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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 131 KB, 751x1063, what_have_you_done__by_silverwizard257_dczk4vn-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3815682 No.3815682 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. I'm an art student in my third year of university, and as part of my course I am looking for feedback on my work. Here is one of my recent works. I started by painting a sheet of watercolour paper pink, and drawing and colouring the boy by hand. I then scanned the sheets into a computer, and then on Photoshop I applied the wave feature to the pink background until I got the glitchy background I wanted. I used the clone brush to clean up the hand-drawn figure.

>> No.3815707

Wow how can you be so shit after 3 years of uni? It looks like a fucking kid drew it.

>> No.3815713

are those bird legs bursting out of him?

>> No.3815716

What’s your program? Illustration?

>> No.3815719

Answering the two questions I've had so fair,

1) Those are arrows. He's been pelted by cupid's arrow several times.

2) Yes, it's illustration.

>> No.3815720


>> No.3815738

You sound like you're new here so ill just say it. 4chan is not a good place to look for critique especially since your skill level is so low and you will defiantly get shitted on.
Ask your teachers for advice because it is very obvious whats wrong with your work. Lastly I'm sorry to say this, but you will not get any work after you finish your course.

>> No.3815752 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3815754
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>> No.3815755

Lol that's a pretty good edit ngl

>> No.3815775

The character takes away from the real masterpiece of the work, THE BACKGROUND! I am getting a 21st century Pollock vibe from it. Truly brilliant.

>> No.3815779

Lacks Hampton and fundamentals in general, my nigga.

>> No.3815782 [DELETED] 
File: 354 KB, 1913x1317, 49319463_843197899223647_2137471611081588736_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should post your work in a cringe thread I think it would be quiet popular there.

>> No.3815789


>> No.3815909

if he got in 3rd year with art like this, his teachers are not the man to help

>> No.3815935
File: 149 KB, 1024x705, sabrina_thorpe_by_silverwizard257_dd02s2k-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if troll or not, but I looked up the dA account and everything OP has said seems consistent to the information on the profile page. Can't believe this is the quality of work done by someone who is in an art program but still has lumpy linework and forms. The decline has been happening but wow. I know someone who draws just like the OP and relies on 'fake it until you make it' but even he didn't go to art school. Jeez.

>> No.3815976

They accept anyone into university these days, we still all have the boomer mindset of universities where they're the only way to achieve higher than lower middle class.

It's nonsense, especially an arts degree. The ultimate form of financial cuckoldry.

>> No.3815981

I love how you told us your process exactly even though almost anyone could whip up the exact sane thing in under four minutes.

>oh look he put glitch art as a background
How quirky. Now how about you learn some drawing skills so you can complete the piece.

>> No.3815989

I giggled.

>> No.3816337

Well that's fucked!

>> No.3816404

so what are your pronouns?

>> No.3816406
File: 9 KB, 228x221, 56868558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is clearly bait

>> No.3816409

It made me depressed to see how many people went through my university and still had little to no skill by graduation. I had some good professors who would do their best to help everybody, but a lot of them were either just babysitters or only focused on the ones who came into the program already good.

>> No.3816425


>> No.3816974

if it is it's very well done bait, if you dig deep enough you can find the guys facebook and he seems to be dead serious.

>> No.3817051

Yeah it's not bait. My course requires me to get feedback on my work from outside the university in order to pass, but the idea to get it from 4chan was mine alone.

I worried that I was gonna fail just by not being able to get enough feedback from actual professionals (well I got one who did picture books and set design and actually liked it for some reason), so I came up with the idea of posting my art to 4chan. I did it because I knew I could get raw, unfiltered feedback from anonymous posters (if you've heard of GIFT you can see where I was going). I suppose I definitely got what I expected so it was a success.

Btw I pitched the idea to my lecturers and they were okay with it.

>> No.3817053

fuckin kek

>> No.3817058

Sorry man but with drawings like this in a third years it looks like you're not gonna make it, find something different to do.

>> No.3817065

Eh, I'm not too pessimistic. That said, I'm enough of a realist that I accept that I should at least get a part-time job. Given the state of the current job market you'd probably need a masters to go anywhere in the industry.

>> No.3817078

Dude, wake up. Google some working illustrators and then compare with your work. It's nowhere close. Also you don't need a degree, you need a good portfolio. My point is if you were drawing like that for at least 2 years then I don't see you reaching hirable level, ever. You lack self awareness to progress on your own or to find a sensible feedback.

>> No.3817086

Masters? What. You don't need any kind of education, all you need is skill and/or connections. You severely lack at least the first.

>> No.3817140

You are delusional if you think you will get anywhere with a masters alone at your skill level. You'd make a better salesman. Look into getting an MBA instead. That way you have a chance at selling a product that's not inferior.

>> No.3817167
File: 519 KB, 1920x1201, 1544996966033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your style is uninspired, actually I can see where your inspiration stems from, you're going for vaporware this type of nostalgic feeling for things you really have no background in.

I can see you have potential, but you need to change your perspective.
I mean in that you are just churning out garbage that doesn't define you as an individual artist but rather as an individual drop of piss in a ocean of uninspired crap.

Your not unique as much as you think you are.

Pic unrelated but you are audacious to think you are an artist.

>> No.3817173

This delusion.
You need Jeff Watts to ground you

>> No.3817242

You shared your thoughts about the working process behind this piece, but what about the thinking process?
And I don't even mean the message you want to convey, but your stylistic choices. Because to me they seem very shallow. The stylization is incoherent. It's okay to use flat shapes and symbols in your work, but it seems those stylistic choices were purely made because you don't know how to draw it otherwise and seem mostly unreflected. You can work in a stylized manner, but you need to pay attention to life! Not in a naturalistic way - although you should have a basic skillset if you're in your 3rd year - but in the sense that you need to observe and capture the essence of things. Your art is not only amateurish, but incredibly impersonal. I'm sorry to say this, but I don't see any passion or true emotion in the artwork you posted. Are you sure you like drawing?

>> No.3817284

It was supposed to be a reflection on love as a destructive force, as evidenced by the arrows pelted at the boy. Each arrow represents a strike from the cupid so to speak, every romantic impulse that has led him down a destructive path. In terms of style the background comes from me getting into the quirkier glitch style. To me the inclusion of glitches is a representation that things are not as they should be, that something is broken.

>> No.3817299
File: 62 KB, 539x446, 30SecondParrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude im a shitty furry artist thats never had any art classes and im better than you, we both need to do some serious fundamentals grinding

>> No.3817304

Why is the character standing there stiff as a pillar? Is he paralyzed? Maybe an impression of martyrdom? Or do you just not know bodylanguage?

His face is simplified into a smiley face/ emoticon. There is no real emotion, just the most abstract representation of one. Why? To allow the viewer to self insert? Is it meant to be iconic? Or do you just not know any better?

His body is flat and the stripes make no sense. Is it meant to sambolize a bird cage or prison? Or maybe it's a metaphor for the characters shallow view on love - maybe that is why the arrows are drawn so small and insignificent. Or maybe you just cut the body off because you suck at drawing.

tl;dr It's hard to evaluate your art.

From what you've shown I can only assume a lack of skill on your part. If there is actually more to your decision than drawing what you know (symbols), make sure to communicate those ideas. And you are terrible at it. Maybe I just don't see it, but that is the reason ppl in the thread telling you your work sucks. And even though a lot of them are close minded and only fixated on naturalism - they are right in that it is a very underwhelming illustration.

If you don't do it already, I'd advise you to draw more from life.

PS: Drop out of your school. If they weren't able to teach you the most basic skills within 3 years, you're just wasting money on them. Literally scammers.

>> No.3817309

>and im better than you
You're not.

You have no sense of form, anatomy or even color, your drawings look really naive, it reminds me of Andy warhol, but even he projected photos on sheets of paper and drew in simple lines with that.

If you spent a year studying anatomy and drawing realistic from a model you would see a real improvement.

>> No.3817520

I heard that if I eat a lot like, a LOT of petunias I'll get amazing at drawing flowers and stuff. Do you think that's true?

>> No.3817528

Yes, and make sure you wash them down with weed killer to stay extra safe

>> No.3818417

someone mentioned 4chan is bad at critique and theyre full of shit.

youre just going to get it with a lot of vitriol too, or nothing at all

what i can say most is drop out. the school is doing nothing for you. take a real approach to studying that involves learning to observe and think three dimensionally. people recommend fun with a pencil, i really like how to draw by hampton and color and light by gurney

>> No.3818421

meant figure drawing by hampton, i think i was thinking of another book at the same time

>> No.3818427
File: 1.20 MB, 800x960, 1548722385419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you got shit on pretty hard OP, don't take it personally, kiddo, this is all part of the process. You posting your work here is a step in the right direction, and I can imagine that it took a lot of courage.

Hopefully, it motivates you to take the next step, either away, or towards a career in art, time is a precious thing and we are only allotted a finite amount of it, so it's best to make the most of it...

Good luck OP, I am rooting for you.

>> No.3818481

Kek, ohh fuck i cant stop thinking how great that would be if executed properly.

>> No.3818555

Is there a better perspective book than Norling's one? I tried it and found it really bad for me.

>> No.3818575

I'm so sorry OP, for everything but it was expected. Just my 2 cents here; don't try to be artsy yet. It's like making a lemonade, kinda. You need some lemons and those will become your lemonade. Right now you're trying to do a lemonade with 1/8th of a lemon so it's not coming out so good.
Sure, I instantly understood it was some sort of a e s T h e T I c valentine's drawing, but it lacks skill to be worth appreciating. Get some actual drawing training and convert those gains into drawings.
Thinking about it, have you ever tried to draw a real person or comics? Drawing people will let you know how truly bad you are at drawing since we easily see when a human looks wrong. Also I find Spiderman's body to be really fun and easy to draw and he lacks a face.

4chan, believe it or not, may be the best place for art in the current internet. Reddit would praise what you did and give slight recommendations not letting you fully know it's really low level. And some other places simply teach you to paint like Sakimichan and join the attack of the clones on Patreon.

>> No.3818637

Ayy relax guys, I can handle it. That's pretty much what I was expecting from 4chan. I'm not quite as thin-skinned as many art students are. I know full well this is people saying what they really think and that's why I came here.

>> No.3818723
File: 140 KB, 379x440, 1550660618967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just sad.
>tfw in first year of illustration course
>way better than a third year student
Something isn't right here.
What university do you go to? Not looking to dox you, but whatever uni you're going to is obviously shit if it can't make a student at least "ok" by the third year.

>> No.3818767

>Given the state of the current job market you'd probably need a masters to go anywhere in the industry.
Uh, no. You just need to be able to make good art, which you are currently incapable of doing. If you’re at all serious about making money off of art, quit the university you’re in now and use the tuition money you would spend on your fourth year to take online classes at places like CGMA, Schoolism, New Masters Academy, etc. Take foundational courses like anatomy, perspective, dynamic sketching, etc. Learn how to think in 3D when you draw, because right now your work has no structure, it’s completely flat. If you take my advice and work hard, then maybe you’ll have a shot someday. But if you keep doing what you’re doing now I can almost guarantee you’ll end up being a retail manager for the rest of your life.

>> No.3818776
File: 117 KB, 1200x850, mob-psycho-100-4692573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like an even shittier version of one's style

>> No.3819057

Who is Leon?

>> No.3819067

Leon? I think you're digging through my DA account and found a piece from years ago. I had a weird dream one night about a kid who ended up killing people at his school for some bizarre reason, and that was the name of the boy in the dream. I came up with that piece when I had just got back into art and was really terrible.

>> No.3819150
File: 143 KB, 752x1063, 7000C816-84D3-4B1F-841D-4037DDFD1BF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the black border part of it?

I’m sorry, but your drawings are just really bad. I would expect a 10 year old to do better. If you seriously want to pursue this you are going to need to draw a lot more and raise your standards. Good luck, but realize that right now you are not in a good place.

>> No.3819153

It's part of this one. I've since transitioned to a new format.

And yeah I'm gonna want to do a lot more practice than I do already.

>> No.3819428

this is helpful
thanks anon

>> No.3819475

If you are genuinely at that uni on your 3rd year, you school has taught you nothing. It sounds like a scam and waste of money.

>> No.3819609

Either that or she didn't pay attention in class.

>> No.3819622

How can you tell where one is inspired from?

>> No.3821361

If you're having trouble with that then it means you need to think more.

>> No.3821529


>> No.3821533

>It's part of this one. I've since transitioned to a new format.
Don't make excuses.
Good luck anon.

>> No.3822418

do they teach the fundamentals at your uni? wtf
looks like a "fine arts" degree

>> No.3824265

anon third year of uni... Like do you study anatomy or stylization when you're at school? Well depends on how your teacher is critiquing and giving info to you. What was your art like before you go accept to uni?

>> No.3824333

It was even more naive, probably because I stopped drawing for a few years after finishing high school, a mistake I sincerely regret.

>> No.3824335

ok but how are the teachers in your uni?

>> No.3824346

Teachers? Have you been to art school? they just put us all in a room with art supplies and get us to express ourselves. No rules, only tools.

>> No.3824347

When i went to my art classes the teacher would critique our art pieces and give us advice.

>> No.3824356

What "industry"?

>> No.3824360


>> No.3824362

I refuse to believe you don't have some form of mental retardation.

>> No.3825309

>You're not.
He totally is though.

>> No.3825457

Can you post the works of your classmates? I'd like to see how you compare to them

>> No.3825728

Assuming that you are serious: Not trying to be rude but dont you have to Do an aptitude test where you draw something If you go to Art school? I mean, be honest and look at this more critically.. That is nothing.

>> No.3825732

Why Do you go to artschool when you learn absolutely nothing. Safe the money you throw out for it and just draw at home. I dont unterstand your thought process.

>> No.3825751

You have balls to post this on 4chan. I like that. You might be shit now, but if you aren't afraid of fucking up, then you can definitely make it. Just start putting some actual effort in learning, and do it ASAP.

>> No.3825769

one's unironically good tho, and op has literaly zero skill

>> No.3825919

How old are you? How long have you been drawing?

>> No.3826392



I'm glad you're thick skinned, because what beginners need is the harsh truth that their work isn't good yet, and I don't know any place other than 4chan that gives harsh feedback like this. It can hurt a bit in the beginning but you'll get used to it and even throw around some banter over here.

You have to ask yourself sincerely if art is what you really want for your life. If it is, don't you give up or you'll regret later.

>> No.3826519

This is why art degrees are such a joke. How can someone this bad pass enough art classes to be in his third year? A doctor this bad at medicine would've failed out, an engineer this bad at math would never be able to graduate. There's absolutely no standards for skill when it comes to art. If I was your art teacher I would give this an F and tell you to get your shit together or drop out.

>> No.3826864

this is incredibly accurate. its pretty much because jewish people, "abstract expressionists" and the like have pushed the idea that no art is good or bad,so then thousands of people who make bad art go through university without ever being told what every single person who looks at their art already knows, that it's dogshit. it doesnt matter though, because in a way this is good. not to sound too skeptical but if everyone who did art was working their hardest to make good art that would overload the competition of talent hugely, this way there are only a handful of talented people to have to compete with if you are practiced enough.

>> No.3827280

>Family friend
>Goes to generic college to get 4 yr in fine arts
>Pretty much OPs issue
>Wants to get masters so they can get better
>Parents want them to go into med field because art is so bad
>Be me few years before family friend went to art school
>Me go to 2 yr with ambitions of being an artist/animator
>Get associate in fine arts and stop after completing associates quickly realizing that not gonna make it
>Become a hobbiest who has become better than their 4 yr degree whilst they make DA tier fan art

>> No.3828142

>if everyone tried, there would be competition among the best
How is this bad exactly? Dont tell me you are an insecure ngmi that shits on every other artist because muh competition

>> No.3828209

>I stopped drawing for a few years after finishing high school
>a few years
>after high school
Too old to have this level after 3years of art school, probably around 22yo ?

>> No.3828574

Why didn't they fail the other kid?

>> No.3828879

Because colleges want that sweet 55k to 100k in debt for idiots to "express" themselves at a shit-tier uni art program, where they make the students purchase all their useless materials from the uni supply store. The family friend owes 75k in debt and is on par with OPs level. Art degrees, and studies are a goldmine for colleges. And the stupid activists instead challenge the government for more college financial aid, rather than activists protesting the colleges to reduce prices they themselves set. Even when I went to college, despite others going into prestigious and tough stem fields, their common sense might well have been nonexistent with regards to the pricing of college and their whole heartedly defense of the price for sub minimal education.

>> No.3828962

Do good art colleges exist?

>> No.3828991

Why do everyone here has to point out at jews at every chance they get?

>> No.3829476

In all honesty, in terms of teaching classical art techniques, high level competence and functioning draftsmanship and other basic but extremely core and functional skills, no. Most colleges either attempt a generic fine arts degree that is below laughably bad, or specialize in things like multi media, which is just shit unto itself, animation, 3d animation, graphic design, etc. Where the vast majority of colleges and unis have garbage programs. Which is a wonder why they even offer them, but just like gender and ethnic studies, and studies in general, they are goldmines for the colleges. A piece of paper, a diploma, that is essentially worth nothing, but 50k to 100k debt automatically for the student, literally a diploma of debt.

>> No.3831962

Normally I'd laugh my fucking arse off looking at people like you but you're especially so deep in some shit it doesn't even feel right to laugh at your situation. It doesn't sound to me like you understand the gravity of the problem here, OP. You've wasted 3 good years and you're about to waste even more, I hope you actually start seriously studying art after this thread is done and all.

>> No.3831986

Unsaleable garbage

>> No.3832018

Under 4 minutes I can draw sth 1000x better than this. His college must be a joke, and his mentors are garbage for sure.

>> No.3832039

>t. ngmi

>> No.3832167
File: 34 KB, 550x512, 1535757582301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you have been scammed. It's bad. Really fucking bad.

I've been through your whole DA gallery, it was a heartbreaking experience. Almost all of your work was either conceptually childish, cliche, or simply too poorly made to make any of the ideas shine. I never thought I'd say this, but it was beyond terrible even by naive art standards. Your "deep" and political pieces were like self-parody jokes that I am frankly too horrified to laugh at.

The fact that there are schools that sell themselves on convincing people like you that you have "talent" and "creative minds" is deeply disturbing.

You might actually get something out of all this if the school is reputable or if you have some kind of illness or terrible tragedy in your life that people can pity you over.

If none of that is the case, then it's extremely unlikely you will ever get a career or any semblance of respect out of your art. I am incredibly sorry. Think very, very hard where you're gonna go from here. The sticky is open and it's not too late. Either way, good luck.

>> No.3832229

I think OP seppuku himself long before this post

>> No.3832278

I went and got a BFA at a school just like what you described. Horseshit useless courses taught by bored untalented instructors. I work in the creative field but everything I do and how I got where I am was 100% learned on my own. College is a fucking joke and I was the punchline.

>> No.3832514
File: 49 KB, 750x330, 00-drawabox-perspective-lesson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I'm telling you this for your own good: drop out. You're in your third year, yet you haven't been taught the basic fundementals, any uni that lets something like this happen is a scam. You're wasting away precious time. If you excuse this by saying it's fine arts: making it in that world is basically impossible unless you have good connections, do you have such connections? It's not that your taste is terrible, but if you tell yourself you're a 5-star chef just because you know when food is tasty you won't get anywhere.
You have to start from the fundementals before worrying about any #deep meaning. You can't just eat pure icing without the cake.
What I recommend you do at least for now is to go to drawabox.com and do the lessons they have available, it shouldn't be the only recourse you use, but it's a good starting point. If you can afford it, find a private tutor. Depending on what area you're in they might teach one-on-one lessons or in small groups. Cheers, hope you take something away from this.

>> No.3832523
File: 22 KB, 307x338, 1517281017966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat haircut tho

>> No.3832577


Look up local figure drawing sessions or perhaps some at your university.
Get an 18x24 clipboard and a large newsprint pad and either a 9XXB pencil or a charcoal pencil.
DRAW. WHAT. YOU. SEE. Draw what is there. In front of you.


Buy an acrylic or watercolor paint starter set and perhaps a french easel, or use a sketchbook to paint in.
Go outside.
Paint what you see. What you SEE. SEE. With your eyes, using your hand.


If you want me to give you feedback I can give you my email or something through PM. You need to really buckle down and W O R K.

No one is going to be able to really help you but yourself. Got it?


>> No.3832591

It would amaze you how few art students actually look for critique, and fewer still actually follow the advice they are given by profesors.

>> No.3832635

private tutor is to much, that's a scam

>> No.3832733

I guess it's a bit subjective since no person is the same. I suggested it specifically because it's helpful to have a professional guide you through the important parts that might otherwise be too confusing for a lot of beginners. I haven't had any one-on-one lessons so I can't tell you how it is, but I have a tutor who teaches in small groups and it basically goes down how it would in a GOOD art school(which OP's doesn't seem to be) just with a smaller group of people.

>> No.3833143

Exactly, college is a "success pathway" meme for anything other than hard, competitive stem fields. As most other fields, honestly, will not give you the financial turn around to pay off that 50k to 100k debt in a timely, realistic manner. I have family friends crushed under that kind of debt, a lot of them went on to get their masters which one family friend owes 150k for an accountant degree, in the field he no longer wants to work in after he completed the degree. My cousins are 55k to 75k in debt each, one after graduation wants to be a musician now, throwing his degree away completely, the other is working minimum wage and can't find work in his field. If I had the money, support and know-how I would like to start up a cheap series of technical art colleges that heavily focus on draftsmanship and hard basic skills first and foremost. Like, realistic, "work over the summer", "part time job" cheap. College is no longer about the skill and learning aspect but more of "the experience", big grand buildings that don't serve much purpose, hyper top heavy administration vs teacher ratio and quality. College, is, if anything, an indoctrination debt slaughter factory.

>> No.3833150

they teach that in high school, well enough to get an entry level job usually. kids are just too dumb to take the classes when they're offered.

>> No.3833164

When I was in hs, they offered drafting, architecture and engineering. Took all three. Though when I refer to draftsmanship, I'm not so much referring to drafters in drafting, but in and to, the highest quality basic drawing skill set of someone who draws. Which if I recall are interchangeable terms. But beside semantics, drafting was an interesting class, and it was really nice if you kept the hs course work you could become an apprentice drafter, but last I heard, drawn drafting is null and void with AUTO-CAD, which I learned as well.

>> No.3833167

I did 4 years of engineering coursework in highschool ( about half of it was transferable for college credit). Ended up not going to college for engineering.

>> No.3833177

Nice. I wish I had the intrest for math heavy fields, although I love computers and wanted to go into IT badly, and still do, but I have always been extremely skiddish of debt, one of the big reasons I choose not to go back to college. I went into blue collar work from trainings I got at a comm. college and making middle to upper middle class money atm, but wanted to be an animator originally, but knew that was a no-go shortly after I got my associate in fine arts from a comm. college.

>> No.3833211

Not that dude, but anyone that's got a good eye can infer the inspirations of other artists work by examining the superficial qualities.

>> No.3833216

op I'm curious, are you british by any chance?

>> No.3833399

Seriously good on you. Hope you are still drawing any way for your own enjoyment too.

>> No.3833409

the fuck does this mean

>> No.3833541


>> No.3834043

Thanks, and yeah, I try and draw daily, usually stuff I enjoy and trying to learn to animate and storyboard in my free time. How about you?

>> No.3835478

I do storyboarding as part of my living so I'm drawing here and there but for fun I am learning watercolors

>> No.3835727

I am beyond jealous, it seems like such a dream job, awesome for you anon.

>> No.3837895

guys, am I gonna make it?

>> No.3838047

OP I feel for you. Your skill level is not high enough to find work, if I were you I'd focus on building a portfolio for something like graphic design, photo editing or motion graphics. You can have an art job that doesn't require drawing skills. As a third year you should be a lot better but evidently your school has poor instruction. I don't think you can get to a professional skill level in just a year before you graduate but you could get good at other things if you start now. Drawing takes a notoriously long time to get good at and other types of art skills/jobs have lower skill ceilings and don't take nearly as long to get good at.

>> No.3839441

>Drawing takes a notoriously long time to get good at
Is this really true?

>> No.3839561

yes, there are people who get good fast because they joined intensive art classes/ateliers. But most people take years to get good. If you can't enjoy the process of getting better its hard to recommend the hobby. What a lot of beginners don't realize is that many of the people they admire have been practicing since their teens/childhood.

>> No.3839624
File: 284 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, thanks for getting me to draw today. Here’s a gift from me to you, hope you make it!

>> No.3840086

>practicing since their teens/childhood.
This is true. If you don't start in your teens you'll never be able to draw anything.

>> No.3840465

its not that you won't be able to but adults underestimate how long it takes to get good if they are starting from scratch. Compared to lots of other hobbies art requires huge time commitment before your work stops looking like shit. Children and teens are easily forgiven being shitty but adults are often more sensitive. You could get good at other hobbies that you can feel proud of much, much sooner than with drawing.

>> No.3840505
File: 183 KB, 728x1000, 1543820926444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just not fair

>> No.3840510

What's so hard about drawing? Just learn to draw from life, draw it correctly and nicely. That's it. Why would you intentionally make it wrong or ugly?

>> No.3840840

It doesn't take long at all

>> No.3840963

no talent, no skill, no soul..just trash

>> No.3840987

He is way better at you. What you drew looks like what my 5 year old brother would draw. You're shit. You wanted critique? Fine, learn fucking anatomy. The sweater lines make no sense. The arrows are suppose to be IN the dude, not barely hanging from the tip.the head is all wrong, I don't even know where to start.

>> No.3840994

This. Drawing is an innate skill, you'll know you have it or you don't

>> No.3842479

For people born without innate skill it does take time. Drawing is one of those skills that anyone can learn given enough time and practice but there is no denying that some people will learn faster than others.

>> No.3842619

Is it too personal for me to ask what Uni you go to?

>> No.3842765
File: 550 KB, 1200x1200, a3531650532_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3842921

This, probably assume it's a non art oriented school and just some generic liberal arts uni or college.

>> No.3843020

How do you know if some people have this innate talent?

>> No.3845714

Did you really have to fucking scan paper you painted just to do a glitchy background? Couldn't you have just done this on Photoshop from the get-go?

>> No.3845747

the extra, unnecessary steps are how you know it's art tho

>> No.3845785

Art is art. Doesn't matter how you made the art.

But it is retarded to go through unnecessary steps for the sake of it.

>> No.3845788

straightforward is too commercial. The ideal workflow is a convoluted maze.

>> No.3845921

Who says that art can't be commercial?