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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 232 KB, 988x1200, 1549403374317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3798380 No.3798380 [Reply] [Original]

i don't understand the female body, especially in the hip area, and it bothers me. Why does the bellybutton seem higher on yuffie's body than on aeris' body?

>> No.3798398

>trying to understand female anatomy from anime and not real life

>> No.3798401

>. Why does the bellybutton seem higher on yuffie's body than on aeris' body?
Because it is, they drew it in the wrong place hahaha

>> No.3798403

that's how it is in real life. Women have longer torso then others thus higher belly buttons.

>> No.3798411

>Why does the bellybutton seem higher on yuffie's body than on aeris' body?
because it's drawn too high

Learn anatomy from life you ignoramus

>> No.3798413

Pretty boring sameface girls. Typical anime

>> No.3798427

Women's hips are wider to allow childbirth. So their legs are pushed further apart at the top than a man's. That's why women have curves.

>> No.3798436

Yuffie's bellybutton might be higher than aeris, but both bellybuttons are aligned with their own elbows. Proportions is what anime style makes it somewhat believable, I think loomis gives this basic proportions?

>> No.3798463

that broken anatomy

>> No.3798515

Normies don't care. Which is why this picture has thousands of notes and likes.

Only incels with no lives put so much focus on such insignificant detail. Stop obsessing over trying to make everything you draw a 1:1 copy and more people will enjoy what you make.

>> No.3798517

This isn't a normies vs incels thing, it's just /ic/ dunning krugers feeling smug pointing out inconsequential shit

>> No.3798519

>anon asks a question about a thing
>people reply pointing out a thing

>> No.3798521

remember anon, you are your first fan.

>> No.3798523

Yeah let me revise that. Aimed at >>3798463 >>3798413 >>3798401

>> No.3798576
File: 34 KB, 533x800, 269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? He asked why it seemed higher I told him it's because it is. Is it wrong to answer a question now? Jesus christ guys get a life. Go find something legitimate to bitch about.

>> No.3798592

Is it wrong to point out that typing "they drew it in the wrong place hahaha" sounds like a dunning kruger feeling smug pointing out inconsequential shit? Jesus christ guy get a life. Go find something legitimate to post pics about.

>> No.3798619

Who shit in your cereal, anon? You're one salty boi, and you certainly project a lot. Hope life gets better for you! Hope you get a life too. :^)

>> No.3798631

Just fapped to this, thanks anon.

>> No.3798633
File: 53 KB, 533x800, 189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome

>> No.3798634

Huhuhu bye ^^

>> No.3799011

>tfw no gf willing to pose

>> No.3799976

because women do not in fact have bones they are like blobs that shift around .

>> No.3799994

Hire a model poorfag

>> No.3800159

the belly button of the girl on the left is WAY too high and the torso of the girl in the middle is too short. the proportions are super inconsistent and just wrong.

>> No.3800175

Not to mention the girl on the left has a gorilla arm

>> No.3800211
File: 395 KB, 240x180, 1547861452427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only incels with no lives put so much focus on such insignificant detail
why do people think everybody who studies a subject is either and incel or an autist. this is the stupidest thing ive heard. all professionals are incels or autists is what this boils down to. not just that, but youre on a board for artwork and critique. nobody cares what "normies" think here, they are trying to learn about art, for the most part. art involves anatomy, which is what this thread is about. you say people dont care about things being accurate, well i guess thats a sign of the times and the median I.Q. of americans. if we were actually striving to be a better society, a smarter society, these types of things would be noticed by more people and called out, but no, we are devolving into idiocracy at an alarming rate. #woke #mood #incel

>> No.3800557

thankfully there's someone left on this board who isn't blinded by tits

>> No.3800647

>the proportions are super inconsistent and just wrong.

I looked at the picture for a minute and realized the middle girls arm is way too long as well.

>> No.3800689

Loomis says the belly button is higher in the female, a bit higher than elbow, but yeah this pic seems way too high. Hips aren’t hard in a female they’re literally just curves, compared to males which have that Adonis belt thing going on I can never wrap my head around.
Also in the end sometimes anatomy doesn’t matter it’s what’s beautiufl and ideal that counts.

>> No.3800713

nobody thinks that you retard. you're replying to a troll.

>> No.3801223

>compared to males which have that Adonis belt thing going on I can never wrap my head around.
I can draw a male butt just right
but I don't understand the front

>> No.3801225

Look at 3D models of skeletons it might help

>> No.3801227

it's that I just draw female hips
from the back I can fix it by putting that dimple in the side of the glutei but from the front I don't have any landmark so it just looks like a smaller female waist. This makes the boys look twinky
I draw way too many girls

>> No.3801284

oh, you winter child

>> No.3801394
File: 341 KB, 1276x1754, IMG_20161031_0056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This help? Look for the illiac crest, its the top of your hip on the front of your body. Find it. Feel it? Yes? Good. Remember it. It's where the obliques (side muscles) attach, and it's what some of your leg muscles come up and attach to. You can always find it, especially in skinny people but in fat people too because their fat just hangs over it.

>> No.3801435


>> No.3802013

why did you give me pictures of a woman
I need to draw men, I know what the iliac crest is

>> No.3802055

not everyone has a chance to go see an autopsy though

>> No.3802061

>you need to open up a person to see a navel

>> No.3803921

Even the artist (RobaatoX) said he realized he wasted his time stressing over anatomy when he got away with stuff like this

>> No.3805913

>do what others would like, not what you like
Who try advice anon

>> No.3805926

That's not what he said at all.