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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 191 KB, 1000x904, DvnYMAbU8AAhbNl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3773551 No.3773551 [Reply] [Original]

Could shadman potentially get better eventually through mileage? His stuff could be sexy I think, if he drew more loose, had some better gesture and less stiffness.

>> No.3773557

No. He peaked around 2012 and stayed there for years. His line quality has increased but that's about it. When you draw the exact same way for so long, you become set in your ways. You might even start drawing worse.

>> No.3773569

OP, mileage only works if you have a goal or destination, shadman has no goal or destination, he's perfectly fine with this shit style.

>> No.3773571

He needs to work on his writing. I hate his lettering. Its inconsistent and annoying

>> No.3773575

His comic style isn't good, but it feels cuter looking than his usual stuff at least. If he took took that look and just got some perspective and gesture, a bit of anatomy he could be pretty okay.

>> No.3773582

like Huston say if you don't push yourself you are not gonna get better
mileage can only get you so far

>> No.3773635

>he took took that look

>> No.3773767

does he want to improve?
does he have a reason to improve?

>> No.3773770

god i wish that were me

>> No.3773773

Sure he could, but why would he? Why leave his comfort zone if it might make him make less money? Also this obsession with shadman is really creepy, at least 1 thread per week.

>> No.3773838

He regressed, OP. Why would he improve when there's no incentive?

His boot lickers don't care about the quality of the art they jerk off to, obviously, and they'll continue to pay him no matter how shit his work is.

>> No.3773938
File: 2.26 MB, 426x240, ezgif-5-c4a22477c3ff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3774012

leave the dude alone god damn

>> No.3774128

His stuff is good

>> No.3774133

At a certain point you only get better through severe amounts of work, or spending longer on your pieces. At least that's my opinion. They both amount to the same thing. Either learn more things and remember them, or put more time into what you already do which adds those things whether you've memorized them or not.

>> No.3774135

>you will never be popular enough to get daily hate threads
why even bother?

>> No.3774170

You don't have to be popular to get hate on 4chan. Why start an entire thread. Just go around and post things. You could post literally anything, you will get hate. High chances you could get some hate on your first try.

>> No.3774506

That's not what I mean. I mean getting hate threads even if I don't post. Or to put it another way, people will actually bother to discuss you without your presence.

>> No.3774518

Righto snowflake

>> No.3774524


He is better. Barely but he is improving. His faces at least look different and better.
The latina on the left doesn't even look like your typical shadman generic looking females.
I think his shit looks better too when he uses simple, more plain colors and shadows.

He can't render for shit, he relies too much on pillow shading bad values for his light and shadows.
Not to mention his drawings are too cartoony for a more elaborated render.
He should stick with simple coloring if he doesn't want to go beyond that artsyle

>> No.3774562
File: 501 KB, 938x1501, 2011-08-28-necrolationship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how he draw 8 years ago. I think never did any study of fundamentals. He just polished what he liked from other anime artists and managed to land on his style today.

>> No.3774649

What exactly is he lacking in terms of fundamentals?

>> No.3774654


>> No.3774680

>snowflake enjoyed your post

>> No.3774684

I know. I was just kidding. Although again, you could be notorious. In which case people will still discuss you without your presence. Just sperg out a lot, but do it in a way that doesn't get you banned. And use a name. Using a name is an easy way to get people talking about you and probably adds to their hate of you watch I'll do it for you.

Again tho, I'm just pulling your tits. If you want people talking about you, practice, advertise, and have some sort of personality presence. Tutorials might do the trick. Skill level counts. The more personality you have, the less skill you need. If you're funny or entertaining or whatever, people will watch you and talk about you without you there, and some will hate on you, even if you have no skill. They might even hate you MORE because it'll be like, 'why do people even talk about this guy, he sucks' there will be more of that. Again though I'm sure what you really want is to be actually good so. Long story short, don't worry about notoriety so much man, just enjoy making art.

Now taking all the jokes/teasing out of me, and being super serious. I do hope you enjoy your art and honestly man don't stress over being known too hard. It's cool to have a goal, but your MAIN goal should be to produce good work or else to ENJOY what you do. :)

>> No.3775917

Shadman is completely neutered nowadays compared to what he initially got "famous" for. He doesn't even have the cheap shock factor anymore and all that's left is his boring artstyle. He improved along the years, sure, but even that stopped at the point where his art doesn't even have the shittiness factor to set it apart. If old Shad was edgy like old /b/, new Shad is edgy like a redditor posting how much they want to literally die evrydei. It's boring, streamlined and just about edgy enough to get a tired gasp from the most generic normalfags there is, but not much else. Current Shad is like what a Disney bought Shad would look like if he was a movie.

>> No.3776925

>get big
>get watered down
Sounds about right.

>> No.3776943

discussing it is pointless, he already chose to suck cock for money and thats not something you should hang on, hes not into art for making good art

>> No.3776951
File: 23 KB, 215x334, 1462405457517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he wanted to improve he would've done it by now. Just let it go, anon.

>> No.3777831


>> No.3777906

>big chungus in the background
>Sprite cranberry
Neither of those memes are funny, why does anyone think it's funny?

>> No.3777977

> "what exactly"

>> No.3778700
File: 484 KB, 1500x1058, 2019-01-17-mary-jane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He really needs to change/improve the way he draws noses. And make the chin less long

>> No.3778702

not that anon but really if you cannot see them you dont know jack about shit.
its super un-appealing in a great many ways.

>> No.3779628
File: 1.95 MB, 478x490, schadman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3782043

I don't know jack shit, that's why I'm asking.

>> No.3782053

Almost all of his pieces have weird disconnects with the 3d forms, they don't sit properly on each other, or in perspective in 3d space.
His anatomy construction is just surface level. Bones, and muscles don't sit correctly, and the variation is very low because he still draws symbols instead of fully understanding how human anatomy and all it's levels from skeletal to muscular to skin actually sit on top of each other.
His rendering is pre-professional, and often times has lazy, or tacky effects that look terrible to anyone who cares.
Most people don't care since >titties. He's by all definitions a professional artist, just not a very good one.

>> No.3782081

Thanks for actually bothering to give an answer. I know there's something off with his drawings (there are obvious things like bad shadows and mangled feet like in the recent Spider-Gwen piece he did) but I can't tell if it's because I don't like his style or it's objectively bad. I'm afraid I'd need annotations on the image at this point to fully understand what you mean. I do get a feeling as if his subject's facial features are almost "floating" on their head though.

>> No.3782167

Those hands btw...

>> No.3782442

that's a very telling piece of autobiography right there
it explains so much

>> No.3782990

>Feliz CUMpleanos
Okay that actually got a chuckle out of me for some reason

>> No.3783173


>> No.3783985
File: 1.09 MB, 1100x3035, 2019-01-25-going-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is great.

>> No.3784196

this is actually not that bad desu

>> No.3784304

The cartoony look he's developed for these dumb comics is actually pretty good. All he has to do is learn how to letter and quit throwing chromatic aberration on shit

>> No.3784311
File: 1022 KB, 480x480, 1548234818730.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't get it

>> No.3784528


>> No.3784725

A buthole I think, shad really likes people sniffing buttholes and just sniffing in general.

On the subject of Shad buttholes why do they wink

>> No.3784740

Why is this artist constantly shat upon?

>> No.3784871
File: 1022 KB, 281x243, D3AB4E79-1A82-4533-9372-69A000565CF4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haterz gonna hate

>> No.3784872

G-d I wish that was me

>> No.3785347

My fucking sides

>> No.3785729

the brown haired one makes me moist

>> No.3785733

Wtf this is amazing

>> No.3785738

oh yeah this was his first upload to Newgrounds

>> No.3785744
File: 27 KB, 768x431, DTABnb9U0AAv22I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that last panel

>> No.3785812
File: 865 KB, 1000x2392, daRSQZh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3785815

2 girls
holy shit

>> No.3785817


>> No.3786688

you know mabye Shadman and Holly brown are related with their Swiz long chin family.

>> No.3789271

so is this sponsored by Sprite, or what?

>> No.3789463

her head is in the hole of the ass donut that formed

>> No.3789501

>Visit shadbase
>See lewd drawing
>Point out it's shitty anatomy
>Comment deleted and blocked


>> No.3789593
File: 1.64 MB, 480x480, 1548665610834.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3789610

why dont they just all face forward.... are they retarded?

>> No.3789624

I don't think this is his lineart. Probably it's another artist that does it and Shad is just the colorist.

>> No.3789634

why do only the women have fingernails

>> No.3790123

why do only the women have lips
how is babby formed