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File: 93 KB, 641x632, Annotation 2019-05-03 064048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3916216 No.3916216 [Reply] [Original]

Would you go back if Pornhub buys Tumblr? I've never used it longer than 3 days. I'm just interested to see how this turns out. People al alreayd talking about making art blogs again.

>> No.3916220

I would, based pornhub

>> No.3916224

Fuck no.

>> No.3916246

from a greedy jew to another greedy jew. Why not spare the world and just let it die?

>> No.3916250

I wish there were one decent platform for SFW. I can't believe people are OK with Twitter and Instagram.

>> No.3916252

instagram is shit. twitter if fine though

>> No.3916258

huh if they just restore it and don't implement new garbage to it, then guess it would be ok. Actually this would be much in favor for nsfw fags since they wouldn't need to worry of tumblr banning their porn doodle blogs.

>> No.3916259

I'm still holding out for a dedicated art platform that can attract a decent userbase. Sigh.

>> No.3916261

Moron digital artists upload PSDs to platforms and delete their copies in their hard drives. Those are the artists that loudly bitch about tumblr going down.

>> No.3916268

Just a tip: typing out ''sigh'' makes you look like a tool and will probably make people think you are a tumblrina or some other deviant that blew in from elsewhere

>> No.3916269

ArtStation is good but it's exclusively for videogame and movie concept art. Other sections are a desolate wasteland. If you want to do something else you really have to suck it up and try to get popular on social media doing the whole fanart and pandering shtick.

>> No.3916274

I really hope this never happens. Fuck porn.

>> No.3916275

No way. I got a shitload of issues on that site. Same with twatter, honestly. Someone just please bring on a real art site for the love of god.

>> No.3916296

So Tumblr will be banned in UK?

>> No.3916321

What's not really important is Tumblr or the porn on it. What's really important is Tumblr as a containment zone going back up.

>> No.3916350

Would they solely put porn ads? My favorite ones are those erratic jump cut ones.

>> No.3916354

this anon speaks the truth

>> No.3916357

It's too late. Tumbltards already made Twitter their new home and I doubt they are going back.

>> No.3916373

This. The damage has already been done. It's good news for those still in it, though.

>> No.3916374

>4chan hates tumblr as the designated women, sjw, and artsy people website
>realizes that it could be used for porn
>floods the place, together with strong liberated women who enjoy posting own nudity
>website tries to restore the original userbase, bans porn
>outrage of all sorts of degenerates

The whole thing in TL;DR
In the end, feminists are right that the modern western men are porn addicted onion degenerates

>> No.3916386

>If a man watches porn, he's objectivizing women
>If a girl makes porn, she's liberating herself
This is why I can't take feminists seriously. All their opinions are reduced to men bad, women good.

>> No.3916389

Haha, men shouldn't be allowed to enjoy their sexuality. Fucking pigs, amirite.

>> No.3916402

>Watching women getting fucked by another man in a screen is enjoying your sexuality

>> No.3916448

>by another man
Kys gaylord. I focus exclusively
>Watching women getting fucked
That's all I need. I'd also question a girl focusing on the girl, when they should be imagining getting fucked by Mandingo

>> No.3916465
File: 124 KB, 961x720, D2-K7w3WoAA_wyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJWs still exist, SJW came from tumblr, SJWs took over everything you love and they will destroy your life, that's the deal.

Do you really want pornhub to get infected by them? do you really think they will allow all NSFW art like anime tiddies and such? SJWs will just cry CP and that would be the end of it!

>> No.3916485

Looked this up on all search tabs, nothing. Source on this image?

>> No.3916561

What? Tumblr was a porn site from day one, dumbass.

>> No.3916571

please PLEASE have sex

>> No.3916574

I still use Tumblr tho.
Why aren’t people using it as a glorified art storage that has links to your other accounts?

>> No.3916580

I had sex and it was awful.

Now what you sex obscessed degenerate? The entire world lied to me telling how awesome and important sex was, as if it was the best thing ever, so important we should talk about it 24/7, turns out a woman is literally worse than a fleshlight.

>> No.3916585


>> No.3916588

not him but you did something wrong if sex felt bad man. try loving the other person, and then having sex with them, that might help if you didn't do that already.

>> No.3916593
File: 298 KB, 750x1130, qbert-webres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funfact: tumblr was actually the biggest, most used pornsite in the world.

It was mainly because of countries that banned regular pornography sites so their people would use tumblr for that.

>> No.3916598

Pornography created for men is objectifying, because it focuses entirely on the physical acts, whereas porn created for women (think romance novels) is more relationship focused.
In the end the issue is that the people consuming porn, particularly at too young an age, come to expect that in their real life. Men learn that women are fuckholes who should be available to them whenever they want. Women learn that men are secretly vulnerable and they just need to work a little to get to their creamy emotional center.

If porn and sex in general wasn't treated like a dirty secret perhaps there'd be a more healthy balance in the content, and kids would be getting adequate education elsewhere, and then they wouldn't confuse porn with real life. But religion, corporations and government want you to be scared of sex, because men and women both becoming more comfortable and confident with themselves doesn't benefit them. The divide between sexes benefits them.

That's my feminist opinion.

>> No.3916603

Maybe its just not for them

>> No.3916612

>unironically telling others how to enjoy their sexuality

>> No.3916668

please PLEASE turn out to be ace so you go through this weird period of self hatred, eventually either killing yourself or coming out a more tolerant person

or, barring that, please PLEASE have sex with someone you care something about rather than pulling some 4/10 chick to see what all the fuss is about

>> No.3916676

If they revert the "all nsfw blogs are excluded from search" thing and restore lost art, then yeah, why not.
I didn't have many followers and I didn't shill myself on tumblr, but it was a nice website to dump various drawings I can't really upload anywhere else.

>> No.3916677

plenty women watch regular porn (all physical, no real emotional connection) and get off on it., it isn't just for guys.

>> No.3916678

How do I find a random 4/10?
Sounds nice to be able to do it without the fear of getting expensive kids.

>> No.3916684

Finding them's the easy part. You can find a random 4/10 anywhere. Just pay more attention to every woman you see instead of habitually glancing by the ones you don't find excessively attractive. Pulling them's the more difficult part. Cause it's the same as pulling a more attractive woman. Just maybe easier if they have lower self esteem/standards from having internalized that they're not super conventionally pretty
Also all kids are expensive. That fear doesn't go away that easily

>> No.3916687

>But religion, corporations and government want you to be scared of sex
>impying this isn't exactly what feminism does

>> No.3916689
File: 437 KB, 1125x622, 1545593072008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have the n1 porn website in the world
>fucking suicide it because apple mad :(
Imagine being the infinite brainlet that approved of this decision holy shit

>> No.3916712

>Women learn that men are secretly vulnerable and they just need to work a little to get to their creamy emotional center
This isn’t wrong though

>> No.3916726

To be fair, twitter was already a sjw cesspit before tumblr invaded. It was mostly a haven for middle-aged democrat moms and blue checkmark söyboy journos.

>> No.3916734

Women doing this is just performing another shit test.
You can break down into a crying little bitch in front of your mom or your buds, but for fuck's sake don't do it in front of your woman.

>> No.3916740

Honestly i dont buy that. Many, i'd guess even most women are just as turned on by hardcore porn as guys. I very much don't buy this idea that women prefer that sort of emotional vanilla porn. It hasn't been my experience any time I've gotten to know someone intimately.

I've been with staunch feminists who derived great pleasure from having sex where they're being "used" and degraded. Just like how you'll have men who are extremely masculine but secretly are into crossdressing/sissy stuff or cuck-stuff. And that's all cool for everyone, no one is wrong here in my opinion. I truly think you can be a feminist and get turned on by sex with almost rapey qualities just like how you can be a tough healthy guy and be turned on by being dressed up like a girl and watching someone fuck your girl and this in no way invalidates or conflicts with who they are,

Sexual attraction is paradoxical, a spectrum and even changes from day to day.

>> No.3916756

Also, to counter this, i was exposed to porn at an extremely young age but i think it actually helped me have a healthy attitude about sex.

When i was really young i got access to a hentai comic and it was about a family who fucks. But the kicker is that they truly love each other in the story, and they sort of do these sexual intense things to each other because they know the other person finds it super pleasurable and they kind of have this whole private world where they do crazy sex.

It sounds completely retarded, but i think it really gave me a positive attitude about sex. It taught me sex can only be truly, truly great when they're a closeness and trust. And it's this closeness and trust that allows you to do things that might be seen as degrading or objectifying, because there's a mutual understanding that this is a sort of performance done out of love and you're doing it for them, because you know this turns them on. To truly explore this stuff, explore what turns you and the other person and go to weird places with no judgement, you need that trust and intimacy.

So thanks hentai

>> No.3916769

I don't disagree, but there's an inherently dehumanizing quality to a lot of it which is the problem, not the actual kink content. I like hardcore stuff, but I don't like the plastic people cycling through weird positions to show off the penetration to the camera and long minutes of rhythmic slapping that are designed for someone masturbating to watch 30 seconds of before switching to the next vid. A lot of the women in the communities I'm in are the same, they don't dislike very explicit stuff, it's just lacking an emotional component that makes it really unsatisfying.
You're thinking of radical feminism, which is a bad thing. Real feminism wants women to feel comfortable with their bodies and sexualities, and for men to accept their emotional aspects. Bringing people onto the same page. Women are taught to be afraid of sex and their vaginas, to be abstinent, that their only value is their virginity, in the same way men are taught that fucking and being fuckable is the most important thing and that emotions and being open and honest with your partner are bad. Real feminism is the opposite.

>> No.3916780

>women like hardcore porn

yeah no only the really weird and gross ones, also pink haired lgbt tumblrytes who never shave. Besides you don't really come off as someone who can relate to women's needs and preferences.

it's scientifically proven that porn is grooming you into becoming a mentally ill and sexually frustrated person from a young age. One of the reasons being that you ejaculate too fast.

>> No.3916785

You're behaving like a special snowflake here. There are many different people out there with different tastes. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it should be a standard for everyone else.

>> No.3916791

>only the really weird and gross ones
That's a pretty big generalization. Sure, there are some women into really messed up fetishes, but that doesn't make nessesarily make them bad people.

>> No.3916803

If we're pointing fingers then it should be at your retarded """parents""" for thinking proper parenting entails leaving you alone with an iPhone and unrestricted access to the net all day without so much as a "hey kiddo fantasy != real life lol don't be stupid".

>> No.3916825
File: 140 KB, 640x532, figure1newlymanincel-w640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're thinking of radical feminism, which is a bad thing.
Radfem line is the cumulative outcome because moderate feminism have nothing to contribute anymore but nice sounding platitudes.
>Real feminism wants women to feel comfortable with their bodies and sexualities
And yet feminists acheive the opposite, women have never been as hyperaware of these things as they are continually on the table without reaching any conclusion. Beauty and sexuality keep being inherently subjective, trying to redifine the standards necessitates focusing on and acknowledging the baseline standard, causing great calamity. And in the end little will be acheived.
>and for men to accept their emotional aspects
Why are men hiding their emotions to begin with? For each other lmao? You'd be surprised the level of gushing the worst of the worst chauvinists are capable of inbetween themselves. Actually the reason is because women won't put up with emotional men period. Not that I'm asking women to change, because it won't happen bar extensive genetic engineering. As things are, the sexes will never be able to meet on equal terms, feminism's biggest delusion is thinking this is even remotely acheivable in current society.
>Women are taught to be afraid of sex and their vaginas, to be abstinent, that their only value is their virginity,
Maybe in very conservative circles. Meanwhile, statistics like pic related exist. Times are changing.
>in the same way men are taught that fucking and being fuckable is the most important thing
This I may agree with being cancerous.
>and that emotions and being open and honest with your partner are bad.
This I only agree with to an extent. Definitely not the extent you have in mind.

>> No.3916872

imagine hanging out with this guy irl

>> No.3916875

imagine having an argument

>> No.3916885

>women won't put up with emotional men period
While i disagree with the other parts of this dudes post, this part is depressingly true in my experience.

>because it won't happen bar extensive genetic engineering.

The juries out on whether men and women have different brains. You can detect differences on average but the brain molds itself based on what you do and think so there's a decent chance there are differences simply because the sexes tend to do different things on average. We know very little about brains, hell it was only a few years ago that it was discovered that adult brains and produce new cells, a basic trait we missed.

>> No.3916893

>The juries out on whether men and women have different brains. You can detect differences on average but the brain molds itself based on what you do and think so there's a decent chance there are differences simply because the sexes tend to do different things on average. We know very little about brains, hell it was only a few years ago that it was discovered that adult brains and produce new cells, a basic trait we missed.
Tabula rasa is a dumb absolutist meme that makes no sense biologically and has been debunked over and over. The best way to determine whether a feminist scholar is ideologically driven or not is to see if they subscribe to it.

>> No.3916896

A good art sharing social media site will limit interaction to avoid political speech to arise

As a latin american, I can’t stand the fucking sjws on twitter, chicanos piss me off the most, like they own the “culture” and will try to police it. That’s why I only post in spanish, it keeps those weirdos away. The fun part is that some of my buddies who are edgy as fuck end up sounding like them because they want to reach a wider audience and I’m like, dude, what are they going to think about you when they find your edgy posts in spanish about how AMLO followers are all illiterate indians?

I think my choice right now is Instagram, they still haven’t invaded the platform and their comments are meaningless since big sjw checkmarks can’t amplify them

>> No.3916964

Instagram works for artists and extremely feminine women who love sharing sexy photos because the platform is largely image based. SJW don't really do anything in their lives worth capturing as image, so they just stay away.

Instagrams problem is that it's connected to facebook, and share it's highly image compressive servers.

>> No.3916970

Oh fucking please I hate Instagram and it's absolute garbage mobile only and automatic image cropping shit. Twitter is equally shit as it's simply not made for sharing images

>> No.3916982

>how AMLO followers are all illiterate indians
Pero eso es cierto, hamijo

>> No.3916993

just fanart, found it somewhere.

>> No.3916994

Good, just put it back to the way it was and leave it be. keep safe mode for people who don't want to see porn so everyone can be happy.

>> No.3916999
File: 41 KB, 600x538, 323785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idea: Tumblr but without text posts
Just art, no bullshit

>> No.3917019

I grew up when porn on the internet wasn't a thing yet and had a decent sex life way before consuming porn. Intercourse the way it's represented in porn never turned me on, actually kinda grosses me out. So I only looked at blowjobs for a long time. Then I started drawing porn and mostly draw intercourse the way I like.
If young people are learning from porn it's probably a little bit fucked up, that shit is made for the camera, it's not made for people.

>> No.3917033

That's just a porn Instagram.
Blogging was great for Tumblr. On a blogging platform you would actually visit the artist's page (at least I did), look at all the posts more carefully, if art was elaborate you'd spend time to look at it, there was more conversation with asks and text. Art needs to be consumed on a slower platform. Instagram and Twitter are too fast, your feed is useless in a few hours, it's quantity over quality, people just scroll and double tap without even zooming, so if you make a meme about whatever just came out you stands out over anything that takes time to understand. It's really shit.
I'd take Tumblr with the SJW cancer over something like Instagram. The best option would be just Tumblr with a good interface, a solid filtering system, a reblog/retweet like feed that doesn't fuck up the artist's actual content feed so a person can freely endorse other art without making his page look like shit, and safeguards against harassment. If SJWs can be blocked efficiently, can't raid users as they please and can't get anyone banned with mass reports they will just leave the platform.

>> No.3917035

>Would you go back if Pornhub buys Tumblr?
holy fuck no, the ads on pornhub are annoying. It's always over the top dumb porn and it moves around drastically to get your attention. If those ads got onto tumblr it would just make using the site annoying. At least with pornhub you can full screen vids so you don't have to put up with them
That and if pornhub takes over you know it's just going to focus 99% on costhots and camwhores while art is thrown on the sidelines like in every other porn platform that doesn't have the word "hentai" in it.
sadly the only real dedicated porn art platform that isn't shit seems to be pixiv (I absolutely loathe twitter)

>> No.3917054

Nigga it's 2019 use a fucking adblocker

>> No.3917093

If you want to have an actual conversation about this topic consider replying like a human person and not in this line by line quotation format. Also it's difficult to take your chart from a notorious right wing website and with the term "incel" in the filename as unbiased and undebatable proof of your argument. Anyone can make a jpeg of a chart. I consider myself feminist and I don't think I'd actually disagree with one or two of your major points (women can absolutely be toxic towards men's emotional expression, on a case by case basis, and mainstream women absolutely have some work to do to meet men in the middle of this rift) but I don't want to waste my life having a line by line deconstruction argument with someone who may not be arguing in good faith. I'll leave my argument as it is, if people disagree then that's fine, it's just my viewpoint.

>> No.3917118

>feminist walking out of an argument
>imagine my shock
At least have a link to the notoriously fascist Washington post
im leftist btw

>> No.3917135

The compression is bad. My biggest issue is the algorithm thing. A good art site would let me do things like custom feeds, to keep nsfw separate, follow my irl friend artists, etc

>> No.3917166

get woke
go broke

>> No.3917185

wrong sjws came from communists.

>> No.3917194

it's better for pornhub to create their own version of tumblr instead of buying that shit.

>> No.3917388


>> No.3917407

lol listen to this dum'shit

>> No.3917409
File: 68 KB, 1000x800, 334AEAE4-9083-4464-9307-1C874BA11A59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now this is based. I’m in.

>> No.3917422

Reviews of user applications and paid membership is the only way to keep away the furfags, tumblr / calarts faggots and other degenerates that see every new platform as an opportunity to smear their shit over bigger chunk of the internet

>> No.3917543

Mindgeek who owns pornhub is running the id system for the uk pornblock

>> No.3917552

yeah, its not going to bring back all the stuff that was deleted, and i'm not talking about the porn. A lot of art that was falsely flagged as nsfw is gone forever because many artists left straight after the announcement or were already long gone and so weren't able to appeal their art getting filtered

>> No.3918933

this, fuck no I would not go to tumblr.
I would only go to tumblr for porn anyway, and twitter already have all the tumblr artist i used to follow without the Sjw shit, why the fuck would i go back?

>> No.3918989

Probably no because tumblr was absolute dogshit functionality-wise. I had to use it because everyone was there. I'm glad it's never going to get relevant ever again.

>> No.3919116

funny how with the lowering of number of women who got no sex, the number of man who got no sex rised

>> No.3919131
File: 55 KB, 1080x1080, smug anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without the Sjw shit

>> No.3919145

Chads monopolize easy pussy. With more women slutting it up with the Chads, late bloomers and losers have less similarly reserved women to pursue, and a virginal man is much less socially acceptable than a virginal woman.

>> No.3919167

Tumblr as a website was just a really shitty place to host images. The whole site layout is just fucking trash. I hope it stays dead.

>> No.3919182

I liked how simple to use Tumblr was. It let me customize my blog the way I wanted, and I could add as much text as I felt I needed to my art posts. What was it you guys didn’t like?

>> No.3919189

you're the one behaving like a faggot and assuming people's preferences though

>> No.3919194

No. Let it die. I want a new platform to take its place. A fresh start is needed.
Twitter is just so fucking large that you HAVE to use it. Instagram is terrible though and no one should ever use that.

>> No.3919233

Nah probably not.
Everyone already has migrated to Twitter, and doesn't seem like they are willing to go back to Tumblr again.

>> No.3919238

Compared to twitter or instagram though, tumblr saves images with least amount of compression. That's why if I see that an artist that I like posts their art on tumblr, I prefer to look there. Deviantart or pixiv is still king though if you want to see their art with the least compression possible.

>> No.3919288

For me to even consider going back, Pornhub not only needs to purchase tumblr, it would also have to sack the previous team of mods and censors and completely revamp its policies, which gave too much leeway for mods to interpret the rules with no accountability, no responsibility to respond to users, and no process for users to challenge their actions.

Social media in general needs to move away from user reports and automated deletions. It just encourages people to use deplatforming as a weapon, and that's the root of most of the bullshit on these sites.

>> No.3919294

jewish schemes

>> No.3919404

I would actually, I enjoyed the simplicity of the site and my blog was NSFW anyway.

>> No.3919592

>Do you really want pornhub to get infected by them?

yes, yes I would. Let them degenerates destroy themselves

>> No.3919636

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Women are absolute degenerates and their most common fantasies are about rape, degrading sex and abuse. It's actually interesting how far the stereotypes are from reality. Women are thought of as these delicate little flowers who blush at the mere mention of kissing and men are supposed to be these selfish assholes who only want to pump and dump women, but in reality it's the women who fantasize about getting pumped and dumped and raped by fucking monsters and men often just long for companionship and real love. You can see this in the styles of love stories written by men and by women as well. It's not the women who write about self-sacrificing love that conquers all. When it's a female "romance story" it's just some hunk picking the average protagonist among the rest of the women so that they can fuck.

>> No.3919642

>feminist scholar

>> No.3919871

>Instagram is terrible though and no one should ever use that
Except instagram is even bigger than twitter and has the best system to let people naturally discover your stuff.

>> No.3920039

What you mean the non chronologically ordered algorithm that only shows stuff based the frequency that the user posts and the level of interaction you have with them?

>> No.3920064

>want you to be scared of sex
>You're thinking of radical feminism
>Women are taught to be afraid of sex and their vaginas
t. moron who knows nothing about radical feminism
the radical feminists are the women who can't shut up about vaginas, cathy brennan created something called the pussy church of modern witchcraft. they promote lesbian sex and most of them are ok with hetero sex. the only thing they're generally against is fetish sex and porn, which isn't different from a lot of men considering the popularity of nofap.

>but muh all sex is rape
maybe you can find some fringe tumblrina saying this but the majority of radical feminists don't think so

>> No.3920069


I've already seen SJWs on Youporn in the comment section.

>> No.3920116

>and has the best system to let people naturally discover your stuff.
Explain yourself

>> No.3920134

Retarded thread

>> No.3920373

OP here. Go fuck yourself faggot. And don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.3921308

> the only thing they're generally against is fetish sex and porn
Radfem is also against prostitution. But yeah, you'd more likely find a libfem leading a mob crusade. Radfems are much more chill.

>> No.3921320

Twitter is fucking garbage for art, tumblr is a lot of things but the best thing about it is how great it is to post art specifically porn on

YES artists will go back to it if it returns

>> No.3921327

>Radfems are much more chill
>the rad in radfem stands for radical
>radicals are chill
Nice oxymoron, retard
next you will try to argue incels aka involuntary celibates get loads of sex
We got a big brain right here

>> No.3921408

Plz make it happen

>> No.3921417

And yet in those aspects it's still hundreds of magnitudes better than twitter or instagram.

>> No.3921463

This. tumblr was way better for dumping art and porn. I don't have to worry about the stuff I like showing up on other peoples timeline, you can even hide who you're following and tumblr's archive features made it easy to find old post.
im baffled at how social media sites haven't tried to make their site more fitting for artist, I get artist aren't their main audience but surely it can't be that difficult for these companies to make the site more suited for artist.

>> No.3921482

the site interface is absolutely fucked beyond repair
all the buyers interested in it will not change the monkeys in charge of the interface or the backend, so no matter what, you're relegated with this abhorrent piece of shit forever until it's gone for good

>> No.3921490

>but surely it can't be that difficult for these companies
the large majority of the people working for these companies don't WANT to change shit, because when they do, they have to do honest to god work on it, and fuck that am i right?
Not only that, but most of them were hires for numbers, knew bare minimum and were trained to maintain, not to build. Yahoo changed exactly ONE person in the entire staff of tumblr and it cause the fucking raw access to be revoked, while keeping the main problem that is that STAFF CAN'T ACCESS PREVIOUS REVISIONS OF IMAGES BECAUSE THEY AREN'T DYNAMICALLY LINKED, which is the whole reason they had to fucking implement an AI to look through all the images. You could technically upload a lewd picture, take the link, edit the picture to blur out the bits that would trigger the detection, then link to the original image in the post. They aren't able to do SHIT about it.
It's a fucking mess, and it was even worse back when you could just use plain steganography and retrieve the raw images