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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 52 KB, 432x432, b4d7cbbb086b1ebb344d6acadb2e963a--ink-illustrations-money-illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3870591 No.3870591 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen one of these in a while

Post your work, /ic/ tells you how much you should be charging for commissions.

>> No.3870594

should probably get an opinion from people who actually buy art. think about why you're on /ic/...

>> No.3870625

Yeah, these threads are kind of a joke. Commission price has very little to do with actual skill. It's more a combination of popularity, reliability, speed, and appeal.

>> No.3870637

never charge less than 200 for anything fullcolor with a background reeee.
really tired of retards trying to underbid everything

>> No.3870671

this. morons always think better art = more shekels when in fact thats not how commerce works. now if your work has appeal(appeal =/ highly rendered painting) that a lot of people like then your work will be in high demand which gives it value. basic economics people.

>> No.3870727

>an idiot that doesn't know how commission pricing works
Hello there, idiot.

>> No.3870753


Do it by quota, not that fast food menu crap if you want to be paid what you're worth and be taken seriously. It's also a great way to filter out the degenerates who try to get as much fap material of their sonichu OC for as little as possible.

>> No.3870775
File: 979 KB, 471x363, l6hro04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines, most at /ic/ have no idea

>> No.3870777
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x1028, tiefling_request.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawfagged this yesterday

>> No.3870896
File: 925 KB, 924x1344, xillian_blowjob_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently finished commission

>> No.3870902

How much did you get?

>> No.3870903

These threads are pointless.

>> No.3870912


>> No.3870915

... well, your marketing skills are more impressive than your artistic ones.

>> No.3870917

based as fuck.

>> No.3870919
File: 44 KB, 450x270, fucking goddammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is porn so fucking easymode

>> No.3870933
File: 1.70 MB, 1500x1500, wicked-lady-01-18-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the last thing I "finished", though one could point out her hand that is closest to the viewer lacks any sort of detail. Truthfully I wanted to avoid drawing the hand altogether but felt the pose was off if I excluded it.

>> No.3870936

That's how it is, you either learn to deal with it or become a pornshitter yourself.

>> No.3871095

$150 sounds right, also fuck furries and porn

>> No.3871114

what does it mean to do it by quota?

>> No.3871205

A client on Upwork wants me to draw a shirt design and is asking for my flat fee price. Originally he offered hourly and my hourly rate is $35 an hour, but Upworks hourly rate system requires installing some Big Brother-ish monitor system which takes screenshots and overall fucking sucks.

Is $500 too much or too little to ask for?
The last shirt design I did for a client on Upwork was for $400

>> No.3871210


>> No.3871227

Quality of art =/= price of artworks
This is also why this thread is dumb and pointless.

It should be called "Post your work and we will tell you how much we personally thing it's worth to us."

>> No.3871239
File: 202 KB, 843x951, ECcommsSign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to set new commission prices soon so help me out.

>> No.3871244

I've done tons of Upwork jobs. You're right - I avoid all hourly jobs because it's just a hassle and an unreasonable way to price illustration / art.

It really depends on who its for and how the shirt is going to be sold. There are a ton of shirt commissioners on Upwork who are looking for suckers to make designs that they'll sell on print-on-demand platforms. If it's one of those clients, then abandon all hope.

$500.00 for a t-shirt design is by no means unreasonable. I've done a shirt design for that much - it was a anniversary shirt that the business wanted to wear to a convention as pass out as freebies. I think the key thing here is whether or not a business is funding the project. $500 is decent pay for a small-business T shirt design. A personal, non-commercial job like this will have a smaller budget for sure.

>Quality of art =/= price of artworks
I wish more folks would realize this. This whole thread is based on the false notion of "skill levels", implying that if you pass a certain level of skill, then you too will make $X amount of dollars.

It doesn't work like that. Real-world commissioned work (not private commissions from fast-food style commission charts) is priced largely on how the work will be used - not how "good" you are.

>> No.3871245

So unsexy

>> No.3871255

Don't set prices. Make yourself available and consult with anyone that reaches out. Tell them you can match their process with the time you can spend on it. The more they can spend, the better their end result will be.

>> No.3871260

I don't have enough time to haggle out prices with people, I need at least a baseline to weed out people who are really interested and make sure I'm going to get at least an amount that covers the amount of time the drawing is going to take.

>> No.3871264

12 for bust.

>> No.3871268

Damn that's low. What do you think is pushing the price down? The fact it's not rendered? General skill?

>> No.3871273
File: 1.65 MB, 990x1400, donasdogamatastos LOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I asked 150€ for pic related (got 175 because of tip, minus whatever Paypal took).
At my skill level, i don't think people would be willing to pay much more, plus i had quite a lot of freedom with it, which was refreshing.
Just doing line art for 30 to 40€ a pop is probably more convenient time-wise, but not as fun.

>> No.3871278


cant imagine who is rdy pay more for this

>> No.3871279

I feel that, but I don't look at it as a haggle. Learn red flags and don't do anything for a price you don't love. I use this as my filtering process..

>> No.3871281

Subject matter (rigid too) and level of rendering. People who commission busts usually want it for something like a profile picture or header for their character page. You are better off just charging less for busts because not many people will requests them from you unless you make your artwork more appealing to the masses. All in all, you are better off just doing fullbodies/half bodies commissions if that’s too low of a price for you. Unless you’re fine with getting 1-2 bust commissions every 5 months that just muddy up your page.

>> No.3871282

I haven't seen a single actual good piece of work ITT.

>> No.3871287

I mean, the client basically said
"name your price and I’ll be happy to work with whatever!"

So should I ask for more than $500 if he's willing to pay more than that? Should I ask him if he has a budget?

I'm basically estimating how many hours it would take for me to work on the design. Since my rate is $35 an hour, and since I think it shouldn't take more than 16 hours of time to draw from scratch to finish, I'm estimating a flat rate between $500-$600, assuming there will be little to no revisions.

>> No.3871289
File: 464 KB, 432x990, yorda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite

>> No.3871292

How does one get commissions? I have posts on my instagram and twitter saying to DM me for commissions but I'm not getting any bites.

Then again, I also don't have many followers so...

Lately I haven't been able to produce any personal art due to lack if inspiration. I've only been motivated by commissions. But I know I need to put more art out there to get noticed and get commissions.

It's a vicious cycle I'm dealing with.

>> No.3871294

Try discord commission groups. I would say DeviantArt too but you need to do a lot of fanart and adopt a sparkly style.

>> No.3871306

I was just curious, I'm not really interested in doing commissions. That was a free thing in a drawthread.
It really seems like rendering is the deal breaker. I'm happy with just ink and flats so I never really learned...
Also I get the "stiff" comment a lot, but I swear I always start with a loose gesture and the thing looks natural to me. No idea what to do in that regard.

>> No.3871317

>Also I get the "stiff" comment a lot, but I swear I always start with a loose gesture and the thing looks natural to me. No idea what to do in that regard.
Think about what is breaking the flow.
Use less symmetry and less vertical lines, in place of more diagonal ones.

This is just looking at that drawing anyway, i don't know about your other ones.

>> No.3871322

For smut, Hentai Foundry, the commission thread on /aco/, and related discords can be decent ones.
That's where i got most of mine.

>> No.3871323

poses are awkward and the crop is trash but i like parts of your rendering. $20 for something similar?

>> No.3871341

Just reminding everyone that minimum wage is the U.S. is $7.25 per hour

Perhaps we should price based on how long we think it took to draw a picture?

>> No.3871359
File: 477 KB, 458x843, ipad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I actually put some effort into this one.

>> No.3871542
File: 43 KB, 640x396, 1548103338063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only take 60 bucks for black and white ink art, but I'm also new to the game. So with time I wanna shoot for 80

>> No.3871568

This is really low tier art that wants to look deep, stick to porn, mate

>> No.3871605

It's a shitty measure and a bitch to set. Most artists have a theoretical day rate or charge by the job. It's easier to log hours that way and find better pricing strategies. There are also market factors that set a pretty hard limit on what you can reasonably expect to make from a given project.

It's more about finding what you can charge the most for and do in the least amount of time.

>> No.3871627

Anon this looks almost like a Wikihow illustration. The hair looks like it's a clip-on wig for a Lego figurine, add some separations. You're working off a decent frame but the color and rendering makes it look a bit lifeless

>> No.3871754

is that gwen from ben 10?

>> No.3871899

do you have more examples/social media? even though people keep tearing into it, your art reminds me of something (good) so i want to check out more of it if that's good with you.

>> No.3871917

There is an art school formula for this I learned a while back:
>[(Hours worked on) x (The minimum wage of the state you work in)] + (Cost of supplies) = Commission Price
This mainly works with more traditional art, you can also add on how attached you are to the painting or drawing if it's original artwork. As for tablet art, when doing Graphic Design commissions:
>[(Hours worked on) x (The minimum wage of the state you work in)] + (1/4 of the price you paid for your drawing tablet) = Commission Price

It's a basic formula for setting a price for your stuff, but not a rule. As your skills grow, the price can increase over time, but it's just something to follow if you're just starting out. Just remember to not over sell or sell yourselves short; Get paid for your shit, but be reasonable when it comes to pricing the skill level you're at. Hope this helped.

>> No.3871939

The last formula told me I should be charging $630 for my commissions (I draw on a $2400 laptop).
Either something is flawed or I am ripping myself off.

>> No.3871950

That implies that all artists should be working for minimum wage, I think that's off a good deal. Prices vary a lot per field, but getting an extra $5-10 per 2 years of education isn't uncommon. And most decent artists take way more than two years to become good.

Nah man, just bump it up. You'll be fine.

>> No.3871961
File: 232 KB, 788x1128, Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at 2.28.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone paid me $50 for this, not baiting

>> No.3871967

How and where do I find this man

>> No.3871969

Someone paying 50 bucks for a one character sketch isn't really surprising

Someone paying 50 bucks for a one character sketch for something that isn't weird fetish porn is kinda surprising

>> No.3871972
File: 1.84 MB, 2757x2998, 3full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont remember how much i got for this but it wouldve been around 50 dollars if it werent paired up with more pictures

(i now charge way more for weird shit)

>> No.3872038
File: 374 KB, 407x700, 97s6bwr83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3871899 this >>3871359 and pic related. Actually all of them are pretty old, like 4+ years old.

No. But if you want her to be, I don't mind.

>> No.3872041
File: 277 KB, 940x488, sketch price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried dropping sketch prices to like $10 and still havent got any comms.

I gotta work on my skills i guess. I asked other artists what they thought, and they were always a mix of raise your prices and the prices are good.

Just sucks, i got good feedback then no bites. Gotta study more and get better =]. There are a lot of issues with what i draw tbf, so i dont blame people

>> No.3872047

>anal vore
>more pictures
Wew lad. Is it true that vorefags will pay as much as furries? If I'm gonna sellout one day, I'll gladly take any well-paying fetish that's not furshit (I just cant stand sexualized animals).
Out of morbid curiosity, was there some kind of story/context behind that commission?

>> No.3872048
File: 693 KB, 1496x1056, sketch price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought id add more work examples. How much should i be charging guys?

>> No.3872051

omg ew

>> No.3872064

yeah, the hardcore fetishist will roll you in money, and you usually dont have to put up a front of being with their politics like you do furries; but theyre also a lot rarer than furries so pick your poison

it seems important that you build a base of commissioners so that when they signal boost you, its to their typically commission-cultured friends as well and it just snowballs from there. I went from 0 commissions to like 8 offers within 2 weeks because of one guy with 1k followers. that might be coincidence though

>> No.3872069

also most of them are really cool dudes, despite their degeneracy; its a lot easier to befriend them when most of them are just slightly on the spectrum or weird instead of insufferably unlikable

>> No.3872070


I wouldn't pay anything for these. Git gud and/or do something more finished/interesting/degenerate.

>> No.3872076

One of my favorite artists who renders things beautifully and has a lot of style has the current price list
>100$ full body painting
>60$ sketch version of the above
>180$ full painting with character + bg
>80$ portrait
>40$ sketch version of the above
>+50$ per additional character
>no porn
I believe that's some massive undercharging but I'm sure there's a reason.

>> No.3872081

And who's that?

>> No.3872104
File: 644 KB, 750x982, 3CAD21D9-EE96-4211-82C7-0F775B29C893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my current nsfw prices sfw are around 10-15$ less
people often tip me or tell me I’m undercharging but I like charging 69$ for porn

>> No.3872110

That's fair, i appreciate the honesty.

>> No.3872112

>I like charging 69$ for porn
big mood

>> No.3872118

>instead of insufferably unlikable
being into anal vore automatically makes you insufferably unlikable

>> No.3872120

ITs furry art
you can charge 3 times and much and get away with it

>> No.3872139

one thing that I find so weird about furry porn is that they don't draw the actual fur
like when I draw animal people I draw tufts of fur on their bodies, but lots of popular furry artists that do nsfw draw everything smooth with just something on the head maybe

>> No.3872149

For me depending on the drawing porn often don’t want too much fluff so basically it’s just a person with a snout while SFW drawings have some tufts here and there because it’s cuter

>> No.3872161

It keeps the question of the dick at bay. Is it covered in fur? Who cares let's just render everything like latex. I love big floof so I had to find a solution I liked that wasn't just cone dicks.

>> No.3872170
File: 82 KB, 660x495, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even remotely think about the dick

>> No.3872196

Always think about the dick. Always.

>> No.3872224 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 700x561, 04small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to get at least $25/hour of effort.

I sold this piece for $25

>> No.3872260
File: 301 KB, 500x270, 58aa58fe0f99ce18a223e43c7eda0c5e3b3324c0_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after careful consideration, I decided to charge the design for $450 because the overall concept didn't seem that complicated to draw, but will still take a considerate amount of hours.

I told my client last night the project will cost $450
He hasn't answered me back yet

I'm hoping the reason was because he was out for the night, considering it was 7pm on a Friday night I messaged him, but he's 2 hours behind and this guy had a habit of messaging me at 9pm, my time every night. My timezone is EST, his is CDT.

I'm worried I charged too high and now he's gonna give the ideas I suggested for the design to an artist that'll charge cheaper.

But the guy originally was going to accept my hourly rate, which was $35 an hour, so...

Should I be concerned that he hasn't answered me back yet?

>> No.3872261

Charge $169 then

>> No.3872531

How much did it take to make these? I'm trying to figure out your hourly rate.

Pure /ic/ stuff, whenever digital or trad seems horribly inefficient and cheap, and even more so when taking into account the skills needed. For example, people in my area take around 150-250$ for 1-2 day worth of working on a simple "photoshop website", maybe within the higher range when with a logo or something specific. And that's what graphics designers here are also taught in schools in addition to drawing.

Somehow I feel I should focus more and start ditching painting and focus more /g/ or /3/ stuff, after I master the basics of /ic/ and design or art in general.

>> No.3872564
File: 92 KB, 1032x774, i_have_some_chalk_for_you___deltarune_fanart__by_tad334_dcz5jui-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much for this piece of furry art?
Im very fast doing this style

>> No.3872567

It's market price and undercutting those professionals you mention. >>3872104 could easily more than double his rate if the demand was there. Also I doubt any of this is being taxed.

The real point is that most of this shit isn't good enough to command a real rate.

>> No.3872589

My post was chaotic, but in general, I'm under impression that artwork is horribly cheap and when taking into consideration skills and hourly rates, it isn't worth. Especially past college.
In comparison, freelance "computer graphics designers", here, seem to make much more (250$ is good for day of work, especially for stuff that has average skill level required).

I know /3/ and /webdesign/ on level slightly above other students but not good enough yet to be employed.

>> No.3872603

Its good side money if you like your day job and hours. I can pull 150 for 5ish hours of work. Now if you're reporting it, fuck that shit. Still worth it though.

>> No.3872607

I’m >>3872104 depends a lot on the clients I often get asked for reference sheets/ design a character based of description that would be around 200$ and I could easily draw it in 2-4 hours or so but the constant back in front re sketching because they wanted their ears more big and ect makes this process take months and end up doing 80 sketches in a week for a client which is around 2 hours more
Then there’s other clients that design is already really simple that takes me 45 minutes
It’s getting taxed and I been told by clients that they think I’m undercharging but I usually only take 5 commissions every 6 months or so since I’m still at university so my drawings take around 1-2 weeks to be done and I still feel like I’m overcharging despite getting tip

>> No.3872617

The wait adds to the value. 169.69 easy. Maybe you have a backlog, maybe it takes time, maybe you have a day job. Instant turnarounds are for full timers and nolifes. Up to 2 weeks isn't bad if you drop some crops of progress and keep them horny for it.

>> No.3872620

Upwork takes 20 percent so you'd really only be earning $360. Doesn't seem that unreasonable unless this is the kind of guy who expected not to pay more than $100 for a design.

You'd be surprised by the amount of clients on Upwork that ask for a design to be done for $20-$50. The reason is because they expect a "simple quick design" to be done in 1-2 hours. Just because something was done quickly, doesn't mean it should cost less.

>> No.3872854

Selling your body isn't too hard, why aren't more people doing it?
Your dignity is priceless. Keep it!

>> No.3872855
File: 1.27 MB, 3500x1000, 20180321fe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just curious

also, how much more if drawing on physical medium?

here's more examples:


>> No.3872860

I thought that it is kinda related question, what is the best way to get commissions? Through which sites you get most of the commissions and which are pretty much useless?

>> No.3872957

you lucky, naive child.
i wish i still thought that people with weird fetishes were worse than the hate filled pieces of shit that pervade certain communities

>> No.3872964

You absolute fucking dumbass.
This is a great cover. The color composition is absolutely striking. You managed to make this both visually appealing from far away and up close, which is vital for book covers.
You fucking idiot. I am so fucking pissed at you. You fucking dumbass piece of shit.
150 or 175 is absolute garbage pay for this. I suck way worse and get paid TWICE as much.
I'd say you could charge at least 500 USD for something like this, and more if you are going to get published by companies instead of self published authors.

>> No.3873010

>>3872260 anon here

My client still hasn't responded back. Did I scare him off with my quote?

>> No.3873024

I really really dislike lineart that are unconventional colors like neon/bright anything when it lacks style and overall has no place in the image. Black does not have to be black otherwise you'll get that.

>> No.3873056

Wait until Monday, I hate getting business messages on the weekend and I find my clients don't really like answering them either.
Besides, there's not really anything you can do anyway if he decided to go with a different artist.
Protip from me: You can easily see if he went with another artist by going back to the original job posting and seeing how many people are being interviewed and if they hired anyone.
Should look like this:
Invites Sent: 10
Interviewing: 6
Unanswered Invites: 4
Hired: 1 (If they did hire anyone, if there is NO hired then it means that no one was hired)

>> No.3873142

20ish to 30$ the anatomy on the dinosaur is really bad i think you could get more if you only draw the goat by itself

>> No.3873150

> 20ish to 30$
hahaha no. this is bad enough that its not worth a fucking penny

>> No.3873164

I like these, you could probably draw peoples characters for commission

>> No.3873206

You underestimate what furries will buy it’s not about if it’s worth it or not but of how much people are willing to pay for it

>> No.3873209

I recognize you from /i/. I've loved your stuff for years and I'm glad you're back. I can't really comment on how much you'd be able to make, but I do think you could easily get commissions if you branched out to a different social media platform... no one is really going to visit a blogspot.

>> No.3873324 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 515x1000, Illustration6wlff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys dumb or just not draw?
Its simplified for cartoon artstyles, mickey mouse must terrify you.

>> No.3873327
File: 244 KB, 1000x1000, 99FAF019-232B-4D84-989D-748B40AC1C35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3873347

well fuck. maybe i will make an alt for furfag shit. my fundies are stronger then 99% of furry artists, i could hike the prices up pretty quickly

>> No.3873364 [DELETED] 

phew where would one find such clients bro..

>> No.3873369 [DELETED] 

this mindset is a bit backwards especially for projects with a limited time to do, it's almost like you're penalizing the artist for being efficient https://youtu.be/RKXZ7t_RiOE

>> No.3873376

this mindset is a bit backwards especially for projects with a limited time to do, it's almost like you're penalizing the artist for being efficient https://youtu.be/RKXZ7t_RiOE

even if you don't know your fundies but can pull an appealing and polished looking art style, it'd boost your art's worth to clients

same goes with you. that sketch looks so unappealing on a dirty recycled paper. It'd be worth a little more if you cleaned it up on digital

>> No.3873518
File: 87 KB, 523x1000, 4B6A6532-23DC-4B65-842F-153C4093AE1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a fan of the color edits and stuff ;(

but how much, also if i would render the face?

>> No.3873590
File: 789 KB, 1415x1000, jijo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$30 bucks is to low for this?

>> No.3873594
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this mindset is a bit backwards

>Perhaps we should price based on how long we think it took to draw a picture?
This is absolutely downright stupid. I said it earlier, but I'll say it again: Commissioned work for real-world projects and clients is largely based on >HOW IT IS USED<, not how long it takes (though that can sometimes be a factor).

For example: Let's say you are illustrating two covers for two different magazines. Client A is a small, regional magazine while Client B is a large, internationally known publication. They both commission you to illustrate a cover, and let's say each illustration will take roughly the same amount of time to complete.

Since the workload is the same for both clients, should you charge them the same price? Fuck no. You would charge Client B more money than you would Client A. This is because the illustration you've created has a much higher value to Client B than it does to Client A, since the circulation of Client B's magazine is so much larger than Client A's magazine. It is used to a much greater extent, and you are entitled to more money as a result.

In short: The more usage = the more money. This is the reason why a larger company is willing to pay more than smaller businesses (and much more than personal commissions), and why you should negotiate the pay for each project based on who you're working for and how the work will be used. This is expected by real-world business clients, and you would be needlessly underselling yourself if you just price your work based on how long it takes to create (regardless of who its for or how it will be used).

>> No.3873674

>t. retard that begs for free art

>> No.3873688


>> No.3873744
File: 373 KB, 1500x1961, pricing commissions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need the bottom right picture to value your worth...

>> No.3873757

not even .50 >>>/jp/

>> No.3873888

Don't listen to
In my opinion, I think your art is good.

I would pay at least $20 for a full body pic of my OC if I had the money. Do you draw monstergirls?

>> No.3873896

Things are worth what people are willing to pay for them.
Put them out, ask a price that would make sense given the time investment, and see if anyone is willing to pay that price.

>> No.3873931


>> No.3873944
File: 643 KB, 1024x1475, chika resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried

>> No.3874360

eh, personally I am a crab and don't like to post things out here where literally everyone can see them.
its not that I don't want you guys to succeed, I DO but there's too many damn idiots (like yourself) who absolutely ruin the art economy by pricing your shit way too low
If I give away my secrets then everyone in third world countries and living with their parents will take them, abuse them, lowball each other and we will all suffer.
get smarter, figure it out yourself. if you can your sure to become successful

>> No.3874401


>> No.3874404

Blog, Insta, Twitter, anything?

>> No.3874414

Twitter, I draw Moebius wannabe art on @Terokah and other things on @Hakoret

>> No.3874450
File: 468 KB, 1264x1482, diran watercolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really wouldn't know. I'm still trying to find a coloring style I can feel completely zoned in but this is all I have going forward. First random attempt at ClipPaint and I liked how it turned out anyways.

>> No.3874460

this is good
but its the most customer-cuck thing I ever read

>> No.3874475

>complains about artists undercharging out of their own volition


>> No.3874498
File: 108 KB, 640x845, 2ldenj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally too retarded to read the given explanation which is right there

>> No.3874500

an artist with self-worth is very appealing and feels more reliable. Popularity or not.

I agree with this, it's also very unprofessional to undercharge yourself since you're going to be damaging the rest of the industry/competition. like
>but i got it from anon for a much lower price, how come you ask for xxxx usd??

The problem with this thread is you're asking /ic/ who mostly aren't professionally ready enough to open for commissions or ask for one.

>> No.3874502
File: 3.69 MB, 400x376, rdlol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These wojack drawings are getting too fucking out of hand.

>> No.3874503

Remember to hit dat muhfuggin like and subscribe button!

>> No.3874539


For what its worth, i think your skill is quite good but sketches have to be very well done and appealing to get customers. Assuming you could make a finished picture with 5x the effort you could charge more than 5 times the sketch, if you get what i am trying to say.

Do finished stuff or streamline your sketching so they look more appealing.

I am definitely worse than you and i dont know how to make stuff "appealing" myself, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.3874641

These are really nice

>> No.3874665

I really, really appreciate your kindness. I really struggle with forcing myself to finish stuff due to seeing all my mistakes and stuff.. got a couple of anxiety things i need to work out too. I'll try my best to start finishing things.

I'm also going back to some fundamental stuff to try and fix some of these issues. I usually lurk /ic/, but im going to try and post more regularly. Hopefully this site can steer/keep me going in the right direction.

>> No.3874677

That's minimum wage as in /hour rate right?

>> No.3874737
File: 2.37 MB, 2560x2440, Final promo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would /ic/ pay for a single character drawn in this style/level of detail?

>> No.3874773

I'd buy that for a dollar.

>> No.3874844

Artists above your skill level would pay nothing, and rightly so. You'd be selling ice to eskimos.

Artist below your skill level would likely give you an inflated number. They aspire to be you and have wshful delusions about compensation.

Artists at your level are incentivized to give you ridiculously high or low numbers, in the hopes that you would either price yourself out of the market, or stop drawing altogether. You're the competition.

Do your own market research on comparable artists. The only right answer has always been to charge what the market can bear, balanced with maximizing your output.

>> No.3874941

So is the consensus that an hourly rate isn't the optimal way to charge. I myself have only done little personal commissions, so I'm not sure they warrant "value based" prices, and frankly I don't want to do the fast food menu type commission sheets anymore.

I got a commission inquiry a few days ago and I'm trying it out on them. I'm thinking going 25$/hr, and quote them based on how long I think it will take. I also offered to stream, record video of my process for verification. Will that work?

>> No.3874966
File: 574 KB, 1700x2338, devotedfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold this at a coffee shop. The highest bid was $75 but I knocked it down to $30 because I knew they were just trying to inflate my ego.

I'm not skilled enough to sell anything yet, but I'm really happy someone even offered me $75 in cash for this thing on the spot. This was my first step into the business side of art and I'm glad it went better than I expected.

>> No.3874971

Forgot to mention that I added finishing touches to smooth out the inking, added some more details, etc. I wish I still had a photo because I'm really proud of how it turned out. This is about 80% done before I sold it.

>> No.3875133

I love your style, anon. I'd say around $30 for headshot is alright, keep in mind I'm yuropoor so you can go higher. It depends on your following really. Don't assimilate with the rendered bullshit though, please. The illustration-like flat colors look great.

>> No.3875149

Thanks, that's nice to know. In case I ever need money maybe I can draw people's weird D&D characters.
I tried selling a series of cutesy fairy watercolors on a site like Etsy once but it was a nonstarter.

>> No.3875170

For sure, anon. Add some details in the background and define it better, same for the ferret (the lack of details on these is too eye-jarring compared to the character) and it could easily go for over $100.

>> No.3875173

pee pee make yellow water hahahhahahhahhahah heheheh it is warm and yellow XD

>> No.3875177

Cute story. Now what the fuck am I looking at

>> No.3875179

I see a spider riding a hot air balloon made with out of webbing

>> No.3875193

All of you feeding art to degenerates should be ashamed.

>> No.3875207
File: 228 KB, 573x848, 864264_enoh-rasko_darling-my-darling~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying some new rendering styles. I don't know if I feel confident doing paintovers instead of lined work for commissions, but it might be worth trying.
I only do personal commissions so "fast food style" pricing works fine for me.

>> No.3875211
File: 25 KB, 386x560, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont recognize this dogshit as an accurate representation of my style or what a finished work of mine would look like under commission but im curious nonetheless <:^)

>> No.3875216

Youre almost really good, but your proportions are yucky, 50 tho

>> No.3875220

LiefeldianAbomination is that you? I recognize the shading style and line thickness.

>> No.3875221

This is good

>> No.3875222

Understandable thank you

>> No.3875228

Nope, I have 0 social media accounts

>> No.3875234

He's a /co/ guy who does mostly fanart. You seem to have a similar style, check his rates and maybe add something since you do furry?

>> No.3875241
File: 24 KB, 116x115, 427738070776021003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe add something since you do furry
You already know what the fuck goin on

>> No.3875255

>Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines
Do you have a .pdf of that book? I can't find it on Library Genesis.

>> No.3875272

>Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines
>Do you have a .pdf of that book?

>> No.3875296
File: 224 KB, 1682x2048, 5F8DC1BE-3A7F-476B-A05F-56E1113059E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a commission but I’m curious how much you guys think I should’ve charged

>> No.3875468
File: 345 KB, 1687x2048, D2w3lkOW0AE5zBX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a paid commision but intrested to see what people would suggest pricing for something of this style and detail.

>> No.3875501

a noose

>> No.3875506

Depends on the market, the client, and if they're doing a buyout. My flat rate is $500 for t-shirts, or used to be, when I did a lot of tour shirts.

I left hourly work behind a long time ago. I bid on what I think it will take, plus profit, but I don't tell them what my hourly rate I use to calculate with.

I base a bid on how long it will take me, how hard it's going to be, and how badly I want the job. I've had offers come in I really didn't want to deal with, because it was a shit idea, or the client is an asshole, so I'd jack the price up, and if they go for it, hey, extra money.

What it comes down to is, do you think your work is worth $500? How long will it take to get the job done? I book by the week, if I take a commission, then the week is blocked off, unless I know I can get more done.

For a medium market, rights buyout, and a week's time, $500 is reasonable, to me. The hard part is finding clients who agree.

Finding decent clients on Upwork is a serious challenge. It can be a great way to get started, but for a serious career...ugh. I tried it for a while during slow periods, and the clients there typically want $1000 art for $10.

>> No.3875513

This is how I approach it. I don't bid until I see the entire scope of the project, and then I put a bid together. I have a mental minimum I will pick up a pencil/stylus for, but I don't tell the client that, nor do I share my method of putting a bid together, they don't need to know. Any client who starts asking for a breakdown of your bid invariably wants you to cut part of it.

You want art? Here's my bid. And, I bid high, so you can "negotiate" down to where I want it to be, half the time.

You have to kind of develop a thick skin and lose all emotions when dealing with bids and payment. It's business, not personal. Your time is valuable, and it's easy for a client to waste it, or try to steal it. "This is what I charge. You can't afford? Sorry to hear that, nothing personal, get back to me when you can."

I know it's hard to turn down work getting started, but you have to get over that. It's business. It's not personal. If they can't afford/won't pay, shrug it off, go find clients who will.
This is what you hire agents for, if you rise to the right level - to weed out the bad clients.

>> No.3875518

>How does one get commissions?

You hustle.

You find your market, and you figure out how to contact the people who buy the kind of work you do. If you're lucky, and talented, people will find you. Most aren't.

There is far too much emphasis on "followers" in threads like this. That's social media bullshit, "following" is free. They're not risking anything doing it, so there are people who "follow" thousands of artists, for free art in their feed.

The people who pay? You gotta find them, and start hustling.

>> No.3875543

I've found that the more you charge, the easier the clients are to work with. They treat you like you know what you're doing and don't micromanage. There have been exceptions but I generally make more doing what I feel is the same work as competitors with less bullshit attached.

People usually don't want to take the low-ball bid and cheapskates don't fuck with you.

>> No.3875564

I would normally agree but I can't imagine those pics getting a high price to begin with.

>> No.3875609

Solid fundies, furry, ugly art...
You could make pretty easy money off of furries desu.

>> No.3875611

Tell me your blog faggot.<span class="fortune" style="color:#e7890c">

Your fortune: Good Luck[/spoiler]

>> No.3875619

You shouldn't be charging for commissions.

>> No.3875620


>> No.3875622

Wait, what am I missing here? It's a book, right?

>> No.3875623

It's just ironic that someone would pirate a book on pricing and ethical guidelines

>> No.3875625

I wonder what kind of people are buying these fucked up commissions.

Chad osumatsu-san

>> No.3875630
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1659, BBC-Chan-689372-Origa_and_Celestine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should I charge?

>> No.3875631

fucking disgusting

>> No.3875633

You're getting $5k/month for creating these disgusting fetish drawings.

This isn't to say you're not skilled though, you definitely are.

>> No.3875634

I agree, but still, how much?

>> No.3875635

do you dumbasses really think bbc posted that lol.
why the outrage btw? this is some tame shit.

>> No.3875639

I swear it's me. How much should I charge.

Thank you anon.

>> No.3875641

Nigga ur already living the dream.

>> No.3875645

It's not like I'm going to sell this. I just want to know the price.

>> No.3875681

Yep. This is something new artists and graphic designers learn, and it's a hard one, but once you figure it out, realistic pricing is one of the best time waster repellants around.

>> No.3875737

That wasn't for a company tho.
I mostly draw smut anon, nobody i was commissioned by would be willing to pay more than that, infact, most of my commissions are in the 40€ range (flat colors).

Even though i consider myself a bit below mediocrity, the problem isn't even quality, it's finding people who do commission you and are willing to (and can afford to) pay that much.

>> No.3875767

The hell kind of penis were you referencing?<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F603;</div>

>> No.3875776

I dont get it, his proportions are fucked and the pose is awkward, unnatural and stiff?

>> No.3875777

You asked a veru fair price for your skill level. You’ve got room to improve but you’re doing real good!

>> No.3875785
File: 465 KB, 827x1170, CE1C01E3-9A6C-4AB1-A4BD-99CCB653699E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol geuss

>> No.3875832

would you look at this dunning kruger lol.

>> No.3875852

Thanks anon, I can see how there isn't one concrete number that would be given by artists here. I will try to do my own research instead.

>> No.3875884

wow if its so easy how about you do it fuckface

>> No.3875908

Furry art makes the most money, got it.

>> No.3875921
File: 578 KB, 992x950, Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a personal piece from 2017... I actually just got paid 150€ for a private character concept commission without a BG. It was my first commission ever and I'm pretty happy! Can't show it quite yet though. I feel like normies go coocoo if you can produce highly detailed work even if everything else in your work is fucking basic.

>> No.3875923
File: 13 KB, 576x420, porn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3875924

That is legit illustration work and definitely worth more than 150$ if it's to be used in a property.

>> No.3875927
File: 126 KB, 1200x1161, IMG_2759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3875933
File: 793 KB, 960x960, 12004780_1638212966451199_118411555869084429_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like 4 years old so nevermind the lensflare, i was a retard
But it's the last time i did a commission so

>> No.3875947

are you extremely christian or just regular 4chan racist?

>> No.3875948

The difference between the head and everything else is so jarring and uncanny. The art in and of itself is pretty competently done, but the subject matter and stylistic choices are very unappealing and bring it down.

>> No.3875957
File: 277 KB, 1280x854, 1491416697.fellixxx_renamon_final (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really enjoying paiting these but can't get any commissions lately. Any tips where can I find some job?

>> No.3875966

Try advertising on FurAffinity. I've seen that character used a lot in furry porn. Keep that same level of quality in lewd artwork and you'll probably make bank.

>> No.3875968
File: 188 KB, 601x600, Spooky_Spookster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, I'm >>3875921. I got a $150 character art commission from Fiverr.com under 24h. from setting up my profile. I'm absolutely sure you'd be able to get some commissions from there as well judging by this image alone. One thing you need to do though is make it clear that you're not one of those third world country guys who are willing to work on a piece for a week for like $20. $150 isn't a huge amount either but it'll probably help my work to show up because of their algorithm.

I'm going to try posting my work to Reddit today. I'll let you know if I get any work from there during the first 24h. if you're interested. I'm also thinking of trying HireAnIllustrator.com, upwork.com and reedsy.com. Where have you gone for commissions btw?

If anybody else has any good sites I'm all ears. I'd also like to know if there are any companies that a guy like me should try to apply to for freelance work.

>> No.3875977
File: 115 KB, 680x478, 1552459249738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great! Thanks, I will try it. I have a broken memory storage in my head, but if I remember it correctly to only commission I've ever get was from furfanity by posting a new work with "looking for commission" in the title. And the last job I've got was in 2017. Thinking of it now, it sounds pretty retarded but just because it is. How much should I charge? Btw nice bat man.

>> No.3875979
File: 2.43 MB, 1124x3000, thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is nicely rendered but the pose is really, really stiff. You should use some reference for a sexy pose (possibly human). The lower leg anatomy is messed up unless this character has weird legs instead of regular digitigrade furry.
Not a fan of the composition, there's a bit of empty space between the bedside table, the bed and the edge of the canvas that is somewhat jarring. The carpet and the feet of the character make the bottom right area really heavy. Background is ok but that bright green swirl takes your eyes off the canvas, try to direct lines towards the character, I would put something like a plant in the background that bends down towards the inner canvas and the character.
Mattress should have some softness to it, as it is it looks extremely rigid, you wouldn't fuck on a slab of concrete.
Remove the signatures and put maybe a logo on the bottom, huge signatures/watermarks are really unprofessional unless you do lowest common denominator art that might get stolen and printed on Chinese merch, e.g. Sakimichan.
Take this with a grain of salt because I'm no expert but I made pic related with my impressions.

You can definitely sell this for good money if you work on making appealing bodies.

>> No.3875981

How long does it take you guys to make these?

>> No.3875983

A valid critique. So how much do you think should I charge for single painting with one character and background?

10 - 20 hours. But when it's fun I am not looking at the clocks at all. It's my hobby.

>> No.3875991
File: 1.41 MB, 1500x2130, 3D2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks! How much you charge is completely up to you. My rule is that I don't work for under 20$/h. My GF is a professional animator and she won't work for under $40/h. because she has more work experience. Anyways, I think it's a good idea to take some pretty cheap jobs for starters just to get some experience working with clients with low pressure.


The lizard dude took me about 3-4 days to do and the Manbat took me about 3 days because I fucked up a lot of things in the sketch. These are just straight up paintings. I'm not super fast or anything but I'm fucking crazy about my work hours. I'll work for 20h. straight if I need to... I'll also work with 3D->2D some times and this method takes me even longer but it's super helpful for stuff like the Krombopulos Michael fan art WIP I have at the bottom...

>> No.3875995

>that lower pic
melle engage distance with gun welding characters drives me crazy

>> No.3876000
File: 369 KB, 1280x1028, price ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So how much do you think should I charge for single painting with one character and background?
I have NO idea because I'm not into the market for commissions nor furry in general but there is very little fully painted stuff like this on FA so you're likely to stand out. You should ask no less than 200$ for a thing like this, but depending on how popular you are, what kind of fetishes you're willing to draw, all sorts of things, prices vary so wildly.
I have sifted through horrible vore and inflation garbage on FA to find this commission chart that is sort of close to your style, it might be indicative. But I have no idea how popular this artist is, he has been around since 2006 and has 904439 page visits an a thousand submissions.
Everything I see on that site is extremely sexualized so you might have a hard time doing more artistic things like that unless you spend a really long time in the community or you paint super well.

Oh you are the shark dude guy. Keep up the good work. The skeleton robot in the upper right is definitely industry level. Are you switching to commissions or are you doing industry work while you do both?

>> No.3876001


What do you mean? You mean "melee"? Yeah, I get you but they're in a space ship. Maybe it's dangerous to shoot guns willy-nilly and they're just like "Freeze! Drop your weapon blah blah...". Use your imagination!

>> No.3876005


Thanks for the encouraging words and nice trips :)! I'm still far from being happy with the level of my work but I decided to bite the bullet and just try to get some commission work to support my broke ass... I think I'll focus more on stuff similar to the skeleton guy now because he was really fucking easy/fast to do. When I get 3 more "professional" looking pieces done I'll apply to some bigger companies. Not sure if GMI. This shit is fucking hard!

>> No.3876017

that doesnt mean you dont have to use cover when its there

theres a perfect door frame they can stand behind and not reveal all their body to be shot at

and why carry guns which you cant shoot in space if you are in space, if you lived and adapted to space for so long then build guns which can be used in space?

why point your finger at a guy a few meters away from you? why point your gun away from the enemy? why point your finger in the first place? when you see an enemy, you tell your mates the direction, not point at it, you never point at it

why run closer to the enemy and not point your gun from where you are? are you such a shitty shooter you cant hit from 10m away?

btw, he would need to turn his head way further back with those googles to even see in his peripheral vision one of those guards

dont use your viewer imagination as an excuse for shit plot

if you want to draw the characters so close, you can still have them in a stand off where they are not point their guns yet but they have them at the ready. use your imagination and not make your characters do illogical things only so you can have your desired composition

>> No.3876020

>Not sure if GMI. This shit is fucking hard!
I think your execution is great minus a few flaws, like the figure shot down in the aliens illustration looks like your raw linework is a bit behind. Your main flaw IMO is that the ideas are a bit too generic and old-fashioned. The concept industry is super saturated so you have to stand out in some way, you need to make things that look more "cool", sharper designs that have something unconventional about them. Even if you render things super amazingly, those ideas have already been done a million times so try to put more of your personality in your work, even if you think an idea is awkward do it anyway if you really believe that it looks cool.
You can definitely make it with commissions alone if you find a solid market.

>> No.3876023


Hmm. I'm not saying that you're wrong but I guess my suspense of disbelief is just a little bit wider than yours is. I'll always go with "rule of cool" if I have to decide between realism and an interesting image. I could even make one of the guys shoot their laser and miss our hero here. The gromflomite soldiers have been shown to be pretty fucking incompetent in the show so I don't even think this is going against the shows lore.

I'm going to thank you for your critique but I'm also going to respectfully disagree with you on this one.

>> No.3876027
File: 2.62 MB, 4479x4936, Gangsta111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks a lot for taking your time to give me feedback. The bottom image is going to be a painting so line work isn't really going to be an issue in the end. I completely agree with you about my lack of imagination though... I feel like I've been exposed to too much concept art and I'm just regurgitating stuff I've already seen. I'm going to try and do some more imaginative work for my next 3 pieces. Need to study more shape design and shit like that and do more fucking studies! It's just that there are so many aspects to this stuff that it some times feels overwhelming.

>> No.3876029
File: 381 KB, 602x567, masahiro hito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am normally extremely anal about this sort of stuff and one little detail that is off takes me completely away from the picture. But in this case I don't really see it. There's an alien standing on the corpse of a dude the just shot dead. It looks like they have shot him dead when the door opened from a distance, and now they're entering the room. There is no ongoing firefight at melee distance.

I think the best way to be imaginative is to look at completely unrelated things.
I got a horror idea from a really girly music video because I have nightmare vision goggles on at all times

>> No.3876034

you should be paying reparations for your crimes
hey you reigned in the texture a bit on this one! it looks really good!
>where can I find some job?
that depends, are you looking to get paid by fans who already like your style or just looking to get paid for your skillset?
if it's the latter, create a few more generally marketable pieces in a variety of styles (i.e; highly stylized, realistic, chibi etc...) as demo art and then hit the job boards
another thing you can do is find the whales who frequently buy comms of their oc's and send them a freebie sketch of their character, (possibly under the pretenses of an upcoming holiday so it doesn't feel like spam) as a promo. if you're only interested in doing furry art, your reach will be a bit more limited desu but there is also a higher concentration of whales in that community than practically anywhere else.
you've improved pretty dramatically since the last time i've seen your work anon. just work on your backgrounds a little bit. there's a crucial difference between loose and sloppy and they're bringing down an otherwise great piece that you've clearly put a lot of work into. don't fuck it all up on the last leg.

>> No.3876041

You are completely right about the gun placement and the finger though. It makes no sense that the bug on the right would point his gun towards his mate, nor that the bug on the left would point his finger at him. You can direct the eye towards the character in the foreground simply by triangulation and pointing the heads across different directions.
I would add something that suggests the door has been busted / hacked.

>> No.3876052

Good stuff anon

>> No.3876071


Thanks and I do agree with you. I'm terribly bad at environments desu. so I need to study that more.


He's not pointing a gun towards his mate. I don't really even understand how you get that read from the image but it might be a fault on my part. He'd have to be pointing to his right if he wanted to point towards his friend since they're pretty much on the same point on the Z axis.

Gromflomites basically the equivalent of intergalactic police so I think their main priority would be to make an arrest instead of shooting right away. Oh well... I like the idea of the hacked door though! I'll probably implement that.

I'll shut up for now anyway. I feel like I'm taking up way to much of everybody's time and space on this thread.

>> No.3876083

It was a hard pill to swallow at first. That and how cookie cutter work makes the most money and ends up making up for more complicated projects that eat up all your time. Banging out portraits/headshots/pinups nets so much for so little work.

>> No.3876088
File: 303 KB, 880x1245, ratatoille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in euros pls

>> No.3876091
File: 1.05 MB, 1313x1400, impressions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is how I see it, also the thing with head placement I was talking about
As always it's just my impressions, nothing authoritative

>> No.3876095


I said I wouldn't post but I just have to! He is pointing his gun at that guy who is indeed in the line of fire! He's an assassin and a fugitive! He's not their friend :D! They were alerted to come arrest this dangerous guy so they're standing at the door screaming at him to drop his weapon!

I'm not too worried if the narrative gets lost to some viewers. There are MANY Rick & Morty fans in the world so I'm fine even if some people won't get it. I'm still going to thank you for taking the time to do all this work. It's really great and we need more guys like you up here.

>> No.3876099


>> No.3876104

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh it all makes sense now. I assumed that all the bug-looking aliens were allies and infiltrating the ship, and the one in the foreground looked slightly different simply as flavor or because he was a higher rank. So that's why the other anon didn't make sense to me.
Was the other anon informed of this thing because you posted this before or did it all just go over my head because I'm retarded?

>> No.3876108

>you should be paying reparations for your crimes

>> No.3876110


NP man. I don't know. Maybe I was being too vague about the subject but I think he got the narrative and just didn't like that they weren't shooting at such a close range. It's hard to think about this stuff from other peoples POV when yo have the narrative set in your own head...


I'm willing to bet you could even get 150€-200€ with stuff like this if you're smart about it. I'd recommend making a dark gray background and a simple ground plane with a drop shadow to make the whole piece seem more 3D. I really love your rendering and design so GJ anon!

>> No.3876120
File: 122 KB, 700x370, comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha sorry but there are people like me who need the narrative to be 100% clear. You need to make this kind of pic completely retard proof.
One idea of how I would do this scene. He's kneeling on the guy he just killed so it looks like he was interrupted while searching the corpse etc. so when the guards come in he turns his head and he shoots back.
Also I would made the designs WAY different. Even if you keep him as a bug person like the others I would make his outfits look way more haphazard, like it's cobbled together from various bits, maybe worn out etc. while making the space police's outfits look much more like a uniform. You can probably work this out with color though.

>> No.3876121

I would probably fix the perspective on this image so the guards occupy a higher position than the guy depending on if you want him to look overwhelmed / at odds or more in control

>> No.3876146

the original griping anon here
this is so much better. none of the guard are inside the room, so the close range even though both sides have guns makes sense, because it makes you think they just opened the door so whatever misplacement on the guards is because they did not know what was on the other side. the posture on the assassin is also more believable. if the door opened and the leading guard had time to go like in half of the room, by that time the assassin would have been long gone and killed the guard, not sitting around stiffly, turning the head to see, but not enough to actually see. if he s on the ground then it makes sense he didnt had yet time to flee, so he resorted to cover fire, and the fact the guard did not feel the room yet tells us he wouldnt have time for much else

gj anon, this is 10 times better

on the design thing theres not much to change, because those are not OC, they are characters from a show so thats their design. the lonly guy is an intergalactic assassin which buys guns from the main character, the guards are your average space police. ok, maybe not that average since they guard high profile targets, but still not elite.

>> No.3876148

I forgot to mention I love the perspective, very dynamic

>> No.3876160
File: 663 KB, 800x1561, Harp_and_organ_2_2016_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3876161
File: 170 KB, 915x911, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much

>> No.3876177


>> No.3876206

>those are not OC, they are characters from a show
Ohhh they're from Rick and Morty. Everything is clear now.

>> No.3876222

what do you mean? his artwork is great

>> No.3876228


I think he just means that he thought it was OC when it's actually fan art. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

>> No.3876237

100-200$ more for background. You draw like a professional. You can perhaps sell more if many people want to commission you.

>> No.3876238

I just had no idea it was fanart and I glazed over anon's mention of Rick and Morty.

>> No.3876240

You can sell your art for more, if he didn’t have that face. Not to be mean, but it looks off putting.

>> No.3876245

cute and retarded

>> No.3876309
File: 589 KB, 1200x900, Feversea, Blood Elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comic Style Shading Tier

>> No.3876311


To be honest, I've stopped doing commissions after the fifth or so time the client relieved their art then immediately refunded the payment. So a total net loss on my end.

Now I only do personal art or requests.

>> No.3876312


Autocorrect is being real nigger.

>> No.3876314


>> No.3876359

Good luck with that.

>> No.3876433
File: 105 KB, 355x500, 17717424778462475896595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks off because they were drawing a character from pic related. Putting their heads on realistic bodies instead of just drawing in a completely different style(or on model) always looks wrong.

>> No.3876467

That sucks. From what I read around, Paypal doesn't even care what you do to protect yourself since it's "intangible goods". And you can file a chargeback up to 120 days after payment so you're completely at the mercy of the buyer.
The consensus on DA is to check your buyer, if he has a good history of buying commissions, etc.

>> No.3876480

If you withdraw the money to your bank account can you still get charged? You'll have negative PayPal balance if it happens? If you drop your PayPal account with negative balance can they force you to pay it back somehow? Is there a way to avoid getting bamboozled by PayPal or the only way to be sure is to use bank account?

>> No.3876486

>If you drop your PayPal account with negative balance can they force you to pay it back somehow?
They probably can. I remember I sold a thing (not art) on eBay and eBay charged me with a ridiculous fee I didn't want to pay so I tried finding a way to cut off my PayPal, and basically if you manage to do that you can still get in trouble legally when they can't withdraw the money. So you're fucked, you have to pay.
Maybe use a PayPal only with established clients, and use your bank account for clients you aren't sure about.

>> No.3876488
File: 638 KB, 1200x852, 56196463_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not necessarily

>> No.3876545
File: 66 KB, 900x1200, IMG_20190402_151651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Base Colors Tier

>> No.3876552

I like to leave my commissioners hanging until after the chargeback period is done and then once they have absolutely no means of getting their money back I finish the work out of the kindness of my heart. If they can't endure me and just chargeback before that then they weren't worthy of my work.

>> No.3876554

You make them wait 4 months? That sounds like a terrible business model unless you are massively popular and can get away with it.

>> No.3876559

Private commission $20 a piece or $10 p/h , surcharge for research if needed.
Living wage as a paid-for professional $24 p/h reporting to the lead designer.

Why? How much do you earn

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

>> No.3876560

$12p/h private commission or $30 a piece. I prefer ticket 3876545 at $20.

>> No.3876565
File: 561 KB, 707x1000, Sakata_Nemunopub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm shit but even so I feel I'm undercharging.

>> No.3876567

Keep digging boi and you'll hit gold, you just have to tap into a niche community with a specific interest or fetish.

>> No.3876571

Same Anon here, imagine Firez doing Furry commissions in his level, you could bet he may very well reach Sakimichan tier of money flow overnight.

>> No.3876577

>imagine Firez doing Furry commissions
I have PTSD now

>> No.3876586

You and I both know that Furries are usually richfags who spend hundreds of dollars on their "OC" or fursona in deviant circumstances. We've even seen beg tier workmanship attract a couple of richfags become loyal so what's not to say the same for Firez?

>> No.3876606

Thanks anon. I really appreciate the advice and kind words but is not dedicating oneself to a single market/niche that bad of an idea?

I like doing pin-ups and I've enjoying tackling feet, devotee, chubby, etc.. centered pieces.
and I know some of my patrons are enthusiasts of a single one of these and some others as bs as it might sound like anything I do. Finally I have some ridiculous plastic aspirations too -_-

>> No.3876607

$15p/h private commission or $45-50 a piece.

>> No.3876615

That still looks pretty wrong.
The heads are way too simplified/stylized and look unsettling against the more realistic bodies.
Why can't fans of this show just change the heads when drawing in their own styles? Why autistically follow the head/face model but nothing else? Is there some sort of fetishistic appeal I'm missing?

>> No.3876620

Lmao, i get 40€ for flat color, and still have a steady amount of requests.
40$ for a digital painting-style piece, if of decent quality, is just a waste of your time.

>> No.3876628

Lmao 40€ isn't very much money. I would pay next to nothing for a digital painting unless I had a sincere commercial need, in which case I am not going to hire 'someone' called firez.

>> No.3876634

$20 an hour for a two hour piece of fan art sounds about right. You think you're worth $30 an hour, do you have managerial skills?

>> No.3876675

15 dollars an hour? He could charge way more than that.

>> No.3876769

>I would pay next to nothing for a digital painting unless I had a sincere commercial need, in which case I am not going to hire 'someone' called firez.
"How much you should be charging" isn't the same as "how much would crab on ic pay for your art" dummy.
You wouldn't pay shit for it, cool, but doesn't mean he should charge peanuts for a digital painting.

>> No.3876806

I don't understand, there is literally nothing special about that drawing. Actually, it looks pretty low skilled. If Anything he lucked out by getting paid at all.

>> No.3876816

It looks like shit, nobody cares for something ugly like that

>> No.3876819

This isn't even worth a buck, anon

>> No.3876828


>> No.3876840

Are you retarded?

>> No.3876944

I'm always down for some constructive critique anon, any pointers/things you would improve or redline?

>> No.3877021
File: 140 KB, 828x1238, 227403FA-9B88-4354-8658-F9E044C3FC87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much For this piece of trash? Only posting headshot, because I’m not finished. Wondering if there’s anything that can improve this. Ty

>> No.3877023

You can probably sell that for 5, I suggest adding more things. For example like a background. You can make some interesting work with this.

>> No.3877029

If you're doing porn, go on the /aco/ commission thread and compare, this thread in pointless for a realistic assessment.
If it's non-porn, do the same on DeviantArt.

>> No.3877039

I’m sorry I didnt mean that, I mean how much should I charge. I’m not doing commissions as of rn.

>> No.3877041

I know what you meant, and i'm telling you here you'll only get people telling you it ain't worth shit.
The reality is that what something is or isn't worth, depends on who's buying entirely, so asking fellow crabs in here won't give you a realistic view of it.

Again, go on to other people who have fastfood-style charts and find n artist who's at about your skill level, and see if it makes sense for you (depending on how much time it takes you to draw the damn thing).

>> No.3877043

I’m not one to call people jealous just for giving criticism, but you do sound jealous as fuck

>> No.3877049

Then I’m fine with people telling me that is isn’t worth sh•t. I love to see other people point of views, even if they dislike it. Please critique me dearly so.

>> No.3877052

Do you even know what that phrase means, idiot?
Excuse me? Are you retarded? Are you fucking dense or something? That cover is worth a lot more than that anon charged. Could you seriously point out to me what exactly is so fundamentally wrong with it? There's always room for improving rendering and polishing, but the composition, color scheme, and intrigue is all on point.

>> No.3877138

Well then, i think the face itself looks cute, but it's honestly too hard to judge without a clearer understanding of your anatomies, for example.
From the little i see, i'd be more careful with the coloring though, and maybe do less "sketchy" lines. Polish it up, in other words.

As for a price point, i think that's too dependant on your ability to draw a body to tell from this snap shot.
but again, charge whatever people are willing to pay, it's that simple.

>> No.3877146

Stop seething because people don't like your shit

>> No.3877149

Finish it and post the whole thing you coward

>> No.3877167
File: 7 KB, 504x115, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? I just asked for some criticism, you know, what people should come here for, ideally.

>> No.3877176

1/66¢ of a us cent
4 cents
1/10240 of a us cent

>> No.3877239


>> No.3877243

what did he mean by this?

>> No.3877275

Your porn is fucking disgusting but what is holding you back from popularity is fanart. Every single piece of yours needs to be fanart. Just make a random girl with whatever body type and then slap an outfit from a popular character on her. Just stay on Reddit or whatever and check what people are making fanart of and copy it. There is nothing artistic in what you are doing rn so you might as well go all the way.

>> No.3877306
File: 181 KB, 805x1131, AB38F65C-C496-4E19-BF9F-671789977F99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I drew porn, how much would you think this sell? Will post full body when done.

>> No.3877308

Tyvm I’ll finish up the full body probably tomorrow or the next day. The thing I do lack the most is fluidity in my body, which I get scared of drawing.

>> No.3877317

That's why too loose, in my opinion.

>> No.3877318 [DELETED] 


>> No.3877323

Ohh that makes sense, I should make it more clear. Should I make my art more like sakimichans type of clear, or should I aim for a realistic look. Tyvm for critiquing.

>> No.3877330
File: 1.66 MB, 1627x1394, 20190403_012301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3877335

I'd just focus on improving my line work (and anatomy) for now, if drawing's what you're interested in.
If you want to do more painterly stuff, still try to define shapes and volumes with a bit more confidence.

>> No.3877549

>Do you even know what that phrase means, idiot?
a dunning kruger is somebody that thinks they are good at something, in this case assessing the quality and price of somebody's artwork, but they overestimate their abilities.
hope this helped you, retard.

>> No.3877554

this is a big pile of bullshit.
look at bbc.
he barely does any fanart and focuses on original characters 99% of the time.
he's one of the biggest names in the commissions circles and on patreon at the moment.
what's your bullshit excuse about them?

>> No.3877556

first learn to draw. then you can start thinking about what kind of style you can use.

>> No.3877562


>> No.3877604

salty about what? that's literal shit tier lol.

>> No.3877644 [DELETED] 

Show your art before you talk smack.

>> No.3877648

Show your art before you talk shit.
You do realize that this is a stylized sketch and that digital painting can be edited anytime you moron.

>> No.3877679

to $600 a month in comissions!??, are you fuckin kidding!!? why americans have so much fucking money!!!????

>> No.3877687

this is a great example of dunning kruger lmao.

>> No.3877690

You’re obviously a troll lol gl with your hunting

>> No.3877691

I'm not the OP that posted that pic, I'm just pissed off at all you fucking crabs being crabs, keeping each other from succeeding whilst simultaneously ruining the market.
Stop ruining the market.

>> No.3877696

dude, you are shit at drawing and you just don't realize it. there's a lot of people like you out there. and this syndrome is called dunning kruger.
that's all there is here.
you can call me a jerk, but I'm just telling you things as they are. I'm not trolling you.

>> No.3877716
File: 208 KB, 719x1354, 3D1E54F1-3059-4D5C-85A6-2144DEB6ADE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress, I want the hair to be semi detailed. I’m hoping to make her look chubby, but I’m failing at that. What pose should I do for her? Should I do porn with this art or sell it to commoners ? If so how much should I charge

>> No.3877725

To me personally this is worth 0. To some other person that doesn't have big standards it could value much more.
You can't set prices just like this. Prices are set by the demand for your art. If you are a famous creator, then you can probably charge more than others that do better work than you.
All this said, you should work on your fundamentals.

>> No.3877852

You're putting the cart before the horse.
finish the thing, THEN think about pricing.

If you don't have a single finished piece to show, however shitty it may be, you shouldn't be thinking about selling anything in the first place.

Post something that you consider "finished", top to bottom.

>> No.3877899
File: 652 KB, 638x852, Epson_04032019114620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he aka me aka >>3877176

means this is how well i draw the mona lisa from mammary

now price me
put your consumer hat on and
per hr and per drawing

idk care if you lowball me i want to be a commisionable professional slash possible hire and i just want to know where i stand with this level of talent skill whatever and a bfa from penn state abington male 26

>> No.3877901


ba not bfa

>> No.3877976

Penn state art program is terrible IMO. I tried doing the art minor and the first two classes were so worthless that I dropped the idea. A friend in the BFA program at UP also dislikes it. I would suggest doing a degree somewhere else.
Also put up a finished piece you actually put effort into. Selling this piece would make little sense. If you want to go in the "sketchy, pen, traditional, aesthetic worth" direction, you probably should do it with something that isn't a busty mona lisa.

>> No.3878012
File: 301 KB, 1388x735, SRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I saw that your image got a lot of hate so I decided to do something constructive. I was going to do a quick round of liquify but the more I tried to fix it, the more I found out that there were more things wrong with your portrait than things that were right so I just painted over her whole face in about 20 minutes. I rarely paint women so my thing also looks derpy as fuck but I think it's at least 20% closer to resembling a human face.

I'm sorry but your construction is all messed up. Her eyes are all over the place and her hairline is messed up and so is her ear. Symbol drawing eyes. The colors are really unappealing. Usually it's a good idea to do warm shadows cold light or vice versa. You just have this violet color sliding into black. It also looks like you didn't choose a direction for the light as her chin is lit from the right and her nose is lit from the left.

The biggest problem apart from anatomy and construction is that you still haven't decided if you want to do line art or a painting. If you want to have both you'd have to make your lines make sense before you get into painting. Some pro artists can do both at the same time but you aren't there yet and neither am I.

I'm sorry if this feels harsh but my intention isn't to be mean. I just think you should figure this stuff out or you'll end up polishing a turd for hours when you could have gone back and done the work. So there you go...

>> No.3878054

Goddamit, you manage fo Firezize even other people's faces.
Dude, do something about that awful sameface problem of yours.

>> No.3878059


Uhh? Do you think I'm some particular anon? I don't think I've ever painted a female face and sent it to /ic/. In this particular case it doesn't matter if it's generic because the original doesn't even look like a human face. That was my whole point. Can you read?

>> No.3878091

Then I apologize. I thought you were Firez.

>> No.3878119


No problemo. I looked him up and apart from being ten times more shitty I agree that my generic face kind of resembles the one this guy defaults to. It's kind of weird that he does this generic face-thing when his studies show a lot of variation and and skill. Oh well. The guy seems to be relatively popular and getting some work so I can't blame him for doing what he's doing.

>> No.3878142

Thank you anon for the the constructive feed back, however I want her to have more of an Asian face chubby face
Though you made me realize to that I need to fix her eyes. I slightly used a reference for her picture and people can have different face shapes then a normal average western face. I’m not sure why many of you guys are so adamant in keeping one face for a woman. Though my faces are stylized, j guess I should directly copy the images.

>> No.3878257

Her race isn't the problem here, it's that your construction is absolute garbage and her features are all over the place.

>> No.3878321
File: 711 KB, 952x618, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

furfaggot here, i have been asked several times to do commissions by a few people but i have always turned them down. i was worried to overcharge or undercharge, and also that the result wouldn't be up to par with my previous stuff.
pic related, left is (i think) the one that spurred most of the people who asked me for a comm to do so, which is strange because it was the first thing i publicly posted on that site and i'd since made several (better?) drawings.
right is my most recent thing, though it was the first time i put in the effort to try to render something, spent an incredible amount of time on it and used a whole clusterfuck of brushes and tools throughout. probably can't replicate it again. i think i've dug myself into a hole now since it was a fluke, now people are going to be expecting the same level of quality whenever they commission me
i shouldve been grateful for the chance aaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.3878322

I thought he was Firez too

>> No.3878333

Yeah, you're fucked unless you're consistent. Do a couple more and take comms. Nothing wrong with undercharging at first, it's more money than you were making.

>> No.3878364


Lol. Does this guy come into /ic/ often and just overpaint peoples stuff to look like generic stylized faces? Is that his thing or something?

>> No.3879161

30ish if decent following (around 5k or so ) for the right one
Left one just be cleaner and you could easily get 35-45 per commission

>> No.3879165

Get better at painting faces in pictures of left and you could bump it to 45 aswell

>> No.3879230

lol, the correct answer is always "as much as you can get away with".
>benchmark: look how much people of similar skill and (this is important) in the same niche charge
>adjust: if you barely get commissioned or have a month-long queue, move price down or up respectively
Obviously you need to be smart enough to gauge your skills, advertise yourself, identify the appeal of the niche and move pricing accordingly. It can also be optimized depending on whether you want maximum profit or the best profit to time spent margin.

>> No.3879238

This looks nice, but it also has this very plain feeling to it that would need a really good story to support it. Are you a girl? They sometimes have this problem of perceiving things hotter than they are because of characterization in their mind.

>> No.3879239

Ooh, this is really nice. But this feels like you do porn, where's the porn?

>> No.3879240

This is garbage, but you can probably make a fortune drawing OCs for autists.

>> No.3879244

I'd fuck that rabbit and I'm not even a furfag. You can probably be pretty brave with your pricing.

>> No.3879251

He was going for a 3/4 chub, as in the character is only getting stimulation from his prostate and the penis is a little bit floppy. But he fucked up a bit, the lower part of the penis looks harder than the droopy upper part, it wouldn't be that chubby with that level of hardness as well, unless the character's dick is exceptionally thick.

>> No.3879259

Looks neat anyway. Give link.

The important thing is that's your capable of good art. Becoming consistently good is only a matter of practice and experience.

>> No.3879260

here's my newgrounds: https://drawfruit.newgrounds.com/
i just want to develop a style that i'm happy with and can reproduce consistently

>> No.3879360


>> No.3879361

you need to give everything you own to charity and join a fucking monastery, only after 27 years of utter devotion and self imposed poverty can you be cleansed... go, now

>> No.3879399


>> No.3879405

Nice bait

>> No.3879407

This. Fuck your god damn dirty dollar, we are artists, we need to be putting Beauty into the world, we are surrounded by degeneracy and ugliness... step away from mental illness and be your True Self

>> No.3879425
File: 891 KB, 440x300, letitburn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why the west will fall.

>> No.3880378

For the record, I agree. I felt almost offended by the person offering me fucking $75 for it, like I thought he was mocking me. Dude was dead serious. I didn't even intend to sell it, was expecting to have to collect it by the end of the month.

Thanks anon. I smoothed out the inking and added some clouds before I took it to the coffee shop. Was shocked I even got $30 for it, but I'm not complaining. By all means, take my idea and make it better!

Thanks for the kind words anon.

>> No.3880498

What does anatomy knowledge have to do with the West failing?