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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 772 KB, 1551x2035, KazooKD - banoonwyv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3896957 No.3896957 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>3886516
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:57 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.
>Also report it here: https://trello.com/b/YueRX0es/dad-feature-and-bug-tracker

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!

LAS discord: https://discord.gg/curUdax
DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.3896960

good doggy! good banana!

>> No.3896961

good daddy

>> No.3896967

Nice typography ShrineyDog! I'm glad we have a bright first image this time around. Should be easier to find on the catalogue.

>> No.3896978

I'll give it a try. I draw every day already so it should be easy, but I struggle to do works longer than 15-20 minutes so it might be an actual challenge in that regard.

>> No.3896980

>I struggle to do works longer than 15-20 minutes
>15-20 minutes
That's not working, anon. Welcome.

>> No.3896983

I know it's at least 30 minutes, so that's why I said it would be a challenge for me. I do some longer things, but I mostly work from live models and in my atelier I almost never get poses longer than 20 minutes, and I guess I got into that habit?

I can spend 6 hours practicing in a day without spending over 20 minutes on a drawing. Hopefully this challenge helps me be more patient and iterate and try to produce rather than just do short practice.

Thanks for the welcome.

>> No.3896986

You don't have to spend thirty consecutive minutes, you just have to show at least thirty minutes worth of work.

>> No.3896989

>struggle to do works longer than 15-20 minutes
The absolute state of zoomers' attention span

>> No.3896998

That's the spirit!

>> No.3897020

You can just post two 15 min sketches

>> No.3897026

I struggle with drawing for more than 3 hours a day; what should I do, dad?

>> No.3897029

Cut back on hours. I suggest only 30 minutes a day.

>> No.3897032
File: 825 KB, 2118x1500, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, then it should be alright, I definitely do a few hours every day. But I think I should still use it as an opportunity to try to do things where I'm more patient and take my time, get out of my comfort zone etc

I don't want to seem like I'm justifying or defending myself too much, because I agree it's bad and I'm actively trying to do things where I just sit on a work for an hour +.

But I do feel a bit under attack, It's not about attention span. It's more like I'm used to gesture drawing and short live model poses and don't really detail work. I can keep studying the same pose from the same angle for hours without letting my focus down, I would just be doing many sub 20 minutes drawings of it like pic related because so far I haven't been too concerned with details, but mostly proportions, anatomy, getting the pose right etc. Still, I'm going to try to polish things and do details now.

>> No.3897047

draw things from imagination too, put dem studies to use!

>> No.3897123

You never know when you're gonna have a good day. Hang in there, banana. Feel better soon.

>> No.3897170

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

Your liveliness is nothing without control.
There is no point to draw dynamic figures when you can't even draw a simple standing pose.

>> No.3897214

Do me!

>> No.3897217

*fucks daddy*

>> No.3897219

Thank you faggot.

>> No.3897220


don't skip me fucker

>> No.3897228
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefaultt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Banana, I didn't get an answer from you last thread so I guessed you missed my post

Could you add an option to the posting frequencies so people can post Mon-Fri and have weekends off?
I feel like that would be a much healthier approach to las than 7 days a week forever, breaks are important

>> No.3897241

Are you working only traditionally? Perhaps doing a coupel of still lives can help you break out of the 20 min mark thing.
In my case, I'm the one who's messy and has trouble focusing. And DAD has been helping me change that a lot. I still have a messy life with shitty shedules so for the sot part I'm just abel to pull off 1 hour paintings max. But I'm trying to use the horus I set appart to draw as an anchor to change other things.

Learning art discipline seems to help not only with your art, but as an example for other facets of life.

>> No.3897252

Can't wait for the Salaryman frequency where you can only post between 6am-9pm Monday to Friday.

>> No.3897257


>> No.3897260
File: 135 KB, 800x1043, sad salaryman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please god no

>> No.3897262
File: 60 KB, 1000x1020, yokotanji-1003290211462180864-20180603_230001-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love that

>> No.3897269

who here /responsibleadult/
fuck off forza and 23:30, the real job artists are coming in

>> No.3897275

part time wagie reporting in

>> No.3897285
File: 163 KB, 772x1034, 5ddc80b065b9cf213411430295899ea3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OL chan reporting in

>> No.3897287

some of my fav artists have full time "real jobs"
including one japanese guy who is an actual salaryman and paints as a hobby

>> No.3897289

we'll make a discord group where we all have to wear uniforms and clock in at 8 30 and have lunch at 1

>> No.3897290
File: 540 KB, 800x800, D3BVF_iVYAE2q8T.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3897294

I'm feeling sleepy now

>> No.3897349

That's a great idea actually, thanks! I am about 99% traditional yeah. I only use digital for quick gestures so I don't waste tons of papers with hundreds of them as it is something I do to warm up often. Other than that I absolutely love traditional, especially the scale and working on big formats so I'm sticking with it for now and trying to learn fundamentals and basics, instead of having to deal with learning software on top of it.

I agree with the discipline, learning art has taught me a lot outside of that field. Especially on how rewarding it is to go outside of comfort zones for me.

>> No.3897415

That's neat. I've also been always trad but had to recently cast myself to the plastic square because no money for trad materials at home. Large formats are the shit (I'm finishing my largest paintin yet now and It's amazing). Hope the still life idea works.

Boyo I only recently managed to start sleeping like a normal human being, that's too much for me now. But sounds like it'd be a cool challenge. Especially if we get a lunchtime bell.

>> No.3897672
File: 172 KB, 1280x1280, zafdzefze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I am trying this out friends. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's submissions and posting my owns.

I do, however, have a question. Is it okay to post sculptures too?
I am learning sculpting alongside drawing and painting as I love all three equally, and on days where I sculpt I tend to do only that because it is a mess to clean up and takes me at least 5+ hours a sesh. These days I'm usually too mentally tired after sculpting to really draw anything.

Basically, is it ok if every now and then I post a sculpture I did on that day, to keep the streak going? or does it have to be drawing. I would understand if it had to, I get you have to draw the line somewhere.

>> No.3897693

>Is it okay to post sculptures too?

>> No.3897694

yea, sculptures and 3d stuff are aloowed

>> No.3897798

Does juta have a pixiv?

>> No.3897815
File: 34 KB, 168x225, blues banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the support guys. I'll hang in there.


This is actually an idea I had from the beginning but wasn't sure if it would actually be useful. I'll bump up the priority.

>> No.3897826

good banana!

>> No.3897848

Niggas post their language learning so that should be cool

>> No.3897852


Sculptures are permitted, as it would fall under the category of "visual art".
I know sculpting is an extremely vigorous process, so just keep in mind that WIPs are totally permitted, so long as 30 minutes were spent since the last time you worked on the piece.

>> No.3897854

I have one under a different name but I deleted everything on it and I don't use it anymore.

>> No.3897860

Lmao i was wondering that yesterday

>> No.3897952

>I'll hang in there.

>> No.3897960
File: 97 KB, 512x1024, hang in there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3897974

>allows basic exercises
>allows any visual art
I'm going to start posting my welds weekly, thanks.

>> No.3897979


Welding as a pursuit to create art pieces would be considered valid. Same with wood burning, 3d modeling, craft, collage, and so on.

>> No.3897985

what are the animations for? A short movie or a class project or somethin? They are really good

>> No.3898018
File: 19 KB, 601x601, 447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3898072

do you need read the descriptions? theyre fucking studies.

>> No.3898142

daddy don't be mean

>> No.3898152

grumpy daddy

>> No.3898217
File: 146 KB, 400x400, tegaki(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love adine

>> No.3898235


>> No.3898236

they're just studies of another animator. I'm doing those to ease myself back into doing animation

>> No.3898298


>> No.3898322

That looks pretty dope, Arturo

>> No.3898323

Thanks. I like drawing pizzas.

>> No.3898356
File: 728 KB, 1088x1500, zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. it probably wasn't great for actual practice but I enjoyed myself.
The one I posted is pretty big, 42.0 x 59.4cm.
I had done a smaller "sketch" version before in pic related to sort of get the ideas down and composition.
I knew I shouldn't have picked my first name as username, I'm already being made fun of

Also I think tipsypaipai's cabbage girl is pretty cute and Jet's study looks awesome.

>> No.3898358

I would take tentacle head-chan on a date

>> No.3898631

Those collages are quite neat. I like the contrast you gave them. Also, that's quite a big format, damn. Do you have a storage room for art projects?

Any of you guys have some good advice/practice to better understand doing something with dark values? My two last paintings are supposed to be in low light environments but I can't help but feel they're too bright. (I usually have trouble going all in with dark values though)

>> No.3898755

God I can't stand this zoomer music on the radio nowadays. Now I know how the old people feel. Everything is either some girl singing and a man rapping over or 5 beat or 3 beat off tempo crap.

>> No.3898791

people under the age of 30 are still listening to the radio?

>> No.3898797

I'm forced to listen to it at my job.

>> No.3898802

I thought torture was banned at the Geneva Convention

>> No.3898813

I'm... so sorry anon ;_;

>> No.3898866


Speaking about my job and relating this to drawing...today I found the "secret" to raising my numbers faster to hit my goals. There is this one other guy in my office who seemingly is able to get perfect targets in numbers every single day without fail at ease. I've been working 10 times as hard to get customers hand offs and the large part of it all was just to find the right person to pick up the phone to say yes. All my job literally is just to get the person to say "yes", schedule, and be on my way.

But it takes a lot of my mental energy to waste my breath on the wrong person only for them to barrage me in transfers and hangups. If only there was an easy way to just find the right person the first time, yeah? Well it turns out after today this whole time going through the system there is an "active contact" list of people to call that their numbers aren't on the main calling system that I've been using this whole time. And in using this method I was easily able to boots my numbers in a mere 1 to 2 hours. Now I know how the top person has been doing it this whole time and this faggot would never reveal his secret. If the client knew how easy it was to get up to 10 hand offs/day she'd just do it herself (luckily shes stupid and has no access to the systems).

If my life at work could have been this easy this whole time then imagine what secrets in drawing that could save me time and be more efficient? It's the same thing and I'm noticing this in learning how to draw.

>> No.3898868

grats you can use ur brain, thats the secret.

>> No.3898870


It wasn't obvious though. I'm the top person on my floor. Well WAS the top person until the guy who left came back.

>> No.3898884

I don't have a storage room, as a matter of fact I live in a 15 meter square appartment. But I love working on big formats so I just basically have no furniture besides my desk, a sofa to sleep on and my canvas. I shove all my big format works under the sofa, and when it is filled up I give them away and throw whatever is left to the bin.
It is basically like living in an art studio, I shit next to paint tubes and wash my dishes alongside my brushes.
Reason would dictate me take the digital pill but I don't actually mind my lifestyle so eh

>> No.3898893

Literally starving artist

>> No.3898921

so you want everything thrown to you on a silver platter, nigga grow up ffs.

>> No.3898931


No, I want to be the best. Numero uno. Ichiban. Not 2nd place. I worked hard to get to my position but if I'm working ten times as hard compared to one other agent who reaches their daily goal in 2 to 3 hours less time than me then I know something is up and that a secret is being used.

Learning to draw and being the top DAD is aspiring. Imagine being 1 tier lower than a top DAD...you try and try your hardest to surpass them but there is just 1 thing they're doing that you have't done yet. It isn't obvious because it's concealed. And it isn't concealed because it's hidden, it's just nobody cared to show you the hidden door or nobody around was trained high enough to show you that hidden door.

Now imagine in the work place that top agent will not share you what you just discovered for yourself because he wants to remain at the top. Instead he tells you "he works hard and dials, dials, dials, lol". Now imagine a top DAD saying something similar (while both true, they draw draw draw, there is an added element). Anyway I'm off my rant.

>> No.3898945

very cringe, best of luck though, you'll need it

>> No.3898949


T-thanks, you too.

>> No.3898954
File: 49 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3899010
File: 273 KB, 705x960, IMG_20190419_175542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3899038

yeah but thats not how it works and dad tierlists are a meme, especially since they keep putting retards on the top like naf doesnt even deserve to be intermid since he hasnt done a fucking thing in color. tierlists should grade everyone on their overall skill not one trick ponies.

>> No.3899041

Don't be so hard on yourself cath. You'll get better days, stay strong.

>> No.3899051

>naf doesnt even deserve to be intermid since he hasnt done a fucking thing in color
make sure not to fall for this bait daddies

>> No.3899056

who're you quoting?

>> No.3899063

Are most of you hobbyists?

>> No.3899065

The person above the post I replied to. Clicked the wrong post.

>> No.3899070


>> No.3899074


you'll never close the gap, bitch

-top daddy

>> No.3899078

hes right you know

>> No.3899116


There are only 3 top daddies all of which aren't even posting. The rest I don't even consider the cream of the crop.

>> No.3899120

>There are only 3 top daddies all of which aren't even posting
name them

>> No.3899123


>> No.3899126

Tell banana in the Discord

>> No.3899127
File: 50 KB, 473x698, 734ABBBE-431A-4AD9-A665-25CBD39C94E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm I made it

>> No.3899129

It's nothing personnel, daddy.

>> No.3899131

I am drawing entirely for fun

>> No.3899132


>> No.3899135


>> No.3899143

gmi in life

>> No.3899150

get well soon echo

>> No.3899151

I feel like I've seen juta get eliminated loads of times now

>> No.3899153

We have until 4/20 to post our OCs right?

>> No.3899159


>> No.3899161


>> No.3899164

Tell us your problems anon

>> No.3899193

and i bet you think youre one of them, shut up, youre literal garbage.

>> No.3899199


>> No.3899209
File: 427 KB, 401x715, hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uhh i just left all the discords i was on since they had been eating up all my time and energy for the last 7 months of my life and i wanted to give this shit a go.
Which discord should i join?
And anyone got any tips for the whole drawing every day thing? Im a sucker for instant gratification so ive always struggled with drawing a decent amount regularly.
I also struggle knowing what to do draw but i like the tower girl shit, anything else like that? Something for making it easier to come up with shit to draw?
Ill try to start 2moro since its 2am my time and hopefully i'll be able to keep up.

>> No.3899218

wtf who are you?
I'm in a very simillar position, I left all my discords and haven't been drawing as much as I like because I keep jacking off
I don't like tower girls
It's also 2am

>> No.3899223

shoo shoo dom

>> No.3899225


No I don't. You just want me to name them to see if you're one of them. You shut up, you're literal garbage beneath me.

>> No.3899232

no youre dog shit.

>> No.3899233

fight fight fight

>> No.3899360

w-why are daddies so mmmmean ;_;

>> No.3899361
File: 2.64 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I just came back from the countryside and doing gardening and shit all day. But I should paint now because tomorrow I have to travel and make a little feast on the coals for a feeble friends + no internet so I won't be able to post there. Any advice on making time to draw and all even when you have a few days that are packed with stuff to do?

By the way, I discovered nice scene when trimming bushes. Any of you like outdoors and abandoned places/stuff? (Pic related)

I'm not on a much different boat. I have rolled yobdrawibgs all over the place (most are 70x100) and in starting to panic because I can't roll up framed canvas. Don't you feel bad about the ones you toss? Have you ever tried selling some of them?

>> No.3899371
File: 2.31 MB, 424x368, CD (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw noone properly responds to ur post

>> No.3899376

They're not, I think that meanness and being vocal go together, so you're more likely to hear from the mean daddies. I appreciate all the daddies and I hope we all make it together.

>> No.3899387

Post an old work nobody will know

>> No.3899388

i'm sorry

>> No.3899391
File: 2.49 MB, 376x332, B (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still no decent reply to ur big post

>> No.3899393

Unfortunately I don't think i can help you

>> No.3899397

I was gonna reply basically the same thing again but i probably shouldn't spam ur thread with gifs some random sad girl.
I shall wait patiently.

>> No.3899399

That's a girl??? I thought it was a boy.

>> No.3899400


>> No.3899401

Link to which post is yours and I'll make a serious attempt at it.

>> No.3899405



ty bb <3

>> No.3899422

Join the /las/ Discord, it's a lot more active than the others, I don't think the invite in the OP works anymore, so you'll probably have to message someone for an invite, I believe Chun#7636 should be able to get you one assuming that you've posted on the site a bit, if you haven't, still message them because if you've been around the Discord before they might recognize you or something. Once you're there, I believe you can use the bot channel to assign yourself a productivity role which will let focus only on certain sets of channels that you think won't interfere with your focus.

As for drawing every day, I wouldn't worry about the amount that you draw as long as it's at least 30 minutes, over time the habit will form and you'll be able to keep going off your own previous momentum. I've found that having a good streak and being able to look back on everything I've done, in one place, it's a good motivator, a reminder of where I've come from and what I can do that makes me feel like I'm where I need to be artistically. Also, if you find it hard to focus then spread out little moments throughout the day to draw a little. Like if you're waiting in line, maybe keep a notepad and jot down a quick line drawing or something, or study a bit of anatomy and then use those spare moments to draw muscles or bones or w/e you learned earlier. Building the habit of thinking artistically throughout the day is almost more important that regular study, because the study will come to color your daily experience, you won't just see a crowd of people when you're out and about, instead you'll be seeing proportions and anatomy and lighting, when you shop you'll be seeing industrial design and so on. Once you have a mental habit, art will begin to feel automatic.

As for what you should try drawing, I don't know anything about Tower Girls. You'll have to figure that one out on your own.

>> No.3899423

Discord is cancer, you've already been struck once by it, don't crawl back to it like a beaten housewife.

>> No.3899430
File: 731 KB, 221x175, ferritwash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty buddy <3 ill start 2moro
I agree that discord are generally awful and filled with the scum of the earth, however sometimes it can be nice to talk to people about a hobby u have.
My issues were from a completely different set of discords not related to art, or anything productive at all and part of the issue was 7 months passing with nothing to show for it.
An art discord might be different, hopefully atleast.
Anyway gn, though its almost 6am for me but whatever

>> No.3899432

what do you guys think of dlive?

>> No.3899502

Never heard of him.

>> No.3899503

its not a person

>> No.3899544

I'm not bothered about selling. I hate networking, I hate promotting, I don't care about making a living with art if it means spending time talking to people and advertising myself which is time I could spend practicing and studying.
That being said a few close ones have wanted to buy some in the past and I ended up just giving them works for free, because I also don't think I'm good enough to sell and feel right about it just yet.

Maybe in a few years. For now I don't mind living a modest life. I don't mind a small place and a small budget. I live like this because I refuse to work full time, and all these hours I get everyday that I can spend on doing what I love are making me more happy than a fully furnished huge appartment and luxurious lifestyle could ever do.

Also I take pictures about the ones I toss. I do feel bad when I throw, but the feeling just lasts an hour or so and then I'm fine.

>> No.3899564

the streaming website

>> No.3899575
File: 825 KB, 2463x2834, Gatorboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad, last day to post your character swap entry.

>> No.3899576

Can I still draw the daddies OCs if I dont enter?

>> No.3899581

They will sure be honoured if you redraw their anime.

>> No.3899586

Cannot wait for someone's OC to get horsefucked by another OC

>> No.3899587

vusta didn't sign up for the challenge

>> No.3899588

It's a vintage year, lot of animals.
That's the reason why he asked to reuse OCs.

>> No.3899651
File: 310 KB, 654x725, 1555640661211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad's attempt to steal gains with illness kills another mangaka

>> No.3899719


>> No.3899737

DAD has gone too far ;_;

>> No.3899738
File: 132 KB, 750x1000, lucynka-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3899760
File: 137 KB, 1000x773, gabrysia-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3899761

tentacle girl was made to be lewded. Someone's bound to draw her with J's OC

>> No.3899763
File: 154 KB, 993x767, redneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3899893

wow rude

>> No.3899897


>> No.3899898

Those shape lines in the face are a bit bothersome but nice work.

>> No.3899947

awetos marry me before you kick it

>> No.3900004

I'll remember you awetos ;_;7

>> No.3900010

Why does it seem the younger generation is getting more ill than the older?

>> No.3900024

ahha GET FUCKED AWETOS, dumb little kid, you reap what you sow faggot.

>> No.3900046

Hope the biopsy finds out what the infection is and helps deal with it awetos, best of luck

>> No.3900074

Awetos let me see your legs and/or feet

>> No.3900353

rip daddies omnomnom

>> No.3900380
File: 289 KB, 1280x1524, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On my way to buy art supplies at Michaels
>This fucker blocks my path

God dammit!

>> No.3900394

>things that did't happen
nice try, fagwad

>> No.3900401

Not him but I see loomis trucks every once in a while. There is also a truck named after my brother called Estes. We used to poke fun at coming across one when we were kids.

>> No.3900477

>Not buying from Hobby Lobby and literally supporting terrorists to destroy ancient art

>> No.3900513
File: 237 KB, 550x628, 1524939108005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not buying from Dick Blicks.

>> No.3900534
File: 44 KB, 500x500, 4c35db72d7b28de4874554ac9d72fd41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not buying from Jerry's Artarama

>> No.3900852
File: 11 KB, 259x194, colapen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not tailoring your own goods

>> No.3900900
File: 468 KB, 990x696, 1532137932108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember who drew this?

>> No.3900911

Nemori chan

>> No.3900998

idk, but do you have more?

saving it to my folder, i like the style

>> No.3901015


>> No.3901092

i need a manga to read, help a ninja out

>> No.3901093

I'd recommend Dr.Stone or Chainsaw Man

>> No.3901101


>> No.3901105
File: 366 KB, 1125x1600, hadnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue Period

>> No.3901148

i'm not sure if i understand

is he imagining a hypothetical him being jealous of the actual him

isn't that a bit narcissistic

>> No.3901150

Looks like one of them is missing a leg

>> No.3901158
File: 1.05 MB, 1068x1037, seeing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the manga maybe, it's only 4 or 5 chapters in so far
But basically he was going through the motions of life before and didn't have any real hobby or passion
So his past self would be jealous of his new, passionate and driven new self

>> No.3901279

sounds cool, i'll check it out

>> No.3901323

Here's a link to their gallery. https://dad.gallery/users/70/submissions?page=4

Looks like they don't post anymore, anyone know if they have a blog?

>> No.3901342

The same thing was mentioned last time too

>> No.3901345

Ya, she's holding it behind her back, it's hiking her skirt on the side

>> No.3901440
File: 66 KB, 632x531, 1555839318985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Easter!!!

>> No.3901612
File: 277 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20190420_121631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon daddies

>> No.3901656


>> No.3901946

the censorship isn't censoring anything

>> No.3901959

dunno what it means I just found it on twittur

>> No.3902260

what's the most abstract way you can describe drawing? shit feels more like driving a car to me with every passing day

>> No.3902267

It feels like debugging someone's mess of a code

>> No.3902586

>open picarto.tv
>count exactly 0 (zero) non-furry streams
wtf happened

>> No.3902587

did you have nsfw filter on?

>> No.3902598

Feels like getting out of bed every morning

>> No.3902622


>> No.3902643


>> No.3902708
File: 96 KB, 548x673, fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone! Maiqtheliar here and I'm gonna give this a shot because I've been slacking off a bit with my art lately.

I did this a few years ago but had to quit because it stressed me out so much that I stopped sleeping properly. But this time I'm sure it will be nothing but fun!

>> No.3902745

welcome back old friend

>> No.3902828

Who are the best LAS artists?

>> No.3902831


>> No.3902892
File: 9 KB, 441x212, 20_mins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it literally says on the pic that he spend only 20 minutes
Could someone give him a warning that he's a faggot for not reading the rules and that he's supposed to work at least 30 minutes?

>> No.3902922


>> No.3902924



>> No.3902927


>> No.3902928

He was a fool for posting just a minute before the deadline every single day!

>> No.3902932


>> No.3902945
File: 58 KB, 248x377, 1553756238137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was low effort shit anyway. I'm finally free.

>> No.3902948

*rubs tummy*

>> No.3902955
File: 65 KB, 564x861, echoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We who are about to be eliminated salute you

>> No.3902961

It won't happen again, it's just to get me going.

>> No.3902973

You're still a huge faggot.

>> No.3902980


>> No.3902989


>> No.3902997

Man, I could've died on yesterday's earthquake. The whole building was crazy shaking. It made me reflect on my previous life choices while I was under the table.
If this shit happened again, I want you to know that you guys are great and I'm happy to participate in DAD even for just a short while. You all gonna make it

>> No.3903000

one down 4 left >: )

>> No.3903009

>earthquake made me reflect on my life choices
>still chooses to waste time on 4chan
Clearly that earthquake wasn't strong enough.

>> No.3903017


>> No.3903020

We're all here forever, anon.
By life choices I meant wishing I could've drawn more and found this general during it's inception

>> No.3903118

anybody got process vids they find good, looking to steal some shit

>> No.3903154

I don't know, but you could always check out some art streams

>> No.3903306

I often get that feeling anon. I started 3-4 years ago and maybe at the start I lacked discipline and it was innevitable, but I spent almost the entire first two years drawing barely 30 minutes a day (started with 15, then would progressively push to 40 max). I look back on these days w here I was a neet with all the free time thinking if only I'd pour 4-6 hours every day...

>> No.3903316

It's just 30 minutes a day minimum.
Sometimes I have too much going on to really do studies or proper practice so I decide to spend 30 minutes just having fun on a piece of paper, because drawing and painting should be fun first and foremost!

>> No.3903319

I got anime speedpaints if you want

>> No.3903320
File: 93 KB, 1200x675, CvVc3f7VUAAWKFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill pass

>> No.3903321

Get streamlink and start mass archiving art streams.

>> No.3903324

>anime reaction pic
nigga your loss then

>> No.3903347

thats the joke retard, whats your iq like 5?

>> No.3903348

You pointing out the joke just kills it :/

>> No.3903378

When you're early it comes late. When you're late it comes early. Such is this clown world.

>> No.3903386


>> No.3903405

*honk honk*

>> No.3903439

Some questions

What do you want to do with your art?

Are you doing anything with your art right now besides studying?

If you lost your streak would you start again?

>> No.3903442


Post it anyways big guy

>> No.3903454
File: 115 KB, 600x848, 4698565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you want to do with your art?
Pursue it as a serious hobby

>Are you doing anything with your art right now besides studying?
I just try to draw what I like to draw while doing studies from time to time

>If you lost your streak would you start again?
Yeah. I unironically like the community despite the shitposts and banana-bullying

>> No.3903507

>tfw regressing

>> No.3903522


>> No.3903524

welcome back! :D

>> No.3903532
File: 140 KB, 510x690, reinhardtrepresent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you want to do with your art?
I want to discover myself and learn to express that self in an honest and unniversal way that can reach others and make them feel in the same way my favorite artists have made me feel.
I'm okay never making money from it. I just hope I can continue to afford a life with enough free time for it.

>Are you doing anything with your art right now besides studying?
I think about an intention, I try to define and refine it and then I try and experiment many different ways to express it with many different traditional mediums. Otherwise I stick to fundies and basics on the side as they're invaluable tools for what i'm trying to achieve.

>If you lost your streak would you start again?
Yes. I don't care much for the streak, before I joined it had already been a few hundred days I was drawing every day. I joined because it seemed fun to see others grow alongside me, but for me the streak is something I won't even be paying attention to. The only difference between before and after I joined was remembering to submit what I'm making daily.

>> No.3903535

This picture is the most bullshit thing ever
Abstract art sucks, it doesn't react to you, it's a painting, just because the artist was feeling something while they were painting it doesn't mean they've managed to communicate that on the painting
If you hit a rock with a hammer, it doesn't matter how you feel while you hit it, all you have is a smashed rock, you don't have a sad smashed rock or an angry smashed rock

There's no esoteric bullshit in a painting, there is only paint

>> No.3903544
File: 253 KB, 1200x900, Zao wou-ki - 31.01.63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that just because you feel something when you make it doesn't mean you were sucessfull in communicating it.

The entire point of my post is that i'm drawing to learn to communicate my feelings, and I've said basics and fundies were great tools for it which definitely implies it is something that requires work and effort to achieve.

That being said, you shouldn't think that just because YOU don't feel something when looking at an abstract painting, then the artist failed to communicate anything. Others might feel something. And often for the case of great works put on display in renowned musems, others have definitely felt something, and it may be up to you to ask yourself why that doesn't speak to you at all rather than calling all abstract art bullshit or saying it sucks.

>> No.3903580

oh I haven't read your post I just looked at the image

>> No.3903594

I want to be a working professional! Preferably a concept artist for animation, but I'd like to work around different industries. My dream job would be to design lil' creatures and worlds.

I get commissions here and there, and am working on my portfolio. Mostly dnd characters and the occasional furry OC, but it's fun. Lots of dragons as well.

Absolutely. I lost it once on a rather high note and am trying to surpass that one now. Dad helps me stay on track, as does the community.

>> No.3903597

>What do you want to do with your art?
Be the very best

>Are you doing anything with your art right now besides studying?
Is anything ever not studying?

>If you lost your streak would you start again?
I'd definitely keep drawing, just maybe not post it here

>> No.3903689

>Be the very best

Like no one ever was? What about catching, or training?

>> No.3903721

Oh I'm on a grand journey to catch and train all the arts!

>> No.3903736

I could, but unless It's something I had done yesterday, that wouldn't be very honest. And there's no gains in dishonesty.
I've been trying to stream the submissions I do there jsut to try it out. Seems cool since it's rather new, and the art section is not full of fanartfags and the like yet. Plus less people so it's easier to get noticed. I'd say give it a try if you want to stream some.
That sounds quite comfy then. Feeling at ease with what you're doing sounds very healthy. I'm on a simialr boat about selling stuff. I know it might sound very pretentious, but I think trying to put a comercial note on artistic endeavours can easily taint them. I think putting your work on sale as prints/tshirts etc if you jsut elave them be and someone buys that is fine. But actively doing art to get money out of it would kill it for me. To anser >>3903439 I'd say:
>What do you want to do with your art?
Reflect on life experiences, portray what I see day to day, and illustrate stuff I've been writing all my life but that I feel it's not good enough just in words.
>Are you doing anything with your art right now besides studying?
Not really, I never want to turn it into anything remotely similar to a job. But I'm starting to take steps to make more serious stuff
>If you lost your streak would you start again?
Of course, I haven't been here for long, but you're an interesting bunch guys. Much better than all the faggoty social media and else I see around.

Sorry for long shitty post. I've been away from civilization for a couple days and nearly killed my streak the last 3 days because no time and no internet. I also got sick, but I live for this shit. Never stop drawing guys.

>> No.3903751
File: 371 KB, 720x960, rgfrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I think today I realized that I'm just another NGMI.

The truth is that I don't know if I have what it takes. I love drawing, but I hate doing any of the shit that makes you improve.
I hate doing exact 1;1 reproductions measuring extreme points and doing careful block-ins with near exact measurements, I hate having to stop and carefully think about my next line or brushstroke, I hate taking my time I just like drawing with my mind blank and my head empty and following where the lines take me but still trying to do something beautiful with it. I like the spontaneous, but for it to be truly good I understand I need to have hundreds of hours of rigorous studies before.

Am I a retard for this? is everyone the same but forcing themselves harder than me? I'm still going to try, because I love drawing. But today was perharps the day I realized that things might be a lot more difficult and harsh than I thought so.

Pic related is something I did without thinking and just enjoying myself. I wish I could do this for just about every hour I dedicate to drawing, but I fear I will never improve if I do that.

>> No.3903754

You made this?

Its good. Keep it up.

Youre too hard on yourself. Thats the only thing that might keep you down.

>> No.3903782

You're being a bit too harsh. While I don't think you're wrong, it happens sometimes that you stumble and look at all the shit that you gotta go through to make it. But what's important is to actually to the stuff you enjoy and pick everything on the way. Sure, yo ucan progress a lot faster if you lock yourself in a room to draw a certain kind fo eprspective until you can do it with a pencil in your ass. But that's not particularly sane nor for everyone to do.

I'd say, do stuff at your own pace and jsut enjoy what you do while also trying your best to throw in a bit of this or a bit of that to improv eo nso you don't stagnate. As long as you don't stop working and doing all that, you'll see some progress after a while.

>> No.3903831

>it's shit
>new layer
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.3903841


free yourself from doubt and move forward with reckless abandon, it is the only way if you hope to close the gap

>> No.3903849

>What do you want to do with your art?
Draw for myself, do comissions and work with other people for game graphics, assets, etc.

Are you doing anything with your art right now besides studying?
>I keep a FA gallery

If you lost your streak would you start again?
>Not likely, no.

>> No.3903880

I think awetos' submission is looking pretty cool. Good job!

>> No.3903881


>What do you want to do with your art?
Create whatever I want from imagination.
I AM GOD, muhahahaha!!

>Are you doing anything with your art right now besides studying?
Just started doing commissions but I cant get fully into it because life. Slowly building up following.

>If you lost your streak would you start again?
I havd lost my streak and have restarted before.

>> No.3903924

>What do you want to do with your art?
Live off porn and furry commissions. Maybe start a webcomic in the distant future.

>Are you doing anything with your art right now besides studying?
I use it as an outlet for my sexual frustration.

If you lost your streak would you start again?
I've lost my streak several times but I won't be quitting dad until I make it

>> No.3903963

>I've lost my streak several times but I won't be quitting dad until I make it
You're gmi

>> No.3904031

>What do you want to do with your art?
Be better than everyone else

>Are you doing anything with your art right now besides studying?
Absolutely nothing but studying and applying it in other ways
If you lost your streak would you start again?
I have never lost my streak, I just stopped posting on dad since it got me addicted to drawing

>> No.3904043

be well, banana

>> No.3904045
File: 161 KB, 1280x853, 1518647828384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want them! post pls! and ill share some of mine

>> No.3904059

If you do actually keep doing this, you will improve in time

Most people give up after a failure or two, then comfort themselves by imagining a world where some people are just born talented and others do not, and their lack of effort is perfectly justified

Keep going, Anon

>> No.3904073

i havent been able to keep my mind on drawing because i keep thinking about literally anything else

lately i feel no joy when i draw. ill draw what i want to draw, or what i have to draw. but it makes no difference.

i feel sad for no reason. all i want to do is sleep. i normally love to leave the house, but not recently. what's wrong with me

>> No.3904131


>> No.3904132

Who's your rival daddy

>> No.3904136

ehh possibly this if you're a whamen
I don't get cramps but I get extra lethargic and apathetic during my time of the month. It goes away in a few weeks

>> No.3904139


>> No.3904142


im not a wamen

>> No.3904156

Why aren't you posting in dad, feil

>> No.3904158

Take care of your body. Get some sunlight, drink lots of water, stop browsing and sitting in front of the pc for 12 hours.

>> No.3904231

Do you often talk you troubles out with someone? Sounds like there's probably somethign in the back of your head that's bothering you. Stuff like that often translates into that kind of behavior/feeling.

Like >>3904158 said, go out, get some sun and take a good walk. Make a bit of time to be alone and in peace so you can talk thigns out with yourself and figure out what's up.

>> No.3904396

Has this been going on for long? Do you feel joy doing anything else or is it just drawing that feels weird and off. If it's been going on for a while and it's not limited to drawing, actually sounds like depression to me honestly, but otherwise could just be mood swings.

Lucky you, I think. My sisters get cramps so bad it feels like they're being tortured and it pretty much straight up disables them for some time.

>> No.3904550
File: 65 KB, 600x450, 1428309521957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quick depression sketches

>> No.3904560

>What do you want to do with your art?
Have fun
>Are you doing anything with your art right now besides studying?
I draw requests on 4chan drawthreads
>If you lost your streak would you start again?

>> No.3904615

>What do you want to do with your art?
I want it to exist.
>Are you doing anything with your art right now besides studying?
Yeah I'm planning to make a game
>If you lost your streak would you start again?
I just lost my streak, and I'll start again a while, but I draw everyday anyway. I just use DAD to see how I progress.

>> No.3904623

I'd like to say Inno but he's too good for me to compete yet. He's more someone I look up to with a tiny bit of a competitive edge on my side than a rival. I saw Disco as my rival and kid I was rooting for when he was active because he's younger than me. Thaane is my perspective dad, don't tell him, and I want Nemori's nice anatomy flow. I guess I see people better than me as my rivals I'm trying to surpass or be on par with. I'm in this weird spot where I don't think I'm exactly on the same level as a lot of other posters. I'm not beg, but not good either. Potato and Vusta are the two folks I think I'm around the same level and competing with. Vusta's a bit less experienced than I but his growth is incredible and he's constantly trying out new stuff. Potatoe's a better painter than me and more diligent. They probably don't know I see them as friendly rivals though.

>> No.3904810

I got an art rival but she isn't a daddy

>> No.3904818

Is she a mommy? Or are you going to make her one?

>> No.3904821

We have to consult your brother first.

>> No.3904889


post her fuggggggggggggin werk

>> No.3904982
File: 61 KB, 325x971, 1477094171579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3905073

Help, my brain is locking up, drawing is starting to require more and more effort every day.
What can I do to stop this?

>> No.3905076 [DELETED] 

Have sex

>> No.3905081

shock a cock

>> No.3905087

I don't have anyone at hand for that kinda thing.

>> No.3905094

Get a banana and some imagination.

>> No.3905139

I think I'm going to get fired soon. Remember to work hard in everything you do and expend the same amount of energy. Don't end up like me.

>> No.3905142

Sad news, but good luck with your holidays.

>> No.3905143

I never worked hard in my life anon, everything has always been handed over to me on a plate. And now that I want to work to get better, I feel stuck.
I don't know what job you did, but even if you got fired, at least you got your ass out there, and you can do it again. Learn from your mistakes m8, cheers.

>> No.3905153

The path to hell is paved with good intentions, if you say you're going to draw /study then make sure you fucking do it.

>> No.3905165

This is what 80% of dad do.

>> No.3905216

Same here anon. I feel I've been doing mediocre work lately. I wish you the best of luck, daddy

>> No.3905220

Take walks

>> No.3905238

Good luck daddy

>> No.3905286

Has Proko ever drawn anything purely from imagination ever since that kangaroo incident? I'd like to see his no-ref skill progress.

>> No.3905292

I got too lazy posting everyday but I still draw everyday

>> No.3905317

proko's dog comics

>> No.3905320

post weekly then

>> No.3905429
File: 55 KB, 738x668, bunfess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3905430

Easter Cunny

>> No.3905432

Im frustrated with the fact that I struggle with the same problems in art, after attempting to rectify them on multiple occasions, as if I don't learn even after trying to apply solutions via study. Its as if a part of me is stubborn and doesnt want to learn.

>> No.3905441
File: 65 KB, 633x633, IMG_20190303_202801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact: your brain physically structures itself to do certain things. forming a new habit forms new bonds and new paths. your brain doesn't like this. it prefers to use already existing pathways and thus- less energy. this is more efficient.

put simply: it is natural for you to resist change.
it's science, anon. not you. keep trying.

>> No.3905449

I will keep trying comfy cat, I will keep trying and push myself. I can't give up, not after all this time.

>> No.3905452

I actually miss pii poster as much as Jerry

>> No.3905587


I just want to be loved

>> No.3905590

my only motivation for drawing is so when I meet lassies irl, at conventions or whatever, they dont laugh at me and I can draw them something cool that they'll cherish

>> No.3905619

im still going to laugh at you

>> No.3905623

wb fujo!

>> No.3905635

I understand anon. I feel the same way. Is it wrong to feel entitled to some love in life? I don't know if it is but it hurts.

It may not be much consolation for you to hear this but still, I want to say whilst I'm at it that I do kind of love this community. You have revived my love for drawing, pushed me to go outside of my comfort zones, and seeing everyone else try hard has made me want to try harder myself. Thank you all.

>> No.3905640
File: 39 KB, 500x500, knife party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They see you as friendly rival too.

>> No.3905644
File: 381 KB, 1600x1200, 77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This take around two hours. Really, adapt me to digital media is taking time..

Please critique me, I'm pleased to read any comment.

>> No.3905646

love you b

>> No.3905656

Short legs, wobbly furniture, you already know.
Welcome to dad, keep working and join /las/ discord.
Next to her head, are those hearts?

>> No.3905663


Thanks for the advices, and yes, that things are exactly what you think. Its hard to make straigh lines (or whatever kind to be honest) in digital to me.

>> No.3905665

Click anywhere, hold shift, re-click anywhere. You made a straight line. If you want to do it manually it will come with training. Good luck and see you around.

>> No.3905678
File: 44 KB, 726x683, 1487772883350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lurk in the /Las/ discord, but have too much social anxiety to post or talk to anyone.

>> No.3905682

How do I learn to paint, dads?

I've been drawing for years and decided it's time to try painting. It's the most infuriating thing, it's even worse than when I started drawing for the first time. Everything is a blob, a mess, I can barely manage a basic still life of a simple fruit. I feel like my brushes are too big and my format too small, but people do very detailed things on smaller so I don't know.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh why is it so hard

>> No.3905685

I feel like an outsider.

>> No.3905687

You think so, anon?

>> No.3905692

I want to be friends with other daddies but I don't really have anything to talk about. Small talks make me anxious.

>> No.3905711
File: 112 KB, 1080x1080, 57239262_144546956594748_6120001695995325381_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shirt reminds me of Kringle

>> No.3905768

You're a kringle

>> No.3905785

talk about how long it took you to poop last night. everybody poops.

>> No.3905951

if kringle was good

>> No.3905964
File: 38 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old do you think you'll be before you're good enough to start your own project?

>> No.3905975

You don't need to be good to start a project. You need some relationship and moving your ass.

>> No.3905980
File: 30 KB, 339x474, white-lily-160252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do magical girl anime inside an anime always have the best designs compared to authentic magical girl anime? Do studios sell aborted fetus designs to artists so they can use in their stories?

>> No.3905984

God, I wish I was anime magical girl...

>> No.3905987

Where can I but these kind of clothes? Asking for a friend.

>> No.3905993

Your have to custom make it like the MC of the show.

>> No.3906064

I'm starting now. I will grow with my projects.

>> No.3906083

good daddy

>> No.3906121

>>3905964 Like >>3906064 said. I think the best is to just try towork on what you want to do right away and just accept that it's not gonna come out as you want it at first. But hey, if you do the bulk of the work and then focus o nrevisio nand refining as you learn more, that's probably way more effective than waiting until you're "good enough" to do what you want.

I don't think I'd say "rival" as I'm a few levels bellow. But what I'm trying to get to now is stuff like what Moth-fortress does. I like how you can see the strokes and things take shape seemingly without a billion strokes. In general I feel lsightly frustrated because I think I need to put down 50 strokes for what others do with 5.

>> No.3906157

I'm losing it, things aren't getting better.

>> No.3906167

I know the feel

>> No.3906257

That's great news awetos, I'm happy for you. I've been really enjoying your submissions since I joined

>> No.3906299
File: 180 KB, 400x750, cLc93o5w2C6cHFU9hndaPGJuCHH3xXxLuteZ6coNR7U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>music when you realize the deadline is fast approaching and you haven't drawn enough yet

>> No.3906437

>when you get home from the pub and notice you've lost your streak
Better luck next time I guess

>> No.3906511
File: 559 KB, 1280x1620, _20190426_033843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two days late but here's one of her recent drawings
Sadly she's having less and less time to do art recently

>> No.3906560

nothing of value was lost

>> No.3906564

maybe if she would actually learn the basics because all of her shit looks like literal /beg/ work

>> No.3906566

I agree, I just meant that if Kringle got gud it'd probably look like that.

>> No.3906760

I want tabascoshrimp to teach me how to draw faces

>> No.3906962
File: 525 KB, 707x1000, 4ehnhn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3906991


>> No.3907014

Laziness is going to kill me one day

>> No.3907139

>tfw you see a sketch you can mentally picture the strokes and lines you'd need to make to recreate it

I'm getting stronger

>> No.3907183

Finished today's painting and I'm still using values that are too high. Any clues on how to fix that? Tomorrow I'll try pushing myself and exhagerating them.
I also think it came out quite flat. Should I try grinding some book/specific tutorial?

>>3906760 Same. That old man he posted today is very powerful.

>> No.3907336
File: 215 KB, 800x1067, hachiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>3907333