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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 265 KB, 992x690, carrotandpepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3797485 No.3797485 [Reply] [Original]

What's your excuse?

>> No.3797495

Wow, whoop de dooo. Big deal for krita some crappy anime shit.

>> No.3797498

post your work

>> No.3797503

Just pirate everything lmao

>> No.3797504

We don't do that here.

>You'll just call it shit no matter what!
>That's not important to my critique!
>I'm actually a really famous professional but don't want to expose myself hanging out with you lowlifes!
>Some other excuse!

>> No.3797506

Standard version's only 50 bucks. And both versions go on sale all the time. If you can afford shit like animu figures, videogames, and an actual tablet, you can afford a one time payment to invest in the tools to make your art

>> No.3797507

Yeah, but can you paint like Ruan Jia with it?

>> No.3797510

If you have the skills? Yeah.

>> No.3797511


>> No.3797512

I don't think you'll be able to paint like Ruan Jia no matter what you use

>> No.3797513
File: 43 KB, 500x500, d96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought CSP years and years ago
>Receive updates for free to this day
>never crashed
>better than everything else I've tried
I never regretted buying it, not even once. They deserve every single cent. And I'll probably upgrade to pro next time it's on sale since I have a little money and I want to animate

>> No.3797533

>never crashed
Only part that seems like bull.

>> No.3797538

Not even once. I've had it since it was called manga studio.

>> No.3797634

tried switching to csp but there was not liquify tool.
so went back to ps

>> No.3797665

Not sure if you're baiting, but you can produce actual great art with Krita, it's no worse than Photoshop for drawing, and even better in some ways.

I've bought CSP on sale, but I still use Krita most of the time.

>> No.3797672

>paying for ones and zeros

>> No.3797673

I think there's better stuff at the Krita Reddit

>> No.3797678
File: 425 KB, 1920x987, xiaoting-li- (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uninstalled a bunch of programs the other day including krita. I only have Sai, Photoshop and CSP now. You know the ones that actually matter.

>> No.3797723


>> No.3797726

Yoho~ Yoho~ to Piratebay we go!

>> No.3797804
File: 79 KB, 1200x1200, affordable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't afford photoshop

>> No.3797814

Pirating photoshop is almost industry standart

>> No.3797831

Exact same experience.
Photoshop was a complete shitshow compared to CSP.

>> No.3797834

Krita had a few behaviors that messed with me as a PS/CSP user last time I tried it. Can't remember which ones. Program seemed really nice otherwise.

>> No.3797840

>tfw each time Photoshop is pirated the company raises its prices to make up for it but ends up getting pirated even more.

>> No.3797844
File: 141 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-The_GIMP_icon_-_gnome.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use gimp

>> No.3797847
File: 2.59 MB, 2000x1125, Mountain Finished1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll just call it shit no matter what!

This one is actually kinda true. The request is fully loaded simply by the nature of how it came about. It serves the point of the accuser to say the anons art is bad and therefore his opinion has no worth, so even though the art is very good, the accuser will say its bad regardless.

I did pic related in Krita

>> No.3797853
File: 78 KB, 884x574, 1527355970904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Relying on a crutch this heavily

>> No.3797861

I never even found Photoshop useful. CSP and Krita are more than enough.

>> No.3797865

>tried switching to csp but there was not liquify tool
really that's the ONLY thing missing from CSP. But you can just sketch in krita or something and then transfer the drawing in CSP.
Honestly I don't even bother, I scan from traditional.

>> No.3797866

It's really nice anon. Maybe a bit more work the clouds, but I really like the mood of it

>> No.3797868


>> No.3797869

I have every version of photoshop downloaded for free

I still can't draw

>> No.3797870

I think broke artists make for a tiny percentage of photoshop users, I guess the majority are photographers who use it for photo retouching and shit and have to buy a license? I dunno.

>> No.3797885

may as well call doing art digitally a crutch lol
even procreate added it not too long ago

>> No.3797893

I have not once used the liquefy tool in any of my stuff. What do you use it for?

>> No.3797934

a bit of everything,move around stuff when sketching or painting, instead of erasing and doing it all over again

>> No.3797936

It's basically a nicer way of warping a selection to correct the placement of an eye etc. during a sketch
I just redraw, I don't use it.

>> No.3797960

I'm gay

>> No.3797982


Why not just use the lasso and move tools?

>> No.3797990

yeah that's pretty much the same, it's not a big deal. Liquify is just more versatile since you can do exactly the kind of warping you need

>> No.3797991

All tools, no rules. You can make great art or shitty art with literally any tool/medium, it just depends on the skill of the artist.

>> No.3797997

I agree with other anon about the clouds and imo the snow a bit too thicc to be believable. You succeeded in capturing the atmosphere tho so that's half the battle won

>> No.3798001

I like this, great colors, great atmosphere, but that tower sorta breaks the composition I think.

>> No.3798013
File: 162 KB, 900x1100, Dv9Hd9TV4AASO5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you make at least 30k a year on art you shouldn't be paying for software. Ching_Liu ,
thats all you need to know...

>> No.3798045

CSP and SAI are pocket change. Even for poor artists.

>> No.3798080


>> No.3798236

What's that tool even for? Is that what they use to slide stuff around?

>> No.3798245
File: 326 KB, 2560x1440, Scottish Coast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks anons, Ill try and improve in those things for the future. Between commissions and uni times a bit pressed but painting is so relaxing

>> No.3798256
File: 106 KB, 1024x481, Autodesk_Sketchbook_Demo_Scheier_Final-copy-1024x481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autodesk Sketchbook Pro is free on PC and tablets now so that's also a viable option in case Krita crashes on you a lot.

Kind of pissed about it to be honest because I paid for the program every time the new version came out but whatever. It's got perspective tools for 1 -3 point and curvilinear perspective, and you can make brushes pretty easily.

Pic is from a concept artist messing around in the program for the first time or something

>> No.3798262

that looks bad. that artist has no sense of perspective

>> No.3798265
File: 230 KB, 850x989, 1424579821335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ok, you're entitled to your own stupid opinion but that doesn't make it right.

Nice b8, m8

>> No.3798285

post your work.

>> No.3798292
File: 60 KB, 1023x558, Close-Up-Moth-Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you need to be better than someone to notice something wrong with a painting

Do you need to be a mechanic to be able to say that a car is running like absolute shit?

No you notice the smoke coming out of the engine and tailpipe and the awful screeching brakes and the constant whirring sound coming from the engine and you go "man this car runs like shit"

You'd be an idiot not to notice that, and you'd be an idiot not to notice some of the shit that's fundamentally wrong in people's art. We are humans, we look at other humans every day, we see the world in 3D, noticing these things comes naturally.

You're retarded if you think someone needs an art degree to say "the perspective is fucked" in an image where the perspective is fucked.

>> No.3798296

fyi there are far more impressive things made in krita

>> No.3798300
File: 3.16 MB, 2550x3509, p108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3798301

Yeah, it's like the tenth comment about it. That picture is just easy to stumble upon if you look up examples of work made in Krita, because the author is one of the major contributors to the project.

>> No.3798311


>> No.3798324

"page 108"

You stole that from a book.

>> No.3798331

No shit sherlock. Its god yoh yoshinari's art

>> No.3798339

Then explain why this other brainlet thinks it's his.

>> No.3798344

He just said "Nice".
How did you get the idea of ownership out of that?

>> No.3798351

Can you even pirate csp?
I ended up buying it, but I don't feel like buying it again for my 3rd machine

>> No.3798352

>yoh yoshinari
that makes me feel better, I usually hate anime but this looked really good

>> No.3798359

CSP never crashed for me as well. PS sometimes got a little wonky and even SAI crashed often. But since CSP, forgot all about Ctrl+S'ing every fucking 30 seconds out of fear.

>> No.3798363

>made me feel better
Whats wrong did you feel dirty and bad for a moment because you liked a forbidden "anime". What an elitist snob

>> No.3798365

No it was more like "this thing made by some random insectoid actually looks decent"

>> No.3798371

Its okay to like art made by "insectoid" asians you know. You should take a break from /pol/ once in a while.

>> No.3798432

Dumb dumb
>How many computers can I register under one serial number?

Up to two computers can share a single serial number under the following conditions.

The two computers must be owned and administered by a single user.
Use of the product is limited to the primary user and one supplementary user appointed by the primary user.
The software must NOT be used simultaneously on the two machines.
The two computers may have different OS (e.g. Windows 8 and Mac OS X 10.8). Please refer to the official conditions of use provided in the End-User License Agreement. If you wish to use the product on three or more computers, please purchase additional licenses.

If I purchase a new PC, can I authenticate with my existing serial number?

Yes. The Clip Studio Paint license allows you to activate and use the software on two computers with the same serial number as long as the software does not run simultaneously and it’s being used by the same user.

If you need to activate a license with a third computer for an unforeseen reason such as the breakdown or replacement of a PC, you can re-authenticate two computers after deleting the previous authentication.


>> No.3798702

Do 3rd means something different in Retardland?

>> No.3798897
File: 195 KB, 1000x1000, Dv6j_kfU8AABo9u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry im talking about real software

>> No.3798950

Wtf is real software? I bet my drawing on SAI are 100x better than yours and your real software.

>> No.3799046
File: 274 KB, 900x844, 1519632782099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post it then.

>> No.3799252
File: 4 KB, 188x200, Fragezeichenburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upgrade to pro

>> No.3799256

I meant EX, I have pro

>> No.3799264

You don't need photoshop for elaborated illustrations. The drawing tools, brush options and other features are pretty much standard in any painting program. Krita, SAI.
People only use photoshop because of word to mouth. People see others using it and they want to use it as well.

>> No.3800666

>can't afford to spend $50
Dude close 4chan and get a job.

>> No.3801484

So I've just gotten a tablet and don't have the money to pay for a program. Krita or FireAlpaca?

>> No.3801488

Autodesk Sketchbook.

I've had both krita and fire alpaca crash on me way too much to ever recommend them.

>> No.3801521

Dude, they're fucking free. Download both and you'll see that they aren't even in the same league. Just learn already that Krita is a CSP tier program.

Sketchbook is shit though. Honestly, I don't know what some anons are talking about, I've never had Krita crash. Okay, maybe one or two times, but even then I'm pretty sure it wasn't Krita's fault. I've been using it every day for years now.

>> No.3801529

>Autodesk Sketchbook.
I'll look into it. Thanks man. Anyone else got an opinion of it?

>Dude, they're fucking free
I know that man, it's why I mentioned them. Just want to know which one I should I give a shot at first. You suggest Krita then?

>> No.3801536

>Sketchbook is shit though.
Why do you think so? It's free now, you get perspective tools, you can make your own brushes, the UI takes up less space than the other programs, it's intuitive... I don't really get what you think is shit about it, personally I think it's great and I love using it.

>> No.3801559

> There are ppl who only stick to only one art program, flatten layers instead of exporting a copy and post a JPEG.

> and then there is me, who uses CSP for drawing/ painting and then Ps for liquify, editing, smooth 16bpc gradients and then rescaling the fullres master TIFF with another program with lanczos to web publishing size as PNG.

tools are there to be used. so use them.

>> No.3801572

There's almost never been a better time to actually buy it. I have an old CS2 that everyone has the key for but it can be a pain in the ass compared to new versions. $128/year and I get Lightroom + PS. I have that, bought CSP for $25, and use Krita too. They all do things I like and need and I'm happy with them for their strengths.

>> No.3801575

>"Guys I think I'm at the objective"

>> No.3801598

I'd recommend replacing PS with Affinity Photo instead if you're just looking for post-editing. They're more lightweight and have all the features you mentioned including Lanczos scaling.
Plus they have a superior Liquify tool that can work on multiple layers at once without having to permanently fuse layers with Smart Objects

>> No.3801604

based gnuposter

>> No.3801702

>You suggest Krita then?
Of course. As a matter of fact, we shouldn't even be discussing FireAlpaca simply because there's MediBang which is Firealpaca but better (literally, it's just an improvement on Firealpaca). If you still want to try it, choose Medibang instead.

>you get perspective tools, you can make your own brushes
Yeah, even Firealpaca/Medibang has this. I don't really remember much about the brush creation in Sketchbook, but I remember having some issues with it, as well as issues with my tablet, it didn't want to recognize pressure and tilt sensitivity (I have a Wacom Intuos pro 4). I tried to look into it right now, but couldn't figure out how to create brushes, because the interface is just so minimalistic. That's to your next point. This is not a mobile app, for fuck's sake, the UI can take up space as needed, I want my brushes, my swatches, my color wheel (and I want to be able to set it to HSV if I want to, Sketchbook only works in HSL), my thumbnail and my tools. Speaking of mobile apps, I have Sketchbook on my Android tablet (and it's the full app, same as on the desktop), and even there it's shit and I don't use it. Okay, at least I found how to create brushes in the mobile app, but again, it's just not as good or as functional, or as convenient to use as the other apps I have. And that's just on mobile, Krita has ten times the functionality of Sketchbook, plus some very convenient shortcuts for resizing and rotating the canvas.

>> No.3801719

Addition to this >>3801702
"Ten times" is not even an exaggeration, might be even more than that. Krita has clipping masks (or alpha inheritance as it works in Krita), filters and filter masks, adjustment functionality comparable to Photoshop, gradient maps, file layers, incremental version saving and other useful stuff for managing your files/projects, and stuff I don't even use like custom scripts. And animation.

>> No.3802252

I've installed pirated SAI and CSP but for some reason they don't have pressure detection
I'm on windows 10 1809 on a thinkpad x220t, screen tablet with wacom feel, and both krita and sketchbook (uwp app) just werks; what gives?

>> No.3803397

So do anyone actually have something made in Krita that looks decent?
Might be the artists who are shitty but what I can collect from this thread is textures are shit and blending is shit

>> No.3803398


>> No.3803552
File: 56 KB, 800x800, 1544807786239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't afford photoshop/CSP for free on piratebay? This was maint in MS Paint.

What's your excuse?

>> No.3803553
File: 119 KB, 755x1007, 1535378261995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't afford a computer? This was made with ketchup.

What's your excuse?

>> No.3803585

Now I need a custom ketchup brush for Krita.

>> No.3803607
File: 208 KB, 1920x821, ngan-pham-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on yoru definition of decent.

>> No.3803623

>textures are shit and blending is shit
These aren't that important to making good art. Don't overvalue them

>> No.3803644


>> No.3803645


>> No.3803649

It's something called "perspective"

>> No.3803652

I'm using krita but just wondering what are the best pieces of artwork made in krita you have seen

>> No.3803658

Oh I assume you're using MS paint, you giant fag.

>> No.3803670

And when a dumb ass like you hears a whirling noise from their car car they take it to a professional mechanic to diag and repair. Just because you can tell something is wrong with a picture you still need a decent artist to help fix it.

>> No.3803673
File: 9 KB, 300x168, ms paint santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonsense. Surely you've seen the Santa video by now.

Your program and the tools you use are never as important as your own ability. They're meant to supplement your work. Make it easier to do things with the understanding and skill you already have

>> No.3803682

All right, let me see your MS paint masterpieces then.

>> No.3803688

Krita's brush engine is virtually as capable as photoshop I think. So you should theoretically do anything that Photoshop artists can do

>> No.3803690

Pics or didn't happen

>> No.3803691

huh pics of what?

>> No.3803693


>> No.3803696

uh-duh, Krita's amazing brush engine

>> No.3803697

>picking the shittier option when there's better around
>i'm somehow the brainlet

>> No.3803698

You can't take pics of an engine.

>> No.3803699

just read the docs

>> No.3803700

Showcasing it, retard

>> No.3803701

You can make custom brushes in Krita?

>> No.3803702

Nobody gives a shit what program you use to do anime crap. I'm not getting a comission for promoting FREE open source software.

The point that it's not the pogram fault for your lack of skill remain.

>> No.3803703

>t. doesn't understand perspective
I think perspective is exactly what that anon meant, the tree is in the wrong perspective, we should be able to see the undersides of the upper branches.

>> No.3803705

yeah, read the docs -> >>3803699

>> No.3803707

I'm not skilled enough to do well in MSpaint anon. That was just an example of the skill of the artist being more important than the program

>> No.3803710

You can't "showcase" coding retard. That's exactly what an engine is. Some shit in some programing language

If you want to see painitngs done in krita google is your friend, brainlet.

>> No.3803711

Dude... do you have the slightest idea of what Krita is? Do you think we would be discussing a program where you can't make your custom fucking brushes?

>> No.3803712

That's a cool tl;dr and all but I'm still waiting for you Kritafags to show me literally anything proving Krita's brushes are as amazing as you claim.

One picture.

>> No.3803713


>brainlet doesn't understand one point perspective

>> No.3803714

krita sucks as much as blender does for a free program.
now go download photoshop

>> No.3803715

Well, I like this guy's work >>3803607, but the rndering is pretty simplistic, so it doesn't really "showcase" much.

>> No.3803716

I suppose we should all return to drawing with sticks in mud so that we don't rely too much on overpowered tools

lmao, you're a fucking joke

>> No.3803717

Google is your friend. Fuck off nobody cares if

>> No.3803718

Fucking hell dude, go back to /beg/, please.

>> No.3803720

But are you using MS paint on the regular anon, because you seem hellbent that i ought to use it.

>> No.3803721

I don't know why you need to do that, when there's literally a 1:1 equivalent for every Photoshop brush features. The only lacking thing is some missing filters.

>> No.3803724

I only just heard about it this thread. I was screwing around with it a minute ago, but didn't see any option for custom brushes. I assumed that if the option was there, I just didn't see it.

>> No.3803725

the absolute state of perspectivelets

>> No.3803726



>> No.3803728

>deliberately misinterpreting the post
>"jus google it"
Sure seems like a struggle proving Krita isn't shit.

>> No.3803729

Not a pic
Not a pic
Not a pic

>> No.3803730

>Doesn't get an "engine" is just code in a programing language
>Still wants a picture

Brainlet.... waste your money in photoshop. I sincerly dont' care.

>> No.3803731

You shouldn't rely on tools as a crutch for your own skills. Textures and blending are good for many digital artists to get their work out in a timely way, but they're not key to good art. Don't overvalue them

>> No.3803732


>Wants a pic of coding done in a programming languague


>> No.3803733

>buying software

>> No.3803734

What kind of picture do you want? Do you need Craig Mullins to personally paint on Krita for you before you're satisfied?

You're already handed a clear and cut documentation of every single brush feature Krita have, what kind of other "brush capabilities" do you want to see it demonstrate?

>> No.3803735

>Buying Photoshop

>> No.3803737
File: 98 KB, 1080x599, Krita-Brush-Engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3803738

>I'll just keep pretending not knowing what he wants and maybe he'll give up
No, cunt.

>> No.3803740
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, Krita-Brush-Engine 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3803741

A piece of artwork showcasing their mad brush engine would be nice.
Sure pwned with your autism there

>> No.3803743

Sweet, it has an automatic pixelation feature

>> No.3803744

So that's why they didn't give you the images.
You're just a common shitposter

>> No.3803745

I can see you still refuse to read the documentation.
If you don't understand how 2 identical and equivalent, but differently-named tools can produce the same results, then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.3803747

And for traditional I take it you arrange particles of pigment under an electron microscope as to not brushes as a crutch

>> No.3803748

Still waiting for those sweet superior KRITA textures to show up ITT

>> No.3803752

No one said superior. They said comparable. And if you can't see that it is from what's provided, there's no real point to playing your game.

>> No.3803753

I have dabbled in pointillism, yes. Didn't turn out very well, but I did learn a lot about value

>> No.3803755

What do you think digital brush textures are made of? Adobe(tm)-patented, proprietary and encrypted files that you can't just simply export? Even SAI can take any kind of textures you throw at it.

Liked a texture in a certain Photoshop brush, but you want it in Krita? Then just export it and drop it to Krita, it's that simple.

>> No.3803756

So far all I've seen is a pixelated screengrab.
How hard can it be taking your favorite textured Krita pic and post it here? Show me, you worthless shills.

>> No.3803758

Did you use a brush?

>> No.3803759

People are not obligated to lick your foot. If you refuse to have a conversation, then don't expect people to do differently.
Answer my question first, then we can continue.

>> No.3803760

Nah. Just used my mind to alter the electric current of the universe around me to connect each pigment on a molecular level

>> No.3803763

Meh meh mehhhhhhhhhhh~

>> No.3803764

I've been asking for a pic long before your dumb question, post it and we can continue.

If Krita is such a great program, where is the evidence?

>> No.3803766

Good, because if you used a brush you're another crutch-relying cheat.

>> No.3803767

Of course, my life is centered around impressing you totally anonymous stranger

>> No.3803772

Oh my Goooooooood
I don't caaaaaaaaare

>> No.3803776

Look, if you want be to pick shitty tools over good ones you better give me a reason to. So far I've only got some vague mumbling about crutches.

>> No.3803779

So there's nothing then.
Krita is shit.
Go for a different program.

>> No.3803781

trolling krita threads, what an exciting way to spend your saturday/sunday

>> No.3803782

lol nah

>> No.3803784

Kill yourself

>> No.3803787
File: 31 KB, 352x450, ITTIG_trashman_Penn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3803792

No me! I want the last response!

>> No.3803797

The evidence is in the functionalities of the program itself. And said functionalities are fully documented in the documentation. And I'm not even a Kritafag (I mostly use CSP and PS), as the program is bloated as hell on Windows.

"Results" are ironically a dumb and inconsistent way to prove a program's capability from my experience, since art is heavily dependent on the skill of the user.

This painting is done in MSPaint. Does that mean MSPaint is just as good as Photoshop? Of course not.
A program's quality can only be objectively judged only by the actual functionalities it provides. While the "results" are almost purely a testament to the skill of whatever artist is using it at the time.

If you're actually a smart and rational person, and are not simply looking to bait people in bad faith like you are now, this is what you'll do:
1. Watch a process video of a Photoshop artist you admire.
2. Take notes of the tools and features being used by the artist.
3. Look up for the equivalent tools in the documentation.
4. Test those features using Krita.
5. If all the tools perfectly matches up, you know that their brush engine capable of producing your goals.

But of course I know you won't, as you're not actually honestly looking to have your mind changed and you'll continue to shitpost your free time away here.

So will you answer my question and actually respond to my points, or will you deflect with another "no u"?

>> No.3803807

And I will respond with: Still no evidence Krita can produce good textures and blending.

>> No.3803808

uh yes it can

>> No.3803810

But where is the proof?

>> No.3803812

And right on cue, proving once again you can't read.

>> No.3803814

It’s only 700 dollars a year for all adobe apps. I spend more on my dog in a year. You don’t have to profit from a hobby.

>> No.3803816

i dont use krita but i know it can when i used it, just like medipaint,firealpaca,mypaint,opencanvas,paint tool sai, clip studio and any other program

>> No.3803817

Right on cue: Not one single image

>> No.3803819

Strange how many people say it allegedly can but there's nothing, fucking NOTHING, to prove it.

>> No.3803826

>provided the most objective evidence possible
>too much of a brainlet to understand it
>nu-uh, I want Craig Mullins and Ruan Jia to paint on Krita first, or else it's BS!

>> No.3803827

Samefag responses.
Thread is laredy dead, ignore it.

>> No.3803835
File: 195 KB, 711x1036, 1485835272948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objective evidence
Yeah except I'm interested in art programs because of art, not their instruction manuals.

I STILL want to see an example of decent textures and blending from Krita, a blob of paint that doesn't look computer generated as fuck will do just fine. Reading comprehension, you absolute imbecile.

Pic related is PS, can Krita give me textures like this? Given the amount of evidence ITT, the answer would be NO.

>> No.3803845
File: 181 KB, 1024x1024, namito111poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao dude, are you for real? Is this your fucking standard?

>> No.3803848

There you fucking go, was that so hard? Jesus Christ.

>> No.3803851

Was it so hard to specify what you're looking for?

>> No.3803855

An example of good blending and texture in Krita. I've been saying it throughout the entire thread since the fucking beginning.

Are you legit retarded?

>> No.3803865

You should really learn to relax man. No need to to get heated over something so mundane

>> No.3803869

Are you legit retarded though?

>> No.3803878


>> No.3804021
File: 81 KB, 1134x705, dyed_by_light_red_by_namito111_d8ixhmm-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already team Krita but damn, this looks amazing.
Btw checked Namito111, he's got a really /ic/-friendly taste

>> No.3804023
File: 293 KB, 1000x1000, namito_tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3804633
File: 3.35 MB, 1920x1080, meadow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related done in krita

>> No.3804642 [DELETED] 

Csp is probably one of the most pirated software of all time.

Also I don't feel the least bit bad for pirating all of Adobes stuff, I use to pay for it back in school. Adobe just has too many anti-consumer practices that they wouldn't get away with if they didn't basically have a monopoly on the market. I have so much contempt for those greedy bastards that I do my best to avoid using any of their products as much as possible, even the products I've pirated from them.

>> No.3804811

How can you get a texture like that in Krita?

>> No.3805721

But what if you have a job, get few hours and can't find another job or get more house because the state of your job market is a pile of shit? And you can't really save anything up because you need to live?

>> No.3805730

What if you have a brain aneurysm and die in the next 10 minutes?
Just get out there. Get a crappy job. Find a shitty cheap hole with some roommates. Put a little on the side for your real goals and stop worrying about what might go wrong

>> No.3805741

Looks like the artist just mainly applied a grain texture to it. Then used a pixelization filter (krita has a pixel filter) for the moon. Then also used a hatching brush too randomly on the image.

>> No.3808135

A wry smile made out of moisty condiment, Noice.

>> No.3808886

Does Krita have any inbuilt tools for webcomicing like fireaplaca does?

If that's my end goal is their another program I should be looking at?

>> No.3808897

I don't like this canvas texture, it "suspends my disbelief" personally because it's uniform everywhere

>> No.3809152
File: 114 KB, 1366x768, krita_Mq4eySPrLM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has templates like this, and you can make similar templates yourself, but it doesn't have that neat panel divide tool, which you probably shouldn't be relying on anyways. Learn to make your own panels and bubbles and you'll have a lot more control over your work

>> No.3809213

It’s unbelievable that a free program is this good. It’s to the point that sometimes when I’m using CSP, I think to myself, “this feauture works better in Krita. Why am I not using Krita?”

>> No.3809219

>using the one tool that's the closest to traditional art is a crutch

>> No.3809345

>free as in 'freedom' not as in 'beer'
freaking digital communists, just like regular communists they have to ruin everything
even Linus Torvalds was against GPLv3

>> No.3809356

I don't care about this at all, it's still free as in free beer because I don't have to pay for the software.

>> No.3810129
File: 90 KB, 1087x285, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bunch of issues with colors when saving to .psd
when I open it in Photoshop it's normal again, then when saving as a copy .psd from Photoshop it's darker again

>> No.3810136
File: 2.41 MB, 1920x1080, Terramancer Valley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one


Also pic related was done in krita