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File: 19 KB, 371x500, DB1A64E1-8B8B-4570-920B-C322A58673C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3802771 No.3802771 [Reply] [Original]

I am anon

>Spend all your life grinding fundies and getting
> Have your career ruined by a fat feminist that d doesn’t like how you don’t draw black people pr some bullshit

Just ask the guy in the pic... career ruined for not signing some shitty Yaoi fan art.

>> No.3802778

this can't be true ,

>> No.3802785

>calling other people npcs

that's really embarrassing

>> No.3802787

idk why every nerd gets sweaty about some obscure feminist blogger whining about men. who the fuck cares.

>> No.3802793

Anon they can make your boss fire you and give you and industry ban by bitching on twitter... they are batshit insane

>> No.3802804
File: 71 KB, 218x224, Screen_Shot_2018-10-27_at_11.09.59_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me a case with evidence where this happens? it seems like people do much worse than not sign fanart and still keep their jobs.

>> No.3802810

Is there even a way to stay anonymous anymore when doing art? What’s with people’s obsessions of ruining artist’s lives for things like tweeting the n word once in 2009?

>> No.3802811


The director of guardians of the galaxy, gjames gun, was fired by disney for doing some jokes on twitter.

Fat femnists ended his carrer.

>> No.3802820

not my problem

>> No.3802832

You are one of them?

>> No.3802834

His career wasnt ruined though.

>> No.3802835

The problem with things like these is that when these people get fired, its usually because they've been fucking up behind the scenes anyways.

>> No.3802836

>be me working for childrens game company
>some dumb fat cunt finds my old futa anal gore porn I drew a decade ago
>dumb cunt ties the art to my name and sees I work for a game company for kids
>makes a tweet calling me out
>outraged parents are mad that they let me design their kids video games
>executives find out and discuss
>"well guys, this anon here has a right to free speech and can do anything as long as it's not against the law so we will keep him hired as our revenue goes downhill"
the dream of retards who post dumb shit tied to their name online

>> No.3802842

>implying this matters
99% of parents don't give a shit and won't even hear about it.

I bet you think video games stopped being violent because parents were outraged about that too.

>> No.3802843

I think you're retarded anon

>> No.3802845

James Gunn was fired because after he made fun of Ben Shapiro, shapiros followers went into his last tweets and made the claim that he was a pedophile because he made an edgy joke 10 years ago. It wasn’t feminists.

>> No.3802848

Yes anon, surely its a horribly wide spread pandemic that fat feminists are targeting everyone who ever drew something naughty and are telling their bosses who are then firing 90% of their workforce.

I'm sure that's happening, and its not an isolated case blown out of proportion where there were other issues behind the scenes that cause the company to pretend to care.

>> No.3802872
File: 301 KB, 629x405, 1548861288068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that it was about refusing to sign the yaoi fan art, I think it was about the random hugs and kisses on the cheek he would give to every pre-teen fangirl that came up to him and oozed all over him. Even if the allegations sleeping with an underage were false, shits weird man. No normal gets that fucking intimate with 12 year olds and has fully clean intentions, and you're a fucking idiot if you believe that

>> No.3802874


>> No.3802880

I watched the guy hit on my underage cousin at a con once. I'm surprised that other people are surprised.

>> No.3802882

Thats the worst example you could have given, conservatards we're the ones that ended James Gunn Disney deal. Alex Jones is a very popular right wing figure and he acuses anyone he disagrees with politically of being a fucking pedophile.

The actual problem is that regardless of political afiliation, autists can now spam companies and make them think that the general public shares their retarded opinions. Twitter is a cancer on the internet, tbqh.

>> No.3802887

Op Here.

Dear God... you are right. Holy shit

I admitt I was wrong on this one.

>> No.3802891

What's so wrong with kissing a girl on the cheek and hugging her? Fuck, this generation is too fucking autistic. You can't fucking bump into someone without retards yelling "HARASSMENT!!!".

>> No.3802902
File: 33 KB, 625x626, 936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3802908

>hurr durr he hugged a girl he's literally a rapist hurr durr

Autistic people are generally very sensitive about being touched, so I guess I can understand feminists and weebs feeling like they were """abused""".

>> No.3802913
File: 8 KB, 224x225, 9362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, at least make it less obvious so I can use an new image you fuck

>> No.3802921
File: 32 KB, 636x773, NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like the "NPC" meme, but holy fuck, it's like it was just made for (you).

>> No.3802948
File: 412 KB, 505x450, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're an npc because you don't want to kiss little girls!

this is you. this is how retarded you sound. Just stop now before you start writing in gibberish.

good lying about the NPC meme, it's clear you like it, you started the fucking thread with it. back to /pol/ you fuck

Listen, we all liked FMA when we where in elementary school. Sucks that Ed likes 'em pre-bleed but you gotta roll with the punches. We still have Spike Spencer at least, as far as I know he's not a perp

>> No.3803227

I have nothing to fear, anon.
The private company I work in hires no women, and you can thank the "metoo" movement for that.
Living the life, lol.

>> No.3803231

Under no other circumstances would I advise this, but in this case, be like Trump. Act as if scandal cannot touch you, and it will lose much of its power. Be shameless. In the words of John Wayne, "Never apologize, never explain. It's a sign of weekness."

If they try and make you squirm, double down. Remember, other people's feelings are bad and wrong, and you have nothing to apologize for if you hurt them.

>> No.3803233
File: 50 KB, 1024x576, 1549513470215m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How 2 stay anonymous as an artist? I don't want freaks threatening me or sending me bags of shit.

>> No.3803234


>Fat femnists ended his carrer.

Right wingers looking for ammo temporarily sidetracked his career, dumbass.

>> No.3803236


You can't. Treat the general public with sneering contempt. That is your only shield.

>> No.3803238

Really there's no protection from skiddies and autistic obsessive stalkers?
I'd create an entirely new account and tell no one I know, no cross-linked accounts. Never divulge personal info and always use a VPN. What then?

>> No.3803241


You will either toil in obscurity, or your art will give you away. As soon as you get popular, they will say, "Hey, isn't this like that other guy's work?" and the jig will be up.

Your "style" is your fingerprint.

>> No.3803243

Sorry to break it to you, man, but allegations are just that. Allegations.
The guy may be a hugger or a kisser or whatever, but that shit ain't proof that he's fucking 12 year olds.
Without proof, what we have here is yet another man who lost his job thanks to rumors, just like hundreds of other men before him.
I know you like to feel like a hero and pretend there's evil villains everywhere, but hugs and kisses ain't proving anything here.

>> No.3803248

I didn't know there was a way to connect my style to my address.

>> No.3803252

It's amazing that I'm able to tell what you look like just from the way you type. I hope like cats, you bitter cunt.>>38

>> No.3803254

There is if your old account has your address on it. You can't escape your past anymore.

>> No.3803256

Basic gestalt?

>> No.3803267

Vic’s been known as a creep at cons since I was a young teen in the early 00’s. These allegations are nothing new, people are just finally listening.
If you can actually defend why a 40 year old man kissed so many girls as young as 12-14 practically constantly or why people were able to backtrack a personal phone number a girl said he gave to her when she was underage and prove it was his number as it was registered in his name until 2016, all while ignoring 15+ years of allegations, you’re a brainlet.

That being said fuck off, this has nothing to do with art. Go draw.

>> No.3803277

Unless you're a chronic symbol-drawer you only need to grind for a year to completely change your style, if you're intent on doing so.
Normies are stupid and can't even recognize good art from bad art. Unless you're an absolute tard and don't even try to develop, chances are you won't get caught. And even if you do get "caught" there has to be more than just "muh style" as the evidence to prove your identity. Otherwise the numerous copycat artists who exist now would have credible accusations, which they don't.

Your gaia weaboo rp accounts from 2005 with shitty mspaint anime art aren't going to be cross-linked unless you reuse emails/usernames/personal info.

>> No.3803305


In that case you don't have an artistic identity worth protecting.

>> No.3803307


>t.shitty zoomer

Kissing people on the cheek used to be considered normal.