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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 80 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3913766 No.3913766[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Possesses the ability to draw realistic anatomy from references
>Has fundamentals knuckled down
>Captures the gesture from the model without sacrificing fluidity and motion
>Received instruction and training in draftsmanship from school
>Is everything /ic/ wants to be
>Cannot draw from imagination to save his life let alone a simple cute anime grill despite over a decade of life drawing - ergo the Proko effect

What went wrong?

>> No.3913791

imagine OP is proko

>> No.3913796

didn't practice drawing from imagination
that's about all

>> No.3913799
File: 119 KB, 697x622, im so done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- doesn't have the spark
- only two(2) ligameme
- isn't japanese

>> No.3913808

I think he'd probably be a pretty good sculptor. Like for games where the concept is already there.

>> No.3913813

>Haha, I’m bad sometimes too so that makes me relatable with you viewers, right?

>> No.3913817

speaking of this, can anyone post proko's portfolio? does he have an artstation or something
does he only do charcoal figure drawing with models?

>> No.3913818

nevermind found it in one google

>> No.3913833


peace out, clank spoon

>> No.3913838

Everyone is different.

I agree with you, i dont like Proko's art, it isn't very good, pretty boring.

But keep in mind that their are people who have his skill set and have made brilliant art. Steve Huston for example who has worked with Proko and has the same if not superior skillset of fundamentals and draftsmanship. He makes inspired paintings. Guys like James Jean, if you check out his process is rooted in simple fundamentals, has great classic drafting skills and produces extremely inspired and creative art. Pretty much all great representational artists have to learn this stuff.

I normally hate when people say about an art teacher: "well he's not a good artist but he's a good teacher" but in Proko's case that's exactly true. His calling and his talent is as a teacher. He's gets how to explain and how to show. I wont post my art, so dont take me for my word, but i think im a better artist then him, at least from no reference but i'd still take his class.

>> No.3913843

He heavily uses reference, yes.

Even though he can draw from imagination yet, He will have an insanely easier time learning how to that someone without a drawing background. Just look at how quickly he picked up painting.

He says himself at the end of that very stream; Don't wait.

Like everything, you need experience doing it. Learning how to draw doesn't automatically make you good at drawing everything, but being able to draw does allow you to make connections between your knowledge an what you're trying to learn. For instance how anime eyes are simplified depictions of real eyes or how learning skeletal and musculature structure would help you place pistons and hinges more convincingly on a robot.

The fundamentals are like learning to drive a car. Sure you know how to drive, but its still up to you to drive it somewhere.

>> No.3913846
File: 238 KB, 900x675, choppinglessons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont like Proko's art, it isn't very good, pretty boring.
>isn't very good
lmao post your work

>> No.3913852
File: 145 KB, 551x700, donquixote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Proko paintings

>> No.3913853
File: 102 KB, 579x700, girlwithdolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also paints lolis

>> No.3913854
File: 119 KB, 466x700, annette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3913857
File: 131 KB, 500x700, noblesavage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3913860
File: 135 KB, 558x700, russianbazaar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare any of you faggots who shitpost about proko to post your work so I can laugh

>> No.3913864

not that anon but his work is pretty boring to me as well. i won't pretend that i'm entirely as good as him at painting or drawing, but his stuff is definitely not for me, either, it just looks... generic.

>> No.3913865

has anyone said anything about his trad art? they just laugh at the fact that he cant draw shit without reference. Why you so mad? Proko subscriber?

>> No.3913866
File: 176 KB, 525x700, olya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think these are generic, save yourself a whole lot of time and heartache and just give up now and try something like accounting

>> No.3913875
File: 121 KB, 758x426, THU-Steve-Huston-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like i said, i wont post my art, your free to not believe me, i don't even know why i mentioned it.

But also like i said, it's boring. It's not badly done it's just that good observational painters are a dime a dozen. I go to a top art school and I have seen countless artist who are bad, cant draw/paint from imagination to save their life but they can execute good observational work, i just dont put much stock in it.

Compare his work to his friend and fellow teacher Steve Huston to see what i mean.

>> No.3913901

wow, if we're going down that road, i could say the same to you, you're not fit for an industry that you need an actual voice in to stay relevant.

you're the prime example of an easily impressed normie, his xerox skills are obviously the most interesting thing about his paintings, as the composition is stale, the values just barely establish foreground, midground, background in his more complex pieces showing lack of confidence outside of vignettes and simple environments. his stylization of any given form is almost nonexistent, which further bores me and other artists that have seen photographs and live models before, and know how well it could be executed comparatively.

i'm not even going to go into detail about his painting style. absolutely watered down watts/fechin, incredibly overdone and unimpressive applied throughout the entire painting, almost entirely eliminating whatever good edge contrast he COULD have had, but doesn't capitalize on.

proko is a great teacher. proko is a great draftsman. proko is a lackluster designer, and a bad painter.

if you're going to insult me based on my simple opinion that was not interfering at all with the way you viewed his art, i'm going to do the same to you.

waste of my time, trying talking to you. get back to /beg/ and study better painters so you can get better taste like >>3913875, steve huston is a perfect example of just how drab and stiff proko's paintings are in comparison.

also, fuck you. you didn't have to be rude but since you took my completely non-aggressive comment as a personal attack, you can lay down where you stagnate while the rest of the /beg/s trample you on their path to greatness. actually gtfo /ic/, we do not need your kind bringing down the mood of the board even more.

>> No.3913905
File: 50 KB, 800x600, 1493237472754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3913910


>> No.3913911

His gesture tutorial makes me want to kill myself because it makes me realize I'm not gonna make it.

>> No.3913917


Also, try looking at the gesture explanation in Michael Hamptons design/invention book or Vilppu's manual. they do a good job explaining the point.

>> No.3913925

Try Steve Huston or Karl Gnass.

>> No.3913928
File: 751 KB, 1536x2048, 1508785762525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using the best version

>> No.3913933

example of his imagination drawings?

>> No.3913936

How do you get good at drawing from imagination?
What kind of exercised would it take?
t.can't draw anything that isn't a stickfigure from imagination

>> No.3913953

It's not so much a way of working as a state of mind WHILE you're working.

Lets say you draw cylinder, you can draw two circles and connect it, even know to shrink the cylinder because of perspective, but you're drawing flatly unless you force your brain to "imagine" the cylinder literally going back into 3d space while you're doing it.

Getting better at drawing from imagination is constantly forcing your brain to try and see the form actually going back in space, it feels weird and wrong and you'll constantly go back, for a while. You have to be mindful while you draw. don't worry if it looks and feels janky as all hell, it will for a long time, but as long as your trying to see it, trying to imagine that flat 2d paper as a 3d space then you're getting better at imagination drawing. Wrapping lines, like drawing lines around the form, are good for this because they force to imagine how the line will go over the form in 3d space.

You cant do it until you learn the very basic systems of perspective, it doesn't have to be perfect but enough to be constantly aware of it, be familiar enough with the basic principles that you know to be aware of where of the horizon line for example. Then you learn to draw and see basic shapes in space. It's harder then it sounds. Once you can draw a box, cyclidner and circular form in any orietation then you can pretty much do anything and you use it to construct your drawings. Again, dont make the mistake of sticking tooo too closely to perspective lines with a ruler if your drawing a box, try and see it and figure it out free hand based on where the horizon line is.

>> No.3913959

Thanks, anon.
I'll try.

>> No.3913963

you're a good guy

>> No.3914002

wtf I love Proko now

>> No.3914017

glad to meet you in person on chat Proko. please leave this board tho. Posted painting looks like photo with photo filter on top. Nice and unique.

>> No.3914020

I'd agree with this to a certain point. however learning how to transition is also a very important part. Not only is the detail and the halftone in the transition, but its also where you need to blend the forms together. But I guess what you say is a nice starting point.

>> No.3914035


I looked it up on his homepage, "noble savage" is the actual title of the painting. Does Proko really not now what the noble savage refers to?

>> No.3914524

his smile is genuine, unlike you