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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 406 KB, 1000x1412, IMG_3958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3845482 No.3845482 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid questions thread/questions that don't deserve their own thread. Last one is autosaging.

I want to copy the style of pic related. How do I get this pastel look in Photoshop? Know any brushes I can use? The style reminds me of Yoshi's Island on the SNES if you want another example.

>> No.3845522

>I want to copy the style of pic related. How do I get this pastel look in Photoshop?
Layer styles with custom brush. Might lag it though.

>> No.3845523

>Layer styles with custom brush
Anything more specific? I know there's nothing automatic, this particular drawing for example has a lot of subtleties in the colors that clearly had to be thought out. But I feel like I've seen enough art in this style that someone might have some specific advice.

>> No.3845535

How do I get better at drawing?

>> No.3845539

Draw a lot.

>> No.3845543

That's not me I guess. Just pick a color picker, get a bunch of images from the same artist, and find patterns in color temperature, change in hue, saturation, and value between shadows and light, etc. Probe the artwork. Then apply.

>> No.3845545

I want to draw women

>> No.3845547

draw a lot of women

>> No.3845558

get a gf so you can draw her

>> No.3845562

Didn't help, now what?

>> No.3845590

Specifically, draw with a purpose. Set yourself a series of concrete goals and try to accomplish them (like, "I want to draw a portrait", "I want to draw X pages of a comic", etc). Be critical of your own work, when you see problems in your work try to figure out how to solve them and then apply what you figure out to your work.

>> No.3845650
File: 3 KB, 550x72, I've tried creating an X button with inspect element, but it comes back on refresh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get this stupid link with no X button out of my goddamn Pixiv announcements?!

>> No.3845676

What kind of goals would be helpful for drawing women?

>> No.3845694

There's your goal right there. Just start drawing women. If they don't look good, fix it. Lather, rinse, repeat.

>> No.3845709

If you have the uBlocker extension or something similar you can hide it manually. idk if that would erase all future announcements or not

>> No.3845711

Well, just choose to block the whole info body.

>> No.3845812

This is probably a question asked all the time but how would I go about replicating the look of old anime cells? Is it something only possible digitally or is there some traditional way I can pull it off?

>> No.3845864

paint on plastic sheets and add ink

>> No.3845906

Why does Sai keep deleting my saved colors? It randomly got rid of all of them and now wont save anymore.

>> No.3846270
File: 473 KB, 810x561, 1550023079449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate how my line looks. They have this particular shitty, choppy quality to them that I hate and can't find in others drawings. It's making me sick. I wonder if I should just start over and learn to draw with my fucking left hand.

Is that Peter Han thing just a meme or will following it yeld worthwile results?

>> No.3846282

You can get this exact look in Sai with the canvas texture and flat bristle brush.

>> No.3846294

Open /ic/ catalog, look for threads that interest you, reply to them, give critique to other people's work, give advice. Look into the reference and inspiration threads, here and on other boards, collect pictures you like, organize your reference folders. Read books on art. Look for good youtube art channels, watch their videos, watch videos on styles and media you haven't tried, go to art stores, buy supplies, buy lots of different supplies. Develop a schedule for studying art, develop a marketing strategy for your social media. Go to other art forums to talk about art. Ask people to post their work, give more advice, ask questions. Listen to advice people give you, try to analyze it, see what's good for you and what you can ignore. Every good piece of advice you receive you can and should tell other people too, try to help the community. Go to catalog again, see what new threads appeared there, which threads were bumped, see if there's anything interesting there, anyone you could help. And above all, when you don't know what to tell an aspiring artist looking for guidance, you always have this advice to give: tell them to Just. Draw.

>> No.3846302

Right now I'm at the 250 box challenge from drawabox. After I finish the challenge I plan to keep the exercise as a warm up (5 Boxes a day minimum) would that be a good idea?

>> No.3846307

Draw boxes from life too. Draw books, boxes, other stuff, as precisely as possible, add values if you just used lines before. You can draw 5 boxes from imagination as a warm up, if you aren't confident in your ability to eyeball perspective in simple objects, that's fine, but try to draw from life too.

>> No.3846310

I'll try to draw boxes from life when I finish the 250 box challenge. Thank you anon.

>> No.3846493
File: 102 KB, 765x1050, big_7041d9536d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your go-to mannequin when blocking out weird poses?

>> No.3846505
File: 17 KB, 505x305, bruuuuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two mannequins I live by, this

>> No.3846509
File: 111 KB, 640x360, Drawing Dynamic Super Heros.mp4_snapshot_00.54.07.619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and Finch's

>> No.3846584

Uh... don't draw your lines choppy then? You know you can draw them all in one motion, right? Are you drawing with your elbow/arm and not your wrist?

Just make some big flowing motions with your arm and see what kind of lines it produces. Then you just have to practice until you have enough control to place those lines intentionally. Feel free to let your sketches be choppy and rough, just focus in producin good lines once you have everything sketched out and you're more sure of what the drawing should look like.

>> No.3846585

Jesus christ those're terrible.

>> No.3846776

Long shot but is there a muscle diagram out there of a femboy? I can't seem to figure out how to torso.

>> No.3846815

Use a better program who's current version wasn't made a decade ago

>> No.3846873

Where can I get concept art books in pdf format? (Or something similar). I've tried ZLibrary and LibGen, but no dice

>> No.3847064

Best videos you've found on lighting and/or linework?

>> No.3847746

I have manga studio 5 for like 3 years now, I guess now would be a good time to use it. I'm just more comfortable with Sai.

>> No.3848400

Could it be possible to be incapable of coming up with things to draw? I'm half maybe decent if I have a reference but somehow when I don't I am really stumped, even though I've been drawing for three/four years now. What should I do? I even suspended I might have some mild aphantasia where on a scale from 0 to 10 I'm able to imagine at a 2, or a 4 on a good day, no matter how much I train. Anyone in the same boat?

>> No.3848855

Why do some artist dislike having their work reposted? Isn't that one of the point of making artwork, to be seen by many? I mean as long as people are not claiming the work as theirs and credit the artist, why not?

afaik the artbook thread should carry many of those books.

No need to rely on imagination alone, browse Pinterest for all kinds of inspiration, you'll get an idea in no time. Or maybe try to change something in an artwork you like and turn it into your own work.

>> No.3849062
File: 380 KB, 995x803, 1523909592156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you cure your inflated ego and pride, /ic/? Do you also get extremely jealous and envious towards others? It feel terrible about how jealous you can get, I want to be more humble. Do you have any suggestions on how to stop getting so butthurt over the success of others? I feel like such a little bitch it is pathetic but I cannot help it.

>> No.3849088

Just be like Aqua and enjoy the simple things.

>> No.3849105

Anyone knows when CSP usually offers a sale on their apps? I don't want to use an outdated pirated copy anymore

>> No.3849142

Just subscribe to their news and wait a few months.

>> No.3849470

Anyone know how to work dA? Is it just a matter of going into the forums and dicking around until someone you've buddied up with decides to commission you?

>> No.3849473

What's your subject matter? If you're looking for fanart commission, twitter and instagram is way more viable than deviantart, that site barely get any traffic nowadays.

>> No.3849508

How does one train when not good enough to get into an aetlier or art school but already graduated college and working?

I feel like adult art classes are all for therapy or fun not skill learning. Do I just gotta teach myself?

>> No.3849567

Should I draw just using my wrist, or is it better to use the whole arm?

>> No.3849579

How do I come up with compositions or what I want the characters to be doing? Whenever I have drive to draw it just stops at "I know I want to draw this character" but not even looking up refs helps

>> No.3849642


>> No.3849643


>> No.3849689

How do you design a character

>> No.3849743

You might be onto something actually, I just randomly tried that and I came up with an idea I love and can visualize in less than 5 minutes. Thank you so much

>> No.3849761

Teach yourself or do what the other guy said and pay for a private tutor.

>> No.3849833
File: 1.74 MB, 4081x5932, 1551665535890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have any tips for keeping focus? I can draw with the TV on for 4-8 hours but when I just try to buckle down and focus on only drawing with no distractions I can only make it about an hour and a half. I'd much rather have focused practice then distracted practoce but I feel like I can't do it as long. Does anyone else feel like this?

>> No.3849836

Why isnt this board called /cartoon/ /hentaigarbagedrawings/

Literally 99% not a single fucking actual painter on here all cartoon and gfx design

>> No.3849840

You're on 4chan. How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.3849871

that's fairly normal, i'm like that. my fundies class runs for an hour and a half each session and it was hell for me until i started listening to podcasts, then i started to enjoy it. maybe use podcasts or music instead of tv though, so you don't have to keep looking up.
also if you're drawing for like 8 hours at a time please take intermitent breaks, even if they're short ones. burnout is real and sucks mega ass

>> No.3849876

Art is a general thing so probably you are

>> No.3849936

I throw on an old movie when grinding fundies/doing studies, Has worked great so far.

>> No.3850258
File: 41 KB, 772x397, images (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What might I pay to commission a digital painting? Ballpark price obviously

>> No.3850467

100USD to 10,000USD

"a digital painting" is highly variable term, most people that do commissions base their price on either number of characters to draw or by the hour. But it varies a lot on what you want drawn or who you want to commission to draw it

>> No.3850644

if you're drawing small use your wrist, if you're drawing big draw from your elbow or shoulder.

>> No.3850672

How do you deal with home-stretch anxiety?

>> No.3851170
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>> No.3851261
File: 281 KB, 1200x1200, a3956726341_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the artist that made this?

>> No.3851353
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, 1548611792116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any specific tags on twitter I should use that will get me noticed by other artists?

>> No.3851498

How much of art is just lucky mistakes?
I've made things out of misplaced lines that I would never have done on purpose, and I only just realised halfway through a piece that a figure's torso was twice as long as it should be.
I want to say it's all still legit (because without a level of skill/ talent or the eye to recognise the benefits, this problem wouldn't exist in the first place), but I still feel like a fraud whenever it happens.

>> No.3851685
File: 131 KB, 1761x1285, 1552588842509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you draw cute shota characters, anyone got some tutorials or advice

>> No.3851700
File: 1.20 MB, 4092x2893, 6A1594A2-FF13-470D-ABAB-B5E9CB0070DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s all about expressing personality through the gesture and accentuating their unique qualities.

>> No.3851735
File: 974 KB, 2000x2805, 'St._Sebastian'_by_Cornelis_van_Haarlem,_c._1591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I turn gay if I spent the time looking at naked men for figure drawing session in a significant amount of time? I heard that one can become gay by nurturing.

>> No.3851747

Falling in love with the gender that works hard for everything it gets. Gee. Wouldn't that suck.

>> No.3851749

>implying you work hard at anything in your life
Just own it Anon. You're among friends here.

>> No.3851750


>> No.3851758

this is some good advice, i'll keep that in mind.
is there anything else i need to keep in mind when drawing cute shotas?

>> No.3851769
File: 5 KB, 298x250, images 3333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is EX better than the PRO version or I'm not much missing anything?

>> No.3851773

i have use both ex is not better much you mainly get it if you want those extra animation features. you don't really need it to make comics, manga, or illustrations but you can't animate properly without ex

>> No.3851775

Thanks anon

>> No.3851783

ive been drawing very irregularly for almost a year. i draw with the sole purpose of improving but i am unable to improve at a pace that satisfies me. what studies should i do (primarily doing pen/pencil right now but any medium would work though i feel like getting good with pen/pencil would do me well but idk!) to improve? i am very sad ):

>> No.3852009

How do you go about finding a mentor or someone in the real world to form a frequent correspondence?

Strugglin here lads, need some real life art friends.

>> No.3852012

which email service did you use to register on cg peers?

>> No.3852015


>> No.3852120

Your personal curriculum should be based on what you want to draw. What do you really want to draw? Just try drawing it. If you do a bad job then figure out why, and set specific smaller goals to address your particular weaknesses.
Also draw regularly. Most important thing.

>> No.3852170

Why does my art look like crap after not looking at it for a while? Is this normal?

>> No.3852178

I experience that too and I really hate it. But in some cases it actually looks better after not looking at it for a while. I dunno the human brain is really weird.

>> No.3852207

do you block out pages in your sketchbook or do you just cram drawings in wherever there's room?

>> No.3852232
File: 493 KB, 645x909, 1516965763275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are still lifes important? Will I improve faster if I do them?

>> No.3852348
File: 133 KB, 389x433, 1303193813900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a very high standard when it comes to art quality. Will that help me in the long run when learning to draw or will that be a problem? What do you think?

>> No.3852372

The popular thing seems just to have a bunch of haphazard drawings crammed next to and on top of each other

They cram a bunch of important fundies into one, notably shapes, shading/value, composition, and to a lesser extent, perspective. If you find drawing a bowl of fruit over and over boring, you can get your practice elsewhere.

You're gonna hate yourself for the first five years because you're not gonna make anything you like without a ton of practice, but if you make it past that point and stick with it, you'll be golden.

>> No.3852402

Still life's simply aren't important. Look up the Hierarchy of Genres and notice what's at the bottom.

>> No.3852412

Can you explain why its status at the bottom of the hierarchy of genres is important from an art practice standpoint?

>> No.3852427

Unimportant in historical or artistic value, but how does it rank in art fundamental development?

>> No.3852458

Still lifes are great for learning color and value. You can also learn perspective from them depending on your angle and subject. They shouldn't be hung on walls but they are good to do. You don't see 90% of an artist's work

>> No.3852469

I don't see why people put still life photos of flowers on a wall

>> No.3852471

Because money can't buy taste

>> No.3852478

what do you mean

>> No.3852479

If you can't afford to lift your eyes up, podcasts work really well too.

>> No.3852483

You can't become gay through nurture. If you're worried that the naked men are turning you gay, you've got a long road of self discovery ahead of you.

>> No.3852542

how do you organize and keep all the papers, draws, sketchbooks?

I have a lot of paper clutter.

>> No.3852543

Fill a sketchbook and stack it in a corner. Anything more autistic is ngmi.

>> No.3852562

What's the best course for learning how to paint/render? Paid or not w/e doesn't matter

>> No.3852700

Ok fuck it I'm going to put all my time in drawing. I won't even play with stuff I like, I'll just draw what most people like.
What type of stuff do I draw (no porn), and how do I split my hours? (6-8 each day)
And when I finally get decent, what should I do first? Just spam social medias and try to sell stuff/patreon when I have a following?

>> No.3852782
File: 274 KB, 645x773, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you keep going when it feels like no one believes in you? How do you continue onward when you know that if they told you the feelings that you’ve projected on to them, they’d be right?
I’m so fucking slow at my work that I never post. I don’t look for new commissions, I’m not grinding my fundies, I don’t have one ambitious piece or project to my name. The only reason I’m still trying is because I knew that if I let go and gave up on everything completely, 100% of my life would slip into the abyss.
Is there a better way of keeping myself hyped for my work instead of coasting on complete delusions that at this pace and at this skill level I’m GMI? I have friends, family, a gf, but I feel like fucking off and changing my name and living somewhere else just so that if I fail, I’ve failed alone and not under their judgmental gaze, and if I succeed, I can face them a successful person. I just feel like I’ve been nothing but a fuckup for my whole entire life.

>> No.3852921

how do i make a new canvas automatically be full screen on clip studio? every time make a new canvas it's a small window that's behind my palettes

>> No.3852925

How do you download .gifs off twitter?

>> No.3853066

>Why do some artist dislike having their work reposted? Isn't that one of the point of making artwork, to be seen by many? I mean as long as people are not claiming the work as theirs and credit the artist, why not?
bump, still curious

>> No.3853091

Just get a browser extension ("twitter downloader" on google or something). After installing there should be a download button right below the gif

>> No.3853093


>> No.3853161
File: 811 KB, 512x4200, mabius-4023158_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone knows a blog post or video tutorial for making pixel art in the way of the pic i posted?

>> No.3853189

How do you acquire a similar taste to another artist?

>> No.3853191

Find their twitter following list and copy them. Ask directly for their inspiration too if you can

>> No.3853200

Yup, been copying for a while, I'm not really seeing any change of taste in my art. I guess I was just looking for some sekrit answer. I need to do more of them I suppose.

>> No.3853234

No, I mean like follow the same artists they're following and immerse yourself with their artistic diet. Copying their art obviously is important too, but that's a given.

>> No.3853238

Oh. So if I understood you correctly, you're saying that I should force an influence by surrounding myself with their artwork?

>> No.3853239

It's their likes you should dig through, not the follow list. Why dig through the garbage when the gems have been hand picked by the artist and are right there. And anyway you won't understand their taste through osmosis alone. Analyze what about a certain piece that artist likes or emulates (and ask yourself if you would too).

>> No.3853246

>Analyze what about a certain piece that artist likes or emulates (and ask yourself if you would too).
I have been trying to do that, but it's been quite hard to generalize their patterns, since they keep drawing things differently each time. This is basically a lot of artists that I tried to study. I guess in a way, it's the opposite of sameface.

>> No.3853257

That's one thing I've never considered before, cheers

>> No.3853258

Wait, are you trying to find who their biggest inspirations are or are you trying to find out what they draw from those inspirations? Because an artist can like something but not incorporate anything about it into their work.

>> No.3853285

Dunno but that ep is pretty good

>> No.3853291

Don't tell them about your drawings. Don't tell anyone. That way you have no expectations to uphold

>> No.3853346

By taste I mean what they find aesthetic and apply in their art. They have a different taste in colors, moods, blending, etc.

>> No.3853377

How do you go from bulky Loomis heads to a more simplified younger face?

>> No.3853380

be yourself

>> No.3853399

Why do people collect art books?
How do you study from them

>> No.3853587

You either try to reproduce pictures you like and understand the process the artist used better while doing so
Or you just look at them and think hard about why you like the picture. Colors? Lines? Stylization?
Then you can "steal" some of that to feed your own drawings.

I'm a beginner but that's what I believe.

>> No.3853590

How do you draw reflective surfaces? Any tutorials, tips? Looks like hell to draw those. I mean I know it's basically what's outside reflecting on it and being deformed by whatever plane the surface has (like say, a cylindrical piece of metal).
But isn't there a simpler way to simulate reflective surface rather than having copy and deform what it reflects?

>> No.3853596

Depends on what you want to study. Try your best to establish core elements of something- lineart for example. Generalize patterns you find in an artwork- for example, what makes the artist make increased or decreased line weight? Or painting example- let's take edges. How does the artist use edges? Fast contrast? Gradual change? No change? Values- What's the range of value the artist use? Color? What's the range of hues does the artist?
You could generalize a bunch of more things, for example, values' range isn't the only thing. You could look for change in the value. Correlations between values and moods. That's what you call "studying" an artwork, or an artist. You try your best to know how the artist does things, and apply them in your artwork if you want to.

>> No.3853597

Isn't stealing wrong

>> No.3853601

Why do you think it's wrong?

>> No.3853603

No. Depends on what you want to achieve anyway.
But in general, say you have integrity and want something that comes from you, you still have to get inspiration from other people. Most people do. But it doesn't mean you literaly copy their style. You get techniques. You can combine them, or use one on a given piece and one on the other.
Thing is, to know what you like you have to experiment. And to experiment you have to se what's out there. Then you'll digest everything you'll see down the road and your style will form naturally.

Of course another way is to do it on your own, and try stylizing reality. But you've still seen stuff you like, cartoons, manga, comics, whatever, and it inspire you anyway.
If you really want something unique then good luck.
Also...it's not bad to have something that's been seen already. Cause you'll use it for a different message than what the person you copied used it for. And you might just add your little twists here and there so that it doesn't feel like you're literally stealing in the end.

The only thing I know for sure is that I'm getting way better and more inspired since I started pausing and studying other's styles.

>> No.3853680

>what is inspiration?

>> No.3853761

Why does my tablet stop drawing if I move too slow? Beginner drawer by the way.

>> No.3853960

What brush set is good for lineart in sai

>> No.3854107

how much geometry/trigonometry knowledge do I need for drawing? (especially buildings) or should I really not worry about that at all?

>> No.3854268

As far as strictly art goes, you don't, really. Just pick up a book on perspective. That's all you need for geometry.

>> No.3854271

a lot if you want to go into industrial drafting/design
like 0 if you want to illustrate

>> No.3854386

Is tracing other people’s works (practice, not stealing) ever useful, or is it just a way to feel like you too one day are going to make it?

>> No.3854415

Yeah, it helps build your mental library and how to see proportions. Also, confidence. It's a very dividing topic, but using it to study sometimes couldn't hurt.

>> No.3854421

how do you do a gradient effect in Procreate? All the brush links I click on in the actual procreate forum website are dead, and the info is 2 years old anyway so the app has evolved beyond some of the advice posted there.

>> No.3854432

It's good for practice if you are using a screenless tablet. But don't ever share it as your own.

>> No.3854438

Not really, copying from ref trains more skills and is closer to what artists actually do. The only time I've done it is when I'm feeling absolutely retarded that day and redline the cross contours for a paintover.

>> No.3854494
File: 695 KB, 1200x676, 1465648884164-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw women better, but I don't know any in real life. How can I go about getting better besides using photo references?

>> No.3854617

anyone got an infograph on how to drawing expressions? tired of drawing blank faces

>> No.3854620

Does anyone have a good reference for drawing water? Particularly, understanding how water looks when it's splashing?

>> No.3854874

Is painting over 3d model bad? Im doing some environment stuff and I feel like im cheating somehow...

>> No.3855014

Watch YT videos? Vlogs, ASMR, sports...

>> No.3855042

do you believe all artists who are good at drawing women have a life size model 24/7? they don't. stop making excuses, photo references work just fine. now DRAW.

>> No.3855122

What's a good routine/guideline for starting to draw/practice?

What is also the recommended/minimum amount to be efficient, as odd as that sounds? (For example, minimum of at least 10 hours of drawing per week or whatever).

I have tons of artbooks from a Mega and have read Keys to Drawing a bit, though I never have time to actually draw because of work/college, and when I do have time (hour the most on weekdays) I don't know how to start/progress and resort to random drawings that don't have actual effort into them because there's no clear vision.

Is there a general recommended flowchart of progression in learning? Like start with Anatomy then Perspective then Coloring,etc/whatever.

>> No.3855123

What kind of art is your end goal?

>> No.3855126
File: 241 KB, 381x566, Bridget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw anime?
I have trouble with the hair in particular.

>> No.3855149

>I never have time to actually draw because of work/college
everyone says this and it's almost never true.
do life drawing during your lectures & during the downtime in between them. draw during your mealtimes & while you commute. draw your friends when you hang out. draw before you fall asleep. learn to lucid dream and draw in your sleep. there's always time for drawing. if you have a phone/tablet/3ds etc, you can paint anywhere & any time with just a moment's notice.

>minimum amount to be efficient
do the most efficient form of study you can with the time available whether it's 90 sec, 15 minutes, 3 hours etc...
when it comes to fundamentals, you can learn a great deal with shorter study sessions. a 15 minute still life or master study every single day is worth a lot more than painting for 7 hours once a week. longer drawing sessions are useful for learning mental endurance and how to refine something without ruining it, so they shouldn't be neglected entirely. make the most out of what time you have.

if you want a completely generic and structured routine to follow, try this:
otherwise simply break drawing down into its core fundamentals & concentrate on the areas where you need to improve. since you're just starting out you're probably bad at everything so you can basically start anywhere and see improvement
>shape design
>light (values)
>color (temperature and hue; learn values first)
>specific skills i.e; drapery, hair, materials etc...

>> No.3855151

oh and one last thing, all the artbooks and tutorials in the world mean nothing if you're not using them in conjunction with your actual drawing. always prioritize hands on learning & use books to supplement what you're already doing.

>> No.3855311

>Why do people collect art books?
Do you mean instructional books or coffee table books? I'm not an artist (this is literally my first visit to /ic/ and I was in this thread to ask a stupid question until I re-read the pages linked in the sticky) but I have a ton of coffee table art books and other books about design, architecture and aesthetics and my answer would be the sheer joy above all else. Looking at great art is always enjoyable but in the right context even a page in a book can become a minor brush with god.

>> No.3855384

Read Steal like an artist and Post your Work

>> No.3855525
File: 24 KB, 696x498, fucking csp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell won't CSP fill the edges properly? Even when taking off anti ailiasing it still leaves a line around the perimeter that won't fucking fill

>> No.3855543
File: 25 KB, 248x339, Screen Shot 2019-03-18 at 11.00.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

area scaling should be more than zero

>> No.3855547

Thanks anon
Seems like the solution is always hidden in plain sight. If only they kept this shit on default

>> No.3855552

no prob. just fuck around with menus and sliders enough and you'll eventually find what you want.

>> No.3855719
File: 64 KB, 395x491, vidya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like doing art
>instead of doing it i prefer to procrastinate instead
What is the explanation for this phenomenon
Have I tricked myself into thinking I like drawing

>> No.3855724
File: 381 KB, 512x512, IMG_20190316_204638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good kind of white/yellow pencil or crayon to draw over dried oil paint layer, one that wouldn't need much pressure so that it marks easily and doesn't actually scratch through the paint layer down to gesso or canvas. Should I just use chalk?

>> No.3856103
File: 977 KB, 1890x1654, IMG_0327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have several goals in mind: Animator, Digital Paintery, cartoonish/heavily stylization, realistic, basically a "Jack of All Trades" (which I know can easily be Master of None). However my MAIN goal is to reach this level of lineart and quality of pic related a fellow Anon posted before. I just love the quality of the lineart, details, etc.
Thank you. As a programmer this helps as I usually rely on a flowchart or a guideline to progress and put things into perspective but without that, I didn't know how to really progress. Again thank you.

>> No.3856118

it's good that you're scoping the subject, but keep in mind that learning to draw isn't a linear process. i'd suggest just jumping right into the end goal art you want to make, alongside studies to fill in the blanks in your knowledge/skill.

>> No.3856142

Godspeed anon. Fellow programmer here too. May you have all the art gains in the near future

>> No.3856209

Yeah. That's a flaw of my character that I really have to work on. Aside from art and coding I also learn guitar/music, 3D modeling, web design, graphic design, etc.

I will utilize the very small timeframe of free time I get for now and I will come back to make you guys proud. I've been on this for so long but time I actually do it.

I wish you all the best in life. See you soon. We're all going to make it.

>> No.3856228

I would try oil pastels, so the oil in them bonds with the oil layer of the paint. Some of the pastel pencils are soft, but not oil-based, and might adhere. I've seen people use Caran D'ache pencils on top of oil, but I don't know how durable it is.

>> No.3856461

Does new huion passive pen works with older version of H610 pro tablet?

>> No.3856905

Go fuck yourself

>> No.3856915

I need it just for the underdrawing so it will get painted over, I just dont want to scratch the base layer

>> No.3856936

Direct paint with oil. Use a smallish flat brush and the intended color. Unless is really complicated, then 4b pencil. That's about as soft as you can go before it gets messy. Also depends on your base coat.

>> No.3857146

I can't see pencil over my bg colour
got oil pastels today and i'll see how it goes

>> No.3857232

Paint better nigger. You don't need to see it once it's right.

>> No.3857258
File: 104 KB, 500x749, 1461617233781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does an artist's profile age matter to potential commissioners just as much as frequent uploading/activity? Would you commission an artist whose social media profile is only a month old? I'm pretty decent at drawing but never bothered to use social media until now.

>> No.3857269

Don't make me suck your dick faggot.

>> No.3857325

How the fuck are you supposed to draw eyes that match? No matter what I do the second eye is always misaligned and drawing construction lines beforehand never helps. Fucking hate this shit.

>> No.3857327

yo I'll be painting over it, under drawing won't be seen once I'm done blocking in shapes

>> No.3857460

Flip the canvas. It's the only way.

>> No.3857485

Real eyes aren't perfectly aligned. Most, if not all people have a "dominant" eye, that's higher than the other. The body does not have perfect symmetry.

The common issue beginners have is depth perception, and placing the eyes at the right depth in the face, and thinking the eyes should be perfectly aligned, and they always make them the same size, when viewed from an angle.

>> No.3857486

You said " to draw over dried oil paint layer" in your post.

And, same answer. You can't put oils over wax or chalk based pencils, or graphite. They won't stick.

>> No.3857522
File: 53 KB, 564x506, female faces-loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm poorfag and only have paper/pencil.

Every realistic drawing I've ever seen, the eyes are always aligned. I've never seen a pro artist draw one eye to be higher than the other, even when mirrored.

>> No.3857572

I don't think they need to stick too well
I just need them to mark my proportions and basic shape outlines and ideally they'd vanish once I paint over them
so just enough sticking for me to mark and then go away into paint or whatever

>> No.3857574

they just have to be good enough

>> No.3857749

How do I get better at digital, especially for lineart, when transitioning from traditional?

>> No.3857753

Watercolor question, what mix creates prussian blue?

>> No.3857769

with printer paper hold it up to your desktop screen at full brightness, you should be able to see the other side flipped

t. fellow poorfag

>> No.3857776

copper oxidizing

>> No.3857790

god what an ass

>> No.3857881

Hey /ic/, i started drawing recently. My goal is to make digital art for my games. My friend offered he will teach me basics because he learned architectural drawing at uni. Right now I'm drawing cubes with cylinders in them and generally practicing perspective and shapes on B2 size paper. My question is should I stick to his lessons to get basic concepts (his drawings are really good to me) and buy tablet later on or just buy tablet now and practice separately with digital tools?

>> No.3857888

Get good with traditional lineart. Be able to make decent things to your eye without erasing, either in pen or pencil. When your lineart is good you can move to digital. Can also use the months spent learning lineart to save up for a real tablet. I saved for over a year to buy a 24HD when i was at first gonna buy a 13 inch

>> No.3858037

Anyone have any introductory tutorials for value and blending? It’s so hard to get my head around the concept.

>> No.3858044

Thank you. I was gonna do that anyway so it's nice to hear similar opinion.

>> No.3858049
File: 652 KB, 1000x934, sakimii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she manage to make so many drawings in so little time??????
Less than 3 weeks for these

>> No.3858054

The guy probably sketches a bunch of sexy poses beforehand. Plus she already knows her workflow as she's been doing this for several years

>> No.3858065


>> No.3858094

Why are things like Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint recommended to pretty much everyone?

I understand if I was trying to do this in a professional studio but I picked up an Android tablet since I'm trying to learn digital and I don't get it since a lot of the apps work fine and it has an s=pen which is supposedly wacom level

>> No.3858126


>> No.3858625
File: 2.75 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20190320_171516405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone identify this signature?

>> No.3858716

How does one photoshop girls to make them curvier/bigger breasted?

>> No.3858739
File: 105 KB, 831x1300, d165d8a2f9f04acbc4f3d096cca20f46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have questions about the legality of drawing minors in a pornographic graphic novel. I'm not interested in drawing minors engaging in sexual acts, I'm only interested in drawing characters that are of age.

How do artists like kloah get away with things like shota?

Would it be taboo for an of-age character to show a non-nude, fully dressed photograph of themselves of when they were a minor?

>> No.3858742

Learn how to use layers

>> No.3858755

>I have questions about the legality of drawing minors in a pornographic graphic novel.
That's pretty much legal everywhere, given that it's two separate storylines.
How do artists like kloah get away with things like shota?
shota is legal in japan
>Would it be taboo for an of-age character to show a non-nude, fully dressed photograph of themselves of when they were a minor?
As in "Hey, this is how much of a dweeb I looked like in 5th grade musical recital", would be fine, even if say it was before sex.
As in "Here's a picture of me at the beach when I was 14, wouldn't you fuck me back then?" would probably be more taboo, but still legal in most countries with sensible laws.

>> No.3858961

will I get in trouble if I use someone else's art style? I'm afraid of lawsuits

>> No.3859030

3rd partying to this discussion.
Isn't there something about drawing minors in a "sexual manner" in U.S. law? I remember seeing on /co/ I think someone posted a tumblr where the Undertale community was in a shitstorm because a legal law was stated about that, and since they sexualize the MC, they all got scared. In relation to this, it's also why in more recent years, all artists started adding in "All character are 18+ in age for all their drawings like Softblush.

I really wish I can find it again but I can't find anything about it. I guess a good follow up question is how would you find out what is legal to draw in your country? It's a stupid thing to think about since it's a drawing and hopefully no CP is used as reference, but then again there's been several situations like that man who got arrested in Brazil for having drawn porn of characters like May from Pokemon.

>> No.3859041

U.S. law is barebones isn't it? It basically has one giant law because of that one case of "I know it when I see it" which allows interpretation.

>> No.3859076


>> No.3859098
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x1073, zelda 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please give me a dummy's guide to painting similarly to this (pic related)? I'm tired of doing the regular "anime screenshot" kind of coloring. All I know how to do is flats-shadows-highlights. I want to expand my horizons as far as coloring goes but I just don't know how to do it. I'd love to figure out how to get a sort of painterly look but I figure I'll start small and keep the line arts. I'm drawing the same character anyways and I like this color style.

pls respond :( I'm tired of everything I color not having any substance.

>> No.3859101
File: 76 KB, 1024x1024, zelda 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this style be easier in anybody's opinion?

>> No.3859112

Here's some advice: Leave

>> No.3859125

Id love to help but I'm in the same situation as you. My work all has this bland cel shaded style

>> No.3859135

post an example? I feel like even my cel shade look isn't great

If not I completely get it. I don't mean this in a pyw kind of way like most people on this board

>> No.3859155
File: 33 KB, 370x481, 1t1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fuck zelda

>> No.3859158

It's in a questionable area. Last time loli went up to SCOTUS, they ruled it unconstitutional to ban it(under freedom of speech, since no child was harmed in the making thereof). But there's been new laws sense and challenges against those laws, which Scotus has declined to hear(meaning the lower courts ruling that banning loli seems to be ok with Scotus). But complicated that in practice that everyone who's ever been tried(successfully) for loli has had legitimate CP on them, so the judges and cops and everyone in said cases had a decent reason to throw the books at them anyways.

So the proper answer to 'Is loli legal in america?' seems to be 'if you have a good lawyer on retainer'

>> No.3859190

Post your current colored work

>> No.3859254

I can't because I don't have wi-fi, only LAN internet (it's on my ipad). Do you mean in the style I'm trying to imitate or the cell shade style we were talking about earlier here

>> No.3859662

Been getting very comfortable with putting together poses from reference,was hoping to start trying to put together ones from imagination. Any resources/reading you'd recommend I check to start studying this?

>> No.3859685

What're some classic perspective exercises that're your go-to when grinding fundies?

>> No.3859694

How do hentai artist draw to learn? what are dey using as resources? is there any interview of this topic?

>> No.3859701

Drawing architecture from life.

They copy their favorite hentai artists for years, some go to school to become manga artists and are assistants during the day.

>> No.3859727
File: 13 KB, 1015x486, WHYDOIWEUSCREATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do I / U / WE / US create?

To feel USEFUL.
that ought to SATISFY.

>> No.3859842

What is tracing?

>> No.3859868
File: 294 KB, 1509x1600, 7ba842d75c814f8530ba56ed1f7ca232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the gesture for the knees drawn at a slant? What is the underlying anatomy that causes the knees to slant back in space?

>> No.3859870

what do you guys think of deviantart now? where are good places to post your artwork and share with others, and it can be anything

>> No.3860001
File: 40 KB, 900x1200, 4084491024-scanner-hp-scanjet-2200c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an old scanner just like the one in pic related for a real cheap price, are they still worth it nowadays?

>> No.3860012

>Is the only means of accuarely digitizing work done on physical media "worth it nowadays?"
What a dumb question

>> No.3860020


I asked if this specific model is good you brainlet

>> No.3860073
File: 94 KB, 3508x4961, Course Notes_18_g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knees just slant

>> No.3860092

It's still a stupid question because you didn't formulate it well.

Yes, that scanner will be fine. It can scan at least 300dpi and has adequate color depth.

Also, take off your name.

>> No.3860100

Compound slant. Thighbone anfled medially, tibia and fibula starting outside that axis, inset shinbone compared to the patella and massive rectus femoris combined with the gastrocnemius on the back. Also all the muscles are on a different vertical slant. Ankle bones go one way, gastrocnemius goes another, quadriceps go the other other, then glutes. Muscles lie about the underlying structure until you understand them.

>> No.3860175


can't argue against that, the way I wrote it is awful af

>> No.3860197
File: 268 KB, 851x1200, 1545606991577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3855126How to draw manga - Sketching Manga Style
Thank me later aligator

>> No.3860202
File: 38 KB, 720x720, 1545687490021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ADHD, you need external control, homework from a teacher or class. Youll improve faster of its imposed on you. Left to your own devices you will strugle.

>> No.3860237

Is this a shitty bait answer?

>> No.3860336

I currently live up in the mountains and the only things I've got here architecture-wise are trailers, 2-3 bdrm single-story houses, a single country diner, and a newly reopened Chinese restaurant...

>> No.3860340

And 2 1/2 gas stations.

>> No.3860493

you'd be surprised how much practice you can get out of drawing random useless shit. People have been drawing fruit for hundreds of years and are still doing it today.
>newly reopened Chinese restaurant
there's gotta be some interesting Chinese decor on the inside, go pay it a visit and if you are brave bring your sketchbook

>> No.3860500
File: 76 KB, 870x496, DwRU9_GV4AIi85U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on MangaMaterials?

I was thinking about donating to their pixiv fanbox (since I can't find their stuff uploaded anywhere else) and get their content since I like how they break down the human body from all those angles but I don't know if there are better choices from other artbooks I may have missed.

>> No.3860518

Look great. Thanks, anon.

>> No.3860528

You're welcome. Keep in mind most of the content is still in Japanese.

>> No.3860550

I've been following their twitter alot and yeah, I'd say it's worth it. They're really good at explaining anatomy and construction
If you want to rip it efficiently, I'd recommend this app:

>> No.3860557
File: 37 KB, 399x362, 3242113211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. Might just translate it if I suddenly magically stop being lazy. Then I'll get good too.

>> No.3860562
File: 20 KB, 145x81, 70deOHh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I won't get banned for too much traffic.

>> No.3860565

Thank you, I haven't downloaded much yet so I'll be using this for the basic stuff they put on their pixiv. I'll also have to make an account to donate to their fanbox if I want the full content.

>> No.3860658

Nah don't worry, I once grabbed the entire gallery of toshi + 0033 and I was fine.

>> No.3860699
File: 195 KB, 691x993, cmolineart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is thin lineart worth doing if it doesn't feel natural? Meaning it's more difficult to grasp the feeling of flow (both actual lineflow and mental state) compared to drawing thicker lines and just carving them out. Is carving/cleaning holding me back? Do I just suck at drawing lines?

I want to settle into a line style to keep my work looking consistent on my blog.

Lineart by itself in pic took 3 hours+...

>> No.3860806

How do I know if that shit is illegal in my country?
I'm not into loli or shota but I eventually want to make bucks off porn and I don't rule out the possibilities to draw some of that as long as it won't get me in trouble. I mean, from what a friend told me it can pay pretty well

>> No.3860813

Well this guy uses a hard brush with density/flow dynamics (name changes from CSP to PS apparently)
that's pretty much it for his technique, the rest is knowing your fundies. And things you can't gauge from the pic like if he uses layer modes etc. but you really don't need it.

>> No.3860824

You can get away with a lot and call it style or anime proportions but doing blatant loli/shota will destroy your regular regular audience.

>> No.3860825

>Legal status of drawn pornography depicting minors - Wikipedia
Also might be helpful to google if people have been arrested/tried for having cartoon kiddy poon. Best bet is immigrating to Japan, since they seem pretty set in telling the UN to fuck off whenever they make a push to ban loli stuff.

>> No.3860837

>will destroy your regular regular audience.
implying there's a regular audience at all
just draw perverted shit OP, it's the only way to get noticed

>> No.3860841

>You can get away with a lot and call it style or anime proportions
I already aim for a pretty anime-ish style so that's not a problem really
> but doing blatant loli/shota will destroy your regular regular audience.
Really? I see a bunch of jap artists do both loli/shota and adult art but I guess the audience being japanese matters a lot. I guess western audiences will turn away from you if you make that shit public, for cultural and public reasons

I just uhh didn't want to google it. Sounds like a way to get put on a watch list

>> No.3860868

>doesn't wanna be put on a watchlist
>visits https://www.4chan.org
knowing what the law is will keep you on the right side of it.

>> No.3860875

Pretty much. You have to have a separate account just for your less objectionable but still not mainstream fetish art.

>> No.3860979

How do I set Autodesk sketchbook and Illustrator for android to have more drag so that the surface feels more like writing on paper?

>> No.3861133

Give me your preferred system for organizing commissions. How do your clients know where they are in the queue?
Do you use slots? A google docs link of the queue?
How do you handle repeat clients who will commission you 5 times in a row? Where do you fit other people in?
Maybe I should make a thread for this.

>> No.3861142

You could try painting over your sketch instead. Honestly, though, it looks like you struggle with producing fluid lines more than anything. Try drawing the lines quickly so there's less bumps and rigid bits. Of course, you still need to control the lines, so they're not too loose to convey form. Working on that will improve your sketches too, so it's worth doing whether or not you have linework in your finished product.

>> No.3861164

How can I have less shaky fingers?

>> No.3861175

>knowing the law will get you put on a watchlist which is almost no one knows the law
>also can’t rebel if they don’t know
Really makes you think

>> No.3861180

is it bad to constantly zoom in and out?

>> No.3861243

You only need that kind of knowledge for architecture or industrial drafting.

>> No.3861422

Unironically do Kishibe Rohan's hand exercises before drawing.

>> No.3861482

I feel like I should be doing that more. I keep wanting to draw detail things while zoomed in that looks like badly proportioned, poor perspective, obviously don't know what I'm doing jank

>> No.3861619

how do i draw background? some tips?

>> No.3861682

How the fuck do you find your own artstyle? I remember an anon saying you pick 3 artists you like and taking elements from their art that you think is the best, but I can't find it in the archive now.

>> No.3861774

you don't
it's like handwriting
whatever you do you won't ever be free from it and whomever you try to emulate it will always looks like you unless you aim to become a copy machine

>> No.3861778
File: 117 KB, 1200x823, 1515887765568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drew dicks and naked people before
>gain a new fetish when lurking sad panda
>thought of this really, really good plot for a one-shot; done before, but there's little out there and it drives me to make it even more
>can't stop masturbating because its kinda hot
>whenever I try to sketch out anything related to the idea, I can't go through 15 min without masturbating
jesus christ I thought it was all a meme
How do I suppress my urge to masturbate? I masturbated once a week before this and now I do it almost everyday; do I have sex addiction? Is Nofap proven to work?

>> No.3861784

also I tried music/listening to something while drawing but eventually my brain "phased" through it and I still get horny

>> No.3861786

I just ended up getting a graphics tablet with a screen, and figured this would be the best place to ask this...

How would you recommend setting up Photoshop's workspace with it? Right now I've got the tablet set to be an extension from my main monitor so I can go back and forth between the two. Obviously I'd be drawing on the tablet, but what should I have on my main monitor? Right now I've just had the navigator really big on there floating in the middle as a way to preview what I'm drawing, but I can't help but feel there's a better way to go about it.
Any help?

How do you guys arrange your workspaces with tablets like these?

(posted this in another thread, but I think it might belong here instead)

>> No.3861802


this one?

>> No.3861812

What is the natty limit for art?

>> No.3861814

>but what should I have on my main monitor?
I have two computers with two screens instead of one computer with two screens, but normally I have the other screen hold either the references I'm working with or a visualizer for the podcast/music I'm working with(or more often, various 4chan threads because I'm not someone with a high attention span)

>> No.3861822


>> No.3861829

how the fuck do you get people to commission you? I've literally seen mutuals have trouble juggling their workload while I put out more professional pieces and don't get jack shit. I've interacted and networked with a fuck ton of people but NOBODY throws any work my way.

>> No.3861841

I literally just show people my art and they’re like “hey I like it can I commission you”

>> No.3861844

You are doing NSFW stuff, right?
Make sure you have an up to date comm sheet and maybe throw out some sales, or some YCH stuff

>> No.3861909
File: 333 KB, 540x470, 1523701157135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond
I'm not shitposting, this is a legitimately embarrassing problem that I'm having since a week ago.

>> No.3861911
File: 63 KB, 1017x575, 1528505739208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are edging from your drawing right now while shitposting aren't you?

>> No.3861918

I'm drawing absolutely nothing at all actually.
practicing line quality and gesture at most but fuck I really want to do this.

>> No.3861930

I can almost guarantee you that once you start to draw an area that requires attention such as hands and feet your dick will shrivel away unless you are some sort of degenerate footfag then you are lost and far from saving and we cannot possibly help you.

>> No.3861943

How old are you?

>> No.3861951

I found out I could duplicate the main canvas and it updates on both. I've got it zoomed in on the tablet's screen, and an overall view on my main monitor. Only problem I have now is that if I zoom in on one, it zooms in on both, which if one is zoomed in a lot, it zooms it in even more.
Still works for now.

Gotta say, having a tablet with a screen has really worked wonders now that I've really tried it. I'm really surprised, it's my first go at using it. I mean, I still suck at drawing, but damn I really couldn't get over that disconnect between a normal tablet and screen. Now I draw as consistent as I do on paper and I can actually draw how I want.

>> No.3862187

What's an alternative to pixiv when it comes to posting bigger animation files?

>> No.3862209

How do you get better at the creative side. I want to draw as much as Kim Jung gi, but I run out of ideas after a few sketches

>> No.3862245

I keep deleting my art blogs after a few months (usually around the 4 month mark) because I get so embarrassed even though you can see the improvement as time goes on, so if anything, it should be good that people can see how bad you are because you weren't as bad as you were a few months back.

So my stupid question is, how do I stop being retarded

>> No.3862259

I'm a /beg/ who hasn't even been around long enough to feel motivated to delete my backlog, but there's the site dad.gallery from >>3861914, where half the point of the site is to create a massive archive of garbage to show off your improvement.

>> No.3862315

I'm /beg/, too.

Thanks, man. I'll sign up today. If I decide to disappear in 4 months, then at least a 4 month streak is bretty gud, right?

>> No.3862379

Sure. It's pretty hard to keep it up that long.

>> No.3862608
File: 110 KB, 580x386, retro-ads-4-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a name for these 50's styled illustrations? Where can I find more of it?

>> No.3862623

Newgrounds, or youtube. Alternatively, just post a small clip and provide a link to full download from google drive or mega or something

>> No.3862627


When I open Paint SAI I've been getting an error log constantly and my tablet pen has been acting retarded while it's open, any remedy for this? it wasn't like this a couple of days ago

>> No.3862674

Where can I find some good 3d models for poses, props and environments? money isn't an issue

>> No.3862681

This is a mentality issue, just like asking "how do I stop procrastinating?". It's up to you to muster all the courage you can and say 'fuck it' and start doing what you want. I know this might seem like a really shitty answer but there's no magic trick to solving problems like this one.

>> No.3862686


>> No.3862876

Just masturbate before starting

>> No.3862938

Yeah, I agree with you; I was being half ironic but any deadline to keep me motivated helps a lot.

Posted some /beg/ skulls before midnight on the site and it's got me looking forward to seeing my progress again in the near future.

Thanks, anon. It definitely is a mentality issue; I'm terrified that I'll still have it even if I do make it™ as I've seen good artist friends get so hung up about the mistakes they make that they scare themselves up too much to post their work publicly. I don't want to be like that.

I appreciate the feedback nonetheless! I'll just focus on a daily drawing routine for now and worry about retarded commitment/insecurity issues later.

>> No.3863073

after doing all the pages of constructive anatomy what is next?

>> No.3863149


>> No.3863169

Pinterest! Save your favourite things all the time and you wouldn't run out of ideas when you need it.

Try to draw without using imagination and see how well you do. If you can manage to do it well then you can try other fundamentals you think needs practice, making a finished work will allow you to assess yourself well in that regards.

>> No.3863177
File: 204 KB, 441x752, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how I prevent the edge from being serrated
i want smooooth borders like Kyle and shit, but i dont know what to do, i need to draw in the same layer? use blur or what?

>> No.3863348

Is posting art on tumblr or twitter better than posting from your own website? Are there any downsides to making your own site?

>> No.3863357

You should probably read up on SEO if you're making a website.

>> No.3863361

Kyle usually draws a very tight line art before painting, there's a video process on his twitter.

>> No.3863368

I know how to make one. I need to know if I should even bother if there's better alternatives

>> No.3863489
File: 10 KB, 390x200, cgpeers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone knows if the registration does really unlock in the 1st and 15th of every month? Couldn't find any recent confirmation and some say it's invite-only now.

>> No.3863495

Why would the site say that it does otherwise? Considering Ockham's Razor.

>> No.3863646

What happened to the NSFW/PORN thread? Is it banned?
I don't know where to post my lewds

>> No.3863869

it does, newfriends

>> No.3863870

Don't think so, considering this board is still on 4chan.

>> No.3863871

I really suck at drawing shoulders, how can I improve?

>> No.3863872
File: 303 KB, 619x498, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3863874

Thanks anon

>> No.3863989

do you guys think it is possible to have something look painterly in style while still having a somewhat thick, cartoony linework? can anyone post an exmaple or something like that? i just feel like i cant pull it off well and everything i make has really flat blocks of color, or just looks jarring.

>> No.3864003
File: 110 KB, 860x658, IMG_1773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.3864137

nice painting but nah not exactly. theres little to no visible linework in that. im talkin thick and bold linework

>> No.3864168

I'm >>3864017
any advice? I feel like I'm not having much fun

>> No.3864172

Use a regular male muscle guide and distort/de-emphasize the more intense geometry. Pornhub will have a lot of good examples of what you want to draw irl.

>> No.3864174

Draw with as much or as little of your body as you need for each line; if I were to draw on an easel or wall, I would draw with the whole body, on a smaller surface use smaller motions.

>> No.3864180

flatting and locking transparency, retard

>> No.3864186

It is probably a good thing that you only draw in full focus for 90min at a time. taking breaks is good for the brain and the body.
Music or podcasts muddle your focus, it was one of the best lessons Milt Kahl ever taught Richard Williams and by extension the world.
During your breaks you should engage in a complete non-sequitur activity. This will let you see your work with "fresh" eyes when you sit back down again.

>> No.3864194

Try and find a life drawing class where you live; you'll be able to draw male and female models live and in real time.

>> No.3864203

Make sure you are eating enough protein and complex carbs, reduce caffeine intake, draw larger/zoom in.

>> No.3864204

Are there any real artists that gave that advice? I wouldn't count some shoddy Disney animator and some nobody as real artists.

>> No.3864206

Fap before you draw, enough to nut twice if needed.

>> No.3864213
File: 69 KB, 497x282, 1549333383265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Williams and Kahl are legends. I'm not even going to give you a (You).

>> No.3864293
File: 346 KB, 1134x772, 1427059457639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what medium was used to create this? I'm guessing fine line pen but I'm not sure how the shading was achieved

>> No.3864322

I know literally nothing, but that almost looks like someone drew lines over an already-coffee-stained paper.

>> No.3864350

looks like watercolor with shitty paper because of how bad the edges are and noticeable backruns

>> No.3864734

What aspects of my work/online presence should I start examining if I'm having trouble getting noticed alongside my mutuals?

>> No.3864851

Want to start painting with gouache. What brand do you recommend, what sketchbook should I get and which brushes - I can use watercolor brushes right?

>> No.3864863

Read more, this is good for scenarios, even writing helps with generating ideas.

Just focus on drawing and getting better and your style will naturally come out. This is kind of a cliche but it is literally the truth.

Just draw.

Also might want to watch the Craig Mullins' digital painting class, very good material IMO.

Try using 3D.

Not at all. Esp. when working on a professional gig, use any tools at your disposal: 3d tools, photo reference, perspective grids, take photography of yourself, make models out of clay, and maquettes a lá James Gurney, even tracing. Time is money and it's the result that matters.


>> No.3864946

>Just focus on drawing and getting better and your style will naturally come out. This is kind of a cliche but it is literally the truth.
How can you tell what your drawing style looks like?

>> No.3865071

When you start looking at your gallery and noticing various aspects that unify regardless of subject matter.

>> No.3865078

What're some methods you use to push yourself into grinding out the final bit on a project you've been putting off?

>> No.3865093
File: 164 KB, 1280x1748, tumblr_nuehh7MqQQ1sjhd0ao2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same Anon here, this artist says he uses a sharpie brush pen for coloring and fine liners/fountain pen for lines

I can tell it's the brush pen by the notorious dripping of ink, but how are there virtually zero streaks, and how does he manage colors that aren't even sold in brush pen form? is it shopped afterwards perhaps?
also interested in knowing which paper is best for this sort of art

>> No.3865094
File: 200 KB, 1280x1339, tumblr_o9sj4brIyL1sjhd0ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another