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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.12 MB, 480x272, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3865663 No.3865663 [Reply] [Original]

>spend 2 hours drawing a request
>nobody even replies when I post it
loosing... motivation...

>> No.3865666

>only 2 hours
>tfw spend 20 hours drawing a request and get no replies

>> No.3865669
File: 77 KB, 690x720, 1553478596348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing requests
what's the problem, you are doing requests because they pick your interest and no for attention/rewards right?

>> No.3865670
File: 96 KB, 275x275, uwjUfsp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post 3 drawings and get asked for blog on all of them
>tfw no blog

>> No.3865673
File: 513 KB, 925x524, 1552842754592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they want to commission you
>no bank account

>> No.3865674

You should never expect a reply m8, even if you think it looks great.

>> No.3865676

I mean It just kinda hurts my feelings ;_;

>> No.3865679

>samefag asking for blog
>samefag and post blog
>newfags follow me

>> No.3865682

>they want to commission you
>you have a normie job
Abstract feel

>> No.3865687
File: 551 KB, 365x400, 1553438547998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh feefees are hurt cus nobody replied
holy shit do you still live with your parents, have you ever worked in a non cushy job, fuck man you are a fucking faggot, literally

>> No.3865691
File: 622 KB, 375x211, 1478781677417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3865692

Well, are you any good?

>> No.3865707

Get back in your cage wagie
the weekend is right around the corner :^)

>> No.3865708

It probably sucks. Sorry dude

>> No.3865714
File: 55 KB, 220x234, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get asked for blog
>someone else posts my link

>> No.3865825

imagine getting this butthurt over a 4chan post lmao

>> No.3865911

>Spend some time drawing someone's shitpost request
>It was actually their real fetish

>> No.3865915


>> No.3865919
File: 74 KB, 996x640, 1543184451560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you spend over ten hours drawing multiple characters for a shitpost

>> No.3865920

post your request

>> No.3865921

I once spent an hour drawing something for a random thread and then the thread got deleted for being off topic a minute after I posted my drawing.

>> No.3865926
File: 42 KB, 560x560, 1517975084807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it gets reposted multiple times and goes viral for a week
>never take credit for it because don't care

best week i had in a long time

>> No.3865928

Can I see it?

>> No.3865944

fuck requests, draw for yourself.

>> No.3865946

But I like making other people feel good with my drawings.

>> No.3865971

I think doing those draw thread requests are probably a good way to draw stuff outside your comfort zone. I think I'll eventually start doing random drawthread requests too once I start getting better at figure drawing. I have a hard time even constructing a figure.

Maybe I'll do drawthread requests on /d/. I'm sure my fellow vore and GTSfags will be more grateful compared to users from other boards.

>> No.3865981

Most of the people you try to make "feel good" are leeches that have been at it for years that only do it for that dopamine rush for every new delivery they get, while spouting the fakest thanks known to man. It's why I stopped browsing those shitholes.

>> No.3865982

>Literally all /a/ requests are anime girls
Nothing of value was lost. The boku no hero threads are the only good place to do requests, only half of them ask for their waifus, there's a lot of interesting ideas if you're into the manga.

>> No.3866010

Learn the lesson, never do anything for free.

>> No.3866065

>doing requests
People asking for requests are entitled, lowlife scum. Your own fault for being a fucking idiot.

>> No.3866068

You are just bad
Don't be bad and you'll get replies

>> No.3866070

sharing is caring ;)

>> No.3866172

I only drawfag unsolicited, it's the only valid form of drawfagging. you can stick your free fetish commissions up yours

>get asked for blog
>no new likes or follows

see >>3865981
Drawfag requests at this point are fetishists who want free commissions, I used to browse the threads on /co/ and it was so hard to find a funny thing to draw, so eventually I quit going there entirely. 99.9% of requests are bowsette with the virgin killer sweater or some shit

>> No.3866177

>post request
>thanks anon I'm going to use it as my phone wallpaper

....im pure shit. I guess people don't have trained eyes

>> No.3866179
File: 22 KB, 237x300, 1544244774460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you've actually done this before and scored free fap material

>> No.3866201
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1444609048025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone asks for your blog/social media
>they don't like anything you posted or don't follow you afterwards

>> No.3866203

>spends 2 hours on a drawing
>doesn't get a thank

>another artist fills the same request
>it's an obviously rushed 20 minutes or so piece
>get 5 thanks
>get selected as the next drawthread opening pic

>> No.3866251

your stuff isn't "sexy" enough, nothing to do with quality.

>> No.3866257

I know that.
It's just painful to not get acknowledged.
Heck, at least when I was bad, I would get some reactions, even if they were "please stop posting", at least I got something.

>> No.3866263

I get something along the lines of
>Amazing, great job anon, I like [thing you did] a lot
>Looks like fucking shit
>Great work as always anon, big fan of yours
>Stop samefagging (link to compliments above) fuck off with this garbage
It's so confusing.

>> No.3866274

It doesn't get better when you git gudder. Drawthreads are cancer. But they're my cancer, and they're benign. I will still consider them home for years to come.

But it's hard to find time for them.

>> No.3866318

I’ve done this like 4 times, sometimes I don’t finish before thread is deleted or dies, I just post it in the alt thread where the garbage goes

The cancer may have spread to your brain

>> No.3867693

Nice hugbox thread

>> No.3867721
File: 535 KB, 500x350, 1549996078647.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did requests for attention. I realized that the majority of the drawings I've made are just requests from the various draw threads. I started out doing my own stuff but got a request on DeviantArt one day that I ended up doing. The initial wave of confidence and dunning Kruger that I got from being peppered with probably bogus compliments from some dA bozo trying to get free art out of a 16 year old was what drove me to keep doing reqs. I eventually moved over to 4chan and starter doing it here. I got fed up with it specifically on /v/ because of the constant belittlement and eventual ignoring of my work when a better artist would post. It was then I realized that to a lot of them, I was just a means to an end to get their shitty fetishes in a visual medium. I forced myself to stop so I could get back to strictly drawing for myself like ever artist should strive to but realized that the motivation I had was gone because I didn't have people actively encouraging me to draw so they could get my creation. I had to be my own motivator but looking at how shitty my own art was made me not want to draw. I can't stop comparing my work to others even outside of those stupid drawthreads. Even artists I follow and look up to piss me off occasionally if they post something on the same day I try to make something because I realize their 15 minute sketches put my 3-4 hour shit scribbles shame.
I occasionally go to drawthreads and purposefully degrade and insult drawfags by calling them slaves or saying that their art sucks dick in the hopes that some will leave to go draw for themselves. But I also sometimes insult those who are legitimately skilled out if frustration for making me feel the way I do now.
Drawing was fun when I thought I was good.

>> No.3867735
File: 67 KB, 280x280, 1493990819329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy motherfucking fuck this was painful to read.

>> No.3867748
File: 130 KB, 1244x850, SUCH TALENT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It´s me, trollchan.
I want to see your work.
Post your work.
I´m posting mine first, if that helps you posting it.
Here. Took me a few hours some of those days or something.
Now post yours.

>> No.3867749
File: 6 KB, 225x225, screaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of the time where I caved in and started doing horrible soulless fanart and opened up sfw commissions
Some dude asks me for a pinup commission
>Can you draw mai waifu
>OK here's a tasteful sketch
>C-can you spread her legs a bit more?? Maybe show more of the titties?? Yes??
> I'll... I'll try to do something
>Draw the thing hating every second of it and feeling like I'm dragging my very soul into the depths of hell
>Send it to the person
>Receive payment
>Buy the thing I wanted with it but feeling like a literal whore
>Close commissions forever

>> No.3867777

you're a fcuking chump

people need to stop doing requests.
no ones going to pay you if you're going to do it for free stupid

>> No.3867787

blessed All Lucky 7s post of truth

>> No.3867793
File: 118 KB, 375x270, 1465318148202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every d/ic/klet ever, this is why unless you are making monetary gains you don't pander to no one but yourself.

>> No.3867852

>do request once every 4 months
>spend 5 hours looks amazing
>OR loves it and makes it a sticker or their desktop bg
>1 or 2 yous
/a/ drawthreads are the worst the wwd is better

>> No.3868005
File: 879 KB, 680x778, 1532136661944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know your feels.

>> No.3870604


>"Touch. I remember touch."

>> No.3870662

So this is how a megacrab is born.

>> No.3870672

Oh, look, another day, another crybaby opens a whiny thread on /ic/
Never change, losers.

>> No.3870673

Truer words have never been spoken.

Unfortunately, one day you might just have to bite the bullet and do NSFW commissions if making fat stacks of cash is your goal. Otherwise you could grind, git gud, and take sfw OC commissions if your style and execution is appealing enough.

>> No.3870681

what a pussy haha

>> No.3870712

>do low effort request
>asked for blog
>get commissions
heh, nothing personal crabs

>> No.3870733

I bet you must be making sick bank from those.


>> No.3870744

>one day you might just have to bite the bullet and do NSFW commissions if making fat stacks of cash is your goal
>Otherwise you could grind, git gud, and take sfw OC commissions
My ideal would be ~900 dollars a month. Or even less, just enough to get by and I'd be absolutely golden. I think I just don't like OC commissions, I don't want to draw people's fursonas (which seems to be the only SFW market) and there's a lot of sexual / fetish stuff going on anyway, I want to draw my own stuff. I'm probably doomed to never make a penny. Even actual illustrators who do fully rendered paintings for card games / videogames do fursonas on the side.

>> No.3872135

I had the opposite experience when people didn’t appreciate me drawing their requests I searched what I was lacking and eventually stopped caring about drawthreads to draw for myself
I only drawfag on series/games threads because people in drawfag often requests really boring/same thing over and over again
You get the same high drawing for your favorite cartoon/anime/video game thread and also anons are often request comics/jokes instead of lewd most of the time

>> No.3872137

draw porn or memes

>> No.3872169
File: 469 KB, 512x807, 1528073521976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a few requests before starting commissions to see if I'm capable of drawing what people want.

>> No.3872171
File: 22 KB, 350x351, 1519860538502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask artist for blog
>thread dies

>> No.3872178
File: 11 KB, 249x249, 552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send sketch to commissioner
>make them bigger
>add some more thiccness
>make ass and tiddies as big as I can
>feeling good because I have finally escaped my comfort zone of average-sized boobs and butts
>enjoy drawing thicc girls as I always wanted to
Also, that commission turned out to be my most popular post on tumblr.

>> No.3872194
File: 1.46 MB, 9759x4576, Master forgive me, but I'll have to go all out ... just this once.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send sketch to commissioner
>make them bigger
>add some more thiccness
>make ass and tiddies as big as I can

>> No.3873679

>offer commissions in a thread and post my email
>email gets deleted immediately
>still end up getting some commissions
felt bretty gud

>> No.3873736

Drawthreads are usually 2-3 people fishing for free art. Go there to draw, not to do requests.

>> No.3873785

>I don't care
>best week
Ok smug retard

>> No.3873793

This, maybe 2 out of 5 requests are genuine. People on tg literally spam requests they don't want to troll artists. Every now and then a mod will come in and delete HALF the requests but next draw thread it's the same guy spamming the same requests over and over.

Not worth it, your best bet is to request what you want to draw then draw your own request and drop it in the thread with your blog in the image. Then do free requests for your actual followers

>> No.3873796

>they follow you but never like, retweet, comment ever again

>> No.3873843
File: 1.47 MB, 368x270, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeeee why unfollow/why no follow/why anon does nothing?
- not every anon visits social media regularly or are into social media
- I ask for peoples blogs, but I just bookmark them because I have no account
- Taste changes, too, you know. As much as I want to follow you for years, our tastes changes as well

>> No.3873924

You and everyone like you deserve the rope.

>> No.3874041

>post work
>no replies
>thread dies even though it was active before

>> No.3874042


>> No.3874046
File: 62 KB, 1300x866, 52612395-a-man-holding-knife-crime[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the sound you'll make after I poke your ass.

>> No.3875798

son, you have to start to work in your own shit, just don't give a fuck about other artist for the moment, but you really need time for yourself, ask you one question, why you started to draw and what is your goal for you to be an artist and with that base you will think more clearly.

>> No.3875861

Keep going.<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="160" height="160" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/partyhat.gif"></div>

>> No.3875862

Welcome to my world.

>> No.3875873

Trying too hard. Calm down.

>> No.3875943

>Not worth it, your best bet is to request what you want to draw then draw your own request and drop it in the thread with your blog in the image. Then do free requests for your actual followers

>> No.3876942
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>> No.3877301

Try /aco/s drawthreads. Either you get fellated or abused, but never ignored.