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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3876954 No.3876954[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Especially when the artist community is full of LGBT and onions guzzling cucks. How do you deal with being redpilled?

>> No.3876959


>> No.3876964

>interacting with other artists

>> No.3876966

Gonna guess you started this thread over this >>3876888

>> No.3876970

Take the blackpill, kiddo.

>> No.3876971

If you're on /ic/, you're already, unironically, a NGMI.

>> No.3877109

This is strangely on-topic but Im gonna give my sincere answer
Artist have been bullied for years for what they do, a century ago drawing landscapes, still lifes and people having sex was looked down, a group of young men defied this status and made their own public galleries outside of museums, this then became an art trend known as impressionism

>> No.3877114

Try being 'brocialist', then both sides will hate you.

>> No.3877120

do you happen to be a lolifag
sincere question

>> No.3877126

By treating people with respect in spite of any prejudice, and ignoring any political bullshit.

>> No.3877294

Don't interact with your audience and don't play the Crucible game with puritans or either side who aren't even your real audience.

>> No.3877296

That was my thought too

>> No.3877311

It's just not worth it spouting shit about politics online. Keep that shit for yourself, ignore the people you find retarded. It is never worth your time, never..

>> No.3877314

Pretty much this.

Also art can tell stories. Communicate redpilled philosophy the way Arno Breker and Leni Riefenstahl did.

T-that's why I started drawing ;_;

>> No.3877315

How hard is it to be better and harder working and higher earning than a bunch of mental communist retards you fucking loser?

>> No.3877321

>How do you deal with being redpilled?
I keep it to myself. In case someone will ever confront me and I don't have the option of simply not replying, I have a few canned answers like
>I don't have enough knowledge on this matter to treat it with accuracy
>This is a sensitive hot topic and I don't feel like adding it in my work as an act of tokenism
Which is also true. I'm not really against all this progressive stuff, they can keep their drag queen 10yo strippers, I just don't care and I detest people in general.

>> No.3877322
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Most people that I've met that consider themselves redpilled go out of their way to talk about their ideology and tend to have a persecution complex, so just don't do that. It's not fun to be around, no one wants to be around "that guy." No one want you to pop up drunk late at night ranting about the nigger and the jews. Realistically, all you need to do is not be autistic.

>> No.3877327
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>tfw dinners with family and friends
>everyone is /pol/ as fuck and casual hatred for gays and muslims blooms into open rants
>I talk about Africa being too dumb to form a society and Koko the gorilla having higher IQ than their average and they love it
I still insist that if gypsies and crackheads are allowed to have kids then gays should be too.

>> No.3877332

That's very different because the atmosphere allows it to be that way. All I'm asking is to just read the atmosphere and be considerate.

>> No.3877334

Just as everyone hates artists who go out of their way to reeeeee about white men and how oppressed x minority is, everyone hates artists who go out of their way to make everyone know they're right-wing.
Be the better person. Separate your politics from your art and online interactions.

>> No.3877336

I know, I am >>3877321
I would never reveal my power level on the internet, if anything for fear of getting my account banned. I can imagine that saying "I don't care about queers in the least" counts as hate speech.

>> No.3877337

>communicating with anyone that isn’t work related in 2019
It only gets worse from here. Soon everyone will be insanely racist towards themselves or others for essentially no reason. The internet was a god damn mistake

>> No.3877338

You must be a miserable person

>> No.3877349

what's the problem?
just keep your thoughts to yourself. literally nobody has to know what you think. i pensieri stretti & il viso sciolto - closed thoughts and an open face. protects your reputation