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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 199 KB, 700x634, 58ccd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3914810 No.3914810 [Reply] [Original]

>artist gives clean anime character the "realistic" treatment

why do they do this

>> No.3914813 [DELETED] 

Because your mom niggerfaggot. Fortnite.

>> No.3914814

The right is much better.

The composition is better, left is le tits and retarded faces, right actually seems like there was some thought put into it. I guess if the right version was rendered more painterly while retaining its core rules, then it would be even much better.

You should kill yourself if you think left is any good btw.

>> No.3914816

soul soulless

>> No.3914820

>"people should kill themselves because my taste is shit"
begs btfo'd

>> No.3914823

>his taste is shit
>says the person who eats literal shit

>> No.3914825
File: 49 KB, 298x363, 1556370991315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The right is much better.

>> No.3914826

>pillow shading and shitty hair
funny joke

>> No.3914828

Because there is still an stigma against anime
That's why live action remakes are still a thing, even though they're always horrible compared to the source

>> No.3914831

source of left pic?

>> No.3914841

then brush your teeth shitbreather

>> No.3914844

Just here to say right is so much better.

Fuck anime, my dude.

>> No.3914846

>shitty anatomy and shitty form
I don't know, dude...

>> No.3914851

bc it looks nice. Even if they messed up the horns and I can't tell what the hell that meat blob under her neck is supposed to be

>> No.3914857

right is literally a photo with a filter, the only painted parts like the horns, hair, and all the background are beg tier. Also anything below the shopped fingers was literally beg-painted to create an arm of sorts.

you really showed us anon.

>> No.3914870
File: 335 KB, 891x1200, 4651837462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuten Douji is very sexy and cute

>> No.3914873

How can a girl be both sexy and cute, moron.

>> No.3914876

>Make porn outfit.
>Say it’s not hentai.

>> No.3914880

There's something really off-putting about the horns on the right. I think this design doesn't work as well when made semi-realistically.

>> No.3914882

iirc the fate guys asked a doujin artist to do the design for this character.

>> No.3914897

right is the definition of souless, the dude couldnt even be bothered to get the eye color for the character correct, he just wanted to make a quick dollar, fucking whore

>> No.3914915

How can the right one even compare when left one has already reached perfection

>> No.3914937

because Your style / My styke

>> No.3914940

everything its hentai, but some hentai has more plot than other

>> No.3914942

lol right is the photo of that meme girl with the pigeon

>> No.3914943

Shit taste.

>> No.3915105

I want to fuck it

>> No.3915114

Who is the artist?

>> No.3915124

I'm with you on this.
Right looks like the artist just traced over a photo and slapped some horns and a similar hairstlye.

Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with these realismfags? Most of the art I see is traced from photos. I get it, most artists need a reference, that's okay. But these people are often following the reference so much the result just looks photobashed in the end.

>> No.3915126

Because normies like seeing what fake characters would look like if they were real.
I agree, the right is better. They're both shit though.

>> No.3915130


>> No.3915149
File: 135 KB, 850x1214, nice back lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the guy that made an excellent Mordred doujin iirc

>> No.3915152

>tfw can't do left or right

>> No.3915153

who painted the right one??

>> No.3915164

Woah can I get a red line on that torso? It looks super long.

>> No.3915174

reminds me of that artist who made those odd posts in the alt threads. about how movie companies were stealing his ideas and how he's enslaved to produce art by some unknown persons with malignant intent toward him. forgot name and twitter.

>> No.3915176

I can see what you mean, but Jace's art really doesn't look like that at all. He's got a better aesthetic.

>> No.3915183

yang-do's a beast

>> No.3915197

Because it's fun. Stop being so autistic.

>> No.3915200

why is her torso so loooong!?

>> No.3915217

clearly there is a second dude under her skirt

>> No.3915221

me under the skirt

>> No.3915303

you can still enjoy both! and see that they can be good in different ways

>> No.3915312

Sounds like you are the moron

>> No.3915321

oh god himself I see
literally the hottest doujins there is

>> No.3915322

>look at the face
damn she cute
>look at the body
dick: damn she sexy


>> No.3915914
File: 1.98 MB, 226x169, 1458269238571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk fellas, they both look good to me but for different reasons.

People like seeing different takes on things they enjoy or putting their own spin on things. This is why realistic Pokemon renderings, gender swaps, and modern day Disney princess re-imaginings are popular.

There is nothing wrong with re-imagining character designs anymore than there is anything wrong with remixing a song - it's a matter of if the person executing the revision/redux is shit or not.

Not sure why this is hard to understand.

>> No.3915923


>> No.3915931

The form, perspective push, and color selection is much much better on the left. If you can't acknowledge that you're a tastelet who things realistic = technically superior by default.

>> No.3915963

I don't disagree, because it just looks like right isn't fully finished. Needs more highlights and core shadows. The right also has a sexier gesture, the right is just typical "porn girl gets raped" looking shit.

>> No.3915998

omg you fucking autistic fucks think any good artist is a filtered photo LMAO

>> No.3916034
File: 1.03 MB, 4000x3000, Woman 103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a copy of this photo...

>> No.3916048

Holy shit, delete this.

>> No.3916050


>> No.3916052

Get absolutely fucked. If it looks like a paint over of a photo, it probably is a paint over of a photo.

>> No.3916071
File: 91 KB, 369x364, 1555455349306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3916077

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.3916094

no fucking wonder her left wrist is so bad

>> No.3916137


>> No.3916160

ah, so it's soulless because it's based on an actual women

>> No.3916161

it's interesting to see how they'd look in real life, why does it need to be more or less than that?

>> No.3916170
File: 990 KB, 900x695, 1522093738795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it ALWAYS looks like generic girl#123498 traced in some shitty position with a 3/4 profile
>inb4 b-but all anime looks the same too
I'm not denying that anime artists can fall into the same meme, but somehow western patreon whores doing that thing OP points out manage to be thrice as creatively bankrupt. These "realism"fags are the worst, it's as if they had a catalogue of pre-rendered random people and just added whatever features some fotm anime character possesses on top. The girl on the right doesn't look anything like the one on the left, it's as if the artist drew some cosplayer.

>> No.3916355

I never said it wasn’t a photo copy I said it wasn’t filtered you stupid autistic fuckhead

>> No.3916385

it's even funnier because the dude fucked up so bad the parts the photo didn't show. what the fuck did he try to do in her back?

>> No.3916412

legs are fucked up too.

>> No.3916417
File: 14 KB, 167x254, 1556808879759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he try to do here?

>> No.3916422


>> No.3916429
File: 28 KB, 395x417, 1533831447203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3916437

At least right has good taste in girls.

>> No.3916451

LMAO indeed

>> No.3916666
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1500, 1556130410414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that the same guy that did pic related

>> No.3916670

Cool 3d trace

>> No.3916672

Look at this fucking kek

>> No.3916675

No, because your picrel looks like it's done by a half competent artist.

>> No.3916680

Because it looks better to non-autists.

>> No.3916713


for attention... also obviously heavily referenced. That's why it looks so "soulless" they just copied of a model photo.

>> No.3916719

I'm only replying because
its not, its a straight forward view of a girl. Its less dynamic and has less energy than the left. The left actually has a good composition, and her horns work with the gesture and the background. The right just has horns thrown on cause that's the character.
Plus the borders, the left opens up to allow the girl to rise out of the clothes, even if you cleaned up the right its just splattered all over the bottom and it looks like shit. It doesn't open up or lead into the woman, it covers up and makes her appearance behind a block as opposed to feeling elegant like the left.

Right has shit composition.

>> No.3916722
File: 199 KB, 1240x2098, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there still retards who still believe like all of his works and arent copied/traced?

>> No.3916732

To be fair, in every single one of these the copy is better than the original.

>> No.3916733

That'll be going into my Ilya folder, thank you very much
Also to answer your question, if people don't realize it it's because they have never drawn themselves and don't get the process. That's why normalfags don't give a shit.

>> No.3916739

1. this isn't close to being traced
2. referencing is not a big deal, which this is referencing
3. fuck off and draw

>> No.3916742
File: 26 KB, 116x109, 47321894732819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>f-fuck off and draw
Don't forget to renew your patreon subscription, Kuvshinov needs it to keep producing 3/4 anime girl profiles! Keep that chromatic aberration high!

>> No.3916753

While the first two are the usual sasuga Ilya-tier, the third one is acceptable in my eyes. I mean the only similar things there are glasses and a pose.
Even if some of these are not traced or heavily referenced, the level of creativity is close to zero. I mean look at Kuvshinov's stuff. He didn't just want to draw characters and people "in his style", he often took some official art or a photo and just drew the exact same thing.

I liked him more when he was drawing fanart of Houkago Play. It had a soul. And it didn't have chromatic aberration.

>> No.3916902

I like both.

>> No.3917786
File: 2.46 MB, 1528x2142, 1556571898468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some dude with a drawing program copies the work of an actual artist by taking a photo of some random girl and painting over it
>why do they do this
And since normies can't tell the difference between water and oil, it works.

>> No.3917828


>> No.3917844

Realism and digital art don't mix. It's almost always a trace or a photobash.

>> No.3919360

Wrong. The contrast on the left helps differentiate it from the background as opposed to the right which composition wise is worse and just blends together value wise.

Likely a shit post but if not NGMI.

>> No.3919412

who drew the one on the right?

>> No.3919422

what's the point of learning art if you're not going to fap to your own drawings?

>> No.3920129

Drawing an ugly cunt and calling it realism is not realism.

>> No.3920131

OH NON NOMONLOnpiojdspvfwe

>> No.3920132


>> No.3920175
File: 580 KB, 634x900, RD11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking triggered

>> No.3920178

>Complaining about fat thigh
fucking faggot

>> No.3920186
File: 146 KB, 560x747, RD12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3920212

man /ic/ can be so embarassing sometimes

>> No.3920216

what do you mean sometimes?
its all the time anon. 24-7. embrace that shit.

>> No.3920315


>> No.3920444

the small hands thing is kinda dumb tho, it's obviously intentional to suit her character. looks fine, really.

i've seen some small fuckin hands in my life dude, and they weren't on small girls, either lol

>> No.3920456

eh, matter of opinon.

>> No.3920475

well, to be fair, everything he pointed is retarded, and he draws like one too, so...

>> No.3920585
File: 163 KB, 620x711, RD13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3920593

Purely for fapping purposes. /thread

>> No.3920625

I am a grown ass man and I have had people grab my hands in shock and admire how small and delicate they are. It doesn't make me happy at all you dummies

>> No.3920636

at least you can masturbate pretending your hand is a cute girls's hand.

>> No.3920887

>This is the kind of faggot that give advice
lmao what an embarrassment

>> No.3920957

Delete your posts. Leave for a week and think about what you've done. Never namefag again.

>> No.3921109


>> No.3921271

>why do they do this

>> No.3921425
File: 950 KB, 700x634, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when I have to fix other lazy people's dang pictures. Still soulless but I tried.

>> No.3921429

Christ, what a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.3921436


>> No.3921699

Don't worry anon, at least you tried.

>> No.3921704

her pinky still looks like a thumb

>> No.3921812

It's funny how you faggots manage to always be more embarrassing than bait OPs.

>> No.3921867

This. I don't think I've ever seen a "muh realistic" piece from a digital artist that wasn't a trace, "reference", or flat out filtered/painted photo.

>> No.3921890

>I don't think I've ever seen a "muh realistic" piece from a digital artist that wasn't a trace, "reference", or flat out filtered/painted photo.
But Anon, people have been using references to do art since dawn of time. There is nothing wrong about that.

>> No.3921891

why, am I making you uncomfortable?

>> No.3923948

i'm fucking tore. the other has good rendering but the other has more dynamism...

>> No.3923955

It looks bretty nice desu, love the eye candy colors

>> No.3924809


Everybody that replied is a retarded and merely coping. The right is far superior and you're wrong if you think otherwise.

>> No.3924871

>artist gives an obvious photo the "art" treatment
why do they do this

>> No.3924875

Only if you have shit taste, imagine liking such an obvious, stiff photobash
Just look at her fucking horns lmao

>> No.3924901


>> No.3924988

i wish you were dead