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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 179 KB, 1203x2048, 0B15531F-BF0B-47D8-A873-7232533F5D12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3782521 No.3782521 [Reply] [Original]

Is he getting worse?

Those calves and the face, my lord the face.

>> No.3782522

Why wont /ic/ leave Kyle alone? Or is did Kyle make this thread

>> No.3782523 [DELETED] 

>Thread about generic porn artist #687457357
Who fucking cares

>> No.3782533

Those legs are not flattering at all.

>> No.3782534

Artists tend to reflect themselves a bit in the characters they draw, something that Ive noticed. I get the impression that Kyle IRL is somekind of stocky guy with the proportions of a dwarf.

>> No.3782540

that, or he likes his women to be smaller than him. Both are possible

>> No.3782548

Never seen this artist before, what’s wrong with this drawing?

>> No.3782552

I also don’t understand what’s wrong with the face and calves. Is it that the anatomy is wrong or they aren’t appealing enough?

>> No.3782559

it look like Kyle artwork
he posts here all the time
he is both liked and hated here

>> No.3782565

oh look, another drama thread about Kyle we sure don't have these threads all the fucking time.

>> No.3782575

Kyle is pretty consistent.
I don't think this face is too bad. I wish he put more character into his characters, it feels like he only like feet and everything else is just there.

>> No.3782576

is it anons, or kyle making these threads?

>> No.3782579
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>> No.3782587

That is impossible to tell and I don't even care. I am sick of these threads.

>> No.3782588

>Tfw you draw monster girls with messed up proportions
I wonder what does that say about me.

>> No.3782590

It looks like she's chewing gum

>> No.3782591

Wahh wahh I'm obsessed
stylistic choice

kyle has you guys wrapped around his finger, promoting his work like this. i can't stand degenerate porn artists but you low lives are worse

>> No.3782599

Now looks generic, good job.

>> No.3782607

that you hate yourself and don't spend the time to look in the mirror and analyze nature, or are too poor for a wardrobe mirror

>> No.3782611

>Obsessing over other people's work
What is the point? You don't like it? Ignore it. Absolutely ngmi.

>> No.3782623

Oh, I don't mind his works, and at a minimum the weirdness in his drawings is consistent. Everyone has quirks.

But I think he's the kind of artist a lot of people here end up being, which is someone who studies another artist very closely and captures their stylistic flourishes, but regurgitate from memory without really understanding the proportions and arrangement. They'd pay lip service to construction, as he does in his tutorials, but still end up tracing feet.

Some people are fine with that, some are not. He's found his audience and that's fine. But there is a difference in results, methodology matters. So what kind of artist you want to be and all that.

>> No.3782628

He wasn't good to begin with.

>> No.3782638

>40+ replies already

Fuck this.

>> No.3782642

>that you hate yourself
Not gonna lie here, you got me

>don't spend the time to look in the mirror and analyze nature
Not really, I look at animals a lot to understand odd anatomy better. If you stretch reality too much it looks cartoony

>> No.3782668

Hi Kyle.

>> No.3782694
File: 33 KB, 225x350, 1542695348216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else wonders what kind of morning wood Kyle wakes up with?

>> No.3782698

I love girls with thick calves and fat asses

>> No.3782706


>> No.3782720

i like kyle , he gave me a good redline one time.
i think the pic looks good , just the same usual semi weird face but the rest looks nice.

>> No.3782767

well let me tell you. his colors/rendering is still the same. and his characters are either a hit or miss. nothing has changed.

>> No.3782774

Those are some manly as fuck hands. And Kyle was getting better with animu faces, what happened?

>> No.3782805


>> No.3782826

Still better than 92% of /ic/

>> No.3782856

Stop making threads complaining about artists that are better than you. You’re a whiny little bitch get back to the drawing board cunt.

>> No.3782887

>sees this posted this on /v/
>Dickbrains everywhere
>Post it here
>dickbrains with some actual crit drowned out

Humanity is a lost cause.

>> No.3782888

/v/ has the superior thread with good taste.

>> No.3782889

Muh animu aside, that's Kyles problem, he's a western trying to render anime
Stop. Just learn how to draw realism and his shit wouldn't look so ayy lmaoy.

>> No.3782960
File: 3.14 MB, 3421x3187, 2012masterpieces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back when I was a good anime artist

>> No.3782977



>> No.3782993
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>> No.3783024

Ah look, a thread full of shit artists criticizing stylistic choices.

I'm not an animu fan but he looks skilled at what he does. Thick thighs and the face being elongated are the only criticisms I see in this thread. Both of those are character design choices and not a skill thing.

Why is it always the absolute garbage-men of art who criticize things like this? This is why you draw, to add the character designs you want to. You may not like big thighs or stupid anime faces. So (and this part might shock you) don't draw them. Let this kid draw them, he obviously likes these features.

>> No.3783026

thick calves, I meant.

>> No.3783030

Soul has become a euphemism for shit

>> No.3783033

its also another euphemism for anything thats close to anime style

>> No.3783034

It always has been

>> No.3783050

From one decent porn artist to another, I admire how you've managed to keep posting unanonymously all this time.

>> No.3783057

just let the man be and stop wasting threads for this retarded banter. who gives a shit.

>> No.3783064

Who gives a shit about you nigger.

>> No.3783081

post the redline, I thought he never does that

>> No.3783092

All faces wind up looking generic to someone. Fundamentally, the original face is skewed and deformed. Now that it's been slightly fixed, you notice that the original design was already generic to begin with.

>> No.3783094

sec i will see if i still have it. pretty sure it was him.

>> No.3783097
File: 695 KB, 928x1693, kyle redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a long time ago , someone said it was him tho.

>> No.3783108

Yeah that's him

>> No.3783111

i will clarify tho i didn't ask him to , i just posted work asking for crit then a bit later it was there.

>> No.3783112


How the fuck do guys not like this. This is exactly my type. Why does everyone seem to like girls with no volume to them?

>is he getting worse?

Consider, maybe he's drawing this way on purpose: he may just like a different type of girl from you.

>> No.3783152

>Fundamentally, the original face is skewed and deformed.

It wasn't skewed and deformed, it had different proportions, that matched the different proportions of the full figure. With the shortest face the hands and the feet become extra-big.
Yes, hands and feet are slightly bigger in the original design, but as a whole it all works, it's a conscious choice. With the fix all fall apart, it seems a mistake.

If you change the proportions, you have a different design, so no, it's the fix that is generic, not the original.

>> No.3783158

>psychobabble bullshit
I bet you're a vegan

>> No.3783176

as a whamen with huge ass calves, kyle's drawings make me feel better

>> No.3783183


Big calves on women is an enormously attractive feature to me, to the point where I find slim, tapering calves with no definition quite off-putting.

Thick, rounded calves just look so womanly and sexy to me, and I refuse to believe there aren't a lot of other guys who feel the same.

>> No.3783190

Post calves or gtfo

>> No.3783266
File: 65 KB, 750x750, doggo thirsts for boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does he make such clean lineart?
Other artists often told me my work has clean lines as a compliment but I don't think my shit is one tenth as clean as Kyle's.
I wish he'd make a process pic for even just one of his finished pieces so I could get some insight but he seems to just have a few tutorials.

>> No.3783270

you guys look at too much cartoon porn, that shit is not attractive irl

>> No.3783275


>the point of porn is to make me feel better about my unattractive traits

imagine being this tumblr

>> No.3783280


>> No.3783282

Who cares? Art is superior to real life

>> No.3783288

this. if its appealing it works

>> No.3783293

can someone post his blogs?

>> No.3783302

He's also lurking this thread, hi Kyle

>> No.3783316

I wanna fuck that succubus.

>> No.3783387

kyle, is there any place in which you upload your sketckes/wips or so? your twitter updates so slowly

>> No.3783410
File: 9 KB, 256x248, 1542959949521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of you are absolute mongoloids and you're missing the point. His stuff is meant to be hot which it accomplishes 100% I doubt any of you here could make character artworks as hot as this... except BBC Chan though

And what's the problem with the calves exactly? And with the face too? I don't know about you anons but the original looks way hotter than this edit >>3782579

The truth is, the ones criticizing him here don't come even close. And I know, you don't need to be a master chef to know what tastes good but I've seen it time and time again, people think they know what's good and what works but the hard truth is most of the time the time they actually don't

>> No.3783417

I will try and dump more sketches in the future. Do people really like too see that kind of stuff though?

>> No.3783418


>> No.3783424


His Tumblr blog must have had a lot more followers than I though it did. But I guess that shouldn't been surprising for any good porn artist.

>> No.3783575

Yeah I get more out of sketches than the finished work sometimes.

>> No.3783595

if it's really you then yes 10000%

>> No.3783624

i think the ass is what hurts this picture the most. including the entire cheek doesn't make sense

>> No.3783981 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1100x3035, 2019-01-25-going-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Shadman is now better than Kyle

>> No.3783989
File: 69 KB, 785x498, 1542558174318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shadman's work is actually starting to get a form of appeal

>> No.3783992
File: 140 KB, 220x165, 1541197786713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>employeet of the month

>> No.3784011

go back

>> No.3784033

Rent free baby

>> No.3784173
File: 201 KB, 588x670, f4123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time we all admit Kyle makes these threads.

>> No.3784177

Was it not obvious? People like him, BBC and others just use this place just to shitpost but still get "advice" when they are far better than the average artist around despite having either shit fetishes or one tick about their work looking off. Just draw faggot and stop getting over sensitive about making your work some "masterpiece". Real master artists don't do this all their life.

>> No.3785301

I said i liked kyle i dunno why i was included here lol.
i just think his faces look strange sometimes i didn't say it wasn't hot.
not quite sure about what it is about his faces its like a 3d formed anime head but because anime heads are 2 dimensional it looks strange. its a problem with a lot of western artists .
i personally think his bodies look good though.

>> No.3785305

shad will never be appealing.

>> No.3785562

It's time we all admit none of us care about Kyle.

>> No.3785630

>artist makes it
>/ic/ turns on them like a pack of wild dogs

>> No.3785696

I have a feeling the thread was made by Kyle himself. not sure though.

>> No.3785798
File: 300 KB, 409x409, 1527636933969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>artist makes it
>makes it
>Still shills his shit on a critique board acting like he needs advice on his shit

>> No.3786419

I didn't include you as if you hated him, I included you because of the artwork you posted, in other words I just linked the art saying it's hot

>> No.3786468

I love how /ic/ is always in Kyle's head. What a fucking spaz.

>> No.3786504

>I love to hate on onthers
You should reconsider who is the spaz here.

>> No.3786505

>Bumping both shitty drama threads at the same time
The absolute state of this board.

>> No.3786527

Everything is good except for that fucking face

>> No.3786763

I would just usually look at my own body when in need of minor references. It's perfectly natural to draw figures similar to your body when you learn said body parts from your own body to begin with.

>> No.3789481

>stylistic choice

>> No.3789556
File: 533 KB, 1203x2048, asf4tfafasasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a subjective alteration to Kyle's image. The calves and feet are just too big for what should be a delicate bodied sprite/elf so i slimmed them a bit but not making them extremely skinny. She had cankles and wide feet. The hands are also a bit meaty like a lumberjack and not delicate hands. I also feel like the bottom portion of the face is out of alignment with the upper part so i pushed it around a bit.

>> No.3790170

Looks great

>> No.3790205

same anon. kyle share your knowledge please

>> No.3790460

Where does Kyle even post since dumblr got nuked?

>> No.3791547
File: 215 KB, 535x785, witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be cute this time

>> No.3791551

Same face syndrome.

>> No.3791566

That's Morrigan Aensland you troglodyte

>> No.3791579

read the thread next time ok buddy

>> No.3791581

Who's a succubus. Tone down the weeb guy, damn. lol

>> No.3791586

So are most anime and manga artists, so what's your point.

>> No.3791599

lick my toe and I'll think about it

>> No.3791663

Is it just me or is his faces getting flatter and flatter in form without making it straight up anime with western faces or is it just me?

>> No.3791697

That's your excuse? sad.

>> No.3791720

It's not anime though, they have big eyes but it's just a cartoon face. To me it looks like the faces of 80s Disney characters, or even something like 70s anime characters.

Though I have to admit, I do the same. I draw with an anime influence but the faces are more cartoon and more three dimensional... well at least I try.

>> No.3791779

Facts hurt, don't they weeb? We can't all base everything on our feelings. :)

>> No.3791783

Yeah, I'd take advice from Kyle over that fuckhead BBC any day.

>> No.3791785

Still a lame excuse to make every single face the same.

>> No.3791799

So you're agreeing with me that anime and manga artists do this too. Great. I win. :)

>> No.3791807

What's wrong with BBC? He seems like a cool dude.

>> No.3791809

Your faces are always getting better Kyle.

>> No.3791910

go on the current nsfw thread and see for yourself, dude gets defensive all the time

>> No.3791918

Seems more like ngmi anons feigning outrage because a public figure dares to express an opinion

>> No.3791920

Thats a huge assumption which is something BBC hates xd

>> No.3791929

It's not a huge assumption, it's common on /ic/

>> No.3792052

Convince me why I shouldn't make hate threads about my own work to force my way into getting more mindshare

>> No.3792054

By then you'd be a sorry attention whore.

>> No.3792057

that's typical with prestige popular artists, they cant accept critique..they become like that because so many normies suckin on their damn toes all the time.

>> No.3792171

her spine is broken because of the forced perspective on her hip-chest-face
colors and individual body parts are aesthetically pleasing but he skeleton is all broken

>> No.3792678

>public figure
what fantasy world do you live in. lol

>> No.3792693

we need to see the feet to determine that

>> No.3792732

I saw the posts and he didn't go defensive at all. Somebody said they don't contribute any critique and they said that's not the case.
To me it looks like you just hate the guy for different reasons.
I'm a member of his discord, he's one of the coolest most down to earth artists I ever spoken with.

>> No.3792735

Sure seems so with you people constantly gossiping about him. lolee

>> No.3792740

>im a member of his personal defense force come here to tell you how wrong you are about him.
Ok dude maybe you just might be as biased as the anon you were replying to

>> No.3792759

It doesn't matter if I like his art here. I can read the comments in the porn thread and there's no defensiveness about critique anon is talking about here. I also never saw him be defensive about his art. I can totally change my mind if you prove the opposite.

>> No.3792772

>drawing porn leads to atrophy of brain cells
jeez who would have new

>> No.3792796
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>> No.3792855
File: 664 KB, 800x764, 1546527415869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely a cute/10

>> No.3793282

Can confirm: I always draw skinny wristlets.

>> No.3793997

what kind of brushes you use kyle? they are pretty smooth

>> No.3794022

/ic/ crabs hates everyone
Teal, loliguy. Same shitposters shitpsoting about them for 4+ years. And BBC was doxxed here once. One anon has vendetta against him. Ironically all shitposters shitting in /alt/ and porn threads

>> No.3794030

Oh I forgot about Keppok.

>> No.3794189

As long as it's a good face.

>> No.3794196

Keppok was a racist homophobe, she kinda deserved whatever shit she got.

>> No.3794489

Standard sai ones.

>> No.3794504

>Keppok was a racist homophobe
Oh shit can I get some details on that?

>> No.3794526

i like the calves

please draw more strong legged women kyle

>> No.3794527

not me. they remind me too much of nigger females.

>> No.3794531
File: 335 KB, 1080x1349, 45820518_504249223396806_4151181396786165131_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


youre weird anon

>> No.3794536

Go draw instead of being a drama faggot.

>> No.3794565

Black women tend to have skinny calves though.