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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 93 KB, 1020x679, ldr_thewitness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3853781 No.3853781 [Reply] [Original]

FYI there is a series of animated shorts on Netflix called "Love, Death & Robots". Third episode has background art and design by Alberto Mielgo, I think you guys would enjoy it. Warning: a lot of cringy reddit humor and "muh strong female protagonist/ white man bad" shit aswell in the other episodes. The art in the third episode is neat as fuck tho

>> No.3853787

I only started watching it for him and I'm pretty disappointed desu. Episode 3 was noice, the art especially, but the other episodes I've seen have pretty poor art. The first episode looks like a video game, the episode 2 and 4 are also bland looking and the writing is pretty poor across the board. The art and animation in episode 3 is god tier tho. Kinda like a continuation of what he did in spider-verse but more playful.

>> No.3853791
File: 202 KB, 1920x960, 1552780721283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did they animate that?

>> No.3853794


Motion capture, 3d + some 2d elements I think.

>> No.3853945

The witness, zima blue, fish night were my favorites.
A lot of technically impressive work and art direction for all the shorts but maybe one to many grim-realistic, video game cutscene space marine stories.

>> No.3853964

edgy garbage

>> No.3853986


>> No.3854014

Good thread OP. Maybe this is just a gemstone thread but is it me or does /ic/ seem to be a lot less shit than in 2013? Though 2013 had a lot of autistic shitposters who were, despite repetitive, glorious in their own way. Gets tiresome now though, after being avid poster on horrendous boards.

>> No.3854031

Fucking really cool

>> No.3854037

Just watched his demo reel, have to go draw environments and learn to animate now.

>> No.3854079


Post the torrent if you really want me to watch Jewflix material.

>> No.3854205
File: 25 KB, 250x250, adworf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about watching it but now that you mention it has most of those "progressive" tropes I might just skip it all together

>> No.3854211

I'm just gonna watch it on mute.

>> No.3854236

is this some kind of bot or something? who the fuck actually comments like this.

>> No.3854241

ugly face ngl

>> No.3854247

>muh strong female protagonist/ white man bad"
really? everyone on twitter keeps saying that it has a bunch of raped/mutilated/badly written male fantasy women in it.

>> No.3854248

lmao yea, either a "bot" or someone tripping they're a refined intellectual

>> No.3854249

>everyone on twitter
imagine my shock

>> No.3854250

Liking it so far. Found the animation on the third one kinda weird, then I figured it was the motion capture coupled with the 2d. Interesting, nonetheless.

>> No.3854253

In general all the stories were shit. But the CGI was fucking spot on. A lot of effort went into the animation for some of those episodes, and I think that's pretty cool.

>> No.3854258

This. And they're complaining that people think they have to make animation edgy/dark/offensive so adults can enjoy it (they're right)

>> No.3854275

It had a mix of both for sure, but almost all of the episodes had dyke/lesbian shorted haired women acting like men to appear strong and independent stereotypes.

That and the hitler episode was maximum cringe, not that I'm a nationalist or anything but the whole thing had marxist leaning undertones desu.

>> No.3854278

>marxist leaning undertones desu
That's part and parcel of living in the art world. For some reason the majority of the creative types are the ones who keep questioning the status quo.

>> No.3854281

That or they are being directed by bolshevik Jews to create pro communist propaganda, I doubt that artists at those levels care much for ideology, they're just working a job after all, or are the majority of successful artists marxists?

>> No.3854282

>criticizing Hitler is marxist

>> No.3854286

It's based as fuck, and i'm sad Alberto Mielgo had to apologise for the edginess of it (it's not edgy in the slightest). Admiring Netflix for supporting these artists, and would like to see them push shit to the limits of their imagination, damn what's socially acceptable.

>> No.3854289

this, majority of episodes were normal bluepill shit. The worst was the furry/steampunk episode.
The two worth watching is the 3rd in the series, mentioned in the OP, and the yoghurt one.

>> No.3854303

Maybe not.

I just found it weird that nationalism is openly denounced in the 2nd last episode and then we are introduced to a soviet era band of brothers who sacrifice themselves to kill literal demons(nazi's). I think the ideological statement is pretty explicit there, and that's the fun thing about subliminal messages.

>> No.3854442

t. Shitposters
Literally dindu anything

>> No.3854448

> i'm sad Alberto Mielgo had to apologise

>> No.3854450

> Netflix
> negro woman pilot

Always feels like you took the town zoo's monkey and dressed him in keeper clothes. The real Sci Fi right there.


>> No.3854486

when ppl ask why so many people /ic members fail at becoming artists I show them threads like these, and I take real comfort in knowing that I will never have to deal with any of you fuckless desperate for human contact shit for brains failures.

You are garbage and you deserve nothing.

>> No.3854502
File: 186 KB, 717x880, vcpPZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3854507

Watched them all and yeah, the show itself wasn’t great. I found myself questioning if something was real life or CGI a few times, but other than that it was pretty bland. Also didn’t like how graphic it was. Like did it have to be so sexual in certain parts? What did that add to the story? I don’t consider myself a prude but it just seemed that they showed graphic (albeit animated) nudity for the sake of... well nothing. That being said, episode 2 was the only one I liked. I thought it was pretty funny and wouldn’t mind watching an entire series with just those robots.

>> No.3854527


What are you referring to you passive agressive cunt?

>> No.3854549

Pretty fun watch.

>> No.3854607

just because you see a couple of dicks, tits and pussy doesnt make it sexual you fucking baby, grow up.

>> No.3854622

This post is American/Ameri-pozzed.
Please proceed with caution when engaging.

>> No.3854628

Oh, okay. So then what does make it sexual? Maybe the fact that 9/10 times that they were shown, it was in a sexual connotation.

Can you tell me the purpose of the rape subplot? The lesbian sex scene? The woman being chased by a “murderer” working at a fetish club and stripping/dancing? The mthyical creature/prostitute being turned into a machine (except her vagina of course) just to be raped? The Hitler prostitute thing? Every single episode didn’t have to feature those things. They did it to cater to people like you that can’t have their attentions held for more than a minute unless they can masturbate to it. To say that it’s not intended to be sexual is incredibly ignorant.

>> No.3854637

>B-But yoou just want to masturbate

your next line is "you're just an incel..!!"

Sex, gore and profanity do not need a reason to be. They are sometimes a stylistic choice and sometimes a narrative driven one.

Go drink some cold water and calm down.

>> No.3854651

jesus you big fucking baby this board is 18+

>> No.3854652

Rape is a stylized choice? A narrative choice? Mentioning a rape in a 15 minute short is not narrative, it’s exploitive. It’s cheap storytelling. Using a rape as the sole reason as to why a woman is strong or can fight is idiotic. You’re just as dumb as the men that wrote the show.

>> No.3854658

>You’re just as dumb as the men that wrote the show.

>> No.3854661

it can be both exploitative, cheap, and a narrative choice at the same time moron.

>> No.3854662

Your point being??? I can’t believe you losers are getting so uppity because I questioned the amount of sex and nudity. SURELY when you’re tied to a 12-15 minute time frame you would use every second as an opportunity to delvelop your story. I guess people don’t care about that though! We just want tits and ass.

>> No.3854670

OKAY, and if you enjoy cheap and exploitive narratives, GO WATCH PORN. I can’t believe how stupid you people are. Think with your brain instead of your dicks for 2 seconds. For the sake of good story telling and for the sake of (dare I say it here of all places) art. You can have nudity in a film. You can have sex. You can have rape. You can have violence. But let it hold a fucking actual purpose. There isn’t a single short in this series that would have at all been affected had they swapped out these scenes. Is that so hard to comprehend?

>> No.3854675

i never said i enjoyed it, cunT

>> No.3854687


The refuge of dumb cunts. This isnt porn. Its a narrative choice. You cant deal with that because you're a child and sexuality & violence scare you. You're throwing a tantrum over nothing and it sound like nothing but the wailing of an asinine child, mostly likely an immature she-cunt given you explicitly insult the "men" that wrote it.

> There isn’t a single short in this series that would have at all been affected had they swapped out these scenes. Is that so hard to comprehend?

Oh I would argue quite the opposite. There isnt a single scene in this series that would've been better for it. I commend them for not shying away from grittiness because a whale like you is too afraid to deal with her own internalized shame. Is that so hard to comprehend.

>Mentioning a rape in a 15 minute short is not narrative, it’s exploitive


Feeling exploited yet? Got a PTSD yet? Should have I given you a trigger warning?

>> No.3854721

Then stfu and stop trying to defend it.

My favourite thing about arguing with men online is that they always act the exact way you expect them to. All I said was there was no point to it and you’re all up in arms screeching about how it’s totally needed to develop a 15 minute story.

I have no shame. I watched every single episode. It wasn’t difficult for me to watch in the slightest. I didn’t feel uncomfortable. All I said was that I didn’t see the fucking purpose. Your reply is so immature. I genuinely feel bad for anyone that has to actually associate with you in the real world.

>> No.3854737

theres like one sex scene lol

>> No.3854744


My favourite thing about arguing with whales online is they always act the way you expect them to

>All I said was there was no point to it and you’re all up in arms screeching about how it’s totally needed to develop a 15 minute story.
backpedaling at its best, classic whale tactic.

> Mentioning a rape in a 15 minute short is not narrative, it’s exploitive. It’s cheap storytelling. Using a rape as the sole reason as to why a woman is strong or can fight is idiotic. You’re just as dumb as the men that wrote the show.
> Its exploitive
> cheap
> idiotic
> you're just as dumb as the men who wrote it
> GO WATCH PORN. I can’t believe how stupid you people are. Think with your brain instead of your dicks for 2 seconds

>" A-A-All I said was there was no point to it and u mad haha!"

>I have no shame
>I watched every single episode
Good for you.
> It wasn’t difficult for me to watch in the slightest
Alot of screeching for no difficulty.
> All I said was that I didn’t see the fucking purpose.
Refer to the earlier part of the post. You said a whole lot more.
>Your reply is so immature.
> I genuinely feel bad for anyone that has to actually associate with you in the real world.

I'll refer you to my earlier statement, ugly:
Drink some cold water and calm down.

>> No.3854749

>All I said was that I didn’t see the fucking purpose
so it would have been different for you if there was no nudity? what purpose would there be if there was none? why do faggots like you think everything has to be purposeful why cant it just be that way because the director wanted it to? right because you think all men are perverts that has to be it. thats its only purpose nudity serves, fuck off you dumb bitch.

>> No.3854751

>duded im aggressively incorrect and if you argue with me then you like rape

oh go fuck yourself

>> No.3854761

Because that’s literally all I DID SAY until it offended you or whoever else so deeply. So I elaborated as to why it wasn’t necessary. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.3854764

Cheap exploitive story telling =\= rape, but okay mama.

>> No.3854775


My first reply to you was when you insulted people by saying this is just for "people like you (the one you replied to)" who only want to masturbate because we cant hold our attention for anything else. Then you claim everyone who doesnt agree with you is ignorant. all this because someone told you you're being a baby over sexual content because you obviously cant handle it well, which is a personal problem.

So, at the same time you act high and mighty you call people that don't mind sexual themes or undertones to be apes that cant think without their hand on their dicks, and then call them ignorant. And then you say you didn't say anything aside from it being pointless..?

You're a stereotype of a vapid hysterical whale so you get treated as such. Its not very complex.

> until it offended you or whoever else so deeply.

I guarantee you if anyone reads this chain of posts, I wont be the one looking mad here.

>> No.3854799

I said I didn’t see why there was so much nudity in the episodes. I said it didn’t have any real purpose, so it wouldn’t have made a difference to the overall “goal” of the show. I said generally I did not enjoy the show and it was overall bland. I would’ve said the same sans nudity/sex. Most others agree here that it wasn’t that great overall.

I get called a “fucking baby” and told to grow up. That’s fine. But saying it wasn’t done in a sexual nature (say, vs. nudity in a documentary or for medical purposes, etc.) is what started the “second” conversation. I said it was done in a sexual manner, and obviously so. So if you don’t agree with that, YES, I am calling you ignorant because everything that involved nudity was sexual or violent.

If you can’t comprehend the possibility of a show without sex, then yes, you can’t think with your head. If you want to see something like that, then yes, go watch porn.

Like I said before, there’s nothing wrong with including these themes. But it needs to have purpose. As an artist, a director, or a writer, this is the only thing you should aim for. Cheap thrills, cheap story telling, etc. does not create a lasting impact on your audience. It never has an never will be.

I can handle it well and I don’t mind it. But the thing is, for anyone to handle it well, it should be done well. It doesn’t have to be wrapped up in a pretty package, as things like that simply aren’t pretty. But you shouldn’t cheapen them and use them a sub-sub plots and do/say things just for the sake of doing/saying them. But yet I’m mad for wanting more. I’m mad for trying to convey a point that if you’re going to do something, see it through.

>> No.3854805

you implied that i enjoyed watching rape and if i didnt then i should shut up and stop defending it (which i wasnt, i was defending the fact that a rape scene can be both a narrative choice as well as a cheap trashy storytelling shortcut)

so fuck you

>> No.3854817

Nope, never did. Where did I specifically say rape in that reply? I said cheap exploitive story telling, which in that next context, I meant the show as a whole. If that’s how you took the reply, I apologize and I didn’t think you enjoyed “rape”, but rather that you didn’t care about the story. Re-reading I can see how it could easily be taken a certain way given the previous replies. I’m sorry.

>> No.3854818
File: 576 KB, 1500x525, MIELGO_ALBERTO_BERNSTEIN_ANDRULLI051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you anon. These faggots can't even talk about the art for two minutes withouth devolving into retarded edgy politics about marxist and jews controling the world.

People that care about art have long gone from /ic/, the mayority of people here are just robots from /r9k/ larping as artists.and weebs that think drawing hentai is the pinacle of art.

Anyway, Alberto Mielgo is cool, so here is a little of his art to contribute to this shit thread.

>> No.3854819

>But saying it wasn’t done in a sexual nature (say, vs. nudity in a documentary or for medical purposes, etc.) is what started the “second” conversation

That wasnt me and it still doesnt really change anything. Sexually gratifying or not, that's none of your business really.

>So if you don’t agree with that, YES, I am calling you ignorant because everything that involved nudity was sexual or violent.
Whats ignorant about that? You are making 0 points and using words you don't understand.

> you can’t comprehend the possibility of a show without sex, then yes, you can’t think with your head.

Point to 1 (ONE) point at which I said this. Quite the opposite. I said I commend them for not shying away from such themes. Not that shows without it are bad. If anything, its YOU claiming it adds nothing and is "idiotic, cheap, exploitive". (who is getting exploited here? fictional characters?). Try to respond without dropping your mistakes on others please.

But i'll tell ya what, I do find it quite boring when shows that clearly hint about such things (like idk, heavy crime films or about horrible abusive villains) magically pretend as if sexual violence doesn't exist in their world. But that would be a matter of feeling authentic rather than for gratification.

>If you want to see something like that, then yes, go watch porn.
> Wanting to see, or atleast not minding, sexual tones in a work of creative fiction equals to hearing some she-boon with plastic tits whaling "OOH YESS SSSSS DADDY FUCK ME" on Pornhub.

Now see, THIS is ignorance. And arrogance. What do you tell people who enjoy bloodbath and saw films? Watch snuff and real life massacres?

>> No.3854824


>Like I said before, there’s nothing wrong with including these themes.
Sure. Thats why you're whaling on anyone that might like it.

>But it needs to have purpose.
No it doesnt. None of this needs purpose. Its fiction. If its stylish and people like it its enough.

>As an artist, a director, or a writer, this is the only thing you should aim for.
Directors aim for a vision they find interesting or appealing. This is all they should do. Dont police them what to do, or go make something yourself.

> Cheap thrills, cheap story telling, etc. does not create a lasting impact on your audience. It never has an never will be.

Cool. Not seeing what makes sexuality inherently cheap thou. You dont seem to need justifications for how the hell do these robots function. How convenient.

>I can handle it well and I don’t mind it.
lol ok.

> But the thing is, for anyone to handle it well, it should be done well.
I'd say it was OK. sounds like a personal problem.

>But you shouldn’t cheapen them and use them a sub-sub plots and do/say things just for the sake of doing/saying them.
Dont see why you're making this a big thing. It doesnt get questioned much when people die in these kinds of shows.

> But yet I’m mad for wanting more
Nah, you're mad for being called out, is more like it.
>I’m mad for trying to convey a point that if you’re going to do something, see it through.
Quite a change in tone from
>Rape is a stylized choice? A narrative choice? Mentioning a rape in a 15 minute short is not narrative, it’s exploitive. It’s cheap storytelling. Using a rape as the sole reason as to why a woman is strong or can fight is idiotic. You’re just as dumb as the men that wrote the show.

So lets see here, now its not a matter of using sexual undertones but doing it in a way you'd prefer it.

Could've explained that without going on a tirade about men. You already exposed your cards so I dont really care to continue this, appreciate you mellowed thou.

>> No.3854826

I’m replying to what you say and explaining the previous replies to other people that may or may have not been you on an anonymous board. The nudity in the show was violent/sexual in nature. Period. This a general reply to the arguments against what I said, whether or not it was said by you or someone else. I am calling anyone who doesn’t see that dumb.

Once again, a “blanketed” reply to the other people talking to me in the thread.

And it’s not about wanting to see it or not. It’s about how if you’re going to do it, do it properly. Idk how many different ways I can say this. I questioned the idea of the show not including these scenes and certain people (maybe not you exactly) shot that down. So naturally I am going to be inclined to say if you want to see that, go see it in it’s purest form (pornography). And no, sex isn’t really the same as violence. I wouldn’t tell someone that had some sort of rape fetish to go out and rape someone. When violence is introduced, it becomes an issue. I’m not anti-porn or anti-sex. I don’t have an issue with someone watching porn and having sex IRL. Most (hopefully) porn is done in a professional and safe environment with consenting adults. So no, saying go watch porn is not the same as go watch snuff if you like horror movies. I can understand why you would make that comparison, but in the real world it doesn’t check out. Have a lovely day.

>> No.3854833

It was important to say the men that wrote the show because the majority of rape and sex violence is done against women. You can try all you want, but unless you are a victim yourself or are a woman, you can never truly understand or write realistic characters that women can sympathize with, just how I can’t do the same for you. Instead you (the director) are using a character’s rape as sort of a personality trait or something. And yeah, I basically said I don’t mind these things if they are thought through and done well. But in this case, they weren’t. Which is why I said it could do without.

(Now I’m really leaving, so you don’t have to reply to this.)

>> No.3854839

I'm glad the only thing we can all agree on is that Pewdiepie is a fascist and joe rogan looks like a boiled hot dog

>> No.3854847

>Pewdiepie is a fascist

>> No.3854858

> I’m replying to what you say and explaining the previous replies to other people that may or may have not been you on an anonymous board.
My reply chain is pretty visible. There was no need to do that.
>The nudity in the show was violent/sexual in nature.
> Period
I already knew a person with these kind of dumb arguments was American but thanks for cementing that.
>This a general reply to the arguments against what I said, whether or not it was said by you or someone else. I am calling anyone who doesn’t see that dumb.
Don't make me link irony again.
>And it’s not about wanting to see it or not. It’s about how if you’re going to do it, do it properly.
AKA: Do it how I want it.
>Idk how many different ways I can say this.
I dont see why you need to, your "point" was made clear a long time ago and it was bad.
> So naturally I am going to be inclined to say if you want to see that, go see it in it’s purest form (pornography)
And im telling you, if you want to go see robots, go to Boston Dynamics, and if you want to see violence, go watch snuff. What's the problem?
> And no, sex isn’t really the same as violence.
Supposedly, yes. But we are talking about sexual violence, so.
> I wouldn’t tell someone that had some sort of rape fetish to go out and rape someone.
I sure hope not. Dont think pointing them to generic porn solves anything either though.
>When violence is introduced, it becomes an issue.
Not really. Fiction is all the same. Fiction. If you're gonna complain about real life consequences, there are alot of things in this film I would call out and get you really mad :)
> I’m not anti-porn or anti-sex.
Evidently, with the amount of times you've been pointing people to porn here, one would suspect you're a PornHub employee.
>I don’t have an issue with someone watching porn and having sex IRL.
OK? How is this relevant?

>> No.3854863

see, your problem here is that what youre essentially arguing is a baseline level of concern for the well-being of others, something that all women and a good portion of men can understand, but not these particular autists on 4chan. they only understand instant gratification and a skewed concept of freedom. they likely have little obligation, have never worked, and escape into violent media because it makes them feel good. questioning the artistic integrity of pulp shit made by soulless corporations feels threatening to them. they only know buzzwords and reactions. trying to relate to them in anyway would be like trying to teach them taste, lol. these smooth-brained dipshits talk about art on here like a bunch of spazzes arguing about which direction to put a piece of bread in the microwave.

>> No.3854868


> Most (hopefully) porn is done in a professional and safe environment with consenting adults.
Which... is nothing like the piece of fiction presented to us. So, you contradict yourself, by telling people to consume a media completely unrelated to the subject matter. Thanks for admitting your logical fallacy, I guess.
>So no, saying go watch porn is not the same as go watch snuff if you like horror movies.
Oh, its about the same as telling someone who doesnt mind or even is interested in sexual and sexual violence presentations in creative media to go watch mass produced porn. Which is -- NOT THE SAME AT ALL. Who woulda thunk?
>I can understand why you would make that comparison, but in the real world it doesn’t check out.
You proved why it does in your own post lol.
>majority of rape and sex violence is done against women
I mean, my favourite manga is Berserk, which starts with Guts getting raped. And most sexual violence is against women, so... it makes.. sense?
>You can try all you want, but unless you are a victim yourself or are a woman, you can never truly understand or write realistic characters that women can sympathize with,
> Identity politics
Go back to twitter. Better yet, dont watch shows about robots, fictional creations of a man, or war series, battles waged almost entirely by men, you dont have a dick so you just dont get it ;^).
Also this aint therapy session, the director doesn't need to sympathize with your aching feminine soul.
> Instead you (the director) are using a character’s rape as sort of a personality trait or something.
Ok. Alot of male characters have a tragic background as their main character traits too. Thats a different problem from having sexual tones.its one-dimensionality.

I dont really care whether you reply or even read this. Just wanted to show the error in your logic. Enjoy your water.

>> No.3854870

I can see your shit eating grin from here, btw. Alot of assumptions for a small person.

>> No.3854886

You're not missing anything. Just go watch Akira.

>> No.3854889
File: 915 KB, 1280x720, 1527546166260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is

>psychological subversion

For me it's just kind of annoying when I'm trying to watch some cool art and I'm being bombarded by progressive marxist propaganda. Good for you though that none of this stuff exists.

>> No.3854890

>Dismiss something shitty even if there is something of value within it

If you knew there was a gold bar inside of a pile of trash you’d probably be stupid enough to walk away

>> No.3854892

Gold is pretty worthless without the pyramid scheme on top of it so might aswell

>> No.3854893

"progressive marxist propaganda" in commercial art...
lol what a 'tard, go to bed stupid

>> No.3854895

>propaganda don't real
The absolute state of sheeple.

>> No.3854909
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I feel proud of myself for finishing it despite that.

Shows that I really love art. I am better at art than all of you btw prove me wrong haha.

>> No.3854916
File: 421 KB, 1500x524, MIELGO_ALBERTO_BERNSTEIN_ANDRULLI044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This faggot talking about propaganda while also repeating right wing propaganda about how the marxists control capitalism.

Go read a book, tard.

>> No.3854918

Is there or is there not propaganda clearly on display in the series, and if so, what kind?
let's discard any preconceived theories and look at the work objectively.

>> No.3854930
File: 567 KB, 750x566, MIELGO_ALBERTO_BERNSTEIN_ANDRULLI001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No there isn't. Do you even know the definition of propaganda? Hint; it isn't just any work of art that has a moral that you don't like.

Edgy female empowerment, sex, and progressive ideals are part of the ciberpunk genre since it's conception anyway, by your retarded logic Neuromancer is "marxist" propaganda too.
You guys getting so triggered about it just goes to show how much you live in an ecochamber.

>> No.3854943


simpleminded manchildren with no emotional development whatsoever getting their mind blown by a 2 bit grifter like Peterson because he told them to go clean their rooms is always hilarious to see in the wild lol

>> No.3854947

>greentext guy takes arguments from girls seriously
Why am I not surprised

>> No.3854952

What does this even mean.

>> No.3854965
File: 97 KB, 235x250, 1552538942436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do i find a community that cares about art? I care about art but i have no ideia where to go
4chan now is just spamming buzzwords at eachother and social media is an echo chamber

>> No.3854988
File: 243 KB, 500x501, MIELGO_ALBERTO_BERNSTEIN_ANDRULLI060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, these guys are retards that let anti-SJWs memes actually shape their view of reality, the most dumb type of propaganda there is, ironically.
At least most Sjw's on tumblr had the excuse that they were dumb teenagers

Great argument my dude. You seem to have all these opinions but can't seem to be able to defend them after people point very basic shit to you.

Idk my dude. Most of my art friends I know from real life.
I find that Instagram actually has some very cool discussions from time to time if you follow the right artists. If you want to talk art in general, I've found that movie buff comunities tend to be ones of the most healthy and balanced there are, generally.

>> No.3854999


>> No.3855006

You see folks we're witnessing the early onsets of redpilling. It's clear that this is a woman. It would be great to be able to study her more and find out her "time till Jews" timeline.
Why do they push it so much and so hard? They try to cram it into everything! Movies, tv shows, art, commercials, car ads, video games, music etc. But get all queasy and uneasy with showing actual murder videos on the basis that it's damaging to the psyche. Has potential to mess someone up to see something so visually carnal. Oh but not sex. Sex is meaningless but also powerful. Or so the purveyors of such images would have you believe.

>> No.3855021

>anti-SJWs memes actually shape their view of reality
Sucks in 60 years of unabashed and openly leftist propaganda that's been pumped out of liberal arts colleges around the globe for decades that's been compromised by communists since before your parents were born. Then you let that shit shape your reality because if it was wrong then you've made some really terrible mistakes in your life haven't you?
>lesbian pic
Case in point. Degeneracy isn't art. It's the most basic instinct man can fall to. Leading nothing to thought or intelligence but primal instinct. This picture is no better art than a picture dog fucking another dog in a shitty Mexican street gutted.
>my dude
>my dude
Kys again
>most of my art friends I know irl
Implying that you have any friends at all. You're the type of hipster faggot that knows a lot of people yet knows nothing about them. Chances are they've been just as mindfucked as you have into thinking the most milquetoast opinion is the superior opinion because those "above" you have told you so. Congratulations you're the perfect kind of person they want you to be. Predictable, obedient, and totally unoriginal.

>> No.3855024

>comparing fictional depictions of sex to actual depictions of violence

come on, if you were to compare it to fictional depictions of violence then your argument falls apart, because there’s plenty of that too. keep trying

>> No.3855035

>fictional depictions of sex
The reason there is no difference is because sex is simple. Add on top of that degenerate sex and there you go. Besides, how many times have you heard of actors doing the real thing for the realism only for you the viewer to believe it's fake. You can take this idea to an actual murder video, "well, in my mind, I think it's fake so therefore it is."
>fictional violence
It works just the same, this is why "found footage" films have such a long term impact and are perceived as scarier than your average hack n slash. If a fake murder looks real enough to the point you don't know it's fake, then it might as well be real.
It was a good try to deflect the argument but you're too simple. Try harder.

>> No.3855044

dweeb who browses 4chan and wants to talk about degeneracy.
> ...that knows a lot of people yet knows nothing about them

who the fuck talks like that? haha
stick to trains and lego captain autism

>> No.3855047
File: 123 KB, 500x500, AMELIA_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This level of autism

Please be bait.
But just in case you aren't, I'm sure Alberto Mielgo doesn't care about your snowflake sensibilities, my dude.
Look at how delusional you are, you created a whole fanfic about me to be able to dismiss my points withouth actually addressing them.

What do you think about SJWs that see racism and sexism in every movie and tv show, anon?

This. It reeks of someone who repeats frases that he heard somewhere else to sound deep and smart.
Also, we all know these guys complaining about "degeneracy" are the ones that then go to fill all the porn boards of cuck interracial porn.

>> No.3855056

>dismiss my points without addressing them
You didn't bring up any points just platitudes that you heard your favorite milquetoasf leftists say. You're not that smart.
>sjws who see racism and sexism in every movie
You live in the world of everyone trying to get over on someone for anything. Take disparate impact laws. Do you know how much money a nigger like you can get for pointing out that the ads for your apartment complex has not 1 nigger depicted in it?

>> No.3855064
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>discord servers are just a bunch tripfags fucking around and never doing any real work
>social media is a political shithole where your identity & being #visible_x matters more than your drawing
>crimson daggers, ca and cubebrush get maybe 2 posts a month between the 3 of them
>/ic/ is a shadow of its former self, barely even has ref threads anymore because people here care so little about drawing
it's all very disheartening. picarto is the closest thing i've found to a community where people actually draw and talk about drawing. the massive black forums are gonna make everything better r-right?

>> No.3855066

>the massive black forums are gonna make everything better r-right?
Y-yes, it’s all going to be ok soon

>> No.3855068

dude maybe you should log out for a bit...you're obviously not all there...go find yourself some actual human contact...

>> No.3855072
File: 53 KB, 1024x537, IMG_7103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This means I win, right?

>> No.3855074
File: 249 KB, 614x482, monika02web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that you heard your favorite milquetoasf leftists say. You're not that smart.
Lol, you are trying to copy what that other anon pointed out about you? It hit a nerve, didn't it?

You are very transparent anon. The fact that you were skeptical about someone having friends irl says more about you than anyone would need to know. Like >>3855068
said, its clear you have problems, you are barely coherent, you must know you have problems too. Stop living in that paranoid bubble, man, ask for help.


>> No.3855077

I tried to respond to this post >>3855074, I must have clicked on >>3855021 by accident.

>> No.3855079
File: 33 KB, 390x300, IMG_7054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol, you are trying to copy what that other anon pointed out about you? It hit a nerve, didn't it?
That was me retard. You see I told you you're not that smart. You may proceed to kys.
>The fact that you were skeptical about someone having friends irl says more about you than anyone would need to know.
You make constant personal attacks and call people "losers, incels, lonely" someone makes a joke about you and you can't get over it. This is why people hate leftists like you. Obviously you're new here. Obviously, you're pretty slow, and obviously you have severely stunted cognitive faculties if you can't follow my logic. All hallmark signs of a tranny well on the way to joining the 40%.

>> No.3855080

Kek even better example of how utterly fucking hopeless and stupid you are. You really should just go to bed anon.

>> No.3855081

Having a bad day anon?

>> No.3855092

Not at all. Been feeling great all weekend. What about you? Is there something you need to talk about?

>> No.3855093
File: 577 KB, 1000x671, MIELGO_ALBERTO_BERNSTEIN_ANDRULLI020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That was me retard. You see I told you you're not that smart. You may proceed to kys.
Yes, after that other anon said:

>who the fuck talks like that? haha stick to trains and lego captain autism
And I said:
> It reeks of someone who repeats frases that he heard somewhere else to sound deep and smart.

So yes, not only you tried to copy what was pointed out about you as if it was a smart observation, but you are so dumb that you have trouble following the conversation now.

Anyway, you know you have problems anon, stop trying to pass them as jokes, you are not fooling anyone, and you can't fool yourself either.
Anyway, good look with your life anon, I hope you learn to get out of that crazy pit you are in right now.

>> No.3855095

He probably is, its best to ignore him. He might get upset if you try to pry

>> No.3855097
File: 340 KB, 800x807, 1552768140658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>104 replies
>just 4 are talking about the show

>> No.3855102

/ic/ doesn't talk about good art silly. it's all about finding minute errors in people who are better than you so that your own lack of accomplishment hurts less.

>> No.3855105
File: 160 KB, 528x686, IMG_6136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough I misread your mistake that you already admitted making. Whole points moot.
>reeks of someone who repeats frases that he heard somewhere else to sound deep and smart.
>Anyway, you know you have problems anon, stop trying to pass them as jokes, you are not fooling anyone, and you can't fool yourself either.
Anyway, good look with your life anon, I hope you learn to get out of that crazy pit you are in right now.
>reeks of someone who repeats frases that he heard somewhere else to sound deep and smart
>copy what that other anon said
Literally none of what I said I was copied from anyone
You're coping so hard but go ahead run away like the faggot little bitch you are

>> No.3855106

I see this thread is full of slow folk this evening

>> No.3855125
File: 162 KB, 750x534, for+pete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, at least I'm posting works by the actual artist mentioned in the OP.

Most people are talking about the show anyway, very retarded discussion about the politics in it, but it's about the show nonetheless..

>> No.3855306
File: 108 KB, 1080x963, 31154054_10160298867900710_2278901332200914944_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, anon, I had to go to bed. >>3854952

I'll give a response as best I can though.

>No there isn't. Do you even know the definition of propaganda? Hint; it isn't just any work of art that has a moral that you don't like.

Propaganda definition: information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people's opinions.

I don't proclaim to not have a bias, we all do after all since we live in a society. But to say that something does not have a political or ideological leaning is the height of ignorance, everything does, even on the most minute and personal expressions are somehow influenced by the surrounding forces that shaped us, and the previous generations before that.
Am I morally invested and therefor approaching the messages in the series with a strong bias? Yes, absolutely, I despise leftist and progressive culture, it's a cancer on western society, in my personal opinion the ideas are harmful and manipulatory, and ultimately a degradation of pure and wholesome values.

>Edgy female empowerment, sex, and progressive ideals are part of the ciberpunk genre since it's conception anyway,

You deny that there is any propaganda at all on display only to proclaim that there is progressive propaganda on display.

>by your retarded logic Neuromancer is "marxist" propaganda too.

I haven't read Neurmancer, I have the book though as it was recommended to me by several friends, why do you think I would label it as marxist propaganda?

>You guys getting so triggered about it just goes to show how much you live in an ecochamber.

If someone has to name call and label others as either retarded or somehow less intelligent, especially by resorting to state mandated leftist buzzwords Then I am sorry to say that you, are the one in echo chamber, friend.

>> No.3855319
File: 256 KB, 250x231, XPHn3P2Z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there are some shitty eps, sure, some are just bad, but I enjoyed most of them. Even the first one with MUH STRONK WOMYN. Do watch them, you're not loosing anything. Just mind that originally Zima Blue wasn't a nigger. And scientist were actually male.

My top eps are 4 15 2

>> No.3855321


Most "progressive" episode of them all.

>> No.3855328

go watch lethal weapon and stop crying jesus christ

>> No.3855335
File: 9 KB, 401x367, 14838119088210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projecting much, pathetic cuck?

>> No.3855336

it's not just /ic/ that's this bad right?
everything on this godforsaken board just seems like /pol/ and friends.
no i'm not saying "le orange man bad" but this thread went to shit in under like 20 posts.
and for fuck's sake, >>3855306 un-ironically (hopefully ironically) pulled the "we live in a society" shit while also typing a response that ended in a "no u".

i know some of you fuckers are holding out, where do the rest of us that want to care about something go?

>> No.3855341
File: 4 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no i'm not saying "le orange man bad" but
Got you, NPC

>> No.3855342

i just want to fucking talk about art and getting better at it with other motivated drawfags. i don't care about either side of this political shitshow and everyone involved seems like complete faggots. is there any place where artists haven't convinced themselves that they're political strategists who need to share their lukewarm opinions with the world?

>> No.3855349
File: 70 KB, 393x550, mp,550x550,gloss,ffffff,t.3u3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect, on every other platform you are immediately censored and labeled a racist/nazi for having a slightly differing opinion. why is that? Also am I stating anywhere that I'm right leaning, why is that always the immediate assumption? I hate both sides with equal vigor and I hate it when your filthy propaganda makes its way into my field of vision.

Also I think the political connotations of modern art are a completely valid topic and very art related. Propaganda as ideological ideas and methods of implementation and tactics is a diverse and well developed field that takes a particular breed of artist, pic related.

Lol your response is so scripted it's hilarious and also immensely sad.
>orange man
>no u

No one is forcing anything on you, if you hate this place so much then you are welcome to leave or hide this thread.

The absolute state of normies, jesus fuck.

>> No.3855350

Feels like they got someones college age son to write the scripts for 4.50 an hour and then hired world class animation studios to make them.

>> No.3855361

Imagine a 2005 version of 4chan where people get ofended if you mock Bush, filed with normies that take every ironic meme literally. This is the timeline we are living in.
The worst part is that there are some of us that are not mentally deficient, but we will never have as much precense as these NEETs have because we have actual lives and can't spend a whole day posting about jews and feminism.

>> No.3855369
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>> No.3855373
File: 33 KB, 348x383, 1520867106004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you post on 4chan you have no life and are mentally deficient
>posts on 4han


>> No.3855374

and the response to both of us is just so fucking predictable.

i quite literally said NOTHING about your political alignment, i just implied that your post is incredibly low quality.
and i thought i had to preface my post like that so people wouldn't get offended or make assumptions but here we are.

i guess the solution is to just try to communicate with people that seem worth communicating to or reply to threads worth replying to.
this probably isn't it - at least not anymore.

>> No.3855375

Every time, right?

>> No.3855378

>everything on this godforsaken board just seems like /pol/ and friends.
>no i'm not saying "le orange man bad" but this thread went to shit in under like 20 posts.
are these not implications that I am right leaning, and if not directed at me which specific posts are these implications directed at?

>un-ironically (hopefully ironically) pulled the "we live in a society" shit while also typing a response that ended in a "no u".
I don't actually understand what you're trying to say here, can you explain?

>> No.3855406

I guess that's fair, but every thread will be raided by /r9k/ autists in no time. Look at all these low effort memes above us, It's not just political shit either, it's very obvious most of them never draw but still try to pass all of these retarded ideas as facts. I've seen retards create conspiracy theories about how the fundamentals are a distraction created by pro artists to fool begginers into wasting time. Another time a guy in a "muh western art is degenerating" thread hated abstraction so much he tried to argue that color theory was false.

To be honest, I think /ic/ is dead, the /r9k/ and /pol/ faggots killed it. Just use it to take arbooks, save cool artwork and get the name of cool artists like Alberto Mielgo.

>Everyone that disagrees with me is a SJWs
>But I'm not like the SJWs you guys
I also forgot to mention how unfunny and repetitive most /pol/ memes are now.

Never said that.
Saying someone on 4chan doens't have a life is different from saying anyone on 4chan doesn't have a life, tard.

>> No.3855411

>I also forgot to mention how unfunny and repetitive most /pol/ memes are now.
>I-it's not me! It's you!

>> No.3855413

I have the right to assume whatever I want about your posts and no one can stop me.

>> No.3855414

Very obvious same fag. One post right after the other.

These are probably samefags too:

>> No.3855421
File: 46 KB, 763x313, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3855437

>Implying something that can be faked in 10 seconds is some sort of evidence.

What are the chances of you guys replying within 10 seconds of eachother everytime? And that one of you broke the pattern for the first time just after I pointed out how suspicious it was?
This got 10 times more pathethic if it is true.

>> No.3855444

Lol again. Believe what you want, it's all me all over the place.

>> No.3855606

Just as I thought, you're an intellectual dumbass and are literally incapable of maintaining any kind of meaningful discussion or respectful debate. I rest my case.

>> No.3855615

There's a 45 second limit between posts, you just proved they AREN'T samefags. Dumbass.

Or do you imagine someone mashing on multiple computers and IPs just so he can own the libs? Lmao

>> No.3855621

>I want this to be for grown-ups so I better make it as edgy and violent as possible and maybe show some nudity (but still no explicit sex because that's taboo and I'm too much of a pussy to show that)
>Uhm maybe write something actually deep and well wr-
>lol no this isn't really for adults, it's for 18 year olds who think they're adults, the plot needs to be dumb as fuck
Welcome to the mainstream approach to "mature" shit. Same thing with 90% of seinen, it's just shonen with more edge. On the other side of the fence is some European expressionist movie where some guy stares at a wall for 30 minutes and then screams while, idk, a pigeon eats some vomit off the ground. And it's super deep for some reason.

This is why I don't even bother consuming media anymore.

>> No.3855627

>"made for adults" says netflix
>only twitter kiddos watched it