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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3786571 No.3786571 [Reply] [Original]

>this is considered good character design in japan


>> No.3786574

Post Your Character design

>> No.3786579
File: 262 KB, 2200x1556, 1548255943246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3786584

to be fair atleast 38.97% of character designs are bad, be it in eastern media or western

>> No.3786589

Whos doing the designs for Promare?

>> No.3786595

Character sheets and promo art most of the time look gay. It's when it's in the actual animation that matters.

>> No.3786599

I wonder if she's wearing panties underneath that skirt

>> No.3786611
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I love trigger, and I really want to like these designs. But they just look so gaudy. Maybe they'll look better in motion. Shigeto Koyama knows what he's doing though, so I'm sure it'll work out fine.

>> No.3786648

Post your work or get out, noone cares about the random stuff you googled to call shit, anyone call anything shit.

>> No.3786655

They make up for it with story, music, animation, etc. no one can be good at everything.

>> No.3786656

its like off brand Kamina.

>> No.3786657
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>> No.3786662

Gross failure of a Kamina knockoff. Gross thicc neck.

>> No.3786664

and >>3786579 is definitely not a Yoko knockoff :^)

>> No.3786700
File: 170 KB, 1440x1080, 1548638435983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ ngmis dissing on industry legends to make themselves feel better on being shit at art.
Not even trying to hide the jealousy
>"In japan"
/co/ fag

>> No.3786706

Yeah, this one is horrible. The girls are just bland, not really bad or good.

>> No.3786716

This guy made this same thread on /a/ yesterday, got no replies, and is now here to beg for (You)s.

>> No.3786727

The coloring is kino. Anyone who says otherwise is still a long way from being a good artist.
Its gonna sell, stay mad fags.

>> No.3786730

nope, haven't made a thread on /a/ in years

>> No.3786760
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Dubs of truth

>> No.3786761

The head's quaint.
Not too sure what's going on with that body though

>> No.3786785

Trigger is the Reddit of animation studios change my mind

>> No.3786787

I don't care that much about your mind to change it. Do it yourself if it matters that much

>> No.3786788

This is KyoAni or SHAFT, Trigger is the 9gag of animation studios.

>> No.3786797 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure Reddit would be KyoAni or something. Trigger is probably 9gag. 4chan would be Pierrot or some shit.

>> No.3786800

Pretty sure Reddit would be KyoAni or something. Trigger is probably 9gag. 4chan would be GoHands or some shit.

>> No.3786807


>> No.3786817

no 4chan would go for the based studio bones

>> No.3786830

thx for settei guys

>> No.3786834

When does this anime come out?

I’ve been saving up a huge load to blow on it

>> No.3786837

can you post sources claiming its a good character design?

>> No.3786861

For pedo appeal
For generic pervert appeal

>> No.3786866

The anime industry is creatively bankrupt. All it does is copy elements of past successful anime without understanding why they were remarkable in the first place and doesn't try to deviate from the norm of what is acceptable because experimental stuff "doesn't sell" (workers are paid too low to take risks). Every modern anime is made for a specific demographic (i.e. idols, moe, fujoshi, nostalgia, chuuni, braindead drama romcom watchers) and not for productive adults who have a 3 digit IQ and capability of abstract thought. It's not true that there were more good anime in the past, but at least shit anime in the past could be entertaining unlike shit anime now which is too safe and mundane. This character design is just another repercussion of the late stage of capitalism (reddit marxist meme term, I know, but it clearly applies here) affecting the anime industry, turning your chinese cartoons into soulless, meaningless, mass-manufactured corporate approved garbage.

>> No.3786870

MAPPA is quickly becoming the best. Apparently they are the ones working on the Dorohedoro anime

>> No.3786880
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literally this is what miyazaki was talking about instead of drawing inspiration from real life all the industry does is try to chase it's own tail instead of being as innovative and new as it used to be e.g the tons of isakai,moe, and yuri shows that come out every year and all most all mecha shows now just rip on evangelion now.

in times like this i'm so happy experimental stuff like mob psycho 100,space dandy,one punchman, made in abbeys and anything by massaki yuasa is still keeping this industry alive from self destroying it's self and loosing all the creativity it has

>> No.3786886
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What's wrong with it? Not realistic enough for ya?

>> No.3786887
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I miss Late 90s anime. Early 00s too.

>> No.3786934
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>3d anime

>> No.3786972

Nobody actually thinks that, r-right?

>> No.3786991

I do

>> No.3787095
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>not posting the cute boi

>> No.3787098
File: 165 KB, 605x1605, IMG_20190128_203740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like these japs just picked a random english word then combined them together

>> No.3787115


>> No.3787119

Those names are terrible.

>> No.3787126

>4 waist belts
>2 on each thigh
This nigga's got belts to keep his belts up

>> No.3787129

I watched the trailer and it didn't look too terrible but the whole world looked stylistically gaudy as hell. Guy just looks out of place on plain paper.

>> No.3787140

a well designed non racist non caricature black anime character

thank you based trigger

>> No.3787154

japan likes belts.
america prefers pouches

>> No.3787157

>only black character
>obviously thuggish
>not racist
Oh dear...

>> No.3787160

yeah now that you mention it he is a bit stereotypical token black, but after terrible racist design that is sister krone from the promised neverland this initially looks way better as they didn't give him large lips in a very stereotypical way.

>> No.3787162

is this what they call a trap?

>> No.3787165

>racism apology
Please dont?

>> No.3787189
File: 1.82 MB, 1796x1164, Fj8ZXs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That blonde girl
Oh shit. Are we getting another Trigger Girl origin story like Luluco?

>> No.3787194

sorry, i didn't mean to apologize for racism. to be honest the design could be way better also it would help if he was not the only black character in the team

>> No.3787200

I see nothing wrong with these designs and i never saw anything better on /ic/.

>> No.3787202
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Because it is.

>> No.3787230


>> No.3787268
File: 293 KB, 1920x1080, 1546125157693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody on this board understands the concept of appeal. Everyone here is still learning so their obsessed with gesture and anatomy, forgetting that once you're past a certain point you can ignore all that shit and begin to draw truly interesting things.

>> No.3787271

Well, less ignore and more get so accustomed to it that you know how to break the rules in an appealing way.

>> No.3787287

/ic/ is alright for helping absolute beginners to understand that there are certain fundamentals that you can practice and learn that will give you the building blocks to make better work. Beyond that - you're right. At some point you'll start to acquire the fundamentals you need to branch off towards your own voice & style.

Personally, I think there's a big issue with people here being incapable of really seeing a piece through to completion. Too many blogs in the social media thread are full of sloppy & unfinished work. The draw threads often have anons sharing their incomplete work then saying "Just about done with this one!" I really think you need to complete your work in order for you to really grow stylistically and understand how you like to make work that is more unique to you.

I think the very notion of 'breaking the rules' is a misguided. There are no rules in art, so there's nothing to break. The fundamentals are tools, not guidelines.

>> No.3787294

Well yeah. "No rules only tools". Just saying it for the sake of argument, these structures we use to learn and understand natural form can be broken for the sake of visual appeal once we understand their use

>> No.3787297

That's my theory. Too many similarities in design.

>> No.3787467

I think this just points to a cultural difference in aesthetic values. Japanese people seem to prefer bombastic, exaggerated designs where realism takes a backseat to the rule of cool. Westerners tend to prefer more grounded designs. We think a lot of their character design looks ridiculous and they think ours are boring.

>> No.3787498

They're like those Pokemon Colosseum NPC names that don't make a lick of sense.

>> No.3787601

good point.

>> No.3787633

looks like awful tumblr/western shit. the guys are terrible and the girls forgettable so guessing it's for fujos and gays

>> No.3787653

Sorry to burst your bubble anon but Miyazaki has never said "Anime was a mistake".

That's an edit, and its become a meme.

>> No.3787659

flashy crayola designs appeal to the lowest common denominator

>> No.3787705

Truth, and even more true when discussing Trigger. They're simply too fucking self-referential.

>> No.3787723

>twink gimp

>> No.3787756

i've felt this way for years... anime is literally the new hollywood

this tbqh

>> No.3787915

Oh wow, you actually bitch about Krone's design, pathetic.

You would bitch if she wasn't designed like that either, saying she's being whitewashed instead I bet.

>> No.3788375


>> No.3788392

it's not just her design it's the way she is also drawn in such an over exaggerated way especially in the manga to which it looks similar to racist depictions of black people, the anime fixes this a lot though it's not perfect. it also doesn't help that she is the only black character in the story and is drawn the most exaggerated and terrify. it wouldn't hurt to have thrown a few other black kids into the main cast maybe 2-3 if you're going to make krone as the most scariest adult in the series so it doesn't come across as racist or ignorant.

>> No.3788396

this is forced overdesign

>> No.3788399

>it wouldn't hurt to have thrown a few other black kids into the main cast maybe 2-3 if you're going to make krone as the most scariest adult in the series so it doesn't come across as racist or ignorant.
It would have been equally problematic, you fucking sub-cognitive racist.

>> No.3788402

>libtards are mad

>> No.3788417
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>> No.3788428

the thing I hate the most, more than blatant racism is fake liberals like this latent fascist right here >>3788392

>> No.3788438

how would it have been equally problematic, it would have meant krone is not a token black character as she is now

i'm not a liberal I just don't like racism I don't politically lean left or right i'm just decent average human being that use the thing called empathy don't know if you have ever heard of it for all races of humans


>> No.3788441

>not racist
>says racist things without realizing it

>> No.3788443

i'm unironically black anon
>expects someone to make a post saying "nigger" thinking they are being cleaver or smart or getting under my skin

>> No.3788465

Blacks can be racist against other blacks, you know? Also
>replying to me
Could you not? I'm not interested in your normalized racism speach. Thankyou.

>> No.3788468

stop it anon, I struggle to keep my food in my mouth

>> No.3788470

okay i will stop reply to you from now on but just to let you know you never explained how anythig i did was racist while i explained how the designs were.

>> No.3788519
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>> No.3788524
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, trigger chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she supposed to be the blond Trigger girl?

>> No.3788526

Cool he's a chill browno now

>> No.3788579

yes they are just re using designs

>> No.3788756

Has the left girl ever appeared in an anime?

>> No.3789524

So true

>> No.3789537
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1548451821354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blacks can be racist against other blacks
That's called prejudice fucking retard, and no, Nigger said by a nigger isn't racist because Blacks aren't saying it with the same meaning as White Americans used it. It's like calling the Spanish racist for saying Negro when that's literally Black in Spanish. Whites can just say Blacks but don't because they are racist.

>> No.3789630

Plesae trumptard dont reply to me, thank you.

>> No.3789637
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 1547241471722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but why would you assume he doesn't know that already? The anon is reciting the documentary correctly, the meme pic has little to with the stuff he posted.

>> No.3789649


>> No.3789658

You and I could be drawing something right now.

>> No.3789675

>Thinks design is a matter of personal taste and not function requirements.


>> No.3789732

This is the fundamental problem of /ic/. I've seen artist here get great at anatomy and construction, but then never improve because they can't finish anything or just write off rendering all together.

Also once you stop judging everyone's art based on anatomy and perspective, you are able to see why their works connect with people even if you don't like it. Ive found that its made me less critical of myself, and has allowed me to get back up after failing and not be afraid to challenge myself.

>> No.3789811

>this is bad

>> No.3789814


>> No.3790018

Looks like a chaos cultist fell into a laboratory and had two hornets attach themselves to the back of her head with the resulting shock to the system turning her away from chaos.

>> No.3790020

Not him but as far as connecting with normies goes it is not about your skill as a draftsman rather it is all about the content you are pandering to them and they will gobble it up regardless of your skill.

>> No.3790180

>/co/ fag
That alone makes him pathetic by default.

>> No.3791894

they revived kamina just for this role, that's dedication everyone

>> No.3792700
