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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 25 KB, 511x757, Knew you'd say that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3818175 No.3818175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Arguing with this guy online because I maintain he's drawing this arm way too big. But he sends me this picture.

His proportions (length wise) for his cartoon character aren't "more or less close to real life" are they?

Like that arm is way too big?

>> No.3818177

Just tell him it's shit?

>> No.3818179

>retards arguing with retards
can't you post this elsewhere?

>> No.3818180


Yeah... That'll definitely prove I'm right...

>> No.3818184


>if I call him a retard he won't notice I'm not actually saying anything with any real value.

>> No.3818185

>ngmi doesn't realise how much he's wasting his time arguing with a fellow ngmi about shit that doesn't matter

>> No.3818186

What's your goal, are you trying to prove you're right? Just tell him to suck a cock and send him a block, then suck a cock yourself, cocksucker

>> No.3818190


I just wanted to prove the arm is too big, he says it's not... But it clearly is.

>> No.3818195

Well I will agree that is one big-ass arm. Why not add some measurements / rotate the arm in Photoshop and show him directly, cocksucker? Also what's going on with those feet

>> No.3818196

He also spouted some bullshit that it's animation and there's nothing wrong with exaggerating or simplifying proportions for the sake of keeping things easy to animate and the character using his hands to "emote when he's speaking"

>> No.3818197

Just leave him be. Right now he's probably being a hard ass who thinks he's right. Eventually he'll come around and realize it sooner or later.

>> No.3818205

thats just his fap arm, it happens to people who fap with one arm to much. tell him that his character has a chronic addiction to masturbation, possibly even jacking off other dudes to make sic gains on his fap forearm. maybe he has a fap forearm as well, he probably faps to animu feet, tell that degenerate bastard to stop jackin it to animu feet.

>> No.3818211

Why are you so adamant on proving him wrong? Is he some rando you saw or did he actually ask?

No point in critiquing such low hanging fruit or someone who's not asking

>> No.3818212


dude if he's using a simplified style to animate. Which is common fucking practice to save time. and there is a reason he's decided to exaggerate some of his proportions and he even fucking told you exactly why he did then why are you arguing. It's a creative fucking choice and the original part that you drew over doesn't even fucking look bad. Why are you being so salty? What does your work look like?

>> No.3818217

shut up doofus. he has a fap forearm and youre just trying to defend it because you also have a fap forearm.

>> No.3818220

>tfw you realise others notice when your fap forearm comes through subconsciously in your work

>> No.3818223


Exaggerating facial expressions and hands/arms is pretty common practice in animation. It's part or a lot of designs and exaggeration is considered one of the basic fundamental principles of animation. I've no issues with the fap arm, in fact fap arms in cartoons is a common theme.

I'd like to see ops work. Op please show.

>> No.3818224

Post work

>> No.3818226

i used to, but then i started alternate fapping patterns and evened out the sic gains in my ambidextrous fap sessions. its not my fault your fap forearm makes your other arm look like a limp noodle. it just a fapenstance of your situation.

nah, only singular armed fappers have fap forearm.

>> No.3818227
File: 1.12 MB, 1408x974, quick study..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did this, yeah im not great, but fuck you ill post my work.

>> No.3818229

whoops meant for you

>> No.3818233

OP question here. Is this guy's proportions always consistent? Like are both arms always that big and does he actually use them in gestures when the character is animated? Because if he does keep everything consistent then he's literally picked up good character design and you're bitching at him for doing something right.

Sheridan animation student here.

>> No.3818237

Your friend is barely on step 1, my dude. He's not trying to learn fundamentals like you if this is your work >>3818227.
You can't convince people like that until they're ready to learn.

>> No.3818241

im not op, i just came into this thread to shitpost fap forearm. thats my shit study, but i agree its better than fap forearm guy.

>> No.3818246

Why don’t you both focus on getting good, stop tearing each other down and find some decent aspirations.

>> No.3818251

im not op, faggot. im fap forearm guy. fuckin hell, the absolute state of /ic/.

>> No.3818255

Why are we talking about a guy that's not even here? From what I can gather reading this thread op and random dude had a conversation that went something like this.

>that hand looks big
>yeah it's an animation. The arm is exaggerated to add emphasis when the character speaks.
>yeah but it's too big
>it's deliberately big
>yeah but it's too big I drew in the legs it's not right!!
>it's a cartoon, the proportions aren't supposed to be true to life.
>but it's wrong! I'm telling 4chan!

Then OP comes here

>> No.3818259

You suck dude. You should be drawing rather than effortposting

>> No.3818266

post your work, faggot.

>> No.3818269

Good post.

>> No.3818279

No chance. Just don’t assume everyone here sucks ass.

>> No.3818282

youre just little bitch. go fuck your face against a brickwall.

>> No.3818293
File: 284 KB, 1920x1040, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh for christ sake how did this argument end up on here...

I'm the guy who actually drew the character OP posted on here. And yeah I told him the arm was a bit big but it was a deliberate stylisation that I was testing out for now to see if it helped when the character was moving his arms around when he spoke. I even said that the proportions aren't true to life and that it's a cartoon.

I'm 99% sure OP is another animator who is mad at me because I called him out a few weeks back for setting up a gofundme to buy a $600 tablet he doesn't need because he has a perfectly working tablet already.

I don't know why he brought it on here. I never even claimed the proportions were meant to mimic real life.

For reference I'm pretty sure the guy who drew this is OP.

>> No.3818295 [DELETED] 

>called him out a few weeks back for setting up a gofundme to buy a $600 tablet he doesn't need because he has a perfectly working tablet already
Wow, OP sounds pretty retarded huh

>> No.3818297

Both of you are ngmi

Pack up boyos, we're done here

>> No.3818299


>> No.3818300

you both have fap forearm, but you have the bean flick tics and vaginal cartography syndrome.

>> No.3818301


>> No.3818303


He maintains that he can't draw well on his tablet because he needs the screen. When I posted the work I did using a Wacom bamboo he got pissy and said something like.

Just getting used to it doesn't work for everybody.

I told him if he's giving up early on like that because he hit a roadblock and something was hard to learn then his work ethic was garbage and he's been pretty vindictive ever since.

>> No.3818305
File: 28 KB, 152x168, 1550651585592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3818306


>> No.3818307

fucking kek. thanks boio, that ones saved

>> No.3818313
File: 650 KB, 720x682, Screenshot_20190220-084152~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And since so many people asked here's some sketches. Not great, I know, but I'm working on it.


>> No.3818315
File: 389 KB, 717x590, Screenshot_20190220-084205~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3818316

Oh no he sucks

>> No.3818317
File: 402 KB, 714x448, Screenshot_20190220-084144~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3818320
File: 302 KB, 556x693, Screenshot_20190220-084133~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can I get back to drawing now? Also fuck you OP.

>> No.3818331

Honestly not bad, probably better than a large chunk of ic.

>> No.3818338


Thanks, but I doubt that. My line quality is pretty chicken scratchy at times and my color theory isn't all that great. Working on it though.

>> No.3818344

t. supportive roastie

Double down on your life drawing classes OP, you get it but things are still jank.

>> No.3818346
File: 29 KB, 144x160, 1550651930869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. supportive roastie

>> No.3818350


Thanks, I'm trying to fit it in around the actual animation deadlines. For the most part I have to settle for using pixelovely just now.

Also not OP... The guy I'm pretty sure is OP is now completely ignoring me on discord which is where this whole shit show started.

I just wanted some opinions on a color palette. This was not how I expected my morning to go.

>> No.3818357

Are all the good artists asleep?

>> No.3818416

>this thread
/ic/ in a nutshell

>> No.3818425
File: 152 KB, 833x652, ic-nutshell2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3818441

Hahahahaha wonderful. This is great.
OP, your move.

>> No.3818452
File: 755 KB, 420x314, Edge of my seat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3818504
File: 1.61 MB, 1170x1800, 7506E318-76C7-47A1-B1A7-D2EE2D110F7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you cant have big forearms in cartoons, its blasphemy.

>> No.3818526

>T. Fap forearms

>> No.3818544 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 417x996, orangselfportrtaitjastya45342rdfxxxxdssaaAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latest self portrait -_- it features a man against a rock, standing. feel free to properly critique it - pull no punches... albeit... do so fairly and honestly with genuine praise or criticism.

after all, recall... this picture is worth thousands of your words :2

>> No.3819051

it looks fine for Popeye, but you can't tell me it doesn't look retarded on that character in OP's pic

>> No.3819059

what is with people coming here for their faggy drama
first >>3816770 now this
both of you need to get sent to the gulag

>> No.3819061
File: 16 KB, 219x230, beeg-vs-smoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cartoon. Proportions can be whatever the designer feels is right for the character

>> No.3819065

That's true, although the massive arm doesn't really make sense in this case. It's just kind of jarring against the generic noodley proportions of the rest of the body and doesn't seem to serve much of a purpose other than "he has big arms because I want him to have big arms". It takes away from the design for me.

>> No.3819071

From this...
... to this.

You, my friend, are the best argument for visualization that ever graced this place. Thank you.

>> No.3819076
File: 23 KB, 228x286, smoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, a small arm would be commonplace for that specific character

>> No.3819081

ask this banana-peeler if his two arms smooshed together make up the width of his torso.

proportion is way off.

>> No.3819243

Let's not start a witchhunt. Report the OP for drama/community vendetta