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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3909467 No.3909467[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that like 50% of users here are girls

>> No.3909470

Does it matter? People here are to improve their artwork

>> No.3909473

consensus of may 2018
consensus of august 2018

We can conclude this is a male dominant board.

>> No.3909474

Also my own statisics of ~500 active weekly users and ~2000-5000 during the summer lurkers is right.

>> No.3909476

Of course it does. Women ruin everything from hobbies to civilizations.

>> No.3909481

Or maybe OP is just a delusional virgin thinking he has a chance with a girl hundreds of miles away

>> No.3909487

Stop blaming other people for your very own shittiness, OP.

>> No.3909500

I'm OP, don't associate me with that sad incel.
I was just surprised to hear that so manh girls post here. Like 1/3 of the posters are girls. Compare this to places like /v/ and /g/ where maybe 1/30 of the posters are girls.

>> No.3909508

In light of the butthurt crybaby influx, I'm inclined to believe it.

>> No.3909510

The only place where this might be the true is /soc/ the camwhore board

>> No.3909513

these are pretty shitty though, you should have found the main one from a couple months back

basically there are a bit over 650 anons on ic which was the highest recorded strawpoll number, around 250 females and the rest males. But since females commonly pretend to be male online and vice versa (especially since this is an art board), you can put the ratio to around 35% females and 65% males.

Now reduce those 650 to probably around 300 regulars, and given their nature the majority of those should be female since they are not as easily distracted by other more "fun" things and tend to stick to a personal routine, as well as battle mental wariness by repeating the same activities.

>> No.3909526

You're probably thinking of /cgl/.

>> No.3909528


>> No.3909534

Just stating the obvious. Girls can't do or deal with banter. /ic/ has recently lost all sense of humor. You do the maths.

>> No.3909535

Anon I am very sorry to say that there are no girls on the Internet.

>> No.3909855

This. Girls are not able to think abstractly or read between the lines. They think very literally, meaning they are not able to detect humor or sarcasm unless it is on-the-nose.

>> No.3909891

lol virgins

>> No.3909966

Common knowledge among men, including the promiscious ones. Aside from a deluded minority, literally everyone knows you can't banter a girl the way you would a guy wiothout her turning sour.
>inb4 this guy I know etc
Of course they won't admit it to your face, dumb cunt.

>> No.3909972

Yes OP, /ic/ is 50% girls and 50% illiterate incels that can't spell "promiscuous".

>> No.3909978
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>> No.3909982

Nice sexism

>> No.3909983

>veryone knows you can't banter a girl the way you would a guy
Because most of the time when you are talking to a girl, you want to fuck her, so you "dont want to ruin chances". With a guy you couldnt care if what you said would hurt him. Same reason people dont banter with bosses or teachers

Prove me wrong

>> No.3909985

>Same reason people dont banter with bosses or teachers
Can you be more of a girl

>> No.3909986

>when you are talking to a girl
kek anon please get real

>> No.3909997

yea, hello guys :)

>> No.3910002

>not able to think abstractly or read between the lines
Eh, I've met men who are the same. I think it's more of a autistic thing than gender related issue. Got friends who are autistic and they can't understand sarcasm even if it hit them with a bat, o boy has there been a lot of misunderstanding because of that.

>> No.3910010

>ctrl f virgin
>ctrl f incel
>both turn up results
Yeah there's a few girls here. Along with some "girls" and >girls

>> No.3910019

The trick is to insult them into oblivion. If you get their confidence low enough, theyre yours. You need to be funny when you do it though elsewise they'll leave because you're an asshole. But remember that every girl is insecure 100% and you should always abuse this fact to slither into their hearts.

>> No.3910021

Not that i would do this of course... I respect women a lot and am actually a proud feminist.

>> No.3910023

>Not that i would do this of course
Of course, you would need to talk to a girl first

>> No.3910027
File: 33 KB, 500x375, E0CAEDF9-2A66-4FD0-93EE-31A41074B0F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am and I hate it and want to leave but I’m addicted to this hell hole for some reason

>> No.3910028

Fuck off, Incel

>> No.3910035

>4chan incel explains how to pick up girls
Excellent anon, keep the tutorials coming

>> No.3910039

Though I don't hate this place, the entertainment in shitposting 4chan provides can be gold sometimes, but man do I need to stop procrastinating on this site.

>> No.3910040

Makes no sense, who would've taught me feminism otherwise?

>> No.3910042
File: 1.63 MB, 2609x2854, she_irl hygge 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl in this pic haha

>> No.3910047

>male feminist
holy yikes man I hope youre joking

>> No.3910048

>can't banter a girl the way you would a guy wiothout her turning sour.
Because your banter is shit.
When I talk to my friends, whether girls or guys, we're always insulting each other. That's what friendship (and flirtation) is about. It's feeling comfortable enough to poke fun at each other but knowing them well enough that you aware of what actual issues you shouldn't touch.
If you can't 'banter' with girls then either you're socially tone deaf (being a dick or negging someone isn't funny, it's just toxic) you're just saying flat out unacceptable shit like rape

Congrats most women recognize that you're a shit that has to use psychological tricks to stay with you instead of just inspiring genuine affection

Same, I come back maybe once every three months because I want to actually see draw threads but I see this kind of shit and immediately leave again

>> No.3910056

girls are better than boys proof me wrong

>> No.3910060

It's a fact.

>> No.3910062

>saying flat out unacceptable shit like rape jokes.
aaaand you proved his point

>> No.3910071

I love all my anon sisters

>> No.3910074

Not him or her, but it depends on the rape joke.
I've seen some autists joke about shit like they're going to rape them or something and it can get significantly more awkward towards female than male friends. I shouldn't need to explain why this is the case

>> No.3910075
File: 35 KB, 1105x319, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahah... ya... Of course...
You seem jealous. Add me on discord so I can insult you too <3 xNosebro#4261 (no fatties)
Anon-kun, anything for you!

>> No.3910076

hell yeah brother

>> No.3910078

not her but what did she prove? That there's a reason that he's an unfuckable faggot that can't handle banter without lapsing into talking about sexual violence?

>> No.3910081

that mindset is why incels don't get gf's

>> No.3910087

>When I talk to my friends, whether girls or guys, we're always insulting each other. That's what friendship (and flirtation) is about

lmao what a dumb underage cringe faggot

>> No.3910088

Many of them have given up on that anyway. Its no wonder they think they are superior to women because its *we* who are the problem and not their self inflicted loneliness and wallowing

>> No.3910090

>Girls are not able to think abstractly or read between the lines.
the irony is the amount of projection that you are doing in this sentence LOL.

>> No.3910091

Not dating ugly people is discrimination and not progressive at all. Anti-discrimination should be legally enforced. Including but not limited to government mandated girlfriends.

>> No.3910093
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>> No.3910095
File: 156 KB, 1672x1264, cuck incel sjw .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at that point it's more about self-justification than anything else. It's just shit they tell themselves to cope.

The whole concept of being "involuntarily celibate" is such a meme to start with. They're drawing a religious parallel with their virginity, literally embracing a "holier-than-thou" mindset. And then saying it's "involuntarily" is literally blaming everyone else for their sexual frustrations.

It's super malignant messaging strategy being boosted by bad actor messaging agencies to radicalize kiddos against their society.

>> No.3910097

I am, but mostly lurk. Only time I post is usually when someone posts a shitty redline and thinks their art is so good, so I need to 1-up them.
I don't do it to be a cunt, but to give someone with potential actual advice instead of the shit advice they got from a previous anon.

>> No.3910098

but what if your government mandated gf is ugly?

>> No.3910100

Isn't this just similar to arranged marriages? Which by the way, most just end up being sexless/loveless and it's more like an overglorified roommate.

>> No.3910106

I know, which is what the guy was saying. Joking threats of violence between men are totally normal because for the most part its a level playing field. Saying I'm going to rape my male friends is funny because I would not be physically capable of it. Not the case for girl 5" and 40lb smaller than me. Hence, women are not capable of taking the level of banter that men are.
see above. Rape is the word of the day when there's any male only competition happening.

>> No.3910107

holy, basedboy is the surest x10 i've ever seen, i just hope you basedgoys have packed your bags

>> No.3910108

Yes, thats why there's so many threads dedicated to shitting on successful artists and "lolcows".

>> No.3910111
File: 223 KB, 1922x1380, blacked euromaidan cuck sjw gamergate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn english ese

>> No.3910117

dude I don't fucking joke about rape with my buds. That's the gayest faggot autism. idk if you're like 14 or something but nothing is cringier than someone making everything into sex or violence in casual banter. Saying something like "we got raped that round" is one thing but talking about raping your mates is poof shit.
>Saying I'm going to rape my male friends is funny
no it's gay. You're gay. Your friends are faggots.
>because I would not be physically capable of it.
not with that attitude.
>Hence, women are not capable of taking the level of banter that men are.
Men don't actually joke about raping each other that often. That's some cringe tier banter for sexually frustrated teens.

It's just suck-the-air-out-of-the-room anti banter for uncreative unfuckable fucking retards. Grow up kiddo.

>> No.3910118

Same, but I only really post to shitpost.

>> No.3910130

If it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't even rape you.

>> No.3910147

>inb4 lol incel retard
Except they have a good point. People who call themselves incels are a minority but 28% of men under 30 have not had sex in the last year. Literally nobody likes incels, theyre not radicalizing anybody. Whats radicalizing people is the fact that most young men have spent their entire lives being treated like defective girls. Our society treats men like absolute shit and we're still expected to keep it functioning. Look at MGTOW. Its the same as incels just men who are competent and good looking. The discontent is not relegated to the dregs of society. There would be a lot less people unhappy with society if it was actually fine. 28% of men being losers is not a good stat whether you're on their side or not.
video with stats and liberal bias so you can believe it

>> No.3910150

It’s obliviously male (incel) dominated because this board runs rampant with jealous crabs, degeneracy, sexism, racism, homophobia, etc.

>> No.3910151

Fine, same applies to threats of non sexual violence though.

>> No.3910152

hey look another "girls are icky because I'm an unfuckable zero thread"!

>> No.3910170

It's pathetic to see. These guys are so devoid of female relationships that women might as well be another species.

>> No.3910171

A lot of those aren't exclusive to males. Look at Tumblr, aside from the homophobia part I guess (instead, they're more fetishistic about it)

>> No.3910174
File: 134 KB, 334x393, embarrassing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we should just assume everyone here is male. There are too many autists that sperg out when women are involved. Your sex doesn't matter on an art board anyway

>> No.3910175

>They think very literally, meaning they are not able to detect humor or sarcasm unless it is on-the-nose.
You are describing yourself with that statement anon.

>> No.3910179

It's true. People are fucked on both ends.

>> No.3910188

It's different because fat women don't deserve sympathy.

>> No.3910190

Women have been around since we started existing. I sure as hell know that my existence was made possible by women.

>> No.3910192

You could ask them out like a normal person. It has worked wonders for me.

>> No.3910193

>taking the shitty bait

>> No.3910203

Yes, making new humans is the only thing they are good for.

>> No.3910236

Caveat - this doesn't work if you're an idiot, a manchild, emotionally dependent, or obviously worse than your girlfriend. Even insecure women dump losers.

>> No.3910245

women literally invented art. The first male art was "fertility symbols" to jerk off to. The first female art was hunting instructions for kids. Women are literally the reason "civilization" exists at all.

>> No.3910256

y’know incels really don’t have it that bad nowadays. back in the day if you couldn’t get married you’d just join the navy. not even a fleshlight. at least now you have little anime girls to worship and can talk to other incels.

>> No.3910285

>and can talk to other incels.
that's the most cancerous part. Getting them unionizing and radicalizing out against their society is literally what you do when you want to groom people towards terrorism. That's where suicide bombers come from.

>> No.3910287
File: 234 KB, 1470x1463, IMG_3215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think this board was male-dominated, but seeing the amount of autists shrieking "virgin incel" at (truthful) shitposts about wimmin, I'm starting to think otherwise.

>> No.3910294

only a small minority are actually dangerous, among what’s already a minority of actual incels. terrorism has always existed, and probably always will. you’re giving these dweebs too much credit, most aren’t even capable of leaving their house.

>> No.3910296
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>> No.3910302


>> No.3910303

shiet dis nigga just went ahead and posted it

>> No.3910318

Men use the I-slur more than women, in my experience.

>> No.3910320

I'd think so too.
They have to show women how nobel they are by scolding their fellow "problematic" males.

>> No.3910321
File: 121 KB, 677x679, fuccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's rather a whiteknight invasion?

>> No.3910327

I kind of get this "incel" insult even if it's retarded but how does "virgin" even have ground?
Anyone can save up a few bucks and buy a 11/10 hot escort girl for a night and lose his virginity

>> No.3910337

It's very obvious which posters here have vaginas

>> No.3910341

Yet they dont. Imagine living in 2019 and still being a virgin

>> No.3910351

I can't
the only way I can would be to have sex, die, be reincarnated with my memories and don't bother with it since sex is overrated anyway

>> No.3910353
File: 10 KB, 246x205, 7BFEB506-677B-424E-A362-92FB4F83FE6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m ashamed to share a board with you people.

>> No.3910365
