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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3797470 No.3797470 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel like after hanging around in /ic/ everywhere else on the internet sounds like a circle jerk hug box, where no one will ever get better?
>omg anon your art is perf!
>so beautiful!
>you’re so goals!

>> No.3797482
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Who gives a shit? People like getting compliments on the internet because it feels good. If that's all they listen to and they don't have the capacity to self-critique, they'll obviously stagnate. But too much negativity like the kind of shit you see on /ic/ is just as useless. That's why real niggas only go to the draw every day and artbook threads.

>> No.3797484

Back to your hugbox environment, snowflake.

>> No.3797488

post your work or you're ngmi

>> No.3797489

I was in a christian hugbox. I drew like shit worse than beg tier and the leader said it was amazing....

Yuck... I rather be here.

>> No.3797491

Anon, if seeing basic complements from fans and friends makes you think "circle jerk hug box", you should leave this site forever.

>> No.3797493

/ic/ is another kind of hugbox where instead of endless compliments you get endless reasons to procrastinate making art

>> No.3797494

If you truly feel that way it means that you're weak minded and easily influenced. I suggest you spend some time away from 4chan to better yourself. Good luck!

>> No.3797509
File: 324 KB, 1000x862, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now post your work, snowflake.

>> No.3797514

Christ above anon. Get help

>> No.3797521


>> No.3797523
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>> No.3797526

Did you just cut and paste that onto some shitty rocks?

>> No.3797532

you got balls for unironically posting your work, I'll give you that

>> No.3797534

>Needing balls to post your work
The absolute state.

>> No.3797535

I usually feel yuck on /ic/ cause /ic/ is 94.9 percent beg and 5 percent people who already gave up on art that are just here to act high and mighty.
Even if you try to have a proper discussion on art it usually devolves into a shitshow, or even worse, another gay talent discussion.
The damn weekend waifu drawthread makes a better art community than /ic/

>> No.3797537
File: 1.28 MB, 1061x1500, tepsRwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mikufag i wanted to be your friend for a very long time, where to add?

>> No.3797539

So none of you special snowflakes will post your work, thank you for proving my point.

>> No.3797547

At least everywhere else on the internet doesn't turn literally showing your work into this big of a fuckery. Jeez I don't even agree with the kid this>>3797484 but at least the kid treats posting his credentials on an art board as some sort of a nono

>> No.3797554
File: 471 KB, 512x288, tumblr_ofn4lk8taZ1s9eqayo1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Made a Twitter account
>Post strange OC only
>Get a few likes and a retweet every now and then
>A person asked me a question
It's very little but it feels nice

>> No.3797612
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, 1492387193778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere, we're all here forever with the rest of these faggots.

>> No.3797619

Thanks for the feedback guys I’m so relieved I’m not the only one. There’s art that’s objectively bad (eg. Has like 400 followers) but no one will point out why it sucks. If they reflected on how to improve, they could easily reach greater heights. But I see too many people being complacent and letting their hugbox ego get in the way of gains.

>> No.3797754

Follower amount has nothing to do with art quality or success you retard.

>> No.3797768
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Well thats a shame.

>> No.3797773

I don't really hang out places like that, so no. But I agree it's not healthy. One of the hardest things to do in college, studying art, was doing critiques, where you had to defend your work to the class - and we pretty much did them in every studio class, after the 101 beginning stuff. It could get brutal. One of my professors told me in my senior year they do it on purpose - one, to get kids to grow thicker skin, two - to make art they could defend, and three - chase out the flakes who were taking up spots real students needed.
I try not to be too brutal here, because it's text, and it's hard to communicate that way, but I try to be honest - if you're making mistakes, you need to know. If you get butthurt and run away, then you probably shouldn't be an artist.
PS - "That sucks" isn't a critique.

>> No.3797780

That’s because you’re anonymous here. There are no consequences. Call everyone turds and they can’t check your profile:

Giving honest feedback that offers a solution for someone to improve is time consuming. Giving a kind platitude is easy.

They’re not stupid they’re lazy, busy and don’t give a fuck about other people.

>> No.3797894

I want a middle ground between assholes calling your art irredeemable and not giving any actual advice and a bunch of spineless sycophants mindlessly praising your work

>> No.3797898

Anon, being lazy would just be not commenting at all. They're being what is called "nice" to make others feel good and positive about themselves and feel encouraged to keep drawing

>> No.3797905

I don't care. It's normal to compliment your friends. Maybe you'd know that OP if you had any to begin with.

>> No.3797913

The actual best thing you can do is find another artist that’s better than you to mentor you, but not everyone can be lucky like that.

>> No.3799044


>> No.3799047

Yes it does. Just like you can’t convince someone a woman is beautiful, you just look at her and know.

>> No.3799052

I catch myself doing that to my friends though, it sucks and feels so disingenuous. “Nooo, what are you talking about, your art is great!” I guess that’s why anonymity is great, be hard on yourself and easy on others. I cringe now if I hear too many good things cause I worry my ego will get overinflated and chase compliments instead of gains.

>> No.3799132

there is a difference between someone's gallery, and an art forum

>> No.3799156

This sounds super plausible and would love it to be true because you could gameify art, but going through the self promotion thread here checking the Instagram follower count the correlation looks weak enough to be useless. Noise dominates appeal at the follower counts on the promotion thread, all I checked were <2000.

>> No.3799165

>Anyone else feel like after hanging around in /ic/ everywhere else on the internet sounds like a circle jerk hug box

It's just as likely that /ic/ has normalize for you the kind of negative anti-social behavior and smug self-satisfaction that all but guarantees you won't make any meaningful connections that can propel your education and career in art.

Here's a bit of honest advice. Have your fun here, but leave the bullshit once you're done. Don't take any of this with you into the real world.

>> No.3799335

This is very true. I wish there was a place online that wasn't as caustic and spiteful as a lot of the internet but especially /ic/ but still a place where you can grow and make shit and contirbute to a community