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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 953 KB, 1200x1867, 44BF7540-CDEA-4443-A74C-87F8AF31BED0-999-000000AF0862CBFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3887785 No.3887785 [Reply] [Original]

I found a folder of these on my younger brother's password locked computer so I ponder over how short characters with oversized heads who are usually confined to single color backgrounds appeal to people in particular. Is it the rendering?

>> No.3887787

Why do people like cute things?

>> No.3887788

Give it back Jamal.

>> No.3887793
File: 672 KB, 2922x2013, 20190128_173949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd also like to know why this is? Same with overly shy girls. Do guys just like the cuteness? How do guys gauge cuteness? What does it mean psychologically? Do they want to protect the innocence? Or do they wish themselves that they were children with the loli?

>> No.3887795

personally I would like to hug her

>> No.3887796
File: 480 KB, 848x1867, 1544459861551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're small, cute and innocent and awaken my parental instincts.

>> No.3887802
File: 430 KB, 480x270, 1542297353310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you sexually abused him while he was young and botched his sexual imprinting
he's cursed forever

>> No.3887803

Can you explain the mental process of this?

>> No.3887808

I don't recall touching is dick tho.
He curses himself more than I ever could by playing FF14 all day and getting Ds and Fs in high school.

>> No.3887812

Because your younger brother is a pedophile (just like all the anons I quoted).

>> No.3887818
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>by playing FF14
my condolences

>> No.3887820

>of this?
you're going to have to be more specific

then sick broken people on the internet got to him before the normal real life ones and he adopted their normal instead
which is uh, loli shit

>> No.3887821
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I don't know, aren't they just cute? Why does anyone like cute things?

>> No.3887828
File: 74 KB, 780x1108, D1OFaSfVYAATTD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedo implies being attracted to 3d children, which I'm not. What's wrong with liking cute things?

>> No.3887834

"idk bcuz they cute" isn't good enough. Search your brains guys! I need answers!!

>> No.3887836

bcuz they cute
u mad?

>> No.3887841

>bcuz they cute isn't good enough.
Search your brains, you might have a problem

>> No.3887844

Oh no, this is worse than I thought; would explain how he has 400 gigabytes used right now.
Things really did go south ever since dad left to chase some casino tramps.

>> No.3887849

Well there ya go OP, like father like son.
Replace young tramps with lolis.

>> No.3887855 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 1024x578, 1548625050576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is unironically filled with /r9k/ tier discord troons, losers and degenerates. Pic related is infamously taken from their /vg/ general, which is reviled even among the /vg/ circlejerk cesspool.
There isn't many lolis in it though, from what I know.

>> No.3887857

I’ve noticed that guys who like lolis are always defected, or abject failures. used to play dnd with a guy who would always make his character a little anime girl, wound up not playing with him anymore after a while. he lived with his mom and would never bathe, worked at Walmart for a few months and then quit and became a neet. he looked like a literal hobbit, hairy and balding in his early 20s. yeah, that’s the average anime pedo guy.

>> No.3887858

People like cute things and guys like feminine features. I'll alert the local paper to stop the presses

>> No.3887862
File: 175 KB, 500x683, tumblr_n9xxatO2xF1tes8zmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean if your husband says you are a lot like Yotsuba? I've never read or seen it but I know it's that little girl style. I don't know how I feel about that. I never really liked the cutsie kid style, but is it just a regular girl?

>> No.3887864

Just read the manga, it's really good

>> No.3887865

I've noticed that guys who like loli are always chads, or high IQ individuals, used to play poker with a guy who'd always go on about how he liked cute anime girls, wound up not playing with him anymore after a while because I kept losing. He lived with his wife and two children and always had this attractive quality about him, apparently invested in bitcoin for some time and then quit and retired. He looked like a greek god, muscular and 7 feet tall. Yeah, that's the average cunn*sseur.

>> No.3887866

yotsuba is probably the most wholesome manga there is, I wouldn’t be to worried about it unless he says something else alarming.

>> No.3887868

Why were you snooping on your brother's computer?

>> No.3887869

There's nothing sexual about Yotsuba. Go give the manga a read, it's cute and wholesome.

>> No.3887870

Pros: It means he enjoys your presence and you relieve what would have been a boring life.
Cons: He thinks you’re obnoxious.

>> No.3887871
File: 75 KB, 448x508, yotsuba_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah thanks. I'm relieved. The Google image search made it seem kinda funny. Maybe then it was a great compliment!

>> No.3887874

Maybe that's how he deals with this bitch of an earth. Cute things.

>> No.3887885 [DELETED] 

You're a really shitty brother. Let him have his private life.

>> No.3887895

depending on how old his brother is, he may actually do some good confronting him about it. he might actually be able to reproduce later in life if he nips it in the bud

>> No.3887917 [DELETED] 

Nothing wrong with cute loli art. Confronting him will just give him trust issues.

>> No.3887925

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting pound some qt 2d lolis and don't let those trolls from /pol/ tell you otherwise.

>> No.3887934

Cute and funny

>> No.3887966

If you don't instinctively get the appeal of cute things you're not fit to reproduce.
The instinct exists to make you protect and take care of a young child. If you lack it, you'll be a bad parent.

>> No.3887982

The modern parent is inherently bad though. They strap kids next to a computer then run off to do work.

>> No.3888003

why everyone tend to be a pedophile this days?

>> No.3888014

Because you believe that anything involving a child is pedophilia.

>> No.3888115

Can't enjoy cute creatures without being lambasted. Can't even tell a kid not to walk in the middle of traffic without being considered a pedophile. Can't sketch outdoors without sketchbook being confiscated. Can't be manly without being attacked for ''toxic masculinity''. Can't like girly things without being called a pussy by the same people. Can't use language that's ''bad'', hold up the word bad just got banned now it's called double-plus-ungood. You're the cause of this. You.

And the funny thing is many people who are trying to ''clean up the world'' are actual pedophiles, look at the endless cavalcade of twitter sjws that end up in jail for the very crimes they pretend to fight against

>> No.3888217

Just /ic/. I suspect all the 'just drop anime' threads have given them a complex.

>> No.3888309

>can’t sketch outdoors without sketchbook being confiscated
haha fuck dude did you really get your sketchbook confiscated?

>> No.3888323
File: 183 KB, 1000x680, 1550241318718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this applies to all anime artfags desu

I love anime and the style, but I don't understand people's fascination with girls on a blank background.

though, given, that isn't just an animefag problem. literally all of /ic/ does it.

as for why lolis, probably just because they're disgusting pedos.

>> No.3888330

Take a drink every time you see the word smol, pure, and I will protect on Twitter and YouTube then ask that again.

>> No.3888335

Not him but I posted that story on the prev vent thread

>> No.3888356
File: 226 KB, 682x1000, 1542891390647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with liking cute and sexy lolis.

>> No.3888437

you cant be cute and sexy its one or the other you dumb retard

>> No.3888480

It activates my fatherly instincts and a desire to protect (also, hnnng its cute)

>> No.3888490

cuz we want to fuck them dude who cares

>> No.3888549

I've seen this happen both in Mexico City and London.
In Mexico I know for sure it was because the guy was selling cartoons in a no-commerce zone between tourist traps. Don't know bout Bongistan.

>> No.3888559

it is good enough, maybe you're just weird??

>> No.3888570

What the fuck is wrong with YOU invading your brothers password locked computer and getting your panties in a bunch when you find things you don’t like?
Guess what? Loli isn’t illegal. When it’s considered cp then you can get pissed. Until then, stop snooping around like a fucking rat and invading other people’s privacy. I guarantee if we scoured your whole life and search history we’d find some creepy ass shit too.
Here’s my advice. Pretend you never saw it. Never bring it up to him. Never talk to family and friends about it. It’s his own private property. It isn’t illegal. You had no business seeing it. End of story

>> No.3888572

>oi m8, you got a loicense for that lolisketch?

>> No.3888584

>reading replies
>'muh kawaii daughterfu'
Be honest anons, they get your pp hard. Cut this 'cute innocent' charade.

>> No.3888608

>Projecting this hard
Get help anon

>> No.3888697

This post gets to the heart of the issue, I would not want OP for a brother. He'd probably go through all my stuff while I am away and find out I drew porn or something gory and ''confront me about it for my own good''. Fucking psychopath

>> No.3888714

>if you want a daughter you're a pedophile
>if you want to impregnate a grown mature woman it's because you're a pedophile and totally not because you want offspring
>children exist only for sex
Who taught this to you?
Who ruined your capacity for love and care? Who corrupted your mind like this?

>> No.3888755

I wonder if any of these people ever realize that they're actively pushing society as a whole away from having healthy social interaction and building families. This is why so many young people abhor children and the very idea of having children.

In Huxley's book Brave New World, where people are cloned in tubes and sterilized and then have non-stop drug-fueled orgies their entire life, the very idea of childbirth and parenthood is seen as taboo and absolutely disgusting. This is where we are going

>> No.3888756

Do you only date cougars? There's plenty of women who are both cute and sexy.

>> No.3888758

>everyone belongs to everyone
>a gramme is better than a damn
The accuracy of that book is unsettling

>> No.3888766
File: 270 KB, 1280x800, What+did+trayvon+martin+and+his+dad+have+in+common+_34335dd6e368ac4247822d4d9dce35d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bcuz they cute lol

>> No.3888813

this and 100% unironically

>> No.3888815

link to the story?

>> No.3888816

keked underrated

>> No.3888818
File: 1.26 MB, 500x572, 1551112068999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it because I beat my fucking meat to Loki's
And because it's cute

>> No.3888819

because homosexuality is on the rise. They like to groom young boys.

>> No.3888820

Why yes I, OP, would use my usb to hack into your computer to affirm that your taste is shit and be glad that you don’t like the same things I do. My waifu is mine and mine alone.

>> No.3888824
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because they know they can live without restrictions, and no one will care. Their worldview gives them no reason to not go further.

If it's wholesome loli's then it's just because they are cute, tho, although i don't think I'd go out of my way to find them cuz that's weird as fuck.

>> No.3888832

>knowingly, maliciously and unauthorized touching of somebody else property
I always hated your kind in school. They were the lowest IQ students too, what a coincidence.

>> No.3888841

>Bland expressions:
Why yes, I have pet fish, how did you know?
>Big heads:
The in-between for chibis and regular anime. Interpret child characters as you may but that’s the appeal for normies.
>Lack of backgrounds:
Artists do that in general.
>Is it the rendering?:
Yes, Sakimichan easily confirms that lighting gets likes.

>> No.3889966
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>> No.3889972


>> No.3890253
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>> No.3890276

Yotsuba is required reading on 4chan. Also your husband is calling you adorkable.

>> No.3890280

Oh fuck it's gohanposter

>> No.3890284

On a related note, my younger brother has shared some loli memes on ifunny and I know he's visiting /v/. One of them is a parody of that PyamuPyamu song. Should I be concerned or is he being edgy?

inb4 ifunny or /v/ is the real problem.

>> No.3890289

Not OP btw.

>> No.3891251

I heard once that many Loli artists are female. Which made sense to me when I heard it because a lot of women have a fetish for feeling like a little girl. That’s why I don’t really see Loli as a true pedophilia thing. I know a girl who gets instantly aroused when her bf calls her little girl. It’s like a trigger word but for libido (and not as faggy). I don’t think the guy is into little girls. A lot of the time I really do think there’s more of a subtext to these fetishes. The way people with niche fetishes describe them, it’s obvious that there’s an aspect of being transformed into a diaper or being inflated that gets them. It’s like interpreting a dream. Loli isn’t any different. I mean, no cartoon character looks anything like what a real human child looks like. So you really can’t make that strong of a connection between 2D and 3D based on that. Kids in cartoons are usually smarter than irl kids too so there goes that. Pretty often they’re more mature and self aware than real kids. This is why I buy that there is a subtext they’re attracted to and not just that all lolifags are pedos who are just too chicken to molest a kid irl.

>> No.3891276

This might be true. I was a male but once i started drawing loli i became a female and the rest is exactly as you said.

>> No.3891280

You're overthinking things and making yourself look like a complete retard. Some people, man or woman, just want to fuck little anime girls, that's that.

>> No.3891379


Says who? You literally just made this arbitrary shit up, I don't even like loli shit but this is genuinely fucking dumb.

Just be real, lolis look like kids and they make many people uncomfortable. But here is they key, they LOOK like kids but they AREN'T REAL KIDS.

No such thing as a thought crime, and art is all about thought and self expression (yes even if you don't like it)

>> No.3891390

This is more about moe than loli in particular, but just really like cute, borderline childish things, because as a straight adult male who works a normal job there are few (if any) socially acceptable ways to explore my own sense of wanting to be cute. Looking at cutesy artwork (along with playing cutesy relaxing games, listening to cutesy denpa music, watching CGDCT anime, etc.) fills that void for me.

>> No.3891392

I’m not overthinking anything. I just know enough weird people with odd fetishes who never describe it as literally just wanting to be inflated and popped. There’s subtext every single time.
But even so you said that they want to fuck cartoon kids. Are cartoon kids at all, in any way, other than being called kids, like irl children? No. Hell no. They’re always symbolic. Kids in real life are nothing like cartoon kids. They don’t become spies or embark on journeys to collect monsters or tame rare dragons or fight ice wizards. Do you know any kids irl who look like Timmy Turner, and are literally two heads tall? I doubt it. Even 3D babies don’t have those proportions. Cartoon kids are exactly nothing like real kids in nature or appearance, retard

>> No.3891475

NO anon..your not allowed to like cute things if you are a grown male.

>> No.3891482

What the fuck are you on about? I just said that they want to fuck little anime kids, which is a fact.

>> No.3891483
File: 105 KB, 1200x675, 1540314798369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
>over 75 replies
People are physiologically hard wired to want to protect and nurture what is cute. Sex sells. Combine cute and sexy together and you have a very marketable asset that appeals to the modern day lonely neckbeard. This concept isn't difficult. Yet you autists still manage to convolute this elementary trait used for survival, and you all wonder why you have difficulty getting any form of appeal in your work?

You're all fucking retarded.

>> No.3891594
File: 288 KB, 1920x1080, 1528292970827.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, fatty.

>> No.3891611

Sorry Anon. I'm femanon and rooting for you and all other men who like cute things. Society and culture can be very unkind to men.

>> No.3891620

Nobody cares.

>> No.3891626

I care! I agree with the anon above, I can't like cute things in polite society so where else can I go but the internet?

>> No.3892332


>> No.3893837
File: 69 KB, 707x1000, c4683fbf8985d0bcbd5f0dd3b7b33d7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3893932

Personally, I've kind of stopped caring what society thinks, but also in moderation to stop people considering what people think. For example, I'll wear a cute women's t-shirt I like, but wear like a zipper hoodie to hide the smaller sleeves.

>> No.3894323

This. Lolis are cute and adorable. 3D kids are whiny, screaming and prone to crapping themselves.

>> No.3894330

>nearly 500 fantasia
why? I got one for free for whatever reason years ago and it's been siting in my inventory for years unused since...
(fantasia potions are used to change your character's appearance, for those who don't play the game. The game allow you to change your hair for a small ingame currency fee though)
I mean considering the game's lifespan, it's about one a week...

>> No.3894383

Because lolis are cute and innocent. That's all.

Lolis aren't meant to be sexy, even if it is sometimes the case, it's not the goal of most loli art.
It's actualy quite hard to push the sexy and cute buttons at the same time. For real people it's very hard to achieve (you need to hit "cute" without being "childish", which is unsexy as hell)
The only ones able to hit both cute and sexy realisticly are girls in the 16-22 age range. Which also happens to be peak desirability from a male's perspective.


>> No.3894384

But enough talk about sexy lolis who are so few in numbers that I can't think of a good example. The thing about innocent cute girls is that you can never go wrong:
for kids, it's a friend
for female teens, it's a callback to simpler times
for male teens, it's a cute girl with no drama attached
for adults, it's a surrogate perfect daughter.
You can never go wrong with a young girl, regardless of your audience. Boys don't work as well because adults are naturally inclined to have expectations for them, and girls actualy identify less easily with boys. (fact: females prefer females protagonist, males don't care as much). Which is why make kids are usualy associated with shonen stuff only.

Now on the moe side, lolis are moe. But lolis in hentai are usualy played in one of those two ways:
the innocent loli. Well, no surprise here, some people are attracted to innocence and youthfulness. Once again this is actualy a fairly common trait in the male reproductive scheme, as getting younger mates actualy have a lot of desirable side effects (including a lessened risk of diseases, better chances for healthy offsprings -if the girl is developped enough to deliver them, of course- and increased fidelity).
Slutty lolis are another beast, which is where we introduce the concept of "gap moe" meaning a character acting against what it's design suggest. It's actualy also a thing we, as human, are attracted to to a lesser extent, as it subverts the normal expectation and makes it more intriguing for the brain to process. It can't go too far without the brain rejecting it though, which is why for some people this is so outlandish that they reject it outright.

In short, lolis work for a myriad of reasons, be it in an innocent or sexual way.

Now excuse me, I'll go back to trying to figure out how to draw appealing loli porn.