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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3889325 No.3889325 [Reply] [Original]

>see artist I like reveal that they browse 4chan
>see artist I like posts on this board

>> No.3889329

yeah it was a shoke for me too when hideo kojima posted that one time on /v/ but hey they're only humans like us

>> No.3889334

>4chan artists are usually worse than ones who browse reddit

really makes me think

>> No.3889348

Kyle is based though.

>> No.3889350
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>Finally decent enough to start drawing and confidant enough to finish.
>Work loaded major starts.

>> No.3889555

>probably told my favorite artist that they're a faggot retard and ngmi

>> No.3889558

reminds me that one time otomo's son posted in draw thread

>> No.3889559

lol at kojima prefering 4chan than shitty 2chan

>> No.3889565

>see artist I like reveal that they browse 4chan
A strange mix of camaraderie and shame, especially if they were talking about it on a hugbox

I'm trying to find a polite, constructive way to tell everyone in the comic thread they're terrible. I'm genuinely beginning to suspect fear of cringe damages your ability to tell a joke

>> No.3889577
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>especially if they were talking about it on a hugbox
Even worse when the people inside said hugbox react to it a hypersensitive way.
>be me
>try out joining an art discord
>it's a total fucking hugbox complete with "preferred pronouns" and everything
>one anon mentions in a chat that he browses 4chan
>gets told by sensitive faggot mods that the server he's on is a "judgement free zone" and that he better watch what he says
>he's from then on viewed with suspicion by Orwellian tumblr mods
>eventually gets permabanned for using the term 'normalfag' in a private DM with a fellow artist
>find this out because the mods made a cringy virtue-signaling announcement saying that they have "zero tolerance for rude judgmental bullshit"
>literally say in the same paragraph that they were informed by a private snitch
>come to find out that the snitch faggot who baited anon was also previously critiqued by him
>snitch was actually bragging about enacting his petty 'revenge'
If you're reading this anon, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Discord truly is cancer.

>> No.3889584

>liking artists of such small caliber they'll stoop to posting on 4chan
shit taste

>> No.3889589

>Became an artist
>Post on non /ic/ board asking for request
>20 requests


>> No.3889625

Jesus Christ, boy am I glad I don't have social media or use any chat program. When I want to talk I go out for beers like the ancient peoples of the pre-internet age

>> No.3889626

what the fuck

>> No.3889632

Just don't join retarded discords, wtf.

>> No.3889636

>If you're reading this anon, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Discord truly is cancer.
He's not there anymore, you should feel sorry for yourself.

>> No.3889639

>joining tumblr infested discords
there's your problem

>> No.3889644
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The thing is, it was advertised as a seemingly 'normal' art discord: e.g. no obvious tumblr audience and 'welcomed critique' (which was bullshit).

It wasn't until you get past the 'lobby' and enter the chats that the hugbox shit hits you full force.
It's was fucking weird because the mods initially didn't seem like tumblrites at first, but the longer you spoke with them the more they showed their true colors.

What's also bizarre is that they fucking hated rape jokes/dark humor, but they would also instantly permaban you for "kinkshaming" if you said anything 'judgmental' or negative about someone's rape fetish.

I'm worried about naming the server to warn others, because let's just say there's a decent chance they might know who I am and try doxxing me.

I know, and I channel that sadness every day. That anon was a pretty cool guy too.

>> No.3889648

give us the link so we can shitpost already!!!

>> No.3889651

Name it for the greater good

>> No.3889663

>I'm genuinely beginning to suspect fear of cringe damages your ability to tell a joke
it does

>> No.3889666
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Do it, fag. They’re terrible folk anyways

>> No.3889673

I'm no longer part of that sever now, and haven't been for a good few months. I didn't leave on the greatest of terms either. But I know some fags from that server probably follow/stalk my social media accounts, which I why I'm now going 'delete fucking everything' mode and cutting any ties I have to it.

But I can give you some major hints: if you see a discord server that's specifically advertised as 'welcoming'/'pro critique' with the server icon being a clip-art image of a unicorn, then it's 99.9% likely that's the same server I'm reffering to.
It's not actually advertised on /ic/ either, I found it in a /co/ thread. I later found out it was also advertised on a few obscure nsfw/fetish sites (like /d/) and, of course, tumblr and Reddit.

I think it might also be 'invite-only' now, because I remember the mods shitting themselves about being "invaded" right before I left.

If you're still unsure after you manage to get in, just check the announcements page for any tumblr faggotry. You might also find the same 'call out' aimed at poor anon.

Sorry I couldn't be more specific, but I don't want to take the risk of getting doxxed. I'll admit I was a bit retarded when it came to my privacy on there, but those fuckers don't play around.

>> No.3889675

I checked the comic thread and I regret it, material posted here is somehow as bad or even worse than facebook memes.

>> No.3889676

kinda spooky

>> No.3889681

It is pretty spooky shit, but most of them are probably skinny söyboys and hormonal wimminz who, at most, will try smearing your name. They can't do much beyond that.

What actually spooked me the most was the hidden degeneracy I found before I bailed. I should have probably also mentioned that there's a 'sister server' which is almost identical to the one I mentioned, except it's exclusively for a specific form of vore. It has the same unicorn logo and the same "anti-judgement"/"kinkshaming" mentality as the main one.
That was the fucking straw that broke the camel's back for me.

>> No.3889702
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Why is it always shitty fetishes like that that get a free pass with these cunts. But make anything even vaguely channish and it's a fucking apocalypse and you get your whole server banned.

>> No.3889870

I should really leave. This place is going to make me draw lewds and then haunt be in the future when I become good

>> No.3889873

this shit is the future man
imagine in a few years people will be able to autistically search for something to judge you with and ruin your career unless you develop a literal alternate personality

>> No.3889877

I bet I'm going to get in trouble for drawing bondage / bdsm one day, even though it's vanilla compared to almost everything else on the internet.

>> No.3890082
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>When you're in the middle of a glorious fap session and you recognize someone's work from /ic/

>> No.3890085

Any artist where it's confirmed they're browsing /ic/
The only one I can think of is Peter Han

>> No.3890089

Michael Hampton.

>> No.3890118

maybe it was always like this, its just that recently normies found our place. anybody know any tips for browsing the dark web or how to do it? this place might become their grounds too someday

>> No.3890153

>anybody know any tips for browsing the dark web or how to do it
Blind leading the blind, but apparently there are some sites that can only be accessed through Tor, someone in one of the news articles about it mentioned liking talking with people who actually knew their shit. I believe you should mainly concern yourself with anonymity online and possibly disassociating yourself from earlier sites and works. Not the porn, though, people hate it when that disappears and apparently that stuff's apolitical.

>this place might become their grounds too someday
Knock it off with the doomsaying, we both know you're only doing that for your own benefit. Also they're called 'Election Niggers'.

>> No.3890217

Why are you sorry? His mistake was going there in the first place. Now he’s free

>> No.3890223

>imagine in a few years people will be able to autistically search for something to judge you with and ruin your career unless you develop a literal alternate personality

I guess that's why in YE OLDEN DAYS of web 1.0 when the only social media mostly consisted of forums and IRC, it was advised to NEVER post your real name and identity. I now know it wasn't to only prevent stalkers.

>> No.3890226

>it was advised to NEVER post your real name and identity.
I'd still give that advise to my kids, stranger danger.

>> No.3890228

Actually you're right. Thank goodness my real name is nowhere to be found.

>> No.3890364

That should have been your hint, the fuck Anon!?

>> No.3890384

Yeah, I honestly don't know what I was thinking. I actually wasn't very familiar with /ic/ at the time, only /co/, so that was likely the main problem.
/co/mblr is very real, and the Discord servers show it.

The 'sister server' (the one made for vorefags) was even called something gay like "Unicorn Valley", because they think their autistically specific 'vore preferences' made then 'special rare unicorns'.

No idea why the main server has the same unicorn icon though, probably a retarded inside joke. Another warning sign I didn't pay attention to were the dumb names they gave as 'roles'.
Like "salt miner" for 'salty' people, 'line rider' for people who didn't do colors, "monster mash" for people who liked drawing monstergirls/boys. Just remembering it is making my anus clench with cringe.

>> No.3890723

>Discord truly is cancer.
I hardly use Discord but aren't all the servers completely separate pieces that are made by completely different people with different uses of moderation?

>> No.3890800

Yes, the problem is the userbase, not the software, which is actually a very decent middle point between Skype and IRC. It'd be even better if it had a normal solution for scrolling back to see past conversations instead of barely usable crap it has now.

There's also a glaring issue of all servers being in fact owned by Discord instead of being your own private instances, but that's another story.

>> No.3890806


>> No.3890810

I find people revealing they browze 4chinz to be edgy cringelords. You shouldn't be saying you browse this site on twitter in the first place

>> No.3891622

Interesting if true...

>> No.3894159

>It'd be even better if it had a normal solution for scrolling back to see past conversations instead of barely usable crap it has now.
What do you mean? The search function is ok.
Something I don't understand about IRC, people can see your IP address with /whois right? That's the only reason why I don't use it.
But you're right, the problem is not with the software. The ideal would be a sparsely populated server with like 20 people at most. I have noticed that once you hit a certain population the quality of the server degrades. What a weird effect.

>> No.3894162

Dave Rapoza visited a couple times.

>> No.3894167

>What a weird effect.
its not weird if you think about it. for example on 4chan everybody reads the same OP, so the level of shitposting is around that level usually. You wont see ppl wanting a serious conversations going in a joke thread, and in a serious thread ppl will try to stay on point even if a troll comes around.

On discords with a big number of ppl where you dont know most of the others and the discussions are a long never ending chat, ppl read the most recent comments and take the conversations from there. And since the lousy kind of ppl dominate the "most recent posts", simply by not bothering of the quality of their comments, they tend to lower the quality of discussion.

In conclusion, discord is best used for small groups of ppl, where everybody knows or gets to know everybody, and they might take longer to respond, think or document their comments since the conversation wont be buried in the sea of small talk.

>> No.3894174

I would really love to be on a small server with other artists that draw what I draw. Just talking and sharing ideas.
Every server I've joined was really, really bad.

>> No.3894179

>What's also bizarre is that they fucking hated rape jokes/dark humor, but they would also instantly permaban you for "kinkshaming" if you said anything 'judgmental' or negative about someone's rape fetish.
Why would that be bizarre?
One thing is unnecessary hugboxing and being a power drunk bitch mod, totally another thing getting banned for being a flame igniting asshole.
I kinda start to see the problem here probably were you and not the mods.

>> No.3894183

I bet every server you joined was a big one

try to find or make a small one, and then try to keep it that way. Find a few artists you share something in commune, offer to create a discord to talk on, and let them know you are planning to keep it small and why. If things get out of hand and the discord gets big, you can select a few artists again from it, and make another discord, this time making sure you keep out whoever is responsible for making the discord like that

>> No.3894185

you could invite me for example, since I know the importance of keeping it small. post a link and the 2 of us and the few anons who will see it here will make up the discord population. then we never share the discord again for years unless we get down to 2 or 3 people again

>> No.3894232

Send me an email and say/attach what you draw at zorzeyospi@desoz.com
Use a tempmail if you're concerned. This expires in 1 hour, maybe I'll do this every now and then.
I don't care about quality, I'm not that good myself, I just want to know what kind of art you make so that the server is somewhat coherent and we don't end up with everyone drawing loli porn, there's many servers for that already. If you make comics it's preferable.
Let's try to see if we can start something, but I have low expectations.

>> No.3894274
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I remember when Incase shittalked /ic/ and he was 100% right.

>> No.3894296

I would like to read what he had to say

>> No.3894299

I have never heard any good stories at Discord.
Only people using them for gay ops or retards joining to bait drama, shit it up and make it look like the creator is responsible for the bad behavior.

>> No.3894303

He basically said on stream that this place is good for beginners, especially people who already know how to take harsh criticism, but it becomes ultimately useless as a meaningful vector for critique as you get more skilled because the anonymous nature, the inherent hostility and susceptibility to Dunger-Krugers of the site leads it to generate a lot of unworkable noise parading as critique.

>> No.3894310


>> No.3894315

Yeah that's about right

>> No.3894390
File: 47 KB, 500x376, and the world keeps burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/co/mblr is very real,
Pointing it out means bait or you are the /pol/ boogeyman they are always reeeing about.

>skinny söyboys and hormonal wimminz who, at most, will try smearing your name.
Never underestimate autists
There was a giant retarded smear campaign against a furry a while back
Youtuber kid named "Spocter Theory" was accused of being "emotionally abusive" to his ex and being a "sexual predator",
the mentally ill trannies and tumblrinas gaslit the kid into thinking he was some kind of monster.
It wasn't until 2 other weirdos "Ponder Sprocket" and "Pkrussl" started poking holes in the narrative that he started to realize he had been set up and smeared. Pieces of shit had been planning it for months and one had some straight up sociopathic logs leak (stuff about enjoying manipulating people to destroy someone).

There are multiple 2hr long vids going through all the autism, debunking all the lies and sorting the timeline. Absolutely disgusting how shitty some people can be.
So yea never trust these nutjobs they will pretend to be your friend to destroy you later.