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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3874648 No.3874648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We're considering making a new forum for posting and critiquing art. There are too many fags on this board, and almost no actual constructive criticism. If anyone even bothers to comment, they usually just say that something looks like shit. We were talking about it on this(http://boards.4chan.org/ic/thread/3874062#p3874136)) thread earlier and we want to see how much support there would be for a place without retards constantly whining and people actually willing to give/take critique. Post if interested.

>> No.3874670

Would be cool. Will there be anything different, other than the mods and rules?

>> No.3874672

I’d join it.

>> No.3874674
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How will you stop personality cults, hate mobs and drama from forming?

How will you get high quality artists to stay and post?

Being anon can be shitty at times but having profiles also brings a lot of bullshit, I'm not against the idea but just try to be mindful of everything.

>> No.3874806

Call it Tiny White :^)

>> No.3874921

Ye. Let's go.

>> No.3874931

Strict moderation to all of that.

>> No.3874934

the whole point of coming here is the anonymity. a good art forum in general would be great but not with the people here.

>> No.3874949

Hahahahah was literally thinking this earlier today

>> No.3874956
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Just having a /beg/ thread isn't enough anymore?

>> No.3874986
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Although I'd a like just a trad art forum, so what do I know?

>> No.3874995

Good idea. This board is hardly moderated and it would be nice to have a place with active mods and less racism, sexism, and general unpleasantness. Inb4 hugbox. It’s not a hugbox to want to be treated like a normal human being. Also would be nice to have different forums for traditional, anime stuff, adult, etc.

>> No.3875005

>my trip is!!468TTaxiwpw if I ever need to say something "official"
The one who offered to develop the board in question wanted me to post this.

>> No.3875006
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Do it

>> No.3875008

Testing, also OP is a fag

>> No.3875011

>better /ic/
yes plox

>> No.3875015

If you just made /ic/ with post IDs and actual mods it'd already be 100x better without killing the anon spirit.

>> No.3875027

I wonder what other quality of life design choices the other chans have.

>> No.3875035

Forums are dead for a reason you fucking boomer. Half the planet moved away from dsl and dial-up we no longer need to communicate in such a slow fashion.

All forums will bring is cliques. You don't need to be an old-age to remember post CA golden era.

>> No.3875059

You already have Discord's.

Is it because people call you mean words like faggot and nigger? Aww.

Then you're still barking up the wrong tree. People come here because of 4chan's unfiltered nature.

Your "too many fags and no children bstructivr criticism" is just dogwhistle for "you will either play along with my clique and politics or you're out".

Well, there's plenty of forums for that my dude, as well as the dozen ongoing Discords. What point will making another one serve? What's gonna make this one different?

>> No.3875062

The discords are either inactive, furry shit, or are hugboxes. If you have any forums like /ic/ in mind feel free to list them.

>> No.3875229

Tumblr really has invaded this board...

>> No.3875232

>Waaahhh, I can't be an obnoxious faggot everywhere
That's the point. We want to keep you retards out and actually improve.

>> No.3875243

>muh safe space
back to tumblr

>> No.3875244
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Seething at the fact that you won't be able to demotivate and shit on beginners. Pathetic.

>> No.3875246

>posts tumblr style art
Like poetry.

>> No.3875248

I don't need a safe space. I'm fine being here, but I also want to help beginners.
Imagine being this mad that snowflakes are leaving, but at the same time wanting them to leave.

>> No.3875251
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I just made a new clown pepe

>> No.3875250

crimson daggers?
massive black penis pumpers?

>> No.3875256
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if it improves my drawing, I'm down

>> No.3875262

At this point I have Stockholm syndrome and I can't even take encouragement anymore. I have contacted a few good artists on social media during desperate times to ask for feedback on my stuff and they said nice and encouraging things to me but all I could think was that they were playing nice.
I feel like my whole view of things has been twisted by this website and I have associated truth with anonymity.

Honestly the best thing to do would be to leave communities altogether and just get in the mindset of posting work, making work, posting work, nothing else. Like a machine. Maybe interact with people on social media when you get a public. Yeah someone every now and then makes a comment on a thing that doesn't work but if you are intermediate or above it's very likely that you know already what doesn't work. It's all really useless.
All this discussion about crabs, IDs, quality, it's really just because of a need for affirmation. Hash criticism is easy to come by here, and whether it's crabbery or not, it's all that works. It's to keep your head down. This isn't a community, it's a military training camp. It's to beat you into submission until you just work, work, work, and then leave when it's automatic. Or you quit and move on.

>> No.3875270

Let’s make art posting great again, OP.

>> No.3875276

What >>3875059 said honestly. There are already plenty of discord’s out there and that seems to be about what you are asking for. Discussion, critique, art quality is entirely on you and the other posters, the format hardly matters. My suggestion is that you just keep improving and communicating with other people around your skill level on social media and create a private, mostly self moderated discord with friends you feel you can trust.

>> No.3875278


>> No.3875287

Anonymity is the only reason I post my drawings at all.

>> No.3875385

I dont hang around forums anymore because Discord serves the same purposes and has the same illnesses but at a faster pace.

Only server I found here with an average skill level worth a damn would be /las/ but if you're a sperg it wont work out because it's populated by failed normies, good number of women and a couple of actual trannies and racial slurs are ban-worthy.

If you can keep that under wraps then its a good server with lots of skilled people and not-so-skilled-but-not-quite-beg and most discussions do seem to circulate around art and improvement and they have this house competition where they try to out-draw the other team.

It has established cliques but its not very hard to penetrate, observed it for a good few months and the userbase is varied enough you'll easily have someone to talk to. Also occasionally has beasts like Naf posting in it.

Im also lurking at Nosebro's. Average level is much lower but it has guys like Firez. Unfiltered speech so you can sperg away and curse niggers and trannies or whatever. Art discussion happens there but its mostly shitposting and begs asking critiques.

>> No.3875412

Yeah, so I believe we were discussing a new *chan, not a new forum. A new forum is also something I can do. Mainly I'm trying to follow demand because otherwise it'll be dead on arrival. If everyone wants a traditional art forum, so it will be. So far it's looking like a chan though. I hope calling it a forum in the OP won't prevent people from seeing this thread?

People were also originally calling for a *democratic* service, but I'm not seeing so much of that in this thread so far.

If you mean software-wise, basically whatever people think would be appropriate. I'd probably throw up some standard imageboard software to begin with, but I'm a programmer, so I can always modify it.

1. (Reasonable) moderation. I've run successful online communities before, so hopefully I'll be able to pick good moderators here as well.

2. We can't make people come or stay, but we can do our best to make a community that people will want to use.

3. I wasn't planning on enforcing profiles, though I'm intending to let this be basically community-directed. IDs are always an option too.

Define "strict".

This sounds about like what I had in mind.

I hate cliques and don't do politics. I guess you'd have to take my word for it, though.

I will have a set of rules that follow what people want. It's not politically or "safe space" driven, unless everyone who joins is, in which case I'm honestly alright with hosting that too. As was said:
>Imagine being this mad that snowflakes are leaving, but at the same time wanting them to leave.
Best case, you're making a new board with actually effective rules. Worst case, you're filtering out the snowflakes. Perfect.

Then post anonymously. Rules and anonymity are not incompatible.

>> No.3875419

Accidentally put my trip into "options" instead of "name" because I'm retarded.

>> No.3875428

This was tried once before but it died out

What can we do to try again and make it work?

>> No.3875432

Small archive of some of the suggestions they brought up
This is 2010 I believe

>> No.3875433

dumbass me forgot the link

>> No.3875438

>I hate cliques and don't do politics.
That's exactly what you'd be signing up for with a new site. Especially if it actually got a userbase.

>> No.3875465
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Here are my opinions on what would make a forum simillar to /ic/ but better

>separated from 4chan
4chan is mainstream now, it's tainted with a bad reputation, nobody popular would dare publicly promote this place or even post here if people knew it was them
By making a new site it can be socially acceptable.

>no politics, period
to avoid a new forum having the same reputation as 4chan, politics and shitposting must be banned, it doesn't need to be a circlejerk, but it can't be a cesspit.

>anonymity, and other chan structures
Having a name attached deters people from posting honest critique for fear of consequences, anonymity is why /ic/ is the best place to get brutally honest critique that is so important to art.
The thread structure is better than typical forums, it's fast and pushes relevant content to the top, make a chan clone site and it will be a pleasure to use.

The /ic/ mods aren't artists, they don't update the sticky, they don't know what threads need to be banned, they don't actively improve the quality of the board, it's like a tennis ref judging a bobsleigh race. We need mods that are in touch with the users.

>Why not discord, etc
It needs to be a website, a website is easy to bookmark and browse without making an account, it's accessible. Discord requires an account and it's structure pressures each member to contribute which may actually deter many who just want to lurk.
When you join a Discord channel you feel like you've entered a room where you should introduce yourself, that doesn't happen with a website, you are just browsing.

>> No.3875471

Also I've seen this topic come up a handful of times in the past

anons get excited about how to make a new forum and leave /ic/ behind but it usually ends in either no website being made or a very bad one being made.
We're not web developers, we're artists and rules aside I think the biggest thing that needs to be done for this to work is to actually make the site.
There are hundreds of chan clones out there, it surely can't be that hard to create for someone with a basic web dev knowledge.

>> No.3875478

I'm not expert in what makes an art forum successful but I think if we just make a chan clone for the people in this thread it will fail
because it's not big enough, if there's only 5 posts a week the owner is just going to get demotivated and take the site down in a year.
It needs to be popular, that means advertising it everywhere, boasting it up to be the biggest thing on the internet, the place to be. It needs to bring in pro artists who will want to post and exchange critique with other pro artists, there has to be a thriving community.

Just my opinion, I know alot of people will disagree with me on this particular point

>> No.3875479

Suggestions are definitely welcome.

My current thought is that you should probably build up critical mass (hype) before you even open the board. Otherwise, people who consider joining won't join because it's too slow, and then early users will give up because it's not growing and leave.

Once you've got that first userbase, it still should ideally see exponential growth in its early days, since even optimistically speaking, 3/4 of the people who claim that they'll use this board probably either won't, or will only use it briefly, as most new users to any service will (e.g. on dad.gallery over 90% of users who sign up quit within the first week), so you'll need to keep replacing these people to get a solid core userbase.

I originally came up with "50 users" as a basically arbitrary initial number, but even that isn't necessarily enough, unless you've got places other than here to recruit from, which I basically don't think we do almost by definition, other than maybe the Discord servers everyone bitches about.

Two issues I see from here so far:
1. Not reaching critical mass (having to actively recruit people to stay alive beyond the initial period).
2. Lazy webmaster.

Again a bit with critical mass: if you don't have enough people and someone either dismisses your service or leaves it, they probably won't come back. You've got a finite number of people willing to join initially, and you need to make sure you can keep them all on at the same time to build that core userbase.

That's true, and I can't personally prevent it. Nevertheless, I can do my best not to personally make or perpetuate that sort of nonsense.

Any suggestions on how to deal with it would be appreciated.


>> No.3875483

it wont, all 4chan based communities are doomed to fail sooner than later

>> No.3875484

>Make Outer Haven.
>Anons decide to raid it since they are spite.

>> No.3875493

"strict" as in:

>No dumb e-celeb/twitter drama posts
>No dumb id-pol bait about how (((they))) want to destroy western etc.
>No dumb vendetta/gossip threads against an artist because you don't think they should as successful/popular as they are

Strict moderation as in strictly about art and art making, with maybe one stickied off topic thread if it's really needed. None of the shit that clogs the catalog now basically.

>> No.3875496

>Having a name attached deters people from posting honest critique for fear of consequences, anonymity is why /ic/ is the best place to get brutally honest critique that is so important to art.
The thread structure is better than typical forums, it's fast and pushes relevant content to the top, make a chan clone site and it will be a pleasure to use.
There is a way to give critique without being harsh. It's called constructive criticism. If the only thing stopping someone from giving a real critique on a board where people are literally there for critique is anonimity, then they're probably bad at critique.

Though I'm not retarded. Regardless of whether someone gives competent critique, people will be scared, so you're completely right. To say otherwise would be denying the reality that people aren't rational, and will avoid doing something because they feel it would hurt someone else or them.
I've been in and contributed to so many communities which have a foundation of critique and it's possible for it to exist. You just have to get the right people.

We also have to remind others what we're all there for. So being afraid of ruining your image shouldn't be a problem as long as you're not excessive about it. But again that reality won't change someone who's afraid, which can be a problem. They'll be able to manage.

>> No.3875499

Honestly I think trying to produce a rule list that's clear enough that a robot could enforce it is impossible
new shitposts emerge, conversations once appropriate can become innappropriate and there's no line to draw

I think the best approach is to have a mod who can spot bullshit when it appears and clears it without going power mad
to go with the democracy thing, perhaps a vote delete option on posts
coupled with a vote to not delete to counter mass shit-voting or something
something along those lines maybe

>> No.3875500


^ Code for the discord

>> No.3875504

yeah me personally, I give critique that is sometimes right but I'm not always confident in it, but I don't fear posting because if it's wrong it's wrong, there's no consequences for me
but on other forums where I have a name, I fear posting anything for fear of being incorrect

and the thing is, alot of the time when I do post and aren't sure of it, it gets praised and it was right

>> No.3875505

no if you're going to make a chan and want to discuss it make a /suggestions/ board
diving into discords will kill it before it even begins

>> No.3875509

Thanks for the excellent points. I fully intend to have moderators who are more skilled than me, and defer to more experienced artists and the most active community members in general.

There are a lot of freely-available and modifiable (open source) imageboard implementations out there, though I haven't checked out whether they're any good yet. And while I'd prefer to use one of those so I'll have more time to actually *draw*, I am personally a programmer by trade with moderate experience in developing websites, and imageboards like this are some of the easiest websites you can make, so I'd be glad to make one if necessary.

I completely agree, as I mentioned in my previous post. Any suggestions on how we can achieve critical mass, or help in doing so, would be greatly appreciated.

Sure. Long-term we'd probably want an off-topic *board*, but for now it's best to avoid spreading the community out too far.

>> No.3875511

Good point. That's a problem for me too. Also, being relatively new to art I avoid critiquing anything at all until I'm proficient at it. Usually I'll point out obvious errors or if I have to, tell someone what I think is wrong and clarify that I'm not too sure if it's true or not. But I mostly keep to myself. That's actually a great reason and explains so well why being anonymous is valuable.

Though if you wanted that you could just come back here, right?

The admin said it's just there temporarily for discussion and stuff like that, so it won't be there forever. You're right though.

>> No.3875516

Fear of posting critique aside, I think there's a lot of unhealthy stuff that can come out of focusing too much on identity. Fear of criticizing, fear of posting your work, trying to show off, cliques, etc. There's a whole lot more value to anonymity than just fear of breaking a hugbox.

Sure. You can just as much post your thoughts without being afraid to be wrong. You'll get called out for it without worrying about destroying your reputation.

>> No.3875520

You have a point, but I think a set of "objectives" or a mission stament would help better define what is or isn't a quality post and where mods should come down on in a given thread.

If the mission of the forum or chan is to produce a solid, reproduce-able pedagogy for art making, it's pretty hard to justify 10 threads about how "porn artists are degenerate", or some bad faith thread where some loser post someone else's art to get shit on anonymously.

Not sure how you stop the latter though, maybe discourage creating threads for single images? If someone wants their art critiqued specially, they have to post a portfolio's worth. No portfolio, take it to the draw thread, thread gets reported/deleted.

I'd be fine with no off topic thread ever, there's are places to do it. Maybe a thread where you can exchange twitter handles, discord handles and the like. Yeah you're not anonymous anymore, but at worst people only know you post there, not what. Which is the same here if you are prolific enough.

>> No.3875522

I'd prefer discussions be kept to /ic/ threads over Discord.

That said, I am the admin of that server, so you're still welcome to use it if you'd like.

>> No.3875524
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We were just kidding about the new forum :)

>> No.3875527

This discussion started yesterday. If you don't believe it, you can easily check the previous thread linked in the OP.

>> No.3875533

I agree that building up hype before even opening the forum is the best way to do it, I don't think we have the ability to build up enough hype, the best we can hope to do is make a pretty /ic/ thread advertising it

If we hold our butts waiting until the perfect time, it will never get off the ground, if this is to work we need to get the site up today, every hour that passes in which we don't do it is dooming it

>> No.3875537

We must strike while the iron is hot

>> No.3875542

A fixed set of rules basically never works. Moderation is largely opinion-based. I moderate another community, and the mods include people with very different views (from hands-off basically anarchists to rather authoritarian 0-tolerance moderators), but in the end we all come together and peacefully debate and effectively execute a reasonable policy.

I can't guarantee I'd immediately pick good mods right away, or even do that well at all on an anonymous imageboard where you can hardly even get to know a specific individual, but I have no problem with cutting out a shitty, power-hungry mod without a dozen second chances.

I don't like the idea of deleting a post because it gets downvoted too much. I'd say that it should be flagged for moderator review in that case, but that's what the report button is for.

Mission statements tend to not be all that useful since it's ultimately common sense and moderator discretion most of the time anyway, but one would probably be worth doing.

>> No.3875548

So what software do you plan to use for the forum?

>> No.3875549

OP in the event that you get cold feet and never make the forum, could you point us in the right direction to knowing how to make it ourselves? I don't know the first thing about making a website, based on the number of chan sites out there and what they're used for I assume they're extremely basic to make and don't cost very much money

If you feel like dipping, atleast share with us some knowledge so we can attempt to pick it up and do it

>> No.3875555

You're probably right. I'll start looking into imageboard software (or whether I'll have to make my own, which I don't expect will be necessary) right after I actually /draw/ today.

Looking into that now. I'm open to suggestions if you know of a particular existing implementation that you'd recommend.

What features did you all want? Obviously the basic chan package, and so far I've also heard people want IDs.

Also, I'm looking for a name so I can actually buy a domain name for it as soon as the software's online. drawchan?

I'm actually not OP, but I am the one offering to make the forum.

There's no useful advice that I could really give in a series of posts here. If you don't already know how to make a website, you probably couldn't pull a website like this off successfully, unfortunately, with or without my advice.

That said, I'm trying to make it now. If you want to make sure it happens, keep the discussion alive and be ready to shill it like all hell once it opens so that it'll stay alive.

>> No.3875574

>Also, I'm looking for a name so I can actually buy a domain name for it as soon as the software's online. drawchan?
Are you the one that registered drawchan.com on the 22nd Jan this year?

>> No.3875577

>brutally honest critique
Bitter crabs shitting on anything they see isn't "honest critique".
You don't even need to be rude to give useful critique in the first place, so the fact that someone would think they have to be such cunts as to need anonymity to put a point forward, means they don't want to critique and help, as much as they want to put down someone else.

>> No.3875578

Nope. I was planning on using .org.

>> No.3875581

this niche has already been absorbed by discord, which has already slain /ic/. that's why it's so bad here in the first place.

>> No.3875593

Don't worry about shit like the name or the colour of the background, none of that matters
It could be called /ic2/ with the default futaba layout for all anyone cares

>> No.3875595

You're looking into imageboard software? Last I checked a few years back czaks wasn't too happy with vichan and had created an irc or something with a bunch of other imageboard software developers including fredrick brennan of 8ch in an attempt to create the next generation of imageboards that would fix all the problems with the current opensource spaghetti attempts, then czaks fucking DIED https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan/issues/266

>> No.3875597

Not particularly, the fact that you have to sign in to something alone is a hurdle. There's also the inherent insularity of a discord server, you have to spend time getting known within the community to start getting regular feedback. With an imageboard you spend more time making content over assimilating.

>> No.3875616

I'm in

>> No.3875697

The only active imageboard implementations that I could find were lynxchan, lainchan (apparently a vichan fork), and meguca.

Lynxchan's dev is a retard who knows nothing about security, so I don't want that shit running on my server.

I haven't evaluated the other two options yet, but it looks like it's between those two or making a new one. Opinions on Meguca and Lainchan would be appreciated. I'm not sure whether either support IDs yet.

If anyone knows of any other options that are open-source, have received a commit this year, and have an active demo, please let me know so I can consider those too.

>> No.3875823

I think meguca is an experiment in realtime imageboard posting, is realtime posting of interest?

>> No.3875829

Frohgposting morons achieve nothing. Go back to drawing those cubes

>> No.3875830

There should be mandatory enforced compliance for >pyw requests.

>> No.3875834

I will only follow this project if Sakimichan Kimjung gi or craig mullins are part of the moderators. Because fuck the /beg/ /ic/ anons.

>> No.3875988

lmao good luck ahahahah

>> No.3876144
File: 59 KB, 600x760, 1518476133739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these newfags who don't know how the idea of "new comfy imageboard free from /b/ cancer" always turns out

>> No.3876154

It'll be different this time!

>> No.3876175

our h u g b o x will not fail pessimist!

>> No.3876183

There was a thread like this 3 years ago about an idea for a daily drawing site. It not only happened but is still here, and somehow survived down times with the first creator possibly dying and other shit.

If you do make this I'm definitely interested, posting daily and introducing other art friends to it. People are remaking the conceptart.org forums right now apparently but I feel like it'll end up like late stage CA no matter what they do; waves of ignored begs and people commenting on stuff only from current pros to try get attention, and the current pros only using it like yet another insta, twitter, etc where they post old finished work and just do it for more shilling.

Old conceptart died with the rest of forums, I don't know if that kind of community can exist now people are so obsessed with likes and followers and "fake it till you make it", but I feel like one made by people here would be the most authentic shot at recapturing how things used to be.

>> No.3876201
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>normal human beings

>> No.3876202

Not really. So far, I'm not really satisfied with *any* of the options.

If you actually want this, it's probably possible.

Get them to offer, and we'll see about that.

I am trying to make it, so I guess you're interested.

>> No.3876207
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so we will need a constitution huh
Who will the founder fathers be?

>> No.3876209
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>> No.3876210

Id be interested but mandatory pyw is retarded and shouldn't even be considered fyi, just in case...

>> No.3876250

>There was a thread like this 3 years ago about an idea for a daily drawing site. It not only happened but is still here
Let's call the new board /MOM/ for good luck

>> No.3876263

a mommy AND a daddy, /ic/ has parent issues

>> No.3876268

For this new site to be as successful as LAS, it needs to have something special. It can't just be something vague like "better moderation". It has to be something absolutely clearcut, something that ABSOLUTELY cannot be already be done on /ic/.

For LAS, it is the automatic streak counter. While being deceptively simple, it is a field-tested and proven productivity technique that has seen a lot of popularity and success among self-help communities. It can even be seen in mobile games as a sly method to increase the chances of players getting addicted to the game.
With this very attractive gimmick, LAS' success is no surprise.

But what should drawchan have? That's something that we really need to think about.

>> No.3876274

weekly contests/challenges

>> No.3876279
File: 14 KB, 180x280, nono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we want a site
>we want people to behave like tumblr
>and post art like tumblr
>and be nice like tumblr
>and have profiles like tumblr
>and be more about the artists than the art, like tumblr
Ummm, why not just go use tumblr sweetie?

>> No.3876292

Can the owner of the site post his work?
Why should I join this community if the owner is /beg/ shitter?

>> No.3876296

>Why should I join this community if the owner is /beg/ shitter?
To boost owner's ego damaged by /ic/'s "harsh critique".

>> No.3876300

these are already against the rules here just none of you probably bother to report it

>> No.3876307

Please go, we are in dire need of trimming the rampant faggotry that comes from you thin skinned snowflakes. What's puzzling about you is the fact you remain here knowing you're going to get your fragile fee-fee's hurt and then insist on enforcing others to play buttgrab with you. Fuck off.

>> No.3876315

hey hey hey. Personality cults reward good behavior!

>> No.3876317

>less racism, sexism, and general unpleasantness
LOL. We are one of the least hateful boards in existence, even going so far as supporting blatant homosexuality in the porn threads.

>> No.3876318

god i hate gays

>> No.3876319

getting beginners to give up is honestly a gift from god. Since 99% of people aren't gonna get anywhere close to decent, were saving the weak people some time.

>> No.3876320

>the porn threads
Where are the porn threads

>> No.3876321

>There is a way to give critique without being harsh. It's called constructive criticism
I once redlined someones drawing and got met with the response: "DID YOU JUST DRAW OVER MY DRAWING?"

>> No.3876322

theres been one pretty much every 4 days for 2 years. But I guess there isnt one right now.
not me.

>> No.3876339
File: 316 KB, 255x144, 1493243969437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of trying to make a new site why not just try to improve posts here?

>> No.3876347

we can't even get the sticky changed here

>> No.3876354

but the sticky changed recently

>> No.3876357

Tumblr’s dead, anon. No porn fucked everything up and things aren’t the same anymore

>> No.3876358


What the fuck are pieces of shit like OP doing here in the first place. No one here except thin skinned tumblr pussies want their feefees protected to badly they'd accept having OPs arbitrary sensitivities shoved down their throats. The whole fucking point of imageboards is loose moderation and being able to call shit shit.

>> No.3876361

Porn on Patreon’s public posts and not porn on Tumblr.
Was that so hard? To think that people unironically post on Pixiv then decide fuck it or solely use Twitter.

>> No.3876365

If only people occasionally gave critiques and didn't just fling shit that'd be fine. Unfortunately no one gives critiques. ;

>> No.3876371

I was considering joining, till I read this >>3874995

Make it a politically correct hugbox, where you’re walking on eggshells all day in fear of offending some snowflake, and I have no desire to join. The fact that the SJWs already have their eyes set on joining abd dictating the sort of content allowed already sets a bad prescedent. All online communities are doomed to fail as they eventually get usurped by cancerous retards like this cunt right here.

I’m all for making a more constructive community, but I’ll 1000x take the salty crabs over a forum run by SJWs.

>> No.3876375

I used to give critique, but eventually I stopped as I realized I wasn’t helping anyone. My greatests growths came from self-analysis, rather than someone telling me what’s wrong. You need to learn hiw to self evaluate. You actually gain a lot more from asking people how to do a certain specific thing, than asking someobe to evaluate your errors, especially when most of those errors are typically newbie mistakes.

>> No.3876376

>no politics means sjw politics
Just don't have anywhere for political shit dude, it works for the Asian artists on twitter.

>> No.3876381

You're essentially expecting to be spoonfed how to do art. Worse, having others do your art for you. Fucking stop it and be your own critic. If you have such shitty judgment you can't improve with all the resources available, simply give up here and now. For your own good.

>> No.3876383

>less racism, sexism, and general unpleasantness
While /ic/ can get quite unpleasant, I think it isn't fair to call most people lurking here racist or sexists. Just look at that vent thread, people are talking about troon issues without getting shit on, that's telling. On a lot of boards this simply wouldn't happen without revolted fags telling everyone to fuck off.

>> No.3876384

No politics isn't the same as less racism, sexism and general unpleasantness. That isn't to say that I endorse those things on /ic/ but I hope you realize the irony when that kind of censorship is political in nature.

>it works for the Asian artists on twitter.
That's not due to moderation

>> No.3876386

Post I quoted said “less racism, sexism, abd general unpleasantness” nothing about politics. I have politically incorrect humor, which means best case scenario I’m forced to be superficially nice abd fake just to avoid getting banned, and worst case scenario, since we have IDs, I get doxxed and defamed by some crazy tranny cause I made a sexist joke.

Nah, miss me with that nonsense. It’s 2019, people no longer haveva sense if humor.

I don’t want my career to end up like Vic Mignonia’s just cause some tumblrina took something I said the wrong way. There’s a reason I keep my interaction on mainsteam social media to a bare minimum. If I’m not free to express myself as I am, then I have no desire to partake in the community.

>> No.3876389

It works because they don't alienate half their audience by saying dumb shit or weighing in on policy when they're artists. I can't stand artists making stuff political, unfollowed a few people just last week when they were liking a tweet celebrating that a woman was drunk driving and swerved across lanes, killing another driver, but since the guy tweeting said the other driver was "a nazi chud" it's something to be applauded.
Absolutely disgusting.

The LAS server has one channel where you can argue about politics all you like, could do something like that I suppose. But if it's a forum rather than an imageboard you shouldn't be surprised if you're not allowed to say nigger or whatever, doubt that was allowed on conceptart or anything either.

>> No.3876390

Then don't partake.

>> No.3876391
File: 25 KB, 492x604, 56657296_10213875189335790_6955925635835363328_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is pure cringe holy shit
Just force IDs on people here and force +20 words posts

>> No.3876392

The main issue is that most beginners don't know how to self analyzed their work and differentiated between being fetishy/cwc tier trash or actual improvement. Simply telling them to expand their visual library and/make an influence chart will not work if their 'autism' or 'muh style' is preventing them from improving. Providing paragraphs to point out flaws in an obviously shit tier art with no loomis is a waste of time, unless someone mentions specific issues like certain lighting effects. We don't want to become Quora 2.0 but with images.

>> No.3876393

An artist community that needs a channel for politics is no good to begin with. It's just a playground for basic people

>> No.3876397

Which is exactly what I said. Thanks a lot captain obvious.

>> No.3876400

Just use ID, will make it easier to weed out all the crabs, samefagging and ban self-jerking thread.
Improving crit quality is a important goal, a forum with only "this look weird" or "lol shit" won't help anyone

>> No.3876412

I think that what you’ll find is tgat you’re gonna discourage people from giving crit. If people have ids, and it can be traced back to their work, they’re just gonna clam up in fear of scrutiny.

I say this because my work rarely gets commented on precicely because people have nothing to offer.

Most of the people eager to give crit are other newbies who are looking for validation.

Essentially, it’s the blind leading the blind.

>> No.3876422

Allow me to explain how IDs work before you lot continue making uneducated complaints about it

They are per thread, not a permenant ID on your lifetime us of the board. You can be posting in two threads at the same time and they will have unique IDs, it is impossible to track someones posts outside of the thread they're in

>> No.3876425

Correct me if im retarded but couldn't you just make ids thread specific?

>> No.3876427

The politics/shitposting issue is quickly becoming more complex than it first appeared, I fear if we dwell on this the site won't be made

We need a common sense moderator who can ban things when they become obviously too extreme, we all know when a chat becomes too /pol/, that's when it gets banned. We all know a thread that is made in malice and has no desire for a productive conversation.

I just want an /ic/ like it was pre 2007, a whole chan like that maybe even, before the internet took off and everyone went crazy

>> No.3876430

The sticky of the site should have our glorious constitution in big bold letters with a dinosaur gif running back and forth to draw attention!
But what should they be? the rules/mission statement needs to be something that will make it clear and encourage people to make this site the haven we dream it to be where people post their art, critique is free from shitposting and everyone is motivated to improve

>> No.3876434

Moderators is the big issue to solve. We should have someway for /ic+ users as a collective to be able to regulate bad or inactive mods to avoid having mods that abuse their power or barely do anything at all.

>> No.3876435

What's the status on things? any estimate on how long it will take to get a basic futaba up and running?

>> No.3876438

I think some sites have a chan.org/bans page to see what was banned and what for
If the mods aren't anonymous we could have a /meta/ board to discuss how the mods are behaving and the admin to take action according to what the users want

>> No.3876442

Yea having a board for mod complaints and discussion could work. By any chance are you the one making it or are you just suggesting things?

>> No.3876463

I'm just suggesting things, I'm actually the guy who was asking about how to make the site ourselves incase the guy dissappears
If I had the skills I would do it, I wonder how long it would take to learn

>> No.3876492

best case scenario it's gonna have 10 users top and it will die within two weeks. Have you seen the boards on 8ch? They're super dead.
Also you can get at least some exposure here on 4ch. There are lurkers who will pick up your blog if they see your art around.

>> No.3876503

Then what's the point of /ic/ other then to share art books and jerk yourself off of beginners?

>> No.3876518

beginners can and should give critique, it's not something that should be exclusive to pro artists
You don't have to be a chef to know if the food is bad, being a beginner artist only means that you don't know how to fix the problem, but you can still point it out and that's atleast 50% of the value in critique

>> No.3876519

How will we pick mods? Honestly I think it should be a pyw scenario. People with cat scratch stuff tend not to be very serious artists, so naturally I would doubt their dedication to improving themselves, let alone an art board. People that are good are obviously often dedicated. Would there be private applications, or voting if this happens?

>> No.3876521

Good artists have as a rule big egos

>> No.3876524

I think private would be better because people tracking down mods through artsyle just sounds like trouble. The less mods stand out the better, they should be effective and out of the way.

>> No.3876526

moderation's irrelevant to artistic skill, if there's any special consideration that needs to be given to moderation it's that 4chan and /ic/ specifically pick up a lot of assholes. The position should be replaceable.

>> No.3876529

This is what I'm trying to do and overall the best solution. Just take some time to write quality criticism where you point out the problems you see, point out your skill level with honesty so the artist knows where you're coming from, back it up with drawings that aren't vague useless redlines.
But you will never have the community do this aide from a few people because
1) There are many people who are too /beg/ to judge their own skill level or have horrible taste and you can't discern quality commentary just by what people say, you need drawings to back it up but not every good artist willing to give a critique is also willing to make a drawing
2) There are many salty autists who want to shoot down others and they will be there to shit things up as long as it's anonymous
3) As >>3876375 said it's a waste of time. Most of what you say will be ignored and you could simply draw instead of commenting which all in all will only give you a few asspats if you give great critique, the artist isn't going to change the composition on his 20 hour painting just because anon gave him critique. Lots of people post just to get exposure and are not even interested in critique. Lots of people who want critique are complete /beg/s that you are forced to redirect to the sticky.
Really the only solution would be harsher moderation against shitposting, celebrity threads, and other useless shit that isn't people posting art and anons giving commentary. But it's never going to happen because the board simply isn't large enough to warrant moderation this heavy.

>> No.3876531

I still give critique, many people give perfectly good critique. No reason to be jaded.

>> No.3876534

>This thread
A portion of the /ic/ community is one of the, if not the most noticeably awful community on this site. The retarded shitposters and crabs(they really exist!) act like pieces of shit ruining everyone else's involvement and you know it. If all you have to say is "muh snowflake boogeyman" regurgitation, thread isn't for you. It's here because of you(probably).

>> No.3876558

Don't forget you have those enablers who deliberately praised shitty or fetish tier art in hopes that artist becomes CWC 2.0 just for shits and giggles.

>> No.3876561


>> No.3876569

4chan is beyond saving, we are now mainstream and considered to be a deep dark web site for terrorists and nazis, there is absolutely no chance of a good art community in the future here

>> No.3876575

yeah this is going to end up with ISPs blocking 4ch in a couple years tops

>> No.3876580

I'm gonna miss you guys ;_;

>> No.3876585

True, but my main point was if you’re dedicated to getting good, you may have more responsibility and will want the site to succeed over some crab that doesn’t even draw and just shitposts.

>> No.3876661

Hey if you whiny little shits wanna leave I'll be the first guy to support it. More than anyone else, I hope you'll have your peaceful little website in the clouds where you can asspat each other all day into maximum stagnation and conformity.

>> No.3876678

Hey I'm not an expert but you can send me things to check out if you want. I'm also pretty jagged from 4chinz

>> No.3876681

>Hey if you whiny little shits wanna leave I'll be the first guy to support it.
No one's whining to you.
>no crabs and shitposting = stagnation and conformity
>crabs and shitposting = no stagnation and conformity
Is that what you're trying to say? Also, what makes you say that everyone's going to asspat each other? That's a big assumption. And why do you even care? Hide the thread if you're so butthurt.

>> No.3876683

Better moderation, IDs, and responsive administration with regards to e.g. the sticky, plus the benefit of a programmer being able to add new stuff as necessary.

I don't care about politically correct or hugbox. However, it'd be helpful to get rid of off-topic shit-flinging so we can actually discuss critiques.

IDs are per-thread. They're not like full-site accounts. That'd be retarded.

I am making the site. I have registered a domain and set up a webserver. I haven't found any satisfactory imageboard software yet, so I don't have an ETA yet.

I was intending on keeping a public log of all moderator actions for the sake of transparency.

Thank you. This.


If you want to do come up with a mission statement, go for it I guess.

Yup. I'm trying to move it forward.

I would personally like to make more experienced and longer-standing users moderators, and since everyone is anonymous, the best indicator we have of that is posting work.

Does it really matter if anyone knows that you have been elected as a moderator since you'll still be posting anonymously anyway? Genuine question.

Also, as far as moderator protections go, I can make the public moderation log anonymous as well, since that still allows people to call out bullshit for me to personally check out.

>> No.3876710

Out of curiosity do you have any plans for how you will organize the board? I was reading suggestions earlier that were saying different subjects like traditional, digital, anime, ect should get their own boards instead of how it is now with everything together.

>> No.3876719

I think we should keep as few boards as possible
The more boards there are the more diluted the community becomes and even if there are a decent few people on the site, it will appear dead because everyone is so spread out
I say the essentials are /ic/ /suggestions/ and maybe /nsfw/

>> No.3876722

I'm not the one being butthurt about 'shitposting' aka imageboard culture. If your ego weren't so ridiculously fragile you'd be able to recognize what's bullshit, what's not, and filter it just like the rest of us. But being a butthurt validation-craving normie you're bound to bitch and moan about it to no end, trying to force the imageboard to bend over into being your personal safespace. Won't happen buddy. The only thing that's happening is you're fueling the people taking the piss out of you. However the most retarded thing is why don't you just move on to reddit or tumblr where you can stagnate in the comfortably fully filtered circlejerk you seem to crave so much?

If there ever was a cancer upon /ic/ it's you, whiny little newfags ready to cry as loudly as you can as soon as someone disagrees with you or posts a meme phrase you dont like.

>> No.3876729

>How will you stop personality cults, hate mobs and drama from forming?
>Implying all of those things don't happen on /ic/ already.

The idea of being anonymous while posting your art is retarded anyways.

>> No.3876732

Yea that's what i was thinking. I actually figured we should try to stick to one "ic" board and then maybe a meta board for mod complaints or something like that. If the site ever got big enough im sure there could be room for expansion but as ic is now it's nice to be able to see all threads at the top of the page that people are active in.

And i don't know how hard it would be to implement but i figured a compromise for those wanting to be able to search for a specific subject would be to add a "Tag" field to the 'Subject/Name/Options' part of making a thread with tags like 'Traditional', 'Manga', 'Digital', ect. That way people can just search for the subject they want without worrying about people naming the threads dumb shit or even not at all.

>> No.3876736

I don't think anyone's saying anything about general shitposting on 4chan, it's board culture as you said. It's when this shit has more quantity than the board's intention. Most of this board isn't what it's supposed to be: artwork/critique. You also ignore literal crabs. If you want to keep shitposting without putting any actual value, go to /b/.
>trying to force the imageboard to bend over into being your personal safespace. Won't happen buddy.
This thread is literally the opposite of this.
>The only thing that's happening is you're fueling the people taking the piss out of you. However the most retarded thing is why don't you just move on to reddit or tumblr where you can stagnate in the comfortably fully filtered circlejerk you seem to crave so much?
I don't care. Words don't get on my nerves. Though, if there's a better experience possible then I'll be all for it. The circlejerk meme is retarded. I bet everyone here is aware of it and will avoid- if not, then not, doesn't mean you shouldn't even try. People not crabbing and shitposting doesn't mean it's going to be a circlejerk. Retarded correlation.
>If there ever was a cancer upon /ic/ it's you, whiny little newfags ready to cry as loudly as you can as soon as someone disagrees with you or posts a meme phrase you dont like.
Stop the strawman. Also, aren't you being a bit hypocritical here? You said that you filtered bullshit. Why are you still here?

>> No.3876747

>I don't think anyone's saying anything about general shitposting on 4chan, it's board culture as you said. It's when this shit has more quantity than the board's intention. Most of this board isn't what it's supposed to be: artwork/critique. You also ignore literal crabs. If you want to keep shitposting without putting any actual value, go to /b/.
And I suppose you're in charge of defining the approprate standards of this board? Get fucked.
>This thread is literally the opposite of this
This thread is literally about creating an /ic/ clone, but without the horrible meanies who said NGMI to you once
>Though, if there's a better experience possible then I'll be all for it. The circlejerk meme is retarded. I bet everyone here is aware of it and will avoid- if not, then not, doesn't mean you shouldn't even try. People not crabbing and shitposting doesn't mean it's going to be a circlejerk. Retarded correlation.
You'll be like 20 people on your site and the ones bothering to stick around will obviously do it for the circlejerking
>Stop the strawman. Also, aren't you being a bit hypocritical here? You said that you filtered bullshit. Why are you still here?
Because I love shitting on snowflakes, it's rewarding as fuck. If you weren't here for me to trigger I probably wouldn't post half as much as I do on /ic/

>> No.3876751

I will create no more boards than the population can handle. I was planning on starting with just a single board, and creating more according to either what the most common sorts of posts are, or community demand.

>> No.3876758

I never said this board should change. You keep strawmanning, keep asserting your retarded assumptions and correlations. I don't want to regurgitate the same shit over and over, even more so given that you're just doing it just for "me le edgy contrarian mad cuz safe space >:(". Also damn, the contrarian complex is huge.

>> No.3876765

>I can't come up with anything so ill just call it a strawman!

>Also damn, the contrarian complex is huge.
So is your pathetic victim complex. However are you gonna amount to anything with such a brittle ego?

>> No.3876787

You're the exact POS that ruin this board and crab it up. Don't come to the new one if it gets made and stay in this shithole.

In what world does calling someone a faggot or roastie or autistic or anything else equate to CRITIQUE? This is ARTWORK/CRITIQUE, not ARTWORK/TAKE YOUR OWN PERSONAL INSECURITIES OUT ON STRANGERS.

Who tf here is asking for a hug box? We just want PROPER moderation. We want CONSTRUCTIVE critique.

>> No.3876792

Here's a critique for you: Stop being an autistic faggot roastie

>> No.3876808

4chan is the worst form of social media except for every other
-Winston Churchill

>> No.3876812

Aw, imagine being this insecure in yourself and your abilities that this is how you act. Do you go out much? Do you draw at all? You are the very definition of NGMI. Not in art, or life.

>> No.3876817

Aw, imagine being this angry at memes and facts being posted on an imageboard.
How much have you improved over the last year? How much money do you make? pyw and i'll give you your CONSTRUCTIVE CRITIQUE ;)

>> No.3876818

Well I know the first person who's going to get banned when they show up

>> No.3876826

Being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, etc. is not a meme. Being an asshole is not a meme. I'll post my work as soon as you post yours. :)

>> No.3876830

Stop impersonating me. I love gays (and lesbians) although I hate fucking niggers.

>> No.3876834

I'm not the one asking for critique in ALL CAPS, little girl. At this point I think you've earned a hard, deep and long critique from me (I won't take no for an answer)

>> No.3876845


>> No.3876852
File: 24 KB, 540x324, yikes in the yard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3876856

So is your art. And any amount of critique won't help you. If your ego can't deal with 4chan lingo how could it possibly deal with the self-scrutiny required to become a proficient artist.
NGMI, little girl. No pussy points here.

>> No.3876866

If anyone wonders why we need a new place, just read the last 30 posts or so.
And that kinda crap is in every goddamn thread.

>> No.3876868

I'm still waiting for you to pyw. You don't have to be an "x" asshole to give a critique and you're dumb if you think you do.

>> No.3876870

Then fucking beat it lmao. No one will miss you.

>> No.3876871

>we want a new place where people’s critique is more than just being “stop being an autistic faggot roastie”
>this guy proceeds to say that people are thin skinned and should just cope
>fast forward
>his critique is literally “stop being an autistic faggot roastie”
There you go, OP.
I’m on board.

>> No.3876873

Guys, I'm considering making a new thread for discussing this. There are too many fags on this thread and there's almost no actual constructive feedback. If anyone even bothers to comment, they usually just say that something looks like shit. I want to see how much support there would be for a thread without retards constantly whining and posters actually willing to give/take feedback. Post if interested.

>> No.3876875

Working on it.
You can have an arrogant view of swimming in literal shit as your club after we make our new board

>> No.3876882

Making a new thread isn’t gonna fix the discussion.
That is the entire point of this move.
Constructive conversation is impossible.

>> No.3876888

Again, you're the one who desperately wanted critique. Here is your chance, cunt.
>You don't have to be an "x" asshole to give a critique and you're dumb if you think you do.
Sure, because you're not a dumb-as-fuck retard for coming to 4chan expecting people to express themselves like PC automatons. Again, if you're so fucking triggered return go whatever safespace hugbox you came from. Or are you simply whining to get attention because your art won't get it elsewhere? F*males truly were a mistake.

>> No.3876893

Just don't come back when you get sick of it!

>> No.3876900

>F*males were a mistake
Yikes. Could you be any more incel?
I think you’re on the wrong board, buddy

>> No.3876915

Yikes, and you're on the wrong website!

>> No.3876918


>> No.3876919


>> No.3876922

>this mad that he wont be able to shitpost on the new site

>> No.3876926

>this mad she failed to convert /ic/ into SJW central

>> No.3876935

I wouldn’t ve surprised if it was just this one guy shitting up all the threads.
Clearly doesn’t have a job and doesn’t draw so what else does he spend all his time doing?

>> No.3876940

I never once asked *you* for a critique. I said the collective "WE" want real critiques. Do you know anything about a collective, or are you this jaded because you have been alone your entire life? I've been on /ic/ off/on for YEARS and it has gotten much worse.

So once again, I am waiting for your to post your work.

The fact that any loser akin to you on this board thinks that being a somewhat decent human being = SJW central is alarming. If you like this sort of behaviour, why not go to /pol/ or /b/? Cause I'm pretty sure you have nothing to offer /ic/ in the first place.

>> No.3876948

>pretending I critiqued anyone's art
Roastie faggot autist

>> No.3876952

Guys he changed up the order of the words this time. Maybe he is slightly creative.

>> No.3876972

And what do you have to offer, more than your self-righteous whining? Given how unfathomably out of touch you are, you certainly don't do much else on here despite all your pretense of contributing. Just like any neon haired landwhale there's not much else going on other than attempting to push your victim complex and neurotic sensibilities down other people's throats.

>> No.3876976

You sure are obsessed with the SJW-boogie man.
Who hurt you?

>> No.3876982

More than you ever could do, cunt.

>> No.3876984

You sure are obsessed with fags being called fags, what faggot hurt you?

>> No.3876987

Oh a new word!
Oh nevermind he’s just recycling other people’s taunts. Not creative at all.

>> No.3876989

Why is it that whenever nu4chan tries to work on a mass collaborative project there is absolutely no discussion about the technical/theoretical aspects and everyone just ends up doing irrelevant bullshit like making logos or participating in histrionics? How did the oldfags that created Katawa Shoujo do it and successfully at that? Is it just that the userbase turned more neurotypical over time?

>> No.3876990

>I'll just samefag and maybe he'll give up!

>> No.3876991

I actually use this board as intended instead of hurling insults at anyone that will listen because I have mommy issues and a backwards view of the world.

>> No.3876992

I'd say just ignore, anon.

>> No.3876993

You’re actually entertaining. Type away pussy crusader! You rid this site of double x chromosomes! Thanks for doing your duty on this wonderful art board!

>> No.3876994

And here you are again dictating what's what to the world. And then you go calling me an asshole lmao

>> No.3876996

>I'm telling it like it is, snowflake!

>> No.3876997


>> No.3877000

OP, is there a place to remain updated on this saide from looking for the threads whenever they get made? If not, I'd suggest you set something like that up.It'll be easier to organize concrete thoughts and I won't have to to wade through shitposters to find out if anything meaningful has been said

>> No.3877001

A discord would be a nice start.
Nice full house

>> No.3877002

And I thank you, valiant knight, for keeping decent folks safe from these brutes who resort to calling each other 'faggots' with no concern for intersectionality nor toxic masculine behavior.

>> No.3877003

Discord pls

>> No.3877005

>referencing "the rules"
What's next, the bible?
Besides advertising is against the rules and this entire thread is advertising your shitty website.

>> No.3877007

What can I say, I like throwing tomatoes at the biggest clown.
Now entertain us pussy destroyer!
Call them an asshole! Call them a cunt!
He’s only got lne insult! You already heard it once!
Come forth an conquer the art board awaits!
Dance for the crowd while I masterbate!
Saving /ic/ from the SJ dub invader!
Everyone come and shout his name PUSSY CRUSADER!

>> No.3877011

Name one relevant female artist.

>> No.3877016

That’s such a boring reply. Can you do the funny stuff aome more where you scream insults to randoms on an anonymous perisian origami critique board?
That was fun

>> No.3877018

There has been a Discord this whole time: https://discord.gg/fKpFWsk
It's only until we get the actual board up.
I'd prefer to keep discussions on /ic/, but you're welcome to use the Discord as well.

>> No.3877019

After you go back to the usual bitching and moaning

>> No.3877020
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, CEFA9746-DDB6-48E9-80AC-DD15882B636D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3877026

Yes, finally a reason for the anti-crab league to cry again! Get seated in your highest horse! Leave your humor at home! Keep all your triggers ready!

>> No.3877027

Has the crusader abandoned his people? There has been no word in minutes.
Surely he would not desert the adoring crowd?

>> No.3877030

I wanna be pussy crusader when I grow up

>> No.3877035

Still a better bet than an artist.

>> No.3877036
File: 95 KB, 866x1360, A4C91701-E465-4D32-BB0D-2DD5CDB4D81E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3877038
File: 65 KB, 960x637, B1BE2A57-B7B5-4E9E-B1A2-45273BDE3B37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right on time! Always when it seems he has left does he return to put on another show! Bask in the glory gentlemen! This thread just went from good to great!

>> No.3877040
File: 21 KB, 852x480, 14B1060A-B5A7-4B26-9C2B-75D67795E525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3877042

Is it over? Can we have a thread again?

>> No.3877044

Hey you never know man, some people spend a year not improving and then sky rocket out their ass in skill after. Never count anybody out unless its been like 2 or 3 years of no improvement.

>> No.3877046

>this is a person who will whine about shitposting
It's almost as if they're not aware of their hypocrisy.

>> No.3877048

[citation needed]

>> No.3877050
File: 53 KB, 866x1300, EA1ACA48-98F4-4178-A7D3-18A2829DF01B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An encore! Blessed be this day for the party never stops!

>> No.3877053
File: 61 KB, 1300x866, 149C2BC6-95D0-4396-99AB-E56A5040707F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3877054

In all seriousness I’m not the person you were arguing with. At this point I’m just curious how long I can keep you here.
I don’t give a shit about your argument.
Like I said before, just chucking my tomatoes at the biggest clown

>> No.3877057

And I'm just trying to explain to the snowflakes ITT that they are bigger assholes than any of the "crabs" they abhor so much

>> No.3877058
File: 20 KB, 690x388, 1552744886822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this thread is the reason why people think artists have their heads up their ass
Be it /pol/ snobs or wathever the other side is called, Im glad I didnt join an art school so I dont have to meet people like you

>> No.3877059 [DELETED] 

Gee, if only we had some way to get rid of all of the worthless posts in this thread.

>> No.3877061
File: 52 KB, 445x582, 756AB9C0-690E-439B-9617-629B68C14767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t give a shit who said what. I’m just gonna reply with a stock photo of a clown to any reply you make

>> No.3877062

Gee, if only we had some way to get rid of all the garbage in this thread.

>> No.3877063


>> No.3877065

And I can choose not to fucking answer from now on unless you're gonna provide discussion.

>> No.3877068
File: 30 KB, 345x500, E777D302-D22F-4025-A5B1-C8F0C7AB7655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about what you’re doing though. Do I actually want to keep you here or am I trying to get you to leave put of frustration? Don’t make the wrong choice

>> No.3877069

>basically /ic/ except with better moderation
I hope this project doesn't die. Would love to be a regular user on this site.

Anyone co plaining about a "hugbox" and that they can't shitpost is the reason why this is a thing.

>> No.3877070

I'd be down for this.

>> No.3877072

>quoting opposing posts

>> No.3877074

Accidents happen. For example: your birth.

>> No.3877075

You can both be idiots. That happens.

>> No.3877076
File: 46 KB, 612x408, E51792E8-469B-4781-9A74-E83B91440967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw fuck, I dunno who’s who anymore

>> No.3877080

This is a thing because people who clearly aren't cut for 4chan choose to remain on 4chan.

But for some mysterious reason despite your whining you will all come back as your ship starts sinking. It's like you fucking enjoy bitching at how mean people are.

>> No.3877083
File: 60 KB, 395x286, F421371D-B9D7-48CC-81C8-F498A56841CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3877086

Is this a /pol/ meme?
Honestly it makes me miss so.yboy, it was funnier

>> No.3877097
File: 70 KB, 534x712, 65D10CAD-CC5C-4CF3-A243-BAA3D19290ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3877161


>Please treat everyone like a human being and give constructive critique so people can genuinely learn and improve their art.


>> No.3877164

Jesus Christ hurry up and get that site up man, I can't wait another second in this cesspit

>> No.3877168

Now that you got that out of your system it's back to tumblr

>> No.3877169

I'm still waiting for you to pyw.

>> No.3877170

you'll be back in a week, tops

>> No.3877174

I'm not the one bitching about not getting criticism.

>> No.3877177

Why are you so afraid? Are you worried that everyone is gonna laugh at you? Poor little incel.

>> No.3877186

Are you gonna adress my statement or am I to take you rhypocrisy as a given?
>inb4 he ignores the discussion and flings another random buzzword

>> No.3877195

That "snowflakes" are bigger assholes than you?
No, they aren't. Are you actually that dumb?
How does asking for decency worse than calling someone every name in the book for literally. no. reason? They are complete opposites. And if it bugs YOU so much that people don't enjoy being treated like human garbage by actual human garbage like you, then wouldn't you ENCOURAGE them to all leave your unproductive festering circle jerk of ignorance and self-hatred?
>b-b-ut muh free speech, fuck ur feelings roastie faggot
Lmao. Grow up. Maybe call your mom afterwards (or more realistically, go upstairs) and apologize to her for being such a terrible son. Maybe she can garner up the strength to hug you.
Now pyw, incel.

>> No.3877205
File: 8 KB, 194x259, 8B419A76-2743-43DF-B4A3-11D407249909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3877208

/ic/ was fine with banter of the sort until you decided it was time to shit the easy- going atmosphere up by trying to hammer in your fragile sensibilities into every single fucking user here. Now at least I can enjoy tormenting you self-important fuckers.