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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 167 KB, 650x847, Couv_764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3868288 No.3868288 [Reply] [Original]

Article 13* just passed monday : is it gonna affect fanartists that much? Are all the people who draw fanart for a living going to be blasted? Are YOU going to be blasted?
Do you think it will force people to be more creative with their content?


*Copyright article from the EU. (if you're not the OG creator, you might want to reconsider using someone else's intellectual property)

>> No.3868300


The issue isn't just with fan art, but all art. Thousands upon thousands of images are uploaded every second on social media platforms. They are going to use a automated upload filter that needs to approve the image before uploading. Guess how well that's going to work? The platforms will be held liable, so they will do everything they can to err on the side of disapproving the upload. There won't be any chance for appeal as the sheer volume of media would be impossible to review by human eye. It's going to be a disaster

>> No.3868308
File: 7 KB, 349x298, 1530830412910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so you think we're gonna need to prepare for a MASSIVE change? Hopefully it's not retroactive, I wouldn't want to see my deviantart & Instagram galleries cut in half...

>> No.3868311
File: 7 KB, 232x217, article 13 compliant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3868312
File: 26 KB, 480x360, Pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3868336

Even this might be forbidden if the author isn't willing to see it shared.

>> No.3868342


>> No.3868350

Oh sorry, didn't see that thread! Alright mods, kill mine & let the other one live.
(please stop replying here & go to the other one instead)

>> No.3868575

XIII is my favorite fucking video game

>> No.3868802

came here to post about how good the game is
not my favourite tho but sure is great

>> No.3869507

fuck you, I do what I want (mods, pls no ban)

>> No.3869518

>Ok so you think we're gonna need to prepare for a MASSIVE change?
Unless some miracle happens and there are massive protests and the article gets canceled, it's very likely that Europe will be banned from most platforms

>> No.3869602


So if Europe gets banned, does that mean they won't be able to use sites like 4chan or deviantart? What if you used stuff like a vpn?

>> No.3869605

>What if you used stuff like a vpn?
No idea but as far as I'm concerned I don't have any money to pay monthly for a VPN, I would go in the negatives.

>> No.3869624
File: 10 KB, 480x360, greatestally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1st possibility: europe gets sandboxed with it's own versions of existing websites that have vastly reduced options for user interaction
>2nd possibility: defective filters are implemented globally, user ability to post and monetize content becomes highly stratified in favor of those who already have large audiences
>3rd possibility: most platforms start blocking european access altogether, yurofags end up with a set of restricted copycat platforms ala the chinese internet

pretty much in any situation, we'll see vpn usage skyrocket & possibly become baked in to established social networks as a means of plausible deniability. artists with a large enough audience will use walled gardens to circumvent filters 'x-tier subscribers receive access to my exclusive discord & encrypted file locker w/ filter-unsafe content'
>Are all the people who draw fanart for a living going to be blasted?
fanart will basically become the drawfag's equivalent of premium snaps. anyone who is smart will start charging way more for that kind of content or otherwise monetizing the shit out of it. frankly this is an amazing position to be in. you can effectively sell a blackmarket good without breaking any laws.

>> No.3869631

>fanart will basically become the drawfag's equivalent of premium snaps
nah no fucking way. people won't pay for your shitty sfw fanart of the new pokemon
it's just gonna be even more porn

>> No.3872719
File: 360 KB, 500x500, 1537498520544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fanart will basically become the drawfag's equivalent of premium snaps
This is what most people fail to understand.
You might not be able to UPLOAD copyrighted content/fanart because of the upload filter on the big sites probably blocking everything but you can still sell it and it isn't illegal.
>it's just gonna be even more porn
premium snaps is just that, Anon.

>> No.3872735 [DELETED] 

it's not an issue about Europe or US, allowing it to happen anywhere is just showing those pigs that they can bend the rules and chain down people's wills and freedom while sugar coating it with "aww but it's not that bad haha". It's one step into indirect prison, first you succumb your will and right to fight back, while they build the blocks around you.

The whole internet freedom thing started back in US a while back, or at least that's when it got the most publicity, but it was obvious that them succeeding or failing wouldn't really mean much since they would just try with Europe next, which happened as you are aware.

Afterwards they will go with US again, it's a never-ending cycle until the the whole concept of free speech, free expression, and free internet is signed off, or until they fucking come up with an internationally signed constitutional law which forbids any nations and company to interfering, manipulating, monetizing in any means that would damage the basic principal of free internet that was actually given to the people by the makers of the "web" back in the 70's or so.

>> No.3872754

Even though it passed, it won't be implemented until 2021 at earliest (assuming they didn't force it to be implemented immediately, which is its own can of stupidity). Only time will tell if it'll either:
>affect Euros only
>affect everyone because EU forces it, making everyone want to nuke Brussels
>even be put into action at all, as elections are happening soonish and everyone hates the EU for this and every other blunder they've done the last few years

>> No.3872762
File: 158 KB, 500x465, 1552644949952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I live in eastern europe, this region couldn't give less of a shit about copyright, we had pirated windows and photoshop in school. As long as the sites don't crumble to foreign law all is good, and I don't see pixiv budging.