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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 98 KB, 500x667, 6170AF1E-DDE3-4524-8A3A-17CB7ECB37D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3890829 No.3890829 [Reply] [Original]

Fine art looks an awful lot like porn

>> No.3890830

and thats bad because... ?

>> No.3890834

wud fuck

>> No.3890837
File: 218 KB, 450x338, 1517023523830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3890838

i am pretty sure i know the artist

>> No.3890840

It’s just hypocritical.
The same kind people that look down on lewd artists appreciate lewd when it’s paint on a canvas for some reason.

>> No.3890844
File: 255 KB, 1235x800, 1550241493004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be real here, there's a world of difference between average tier smut and tasteful lewds.

>> No.3890846



>> No.3890848

@mishimatetsuya on twitter

>> No.3890849
File: 27 KB, 400x398, 19E722F0-B55B-495F-A5A1-D3DF48B78600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same artist.
He censored it because Japan, but I wouldn’t call an ass with visible anus tasteful.

>> No.3890850
File: 1.31 MB, 718x944, 1543103698002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3890853

OP looks an awful lot like a faggot.

>> No.3890854


Unbelievable how much irrelevant garbage chink artist post on their twitter. Had to scroll through a mile of shit to find more art

>> No.3890878

he has a work website, twitter is for life

>> No.3890881

i love this artist

he doesnt hold back

>> No.3890926
File: 779 KB, 1000x858, march-30-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only lewd pose I ever got out of a model was this one, and it was her idea, but normally the girls I get to paint hardly even know how to sit upright, let alone hold seductive poses for 3 hours. I don't even think I'm a good enough painter to paint a girl in a seductive pose and have it look sexy. I'd be too busy trying to get the body to look right to be able to focus on capturing any kind of emotion.

Fine arts is so difficult just by way of the medium, and how long it takes to make paintings, that "sexiness" is like the last thing you're worrying about with nudes, at least in my experience.

pic related took me like 6 months to finish.

>> No.3890976

who's this artist?

>> No.3891049

who said this is good art?

>> No.3891093

>Asian model

>> No.3891113

whos he?

>> No.3891129

he has been posted

another painting he did a while back got a lot of buzz because of how fucking THICK he draws his models.

he exaggerates the features just a bit but its great

>> No.3891130

honestly man i could bang this out in an evening and then bang the model

>> No.3891166

On a canvas or digital?
Can you show us some of your work?
Not to be judgemental or anything but if you can actually paint like that I’ll give you a follow and a kofi

>> No.3891167

Probably the galleries that host his work.
And people who still have sight.

>> No.3891170

ahahahaha holy shit that image

>> No.3891365

Not that anon, but it's hardly technical or complicated or difficult.

>> No.3891375
File: 28 KB, 800x450, e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9_press-x-to-doubt-memes-memesuper-la-noire-doubt-meme_419-238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3891391

you paint really slow huh

>> No.3891396

And yet 99% of /ic/ can’t do it.
I hate when pretentious assholes on here find artists with decades of experience and claim it’s easy.

>> No.3891398

No, I just like aesthetically pleasing art.
I wanna see your work.
If you dodge posting it, I’ll just assume you’re full of shit.

>> No.3891400

i don't even draw bro LOL

>> No.3891401

Why do people lie about their skill on an anonymous image board?
Nobody even knows who you are.

>> No.3891402
File: 723 KB, 1000x865, august-5-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what the painting looked like after the first and only three hour session I had with the model if it gives you some perspective on what the painting became half a year later of working on it every once in a while.

>> No.3891403

I figured.

>> No.3891406

looks a lot like illastrat's trash

>> No.3891407

this....THIS IS ART!

>> No.3891409

can someone post more of the japs painting before bricom ruins the thread

>> No.3891410

lmao holy shit.
If you think that’s even remotely close to the quality of OP’s picture you’re fooling yourself.
>b-but I said it was only 3 hours!
Then post something you worked longer on.

>> No.3891413

The fuck is wrong with her right hip, is that a tumor?

>> No.3891414

nigga that's this painting >>3890926
holy shit i just wanted to give my opinion on the OP with an example, and chad-anon had to chime in with "I could paint that in three minutes and fuck your bitch while im doing it"

>> No.3891416
File: 379 KB, 400x867, 57062188_392940821292915_4946180635535343616_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3891418
File: 211 KB, 794x607, brap jap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble finding larger resolutions

>> No.3891457

that right man foot needs to be redone otherwise its fine

>> No.3891471

clearly the artist is a patrician that likes big feet on women and you are a pleb

>> No.3891477

Decades of experience? Anyone with a shred of discipline can learn to paint like that in a year or two of dedicated studying.

>>3890926 Is indicative of someone who favors style over fundamentals. And if they have been painting for decades, they've been doing so with their eyes closed, and I think we'd all agree that counts for nil.

I'd also like to add that drawing is a fundamental skill in painting. And that part is lacking in that painting, too.

>> No.3891489
File: 664 KB, 1000x760, april-13-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I like painting like this? can you post your work so I can learn from the master?

>> No.3891502

you paint like a ghetto muralist

>> No.3891503

So you say, and yet 99% of /ic/ can’t do it.
You faggots are just too cocky to admit when something is good.

>> No.3891507

i think your eyes being too close together puts you at a disadvantage at discerning proportion, depth, and general correctness

>> No.3891514

Well, then continue liking to paint like that, that's fine. Just don't get buttmad when people tell you that your art is lacking on a technical level, and don't delude yourself into thinking that you're better or more noteworthy than you actually are.

>> No.3891521

my original post LITERALLY contains the phrase
>I don't even think I'm a good enough painter to paint a girl in a seductive pose
>I'd be too busy trying to get the body to look right
>at least in my experience
you absolute australian

>> No.3891528

yea and when an anon agreed with your first post by saying he could do the same in an evening, that humility went right out the window


>> No.3891532

alright you win, you're dumber than me

>> No.3891533

You're only humble for appearance. You clearly think you're already more skilled than most.

And to the other anon: being more skilled than 99% of uninspired, clueless, witless beginners is nothing to write home about.

>> No.3891534
File: 668 KB, 976x1400, f12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3891536

You must be very ignorant to think that eroticism is the same as porn.

>> No.3891539

Post your work faggot.
Talk is cheap.
You’re just another full of shit crab

>> No.3891540

If you actually could paint like this in that amount of time you’d have no reason not to post your work, but you’re talking out your ass and can’t paint for shit, so you’ll just dismiss it.

>> No.3891544

>being more skilled than 99% of uninspired, clueless, witless beginners is nothing to write home about.
its not a bad start though

>> No.3891553

are you drunk

>> No.3891559

I'm not the anon that said they could paint that faster. But I'd be happy to take a stab at it when I get home.

>> No.3891571

I’m talking about one year of study, moron.

>> No.3891604

And I'm saying that I have a social life, and I'll post my work when life affords me a chance, basement lord.

>> No.3891605
File: 540 KB, 1000x781, april-14-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should get rid of that social life and start painting instead, you know, like the point of this board. but you're probably busy fucking bitches. while you were "having a life" I painted this.

>> No.3891610


what are you trying to prove with this

>> No.3891613

absolutely nothing! I'm just posting artwork on the artwork board! it doesn't prove anything, it's just the literal god damn point of this website

>> No.3891625
File: 97 KB, 826x841, some girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u want to post stuff with no meaning then u should be on /i/ not /ic/

if i were like u id just do pic related all day in a stupor. and hey, its awful. just like yours! high five

>> No.3891627

when two people are calling each other bad, and only one of them has posted their work, it really makes you think that thats how it be sometimes.

>> No.3891629

that is my work. i pulled up mspaint and channeled your bohemian brush style. im very proud of it too, despite my insincerity.

>> No.3891630

im rubbing my temples in frustration with you

>> No.3891631

rub my nipples instead.

>> No.3891640
File: 34 KB, 426x341, 212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sacrum hugging panties
It's like this man knows all my fetishes

>> No.3891643
File: 52 KB, 963x367, tumblr_n2w4vq25nV1rwu8obo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a nude women in a obviously suggestive pose, its eroctism. The nude human figure is not pornagraphic in itself its in regards to the artists intent and interpretation

>> No.3891644

Damn I'd rattail that ass so hard I'd leave marks.

>> No.3891852
File: 371 KB, 1080x934, Value-exercise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you're probably busy fucking bitches
Damn, bro. I didn't mean it like that.

Anyways, here you go. Not my greatest work, but should be sufficient for illustrating my contention with your style complacency.

>> No.3891860
File: 207 KB, 318x412, mulanchifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shadow of the glasses makes it look like she has a chinese mustache. how did the artist not fucking see this?

>> No.3891898

That is very nice. I hang my hat up in shame. I will take a break and rethink who I am.

>> No.3891927

Look, all I'm saying is that value and edges are essential to good painting, and I think you're lacking a bit in those areas. I'm not saying you're trash, I mean I'm not the greatest either. But like, don't assume that you're the only person on ic that's a cut above the typical ic-beginner.

>> No.3891930

That's enough out of you, nigger.

>> No.3891932

He was painting a huge ass.

>> No.3891937

Alrighty. Hope to see a gradual improvement from you in the coming months. Chop-chop.

>> No.3891944

I really like this, Anon. Maybe the neck could do with a few darker tones though.

Don't listen to the crabs, they're only talking shit because they don't know what it's like to actually sit down with a model for a few hours and then work on and stylize a painting in your own time.

>> No.3891956

Ngmi for a variety of reasons, most of all that you said you’d paint a 30”x24” painting with 15 layers in one night and you cane back with a jpeg of a digital drawing from your mememagination

>> No.3891958

Thanks but I don't agree anymore. I'm about to burn it.

>> No.3891970


That's because art is an appeal to an emotional state and everyone responds to it differently. It is entirely subjective. Whether you like or do not like something has little effect on its value because there is inevitably someone else who has an interpretation completely opposite of yours.

>> No.3891977


I'm trying to phrase this constructively, but I don't see why you needed a model for this. It looks like she is having a picnic with a poo emoji.

>> No.3891982


You should've stopped here.

>> No.3892000

If I did that for every painting I'd have to store 20000 paintings somewhere. Working on one piece for a longer amount of time does wonders for making room for other paintings that also took a longer time, as opposed to spending 10 minutes on everything. Same reason I use entire finished paintings as underpaintings for new ones. Saves money and room.

>> No.3892240

how do you have so many excuses? you are a very guilty soul

>> No.3892246

now I cant unsee

>> No.3892492

I was asked to post my work, so I did that.

I didn't have a model. I had an extremely stylized painting of a model to interpret actual light and anatomy from.

Also, you don't get to decide whether or not I'll make it, that's up to me. Sorry mango.

>> No.3892562

>eleven fingers
why does she have 11 fingers? do you actually have any clue what you're doing or are you just another smug digital artist with no actual talents outside of ctrl+z?

by god, the eleven finger digital artist, you'll be sakimichan in no time.

You literally are clueless, and have no grasp on anatomy, you're just puking out what you've memorized and hoping it looks right.

Brian didn't deserve this.

>> No.3892571

and you've proved you're clueless. You can't even figure out how many fingers go on a hand without counting them, that's how much you're on autopilot.

>> No.3892602

I don't get it. Which hand has 6 fingers?

>> No.3892604

Guys, stop. There's no point in pretending his art isn't good. It's really good, and to be honest I am kind of glad at how it's opened my eyes. There's something my own work lacks. And I'm... figuring that out. Right now I'm just enjoying a beer and watching some cartoons. Oh the painting is gone by the way. It's a pile of ash out by my firewood.

>> No.3892615

That's a cast shadow with some edge play. Not a sixth finger.

>> No.3892617
File: 216 KB, 750x927, 30CD80DA-D9EF-4FA9-96A3-AB2E15904624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now do one better than this one

>> No.3892625

if I can't improve upon it because I ltierally can't tell what I'm looking at, does that mean you win?

>> No.3892629

it's okay, you might just be too stupid. it's a challenging composition.

>> No.3892652

This is gorgeous, but I'm surprised nobody pointed out how fucked the bottom arm is

>> No.3892665

certainly looks like you are challenged

>> No.3892669


>> No.3892699

Fine, but I'm not going to copy your painting this time because I can hardly tell what's going on with your messy values.

>> No.3892712

AI will do one better in a few years

>> No.3892713

Honestly I love the discussion about this subject

People are huge perverts and have the best excuse with fine art as being classy

They think artists don't know that the old guy who's buying a painting of kid ballerinas is actually a pedo. Lmao

>> No.3892715

dude they work from photos

>> No.3892717

so what though

>> No.3892718

Ids better than to draw digital hentai for 30 dollars a piece

>> No.3892719

i mean i guess

>> No.3892720

Uh oh he hit you with the "i mean i guess"

are you just going to take that?

beat his ass

>> No.3892721

n-no I don't want any trubble I was just giving an opinion on making a profit from fetishists with traditional paintings

>> No.3892731

got sauce on that anon? can't find it through image search.

>> No.3892742

Hakuba no oujisama

It's pretty good

>> No.3892750


>> No.3892774

>Hakuba no oujisama
thanks fampai

>> No.3892829

What the fuck is wrong with you that you let yourself be driven to burning your own stuff? You were egotripping by posting your painting and letting yourself get baited into arguing but that's all because of your pride, even overreacting and destroying your own work is all an egotrip. What are we going to make everyone here rip their shit to shreds or delete it whenever someone says ''heh i could make this better'' and then does it? It would have been fine just to have a good think but you are self-destructive

>> No.3892835
File: 272 KB, 800x533, utfuktc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3892852

The porn here isn't the chick.

>> No.3893221

and you think this is... better? this is /beg/ tier digital art, anon.

>> No.3893582

I mean, it's simple and boring. But there's nothing really "wrong" with it.

>> No.3893839

I like this I think it cools pretty nice and much more alive and interesting than this >>3892835

Your painting reminds me of Valadon a little bit, maybe the black outlining. I think the figure looks better than on the first version you later posted, but I find the composition maybe a bit weaker? Still I definitely prefer it to what it looked like before.
I wish I had your patience to iterate, I struggle to spend more than two hours on something and once I'm done I never touch it again.

>> No.3893887

I like that these kinds of paintings usually have nice feet

>> No.3893891

I like the second one better.

>> No.3895122

awful just awful
seriously stop painting

>> No.3895125

>seriously stop painting
who says shit like this. this board is so terrible

>> No.3895151

The only difference between fine art and porn is quality.

>> No.3895306

That drapery is the one giving me a boner.

>> No.3895307

she wanted a quick fuck, you sick fuck.

>> No.3895374

Never post again

>> No.3895375

you can't compare these two artworks, both post a landscape or a figure

>> No.3895814

Holly shit man thats amazing, the face looks better now

>> No.3895818

accurate =/= good

>> No.3895832

Like others said. That drapery is the star, dick is diamonds

>> No.3895836

To be fair the skill difference is pretty big between the two mediums

>> No.3895845

Atleast somebody here has some sense. His is much better than yours purely because he knows somw fundies that you dont. In the future ask for critique beforehand so you stop polishing turds and get to work.
You'll make it with that attitude

>> No.3895846

I am very confused at what im looking at in the middle. Can you redline it for me?

>> No.3895848

Tbh id do the same. Id save a png of the original and the challanger next to eachother and stick it to my wall to serve as a reminder that you can always improve

>> No.3895856
File: 345 KB, 979x1224, 7111594C-C619-46A3-A044-2AB21BF351C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can all the people in the thread that are better than me please redline this I’m so confused I have no idea what I’m doing and you’re all so smart and cool

>> No.3897165
File: 89 KB, 399x382, House.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ultimate art goal is paint at this level, but for fantasy illustrations, and just inject lewds/porn in them and my weirdo fetishes about the female figure

>> No.3897585

Im just a humble shitposter and I cant paint this level but the yellow tones make her look a bit sickly to me

>> No.3897925
File: 29 KB, 383x500, e1RoF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is hilarious because of the amount of samefagging Brian is doing. I appreciate his work but goddamn dude the damage control is hilarious

>> No.3897927

Is (s)he pre-op or post-op?

>> No.3897949

obviously the eyes are looking off in different directions. and they are further left on the face than they should be. just look where the center of the nose is in comparison to the center between the eyes.

>> No.3897954
File: 338 KB, 979x1224, quickedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3898483

Only a massive weeb who went to fine arts would paint that

>> No.3898513

No shit. You didn't realise this board is filled with jealous faggots who criticise everyone when they themselves couldn't even draw a stick figure in proportion?