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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 80 KB, 1063x752, D39C627F-7D25-464A-836A-AEADC3CC5DBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3859171 No.3859171 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many Asian artists draw predominantly white characters/have white OCs?

Raikoart, Zeronis and a few others spring to mind immediately, why is it so common?

>> No.3859173

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.3859175

It looks the most appealing

>> No.3859177

White girls are objectively the most attractive.

>> No.3859179

Not only Asians. Latinos do that too.

>> No.3859182

i never understood this myself it's even the case for a lot of anime when characters have blond hair or don't even look japanese and are just white.

>> No.3859184

not really, people have just been conditioned to think so over the years because whites have a choke hold on most media creation for years now

>> No.3859187

White girls have:
>Greatest variance in hair colour
>Greatest variance in hair type
>Greatest variance in eye colour
>Smallest noses and mouths
>Largest eyes
>Best jawlines and general triangular face shape

I’m not even white, just deal with it.

>> No.3859192

>firstly variety doesn't =/= good
> if anything variety gives more chance of subjectively bad features
>small noses being good is subjective
>them having the large eyes doesn't mean anything it just means they look more like infants
>so your saying they have jawlines like twilight vampires or pointy anime chin

>> No.3859200

>firstly variety doesn't =/= good
Literally a racist dog whistle, fuck out of here.

>> No.3859203

Sorry people don't want to draw you, tumblr darkie

>> No.3859219

not even racist bro that was just meant as it's subjective and you can also look at having less options give more clarity

when did dark skin become connected with tumblr, i don't even use tumblr but that's stupid. it's like trying to make the connection between white skin and reddit.

>> No.3859223

Those are jews, not whites.

>> No.3859226

jews are considered white kind of like how thai people are considered asian

>> No.3859233

If jews are white then
>>Smallest noses and mouths
doesn't make a lot of sense now...

>> No.3859236

It's usually just an artwork with Asian features but different colored hair. It still looks Asian

>> No.3859241
File: 423 KB, 770x433, 9a7ea059-e80b-4f35-9350-a597a6cbe509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it never made any sense to start with that having a small nose or mouth makes you more sexy

>> No.3859243

Asian COPE

>> No.3859249

Oh yeah, whenever I find something sexy, I always run it through the old cerebral cortex to make sure it makes sense. We ain't into big noses, lady.

>> No.3859251

>asian features
uh no. they don't try to put asian features just ambiguous white features. if you want to see characters with clear Asian features watch or read akira

>> No.3859256 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 400x400, -facoCh8_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah because your cerebral cortex has been conditioned to think white features are the most sexy with years of white characters in almost all media being the most used race.

i'm not an pc but when people say white privilege doesn't exist it makes me laugh, at how dumb they are to not know how they are living in easy mode by being white.

>> No.3859258

Raikoart is asian? Thought it was a white girl, I love that character because she feels like there was a lot of love put into her.

>> No.3859264

>living in easy mode by being white
Hmmm, maybe that's because their ancestors worked hard and smart to get to this point. It's deserved.

>> No.3859269

Oh crap, you're right.. come to think of it, I'm also conditioned to like big tits because they're always portrayed in a sexy light by Hollywood. And who knows what else they tamped with up in the ol' stupid dome!

Oh I know: Fuckin' anime got me to think that anime girls are cute too

>> No.3859270

>every thought and preference is a result of a lifetime of conditioning and the man telling you what is desirable
I guess original thoughts and ideas don’t exist. Stay mad

>> No.3859272 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 1002x1000, kamila-trzeciak-urbosa-kayenart-artstation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worked hard
hahahahhahah the uk literally colonised and enslaved most of the world at one point i don't think that is working hard. whites were just cruel and ruthless more than anything.

they also bombed japan and then forced their media into the country after the war ended also conditioning them as well.

white people would go to countries and force the natives to learn english instead of them learning the native language, don't give me the bull shit of whites worked hard when all they did was be cruel and condition the world with their culture,views,and media.

>> No.3859275

If colonization was easy why didn't you do it?

>> No.3859277

because other races aren't full of douche bags like the white race who through out history has caused the most suffering and devastation out of any of the races.

>> No.3859279

jeez that's honestly pretty racist...

>> No.3859280
File: 29 KB, 473x500, 1552824117509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine unironicly thinking this

>> No.3859283

them just the facts whites are the only ones to have ever fired off a weapon of mass destruction like a nuke at another race and thought concurring most of the world and stealing their resources was a good idea.

quick history lesson the reason why great britian is called "great" britian is because they stole a lot of resources to built up the country from what they call now common wealth countries.

and they also stole america from the natives there was no peaceful thanksgiving dinner that's something made up to dodge the fact that some british people went to america and the claimed the country as their own.

>> No.3859285

t. never heard of another country and their history.
The reason others didn't do this is simply because they lacked the technology you imbecile.

>> No.3859287

north korea has nukes but hey look at that not a single one has been fired at another race.

>> No.3859297

I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.3859301

use your brain anyone who is not white or blind to reality

>> No.3859303

You're retarded

>> No.3859306

It's not a jew if that's what you mean, they are a lot smarter than this. This is just some brainwashed retard.

>> No.3859309

and your delusional

>> No.3859317
File: 40 KB, 315x315, F083542E-AA6D-4FD7-948D-7E79C3A9159C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real redpill is that the british and their spawn are a blight on humanity. The real enemy is the anglo

>> No.3859322


>> No.3859365

>at how dumb they are to not know how they are living in easy mode by being white.
t. some American kid who is filthy rich by default
You are invited to my house to take a cold shower anytime

>> No.3859375

The only civilized parts of the world are white. If you are woman please be aware that you wouldn't be able to shitpost on 4chan without white people, you'd be locked in a room with no internet wrangling a bunch of kids and praying to Allah.
The only thing white people did wrong is not colonizing enough.

>> No.3859380

Some Jews pass as white, but they're not a European population, they immigrated to Europe from the middle east and did some mixing with white people there. Would you consider someone who's half Arab and half white to be white?
Anyway, Jews' intense hatred for white people should give you a clue about how they self-identify.

>> No.3859383

Yeah, the girl in the OP is looking really Asian with that blonde hair and blue eyes.

>> No.3859443

The Romans named it Great Britain because they found it to be two main islands, one larger and one smaller. Literally Lesser and Greater Britannia.

>> No.3859456

White is right

>> No.3859458

>Would you consider someone who's half Arab and half white to be white?
So what are they then? Is someone with one jewish parent and one white (non-jewish) parent really guaranteed to hate all white people?

>> No.3859459

There are Jews in Japan. Just google it. Who is to say they're haven't infiltrated anime already and that's the reason. The whole "anime is one of the last bastions untouched by Jews" could be a lie. CR has been bought out by Jews a fee years ago. They're funding anime with the money. Netflix is doing the same, taking studio resources for anime originals.

How far does it really go back? Have they been pulling the Strings in the entertainment sector for this long? Let me remind you manga has been black and white once it's started. But in animation we are told different colored. Hair is to distinguish between characters.

Who came up with this? Why has it been funneled with blonde hair main girls?

>> No.3859477

yeah, douchebagery is tied to race. ROFL.
the race that has more power prevails, that's all there is to it.
is it fair, no, is it natural, yes. does it have anything to do with being a white douchebag. no.
you are a fucking idiot lol.

>> No.3859478

how old are you? 15? your logic is that of a child.
this board is 18+ kid.

>> No.3859479
File: 261 KB, 793x611, cho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You complete ignorant savage, do you have any idea what you are saying? The Japanese from the Imperialistic era were mass murdering fanatic fucks, have you ever heard of the rape of Nanjing?

Besides committing atrocities in the name of the holy emperor they would fight to the last woman and child, publicly saying ''to the bitter end'' and would have opted to sacrifice their civilian population like the goddamn millions of Russian men used as literal cannon fodder even if their entire military was obliterated. This countrywide dogma went so far that the horror of using an atomic weapon was the lesser of two evils. The bombing and occupation, not in themselves good things, allowed for political reform ending the wars and atrocities of the emperor.

The world is not pure black and white, remember that it was black Africans who specialized in slavery long before the whites showed up, and who afterwards continued capturing their own countrymen to sell to the trading companies.

>> No.3859495

>So what are they then
Not white
>Are they really guaranteed to
This is the most basic strawman argument we've heard a million times. No group acts as a monolith. The majority of individual Jews are apathetic/ignorant about politics as are most people in any group.

>> No.3859497

>anime is one of the last bastions of untouched Japan
Anyone who knows the least bit of history knows this is a ridiculous statement. Anime has had heavy Western influence since the beginning, it may very well not exist as we know it if not for WW2 and the American occupation. Rightists in Japan are very criical of anime and the rest of Japanese pop culture as being a Western-derived pervision of true native Japanese culture.

>> No.3859511
File: 203 KB, 446x426, 12 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do so many Asian artists draw predominantly white characters/have white OCs?

Easy money, predominantly white countries have the quickest access to the internet and the most people with expendable income or important connections

>Goku turns blond with blue eyes
>Naruto, blond blue eyes
>Princess Peach, blond blue eyes
>Samus, blond blue eyes
>Link/Zelda (most of the time) blond blue eyes etc...

If you're looking to make some real cash, ya better start churning out those blond haired/blue eyed Barbie dolls

>> No.3859567

For the last time anime is Japan's own creation. White pigs did not have a hand in anime and they full out abandoned 2D for 3D instead of capitalizing on it like the Japanese present day.

That's the thing with white people in general; you create something, abandon it to let another culture renovate on your idea, they improve it, capitalize and then you come back and say "but don't forget we made that".

>> No.3859573

Holy shit, what a good awful cultural analysis.
>muh blond hair/blue eyes
>ignores damn near countless works, games, and movies that do not how such characters

>> No.3859581

You're making a shitload of assumptions about what I said and what I think and none of them are very accurate.
The Western influence on anime (and ultimately all of Japanese society post-WW2) is undeniable. What else do you call it when anime has a rock music soundtrack and features characters who eat at McDonald's and use English words in every sentence?

>> No.3859583

Because niggers are ugly

>> No.3859671

You sound like one of those aspies that argues all rock/pop music stems from nigger music

>> No.3859674

>Goku turns blond with blue eyes
>Naruto, blond blue eyes
Goku's eyes become green. It's a color harmony, and the fact that blond is a stereotype of delinquency in Japan. Also, Blonde/Blue is easy color complementary and it's used a lot. Look at Including your examples, Saber from Fate, Violet from Violet Evergarden, Chun-Li, etc.
They draw whatever they find aesthetic. Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.3859675
File: 120 KB, 1097x1039, white holocasut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3859682

It kinda does and I'm not him but the person he replied to.

You sound like one of those aspire who likes to go on the internet and tear down any and every black achievement.

>> No.3859734

White is most attractive skin color, all other races want to be white. Social justice warrior and people in denial will tell you otherwise, that we all beautifull and shieet, but this is just cope mechanism and denial.

>> No.3859738

I always joke about suicide but I feel like really doing it.

>> No.3859744
File: 23 KB, 390x365, CGWrnCDWwAEs_d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doin't do it man, i mean white are most beautifull, but it's not like you cant be pretty as non white. Didn't mean that.

>> No.3859766

Nigga just because you black don't mean you can't be a good man.

>> No.3859771

The characters they draw look 100x more beautiful than white girls usually look

>> No.3859774

some brown roastie/faggot. Not a kike

>> No.3859776

do it

>> No.3859827

A lot of asians are pale. Moat characters arent meant to be white, they're just pale asians. Like, sailor moon is blonde and blue eyed? Shes motvtho most Japanese readers see her as a Japanese girl.

Oh, and culturally many Asian countries value pale skin bc it's a status symbol like tanning in America or Canada.

>> No.3859852

if it helps you with anything, we whites have our own shit to be suicidal over. theres always somebody more happy than you, just ignore it and make the most of what you have

>> No.3859892

>>firstly variety doesn't =/= good
>variety doesn’t (doesn’t equal) good
>double negative
>doesn’t not equal good
>it is good


>> No.3859903

Thats dumb. Im not white and have hairy ape genes but I wont die from it lol. Who fucking cares, sure the most beautiful people around are pale Caucasians with European features by a high margin but if you take a best-of from any race they are all equally beautiful and from there its more of a flavour choice.

Most white people arent pretty. Most any race, arent pretty. We would merely start arguing where the median falls better. As you can see, most world populations have no problem breeding, they dont sit and seeth that they arent white. No one cares, its not THAT important to die over.

Art is a medium aimed at aesthetic beauty so people usually borrow caucasian features, but that's not a reflection of real life worth. Dont forget, for example, that slavs live fucking horribly in comparison to "uglier" people and their girls are often a target for human trafficking. Its not all great being "the fair race".

>> No.3859905

>not white
Isrealis with fair skin, blonde hair, and blue/green eyes. That's not white?

>> No.3859907

> What else do you call it when anime has a rock music soundtrack and features characters who eat at McDonald's and use English words in every sentence?
Modern Japanese society.

Same industry that produces yearly Shogun glorification animes and shoves a kimono/ninja mandatory-japanese-character or japanese heritage into every series.
Japan's anime industry takes cues but is not a fan of the west's politics, especially race and gender politics.

>> No.3859910
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Depends on who you ask, Ahkenazis/Russians can be considered converts, others have very clear jewish racial lineage

>> No.3859922
File: 42 KB, 370x370, 1552552729546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread would have been deleted by now if it was on /co/ or /a/

What a sad excuse to be racist

>> No.3860405

I'm Mexican. White (Jews are Sand Niggers) people generally have a neutral aesthetic, like a doll you can dress up i anything. But that is not say other types have a place in art they do.

>> No.3860412


>> No.3860471

Stuff like Gerudos work by having a bunch of sexy elements that mesh well with an uncommon element like a big nose. A big nose on it's own can't be sexy. A small nose can be (at the very least) appealing. Big mouths can mean anything so I don't know what you mean by that. I wouldn't classify pics Gerudo guardian's mouth as big tho

>> No.3860477

pale asian girls are aesthetic. High contrast of black hair and pale skin hnng

>> No.3860480

Idk female white girls have the most aesthetically pleasing faces
Latinas have the curvy sexy body
Some Africans are much faster and taller then all other races
Race is a real thing and all races have pros and cons

>> No.3860481

Voice of fucking reason whispering into the void over here.

>> No.3860486

>Smallest noses and mouths
Dumb nigger. Whites have the biggest noses.

>> No.3860496


>> No.3860504

>all races have pros and cons
Whites have no cons, mr.Shlosberg

>> No.3860511

am i on /ic/ or /pol/

>> No.3860516

This filth has spread to most boards unfortunately. :(

One day they’ll turn 18 or possibly rise above their autism and isolation fueled hate, but it’s unlikely.

>> No.3860593

They're not technically wrong
Whites have the most diverse hair and eye differences
Also most white girls have better faces while having average to trash bodies

>> No.3860750

Back to restera tranny.

>> No.3860869
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1552160498104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen actual 10/10 girls about 3 or 4 times in my life. One was mixed white/black, the rest were asians.

>> No.3860871
File: 1.10 MB, 400x286, tumblr_nbg4jvMQUF1rado2wo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noselets are sexy
That's just weebs' cargo cult.

>> No.3860874

People liking big noses are the anomaly, go back to where you got that pic from

>> No.3860879
File: 233 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_oum48kAmEW1ts96dfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nose size is irrelevant. The shape is what matters.
Same with boobs.

>> No.3860881

you convinced me

>> No.3860892

You've caught the yellowfever son.

>> No.3860902

Your fetish is fucked up.

>> No.3860905

Jew lover.

>> No.3860933

we've got a live one!!

>> No.3860998

all of you should be studying loomis right now

>> No.3861088

why do white incels draw predominantly anime girls?

>> No.3861956

Remember to sage and report racebait/ /pol/fag threads.

>> No.3862033

Because representation is bullshit. People are attracted to exotic and unusual things that are still harmonic. So asians tend to be attracted to anglo-germanics and celtiberians. Anglo-germanics tend to be attracted to asians and celtiberians. And celtiberians tend to be attracted to asians and anglo-germanics.

>> No.3862038

Maybe if SJWs hadn't forced everyone to eat, sleep and breathe politics these past four years the eternal disobedients that make 99% of 4chan wouldn't have lashed out like this.

>> No.3862673
File: 543 KB, 1456x1462, 1549215621259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because Asian artists are stupidly racist. They have a fantasy about princess in western style castle.

Anime girls don't look like most white girls. They have a mixture of eastern and western features. If anime girls did look like most white girls they would have more angular facial features and shadows. But they don't.

Japanese manga artists are idiots. They should stop drawing white people as Japanese characters.

Reference my art as counter example

>> No.3862733

>S-Sjws won't stop bullying me!

>> No.3863006

Someone explain to me why this topic is important. I don't understand how this even got 5 posts.

>> No.3863021

Sports who care about shit that does not matter.

>> No.3863122

That's a nice nose.

>> No.3863125

It's the poltards invading. Sage and report.

>> No.3863140 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna sound like a massive sjw, but where my sexy dark skin girls at? No matter where I look, they end looking like tumblr ass ham beast.

No offense I can respect folks who are into their people, I just find the pearly white ass OCs and characters boring...

>> No.3863237

>Whites have the biggest noses
You're missing these ((()))

>> No.3863275

>cope the thread
Why does this entire website fall for race bait so easily. It’s funny for a few posts but just ignore it. Holy shit. I mean yea spamming nigger at people is just board culture but these new retards who came here think 4chan was actually racist.

>> No.3863451

The real reason why Saiyans turn blond was because it helps Toriyama and his assistants to save money on ink. Seriously.

>> No.3863453

Post your photo.

>> No.3863460
File: 208 KB, 1250x1250, zeronis-39585316-10109907930978791-5130637493644820480-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a white character, that's an anime character. They're not drawing white people, they're drawing conventionally attractive characters with certain features that all people in the world consider attractive, such as smaller chins, smaller noses and fair skin.
If anything, most of these characters look more like Korean/Japanese models to me, not whites.

>> No.3863683

Caucasian women are beautiful, there's a reason muslim degenerates went straight to sweden to get the palest aryan women.

>> No.3864416

Badly constructed bait, no nuance. 2/10 try again later.

>> No.3864424

a tendency for cringe humor and neurotic/schizo tendencies is a pretty big one anon. Its why SJW culture is so prevalent.

>> No.3864472

You may say this is all politically incorrect, but you can't disregard and deny what the majority of artists draw and what they consider beautiful.

>> No.3865819

Asians are fucking racist, duh.

>> No.3866329

>typing faces
>implying you aren't the Gaian cancer killing this site

>> No.3866333

>Whites have no cons
All gays are white

>> No.3866382

Grasping for straws.

>> No.3866625

Furries would be the only thing I could think about and this alone is pretty bad

>> No.3866660

I bet this is either a nigger or a jap butthurt about being assraped by whites

>> No.3866663

>faggot complaining about 4chan culture
You need to go back to r*ddit, fag

>> No.3866806

waito piggu neetbux