw something in a finished piece.

>> No.3926262

Actually diversifying your output instead of grinding the same 3/4 Loomis face 2000 times helps you much more and it's not soul crushing in the least because you are producing something new every time
Turning art into grinding and routine is suicide for the soul

>> No.3926631

Based and drawpilled.

>> No.3926641
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>when you go and do arm wresting you show your stench by winning

>> No.3926642

A way of making boxes fun is to make boxy aeroplanes. Try taking an image of a plane and drawing it as boxes, making sure to match the perspective you see in the ref, then draw it again from different angles from imagination. You can do this with cylinders and round forms too.

>> No.3926974

This is a really good idea anon

>> No.3927521

Only good post ITT. Grinding fundies is for people who don't like drawing.

>> No.3927589

Drew boxes in perspective properly? Now draw tits in perspective properly

>> No.3927595

Nice anon, imagining Michelangelo chiseling out 100 boxes really pits it in perspective

>> No.3929955

Hold the fuck up, HOLD THE FUCK UP!

I was just told in /beg/ that experimenting and working on what I want to do was a bad idea and that i should work on other fundamentals first.

You telling me that as someone who wants to draw people and pin-ups, should just do it, see whats wrong and work on that? Slowly build up the skills and learn what to do next along the way?

If so, ima bout to be rather upset I wasted so much time nearly burning out on drawing what I see in the world when I could be working on what I wanna do first...

>> No.3930063

both are good. you didn't waste any time

>> No.3930069


Don't listen to this parroting retard. 90% of us haven't even lived long enough to be considered a senior in anything. The age group here is between 18 - 30. Do yourself a "service" and knock out as much practice as possible before you grow old and can't build up the stamina.

>> No.3930272

No anon, you're confusing drilling with practice with study.

Drilling is strictly a means to build and maintain a habit, it's literally so your hand and arm muscles can draw a circle easily when you want to draw a circle, to be able to control your pressure and pulse.

>> No.3930539

Pick a subject you like and want to get better at and base your practice around it.
Instead of grinding boxes do still lives.

>> No.3930547

Grinding boxes is a retarded meme.
Faces and gestures should be fun. If you're really bad at it it won't be fun though. The better you get, the more fun it should become.