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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 268 KB, 1280x801, D5ZhMdWXoAAE55u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3912445 No.3912445 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, Hitler was a TERRIBLE painter, why have you lied to me?

>> No.3912446

Post your work.

>> No.3912449

I don't have any but I wouldn't fuck up shadows and perspective like he did.
It looks like psychological instability on canvas.

>> No.3912451

Post your work.

>> No.3912454
File: 476 KB, 736x1034, 1521918438595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, post YOUR work first

>> No.3912543
File: 151 KB, 960x608, 0XeLRETvhzu_DzO4ZgR4dCwJliTBKZ1PUuMkAkN49Vc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3912546
File: 90 KB, 634x445, 30AA061E00000578-0-image-m-115_1453995192955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3912568

that woman in red on the left is fucking huge

>> No.3912581

that's Big Bertha.
also you are dyslexic.

>> No.3912585
File: 586 KB, 720x537, 1549065206926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring ihn zu den Öfen!

>> No.3912642

hitler was the OG /beg/

>> No.3912654

>be hitler
>werde es nicht schaffen

>> No.3912656

Post Your Work.

>> No.3912657 [DELETED] 
File: 2.18 MB, 3100x2410, 57. Are We The Baddies?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that window running into the steps

>> No.3912659

>that's Big Bertha
>also you are dyslexic
fucks sake I always mix em up

>> No.3912694

based dunning kruger crab

>> No.3912721

>psychological instability
That sounds like you just projecting what you think about Hitler onto his work instead of actually fucking looking at it.

Hitler was many things, but "psychologically unstable" definitely wasn't one of them.

>> No.3912733 [DELETED] 

was he ACTUALLY autistic? Wasn't he sitting there looking at this building?

How do you fuck up where things go when you're LOOKING at the fucking thing.

I mean I guess he wasn't looking it at it. Which kind of makes him even more autistic. Got those steps and the midget door with a window RIGHT above it. The other midget door has a window awkwardly positioned diagonally above it.

And that's ALL he did too. Retarded pictures of insanely designed buildings.

>> No.3912734 [DELETED] 

not them but it totally is. It's very childish, which is an awkward trait in a painting of a building.

>> No.3912735

>Trying to hide the errors under coloring. Too bad Hitler wasnt born these days. Being a renderfag gives you a grand following and he couldnt go mega sperg

>> No.3912758

i honestly couldn't see what was wrong with it until i noticed the steps, yeah he was awful at perspective
those trees are really nice though, he should've tried less rigid and more natural landscapes, he probably would've done better with that

>> No.3912760

Why would you post such a poorly done painting?

>> No.3912762

Mein bruder didnt understand perspective

>> No.3912783
File: 78 KB, 500x608, 1547427130455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you paint worse than hitler

>> No.3912786
File: 225 KB, 326x300, door.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3913103

The longer you stare, the worse it gets.

>> No.3913137

Why would you need to go to the academy if you are already a good painter?
He wanted, but they didn't let him get good.

>> No.3913147

Damn, he was even trying to camo the building for war.

>> No.3913150

>I know I failed high school maths but why can't I study it at university? I want to get good but they just won't let me!

>> No.3913178

shit analogy, brainlet

>> No.3913180

You seriously think a prestigious tertiary institution in the early 20th century is going to offer remedial classes and I'm supposed to be the brainlet?

>> No.3913182

comparing hitler's painting skillset to "failed high school maths" level was dumb as fuck
there is no point in going into school if you are already a pro

>> No.3913183

There is no point of going into a school if you don't match the requirements.

>> No.3913191

And yet he failed to apply even basic principles of perspective.

>> No.3913198

not matching arbitrary requirements or just not bribing corrupt nepotic examiners?

not an argument. you can easily learn theory and applications of even advanced principles of perspective in two weeks if you have good instructor or studying materials.

>> No.3913199

>not an argument. you can easily learn theory and applications of even advanced principles of perspective in two weeks if you have good instructor or studying materials.

The fact that he didn't do that before his application shows how little effort he put in it.

>> No.3913201

>not an argument
Guess what buddy, "ur dum" isn't an argument either. Single and two point perspective gets taught to young children. Why the hell would a prestigious tertiary institution in the early 20th century offer remedial classes?

>> No.3913204

keep in mind he did this when the internet or computers didn't exist

>> No.3913205

keep in mind he did this when the books did exist

>> No.3913206

He wasn't rejected because of perspective.
His architectural stuff was considered "good", he was rejected because he didn't paint figures enough.
>Hitler was rejected twice by the institute, once in 1907 and again in 1908.[5] In his first examination, he had passed the preliminary portion; which was to draw two of the assigned iconic or Biblical scenes, in two sessions of three hours each. The second portion was to provide a previously prepared portfolio for the examiners. It was noted that Hitler's works contained "too few heads".[6] The institute considered that he had more talent in architecture than in painting.[7] One of the instructors, sympathetic to his situation and believing he had some talent, suggested that he apply to the academy's School of Architecture. However, that would have required returning to secondary school from which he had dropped out and which he was unwilling to do.

>> No.3913209

Basically arbitrary judgment.

>> No.3913210

>His architectural stuff was considered "good",
No it says it was considered BETTER than his figure paintings

>> No.3913213

If he was so bad, how did he pass preliminary portion then?

>> No.3913220

Times were dire in 1908

>> No.3913221

he was a terrible person too so..

>> No.3913276

in germany?

>> No.3913309

This is unironically some serious /beg/ shit right here, unbelievable.

>> No.3913317

Images like this, I think he was copying photos. He made money coloring B&W postcards when he was broke and trying to get into the academy. His work that isn't architecture is completely different, it's truly shitty. But these are cleaner, and they're wonky, like he was freehand drawing from photos and postcards, and calling them his own. This one looks like lense distortion in a photo, translated poorly into a drawing.

It would explain why they denied him. He might have been just a tracer.

>> No.3913324
File: 17 KB, 290x450, AH_1913_11x16cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-euclidan geometry

>> No.3913332

wat if da building was really like this?

>> No.3913352

germany is a savage land of knuckle dragging barbarians. they probably didn't have books

>> No.3913386

Looks pretty good, didn't he do all this stuff before he even was going to START formal art education? He was only on the beginning of a long road to improvement but it got cut off

>> No.3913455

>/ic/fag reveals he has never drawn architecture
I know that you only draw animu titties, but if you paint a building and it's not very good, that's what it looks like. It's not "autism" that causes this.

>> No.3913480

It looks like someone who needs to go to art school, as he was trying to until people didn't want him there, and the rest is literally history.

>> No.3913501

Do steps like this not exist in burgerland? They are leading to a small platform in front of the door to step on.

>> No.3913508

>they probably didn't have books
I guess Nietzsche wrote on stone then.

>> No.3913525

>early XXc
>accepting people who are unable to draw neither shadows, perspective nor people to art academy
Art academy is for polishing the crafy and finding your individual voice, but you need to have talent and basic skills. Hitler's artwork shows that he has none of the qualities required.

>> No.3913535
File: 137 KB, 641x688, 8645312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess which artwork got accepted and which rejected in the prestigious academy of fine arts in vienna

>> No.3913563

I hope all of them were rejected.

>> No.3913572

I'm sure holding on to those standards worked out great for everyone.

>> No.3913575

the bottom has more soul than the top 2 generic trash /beg/ drawings. Do you even draw or did you come to this board to show how retarded you are?

>> No.3913581

some edgy scratchings about muh nihilism is not real writing.

>> No.3913582

It actually did, Vienna is famous for their absolvents.

>> No.3913583

>mediocre imitation art
>soulful abstract art
Pick one

>> No.3913593

We are talking about books, not what is or isn't writing. I used Nietzsche as an example because I hoped even retards who don't know basic history would recognize the name.

>> No.3913594

>tfw the bottom has a clearly better technical understanding of the human body than the top 1 to 1 eye copies without even needing shadow to show form
>unironically say the bottom is worse
it's safe to say you either don't draw or are a dunning kruger

>> No.3913599
File: 73 KB, 1184x1216, 1635521521521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, dunning kruger is real.
i thought it was a meme.

>> No.3913615

the top can be done by almost anyone in the /beg/ thread. It could literally be done within a month of learning how to draw.
The bottom shows a lot more experience of knowing the figure because of it's loose, confident, graphic style. Are you fucking retarded? If the top could get into that school then any /beg/ could, it would be a fucking shitty school. I actually think you see shadows and think that's the epitome of art

>> No.3913622

I bet you think this guy should play at a concert

>> No.3913627

he made his dreams reality, that's a kek for you, based retard.

>> No.3913644
File: 343 KB, 1595x880, es.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if hitler /beg/ tier drawings were not good enough to get him into the art academy is debatable, to think that the author of works like this deserves to get into the art academy is just laughable
sounds good, just like trap or despacito.

>> No.3913656

I had a dream the other night where I met Hitler. This was artist Hitler before he became fascist. He was painting and I told him "everyone likes artists" and he smiled in reply.

Of course in that same dream my pool was full of dead mice.

>> No.3913667

Nietzsche was firmly anti-nihilist as written in beyond good & evil, calls it a folly and self-defeating, but since nobody reads anymore all illiterates like you know of him is a flanderized media caricature, calling him edgy is a dead giveaway. Shit like taking ''God is dead'' literally without the knowledge that in that instance he was lamenting the gradual loss of a backbone of society, a mythos that ties us all together and makes a people strong (even if it's wrong).

>> No.3913674

uncle adolf's painting was not good but that painting is a fucking crust

>> No.3913678

It's about what the painting tells about the artists knowledge about fundamentals and design. Not the painting itself you fucking autist. Just like his drawings it's not about the drawings itself, it's about how much he knows. And it clearly shows that the bottom knows a lot more about fundamentals and design than the top.

>> No.3913681

what's the fucking knowledge in the bottom painting, it's /beg/
I don't know who the artist is, is he someone famous?

>> No.3913683

That painting licks my balls.

>> No.3913685

do you draw? I legitimately think you don't.

>> No.3913686
File: 60 KB, 605x302, paintings-by-world-leaders-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He drew dogs too. Also not great but better than I could do.

>> No.3913688

dude what the fuck there is an OUTLINE for the UPPER LIP in a fucking PAINTING
that is literally "I started drawing yesterday" level

>> No.3913689
File: 24 KB, 360x537, 1519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egon Schiele, very confident style, i admire him

>> No.3913691

I was talking about >>3913535

>> No.3913700

The bottom one looks like a bowl of cheetos with ketchup. The top ones look like someone did a study of another artist's study.

>> No.3913710

Look at the date anon. It's a portrait.

>> No.3913722

This is an amazing painting.

>> No.3913726

It's great

>> No.3913735

I like Schiele but >>3913599 is not him

>> No.3913739
File: 270 KB, 457x589, obrazy-na-plotnie-gustav-klimt-pocalunek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what was in fashion in early XXc Vienna

>> No.3913760

I'm a beg, and these threads are always confusing to me.

These have some oddities, but how precise hand drawn perspective is supposed to be? For most of them, besides maybe >>3912546,
I needed redlines. Is that one simply a case of close spacing and misaligned eye level?

Could anyone explain how much of these are trolling and how many of the crits in these are legit, please?

>> No.3913797
File: 23 KB, 399x407, 46394863541189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your work.
Let's see how he could improve, for I am not a good artist, but want to see and learn from you master.

>> No.3913805
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 1547930970178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet again, not a single fucking soul in this thread dared to post their work.
And no, I won't post work.

>> No.3913810
File: 27 KB, 378x373, 1552850185238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like psychological instability on canvas
Who would've thought that an artist puts his soul on canvas..........

>> No.3913819

all you bunch of fucking dumbasses can't recognize when art is boring and will therefore never make anything good eat shit

>> No.3913856

I think the main reason i think Hitler wasn't accepted is his terrible figure drawing.


People always post like the 2 that aren't too bad but if you look up all of them they're pretty bad. Pretty standard beginner who doesn't understand what he's drawing but instead just copying as closely as he can. Even in his buildings you can see he sometimes does obvious perspective mistakes that kind of show he was just copying.

He was a beginner, terrible figure drawing, middling paintings at best and he was applying to a top school.

>> No.3913870

>how precise hand drawn perspective is supposed to be?
didn't you understand yet that /ic/ doesn't care about art. if this was in the drawthread people would say it's not bad. this is by hitler so they are ragging on it. if there was a dickgirl in the foreground everyone would have loved it and completely forgotten about the perspective. Then some other anons would've said it's shit because the dickgirl is not a loli, then someone says it's great because he hates lolis, someone shoops a kangaroo in it, etc.

>> No.3913876

Is this like 20XX for art historians?

>> No.3914108

Everyone has to go through nihilism at some point. Its just the reduction of your categories back to nil. So you can breathe your own essence into them.

>> No.3914138

sure but that seems like a whole lot of steps for a small door

>> No.3914143

it's the gay and european way to denote centuries

>> No.3914154

He should have gone to art school then lmao what a dummy he was.

>> No.3914169

Gotta skim the mice before sleep.

>> No.3914181

That unironically looks more interesting than "his" paitings that were just traced from postcards
He could've been a modernist, if he wasn't such a fucking autist

>> No.3914301
File: 252 KB, 1114x1107, L25A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3914321
File: 63 KB, 438x640, schiele-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schiele was perfectly able of doing realistic portraits

>> No.3914324
File: 2.24 MB, 2249x3150, 15_portrait-of-a-girl_egon-schiele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3914328
File: 234 KB, 768x1023, portrait_of_leopold_czihaczekAalso_known_as_head_of_a_bearded_man_i_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these done when he was 16-17 yo

>> No.3914335

If you look at the bottom right corner you'll notice he did this during WW1, I'd like to see you do better without artillery falling around you.

>> No.3914346

You think that's bad, you should trying drawing when my mom's home.

>> No.3914373

Look at all those artillery shells falling around him anon.
great observation

>> No.3914428

What do you think made all those craters? We know Hitler was hospitalized twice in WWI due to artillery.

>> No.3914497

Nietzsche was about taking charge of your own life and not being an NPC though, it's like the opposite of nihilism.

>> No.3914501

>This nigger thinks you can capture falling shells mid air drawing.

>> No.3914502

No, it is interesting, not amazing.