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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3822425 No.3822425 [Reply] [Original]

Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?

How long have you been browsing /ic/?

How long have you been drawing?

How long have you realized you have to put forth effort into getting better at drawing?

>> No.3822430

If /ic/ makes you want to quit maybe this wasn't for you. Nobody cares how long you've been lurking or how long you've been in the craft fuck off with these blog threads.

>> No.3822435


Couple years now

Couple years not much longer

I used to think your innate talent was the only thing you had to work with, but then few years passed and I compared my current work with my old work. And I saw that talent is a load of shite. Hard work pays off, hurr Durr whodathunk.

The desire for progress, advancement in skill, accomplishment - all these things artists want is only ever truly obtained from looking backwards. So you have to draw, or else you will have nothing to look backwards at in the future. And it teaches you that nothing can be gained right away.

>> No.3822437

>Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?
No. But it makes me feel good about not choosing any art related careers.

>> No.3822483

I’ve never really gotten a “harsh” “critique” or anything, and I wouldn’t get upset because of that, but I have been accused of tracing which is probably the most underminded thing that you as an artist can hear. That has put me off from the board for awhile. Even though I know I don’t, it’s just the hive mind mentality that this board often has that gives me anxiety. When you work hard on something and someone knocks it all down, it can take a huge toll on your artistic confidence. That’s why I always try to hype people up when I DO come on here. But crabs are always gonna crabs I guess.

I’ve been browsing /ic/ probably for around 6 years and drawing seriously for maybe 8? I had a turning point maybe a little over a year and a half ago. Along with dedicated practice, I also really latched on to the idea of paint/draw what you see/not what you know, and that there’s a lot of technical aspects that go into becoming a good artist. Sadly, I’ve also realized that I’m not a very creative person, so I’ve been forcing myself to watch movies more and draw from imagination and eventually start creating my own concepts and full paintings.

>> No.3822490

no one critiques my stuff enough... but then it's usually coming out of left field

>> No.3822516

>Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?
No. Not sure what's so harsh about critique, if that's what you mean by the harshness of /ic/. You posted your work to get critiqued. You got critiqued. Do you want to be circlejerked instead? Are you actually seeking for validation, not critique? Just some food for thought. Although ideally you should be able to critique yourself, if anything, you should be rather happy that you know your flaws now. You have something to work towards.
>How long have you been browsing /ic/?
Don't remember.
>How long have you been drawing?
Don't remember, I've taken long breaks to focus on other things though.
>How long have you realized you have to put forth effort into getting better at drawing?
From the beginning.
Also, stop caring about retards insulting without any critique, ignore them. And remember, if you get critiqued with good explanations and/or advice, that's a good thing.

>> No.3822521

I love how anons reply as if they are on an interview on a TV show.

>> No.3822528

>no fun allowed

>> No.3822544

i want /ic/ to hurt me. you faggots are too nice now.
i don't think anyone will ever admit this, but you don't even really need to be a very creative person to be a successful artist. if anything, it's the really creative weirdos who seem to struggle the most to gain traction while people with enough skill to do whatever has eyeballs on it do pretty well for themselves. worst case scenario you could just become a tradfag and get into the gallery world

>> No.3822558

>How long have you realized you have to put forth effort into getting better at drawing?
I've always known that, but it don't matter. When you lose all desire you just stop giving a fuck either way.

>> No.3822563

my art is so fugly everyone just tells me to die


>> No.3822567
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Harshness is fine. The worst that will happen to you is indifference. I posted this on both the beg and draw threads and no one got moved enough by my max effort. Now that will break you.

>> No.3822572

too stiff

>> No.3822573

you're still at the level where the most useful advice that can be given is simply to study the fundamentals & draw from life. but outside of that,
do you do thumbnails & underdrawings at all anon or do you just go straight to the canvas without really planning things? a drawing is just an idea, it doesn't have to be confined to one page. up it until you call it a final everything else is jut a blueprint.

>> No.3822583

Sometimes I do thumbnails, so it really is a legit technique huh. Underdrawings yes I do, then I put the clothes over it. So it's stiff and I need more fundies and real life, thanks.

>> No.3822588

why does the accusation get to you if it isnt true. its a compliment in that case

>> No.3822593

Shut the fuck up you whiny bitch. Crying about it won't remove the thread. If you can't handle it, leave OP's thread. Or the internet in general. He's clearly asking for others opinions and thoughts to start a discussion.
Go cry in your corner, Frankfurter.

>> No.3822684

i rarely get and when i do its not that harsh. I've been here for 1 year.I've drawing years and years now. I'm not sure when i realized i gotta good

>> No.3822702

>Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?
No, it makes me want to draw more to improve because I'm not some pussy.

>> No.3822713

>Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?
Not at all. I don't take /ic/ too seriously since you get a mixed bag of crabs, shitposters and critique, and most of that harshness is not coming from actual critique. I notice most of the good critique is very fundamental, which is what you would expect and so I can't really think about it as harsh. I also find that it's easy to clue into mistakes if you step away from your art for a day.
What really kicks me in the nuts is seeing good humble artists who got there through hard work, which makes me feel like I'm not practicing hard enough.

>How long have you been browsing /ic/?
About two years now, although I do it less and less. /ic/ tends to be a timesink more than a place to ask for help.

>How long have you been drawing?
About 8 years.

>How long have you realized you have to put forth effort into getting better at drawing?
About two years.

>> No.3822715

>Nah. If I'm on 4chan, it's to shitpost. You bet if I'm posting in /ic/, it's with a picture I drew with my non-dominant hand while putting everything I know about image construction out of mind.

>I have no idea. Might drop by a couple of days in a row once or twice a month, been doing it since the year I flunked out of university, so 2011.

>As long as I can remember.

>A good while ago, but I'm working on sculpture at the moment, not drawing. Same principle however.

>> No.3822722
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>Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?
Never even though I posted my work and got bashed like everyone else. It's valuable critique, as little of it as there is. The shitty quality of my work has made me stop drawing for extended periods though.
>How long have you been browsing /ic/?
Couple years, now, I think?
>How long have you been drawing?
Been drawing seriously for a year.
>How long have you realized you have to put forth effort into getting better at drawing?
The moment I set foot in /ic/.

>> No.3822726

Link to the post that hurt you OP

>> No.3822958

>Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?
Funny thing is that I finally found the motivation to study seriously after I began visiting /ic/. In social media people are usually too nice to beginners, it's all some "you're great! you're special! there's no right or wrong!" kind of vibe and I find it really annoying. At least this board is more sincere.

>How long have you been browsing /ic/?
not too long, maybe a year? I don't remember

>How long have you been drawing?
I began maybe 5 years ago but never took it seriously and never improved. Now I'm about 4 months into serious study and I already see improvement in some things.

>How long have you realized you have to put forth effort into getting better at drawing?
Since I took it seriously, so about 4 months ago

>> No.3822993

That initial truth that your shitty trash scribbles are shit is liberating. I think that's where the "harshness" comes from, trash doesn't get asspats. You have to have no delusions of how bad you are in order to improve. This is probably the first place some kids get shat on in their life.

The biggest crab bucket isn't here, it's everywhere else. I don't think social media purposefully holds people back, but the validation and empty platitudes are the opposite of what you need.

>> No.3823033

I quit for 2 years not because of /ic/ but because I just failed to get any following. It took me years to get to some 100 followers and I had worked so hard. I burned out and went into a deep depression because I'm also unemployable due to having spent all my time drawing instead of getting a real job / education.
Now I'm drawing again knowing that I'll probably never gain a following but it's starting to creep back into my head and I'm trying to fight it. I still haven't completely abandoned the idea of having an art career.

>> No.3823037

Their harshness is to be expected, we’re on 4chan. Their pessimism, however, really depresses me sometimes

>> No.3823039

Post work, might be something simple and dumb that’s the issue

>> No.3823072

Nah I've been through this discussion before, I just want to get off the whole getting an audience thing. Maybe my art just sucks.

>> No.3823100

Exactly, you won't improve if everybody praises your shitty doodles for fear of hurting your feelings. I'm not saying is cool to attack people with no reason, but to at least be sincere.

>> No.3823129

>Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?

Never! My motivation comes from within. /ic/ is very motivating for me because I see people being honest about art, instead of modern art bullshit.

>> No.3823204

>Being so butthurt that you blatantly samefag

>> No.3823217

If you are drawing for attention you're going to go through that phase each and everytime. Some of us draw for the sake of drawing because we legitimately enjoy doing it without the need for posting it for attention. Personally I do not see a reason as to why you post your work online unless you are charging a premium for a higher quality of your work for those who want to appreciate a higher resolution or to build a paying base of viewers. If it doesn't make money it doesn't make sense.

>> No.3823218

>being such a schizo crab that you make baseless jabs at anything

>> No.3823219

>If you are drawing for attention you're going to go through that phase each and everytime.
In my opinion you shouldn't even draw if you want attention, there are so many easier things like ranting about politics on youtube.

>> No.3823220

I just come to /ic/ for all the self-hating salt lol

>> No.3823222

The less attention you get and more intrinsically motivated to draw you are when starting out, the better. The silence in response to unremarkable art and validation seeking is really powerful. I dont like seeing people burn out and give up, but when they're in it for the wrong reasons (attention they dont get at home), it works out in the end.

>> No.3823230

>In my opinion you shouldn't even draw if you want attention
>If you are drawing for attention
Of course I don't draw for attention but I wanted to make art a career and making 100 followers in years by posting art daily while literal scribbles would do far better made me feel dejected. I still care about this shit because I still haven't given up on the dream. I have to give up on it.

>> No.3823341

Also true, almost no one know that I'm studying this, and it's so much better

>> No.3823431

I didn't really improve much until I stopped posting and stopped thinking about what I should be doing or what other people might want. It's a lot like guitar where's there's a period you just need to shut up and grind whatever you feel like and not show anyone for like 2 whole fucking years. If you've never had a creative hobby before, I could see how easy it is to look for unearned attention.

>> No.3823433

you know what ive noticed on 4chan

/ic/, /v/, and /k/ are all the same salt vein.

everywhere else they just sort of accepted they are engaging in some form of degeneracy. like on /ck/, they just endlessly talk about fast food and its fun. on /tv/ they say stupid perverted shit about female celebs. /mu/ has actual discussions. /fa/ is just waaaay in some self denial chamber similar to /soc/ back in the day. its just on /ic/ where people pretend theyre better than they actually are for god knows what

>> No.3823434

No, the harshness doesn't bother me, plenty of older forums have been just as harsh before reddit came along. What bothers me is all the newfigs ngmi dyed's who lurk here and shitpost

>> No.3823448

This place used to have a different vibe before /r9k/ tried to use art as a form of self improvement. Now it's all bitter faggots arguing about nothing. There used to be more overlap with all the drawthreads and some humor before the autistic screeching took over.

>> No.3823454


so many idiots who think learning to draw will redeem their shitty life

>> No.3823500

/lit/ also has the same vibe
it should be about literature but it's all talking about how GRRM is a hack and Jordan Peterson memes

>> No.3823519

>Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?
Nah, I've been animating years before I even started drawing last year. The critiques were harsh then and I got used to it. I could barely handle it in the beginning but it was so long ago that I can remember only a bit of how I reacted.
I hate the stigma around this mindset, especially since people can't really change how they feel about things easily. It just takes exposure and some people aren't able to handle that. It's completely natural, and it's annoying how obnoxious people can be, bragging about being able to take it when it's not even an achievement, but a personality trait generated by something that some people either don't have access to, or are unable to take.

If you can't take critique, don't worry about it. I know many animators who couldn't take critique to save their lives and still don't, animators who couldn't take critique and later learn to stomach it, (Me) and animators who could always take critique.
I'd say these are usually set in stone and if they aren't they are very difficult to change.
>How long have you been browsing /ic/?
One year.
>How long have you been drawing?
I've been animating 6 or 7 years and wanted to improve to fullbody animation so I was directed to /ic/
>How long have you realized you have to put forth effort into getting better at drawing?
Since the beginning. As soon as I picked up the pencil to draw I tried working hard to improve and though I'm not super good or anything I've reached a goal that I had previously put off due to laziness for years and I'm proud of myself for it.

Honestly I'm glad as fuck that from the beginning I've known I had to work hard because it gives me way more time to get better.

>> No.3824305
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>/mu/ has actual discussions
Opinion discarded.

>> No.3824314

Yeah. You should try participating. Its actually better than just watching.

>> No.3824349

you think /ic/ is harsh? really? try having scientifically inclined russian and jewish parents.

>vad da hell iz dis anime shit
>no yu dun need no at supply? why? why?
>vat is dere to understand itiot JUST DRAW
>great now go get real job "artist"mane;
>mcdonals or doctor chuuse

>> No.3824860

This... you all must have been really spoiled if you think /ic/ is harsh.

>> No.3824875

no some of yall niggas dumb as fuck

>> No.3824894


If /ic/ makes you want to stop making art cold turkey then you never had the conviction to work and grind your way into a proper artist.

>> No.3825166

almost 5 years
a little bit longer than that
when i came to /ic/

>> No.3825347

>my life is a movie and i'm the main character
ur right, but you're also a massive faggot for pointing it out

>> No.3826807
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>tfw after a decade of complete isolation I openly make discussions with myself out loud in a language that isn't even mine
>just completely unhinged rants and explaining stuff to nobody like I'm streaming or something
I have lost my fucking mind a long time ago

>> No.3828561

No, it only makes me stronger

>> No.3828688

Ah, a traveler of distant lands.

>Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?
No, it motivates me. Every time I got put down, I swore I'd show all those crabs who's the king of the bucket

Getting a hurtful crit doesn't hurt as much as getting no crit at all.

>> No.3828697

After spending about 3 hour procrastinating and 1 hour attempting the most basic loomis shit, I find myself with a vibrating anger and nausea that I've not felt with pretty much anything else in my life. I find it so incredibly frustrating that I cant even complete simple tasks or draw a straight line or vaguely cohesive circle shape, and I feel so utterly sick that I want to snap my pencils and never look at 'drawing techniques/advice' ever again.

Is this something others have experienced? I'd like to be able to draw as a hobby, but I'm utterly unprepared and unequipped for how revolting I feel after simply trying to practice so that I can someday git gud. I've never had a hobby before, so I have no idea if this means I should just be giving up or something.

>> No.3828707

If harsh critique makes you want to stop you were never going to be above mediocre.

>> No.3828738

Yes, I overcame this by only spending 50% of my time doing fundamentals, and the other 50% spending the least amount of effort getting something cute on the page, even if it’s by tracing.

>> No.3829020

Other way around. Whenever someone tells me NGMI or whatever I want to prove them wrong so I work even harder.

>> No.3829109

>Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?
No. it is the reason I come here.
>How long have you been browsing /ic/?
4 years
>How long have you been drawing?
3 years
>How long have you realized you have to put forth effort into getting better at drawing?
define effort. I usually improve after long periods of no drawing.

>> No.3829116

>Does the harshness of /ic/ ever make you want to quit drawing?
i legitimately do not get this
i can already look at my drawings and know they are shit

>> No.3829121

/ic/ will make you realize you were even shittier than you thought you were.

>> No.3831190

no the people here suck so much dick and artists in general suck so bad that I feel I have to fucking draw
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
that's a stupid question

>> No.3831507

I'm not sure if you can even call /ic/ "harsh"

People react strongly to dramas and shitposting, yeah, but that's also true for all of the other boards. They can also be very nice if you're actually contributing and being polite
In fact, IMO this board houses one of the nicest and most productive population on 4chan

>> No.3831529

If you think ic is harsh. Youre a pussy.