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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 54 KB, 605x526, g7845ridkd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3802001 No.3802001 [Reply] [Original]

Do you get upset when people compare your OCs to existing characters? How does it make you feel?

>> No.3802006

I don't make OCs because nothing is original ;)

>> No.3802008

Not at all. Everything's based on something.

>> No.3802009

Didn’t realise OCs were a thing for a long time. Thought every artist just made up their own shit and drawing fan art was the exception.

>> No.3802030

no, i only draw unoc

>> No.3802130

Instead of getting salty about it, take it as a clear sign that you actually lack originality, rather than blaming it on your audience

>> No.3802134

No matter what kind of OC you make it will remind people of something existing. It’s normal.

>> No.3802153
File: 747 KB, 1000x747, february-7-2019-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people are degenerates

>> No.3802159

but not you, no sir, you're a beacon shining in the darkness

>> No.3802161

Why would he act that defensive and insecure about his fictional characters?

Characters fall into archetypes. People don't say your female space warrior remind them of Samus to mock your lack of creativity, but latch onto something they have an understanding off. It's your job as a creator to make your character stand out on his own and that is only possible if you embrace the resemblence to already existing characters and work with it by adding, removing or subverting elements of that trope.

So, no, I usually don't get offended. Media ignorance kinda ticks me off a little though. Like, no, that character is not LITERALLY McCree, it's just your bog standard Clint Eastwood reference.

>> No.3802163

I saw this post on twitter and laughed. Imagine being so uncomfortable with your work that, when someone makes a logical connection from you to your inspiration it breaks you. I can't stand glass ego artist, just admit that you were inspired by the obvious connection instead of trying to pretend that you created the idea entirely yourself, because thats a lie

>> No.3802212

hey that looks like dante from devil may cry

>> No.3802213

No because I dont make OCs like a fucking 12yo

>> No.3802219

No. If it kind of vaguely reminds someone of a character then that's good because it has a little bit of that familiar factor with people and they'll like it.

But if it looks way too similar to something else, I still appreciate them saying it so that I know what to change up.

>> No.3802230

Am I supposed to be impressed?

>> No.3802233
File: 53 KB, 1080x950, 1548409301955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its natural for the viewer to want to relate something they've never seen before, with something they HAVE seen before.

likewise, it's understandable for the artist to take this as a jab to their originality. just know that most of the time this isn't the viewer's intention.

>> No.3802255

Has never happen. The closet thing I've gotten, is ''Hey! This OC reminds me of your dad'', which I'm like yeah, he was the inspiration, so that makes sense.
But never gotten my OC compared to other existing characters from other franchises.
This tweet just remind me of, what was her name again? She had a goat fursona, was exposed for falsely claiming another youtuber for being a sexual predator or something, which was false, so she had to delete her existence form the internet for damage control. I remember her having Oc's that look similar if not identically to the Black Butler series, but a downgraded version of it. But if you were to point this out she would rage and insult you and not only her, but her fanbase would come to her defense to.
This tweet just screams insecurity.

>> No.3802263

Yes, it bothers me but I am working on it not getting to me. There are billions of people on this planet, storytelling and art have existed since the dawn of modern man, and we live in an age where information and media are more freely available than ever.

Your OC/story/whatever is going to have overlap with someone else's work.

The one thing that does still bother me is people who get twitchy about their own characters and act like no one else is 'allowed' to use the same traits as their special snowflake. Case in point, I remember this one dude flipped out because his character was an Irish werewolf and my friend made an Irish character with a wolf for a familiar. Because obviously he invented wolves and Irish people, right?

People like that make me wary and like I have to tiptoe around them to appease their delusion of total originality.

>> No.3802276

No. Nor do I get angry when people compare my art with other artists.

>> No.3802282

This guy seems like an autistic retard. I've made original characters before and later when I made a twitter account and followed six gorillion artists a year or so later I'd seen very similar if not identical characters, or characters that are in some ways combinations of multiple "original characters" I'd made. Who fuckin' cares that's just how it works. What a self-important faggot.

>> No.3802288

I've never had this issue because I never posted them often. I would be curious if people found them similar to other characters

>> No.3802306

There is an artist here that constantly posts a guy that's obviously a ghost rider ripoff.

>> No.3802318

*Theres an artist that often posts hi oc that looks escatly like ghost rider
*gets angry when called on it
*His other characters are basically darkstalkers morrrigan ripoffs.... so yeah.

>> No.3802322

I don't have OCs

>> No.3802326

using words like OC is really gross.BIG ADVICE: Stop calling your characters "original characters" and have some fucking dignity. If you make a character, calling it an OC makes you look insecure, like your worried that people wont think you made it, who cares? do you know what building a brand is? people have to leave the deviant art head-space forever.

>> No.3802338


>> No.3802347

>getting this defensive over generic comics
>being so self conscious of your own character design sensibilities that you have to trash on your fans

what a fucking nerd

>> No.3802365

Well I dont feel like decking them out in layers upon layers of jackets and belts so that they look super duper original.
So yeah they look like other characters typically, it's just what happens when you use minimal style and normal hair with casual clothes.

>> No.3802376

What even is an OC? How is that different than just a character you made for a story?

Is the only difference that an OC is never actually used for anything and is just a collection of "cool" traits?

>> No.3802383

Hey your oc kinda looks like a bunch of deformed fruit and a melting vase

your mango should be to draw better

>> No.3802401

Naruto was a guy’s OC

>> No.3802416

An OC is just a character that YOU created regardless of what it's used for. Saitama is ONE's OC. The term OC is just spammed and overused by deviantards to the point where it lost its meaning.

>> No.3802443

I use OC as a quicker way to say character, I'm sre the same applies to most people

>> No.3802446

ITT /beg/s getting triggered over two letters.

>> No.3802448
File: 84 KB, 540x645, tumblr_oda0vfsDRq1vyehx6o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty fucking salty tbqh family.

>> No.3802488


I feel like its because of the whole 'I want an unique style', kids/teens think they were the first to invent something, and the fact only hearing 'x reminds me of x' can be disheartening.

I saw a deviantart account that didnt have a comment section because they hated comparisons that much.

I feel its kind of ironic coming from deviantart, the copycat central, but this ain't nothing. Wait till you hear about "art style theft"

>> No.3802593

Artists are fucking annoyin and oc is a horrible devart/tumblr/lj thing. As another said, take pride in your characters.

If I'm writing a song and someone tells me, "hey, it sounds like this other song," I take it as something I need to improve on to make more my own. It can be a bit of a bummer at first but you should never feel too attached to something that you can't change it. If someone else came up with it first, the idea probably isn't that unique or interesting in the first place. I'm glad I don't interact with any of those twitter people except here on 4chan.

>> No.3802660

has never happened. however i did go full autismo in my mind this one time another bigger and better artist came up with an OC that looked kind of like mine.

>> No.3802727

hey youre that guy who ruined his landscape step by step

>> No.3802878

The whole OC thing is stupid and autistic wish fulfillment fantasy for mentally ill e-artists that are incels or femcels, mostly the latter. If you're a real artist that creates original pieces instead of something derived from a fictional work, every character in your work is an OC. I just saw the nonbinary fujoshi in OP's characters and they are just pretty boys dressed like models that probably have a YA-tier backstory, it's really nothing original, you have to have an inflated sense of your own creativity to think you wouldn't get comparisons especially if your characters are inspired from shitty genre fiction and pop culture so they are already created for an existing formula whether that's intentional.

>> No.3802886

Are you 12? I’ve never seen someone sperg this hard over an abbreviation

>> No.3802923

Not at all, I blatantly rip off ideas from a bunch of other media and I openly admit it if somebody asks.
People just need to stop acting like soccer moms over their donutsteels or at least stop making it obvious they're self inserts by taking every comment so personally. As if doing this kinda stuff wasn't already stereotypically autistic on itself.

>> No.3802952

To be honest, I usually don't care and sometimes think it's pretty cute. I guess my only issue is that I've had people on tumblr tag my original art as some anime I've never watched because they literally think my oc is a character from there. I'd honestly prefer comparisons to the character than people outright attributing my work to someone else, especially since I have a project planned.

(And even worse is that my oc and the character look completely different in design, personality, hair color, eyes, etc. Even the concept is different except for one small aspect which isn't even unique since other artists have done it. I think the only plausible explanation is that idiots really want to think my oc is the black version of the character)

>> No.3803110

Serious question, are you just gonna keep drawing fruit? What are you aspirations?

>> No.3804028

>tfw just started traditional and am already better than your stagnant ass

>> No.3804165

to me an OC is a character that's supposed to be the most amazing and interesting character ever according to the artist, but to you it just looks like someone standing around
there's no story, comics, etc., just drawings of the character standing up with the occasional hints of some kind of personality in the description

that's the enlightened artist's perspective, i'd say

>> No.3804226
File: 26 KB, 499x499, 1547853000173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my OCs have amazing designs and are unique as fuck and people have to resort to "it's like a fusion of [three different characters] with [some other character] sprinkled on!" to pull this trick on me which invalidates their attempt at finding similarities.
Character design is hands down the best thing I'm at.
No, I won't post my OCs here.

>> No.3804232

>Thought every artist just made up their own shit and drawing fan art was the exception.
I used to be this was in the early 2000s, people almost exclusively made OC. Now it's just fucking fanart and it's cancer. Even the worst, cringiest sparkledog fursona is better than fucking fanart.

>> No.3804241
File: 39 KB, 634x480, DrU6p1gX4AA9foZ.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, I won't post my OCs here.

>> No.3804244

I notice that some of my OCs have an eerie resemblance to already existing characters that I can't quite remember but I feel like they're somewhere at the back of my head.
Luckily no-one has said anything yet so I'm hoping it's just paranoia.

>> No.3804270

>tfw my OCs have amazing designs and are unique as fuck and people have to resort to "it's like a fusion of [three different characters] with [some other character] sprinkled on!"
That's no indicator of your characters uniqueness at all. Any idiot can mash existing designs together.

>> No.3804273
File: 27 KB, 480x360, 1537185000398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the normies that try to force similarities, I create shit from scratch

>> No.3804277

From scratch? Bullshit.
Everyone creates their designs after existing stuff.

>> No.3804281
File: 32 KB, 612x612, 1535793955035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you just don't have the spark.

>> No.3804292

pyw or btfo

>> No.3804304

nothing is 100% original

>> No.3804309

Yeah I'm just trolling.
But people do have a hard time pointing out similarities and I can't really find any cartoon characters that look like mine.

>> No.3804323
File: 42 KB, 500x387, 1522862167392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you have unresolved psychological issues and project your problems onto the people who are willful enough to pay some kind of attention to your original creations?
No. Not really.

>> No.3804365
File: 67 KB, 429x410, 1549527384426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>notification of someone liking/sharing one of your posts
>fan art

>> No.3804511

simple solution: don't draw fanart

>> No.3804759

If an oc bears zero resemblance to anything it's probably a trash design.

>> No.3806226
File: 107 KB, 545x910, blue knuckles OC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mix some tumblr into a fotm anime character
>muh oc

>> No.3806267

No? Why should I? Most of the time I use real/historical persons as a insperation for my ocs.

>and act like no one else is 'allowed' to use the same traits as their special snowflake.
I knew someone who had a very basic oc. It was basically just a red fox with a red neckerchief. She than claimed that every red fox with a red neckerchief is her oc and they should credit her when using that design. I found it very funny back than that she harassed random people for that.

>> No.3806268

i know a lady who pretends to be a princess at birthday parties. without fail, any redhead character gets mistaken for ariel.

>> No.3809099

If i make a character i just shorten referring to him or her or it as a character to "heres my dude"

>> No.3809112
File: 93 KB, 378x676, IMG_20190213_102347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone said my OC Pompadour reminded them of someone in the beg thread, 2 people IRL said he looked like Josuke, and my real inspiration was Oowada from Danganronpa. But to me he looks like the spoon bender from /beg/ psycho 100.

So yeah certain tropes will definitely give your oc a likeness to preexisting characters

>> No.3809944

Its never happened to me but if it did I don't think I'd care that much. Always did find it kind of weird that a number artists keep posting how buttmad they get about it.