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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3811971 No.3811971 [Reply] [Original]

>How I learned to draw realistic portraits in only 30 days



>> No.3811981

i mean the guy has a legitimate, if formulaic, process for churning out portraits. They're okay, but not stellar.

But by the way he writes he sounds like a MASSIVE douche.

>> No.3811985

This is how fast it should take the normal /beg/, but somehow it takes them months if not years. Really makes you question the people who come to learn to draw.

>> No.3812005

I've seen better in 30 days with my students.

>> No.3812014

>tfw been practicing for over two years and still not as good as that dude

It's time to quit

>> No.3812082

He’s using photoref, it’s not imagination

>> No.3812084

Also fucking lol at this


>> No.3812086

That was a inspiring read and the drawings were very good.

>> No.3812089

You can safely assume anyone with a medium blog has their head so far up there ass they can’t tell which way is up.

>> No.3812094

Anyone that has over 1000 followers on Instagram is usually the same way.

ffs, there are dumb "fashion models" that have photos staged as if paparazzi took them.

>> No.3812097

good for him, I wanna learn the same :(

>> No.3812102
File: 301 KB, 1185x939, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is obviously not that new
he probably go with eye balling quick sketch in the first one and heavily measuring in other
he probably has experience in value too

>> No.3812106

>This is how fast it should take the normal /beg/


>> No.3812470
File: 63 KB, 448x560, tapping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not like he has some sort of supernatural power. put in the time and do the exercises

>> No.3812492


That doesn't answer anything. What makes you so confident in saying that that it should take x amount of time and that his results are typical?

>> No.3812555

Everybody learns differently, some will understand concepts better than others but it took op half a month to do his self portrait. Most people should be able to do that of they follow his method of overlaying his outline of forms with his picture to make sure everything is accurate, might as well have just traced at this point and cautiously fill in values and fix them whenever they're off. If you put in 10 to 20 hours into portrait there's no reason you wouldn't be able to achieve this.

>> No.3812566

Jesus christ what the fuck are you looking for? A metathesis about how artists grow? lurk more and watch other artists starting out, this is fairly normal growth

>> No.3812574


>> No.3813026

He's painting off a photo and apparently spent 20hours on it jiggling shit around until it looked right. It's a bad approach and he's learning his way into a dead end.
The point was to impress normies and get viewers on his blog though, so he nailed it.

>> No.3813122

>he thinks it's possible to learn into a dead end

>> No.3813132
File: 133 KB, 640x437, EFB7AEDA-1D3B-4274-BC96-FD838DBB859F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found your progress post anon, great work!

>> No.3813246
File: 8 KB, 509x619, OH GOD NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just a beginner in this shit who is currently trying to get his ghosting right (even though ive probably done this for over half a month) and i cant even fathom the idea of it taking THIS long to get at least half decent, i mean i just want to learn to draw cartoony stuff, i dont need THIS on my fucking psyche
please someone tell me it wont take me 10 FUCKING YEARS to at least look passibly good at SKETCHES for godsake.

>> No.3813247

It will take ten years and you'll like it.

>> No.3815033

I had a art teacher telling us about some foreign students that took her class. They far excelled everyone in skill and technical prowess, producing pieces that were extremely advanced even for college students. BUT, they're pieces were also very boring, the subject matter always just some highly detailed figure standing in a highly detailed background in black and white. Was it well done? yes. Was the anatomy and perspective good? yes. but was it interesting or inspiring? No.

The point being that these foreign students had been taught all of this pragmatic way of studying art which trained them to be highly technically skilled, but left them with no creativity. They could draw really well, but didn't know WHAT to draw. In other words, they were hardly artists. They were just photocopying machines who could reproduce light and figures from memory. That's what these courses will teach you. They won't gift you with creativity, or make you create awe-inspiring works. They'll just teach you how things look, how they aught to look, and how to recreate that look, line for line, detail for detail. It's why anyone can LEARN to draw, but not everybody CAN draw.

>> No.3817329

I think that we already had this thread.

>> No.3817369

>creativity meme

>> No.3818596


This is the same guy in OP anons, he's pretty autismo. Enjoy reading the comments section lmao

>> No.3818608

Depends on your IQ and learning methods.
If you're smooth brain and learn slowly, and you use repetitive unexploratiory non solution oriented study techniques you will improve at a fraction of the pace of a big brain boy doing targeted excersizes.

>> No.3818616
File: 13 KB, 1226x118, check.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3818646

>blames the time
kek does this guy even realize that magnus spend more time memorizing that stuff then he?

>> No.3818651

>ngmi meme