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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 60 KB, 662x361, ArboretumDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3776598 No.3776598 [Reply] [Original]

Dynamic sketching is a course utilizing observational drawing to understand how to see the world for the creation of design and illustration; developping strong foundation sketching skills through observation

Discord for those interested: https://discord.gg/hUBMYmx
>Link to Dynamic Sketching 1: https://mega.nz/#F!whAg2QYD!S6X1smoI1lMNulQmvrMRbQ
>Link to Dynamic Sketching 2: https://mega.nz/#F!XRF0iY7Z!VZREnIDndi-z0zphl9dCvg!7AUyiDJD

Last thread >>>3771004
Last week: Line control, ellipses, organic forms and textures
Last week classes: DS1 week 1&2 / DS2 week 1

This week we keep on going with fundamentals then move on to plants sketching.

This week: Form intersection, perspective, plants
This week classes: DS1 week 3,4. Then DS1 6 for plants
This week homeworks:
1-2 pages of basic perspective (1 point and 2 point perspective)
1-2 pages of form intersection
4+ pages of plants
>Optional: Try your hand at a redesign

Suggested location trip: Arboretum

Next week: Insects and Arachnids

Post all your works for feedback and general motivation!

>> No.3776622

oh shit I thought it wasn't going to move on until wednesday, I still need to do textures. Anyway thanks for the mega links.

>> No.3776624

Keep going with textures senpai this week keep up with the last, no pressure. I still do textures too

>> No.3776725
File: 20 KB, 663x183, Dynamic_Sketchan-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The schedule for the weeks to come

>> No.3776777

>casually mentions in the video he has a pet mantis shrimp

I can't even focus now, I'm so jealous

>> No.3776788

This guy is anime af, got a basement full of preserved bugs and shit that his mentor handed him down after being murdered. Now he picked up his sensei goal and continued the class in his stead while still in his teens

>> No.3776791

when i'm gonna draw figures and that kind of stuff?

>> No.3776795

No figure drawing in this class

>> No.3776826


check out his favourites tab

>> No.3776829

Wonder what boards he goes on

>> No.3776900

/d/ /pol/ /r9k/ and /po/

>> No.3777212

Felt tip pen, white gel pen, toned tan paper and a warm grey marker are those recommended for the actual dynamic sketching class.

But can somebody tell me some recommended brands? I don't have a lot of money and don't want to spend $20 on a notebook of toned paper that only has 50 sheets in it, or $4 on a single pen that will last through 10 sheets of paper.

>> No.3777664

Doesn't really matter, just get some cheap garbage.

>> No.3777695

Oh shit I totally missed out on the fact that week 1 was due to the 20th.

Gonna buckle down on the assignments.

>> No.3777722

The homeworks for week 1 are due 27th and week 2 3rd feb. It is this way to let people who come in late or lack the materials still be able to get in and also for those who already finished to move on

>> No.3777728

that's not considered anime.

>> No.3777936

Aww man, you folks are actually serious about this?

Only reason I've started DaB is because I at least got some form of consistent feedback to help me improve, even though I downloaded both DS from Peter Han and honestly prefer his videos.

I'm trying to focus on figure drawing but I want to take a break from DaB and try this, but is it too late?

>> No.3777941

Thank you for clearing that up.

Also checked.

>> No.3777942

Nope, first weeks homework isn't due till the 27th, so get started.

>> No.3778209

Form intersections really fuck with my head...has anyone got any tips/additional resources about the idea?

>> No.3778223

One of the hardest thing to figure out, but really improve 3d visualisation. Search for all the videos on it that you can on youtube or just search on google images things like: cube cylinder intersection and hope for the best

>> No.3778237

are you the same guy that had those fzd weekly tasks threads? either way, big props to you my man

>> No.3778243

No actually didn't know about fzd before starting this lol

>> No.3778248

they were neat, it was stuff like painting rocks etc, just general practicing sketching and observing, same as peter han is advocating here. good stuff, the man is an expert draftsman

>> No.3778608

Luckily I have some houseplants for this week but boy is finding some bugs to work with in blizzard conditions going to be a bitch.

>> No.3778661

Any natural museum near you? I'm going to struggle with that one as well so might just have to look up references or japanese bug fights.. that started as a joke but I actually might

>> No.3778784

The museum near me has their collection completely archived, no idea how or even if I can access it. Luckily I have since found a lead to a local environmental education center, I know they have live ant lions at least. Unfortunately you can't draw those guys without disturbing them so I'll have to stop by and hopefully get lucky that they have something else be available as well, but the chances seem good. Best of luck to you as well.

>> No.3778789

Where do you search for plants IRL?

>> No.3778801

luckily even in the winter you can still do evergreens here at least, but I'm too lazy to go out into the cold and snow so I'll probably just do my houseplants. Yeah he went and visited an arborum with is super fancy but nature is everywhere and it's just practice so you could do some weeds by a drainage ditch for all it matters.

>> No.3778819

Outside lol but..

plant nurseries, arboretums, garden stores, pot plants, parks, forests

>> No.3778824

what if you live in the desert or somewhere liek death valley?

>> No.3778833

Is it not possible to travel to more green areas?

>> No.3778996

Check if you have greenhouses near you. If not then you can use refs but try at least a few from life even if it's just an evergreen outside or leafless trees

>> No.3779133

For anyone who wants to check their form intersections and have Windows 10, you can use paint and select 'edit with paint 3d' to make intersections you've drawn and see where things have gone wrong (or right)

>> No.3779135

I don't have Windows 10 can you show an example of what this looks like?

>> No.3779139
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I'm guessing you meant an image of intersected forms in 3d paint? Not sure why the image edges come out blurry but in 3d paint the edges are smooth.

>> No.3779152

cactus are fine, his example in the video even is one. You probably still have places that sell plants or have some basic landscaping, those work too. As a last resort walk around a mall and see if they have any potted ones as decoration, every mall I've ever been to does.

>> No.3779174
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>> No.3779175 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3779177 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 1152x2048, 50402598_361913924622845_7199327325194813440_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3779180

I'm the anon from yesterday who had issues with slowing down who people were calling a retard.

Am prepared to hear that I need to slow down again.

>> No.3779183
File: 254 KB, 1152x2048, 50792606_364235597704556_7387055500979863552_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry these are better angles.

>> No.3779184
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>> No.3779305

There are still plants in most deserts, succulents and grasses are still plants

>> No.3779323
File: 23 KB, 548x411, 20190120_134247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your organic forms are looking decent, but your perspective exercises are back to looking rushed/messy. Here's someones work from discord. Just take your time and focus on marking deliberate and accurate lines. Instead of just trying to finish the exercises, push yourself for each one and treat it like you're making art you would be proud to show off to others.

>> No.3779642

t. ngmi crab

>> No.3780076

How is encouraging an anon to buy things that will save them money, so they can draw more, being at all a crab? I'd love to hear your explanation.

>> No.3780232

probably a tool fag who needs to blame what he uses instead of his own incompetence

> i-it's only ugly because I drew it with a mechanical pencil!

>> No.3781372
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20190124_022209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you keep your albow?

>> No.3781778


>> No.3781779

who the fuck does #1

>> No.3781785

Me? That why I ask how?

>> No.3781810

I think whatever feels comfortable.

Elevated elbow for longer lines and relaxed lower elbow for wrist movement work.

I Could be wrong though. I do both depending on need. Some time's I'll even combo both movements.

>> No.3783825
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20190125_224302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3784225

Why are we skipping DS 1.5?

>> No.3784289

Go watch it, same goes for 1.7 & 1.8.

>> No.3784529

Bro, your shapes are not interfering enough. You often just place them close.

Imagine a cube dissected by a sphere, and draw it, trying to show the actual result (the extracted shape's lines only). Maybe try pencil first.

And don't you fucking shade.

>> No.3784699
File: 1.87 MB, 1024x1366, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing these wrong? I'm on week 2 of DS1

>> No.3784712

Yeap, dude, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.3784728

I would stop "texturing" if I were you. I would get more confident with my lines. I would draw them faster and (inspite of what Peter Han does) transparent, in your pic rel you should've the confident ellipses instead of shaky lines.

P.S. Looking at your warping lines I wouldn't say you don't understand the form, you do. I would also draw several identical silhouettes and after that would draw different warping lines structure to depict different oriaentation in space (one maggot is looking at you, one is looking up, etc., one is pinched, etc.).

>> No.3784733

Ahhh ok, right on. Thanks man

>> No.3785344
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>> No.3785377
File: 2.66 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20190127_012559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3786256 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 662x598, insects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynamic Sketching - Week 3

This week: Insects & arachnids
This week classes: DS2 Week 2
This week homeworks:
6+ pages of insects
>Optional: Try your hand at a redesign

Suggested location trip: Museum / Insectariums

Next week: Bones and skeletons

>> No.3786259 [DELETED] 

Fuck I used the wrong schedule.

>> No.3786266
File: 176 KB, 660x596, insects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dynamic Sketching - Week 3

This week: Insects & arachnids
This week classes: DS2 Week 2
This week homeworks:
6+ pages of insects & arachnids
>Optional: Try your hand at a redesign

Suggested location trip: Museum / Insectariums

Next week: Bones and skeletons

Keep pushing through guys and post all your works for feedback and general motivation!

>> No.3787343
File: 1.59 MB, 1864x2720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't into cast shadows

>> No.3789030

slow down and draw more carefully, make sure your lines are straight

>> No.3789355

Found a great website that has ridiculously high quality images of bugs you can zoom in and out of if people don't have access to specimens for whatever reason http://microsculpture.net/

>> No.3789419

This is great thank you

>> No.3789741

Nice, jesus dubs too.

Using these as ref for my own!

>> No.3789778

You are not even proyecting those cast shadows, and half that page is objects so sloppily drawn that no cast chadow would look correct.
Your construction was pretty good on the first to pages though, try to take the time to make one good drawing following all the steps instead of making 10 bad ones where you are trying to make shortcuts.

>> No.3789942 [DELETED] 
File: 398 KB, 1536x2048, 51210465_1442251459239291_6043856839102169088_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3789944 [DELETED] 
File: 398 KB, 1536x2048, 50875349_252456735646385_8946180529812668416_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to build some simple shapes after doing the excercise, I think I need more work.

>> No.3789945 [DELETED] 

Also what's a good technique to use when dissecting spheres inside of squares/rectangles where the curve of the circle translates accurately to the square?

I found that to be the most challenging aspect.

>> No.3789948
File: 398 KB, 1536x2048, 51210465_1442251459239291_6043856839102169088_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to properly dissect spheres inside of cubes?

Had the most trouble doing that.

>> No.3789950
File: 398 KB, 1536x2048, 50875349_252456735646385_8946180529812668416_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something I messed around with after doing the exercises.

>> No.3791829

does this guy ever tackles human figure?

>> No.3792299
File: 9 KB, 282x179, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practice this.

You can also create cast shadows by adding a light above the horizon lines and mapping the lines where they intersect, maybe practice that and get a good handle on it and then move on to winging your own light projection lines from points out of frame.

The perspective boxes where you used guidelines look good, keep using guidelines until you feel comfortable without them. Also try to use darker gradients with your shadows.

>> No.3792308
File: 185 KB, 828x526, p146-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non ant .jpg

>> No.3792325


>> No.3792348

>week 3
>Suggested location trip: Arboretum
>Next week: Insects and Arachnids
kek I refuse to believe you can go from unable to draw squiggly lines 8 times over to drawing animals in perfect perspective and construction in one week

>> No.3792393

week 1 = month 1
week 2 = month 2

unless you have that git guud talent.

>> No.3792407

week 1 = month 1
doubly so if you want to do all the perspective exercises. all the extra drawabox 100 cubes shit

>> No.3792567


>> No.3792570
File: 25 KB, 640x518, 1513243011140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to actually apply your studies in practice.

>> No.3792965

What's the discord?

>> No.3793011

Yeah, OP's study plan is pretty whack if you're just starting out. I don't know why he's skipping DS1 Week 5 too.

If you're a beginner, I'd suggest following the actual CGMA's lesson plan and go through each and every week, one at a time. From DS1 Week 1, Week 2, etc. then moving on to DS2. Spend 1 real week on each one of them. Once you're done with the entire classes, you can always go back and do speed reviews on parts you don't quite understand yet

And don't do this>>3792393 it'll just stun your growth.

>> No.3793051

i wanna do cars and mechanical stuff should i just skip insects?

>> No.3793150

not unless you're super comfortable with the material already, it's the easier application of it.

>> No.3793194

Anon, I...

>> No.3793740

how can working on basics stunt your growth?
the china man himself said he's doing circles and lines as a warm up everytime he draws

>> No.3794279

Working on basics won't stun your growth.
But autistically spending an entire month on a lesson meant to be completed in a week will do exactly that.

These lessons aren't meant to be mastered in isolation. They all feed into each other symbiotically. Obsessively working on one single narrow lesson without context of the whole course will slow your progress dramatically. For the first few days, you're going to learn a lot. By the 2nd week, diminishing returns will kick in rapidly. By the 3rd week, you're just masturbating with your pen.

It's very easy to fall into a tunnel vision, while trying to re-assure yourself that you're simply so disciplined that you're going to take a lot more time to "master" your basics.

It doesn't mean that you should completely abandon the exercises after you spend a week on them, though. Like I said, you should review them on some regular basis.

This kind of dangerous mindset is kinda pervasive on /ic/, t b h. Where people get so comfort-zoned and tunnel-visioned into one single narrow aspect that they refuse to broaden their scope. What makes it even harder to escape that mindset, is that it's very easy to convincingly rationalize why you're doing that, even thought in reality it's slowing down your progress.

>> No.3794674

Thanks for this level headed response.
It makes total sense now.

>> No.3794699

how slow are you?

>> No.3795202
File: 725 KB, 1600x1081, 001 (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynamic Sketching - Week 4

This week: bones
This week classes: DS2 Week 3
This week homeworks:
6+ pages of bones, skeletons and fossils
>Optional: Try your hand at a redesign

Suggested location trip: Museum

Next week: Animals

Who said it had to be perfect the first time around? That's exactly why we practice drawing these. Your obsession of making your first drawing perfect is what stopping you from improving. Mileage boys.

excellent response. The class was meant to be taken week by week like this. If you want to take 1 month for every week you are just stunting your progress. It would be better to do the class 4 times in order rather than spend 1 months on every class before going to the next.

Also if you can't draw a single straight line then you either just started drawing or really need to get a grip on your medium. Peter Han also assumes you have taken a class in perspective before this, so if you can't perspective then don't do dynamic sketching yet. The point of the line and ellipses exercise is just to build a warm up routine that will improve your control over time. Don't stop yourself from drawing until you get that perfect control because it will never happen.

>> No.3795393

based post, thanks anon

>> No.3795703

are you saying beginners should learn perspective first?

Freehand or with a ruler?
What resources would you recommend

Peter says to eye perspective in week 3

>> No.3796846

>Maybe try pencil first
bad advice

>> No.3799480


When I'm done with the first week of DS1 in let's say 2 days, can I proceed to the 2nd week without any problems, so on and so on? I have too much spare time for the next 3 weeks.

>> No.3799488


>Peter Han also assumes you have taken a class in perspective before this, so if you can't perspective then don't do dynamic sketching yet.

"Perspective Made Easy" by Earnest Norling will do the job, I guess?

>> No.3799555

If it gets you to draw, sure

>> No.3799615

Thanks for the answer.

>> No.3799704
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>> No.3799720

Nothing to do with DS
Yeah no problem about that.
That's enough

>> No.3799737

Slow down and follow the form when you are creating the shadows on your shapes. contour lines apply to the shadows here.

>> No.3799739

I'm both >>3799480 and >>3799488
Thanks for answering.

>> No.3799861

I guess I'm late, guys.
How do I join the challenge?
Also seconding this >>3792965

>> No.3799892

do one thing at a time, no point drawing two cars, a tree, plant, shrubs and a wall if you can't draw any of them individually well

>> No.3800003

There's a discord and stuff but you can just post here or even do it entirely on your own, there's no sign up or anything.

>> No.3800215
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>> No.3800543

if you can't find the discord in OP then this probably isn't for you

>> No.3800707
File: 241 KB, 1080x582, Screenshot_20190207-104835_Omnichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3801632


>> No.3801636


When you draw from the wrist #1 to stabilize your arm. But 95% of the time you should draw from shoulder.


Off-top, but does anyone have other CGMA course videos?

>> No.3803575

Exist for plants too?

>> No.3803945

I posted the bugs but I don't have any for plants, sorry.

>> No.3804841

Dynamic Sketching - Week 5 - 4chan general is dead edition

This week: animals
This week classes: DS2 Week 4
This week homeworks:
6+ pages of animals
>Optional: Try your hand at a redesign

Suggested location trip: Zoo

Next week: Vehicles

Discord still going strong, if you are interested in joining you're better going there

>> No.3804981

I have 0 interest in drawing vehicles or planes so this will probably be my last week. Thank you for posting, this is the content I come to /ic/ for.

>> No.3805671

I have 0 interest in finishing this exercise and making it so this will probably be my last week. Thank you for posting, this is the content I come to /ic/ for.

>> No.3806296

I have 0 interest in drawing so this will probably be my last week. Thank you for posting, this is the content I come to /ic/ for.

>> No.3806341

I like potatoes.

>> No.3806452

Anyone feeling like their linework got better?

>> No.3806455

Are there any alternatives to Copic Wide markers?

>> No.3806521


>> No.3806531


>> No.3806779
File: 65 KB, 480x320, 1465087487665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any examples of people who actually made it doing the peter han courses? I find it odd there's no accounts of success or showcases on students work.
Of course most of the basic exercises are fundamental i.e the line repetition and perspective boxes. But im not convinced drawing plants and insects in felt pens and following this routine almost exclusively will make us better at drawing the things we really want.

>> No.3806805

Don't do it then. If you can't see how it's useful you won't make progress anyway.

>> No.3806807

Theres incredible improvement in just 4 weeks for all those who actually did it in the discord

>> No.3806837

well I get the value of the later exercises but to follow everything as dogma seems a little excessive. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't putting all my eggs into one basket; not trying to be dismissive anon.

>> No.3806844

dynamic sketching is a troll, there's a thread for this every month or so and people always get baited. either read scott robertsons how to draw for technical stuff or one of the figure drawing videos in the sticky then move onto anatomy if you want to draw people

>> No.3807025

I did like 6 weeks of this shit and it literally just teaches you to draw boxes in shitty perspective and doesn't even teach you how to draw animals or vehicles etc. You could learn more from fucking draw with jazza. Find out what you want to draw and look up tutorials for that instead, don't waste a couple of months rotating around random subjects learning nothing

>> No.3807071

After reading this I am finally conviced /ic/ is full of retards ngmi

>> No.3807076


>> No.3807082
File: 956 KB, 1582x1033, 1549938758098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my progress after completing dynamic sketching 3 times, reach my level ngmi bitch

>> No.3807087

Sweet jesus thats beautiful anon. I take back my harsh words about dynamic sketching

>> No.3807088
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Week 1

>> No.3807091
File: 1.38 MB, 1040x1418, Week41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start of week 4

>> No.3807093
File: 726 KB, 1412x788, Week31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Week 3 on site at the insectarium

>> No.3807101

So you started using different paper and a white pen?

>> No.3807127
File: 3.36 MB, 4032x3024, 20190205_220919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got better, thats all that counts to me. Show me your 1 month progress with Jazza

>> No.3807131
File: 792 KB, 2524x1780, Jazzatastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you, Jazza is the way

>> No.3807136
File: 756 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190211-215948_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3807137

Wtf they stole my pic and didn't even credit Jazza

>> No.3807138

Maybe people just do it for fun

>> No.3807142

No one actually draws for fun, we're on ic. People either draw tiddys, furry oc or grind loomis

>> No.3807184

>tfw no one jazzapilled you

>> No.3807455
File: 88 KB, 1169x732, cntour 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scott robertsons how to draw

which recommends exactly the same thing, doing exercises to improve your line, oval drawing quality.

your the fucking troll.

good progress, this is the point of ds, to see with form and sketch quickly.

>> No.3807732

pyw with dynamic sketching

>> No.3807736

good talk

>> No.3807792

I'm doing one week lesson per day. Is that okay?

>> No.3807816

Some stuff takes longer, it's cool but post your work in discord so we can tell you if you're actually rushing it

>> No.3808130

I draw for fun, anon! Getting better at art is fun!

>> No.3808243

I agree but don't tell anyone

>> No.3809835
File: 369 KB, 1200x920, dynamicContours2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have honestly been digging this stuff a lot and the discord is a good community

>> No.3809836
File: 383 KB, 1120x1992, dynamicContours3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You improve pretty fast if you do it!

>> No.3809837

Damn, that's some good progress for 11 months. How did they do it?

>> No.3809899

Jazza maaate it's all fucking jazza

>> No.3810905

these organic forms are probably the coolest thing for me right now

>> No.3810958

what is Jazza?

>> No.3810984

He does youtube draw tutorials for people who don't autistically want to follow shit like 'loomis' that ic jerks off about, but also doesn't do dumb anime stuff. It's good for if you wanna do cartoons and develop your own style

>> No.3811023

oooo, really cool. i like the forms you came up with.

>> No.3811036

Is this good for a /beg/?

>> No.3811043

only if you've done something like fun with a pencil or how to draw

>> No.3811045

So it's useful as a 102 course sort of thing? Would it be an acceptable stepping stone if I'm going off of Perspective Made Easy, or should I still do one of those first?

>> No.3811054

You'll be good - I just wouldn't recommend it to someone who struggles with drawing a line or ellipse since it picks up speed quite fast

>> No.3811056

Noted, although I should be good. Thanks babe.

>> No.3811066


>> No.3811232

I'm poor as shit. Can I get away with just using some black biq pens, and regular white paper through the course?

>> No.3811464

you can do the first bits on white paper, which is practicing lines curves circles ovals. and even putting together shapes.
heck I can do the forms on white paper. however you will be missing the white highlights that you can do on toned paper.
which is really an important part of drawing itself, understand how light reflections work.
so you will want to upgrade eventually.

>> No.3811505

How about doing it digitally once highlights become relevant?

>> No.3811737
File: 414 KB, 2380x828, prog1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know something is wrong, but I'm not sure what's faulty about my approach. What is my issue here?

>> No.3811749

Your forms look pretty flat, use less contour lines and don't space them evenly. Keep practicing.

>> No.3811752

practice more on ellipses in perspective

>> No.3811779

I think you're right anon, that shit always gave me a hard time

gonna grind some out for a few hours and come back to the organics when done. Will post here with results

>> No.3811821

also the next time you do it, draw the ellipses through the form, it might not look clean but it'll give you a better understanding of what you're drawing

>> No.3811844

sure I did it myself a while back.
there is a value in traditional drawing tho.
if you can afford a computer you can afford a toned pad for your decent drawing.

>> No.3811846

>don't space them evenly
this, hand specifies to space out contour lines unevenly, and double up too.

also core shadows help them not look flat.

>> No.3813784
File: 349 KB, 2048x1536, 52436885_2328716860686639_6329439428045438976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have made this smaller.

Feel like I over rendered it.

>> No.3813805

did you draw that from a specimen or an image?
lot of dynamic sketching is about capturing something irl. so youre only putting enough detail in to help you do a more detailed render later.

its not wrong if you have the time,
but creative design like creature design etc can require you do ten more in different poses.

>> No.3813806

Eh, I like it. I think it would look better if you had been more careful/consistent with the edges on the background though.

>> No.3813814
File: 192 KB, 2048x1536, 52016105_344535896154808_8950516410967130112_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did specimen exercises with google.
>pic related
this was my attempt at a redraw and coming up with something new, I used a little reference for the butt texture. but otherwise I used simple form construction and tried to keep it original.
Ant-stag-cannibal-ground-cricket-beetle combo

Yeah, that was mistake on my part, marker was not big enough to get good fill so just rushed it since I didn't want to waste too much time on it.

>> No.3813825
File: 163 KB, 755x1058, dynamic_sketching_2_homework___classic_cars_by_belvane_d66whd0-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynamic Sketching - Week 6

This week: vehicles
This week classes: DS2 Week 5
This week homeworks:
6+ pages of cars/motorcycles, anything with wheels desu
>Optional: Try your hand at a redesign

Suggested location trip: Outside

Next week: Military Vehicles

>> No.3813836
File: 2.57 MB, 4000x3000, Greenarmorednamib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fuckers are awesome.

>> No.3813866
File: 72 KB, 1152x864, 52914727_250282589234246_5069923531005886464_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I done with bugs?

>> No.3814937

is there a way to see it from different angles or is it just from above?

>> No.3816875

This guy seems to be doing okay without the toned paper.

>> No.3816891

I wish he would show more examples of drawing people because if you look at his figure work it is not nearly as convincing.

Makes me think that this technique is a nice jack of all trades skill but you should look elsewhere for more refined techniques. If you can't do justice to figures (the thing we are most familiar with) then who is to say the other subjects don't suffer similarly.

>> No.3816969

that's actually toned paper, I guess my camera didn't capture the highlights, much more visible irl.

>> No.3816980

its more part of a design course really. the ability to draw things quickly just getting the important bits down.

if you want to draw humans go study someone who specializes in drawing humans.

theres a lot it doesn't teach you because that's not its intention.

>> No.3817144

Yes, you can totally start with this.

>> No.3817146

>if you want to draw humans go study someone who specializes in drawing humans.

>> No.3819431

can this also help you understand the form of people a little bit more?

>> No.3819458

It's helps with understanding how to apply form and structure on a 2d surface, free hand perspective, and basic lighting while helping you build a visual library to boot. Not for drawing "people" but just drawing in general.

>> No.3821417

ok thank you.
man i really do like these.Hoep one day i can get to this level

>> No.3823170


So this is where dragon dildos gets their R&D from.

>> No.3823294

anyone have the cgma perpsective course?

>> No.3823370

So I just got into drawing a few weeks ago, looked and stumbled through a few books and video programs and just found this thread.
Should I begin with the Dynamic Sketching 1 program and do week 1-8?

>> No.3824327


>> No.3824938

it's on cg

>> No.3825039

Just join the discord and do the weekly tasks. I was a total beg before this like many others. Im still very much beg but thats fine. This class helped me visualise and also to develop basics of drawing. Remember you are never above basics

>> No.3825210
File: 630 KB, 1600x1233, 002 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynamic Sketching - Week 7
This week: military vehicles
This week classes: DS2 Week 6
This week homeworks:
6+ pages of military vehicles
>Optional: Try your hand at a redesign
Suggested location trip: war/military museum
Next week: final - planes