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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 131 KB, 1410x500, JohnK-PR-pic-1-1410x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3831591 No.3831591 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many mentally unhinged people attracted to drawing?

>> No.3831594

most likely because it's a sort of mental and creative skill anon. why would mentally ill people be attracted to a skill that you can express your feelings in. Wow, amazing

>> No.3831603

Just draw already

>> No.3831609

name 20

>> No.3831617

I'll do you one better >>3826767

>> No.3831622

>have freedom unlease their imagination
>can autisticly grind your work without interact with others - a good thing for everyone

>> No.3831631

Weird and deranged people move mediums forward.
It's one thing to come up with a concept, it's another to deliver it with an eerie level of authenticity.

>> No.3831642

I think its a being in control thing

>> No.3831643

yes, its unfortunate a lot of people become demonized for their out of the box thinking these days. i thought we were supposed to be in an age of diversity and acceptance, but the people claiming such things are the same ones to point the finger and blame the other, as long as the other is not a part of their group think.

>> No.3831677

ever been to deviantart?

>> No.3831687


because it's easy and makes you feel good.

>> No.3831715

wtf are mentally unhinged ppl?

>> No.3831718

you know, nutjobs

>> No.3831760

You ever read about the weirdos in science or software development? Any job that requires extreme focus and attention attracts lunatics.

>> No.3831768

I could probably name a hundred.

>> No.3831786

John K sexually exploited a minor, by the way.
In case you missed that part.

>> No.3831787

what did he do?

>> No.3831789

some people cant stand falling into the same monotony as everyone else and without an outlet it will eat away at their essence until they either kill themselves literally or figuratively

>> No.3831793

I was just thinking this. Some fag named purp3l. Hes batshit

>> No.3831798
File: 163 KB, 293x337, 48DDC8AC-8A68-4ABA-9797-8EAEC7CC3BAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP I’ve got a joke for you
Why did they bury the fireman on top of the hill?

>> No.3831816

Believing in crackpot conspiracies isn't "out of the box thinking", /pol/

>> No.3831820

oh shit really, source

>> No.3831832


>> No.3831860

> "these days"
That's been the case throughout human history. Humans are a social species and people who don't follow norms often get ostracised and even completely regarded as psychopaths or idiots until well after their death, up until enough people look at their thoughts and work realise their value. This then gets disseminated and enters the normal cultural fabric to varying degrees.

>> No.3831871
File: 11 KB, 210x240, b423b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they ran out of space in the graveyard.

>> No.3831884

You make it sound like every reject have something new to contribute, this is usually not the case.

>> No.3831908

she was literally 17 and a half years old, he just got close to her and they banged consensual, people just like to twist it around especially since he's still soft-blacklisted

>> No.3831911
File: 127 KB, 817x656, apu sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal faggots dont even know what its like to have the ability to draw. You are god. You understand that. You are literately fucking god. You can conjure reality at will.

Okay, now picture you have artistic skill. And you also like big titties.

I mean, come on.....just, come on, you fucking fucking normal fags cant stand there and judge us. Dont act like you wouldnt do the same.

Artists arent weird, the world is weird. We love sex and we love life. And you fucks, you fucks with your morality.

*spits on ground

>> No.3831920

Being an artist is about disrupting bourgeoisie normality. John k did more for animation than any dipshit social justice tard ever will.

You want to know the mindset of a true artist? Its intense self hatred. And im not talking about the typical social justice tard self hatred, im talking about like some deep hatred for humanity and existence and being.

This drives you to both psychosis and perfection. Your art is never perfect and its never finished

>> No.3831928

Yeah but that's not the same thing as diddling little girls.

>> No.3831929

Normalfags are the ones drawing big tittied girls. You have the possiblity of drawing anything that comes that comes to your mind, and all you do is delegate thinking to your dick?

>> No.3831933

Nice! I'm on the right track!

>> No.3831968

If you say so. I feel my art is much better once I got past a lot of my self-hatred and misanthropy.
These days, I hate a lot less, but I find I direct my hatred more at Communists and collectivists in general.

>> No.3832206

think about it like this
if I couldn't create, I'd commit suicide. I would really tear out my hair and just die. It's that simple yet complex. It's not some correlated thing, it's part of the human condition.

>> No.3832400

>being a classcuck

>> No.3832405

its called wanting attention and takes up a majority of the art industry and has a pissload of idiots who want to draw for the attention than the art. same goes for retards here on this site who seek attention. live in a society, the meme

>> No.3832441

what i hate about art today is that skill's become such a taboo topic to discuss, so a lot of parasites just go around talking about their artistry and artistness more than focusing on the craft. they know that if they play a certain card with many different angles, they can bluff their way through most situations. i like that 'post your work' meme, its entrenching the artists in the shit that they talk.

>> No.3832456

>And you also like big titties.
what if I like cats instead

>> No.3832475


>> No.3832561

Reminder John K is worth 5 mil and is more successful than anyone on /ic/ or any Patreon tracer

>> No.3832564
File: 8 KB, 1024x576, C69450F4-616D-4083-98A6-9E2F5C700B2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy who made a cartoon about a talking turd is more successful than anyone here


>> No.3832585
File: 417 KB, 1192x800, tvvt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are so many mentally unhinged people attracted to drawing?

because you touch yourself at night.

*The following sick burn was made possible through viewer contributions and through people like (you)*

>> No.3832617

Because it's a way of leaving your mark so people don't forget you. Do you know why normal people aren't attracted to drawing (unless it's for profit, but that's not a natural attraction so they don't count)? Because they're losers who no one is going to remember.

>> No.3832619

Why not just search for porn instead of wasting 3 hours drawing it yourself? Are you a fucking caveman with no internet conection?

>> No.3832627

That anon was so transparent he could of been made of glass.

>> No.3832643

then you give your cats tits and draw furry porn

>> No.3832645
File: 147 KB, 746x718, theremustbemoretolife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to draw porn I want to draw

>> No.3832652

2D can easily eclipse 3D.

>> No.3832742
File: 1.24 MB, 957x1200, 73443053_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(ok sorry >>3832585 wasn't very nice but i couldn't resist)

In all seriousness,the question begs, what do you consider unhinged? what do you consider mental?
Let's suppose there are 2 kinds of people in the world:

(Normal)For whom life was designed, they should find little difficulty in their veritable garden of eden unless they give in to temptation by a serpent demon. The accounted for.

Of the (Ab)normal Classification:

We find many classes within (Ab)normality:
(DSGE), (DSBE), ( __GE),(__BE), (__Ge),(__Be) to name a few, (phew!)

(DSGE) = Dopamine+serpotonin present, virtuous, (G=Good) Emapth. (E=exhibits emotions when needed)

Of the abnormals, DSGE is like none other.
S/he is constantly adapting to the enviroment, clusters, clues, what you have you. they have a system in place that cohabitates with society.
These are your high functioning Autists, like Picasso, who paint, observe, take steps needed to alter their behavior and observe the results. Have an idea of what is right and wrong, so they may steal some of their drug of choice granted it produces a creative venture and hope it all evens out in the end. Empathetic when neccessary, displays and emotes in harmony with appropriateness (i.e. not laughing at a funeral)

DSGE is, (if you haven't already gathered) where I would place myself in my own system.

Pic related is the kind of art I make.

why am i attracted to drawing?
because i have a lot of energy left over with from being asexual to devote to sciences, the maths, and (art)'s.

>> No.3832760
File: 136 KB, 1255x763, kot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how cute are we talking

>> No.3832825

fucking what

>> No.3832829

What do the other classes stand for?

>> No.3832841

you are a stupid person

>> No.3832854
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 8f3323e5eb4d5d01a2207d1440bc1c40--autism-quotes-autism-education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3833437

Based schizo

>> No.3833491

Why rely in somebody else to provide a half-assed visual/audio simulation of your fantasy if you can create that yourself?
Your description of status quo people at least is correct.
ebin :DDD

>> No.3833524

Madness is one step away from creativity.

>> No.3833532

> Reminder John K wa worth 5 mil and was more successful than anyone on /ic/ or any Patreon tracer
Was. Key word is was. Now he's desperate for comm money. He's finished.

>> No.3833572

More like 10 million currently.

>> No.3833635


Glad you asked!

The seven deadly sins, faults which, due to our human nature, we can never truly escape, no matter who we are.

Counting 1(normal) class + 6(ab)normal) classes we have = seven classes!

This means, everyone has their blind spot, their guilt, their vice, their downsides. The ideal society accounts for this and everyone scratches each others back and we exchange currency to keep track of who owes whom what for what back scratching.

Pride: (Normal)
The status quo individual is more privvy to being full of themselves.
They become fully realized when they realize abnormality is not always the individuals fault and that they must do their part to help those for whom society was not so giving. Thrives when they see what they are doing is actually making a difference in someone elses life.

Envy: (DSGE)
The Dopamine/Serotonin present+Morally Good+Empath
Tends to be prone to jealousy, while ironically possessing many talents. Quirky, but is ultimately upset at their inability to put a strict definition on what they exactly are. (ie. I'm not (normal) but im not x or y either!)
Knows not what they want, but knows how to get it. Thrives when they eventually start listening to their own voice.

Greed: (DSBE)
The Dopamine/Serotonin present+Morally Bad+Empath
The road to hell is pathed with good intentions. Due to their spiritual ignorance, these individuals seek money for money's sake, too often not end up with a lot of things, an empty feeling inside that they did not follow their true passion. Typically come around when they have children who unconditionally love them.

>> No.3833636


Wrath: ( __GE)
The Dopamine/Serotonin absent+Morally_Good+Empath
The politician who wants to save the world, but forgets about his own needs and tendancies, and slips into alcoholism and beats his wife. He rationalizes that "the ends justify the means." (If Marsha had to beaten for us to get peace in afghanistan then so be it)
Thrives when they become self-aware and acrue patience, with themselves and others. Alcoholics Anonymous goes in depth a lot on this one.

Lust: (__BE)
The Dopamine/Serotonin Absent+Morally Bad+empath
The furries + GLBTQ community and your typical tumblrinas and overly progressives. Those who believe external appearance do not matter, that fitting the status quo don't matter, that making other people uncomfortable with your sexuality as long you and your lover can still snuggle out of love in your "messed up" erotic ways. The most easily offended. Thrives when society learns to tolerate them and vice versa ie. keeping society out of the bedroom and vice versa.

The dopamine/serotonin absent+morally_good+lack of empathy
The child, more often than not. Wants wants, and wants more, but doesn't know why, and cannot verbalise the true differences between their strong desires, their cravings, their semi-wants etc.
So they don't care about screaming in the toy aisle that they hate their parents for not buying them a barbie. Why would they? Only after the outgrowing and shedding of this stage at maturity can these individuals thrive.

The dopamine/serotonin absent+morally bad+lack of empathy
stoned crazy and homeless. fuck you, fuck this, the bottom of the gutter. Know they're a lost cause, and so they have to game the system to survive. Thrive when the rest of society helps them out and turn their life around with the hopes they won't relapse and cost the system further.

>> No.3833648

this isn't cogent or short enough to be a shitpost

>> No.3833650

Didn't he mention in a commentary that he went to an aspiring female animator's 15th birthday pool party?

>> No.3833653


Enjoy the cringe

>> No.3833659

I know Buzzfeed is a pretty shitty source but you can see all the interesting pictures here


>> No.3833665

So much crying.
Legal age is 15 in my country, you're supposed to be able to take responsibility by then, tell people off and so on. Not just sit there while people do what they want and then cry about it later on.

>> No.3833673

nobody who met you ever liked you

>> No.3833680

Legal =/= moral. I sure as shit wouldn't want to work with someone who thinks fucking 15 year olds is fine as long as it's legal.

>> No.3833712

>being a moralfag
To my knowledge any of the girls involved with Kricfalusi were not forced to interact with him and could've cut contact at any given moment if they so wished. And if this is not the case the blame is on the parents

>> No.3833726

I think its immoral to date anyone under 30. You disgust me. An 18 year old is still a child. I can't believe people like you exist in a modern society.

>> No.3833753


Did you hear about the guy who invented cough drops died?

>"Yeah, there was no coffin at his funeral."

>> No.3833814

> defensive pedofags

>> No.3833819

It's easy enough to explain, mental illness/emotional disorders and creativity are two faces of the same coin. Both involve deviating more or less from normative modes of thought.

>> No.3833820

>hypocritical moralfag pretending he has never ever been attracted someone below 18

>> No.3833998

Says the guy who mentally undresses 18 year olds.

>> No.3834004

John, please.

>> No.3834017

absolutely based and schizo-pilled

>> No.3834030

I feel... like you're overthinking this entire subject.

Fun fact about me! I had myself genotyped recently because a family member had it done and found some concerning health stuff, and it turns out that my OXYR gene has a double A mutation (A;A), while explains why I had to be taught how to emulate empathy rather than it being an inherent skill I was born with.

After spending the better part of a year in a phsychiatric hospital on a ward with an average of 20 other patients, though they came and went fairly often so I encountered probably a minimum of 50 other patients during my stay, I think that there are a lot more who are mentally unwell and are not attracted to drawing. I can count on one hand and have fingers left over the number of people who would regularly spend time in the art room with me. There was the aspiring tattoo artist, the butch lesbian, and me. And I was fucking around making papier mache animals and painting them bright colours, not drawing, because I burnt out the year before so I needed a change of medium and getting covered in flour glue was a good start

Perhaps, instead, you're asking why mentally ill artists are overrepresented in the art community? And I would suggest you examine the parts of the community you're immersing yourself in, and take a look at the people outside of it.

>> No.3834097

I wish. I'd cash my 10 million net worth and record myself rolling in it butt naked with my appropriate aged girlfriend just for you.

>> No.3834204

I'm DSGE, wow, cool shit

>> No.3834211

Most anons roaming this board probably fit into this DSGE type aswell.

>> No.3834263

Except no talent

>> No.3834509

So im a weird mix of Envy + Sloth with empaty. Fuck

>> No.3834597

Finding someone attractive =/= fucking them

Self-control motherfucker, you know it?

>> No.3834761

>admitting to being a pedo

>> No.3834934
File: 63 KB, 687x600, house-by-the-railroad.jpg!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3834985
File: 164 KB, 659x525, Steven Apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think sane people are pretty content with reality as is and just live life, mentality ill people on the other hand reject reality and therefor turn to art where they can create their own

>> No.3834987
File: 722 KB, 831x768, 431264987312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean it's insane to try creating an ideal world that you can lose yourself in instead of focusing on a reality that can only get more depressing as time passes? No really though can you say that looking for escapism is akin to insanity?

>> No.3834999

From my experience. Drawing help me not to think about killing myself and failure in my life

>> No.3835003

Nice trips anon

>> No.3835063
File: 1.23 MB, 3519x2958, 239. x-men! 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many fucking normies that think they'll ever into art?

If you don't have any x-men superpowers you're literally never going to make it.

>> No.3835066

Yes it is.
Your brain is a tool made to adapt to the circumstances, if instead of adapting decide to create your own reality you are insane.
People today are more and more insane than anybody in past. Mind you that's not bad or good by default.

>> No.3835071

fuck off, jimmy

>> No.3835085
File: 2.36 MB, 2684x3445, 156. never forget .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just wish you could be an x-man.

>> No.3835113

I blame the parents in all of this. What kind of parents think it's ok to have their 15 year old daughter live with a grown man?

>> No.3835128
File: 799 KB, 798x3170, JohnK_Abortion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legal or not, it's still creepy as fuck to date someone as old as your dad.
And even if 15 is legal, its scientifically proven that 15 year olds are not emotionally mature enough. They're at an awkward stage where they're mentally transitioning from child to adult.

Also John K just sounds like a sleazebag. Pic-related. Considering everyone who has ever worked with him has said he's an asshole, I wouldn't be surprised if this was true.

>> No.3835165

>what are peak fertility years?
Nature sensibly chuckles at your contrived morality.

>> No.3835166

if your power is shitting out hundreds of paintings but never improving i dont think i want to be

>> No.3835227

> admits to not knowing how the law works

>> No.3835236
File: 2.46 MB, 2791x3755, 285. Blue Lawrence 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no my nails and hair grow out slightly faster than average

>> No.3835262

In my country the law works like this: I can pump and dump any 15-year old slut I'd like. I can inject my semen deep inside their little tummies, I can finger their chocolate holes and I can massage their nipples with my tongue. I can make em squeal in my lap like little babies. Then I could post the story on facebook if I so wanted to.

And there is nothing you can do about it. There is nothing America can do about it. All the moral outrage in the world would amount to nothing. Hahahahaha! Stupid puritan moralfag mutt!

>> No.3835264

>being a proud kiddiediddler

unironically kys

>> No.3835266

She was 17, nobody gives a shit and nobody should give a shit if there was consent. 17 is the legal fuck age for like half the country anyways, idiot.

>> No.3835267

Call the cops, see if anything happens! Ahahah!

>> No.3835270

nah you shit out hundreds of paintings and never improve and try to deflect by posting shitty "jokes" and excuses and if that fails you break down every post into fragments and then reply to each word like a fucking retard and then if that fails you just REEEE and start cursing and calling other people bad.

youre a burnout single mother loser with no talent or skill and a cunty attitude and big ego. possibly the most unlikeable person on this board.

>> No.3835275
File: 2.26 MB, 2883x2867, 307. jlaw stretchface 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem upset!

>> No.3835282

you seem like a talent-less noskill loser!
you have no real reply because you know im right and that will never change
feels good to watch you stagnate, burnout

>> No.3835286

Age of consent in most American states is 16, so you're not as edgy as you think you are.

>> No.3835293

I am exactly as edgy as you make me. Some people ITT seem to think differently than you.

>> No.3835295
File: 1.81 MB, 2432x3098, 47. Red Lawrence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you seem like a talent-less noskill loser!
Why'd you hyphenate talentless and then not hyphenate no-skill?
>you have no real reply because you know im right and that will never change
sure? This meme criticism certainly never changes. It's NGMI and then if you do make stuff, "pfft well you can't improve or change" or whatever. Standard NPC text generator memes.
>feels good to watch you stagnate, burnout
Feels good to see how upset you are I guess? Not really tho I don't really feel anything about you. There's a lot of disaffected virgins in the world. Can't keep track of all of them.
Your need to tell yourself you're not mentally ill is the reason you're not going to make it or anything interesting. You're almost certainly a degenerate internet-addicted prevert, and as long as you hide from this you'll always be malignant and boring and upset. I want you to thrive. I want you to be best. That's probably what would make me "feel good." Get it girl!

>> No.3835296

aaaand theres the sperging out haha


where you live buddy lets meet up :)

>> No.3835299
File: 1.99 MB, 3008x2869, 173. To catch a muah?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you're just a degenerate jerk off.

Who cares what you think you CAN do in your shithole country when what you DO doo is sit around and masturbate to cp cartoons and act like a histrionic (attention seeking) faggot about it.

You're not edgy you're just a boring pervert.

>> No.3835300
File: 1.79 MB, 2843x2827, 306. keenan suspicious 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where you live buddy lets meet up :)
I'm not allowed near kids.

>> No.3835310

nah cmon ill knock your yellow crackhead teeth out and spit in your face while youre crying on the ground, it will be fun :)

cmon you skinny little tweaker bitch, im in maryland lets meet up

>> No.3835313
File: 90 KB, 1200x909, 6cefd5e4dcb1bb5cdcde839d8ca131ea4d78755635baefc9c5e3ed2eaff7cd74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff a burger in it man

>> No.3835339
File: 1.75 MB, 3024x3024, 305. ricky kek 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok what's your address?

I'm loving how upset you are post a picture of your face right now and I'll turn it into a shitty meme painting and deliver it to you once I'm a van man. Make a whole day out of it!

>> No.3835637

No she wasn't.

>> No.3835659

Blown the FUCK out.

>> No.3836113

Honestly it's pretty impressive that Jimmy has this much of an effect on some of the autists here.