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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 336 KB, 1242x1416, 21051D4D-2EF5-4160-A6B0-FD019AE14900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3783577 No.3783577 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /ic I regretfully inform you that the beloved art prodigy ig:@artalicemarie has passed away. It’s a tragedy to the art world to lose such an brilliant artist. Press F to pay respect

>> No.3783585

May she rest in Peace

>> No.3783589

What did she make?

>> No.3783601

The animator "AngelxMikey" or something like that died yesterday I think. Who's next?

>> No.3783602

For real, what happened to her? Rest in peace

>> No.3783610

She committed suicide immediately after her chad bf was run over by a car

>> No.3783612

How’d she die?

>> No.3783614

Holy shit, I thought that you were kidding https://www.news.com.au/national/western-australia/final-hours-of-woman-who-took-her-own-life-after-boyfriend-was-killed-by-a-pizza-delivery-driver/news-story/f8d45cfb5ddb7d45587cb59ac1659051

>> No.3783615

tf really?

>> No.3783617

draco died???

>> No.3783621

Holy shit that's for real
Damn, we lost such a great artists, RIP in peace

>> No.3783625

>art prodigy
>generic pencil portraits
fuck off, faggot.

>> No.3783626

Sad. In the prime of their lives too

>> No.3783627

you are so retarded you can't detect sarcasm...idiot.

>> No.3783631

damn, that's some deep love. rest in peace, Jason and Alice.

>> No.3783632
File: 165 KB, 1080x1080, 42949602_562990170797271_3718105961097069435_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks shopped

>> No.3783635

Looks like a photo realistic drawing to me. You should comment “Am I going to get my commission money back or nah?” On her profile

>> No.3783636


>> No.3783637

Oh fuck, it slipped my mind.
Did egoraptor ever replied to his last wish about talking to him tho?

>> No.3783642

Probably not. He's too busy being a BIG FAGGOT.

>> No.3783646

>Marvel/Disney lets cancer guy watch the biggest movie of the year before dying
>unfunny vidya faggot can't talk to this cancer guy before dying

>> No.3783651

Damn. This is actually kinda sad.

>> No.3783664

Damn. Dumping some bullets in the sky right now to deal... what a loss.

>> No.3783672


Oh what the fuck. This is real. RIP.

Was she a meme before she died? I remember you guys shitting on her photorealist art before, that couple hugging pic.

>> No.3783675


>> No.3783676

hey, I remember some dude discovering he had this in a thread were we posting our hands here, forgot the reason. What are the chances we are speaking of the same dude?

>> No.3783679

good thing we can just buy another printer for 40 bucks

>> No.3783682


>> No.3783687

She was a bit of a meme, whenever her art got posted here autists would go raid her profile. As far as I can remember she was really nice dispite all of the trolling. I’m actually tearing up a little bit thinking about all of the shit flinging threads that she caused

>> No.3783688

But why

>> No.3783695

Oof owie

>> No.3783701

>photorealist art
more like photoshoped con

>> No.3783705

isn't she a fraud?

>> No.3783706

See for yourself

>> No.3783707

Not manga kid but hyperrealistic shit it's kinda boring

>> No.3783708

No but even if she was it would still be sad

>> No.3783710

He did actually.

>> No.3783711

I wish i knew what true love like that felt like

>> No.3783717

How I'll miss her daring and original art. The world truly feels empty without her.

>> No.3783731

Be a jock with a long schlong

>> No.3783739

Get a pet

>> No.3783742

true love
true love
im looking for true love
im looking for true love wherever i go

>> No.3783749

Call your mom

>> No.3783777

What a nice guy.

>> No.3783780


>> No.3783783

Why were they famous? And not me. Waste of life.

>> No.3783786

that's actually really sad, rip

>> No.3783792

very sad, her shit was still fake though

>> No.3783793
File: 55 KB, 354x299, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How beautiful

>> No.3783801

shit, normally I would make an edgy joke
but this is just too sad

>> No.3783803


>> No.3783814

Sewious question. How would one go about cheating like that? Not that I'd do it, I find it really boring and I just don't have it in me to scam people. Just curious.

>> No.3783817

Do you have eyes? She literally just photoshops a photograph onto a piece of paper, gray scales it, and partially obscures it with a perfectly sharpened pencil. Her art only exists online

>> No.3783833


>> No.3783847


>> No.3783887

Fuck you don't scare me like this, this sounds like I might have it, but I bet I don't.

>> No.3783899

Nothing of value lost.
Now if we lost a great designer that would be another story.
Daily reminder not to trace folks, it'll leave you feeling empty and worthless like this girl.

>> No.3784003

The comments on her page are simply adorable. I can't even get angry.
>Wow, your art looks so much like a photo!

>> No.3784014


Jesus. That's is just incredibly sad. And also really romantic. She must have loved him a lot to commit suicide over losing him.

Such a tragedy.

>> No.3784018

damn. i am glad i dont have a post like this on my 4chan history.

>found love of her life
>he dies in an accident
>she takes her own life immediately to be with him
>now they're together in heaven

btw they were loved which is why everyone is mourning. can you say the same?

>> No.3784020

They look just like my brother and his fiance, also a couple since they were young
That's pretty sad

>> No.3784023

>4chan history
4chan has history?!?!!! RUH ROAH

>> No.3784029

>going to heaven
She's burining in HELL, dipshit

>> No.3784034

Purgatory more likely

>> No.3784035

what you thought you were truly anonymous?

>> No.3784043

Fuck dude, that sounded like the fantasies of a “rise up” incel. Sad way to go

>> No.3784044

>4chan history
Wait, is that actually a thing?

>> No.3784051


>> No.3784053

>chad is in heaven
>stacy in purgatory
Woah, dude

>> No.3784055

i wish i was a chad with a girl that would commit sudoku when i was gone.
why did i have to be born an autist :(

>> No.3784061

Is it? There really are sadder ways to go then anheroing when its poetic and romantic

>> No.3784072

No I mean I think suicides go to purgatory, not directly to hell without passing GO

>> No.3784074

no it isnt, people die constantly it's only sad when someone dies if they are personal involved

>> No.3784075

Yes I can say the same. I am loved by my gf, family,friends and peers I don't need instagram followers to know that. I'm not so pathetic to derive all my happiness from others or my possessions. I understand that everything is temporary so I enjoy it while I can, if anything were to happen to anyone I love or even myself I don't expect anyone to kill themselves over that.
Its truly pathetic and disrespectful that she's so selfish to put such a heavy burden of grief on all the others she "cares" about.
I feel bad for the boyfriend and if there is an afterlife she's definitely in a shittier one than him ROFL!

>> No.3784083

>4chan history
Wah?!?!! Is this real?!?!!!

>> No.3784085

oh you sweet thing, you better not be posting anything illegal.

>> No.3784091

Yes. It’s why 4chan seems to shit itself whenever the feds needs to investigate a murder or mass shooting committed by someone who posts here.

>> No.3784104


I actually find this sanctimony more distasteful than the edgelords' edginess.

>> No.3784107

Shit. My post history is pretty fucked then. May as well stop posting at this point. Goodbye /ic/.

>> No.3784109

Stay safe.

>> No.3784112

Just don’t commit any murders or become a celebrity or politician.

>> No.3784114

My way of thinking is objectively correct. Sorry I don't run my life on feefees alone like you low IQ ers. The weak shall fall for the greater good.

>> No.3784146

again, glad i dont have posts like this on my history.

>> No.3784148

This minus any feelings about insta that's. Or any feelings because I don't go on insta or give a fuck about photoautism

>> No.3784174

your way of thinking is literally feefee based

>> No.3784191

Wow how can such a nice and selfless guy like you be single

>> No.3784290

there's at least one progress video, but....eh....i dunno....it all seems a bit fake. and even if it is all real, why go through the trouble of replicating a photograph? nothing new is added in the world. and if it's fake, why fake it anyway? shame she's dead but i'm not impressed.

>> No.3784306
File: 351 KB, 700x800, I drew this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sucks dick man. Check out this drawing with a 4b pencil. Only took 2 hours.

git gud

>> No.3784317

god i wish she were my mommy

>> No.3784327
File: 604 KB, 1280x1889, i drew this in photoshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this other cool drawing I did in color unlike that pussyass afraid monochrome wannabe artist.

>> No.3784368

>4chan history
No laws are being broken and it will literally never be used against me. You're truly a pussy.

You must be retarded if you can't understand how it's not based on logic.

>> No.3784379

I mean, no u nigger, you went on spiel about how you feel about the situation. There is not an ounce of logic there outside of logic of your feelings

>> No.3784553

Dammit anon, I burst out laughing. You monster.

>> No.3784558

i wanna fuck her armpits

>> No.3784742

Mommy swift please let me nurse

>> No.3784863

OFC they are. None of this was remotely freehand, if a pencil even touched paper at all.

>> No.3784873
File: 84 KB, 640x640, 37183886_439208513223212_7450962449680826368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, some are believable but others are straight up desaturated

>> No.3784882
File: 70 KB, 640x640, 37039545_387941778399535_6994399729534631936_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+that looks drawn

>> No.3785100
File: 939 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190126-155934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3785111


>> No.3785112 [DELETED] 

Fucking hell. Nice one.

>> No.3785149
File: 182 KB, 321x336, Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at 5.24.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lick that sweat and deodorant off of her delicate pits. I bet it tastes delicious

>> No.3785157

People will literally do anything for likes and follows, anon.

>> No.3785167

Kek, someone should write “Alice said that she hates niggers!” LOL

>> No.3785173

Damn, woman would rather kill themselves than give incels a chance. It’s a shame, she had so many good braps left to give...

>> No.3785181

imagine paying to convert .jpg into .graphite

>> No.3785195


>> No.3785702
File: 710 KB, 2048x2048, bob_marley_inkwaterc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3785710

god look at that armpit pussy

>> No.3785711
File: 244 KB, 1280x960, M3vk80hSsdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a man who also shagged up with his high school sweetheart I just cannot begin to understand the mentality of someone who would commit suicide immediately after your lover dies. That just totally undermines the relationship we built up over all those years and I still have so much to live for.

Was r9k right? Are there really women who pride their entire existence on being the girlfriend of Chad? Just because the one you love is gone doesn't mean your life is immediately worthless.

>> No.3785712

I've seen that on MDs wives, they have to tell everyone their husband is a doc.

>> No.3785715

Anyone can "draw" like her.

>> No.3785716

lmao i thought the link was joke

>> No.3785741

Grief fucks everyone up in different ways - and we have no idea if she'd had any issues with depression or anything else.
Had a good friend die back in the day, and at his memorial one of our friends in that circle was devastated, wasted off his ass, and was crying and talking about ending it all because it was so unfair, blah blah blah. So we just kept an eye on him, because he was obviously not dealing with it all very well. He was fine after, but admitted he was so gutted that he might have done something stupid, in the moment.
Everyone thinks they know how other people think or feel, but you can't. Nobody will know why she did it. And it doesn't matter, live your own life.

>> No.3785748

Ah, /ic shitposters, so predictable, so harmless.

So what if "anyone" can draw like her. Oh, wait, i forgot, this is /ic where shitty people make shitty comments, because making other people feel bad is your only purpose in life.

LOL. I ain't even mad, I've come to expect shitty comments from most of the people who post here. I think it's funny how you spend more energy trying to make shittier comments than everyone else, than trying to learn art.

>> No.3785757

we all shitpost on our artist block

or when we're tired of drawing

>> No.3785809

what a silly bitch. but rest in peace, that is awful. it really is awful.

>> No.3785819

Was she pregnate? Didnt want to be widow. Theres more to this story...

>> No.3785862

It’s all one big ego circlejerk lmao

She wasn’t wildly successful., so I don’t see why people have to take such joy in her death, and pointing out flaws in her work. None of it is original or remarkable, so let’s talk about what makes art affecting.

>> No.3785866

literally who?

>> No.3785867

idk desu the idea of love so strong you die for each other seems beautiful to me(and it's not a new idea). But then again I don't see life worth protecting at all costs, Im much more concerned about having a good life.
Find it pitiful that most people cling to this world long after they stopped enjoying themselves, well into their old age. Or even project their fears onto veggies that require machines to survive.

>> No.3785883
File: 370 KB, 413x516, ea4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3785910

>s-stop hating and l-let's be constructive guys
Back to normiebook

>> No.3785911

Great job standing up against all these 4chan trolls without even being mad :)

>> No.3785912

Was it the jews?

>> No.3785916

A woman's value system and outlook is derived from men. Being an Aussie drug addict apparently didn't help her deal with the grief.

>> No.3785918

-1 competitor

>> No.3785922

>LOL. I ain't even mad
lol then don't write this, it makes you look the opposite

>> No.3785982

>LOL. I ain't even mad
you clearly are mad

>> No.3785997


>> No.3786064

>Was it the jews
Yes but indirectly

>> No.3786585

Fuck, I'm an artist and me and my s/o got tboned 2 days ago, I just about died. This really fucking sucks.

>> No.3786591

Are you a sham too?

>> No.3786623

I make cartoon illustrations, take that for what you will

>> No.3786630

>s/o got tboned

>> No.3786632

Had a very similar occurance.
Even let my mate clock me in the jaw to help him kek.
But yeah you're right.

>> No.3786653

I remember years ago some guy with an italian lastname, he used photographies as "reference", actually just painted over them.

>> No.3786690

>Nobody will know why she did it.

She knew we were onto her.

>> No.3786711

>She knew we were onto her
Lol If anything it was an art page @artvigilantes that made a post calling her out as a fake. It actually got a fair amount of attention until things blew over. The post has since been deleted. we unfortunately can't credit /ic with this

>> No.3786715

Literally whonst?

>> No.3786720

she'd go to hell, all those people who committed suicide will go to hell, sad. Anyway shitty art tho so.. F i guess???

>> No.3786721

Couple accident-suicides aren't that common Anon

>> No.3787244

photorealism isn't goddamn art. can we atleast agree on that much /ic. stop posting about some dumb roastie whore.

>> No.3787261
File: 14 KB, 252x200, angle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that's an /ic/ legend, resting with the Angles.

>> No.3787658

I don't agree that it's not art, "art" covers a lot of ground in our post-modern world, were a dead shark in formaldehyde is considered great art.

That doesn't make it "good" by any means, but at least photo-realistic work uses actual painting and drawing techniques. If they're not cheating.

>> No.3787677


I'm going to laugh when it turns out that actually it's the smug little twerps who go to hell.

>> No.3787735

It all depends on the person, really. What doesnt make sense to you is natural and obvious for another. Its also difficult to imagine these kinds of situations if you havent experienced them

>> No.3788202

how has reddit gotten this powerful? go back you fucking raging faggots

>> No.3788205 [DELETED] 

Why did shevend herself? Lmao so rediculous. There is more to this story. Was she that insecure? This cant be seriously true.

>> No.3788331

I wish I was so creative I came up with a sweet idea like drawing photo realistic Bob Marley.. Now that it is done what is left for the rest of us? Maybe a wolf done in charcoal or Jimi Hendrix with a colorful spray paint..

>> No.3791019
File: 1.39 MB, 3120x4160, i_have_autism_and_i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3791025

Eh, I think you are taking it a bit too far, that isn't photo realistic(not saying it's good art either tho)

>> No.3791107

Wow she was an amazing artist too. I hope they both rest well.

>> No.3791151


>> No.3791196

Seems like shit was fake too, artist deleted all his images and Reddit account. It was weird because the paper seemed so straight without being stretched out.

>> No.3791658

Looking at it closely it appears to have been painted digitally and then dressed up to look like it was on watercolour paper. Some of the brushworks looks like something you could only get from a digital tool.

>> No.3791756

So in other words she was p good at photoshop

>> No.3791914

I do't get it, would normies appreciate it less because its a digital painting?

>> No.3791938

absolute savage

>> No.3793996

t. catholicuck