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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.46 MB, 1585x1132, how to burn your sketchbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3924058 No.3924058 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys want out of your art?
What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?
What is it that you most desire to create?
Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?
Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
What do you like least about them?
If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
Have you done anything today?
Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
>pic unrelated
It's a mystery to me how Murata's arm hasn't just fallen off yet from overexertion.

>> No.3924108

I dont know what I'm doing with my art anymore. I dont know if I've had another goal than "get better."

>> No.3924122

I'm not entirely sure what I want out of art other than as a means of expression, beyond that I suppose it would be nice to give a bit of cheer and goodwill.
What do I desire to create isn't really too well defined beyond those two points, so, no, probably never a job for me.
Yes I enjoy it, minus personal problems that everyone has some of.
I compare in design terms, not much more than that. I enjoy what I enjoy and what more should there be added?
What I like least is it's a mirror of self loathing sometimes, when I impart that to my work. Best? Just the feeling of getting into it, however it turns out.
Insight into ability probably doesn't fall within art.
I try not to force it, but sometimes things can get in the way and you have to.
Yes I have and probably will

>> No.3924126

I have stories and ideas I want to bring into the world. My reality is extremely boring and dull, so fantasy and fun art are all I have.
In addition, I would like to make a living with art, because other work just feels meaningless. I'm sure there are fun/high paying jobs not art-related, but I'd probably be unqualified for them.
I would love to make a manga (I know, weeb, but western comics just don't appeal to me), short stories, and commissions to make people happy.
I have a lot of fun staying up and drawing.
I try not to compare myself to others because I always end up feeling bad about myself.
I do admire great artists when I come across their stuff, though.
I like my art because usually, nobody else has thought of the idea, or at least not the way I see it.
I dislike my art because it (currently) just doesn't look as nice as some artists I follow.
Not going to lie, I would like to understand cutesexyrobutts style so I can make my own sexy art to sell. I would try to tweak it a little to make my stuff more unique to myself.
I look forward to making art because it takes me away from the rest of the world for a bit. Sometimes a new idea comes to mind and I try to figure out techniques to achieve them.
Not related to my regular art style, but I'm working on a foam sculpture of cthulhu for a 3D art class (not digital, more fine arts)
Also, just finished up on a dbz drawing I made in preparation for mother's day.
For tomorrow, I'm continuing a pastel of Audrey Hepburn, who currently looks like a burn victim because I suck at pastels.
Putting the "burn" in Hepburn I guess.

>> No.3924154

>What do you guys want out of your art?
fuckin hell, thought i knew until i read that question. i'll have to think about it more now, but dude i've been on the drawing/painting daily since about 5 or so years and fuck, i think a lot of people just forget why they want to do it.

i think it's characters. i just love losing myself in the idea of a character's personality, their visuals, their actions, their story. it's incredibly enthralling.

>> No.3924167

Generally speaking I want to make cool things to look cooler.

What that means is I want to focus on interesting things, already existing or original and exaggerate the most interesting aspects of them to the point where it's one of the best if not the best version of that subject out there. For example if I had to make a fan art of a video game character that I like, I would add depth to it without breaking the whole thing and make it look pretty and dynamic in a consistent way. I am more of an illustration guy than anything else.

It sounds vague but that is what I aim for.

>> No.3924178

Money & popularity

>> No.3924224

You really can't remember what you started art for?

>> No.3924228

Open a Patreon and jump on the "animating" storytime train on youtube while it's still popular and profitable as fuck.

>> No.3924230

Escape wagecuckery. Pure freedom. Do nothing that someone else has scheduled for me. I dont even
think of
myself as an artist. Art is how I cut the chains as pleasantly
as possible.

>> No.3924267

Is there really anything wrong with wanting to be popular?

>> No.3924268

Not really but it's really fucking shallow, in art at least. What's "popular"? What will you do once you've reached the peak of your popularity?

>> No.3924269

I think it can be destructive and cause all kinds of problems if unchecked just like anything else.

>> No.3924277
File: 1.11 MB, 1105x891, 0150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you guys want out of your art?
A way to make muh stories and concepts real.
>What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?
>What is it that you most desire to create?
What I have in mind now is to create a series of comics and illustration.
>Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?
Ideally, both.
>Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
I do but it's still hard for me to get drawing sometimes.
>Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
Who doesn't? It's inspiring, I still have a long way to go.
>What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
That it makes my ideas real and tangible instead of letting them rot as boring worthless thoughts.
>What do you like least about them?
After 2 years it still looks like hot fucking trash lmao
>If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
Probably Moebius or Murata because they're drawing übermenschen... But as things are, I'm already learning a lot from everyone.
>Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
I often have to force myself because I know the result will be bad but I keep going once I get into it.
>Have you done anything today?
I just woke up so no but I have a ton of things to draw.
>Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
You bet.

>It's a mystery to me how Murata's arm hasn't just fallen off yet from overexertion.
Superior nip muscles folded 1000 times

But what about you anon?

>> No.3924279

I want to make cute shit.

>> No.3924284

>What do you guys want out of your art?
i have stuff that I really want to make
>What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?
to make the things
>What is it that you most desire to create?
im working on a comic and I also have an animation pilot
>Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?
i have to make the things
>Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
yeah! ive enjoyed drawing since i was a kid, and i learned to paint a couple years ago
>Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
i try not to, its only worthwhile to compare to your previous self to make sure you're improving.
>What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
usually im the most proud when I make something I didn't think i could make and I feel successful having done something new
>What do you like least about them?
how derivative everything i do is
>If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
probably togashi
>Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
i have to force myself to work on the projects, but i practise for fun
>Have you done anything today?
yes i did some sketches
>Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
only time will tell

>> No.3924287

>What do you guys want out of your art?
Escapism, storytelling
What's your goal?
Finding a project that is decently well received beyond people just liking the art
>What is it that you most desire to create?
Something on the level of Nausicaa
>Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?
I mostly gave up on making a living out of it
>Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
Yes I love the process
>Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
Not that much anymore, I just use older artists as reference when I have a problem
>What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
Nobody else really does exactly what I do, I think I have a voice established at this point
>What do you like least about them?
Technical shortcomings and my tendency to make little mistakes here and there
If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
I'd steal Moebius' powers
>Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
It's part of a routine, I don't think much about it
>Have you done anything today?
I just woke up and am having breakfast
>Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
I have a bunch of drawings and a comic page to work on

>> No.3924327

I want to get good at it and make money with stuff like patreon because I don't know what else to do in my life. Is it sad?

>> No.3924335
File: 117 KB, 340x480, 1556328238259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tell a story, but using visuals. A story encompassing life lessons I've picked up along the way. One that can make people think, learn, have fun, laugh, and enjoy themselves.
I'm practicing for a webcomic. I don't intend to earn money with it. I just want to leave an impression on those who consume what I made.
Yes, I enjoy drawing.
Yes, I do compare myself to other people, but that only makes me more motivated.
What I like the most about my stuff is that it replicates manga but with traces of eastern. Though I'm /beg/. I'm also developing a sense of character and fashion design.
I like my gesture and perspective the least so I intend on grinding these for a while.
I would like to learn how Togashi manages to make certain panels so cleanly and still pull off making them appealing.
I look forward to art, since I don't play much games anymore. I quit anime. Every manga I read, I read to study storytelling, panel composition etc.
I just woke up but I intend on grinding for 3 to 6 hours today.
Tomorrow, maybe more if I don't take the day to write instead of drawing.

>> No.3924340

My man. We live in a stone jungle and need fantasy to carry on. Enterteinment heals the soul.

>> No.3924352

>traces of western

>> No.3924370

that's cringe af

>> No.3924371
File: 646 KB, 1062x1500, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw to perfect the ultimate titty slap that will slap humanity to the next level

>> No.3924373

yup, it works tho

>> No.3924383
File: 1.22 MB, 2420x1849, clash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of y'all are saying they want to tell stories, but how many of you are actually making an active effort? How do you manage to wrangle that big passion project in your head and turn it into something that actually exists, instead of becoming one of those annoying Idea Guys who always talks about their plans while having nothing to show for it?

I have stories I want to tell but I'm afraid to start- even if I knew exactly what I'm doing(and I sure as hell don't) it'd take me a fucking decade to complete a whole story in comic form. I know I'd just stop before it's anywhere near finished, so I can't bring myself to make any commitments

>> No.3924391

I made 3 webcomics

>> No.3924397

I get you though. You gotta start. I think writing storyboarding is fun as fuck, I tried my hand at inking but it's still a bit shitty so I'm exercising on blue ink prints of mangas I like. I know my first comic won't be a great work of art but I want it to look clean enough, at least.
Just do it anon, do yourself a service and dive into that shit.

>> No.3924400


>> No.3924429

Read Bakuman, also start storyboarding and go imitate stories that are similar to yours

>> No.3924436

nice art anon

>> No.3924510

I've actually been meaning to pick it back up, so I might as well. I remember it being pretty motivating


>> No.3924524

You have to write backstories, story arcs, what you want to convey, lay out a plan etc. Then you make and design your characters. Then you make a storyboard. Then you sketch a draft. Then you draw the thing and publish it.

>> No.3924529

Also, have friends who can give you feedback on what concepts and designs are interesting. It's a lot more complex than just imitating what you like.

>> No.3924555
File: 85 KB, 500x430, 1523454604411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, have friends

>> No.3924678

>what about you anon?
To get as much of my imagination out on paper as (in)coherently as possible. Art's a very personal, intimate thing to me, mainly because I only ever create (or attempt to create) things that are meaningful to myself without ever considering what they'd be worth to someone else.

I never share any piece I create because a part of me thinks it's nobody's business and another part of me feels incredibly vulnerable at the idea of it since I know that any of my work is essentially a direct representation of what I think/feel. It's not really a confidence issue, it's just a matter of privacy.

Art seems a little too honest for me, so I keep it to myself. That said, I marvel at other's technical achievements and work ethic from time to time. I often wonder if any 2 humans could create the same exact image if you asked all of humanity to draw something meaningful to them.

I suppose a portrait of a women or man that they lusted over, or an animal they loved dearly. Beyond that, results and techniques would vary drastically, I think.

>> No.3924687
File: 3.67 MB, 3120x2229, 1554902852579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you guys want out of your art?
I want to actually be able to look at it with pride. And I want for the art to tell a story.
>What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?
The sky is the limit. I want to make a manga, one that mostly tells the story through the visuals. For example, when doing a drawing of a room add all sorts of details to that tell the story of what happened there, through visuals. Is the room dusty, what kind of items are in there, what could they possibly be used for, by whom etc, all done through the visuals. I have a lot of cool visuals in my head, would love to bring them out.
> Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?
Both. I see it as one of the better ways to escape wageslavery
>Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
Sometimes it gets tedious, but I love the moment when a drawing gets better by just adding a few details
>Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
Of course. I want to reach their level and surpass them with my own unique art style one day.
>What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
I have been able to get faces right recently, I like the proportions and I have been able to get things like foreshortening, scale, perspective in. Starting to get not shit at anatomy, with the very notable exception of hands.
>What do you like least about them?
I am absolute trash at shading and colouring, so I would like to get that right. Also hands.
>If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
The man who made pic related.
>Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
Look forward to
>Have you done anything today?
Practice hand poses from https://www.quickposes.com/en/gestures/timed
> Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
Practice hand poses from https://www.quickposes.com/en/gestures/timed
Do requests from /a/

>> No.3924808 [DELETED] 

Honestly I just want to tell my own stories, build my own worlds and not consume but create something, but I'm pretty shit.

>> No.3924829

>never been into drawing and always thought art was for pussies
>software engineering at college
>realise how fucking boring everything is
>decide to do something that I've never done or even thought about before
>been drawing and slowly improving for the last 2 weeks
still have a very long way to go, and I honestly don't even know what I want to accomplish with this.

>> No.3924833

Self expression rarely has a purpose beyond itself.

Although, if you're good at it then people will naturally admire you and aspire to be like you, or be content to enjoy your content.

>> No.3924844

>What do you guys want out of your art?
I want to tell stories, mostly, but also to delve as deep as possible into what makes shapes attractive and to push them as far as possible
>What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?
Goal is to help create worlds and characters like the ones that touched me deeply growing up
>What is it that you most desire to create?
answer above
>Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?
yup, livelihood
>Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
more than anything, there's a wholesome quality to it that I don't get from any other activity, never feel like i'm wasting time like with random videogames or whatever
>Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
yeah when it comes to mindset and the path, and to learn from them, never negatively
>What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
that they're mine :)
>What do you like least about them?
They're still lacking power in ways of storytelling
>If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
If in a mindset\ways of thinking kind of way, then Iain Mccaig. but if we're talking about technical skill then everyone
>Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
look forward to, above everything else
>Have you done anything today?
of course
>Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
hell yeah

>> No.3925352

I dig your attitude, anon.
>Iain Mccaig
and you taste.

>> No.3925403

>What do you guys want out of your art?
I want satisfaction, appreciation, and to acquire skill
>What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?
I have a lot of goals. Some are very vein, some are very deep. All of them sound dumb when written
>What is it that you most desire to create?
I want to create a shadowrun-esque graphic novel that can visually capture all the wild, crazy mishaps that can happen on the run as well as the beauty of the slums and outskirts.
>Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?
I'd do it as a job if I had skill and it wouldn't kill any drive I may have
>Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
I enjoy it once I start it but I only enjoy the parts where I either have the skill required or have enough knowledge to create a solution. Hitting a brick wall is painful
>Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
I always compare
>What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
Sometimes I can get a really clean edge or curve going on something and I get hyped as fuck about it
>What do you like least about them?
Everything else.
>If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
I don't have one singular artist I can point to yet so I'd like a bit of knowledge from everyone
>Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
I have to force myself. Sometimes I'll just start drawing planes for fun because it's all I can do but usually drawing has to be initiated like any chore
>Have you done anything today?
No. I have no real excuse either
>Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
Hopefully I can do an hour of gestures at least and then I'm going to find some way to make grinding boxes fun

>> No.3925515

I just want to get good so I can draw my favorite characters

>> No.3925519

I just want to be able to fap to my own art

>> No.3925559

No, I can't remember. It was always just a thing I did since I was little.

>> No.3925567

Because I'm bad at it. Working hard at something that doesn't come intuitively is satisfying, I've loved watching myself improve incrementally over the years.
Sometimes I don't draw for months because I get busy, but I'm ecstatic when that period ends and I can pick up a pencil again. Because it isn't my job and I never intend for it to be I feel free to pursue whatever I want. Today maybe I draw people, tomorrow my cat, next week a robot.

I would love to be able to design and draw mecha and cars, but I'm mostly focused on faces and hands right now. They're so complicated and organic at the same time, it feels like I could practice only these for years and still find more to learn. When I grow tired of them I'll probably revisit Scott Robertson's perspective stuff, and then try some mechanical work. Maybe guns, since shooting is my other hobby I have plenty of references to draw from life. Last time I tried I got tired of all the parallel bits on the rails on my rifle though.

>> No.3925728

how do you write backstories and story arcs without knowing your characters first? i feel like the way i do things is backwards compared to how people always say to do them. my mode of thinking is through visuals and audio, so i always design characters appearance-first and then struggle to invest in them because they lack context or depth. i can write dialogue easily but for some reason when it comes to plotting my brain just turns off

>> No.3925730

What do you guys want out of your art?
Scare people, make them uncomfortable
What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?
What is it that you most desire to create?
Horror art and illustrations
Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?
Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
Wish I could be like Gustave Dore but can't ;___;
What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
Heavy contrast
What do you like least about them?
Scratchy lines
If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
Junji Ito's pen work
Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
I don't really force myself, I just get ideas alot so I draw everyday
Have you done anything today?
Are you going to do anything tomorrow?

>> No.3925760
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It's OK to do as you did, really. It's just that humans are shaped by their life stories and your characters will often need an appearance that represents their personality and background. Doing it backwards can lead to a backstory that feels shoehorned into a character since it may not match their outlook on life, behaviour, appearance, and may clash with their age (like a 12 years old girl who set off to Japan for a 10-years long sword training when she was five, and the story starts after she's finished it). If you manage to do it backwards and it still feels consistent -- great, no problem. Not always can you do that without compromising some core ideas for their characters, and most artists are not willing to do that, which may lead to a clusterfuck of a character.
Godspeed, anon.

>> No.3925777

I like drawing pictures and stuff

>> No.3925962

I thought i was the only one. I think i started because i wanted to do comics. But getting better to do that clouded my motives and now i don't even know, man.

>> No.3926303
File: 417 KB, 1069x1952, 427 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the biggest problem of doing it this way is that it focuses solely on what my characters *are*, and not what they *do*. As a result they're all incredibly static, they don't do anything to open up narrative possibilities or interesting interactions with each other.

>> No.3926478
File: 1.07 MB, 2916x3696, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think for me , the question is rather what does this 'art' want out of me. Because im not in control of it.
But the only thing I want out of art, is make a living off of it. and just produce artwork till I die. For me its also a way of escaping reality, the mundane and routine

>> No.3926565

>What do you guys want out of your art?
Satisfaction that I actually made that required time, effort and skill. To produce something that invokes feelings. Plus, I like making my therapist question my mental state.
>What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?
To get better at drawing characters, scenery, creatures, etc
>What is it that you most desire to create?
I have an idea for a long graphic novel
>Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?
Productive outlet
>Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
>Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
No. I don't know why. I just don't.
>What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
>What do you like least about them?
Petting lines
>If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
Zdzisław Beksiński. I love how psychedelic and ominous his paintings are.
>Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
A combination of both.
>Have you done anything today?
Yes. I drew a bunch of cubes and tried to study muscular anatomy.
>Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
No idea.

>> No.3926610

>ctrl+f porn
>0 result
what the fuck broes?
it's the PORN! THE PORN! I want to draw fucking porn.

>> No.3926639
File: 111 KB, 1024x651, tulou_by_afuchan_db417xj-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you guys want out of your art?
Friends Fame Money Escapism Happiness
>What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?
i dont practice-i do. Started in 2007, wanted to be a videogame artist and became one but didnt like it and left unsatisfied and sad. In 2016 i got mental breakdown and didnt draw anything for 3 years. Now im doing a whole new goal and got shit ton of followers. im excited to try a new thing + im learning 3D modelling
>Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
yes. but i HATED IT when i was in a videogame industry. ugh
Well at least it teached me how to animate stuff and draw real fast-thats a good thing
>Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
not anymore - i have my own way
>What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
the process - it makes me leave this shitty world where i have no friends and unhappy
>What do you like least about them?
>If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
to draw cool perspective - im still bad at it because i was a character artist for way too long
>Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
yes. 2 days ago i was feeling depressive but drawing mindlessly. I accidentally made 1 cool idea and working on it right now
>Have you done anything today?
in a process of previously mentioned
>Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
previously mentioned. its an illustration of 3 days basically

>> No.3926654

I started drawing because I saw a cool pic of Goku in camp that an older kid drew, and I wanted to be that cool. Now that I have reached near the level of DBZ, my next goal is to get to 90's Capcom-tier drawing.

>> No.3926657

>90's Capcom-tier drawing.
fucking based

>> No.3926658

why don't you people post your own fucking art when talking about yourselves/your art
this should be instant ban

>> No.3927260

drawing french girls is the most empty thing in art, though. everyone does it. how many people can make a masterpiece featuring a noble knight in resplendent armor slaughtering heretics while his wife prays for his safe return? huh? huh? huh?

>> No.3927571

drawing cool dudes with swords is the second-most empty thing in art, let's be real

>> No.3927990

I think drawing is fun and after seeing art everywhere on the internet I decided I wanna be able to do that too.
I thought Id be happy just making drawings and people liking them but every time someone gives me a compliment, I shrug it off because I think what I draw is trash.
So I guess my goal is to get as good as I can doing whatever I want, be it "cool" shit or porn or whatever else im in the mood for.
Kinda like kim jung gi he can just draw whatever and its cool

>> No.3929470
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why are these versions so different

>> No.3929504
File: 293 KB, 576x970, bikini armor 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) My goal is to bring the stories in my head to life. As egotistical as it sounds, I don't want them to die with me.
2.) A webcomic. Also porn of the characters in that webcomic.
3.) I'm fine with it being a productive outlet, but making it my livelihood would be the best of all possible worlds.
4.) It's hard to get into it but once I do I tend to get lost in it and not give a shit about anything else.
5.) Yes. Unfortunately, this is a weakness of mine, because it makes me discouraged seeing people who I feel are "ahead" of me in terms of skill.
6.) My digital art seems to be pretty dynamic, all things considered.
7.) A lot. Lack of perspective, can't draw backgrounds, need to brush up on anatomy. So I've recently gone back to fundies.
8.) I'd rather learn from everyone, but if I had to pick one it'd be Shigenori Soejima (character designer for the Persona series) or Sui Ishida (creator of Tokyo Ghoul). Their art style appeals to me.
9.) It's just something I do. Recently, though, I've been pushing myself to do more academic shit like studies and the Drawing on the Right Side things.
10.) Did a bunch of perspective studies and a rendering of a jacket I saw draped on a chair. (>>3929279)
11.) Gunning for a 6-hour study day, broken up into six 1-hour chunks. Gonna try finishing the Loomis guide to the female figure and start work on anatomy.

Anyway here's something I did to give you an idea of where I am as an artist

>> No.3929509

The one you just posted has a much higher scan quality

>> No.3929719

There are worse things than death – and I fear mediocrity more than anything. It's a peculiar curse of mankind, that we can concieve of a perfection which we can never achieve, but the frenzied obsession in deludingly trying gives the dullness of life a mythological hue.

I either need a bone to gnaw or a noose to end the suspense. Not just a bone, but an essence of something, and not merely to gnaw, but to carve, and in doing so to carve myself. But the noose do sing some pretty songs – to go against everything in a triumphant show of will... A big "fuck you" to the powers that be. But it would seem to be a resignation of weakness more than anything. As if saying "yes, I'm impotent indeed. I'm barely mediocre".

I want to swallow the world and exhale it with swift and meaningful strokes, lacking neither height or depth. To create art that speaks in tongues, a decadent rapture towards something very much alive, something that is uniquely my own - my domain and property - only bowing and looking up to former masters to pickpocket their goods.

Money does not concern me, but fame... Agh. I can't loose the daydreams of having my name hallowed in the hall of history, respected by the giants few and admired by the ambitious plenty. But I would likewise like to be forgotten like a hidden gem. To give another man, however long after my death, that feeling of intimacy which says "these works were made for me alone".

I know these are pretensious delusions, but that same impulse is the only thing giving me hope. But the scope of the vision drains me. I'm too arrogant for my own good and too self-conscious to fully buy into the narrative. I hate art.

Damn. I'm barely holding it together. Cry cry cry. More booze for daddy.

>> No.3929747

...You good?

>> No.3929757

Does it matter?

>> No.3929761 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 1397x800, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started coming to /ic/ a couple years ago and had'nt been here in a while. Will answer all these as somesort of therapy coz lately I dont know what I'm even doing

>What do you guys want out of your art?
It's really frustrating when you realize that your level it's still not enough to draw/paint things the way you visualize them. So being able to do that or even outdo my own imagination with pure skill.

What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?

Getting good it's a drug, I just want to get better for the sake of getting better, it feels great.

What is it that you most desire to create?

This changes everyday desu, even if I had something that I want to create after doing it I would want another thing. I mean you see that clearly with high end artists, they just flex their skill the most they can just because of flexing.

Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?

Already is my livehood, living in a 3rd world shithole kinda helps in that tho.

Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
I enjoy drinking, smoking etc. Drawing n painting is something that fills me and makes my day worth it. doing lineart fcking sucks tho, but fuck it, anime style is where the money is at.

Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?

Of course you have to compare yourself, both with the old painters and with the comtemporary artists on twitter/artstation. This is a market and you NEED to know your competition.

What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?

drawing: sketching. Painting: rendering


pic related is comission painting sketch

>> No.3929777
File: 621 KB, 1092x566, sketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you guys want out of your art?

Drawing/painting exactly what I can visualize, maybe even outdo my own imagination.

>What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?

Getting better for the sake of getting better, that feeling is the best drug.

>What is it that you most desire to create?

Changes everyday.

>Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?

Already is, living in a 3rd world shithole helps tho.

>Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
I enjoy smoking weed and drinking. Draw/paint is something that fills me and makes the day feels like it was worth living, if it was for enjoyment I would take it as a hobby or just play vidya.

>Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
Of course, both past and contemporary artists, you NEED to know your competition.

>What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
Colors and wildness desu.

>What do you like least about them?
How messy they can become. I really lack patience

>If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
Patience and focus, But how the hell would I know who has that trait
So I would say the rendering of ruanjia or hgj.

>Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
I started going to an atelier recently because while drawing everyday, I was failing at fundamentals and lack the self discipline to practice it desu.

>Have you done anything today?
I just woke up, done pic related left yesterday.

>Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
all day, everyday m8.

>> No.3929794

I used to write like that when I realized I had some vocabulary. My old writing is pure cringe material. I guess you aren't going to make it as an author either, my man.

However, "making it" is just a mirage of happiness. I know some fairly successful people in several walks of life due to my job, and it all leads to more envy, more emptiness and more goal seeking.

We are all hamsters running inside a wheel.

The happiest people I know are contempt with simple stuff and never dreamed big. A wife, children, a small mortgage which they can pay for. Good genetics and not a great intelligence help a lot too.

>> No.3929799
File: 386 KB, 670x976, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you guys want out of your art?
I just want to be able to draw non-deviantart tier animu and somewhat realistic art for fun and maybe for videogame assets, I don't really want to become this super uber draftsman that can draw a panel like OP pic.
I started with Fun with a Pencil a few days ago and I'm hoping to get to a level where drawing the human form looks right and not a joke. I'm limiting my expectations a fair bit so I don't drop out of this (I just want to master Fun with a Pencil for now, nothing more and nothing less).

>> No.3929811

So what about you, my man. Are you a happy hamster? Could you regress to that normalized state of "a wife, children, a small mortage"...

What are you doing on this forum? What is your art all about?

I would ask about your job, but more frankly – when did you give up?

>> No.3929831


>> No.3929848

At least have the audacity to explain why it's cringe. I know quite well that I'm fucked up but some details would be nice, instead of a buzzword that makes you feel in with the meme crowd.

>> No.3929855

I'm on my way to that kind of life. I think a conventional life grants the necessary structure for mental stability. I myself am a dark person who struggles to find a meaning in life, because life has no objective meaning.

I am a psychologist. What I like the most about my job is that nobody meddles in my work. Just me and the patient. No "team" full of idiots trying to make themselves noticed under the pretext of feedback; no corporate bullshit, no "team leaders" or strategies to climb up the fucking ladder of some corporation. And, of course, it's an ego boost when people get better because of you.

My art is all about having fun. I draw daily and I know I'll never (ever) have the guts to really improve my skills and working attitude to the point of publishing. I'm lazy to a fault and I have planned maybe 1% of my drawings. I jot down characters I make up with my .5 black pilot on any piece of paper I get my hands into. I'm in this forum because I like seeing what people draw and I enjoy finding once in a while some interesting creators.

I gave up when I was 8 and I realized the artist's lifestyle wasn't for me, even if I had already been drawing since I was 3. There's a huge difference between liking something and wanting to live off of something. I wouldn't ruin my enjoyment for drawing making it my job. I already have my job and I draw on coffee breaks and at the balcony at home. Lately I have been toying around with watercolors.

>> No.3929883

>I post superfluous angsty blogs on a Chinese katana enthusiast forum about how I want to be great at art but it's too hard and I'm lazy

That tortured artist routine isn't going to make you any better buddy! Have you heard of Loomis?

>> No.3929946

>when did you give up
Do you know something about pride, my friend, it has the uncanny effect of blinding one to themselves. No great nor mythological deed will come from you, as the world begins and ends at your skin. At best, you will wither as every other shallow diva, quite unmistakably, grotesquely pinned to the time period you inhabit, viewed with contempt and derision, even as the last vestiges of others' vanity clings to your image like a game show in a nursing home. You want to become timeless? Well good luck, as you've set for yourself the age old trap that guards the future from yourself, as the only direction you know is "in"

>> No.3930208

Exactly pic related. I want to be able to draw like Murata, Miura, Kishiro and all the other gods of manga, and then put it into practice and create a webcomic with that quality of art. Rough road but what else am I going to do in life?

>> No.3930889

I want attention. Also I've noticed that most fanartists aren't very creative. I am. I know I'll never be the best (2old almost 30), but I want to at least inspire some people to take a step in the right direction.

>> No.3930947
File: 253 KB, 650x945, Untitled-122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanted to post this drawing i made

can i get some praise or compliments please ?

>> No.3930969

Its not awful but its too scratchy

>> No.3931119

god i feel so fucking worthless with being able to draw well enough but being so fucking constipated now that i HAVE trained, and can't draw what i need to.

how do i start - and keep going? i can start. i have started. how do i keep going and make myself realize it's all worth it??
i can't just keep grinding without making something incredible, something others can and will experience and change their lives, like so many games, movies, animation, and drawings have changed mine.

can someone help me out?

>> No.3931123

Storyboard, storyboard, storyboard.

>> No.3931134

how much of the story do you have to have in your head before you should generate storyboards? what is the catalyst?

i want to make a bunch of different small comics or one graphic novel, at least finishing enough to develop an interesting scenario, and an interesting world. what do you start with personally?

>> No.3931138
File: 82 KB, 960x720, Elements+of+a+Short+Story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but dude listen. write your ideas down, maybe quickly sketch them out or something, then pick 1 thing - 1 thing only - and work on that. until you create/define your process, focus on 1 thing at a time. as for making a storyboard, you need to actually write your story first.

the storyboard comes afterwards. that is the tool you use to outline what is necessary to illustrate, and what would otherwise be a waste of time / effort.

also, i highly recommend you start compiling a reference log of panels from comics and graphic novels that are aesthetically pleasing/well-composed. composition is important. look at how great comics and mangakas lay their pages out.

but yeah, writing comes first, then the storyboard, then the composition & illustration.

>> No.3931151
File: 55 KB, 640x560, D5a69MYVUAAcZEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i write down everything in my mind and piece it together afterwards. some pieces get used and some don't. some scenes are scrapped entirely- BUT

whatever i do, as long as my hand is moving, i'm making progress.

i can sit for the whole day at my desk writing and sketching and by the end of it i'll only have 2 pages story boarded. but it's 2 pages more than i had before.

>> No.3931216

thank you guys. i think i'm not comfortable with the lack of process i have and it's suffocating me. you guys make me feel that there are more benefits in massive amounts of failure before defining a process that i realized.

i'm stunted, idea wise, right now. which, is really strange because i've always had incredibly interesting story ideas (to me, at least) when i was younger and even through college. i feel like i'm father away from the ability to dream up stories, and the ones i do come up with always seem like garbage so i always think they're not good enough.

what do you guys do with that? just keep thinking? is there any sort of strategy or habit you fall back on and that helps you get back into the groove of making a great story?
also, how "good" are your stories before you decide to develop them further? at what point do you think a story is okay enough to pursue?

sorry if these questions seem braindead, i've just been story-constipated and i'm sick of it. for example, i had an idea of a world where a young, timid vampire hunter goes to assassinate the princess of the last known vampires, effectively wiping out the whole bloodline, but then switches sides and ends up taking down the church instead, as there's much more going on in the higher echelons than meets the eye.

BUT i can't get it out of my head that it's a story that's been done so many times before, and i feel unoriginal and redundant. what would you do? keep going anyway? scrap it? change it?

>> No.3931218

Are you out of your mind? Post a finished drawing you shameless fag. 0/10

>> No.3931266

>how much of the story do you have to have
>in your head
On paper, guy. Get the story on paper. Make sure to clean it up too.

>what is the catalyst?
Knowing where it starts, where it rises, where it tops out, where it declines, and where it ends.

>i want to work on x number of projects
That's fine when you have a process but, as previously mentioned, you need to first develop a process. You need to learn how to work productively before you undertake a long-term project like a comic or graphic novel. There's a fairly good explanation for why a mangaka or comic has assistants, and why the job of assistant is coveted - you are learning how to organize your order of operations and maximize your productivity.

Now is a very good time to put your skills to use and draft-illustrate the ideas you are most fond of, so that you have a point of reference when writing the storyline that expands upon those particular scenes.

As for the storyboard itself, use those draft-scenes as the blueprint for when you compose it. Think of them as the amenities. They come very last in the process of building a home - you wouldn't build a home around amenities. You build the home and then move your most prized possessions in once it's structurally sound.

>what do you start with personally
An idea, like anyone else. Then a lot of questions. Who, what, where, when, why, how - rinse & repeat.

Also, nothing wrong in consulting an editor for a bit of direction. They live for that. But don't go to them empty-handed - they aren't about to do the work for you.

>> No.3931279

>what do you guys do with that? just keep thinking? ... great story?
I read often, for inspiration and for stylistic references. You could say it's the "steal from everyone" mentality, but I don't plagiarize or paraphrase anyone's work. Certainly not intentionally anyway, nor have I ever been accused of doing so. I do analyze an author's composition, sentence structure, pacing, and the like. I dissect literature. I break it down into its most basic parts and try to wrap my head around how the author organized his ideas/body of work to create a flowing story. I note the attention to certain details, and consider any seemingly purposeful omissions of others.

Basically, I take everything a book/story has to say into consideration. I never stopped doing book reports.

>how "good" are your stories before you decide to develop them further? ... pursue?
Typically, I'll spend about 10-30 hours drafting a short story. Depends on how easily the workflow is - sometimes ideas come more easily than others. Just how it goes. Typically, anywhere from 10-25k words is my sweet spot. Once I hit my target number, I'll actually share it with others. Editor, agent, friends, family, perfect strangers - I want to get an idea of what someone feels and thinks when they read it. I NEED that feedback. Feedback is important to improving anything. If it is well-received by everyone, I develop it. If it isn't, I scrap it or scrap most of it. I also keep a log of ideas I've had, just in case I get the itch to pick something up again.

>i can't get it out of my head ... before ... redundant
Do you know how many love songs and romance novels have been written? Any idea at all? Innumerable. An endless sea of literary heartache and passion, probably since the dawn of mankind. You are not going to outdo sliced bread or the wheel, but you can bake your bread how you please and choose whatever rims you want for your wheel.

>> No.3931395

I sincerely appreciate all of that, thank you. Thank you for also leaving any pretentiousness out of your replies, I seldom see that when anons are giving advice.

Is there a writing group somewhere online? A discord or something maybe? I know there's /lit/ but, I was wondering if there are any writing communities that share their works with each other, or even specifically sequential art stuff.

Thanks, again. Your advice will not be wasted.

>> No.3931443

For people to take me seriously by presenting my ideas in a way that people are more receptive to. I'm not crazy. More just like Luna Lovegood, who was way wiser than everyone else her age despite being a bit loony.

Goal is to be a gallery artist.

>> No.3931721

I wanted to learn how to carve wood so i could have something in common with my dad but it turns out you need to know how to draw first. Now he doesn't want to carve with me but I'm having a good time drawing so I guess my goal is to get revenge on my dad.

>> No.3931825

Judging from your self confidence you sound like you have great potential anon, would you mind posting a favorite picture that you drew?

>> No.3931846

>which, is really strange because i've always had incredibly interesting story ideas when i was younger
yeah, same. When I was a kid I could sit at the dinner table and make dozens of shitty comic strips a day. At times it feels as though my imagination died at some point, but I don't really think that's the case. I think it's actually a combination of fearing failure and a decrease in attention span caused by modern social media. Thankfully, both of these things can be worked around as long as you're aware of them.

>> No.3932682


>> No.3933657

>What do you guys want out of your art?
Something I find cool and appealing
>What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?
Draw better have more fun, and also draw better women, and make a portrait of ny mom before she dies
>What is it that you most desire to create?
Complete scenes background and all, and also a bible adaptation probably idk
>Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?
Productive outlets I'd hate to actually work in the industry, its shit in every possible way
>Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
Yes it's the best part of my life(beyond being with mom of course)
>Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
Nah, I am me they are them, sometimes I look up so I can see what I'm trying to achieve but I do my own thing
>What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
Idk I just like them it's like asking someone why they like their children it's too sublime to Express with words
>What do you like least about them?
How I don't manage my time to be more productive
>If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
Probably Poch4n atm their lineart is simply godlike
>Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
I look forward to doing it I just can't bring my shit together
>Have you done anything today?
Nah busy studying
>Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
Probably not tests atm so no time to draw

>> No.3933660

Quite good if I say so myself proportions ate put properly and it looks polished enough to be concept art and it looks like you spent no time at all doing that I can't imagine how much effort did you put to get to this point have some pride

>> No.3933678
File: 582 KB, 1443x1085, 6DED06B6-34EE-48C3-9168-59812C328B38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to master textures and details in black and white like miura does

>> No.3934761

Yeah I'm on the same boat, it has such a timeless clean look to it

>> No.3937740

>want out of art?
for it to look good and marketable.
graphic novel, a few small-medium comic-sized projects. outside of that, novels in general.
see: above.
yeah. more self-purpose in it than anything else i've done.
sometimes, just to figure out how something was done. mostly just myself though.
>like most?
the fact that they're the closest i can get to showing people what's on my mind.
>like least
sometimes, i don't really want people to know what i think about, or how vividly.
if you mean like a skill-steal or something, probably rembrandt or giraurd. but i like learning from everyone too.
>look forward to
if it comes, yeah.
he's so skilled and fast it's inspiring. i'd love to be able to work at his speed.

>> No.3938933

Surprised no one took this bait, better luck next time.

>> No.3939291

I like to draw fanart pin ups for a living

>> No.3939432

I want to express myself in ways that satisfy me. Just stories which I think are valuable, or specific scenes that I think can best translate my emotions into a visual medium. I'm trying to improve my technical skills so I can better express myself.
I want to write and draw comic books, but I also want to just do one-off illustrations too. I'm in a different career, and draw in my free time. I would drop everything if it meant I could draw full time.
Yes, I compare myself to other artists. Not in what they choose to express, but how they do it; i.e. their technical abilities.
I think I don't have bad problems with sameface.And I think my crosshatching isn't the worst ever.
What I like least is pretty much everything else about what I do and how I do it.
I'd like to have insight into any artist's ability, it would probably be an artist who was also a sculptor because that ability is most foreign to me, so fuck it go big or go home, Gian Lorenzo Bernini
I do sometimes, just the same as I have to force myself to do anything productive. But I do genuinely enjoy drawing, it's something that I truly love to do
I drew something for my girlfriend today, yeah
I'm gonna draw some of my comic book tomorrow
good thread anon

>> No.3939435
File: 39 KB, 321x322, thinking (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reading all this
Hello, me

>> No.3940728

Produce solid character design and stories trought comics/manga.
My goal for now is to see If I am capable of be competent in my gestures, so I can be more freely in the creations of compositions, create motion and flow in them.
a manga man, I have this history in my mind but I have to go throught all the experimentation first, like panelling.
I can say that for now, the easy answer would be yes, but I'm in a conflict with that right now.
I do!
Yes, but I do know my context, I watch for other artist as reference for my current goals.
that I'am doing great gains on stylized anatomy.
his flow on the gestures, and the way I render is pretty basic.
flow in his gestures, like, If could create anatomy correct gestures more fast right now, would be godsend.
yeah, Im practically forcing myself to learn new things and new ways to approach my drawings.
studied a pose that I don't know.
study another pose!.

>> No.3941761

>What do you guys want out of your art?
the happiness that it gives whether for myself or for the people i care about
>What's your goal? What are you practicing for anyway?
i want to be able to create and portray anything i want with nothing but my own knowledge
>What is it that you most desire to create?
some stories in animated form, then a lot of good educational material
>Do you want art to be your livelihood, or do you simply want it as a productive outlet?
productive outlet, for my own soul
>Do you enjoy drawing/painting?
the frustration fuels the passion, hell yeah
>Do you compare yourself to those who have come before you? Why? Why not?
yes, skill is objective, having more skill means you can have more hapiness making better things, so why not look to the people who obviously did it right before me
>What do you like most about your drawings/paintings?
right now the free compositions and poses i can make from all the fundamentals i grinded
>What do you like least about them?
the fact i can clearly see in any one of them where my mind wandered and stopped thinking, makes me angry
>If you could gain clear insight into any 1 artist's ability, who would it be? Or would you rather learn from everyone?
learn from everyone, nobodys life was long enough to get great at everything, but the hive achieved some insane shit so id like to keep picking out the things that i like the most
>Do you force yourself to practice/make art, or is it something you look forward to?
there are times where i only want to practice, but making it became fun once i got good enough to see it was starting to take shape as something good
>Have you done anything today?
tried understanding color better, saw issues with painting hierarchy i gotta work on u feel me
>Are you going to do anything tomorrow?
if i live yea

>> No.3942338

Is pic related indicative of the stories you want to tell anon? If so please for the love of god tell your stories.

>> No.3942357

This one >>3929470 is higher quality but it's just the inks. The OP pic has the the tones added under the inks and some more effects like the white sparks to tie everything together.